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    Survival Retreat Land Size and Considerations


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    Survival Retreat Land Size and Considerations Empty Survival Retreat Land Size and Considerations

    Post  mudra Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:42 pm

    How much land should a survival retreat or bug-out-location have surrounding it? What are the minimum land requirement while shopping for a retreat location? Does it really matter?

    There are some logical answers to these questions and they depend on your real purpose for acquiring a retreat property.

    Second home to be used for some vacations and get-away trips to unwind in a location that suits your interests
    Second home to be used for some vacations and get-away trips to unwind in a location that suits your interests, plus as a backup location if something goes to heck in the city or suburban area where I currently live
    Survival Retreat as well as vacation spot to be set up and equally purposed. It will be a place to go and live if disaster strikes and everything goes to heck in the city or suburban area where I currently (and continue to live). You plan to use it for vacations and get-away trips too.
    Survival Retreat to become primary residence as I plan to completely leave the current area where I live so that I will already be living in a safer and more self-sufficient place away from the city or suburbs when the inevitable SHTF scenario strikes. Even if things remain normal, I will feel better and be happier away from the big city or suburbs.

    Love Always

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