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    Humming Silver Metal Boxes (placed by UFO to prevent 2012 west coast mega quakes)


    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
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    Humming Silver Metal Boxes (placed by UFO to prevent 2012 west coast mega quakes) Empty Humming Silver Metal Boxes (placed by UFO to prevent 2012 west coast mega quakes)

    Post  Carol Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:21 pm

    Humming Silver Metal Boxes (placed by UFO to prevent 2012 west coast mega quakes) Pexels-marek-piwnicki-10050539

    UFO Sightings Reveal More Strange Metal Boxes Along Coastal Beaches
    FEBRUARY 11, 2012

    BRAY’S POINT, Ore. – They can’t be moved; even when yanked by a four-wheel drive truck pulling on heavy chains tied around these humming metal boxes that are still appearing as of Feb. 8 up and down West Coast beaches.

    Humming Silver Metal Boxes (placed by UFO to prevent 2012 west coast mega quakes) Metalbox2

    As of late afternoon Feb. 8, Bill Hanshumaker, a public marine specialist and (Ph.D) doctor of marine science at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in nearby Newport, told Huliq in an interview that, “I don’t know what they are.

    Humming Silver Metal Boxes (placed by UFO to prevent 2012 west coast mega quakes) Pawan-thapa-V-0kWxlWL6A-unsplash

    “In turn, Doctor Hanshumaker said he’s advised” surf monitoring “about these strange metal boxes that suddenly appeared along local beaches Feb. 6, and now seem to be multiplying like Star Trek “Tribbles."

    The photograph that accompanies this report – taken during the afternoon of Feb. 8 near Bray’s Point — of yet another strange metal box stuck in the surf up is one of a possible group of a dozen or more that have been sited up and down West Coast beaches.

    Meanwhile, the British government also photographed similar huge metal boxes on beaches in Sri Lanka in the late 1990’s and in early 2004 and 2005. The discovery of the boxes is detailed in updated previously classified reports from the British government that document sightings of unidentified flying objects by both the military and the general public dating back to the 1950s.

    UFO History Filled With “Mystery Boxes”

    Thus, within these British government UFO files, available via the Internet, are the Sri Lanka beach boxes that are similar in both size, coloring and shape; with locals all along Sri Lanka’s beaches – located in the blue waters of the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal – stating in the recently released British UFO documents that “the strange metal boxes appeared suddenly, and after numerous reported UFO sightings.”

    In turn, the metal boxes along Oregon, Washington State and Northern California beaches are now being photographed, documented and examined by local experts.

    Also, due to recent storms out in the Pacific Ocean, the “boxes” are being more or less ignored; with passing comments in local coastal newspaper,” state Errol, a Bray’s Point local and a member of the Oregon UFO “watchers” group that gathers both here and at nearby Stonefield Beach to scan the sky for flying objects in much the same way bird lovers use binoculars for birth watching.

    Science Is Slow In Reacting To Ufo Related Objects

    Errol notes that it’s always a sort of “communication breakdown” that always seems to go the same way; be it a UFO sighting or even something like “these humming metal boxes.”

    However, Errol said it’s a good thing “when something like this becomes interesting to the Oregon State University Research Agenda.” For instance, Doctor Hanshumaker works for this OSU research enterprise at the nearby Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon.

    Whenever there’s some dead sea life – such as a beach whale or other something along the lines of massive dead sea birds – the experts at the Hatfield are called in to investigate.

    When asked if he’s ever heard of anything like these huge metal boxes, with no opening or seam, Doctor Hanshumaker would not comment or speculate on the record. Instead, this marine science expert has for photos of the boxes and size and coloring details.

    In turn, Doctor Hanshumaker would not speculate about various rumors regarding the boxes; but said that an alert has gone out and the boxes are being investigated. Of course, Huliq will continue to monitor this breaking story that has local coastal residents and visitors scratching their heads about the boxes.

    Bray’s Point Monitored By The Hatfield

    An hour’s drive from Corvallis, the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport is OSU’s coastal campus for research and investigation of marine biological and geochemical aspects of tidal, estuarine, and near shore ocean environments.

    According to it’s fact sheet, “research programs at HMSC advance scientific understanding of marine and coastal ecosystems, with an emphasis on collaboration across disciplinary and institutional affiliations of the more than 300 personnel onsite.”

    In turn, marine science experts are tasked by both the state and federal government to monitor the Oregon coastal beaches even more so today after the Japan earthquake last March that sent Tsunami waves racing across the Pacific Ocean that slammed into the West Coast causing destruction and creating a massive amount of debris that seems to be growing daily as beach trekkers find “all sorts of things” along the coast.

    While these strange metal boxes have been examined for any lettering or symbols that they may be from last year’s earthquake in Japan, Errol and other Bray’s Point locals say “all we know is there’s been a lot of action in the sky as of late with UFO sightings that seem to be increasing. The boxes were found the day after several sightings and bright lights over Bray’s Point. The boxes have no identification at all.”

    Humming Silver Metal Boxes (placed by UFO to prevent 2012 west coast mega quakes) Ben-collins-vzgVGWhbKS0-unsplash
    Monitoring The Coast Comes Under OSU

    Earning $261.7 million in external research funding in FY 2011, Oregon State’s fact online fact sheet that describes its operations notes “it is one of only two land, sea, space and sun grant institutions in the U.S., and holds a top tier research designation from the Carnegie Foundation.

    Also, Nine of OSU’s academic programs have ranked among the top 10 nationally in the past three years. Faculty include 29 NSF Early Career Award recipients since 2000, two MacArthur Foundation Fellows and scientists who lead federal programs at NSF, NASA and NOAA. More than 35 present and past faculty have been elected as Fellows of AAAS, and five as members of NAS.”

    In turn, the Hatfield Marine Science Center is home base for the Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station (COMES), the Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies (CIMRS), and the Marine Mammal Institute, along with various other OSU and state/federal agency units:

    — Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
    — Oregon Coast Community College
    — OSU College of Agricultural Sciences
    — OSU College of Engineering
    — OSU College of Forestry
    — OSU College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
    — OSU College of Science
    — OSU College of Veterinary Medicine
    — OSU Extension Service and Oregon Sea Grant
    — NOAA Fisheries
    — NOAA Ocean Environment Research Division
    — USDA Agricultural Research Service
    — US Environmental Protection
    — US Fish & Wildlife Service

    What Is And What Should Never Be With UFOs

    According to now de-classified once top secret UFO reports – that were under lock and key by the British government since the end of World War II – there’s good reason to keep the public in the dark when it comes to such things as UFO sightings, strange occurrences, first contact with aliens and more in detailed reports that point to senior British Ministry of Defense officials stating to the prime minister in now declassified memos that “if we said to you, Sir, that we have reason to believe the UFOs are real, than what would the British people think of us?”

    As for this link between the Sri Lanka beach boxes and the ones now showing up in the surf up and down the West Coast – based on local media reports of “strange metal boxes” – the British Ministry of Defense photos of the Sri Lanka “boxes” are still marked “classified.”

    However, there are detailed statements – that cover the period from 1997 to 2005 and include photographs, drawings and “descriptions of flying saucer sightings, as well as letters that the Ministry of Defense sent eyewitnesses in response to their accounts of the metal boxes.”

    Of course, both local police here along the coast and back in the day when the Sri Lanka boxes were discovered, state that “they are probably from a container ship,” that theory doesn’t hold water since both the central Oregon coast and the coast of Sri Lanka are not accessible to container ships.

    Boxes On The Beach Called “Projectiles”

    In one account – featured in the now released British government UFO documents — a man said he believed he had been “abducted” by aliens in October 1998 after seeing an unidentified craft hover over his coastal home and finding that he had gained an hour of time in the process.

    The man went on to describe seeing “projectiles” all along the beach “that were here on day, and gone the next.” However, the metal boxes that suddenly appeared along West Coast beaches – beginning Feb. 6 at nearby Stonefield Beach after local UFO “watchers” reported a weekend filled with what locals call intense UFO sightings.

    “These metal looking boxes, that are about 20 inches in height and are a complete square of five foot by five foot are sunk deep in the surf” both here at Stonefield Beach – a popular Oregon coastal beach lookout for UFOs – and down the coast as far as we know “with yet more of these square metal containers that have no opening and are sealed all around,” explains Oregon UFO “watcher” Errol who lives nearby at Bray’s Point.

    In turn, these boxes are “not moveable,” and they are solid and metallic and seem to have this keening wail coming from both the boxes and the atmosphere around them,” adds Errol who’s been called in to “see what’s up” by locals thinking it “has something to do with UFOs” quipped a local senior named Doris who said she heard “a miaowing wail come from the boxes Sunday evening.”

    Humming Silver Metal Boxes (placed by UFO to prevent 2012 west coast mega quakes) Julia-kadel-6W8tNjssuEk-unsplash
    Strange Beach Boxes Cause A Stir

    It’s as if an alarm went off, when a “high, shrill, piercing, frightening ring caught our attention Sunday evening,” explained Doris, a local senior whose retired and lives nearby Stonefield Beach.

    “I know crazy things happen over at Stonefield, but when you walk down and see that metal box sort of glowing in the surf it gets your attention real quick.”

    At the same time, Doris said this area around Stonefield Beach is a very “quiet place,” where “nothing but seagulls and the Pacific Ocean waves to break the quiet.”

    Brain Plays Tricks Even When Metal Boxes Appear

    While these “metal boxes” buried up and down the Oregon coast are real to the touch and sight, a local professor of psychology – whose attempted to explain away the “strange goings on at both Bray’s Point and here at Stonefield Beach,” thinks the many “of these remote living residents who claim to see UFOs at night are simply not using the tool between their ears to figure this stuff out.”

    In turn, this retired professor said in a Feb. 6 Huliq interview at Stonefield Beach that most locals and visitors here “looking for those UFOs” are more or less carrying their own “baggage or self-as-content,” with views and experiences that now seem to define them.

    Doris added: “The doc is saying we’re all a bunch of nuts to believe in UFOs.”

    OP Note: This is real and verified by a credible source who was involved with the UFO ETs who left the boxes behind to prevent the massive quakes that were to take place along the western US coastline.

    What’s Real About UFOs?

    Yet, the professor – who specialized in repressed memories when he taught at university and had his own private practice – noted that Doris and others are in a sort of “constant frame of reference when they converse with each other that UFOs have appeared.”

    “I’ve seen this Stonefield Beach crowd carry on at meetings about UFOs being spotted in the sky, and I’m confident they believe these things to be true.”

    However, the professor says there’s “good hard science that can probably explain away each and every claim they’ve made about UFOs and aliens about at Stonefield Beach and Bray’s Point. But, this perspective comes at a cost,” he asserted; while stating that “such beliefs in UFOs can lead them to label themselves, either positively or negatively, in very limiting ways.”

    For example, the professor said “I don’t know if these metal boxes are something to worry about or not.”

    And, he added, “I don’t know if Errol is an expert on UFOs. Just because people come to him with their stories of UFOs doesn’t make it real.”

    “It does raise some questions about what really would happen if at any time in the future there was some kind of incident — would we be prepared?” said David Clarke, author of “The UFO Files” and consultant to the National Archives’ UFO project.

    Boxes Appeared After Auras

    When pressed for more details a few days later, on Feb. 8, UFO “watcher” Errol noted that “what may have been different with the recent sightings was a sort of bright golden and reddish aura with that keening wail sound that I talked about.”

    However, the late afternoon before sunset at Bray’s Point Feb. 8 found only the roar of absolute silence. In turn, there was no same intense level of noise coming from two boxes on the Bray’s Point beach and others at the nearby Stonefield Beach.

    Still, it’s interesting to point out that the British government UFO documents do point out that the “Sri Lanka metal boxes” – in a report dated January 2003 and sent to the Ministry of Defense with supporting “classified” photographs reveal even more mysterious happenings on that Sri Lanka beach after “repeated UFO sightings.”

    “I noticed a partial aura in the sky, a minute or so later there was a clap of thunder, then a short while later a ring like a doughnut appeared,” one Sri Lanka police official told the ministry, adding that he thought it was an “air burst.”

    In its reply, the ministry suggested that the officer contact the Sri Lankan government.

    The World’s Oceans Hold Secrets

    While there’s a lot of focus on the heavens these days – with regular reports of “flying saucers” reported up and down the West Coast from as far north as Alaska – there’s also “alien activity” believed to be happening in the world’s oceans.

    For instance, a recent ocean exploration team led by Swedish researcher Peter Lindberg has found what some are suggesting is a crashed flying saucer, according to a recent European Union media reports.

    Lindberg and his underwater team of scientists are credited with finding and then recovering “sunken ships and cargo” using high-tech sonar; while “never expecting” to find what Lindberg claims “is a mysterious round object that might (or might not) be extraterrestrial.”

    Image source of yet another strange metal box that appeared in the surf Sunday evening after locals recorded yet another UFO sighting here at Stonefield Beach.

    Many other “metal boxes” with the same size and color have appeared up and down the Oregon coast and are also reportedly being found up and down the entire West Coast as of Feb. 8, 2012. This “box” was photographed late afternoon Feb. 8 near Bray’s Point, Oregon. Photo by Dave Masko

    UFO Sightings At Stonefield Beach Reveal Strange Boxes Up And Down Coast
    FEBRUARY 10, 2012

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Humming Silver Metal Boxes (placed by UFO to prevent 2012 west coast mega quakes) Empty Re: Humming Silver Metal Boxes (placed by UFO to prevent 2012 west coast mega quakes)

    Post  Carol Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:47 pm

    Humming Silver Metal Boxes (placed by UFO to prevent 2012 west coast mega quakes) Metalbox2
    Strange Metal Boxes - A New Theory


    Mention strange metal boxes appearing along beaches here at Bray’s Point and other locations up and down the West Coast and it conjures up all sorts of images for people; with one theory now being floated about how the boxes got here. According to William Hanshumaker, a Ph.D. public marine education specialist at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in nearby Newport, the theory now – after investigating these strange metal boxes for the past two weeks – is “the boxes on the beach are merely floats that were originally built to support docks.” While Doctor Hanshumaker and other local marine science experts stated their conclusion Feb. 17 that – after reviewing photos, interviews and actually looking at some of the strange metal boxes along beaches near Bray’s Point – that they believe at least some of these “boxes” are possibly parts of docks. In turn, Doctor Hanshumaker noted in reply to a Huliq media query that “after a recent flooding event, some docks were destroyed and their floats drifted downriver and subsequently deposited on the beach. A colleague from a local state agency had the opportunity to examine one and confirmed this explanation.” At the same time, those locals -- who first mentioned seeing “these mysterious metal boxes” in previous Huliq reports -- say Doctor Hanshumaker’s scientific theory may hold water for him and other marine scientists who study West Coast beach debris, but “what about the other boxes that can't easily be explained away?”

    Still no firm answer on all boxes
    In turn, there have been reports from locals and visitors -- to these Oregon and other West Coast beaches over the past two weeks -- pointing to "various types of boxes” that are are both metal and also look “box shape” that are possibly dock floats from Japan’s earthquake last March.
    It was more than 11 months ago that Tsunami waves raced across 5,000 miles of the Pacific to slam the West Coast with massive waves. Did these waves also bring these "boxes" or "docks" from Japan? Who knows, say experts. Also, there's no real science that can explain what's "dropped" on West Coast beaches at any given time. And, with many of these coastal beaches -- such as Bray's Point on the very edge of the West Coast -- in remote areas, who knows but the locals who live there what's going down.
    “At the end of the day, the boxes we're discussing today, February 18, are from two weeks ago are now mostly gone. People are simply taking them away for whatever reasons,” explained Bray’s Point resident Errol during a Huliq phone interview Feb. 18.

    What’s unknown is frightening
    It seems that this year, 2012, has already become a strange time when people are questioning hard science when it comes to everything from the origins of UFO sightings to “strange metal boxes,” to the ancient Mayans having this calendar that predicts the end of the world on Dec. 21, 2012.
    In turn, the famed playwright and philosopher Andre Gregory explained in his screenplay for the film “My Dinner With Andre,” that he’s always been suspicious of scientists who attempt to put everything unknown on this Earth into “nice tidy boxes.”

    Gregory says this questioning of science as not being exact when it comes to such things as theories about UFOs comes from “a sort of self-satisfied elitist paranoia” in science today, “with a feeling of ‘them’ and ‘us’ that is very unsettling.”

    Gregory, who is a self-proclaimed UFO believer, goes on to state that “people can build up a kind of network of beliefs founded on signs from anywhere that proves without any question that they’re absolutely right about everything. And you know, you sit around and have dinner in some of these places, and everybody is talking with great knowledge about Atlantis or whatever it is, and you know, you feel very strange if you don’t happen to have all this secret information.”
    The philosopher also explains, “You then see all these significant coincidences in everything that happens.” The thing is, I think it’s the exaggerated worship of science that has led us into this situation. I mean, science has been help up to us as a magical force that would somehow solve everything. So that is really what has let to this very strong, deep reaction against science that we’re seeing now.”

    Fearing such things as metal boxes in our world
    Jeff Wise, the author of “Extreme Fear: The Science of Your Mind in Danger,” writes in Time magazine last month that “there are plenty of things to be afraid of – so choose carefully.”
    Wise writes in this Time magazine report that in 2012 “identifying the most pressing threats turns out to be unexpectedly difficult. Psychologists say we innately misjudge risk, often becoming instinctively fixated on perceived threats that aren’t really hazardous while overlooking real dangers because we don’t set our subconscious alarm bells.”

    For example, Wise writes that “people fear cell-phone radiation because it’s a relatively new technology and the word ‘radiation’ adds to the aura of invisible malevolence,” along the same lines as why ufologists think breakthroughs in understanding alien life has been so slow in coming to mankind.
    Mention “strange metal boxes” on the beach, and “people sort of shut down and call you a UFO nut. They need answers right now, and they won’t give an inch until they either try and understand or simply dismiss what you’re saying because ‘UFO’ is part of it,” added Errol when expressing her personal angst over being shot as the messenger for what other many in society view as real or not real.
    In turn, people are funny adds Wise when noting how “the Cold War is over, but there’s still enough nuclear mega tonnage to end civilization,” but, alas, people will fear something unknown – such as UFOs and people who spot strange metal boxes on the beach – over loose nukes in our world.

    Local artist views “boxes” as an art form
    Local artist Leo D’Alessandro is planning for the “42nd Annual Original Yachats Arts & Crafts Fair” in a big way. “Since the Mayan prophecy for this year of 2012 is expected to bring the dawn of a new era – a year of transformation for our planet – what better way for me to share my visions of the Mayans than with the metal box I salvaged from our beach.”

    In turn, D’Alessandro, a young, aggressive and even pushy artist -- who seems to be neutral in nothing – as he shares what’s been dubbed as “beach sculptured” art works, is excited about the upcoming festival.

    “My art is original woodwork and mixed media. I know the mention of having one of these mysterious boxes involved is exciting. It’s just right, I feel, to compliment my Mayan theme for the work I present this year.”

    Since D’Alessandro relies on hand-made flyers – that he passed out at the Yachats Commons Feb. 17 during a Huliq interview – there’s no big buzz as of yet for what this artist who says his art is based on “personified chaotic disorder.”

    At the same time, those who’ve admired D’Alessandro’s art at previous Yachats art shows, said the artist is correct in his description of clumps of dead beach life with such titles as: “The gray bones of old trees.” As for his planned “metal box” art display, D’Allessandro said “I have no words for it, yet.”

    Yachats metal boxes disappearing
    Yachats is a sort of post-Sixties enclave for retired “hippies” and other New Age types, as well as a popular location for vacationers who seem to agree with its recent selection as one of Arthur Frommer’s top 10 list of “favorite spots in all the world.”

    Take a short drive south of Yachats, and there’s the popular UFO sighting area at Bray’s Point. Then drive north of Yachats, and you’re at Stonefield Beach where local UFO sighting fans first mentioned seeing “strange metal boxes” Feb. 5 that “seemed to appear the next morning right in the surf.”
    In turn, the mystery of what happened to the metal boxes over the past week still lingers as locals report seeing “people in white trucks” collecting the boxes and taking them off the beaches. For instance, D’Allessandro said “it’s a real find. I can’t open it. The box is sealed all around, and there’s a bright and crystal film over it.” At the same time, D’Allessandro said “I don’t want to say much now until the art show.”

    Metal beach boxes become even stranger art
    The fresh lie of sand was puffy and looking clean on a metal box sitting on a sloping dune near Yachats early Friday, Feb. 17.

    Also, locals point to people like D’Alessandro who’ve managed to get enough man-power to lift one of the boxes into his truck and take it to an undisclosed location.

    While taking beach debris is “not cool,” with local Oregon State Police who have jurisdiction over the coastal beaches that are viewed as part of the highway in Oregon, there’s still plenty of locals and visitors who take things off the beach.

    For D’Alessandro’s “art,” he said there is no better place than this part of the coast that features nearby beautifully wooded sections of high bluffs intersected by ravines that also add to the “display” of his art that often includes photographs of where he found “materials” for his mixed media art.

    An artist formula for presenting Mayan prophecy
    D’Alessandro says the “formula” for his forthcoming mixed media art display for the forthcoming “42nd Annual Original Yachats Arts & Crafts Fair” is a “virtual idea.”

    The artist goes on to explain that, for example, he will subject this new feature – the strange metal box that he recently collected from the Yachats beach – to what he calls a “long, deep analysis, that’s both historical and forensic; while also collaborating with locals who have their own views and ideas about the boxes.”

    “You said it best,” quipped D’Alessandro to this reporter, “when you said the boxes are a metaphor for something else in our society where people fear everything. And, most especially they fear what they don’t know or understand. The box represents their fears, as you said in one of your stories.”
    For D’Alessandro, whose laughter stopped – as though he’d turned a valve in his chest – when another artist mentioned that “you should not have taken that box from the beach; his reply was simply “adrenaline.”

    “Lifting that box with my family and friends has a full of anticipatory adrenaline. Just being with it, and then having it felt like someone once said of an ‘electric sparkle inside.’”

    Mayan’s said 2012 is a “year of transformation”

    For D’Alessandro, the Mayan prophesy for the year 2012 was “something I’ve been working and planning for as far back as five years ago when I first read this year was coming with lots of doom and gloom. I then got this odd, almost volatile feeling about the whole world. I had to express myself, but how?”
    Thus, D’Alessandro turned to the local Oregon beaches. And, then to the metal boxes.
    In turn, on the day he planned the taking of one of the metal boxes, D’Alessandro said he spent the whole day in a state of “somewhat controlled excitement. What was it? Where did it come from? Why was it here now?”

    Although the artist did not get any quick answers and, in fact, he still has “no answers about what the box is,” he’s still up on his toes when anybody and everybody in this town of Yachats ask him about it.
    “The box became a muse for me. To have just one thing, that’s not real? And, something that’s unknown to you serving as a muse for an artist is special. Just as this Mayan prophecy is special, and I can’t tell you why. It’s something deep inside. Maybe the Mayan prophecy is part of my DNA, to wonder and then create something for people to view as both art and that ‘collaboration’ that I mentioned.”

    At the same time, D’Alessandro says he used “the classic anthropologist eye” when both discovering and then obtaining one of these prized metal boxes from the local beach.

    “I’m a huge, huge fan of Cyprien Gaillard’s photographs of aliens in our world. You start from that background, and I’m not surprised that I want to know more about the Mayan prophecy and these metal boxes that have come to us.”

    Artist Andrea on what’s a hoax?
    At the same time, another local artist named Andrea thinks the ancient Mayans “having that calendar that predicts the end of the world on Dec. 21, 2012 is not something to just dismiss as a hoax or something.”

    Andrea explains that “we live in a world of computers and nobody yet has properly explained to me how the heck you get 3,000 songs on something the size of the palm of my hand. What occurred to get us to this wee small technology? Nobody can really explain how we have something that generates so much power to run ships, airplanes and our computers that can only be seen with a microscope. Is that a hoax? If we can’t explain something is it a hoax. And, just because I can’t put the answers into a neat little ‘box,’ than is the box that D’Alessandro now has a hoax?”

    Also, Andrea says it doesn’t take a genius to see that the Mayan prediction is “freaking us out.” Also, she says, “Why is it that so many people worldwide are now talking about the end of the world as if it’s something to welcome?”

    Moreover, she thinks that it’s also “very strange” that the Mayan’s talked about “a set of hieroglyphics that predict the arrival of the deity alien Bolon Yokte, who is also mentioned in transcripts of those who’ve mediated at the beach over so many strange occurrences around here that it would make your head spin. Why did I hear about Bolon Yokte even before reading the Mayan beliefs?”

    Other artists also explore the other side of life

    Thus, other Yachats artists say the results of what D’Alessandro is promising “seem to be thrilling; especially to share the box with so many during the art show.”

    Moreover, another Yachats area artist named Pam wants to sort of piggy-back on D’Alessandro’s art display by showing a film she’s made of two women seated in a beach house nearby.

    Pam says the one woman claims to be a “hybrid,” and is questioned by an older local woman. Pam says she shot the “hybrid” female (someone who claims to have alien origins) slightly out of focus.
    In turn, she says there’s this dramatic depth of field the helps to exaggerate both the physical and the mental distance between them.”

    While Pam would not disclose the ending of the film, or who the “hybrid” is, she does want art fans to come out to the “42nd Annual Original Yachats Arts & Crafts Fair” on March 17 – 18 to “enjoy the other side of life through our art.”

    Thus, these retro-hippies seem to be brushing up on their New Age brilliance by attempting to express themselves in the same eclectic manner that’s made Yachats a now somewhat famous tourist destination along the central Oregon coast.

    Boxes slowly disappearing from the beaches
    Go figure someone hauling away “floating docks?”

    With the current state of West Coast beaches – that are still getting hit with massive debris from the Pacific Ocean due to storms at sea and the Japan earthquake last March – it’s no wonder that “all sorts of things wash-up here,” quips Bray’s Point resident Helen.

    In turn, she says “you can’t control the Pacific in the same way you can’t control what’s ever out there in outer space. I think we like to have this ‘illusion’ of control because it prevents non-believers in UFOs from really thinking about a different reality that just maybe will make them look at the heavens, and even these strange metal boxes in a different way.”

    “Let’s hope,” she added.

    Image source of a coastal Oregon beach local musing over one of these strange metal boxes that was located near Bray’s Point on Feb. 15, but as of Feb. 18 it’s gone? Photo by Dave Masko
    [Via ]

    TCC - So it is now confirmed that some of the boxes are now gone and the New theory is a possibility but not accepted by I guess the mystery will continue.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Humming Silver Metal Boxes (placed by UFO to prevent 2012 west coast mega quakes) Empty Re: Humming Silver Metal Boxes (placed by UFO to prevent 2012 west coast mega quakes)

    Post  Carol Thu Jun 13, 2024 5:33 pm

    Seeing a lot of chatter about this on the back channels. There is an uptick of quakes on the eastern side of the Pacific and also all along the Westerns Coast of South America moving up into Mexico.

    From a source, do know that these types of quakes expected in 2012 were averted with human/ET intervention.

    UFO Sightings Reveal More Strange Metal Boxes Along Coastal Beaches - FEBRUARY 11, 2012

    UFO Sightings At Stonefield Beach Reveal Strange Boxes Up And Down Coast - FEBRUARY 10, 2012

    A possibility?

    Scientists Warn That A 9.0 Earthquake Along The Cascadia Subduction Zone Could Send A 100 Foot Tall Tsunami Slamming Into The West Coast

    By Michael Snyder

    We are being told that someday an absolutely massive earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone will send a gigantic wall of water toward the west coast of the United States. We are talking about a disaster that would be greater than anything we have ever witnessed in the entire history of our country so far, and scientists are openly warning us that it is just a matter of time before this happens. It is being projected that the wall of water could be up to 100 feet tall, and it will cause immense devastation. Buildings will be flattened, vehicles will be picked up and tossed around like toys, and countless numbers of people will instantly go to their watery graves. If you are directly in the path of such a tsunami, there will be no escape.

    The Cascadia Subduction Zone has been making lots of headlines lately. The following comes from an article that was recently posted by NBC News…

    A silent colossus lurks off the Pacific coast, threatening hundreds of miles of coastline with tsunamis and devastating earthquakes.

    For decades, scientists have warned about the potential of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a megathrust fault that runs offshore along the coast from northern Vancouver Island to Cape Mendocino, California. When the fault — or even a portion of it — next snaps, it will reshape life in Oregon, Washington and Northern California.

    It has been more than 300 years since we have seen a megathrust earthquake happen along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, and so for most of us it is difficult to imagine what that would look like.

    According to IFL Science, such an earthquake could produce tsunami waves that travel at speeds of up to 500 miles an hour…

    Megathrust earthquakes are the most powerful on Earth and they arise from subduction zones, where one of Earth’s plates is slipping over another. When rock on a convergent plate boundary gets compressed and bent, it builds up elastic energy. When this gets too much, there is an abrupt release as the overriding plate slides up the fault.

    As the plate slips and releases, it generates enormous amounts of energy that goes out into the surrounding seawater. That energy displaces water as it rises to the sea surface, raising it above the normal surface level. It then comes crashing down thanks to gravity, sending the energy shooting out horizontally in the form of a tsunami.

    The resulting waves can travel over 804 kilometers per hour (500 miles per hour).

    I am sitting here trying to imagine what a wall of water traveling at 500 miles per hour would look like, and I am having a very difficult time envisioning it.

    In addition to moving at astonishing speed, we are also being told that the wall of water could be “100 feet high or more”…

    The plates can periodically lock up and build stress over wide areas―eventually to be released when they finally lurch against each other. The result: the world’s greatest earthquakes, shaking both seabed and land, and generating tsunamis 100 feet high or more.

    A team of scientists that has been studying the Cascadia Subduction Zone just released their findings, and what they discovered is extremely alarming.

    They found that the Cascadia Subduction Zone is actually made up of four different segments, and that actually makes it even more dangerous than previously believed…

    Using underwater mapping techniques, scientists have mapped the Cascadia Subduction Zone – a 600-mile fault line extending from southern Canada to northern California – in never before seen detail.

    It has revealed that the fault splits into four segments instead of being one continuous strip like most fault lines. The discovery could prove more catastrophic because the tectonic plates can slide under each other, creating more pressure and more severe earthquakes.

    The researchers concluded the Cascadia Subduction Zone has the potential to unleash a nine-plus magnitude quake.

    This particular team of scientists is also warning that when the next megathrust earthquake happens in the region it could cause more than 80 billion dollars in damage…

    If an earthquake of over 9 magnitude struck the West Coast US it could generate tsunamis reaching 100 feet high or more, kill more than 10,000 people and cause over $80 billion in damages in just Oregon and Washington alone.

    Disaster emergency plans in Oregon and Washington warn that in the aftermath of a quake that big, they could face a wave of long-term deaths due to disease from exposure to dead bodies, animal carcasses, contaminated water and Hazmat spills from commercial, industrial and household sources.

    I know that this sounds really bad, but others actually believe that the damage will be even worse.

    In an article that I published last year, I included a very ominous quote from the former head of FEMA’s Region X. He once warned that when a really big earthquake finally strikes the Cascadia Subduction Zone “everything west of Interstate 5 will be toast”…

    If the entire zone gives way at once, an event that seismologists call a full-margin rupture, the magnitude will be somewhere between 8.7 and 9.2. That’s the very big one.

    …By the time the shaking has ceased and the tsunami has receded, the region will be unrecognizable. Kenneth Murphy, who directs FEMA’s Region X, the division responsible for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska, says, “Our operating assumption is that everything west of Interstate 5 will be toast.”

    In the Pacific Northwest, everything west of Interstate 5 covers some hundred and forty thousand square miles, including Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Eugene, Salem (the capital city of Oregon), Olympia (the capital of Washington), and some seven million people.

    This isn’t a hypothetical scenario which may or may not happen someday.

    Scientists assure us that it is just a matter of time before a big quake happens.

    And I am entirely convinced that it will happen sooner rather than later, because our planet has become very unstable.

    As I discussed earlier this week, the number of “billion dollar disasters” hit an all-time high in 2023.

    Sadly, we will probably break that record again this year.

    If you live in a high risk area, you may want to take note of what is happening.

    Things have been relatively quiet along the west coast for a while, but someday disaster will suddenly strike and millions of lives will be completely turned upside down."

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:48 pm