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    New Kerry Cassidy & Michael Jaco – Trump Breaking, White Hats And Illuminati Plots And Plans 2024


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    New Kerry Cassidy & Michael Jaco – Trump Breaking, White Hats And Illuminati Plots And Plans 2024 Empty New Kerry Cassidy & Michael Jaco – Trump Breaking, White Hats And Illuminati Plots And Plans 2024

    Post  Carol Today at 3:40 pm

    New Kerry Cassidy & Michael Jaco – Trump Breaking, White Hats And Illuminati Plots And Plans 2024 Imgpanda_premium_lFRNca
    New Kerry Cassidy & Michael Jaco – Trump Breaking,
    White Hats And Illuminati Plots And Plans 2024

    Partial Transcript

    Kerry: Illuminati know Trump is going to win. They can see the future. Both sides have AI, both sides have remote viewers... the only way to get above the polaritied is to transcend, via God, inspiration. So how good is the Illuminati's connection to god?  Going to a higher level where inspiration can come in and give that added a little something coming from the Source. The evil, hallenger to White Hat every step of the way they are being met by the enemy (what happened with the Trump assassination).. why they (illuminati( think he is going to win is they also think they can control him. Psychic knowledge does not come tied with aa bow. It comes in bits and pieces and people have filters. This is a matter of discernment and understanding the enemy. The Vance view, he is a place holder. The election is another matter and the real election won't happen into Spring.. March 11-15th. Talking about the reveal of human slavery based on alien races reptilians, gray and Draco who feed on humans, especially children and teenagers. The question never asked was the person given her orders to have the Secret Service stand down? It was a DS target failure. Lots of things accidentally done on purpose. GorgonStare Drone.

    Blackrock Money was given to the US Government to keep it going because they do not want China to take over the military industraial stake of the world. The debt clock did to to zero during this time Kerry is referring to, this deal. The alien question, China had an incoming alien race that wanted China to rule that the other alien races didn't want. The illuminati.. the enemy of my enemy is my friend, the US. Better than a diabolical alen race, alien AI and alien races. The exo-political game is on in spades and coming to the fore and why telling the truth about the alien presence is coming out.. drip by drip. Cliff High info said there was a spike. The future forecast took a look. This thing came from Cliff in July. We have these things in the offing and we do know that the election will not happen on time and the dark side is going to do something, because they have a vested interest in stopping the election. Congress does not want Trump back in office. The illuminated will throw several of their members onto the chopping block in order to escape.. the lower level. Cliff High did say the DS, what was to come was 13 times worse than 9/11. So were cannon fodder or not. Randy Cramer said the fake alien invasion with Insectoids, a 100K or more people will die. Real Insectoid aliens.

    UAP documented and investigated crash retrievals. Covered Col Corso's book and that they knew some of these aliens were a threat and some not. Kerry is trying to bring forward the idean that we cannot sit by, lie to the people, and have children off world, taking refugees off the planet and selling them off-planet. Courtney Brown remote viewing this alien relationship, and insectoids have been abducting humans, chaning their brains and putting them on other planets where they work all day and night, they nevel rebel due to be lobotomized.. can you imagine humans being taken off our planet, and working off planet ,and never they rebel. This has to be outed. Everyday more children ar dying. Humans have not been told that they are prey to some alein species. War of Worlds.. they do fight each other. And if they go to battle here on earth, earth can be destroyed and all humans. The good aliiens have been intervening and helping.. so we would fight their enemies, humans are good troops for them, going in first.

    Human have many abilities that other aliens don't have. Maybe they're building colonies. It goes way back as to where that psychology goes too. They also want our gold. Gold and silver is great for technology. Inter-dimensional qualities as to these metals. There are the longevity to gold (frequency). This war is continuing.

    Humans have skill sets. We're a hybrid race of many colors. There are tons of humans/humanoids on earth-like planets out in the galaxy. The genetic engineering of humanity is a continuing project.

    Jaco: NSA are the good guys. Bobby Ray. Mark reported to him for many years. White hats have been in operation for a long time. Aron Von is a good guy who died in the crash 1:02 minute mark. "You guys think that you have a golden ticket? Not so much." We're coming for you.

    Extortion 17Q .. also black hats in the SEALs.  Obama wanted him taken out. Disclosure has been going on.

    Is Trump going to keep Vance (from the Dark side adrenochrom highway.) Pence was a pedophile. And the real Obama and Biden was pedo big time. And his wife was a total facilitator. The actor stumbling around is just a puppet. Both Vance and Kamala are place-holder. What's going to happen between now and then. She's not eligible. Will the Supreme Court. Juan said Kamala doesn't qualify. She was given a deal, took the deal, renig on the deal and executed at GITMO. The Kamala now is a tranny.

    Jaco thinks some situations going forth but Kerry doesn't think Vance would make it through. Same kibd if thing..remote viewers, with Desantis.

    Kerry with Jean Claud.. Cliff's data with remote viewing. Kerry likes to view the viewerrs. There is list of things that they all got. These guys are not wrong, almost always right so this thing hasn't happened yet. They all saw at least of one UFO. They saw NORAD is involved. Hits that came like repeated hits (like rods of god). Their remote viewing of the spke that came up in the data, but he also saw a span of time/window. Kerry got that is wasn't going to be right away. There was prior planning with military people around the table, not a natural event. Thinks the data Cliff got is right. Just hasn't been fulfiled yet.

    So interpretation can be wrong, prediction can be wrong. Kerry came forward and said acutally she did see this as part of Blue Beam thing and did see it happening before the big quake. There were reports from the beach in the San Diego area that people were reporting that people saw a UFO land on the center of a ship in the center of the harbor. Military source is dependable. That would be a foreshadowing in the film business of what was to come. Interesting that it was San Diego. One of the remote viewers, Smith, he said there was water near where this thing occur. It's the western side of the US. And it might be the west coast where this thing is going to happen.

    Jaco: The have t do something that is way over.. Rods of God blowing up ships. It can't just be another LaHina or another Ohio Bridge. Above Paradise.

    Kerry: Not going to be a train derailment. Something above and beyond and that was one of the points that all the remote viewers got... was the WOW factor that people will be talking about long after January 2025. That's important. It categorizes.

    Jaco: 100k people dying from this too. 100k comes from Randy Cramer (the actual Blue Beam).

    Kerry doesn't know. She didn't do a remote view in the professional way. Did see that it was going to be a Blue Beam event. But that was from adding up all of the pieces. It may be just the first ploy. But if you think about it ...We have been getting steps. Aliens in the mall in Florida. Aliens in Vegas. Aliens in Peru in the jungle where all the villager are reporting invasion. Stepby-step some moving parts in the last 6-8 months. So when your looking at this.. the other thing she was told a long time ago, that shooting from a UFO is very difficult to set up. It could be one of ours. It could be our Blue Beam doing the thing.. or someone said hire the Insectoids to do the job.. or combination of both. A regular UFO, round ones gets destabilized when you shoot a weapon, Something about the field and the way its in space The may have solved that problem. Reversed engineer UFO.. does see guns firing from a UFO.

    Jaco: when I was in J6 got tons of downloads while he was there. He saw the FBI building Rods of God hit it. Washington Monument hit.. maybe even the White House. Maybe it could be payback. This war kicks off on a different level.

    Kerry: The battle of LA. That idea, it could happen. If you're going to have a WOW factor this is the kind of thing we're looking at.. because they want to out this UFO story. They have to because it is actaully goin gto happen whether they like it or not. Certain alien races have had it with the lack of disclosure. Even some Reptilian races want it out in the open. "Brave New World" phrase came from Corso.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 30, 2024 5:11 pm