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    Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump


    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump - Page 2 Empty Re: Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump

    Post  Carol Thu Jul 04, 2024 1:34 pm
    Schumann Update 7/4

    Happy Birthday America

    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 24
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.

    Good morning friends! And happy birthday America! Today on July 4, we are getting a bit of a unique energy pattern. Not only RV receiving solar plexus energy, but we are already stitching this into our system. This is rare! Usually you receive and then integrate, but this is happening all at once for us today. The reason this is happening is because you were being asked to believe in yourself and believe in the amazing possibilities that lay before you. Change cannot come unless you believe it is possible friends.

    In this current spiritual war, the greatest protection comes in the form of knowing and the inner’standing of Energy. The first step is to know about their wizards and witches' illusory mind tricks — that it is only an illusion and nothing else. The mind trick is ‘belief and permission’. The unaware Human must ‘believe’ the illusions broadcasted is real and then give ‘permission’ to allow whatever is to be done afterwards. This is how this Energy can manifest into self-harming events. The second step is to rise out of the lower planes of physical existence. These harsh and difficult life situations only exist in the lower dimensional planes where their illusory tricks can take effect, causing unaware Humans to wholly believe in them, making it real and making its effects real. 

    This is where many Humans have a difficult time, even for the awakened Souls — as many desire to rise out of the lower planes, but will fall back down due to mistakes, lack of discipline, relapses, peer pressure, old programs, anchors, attachments, energy cords, uncleared traumas, or undissolved old issues. This potentially becomes a roller coaster ride of loops, ups and downs many can get stuck on

    This is the personal inner work that must be done and there are no shortcuts. This is the distillation process of the old Self into an unrecognizable new Higher Self. Everything will change. The ingredients that produced your old Self are changing. As you replace the old ingredients, the new ingredients will eventually create a whole different Being. 

    The One that succeeds is the One that has fallen seven times, but got up eight. The third step is to not fall back into the lower planes of the matrix. It takes valuable Energy to rise back up from the lower planes and in these lower states of existence, there are entities that are siphoning Human Life Force Energy. It is the Human Energy that is keeping these lower planes of existence, existing in the physical realm. If these lower planes are depleted of Energy, it will cease to exist. 

    This is why the spiritual war in the matrix have targeted unaware Humans with everything all their arsenal — from bio-weapons, energy weapons, indoctrinations, misinformation, broadcasting of spells, magic tricks and illusions, entertainment, false idolatry, organized religion, financial debt-slave systems, medical systems, fear-porn, warmongering, structural attacks, weather warfare, toxins and poisons of the foods, and etc. 

    Everything in the corporate and governmental matrix is designed to trap as many Humans as possible to live in these lower planes of existence and to lock them in as their Energy supply. As these Humans get devoured, they will transition to another realm to continue their journey. 

    Make no mistake that the Energy for the lower planes of existence is diminishing. Gaia’s Energy Source has been cut off. The only fuel left are the collective Humans that currently live in the lower energetic realms. The awakened Souls are working to rise above to the higher realms of existence on Gaia, but the inner work must be done. There is no way around it. This is a very strict dress code and no one can get in the club unless they are in the proper codes.

    Read the entire blog & please subscribe. 👇🏽

    Non-terrestrial Beings aiding Earth

    Today 7/4/24
    Grand Rising folks
    The Schumann chart shows us a few Buzzes      

    During the night…

    Keep pushing, soon
    or later we’re gonna break through

    As we now Innerstand that it is connected to our Collective Consciousness and our Brainwaves…
    Update 9:30am ET

    The Truth about the Anouk (the Annunaki) and the Garden of Eden

    Knowledge is power!

    Must watch 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
    Billy Carson talking

    And some Solar activity update 🌞

    The Activity is still pretty much mild this week, anyway today, we just got an M class
    solar flare/flash ⚡⚡

    And now you know that this is Photonic Light ✨

    The One that brings
    us Direct DNA 🧬 Upgrades…

    There are a lot of sunspots facing the Earth, but they aren’t next to each other…

    When they’re closer to each other they create the Blasts of Light ⚡

    So we wait until the Sun rotates and brings again the Big sunspots for the Big Flashes…✨

    In the meantime it keeps Changing up, reaching its Maximum

    Update 11:30am ET

    The Universe works as a Boomerang or a Mirror… Reflecting right back at us the Frequency/Vibration we are at… ✨

    If you keep staying in the Doom and Gloom state, the universe will keep reflecting at you exactly that vibration…

    Must watch 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

    Right during the live
    of the news… 👀

    The guy walking, comes out of a “bubble” or distortion of space and time…

    Teleportation, Time travel…? 🔥🔥🔥🔥
    What do you think?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump - Page 2 Empty Re: Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump

    Post  Carol Mon Jul 08, 2024 9:49 am

    Disclosure News Italia

    #NewsBurst 3 July 2024
    Schumann Resonance Today ~ Power 24

    Neptune, the planet of spiritual elevation but also of delusion for those who are prone to fantasy, entered the watery sign of Tropical Pisces…

    #NewsBurst 4 July 2024
    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 40
    A desert moss could be the key to terraforming Mars, according to a recent study published by Chinese scientists.

    Cosmic Frequency News 4 July 2024 – Our Moon And Sirius
    On July 5th, 2024, when our Moon becomes new in Cancer, it will align with the star Sirius which resides in the Cancer cosmic…

    News Burst 5 July 2024 – Get The News!
    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 11

    The painting, believed to be at least 51,200 years old, was found at Leang Karampuang cave on the east Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

    #NewsBurst 6 July 2024 - Get The News!
    Schumann Resonance Today ~ Power 10

    The landlocked country of Mongolia in East Asia was once an ocean which was created by an upwelling of boiling rock from the Earth’s…

    Discoveries From 3D To 4D And 5D
    On Earth, the experiment with duality and complete oblivion of the Souls, conducted during the Maha Yuga (change of epochs with gradual tightening), is…

    #NewsBurst 7 July 2024 - Get The News!
    Schumann Resonance Today ~ Power 95

    “Bill Gates has been working behind the scenes to computerize the human body without our consent for years”.

    Cosmic Frequency News 7 July 2024
    Integration And Now More Incoming Energy DrSchavi

    Early Sunday morning, 7/7/2024, there has been an escalation of Earth’s inner and outer fields with the global Schumann Resonance” charts showing a vertical…

    July 5th
    And there is a Glitch, Blackout on the Schumann resonance

    It stopped at 3am Tomsk time (4pm ET)…

    Right now it should be at 7:30am Tomsk time which is 8:30pm ET…

    The Energies have been Intense in the past 4 and half hours…

    Possibly another Timeline Jump…?

    We’ll find out when it gets back online…

    For now let’s use our SENSES and start to PERCEIVE, instead of referring to the charts..

    In the charts, when we learn how to trust our SENSES, we just find out the confirmation
    of what’s been felt previously…
    Update 8:30pm ET

    The Essence of
    Billy Carson talking

    Keep always in mind that we are still in the acclamation stage
    for those that are not aware…

    “Heaven on Earth” which is the 4th Density, because it’s still Physical…

    The 5th Density is NOT Physical anymore…

    Bashar teachings

    PS. For those new here:

    Densities = Realities

    Dimensions = State of Consciousness…


    I wouldn’t call it destiny, I call it Mission, because we are the Creators of
    our destiny as we Create our Reality…

    Get ready for (7/7/) tomorrow! There’s another portal
    And for today’s inspirations, horoscopes, affirmations, energy readings and other guidance, be sure to check the link below incoming…!

    Even if the Activity of our Sun has been very mild, the past couple of weeks, an
    M class solar flare/flash just kicked in…

    It’s a long duration one and still going on…

    That means that it’s probably associated with a CME, Coronal Mass Ejection, Plasma ejected from the Crown, Corona, of
    the Sun…

    We’ll see in the following days, if earth directed, we’re going to have another Geomagnetic storm

    For the New ones here, why is this Important?

    Because Light is Information, in whichever form it comes through…
    7/6 Update 7:45pm ET

    Mega Blast Bazooka occurred just a few hrs ago
    The Collective is receiving Big Shake ups…
    Thanks to the Light workers doing the ground work… as we know, the Schumann is directly connected to our Collective Consciousness and our brainwaves…
    7/7 Update 10:00am ET

    Schumann Update 7/7

    Happy 7/7 portal day y'all!

    Suffering, Resistance and Trusting, Listening to our Heart…
    he battle between the Rational Mind, the Ego and the Heart…

    LISTEN TO YOUR HEART, the Voice is Always there…

    True Power comes from Authenticity!

    We Must Think, Feel and Act like the Vibration, the “radio station” we Want to Be!

    Listening to this a few times

    I now release all blockages
    that are preventing me from
    being my best self.

    It’s a simple mantra, but very effective. Say it out loud, preferably whilst looking at oneself in a mirror, and repeat at least 3 times.

    Do it every day and watch the magic unfold…

    And an M class solar flare/flash kicked in so far an hour ago
    The solar activity is still mild for now…

    So we wait until the powerful sunspots will turn again towards the Earth

    In the meantime, the Schumann resonance shows another decent blast…
    The Collective is pushing…
    Remember Always that Light is Information and we are here to hold the Light.

    We just had a cascade of M class solar flares/flashes in the past couple of hours…
    The weren’t big as we were used to in the past months, but still, that’s again a lot of Photonic Light kicking in, which is the Light that brings us Direct DNA

    Also the Cumiana resonance was fired up earlier
    Comparison between the Schumann and the Cumiana resonance

    How do we get to the 5th Dimension..?

    Where our Attention goes, our Energy flows

    Here's one way to facilitate the power of prayer.[/b]

    First think/focus on what you want - wish for.

    Next focus on / connect with your heart energy and give thanks to the creator. Give thanks for nature, family, friends.. blessings that knowingly and unknowingly surround you.

    From your heart energy then ask for healing, protection and blessings (the best possible outcome) to go to the who, or what, you are focusing on... using your intention, visualize that positive healing energy traveling/flowing to and surrounding the individual or situation you're focused on. Then end with a short prayer of gratitude & thanksgiving.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump - Page 2 Empty Re: Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump

    Post  Carol Wed Jul 10, 2024 8:44 am

    Good morning. Wednesday, July 10th
    NE/OR 51°F Cool & Calm ~ Haze

    It's going to be hot again today.

    A good day for sitting in the shade under the leafed out red oak tree with bare feet resting on the grass covered earth and a tall ice cold drink, watching the squirrel eat his popcorn, sitting on top of the gently swaying bird feeder.

    Ears still ringing? Keeping up with the timeline jumps?

    We are still in Dr. Richard Allan Miller's timeframe for a micro-nova Carrington Event (one down more to come). Solar Max has arrived, and it is expected to continue for at least another 1 to 2 years. Nino had a solar EMP download/vision. Dannon Brinkley had a NDE where he saw 50 years (2025) into the future with visions of solar EMPs.

    Eyes open.. no fear.


    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ 2 Hrs Blackout ~ Power 8
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.

    The Schumann shows 2hrs glitch/blackout this early morning…
    Another Timeline jump?

    Schumann Update July 9th
    Good morning friends! How are you feeling this morning? We had a timeline jump come in at about 3:00 AM central standard time. This is a smaller shift in the timeline for the awakened collective and may not have big profound effects but we have smaller rippling effect. I also also received a meditation that a new wave of awakening is being triggered. Soon this wave of awakening is made up of younger people I would say probably 30 and younger. This is the fuel to our rocket of moving forward embrace these new friends as they wake up.

    Schumann Update July 10th
    Good morning friends! I hope you are feeling well! Yesterday after that timeline shift we had a relatively calm day as things started to settle into place. This morning we are getting a ton of release energy. 4 am heavy release energy timeline shift came in under this energy. This energy is open to all chakras and asking you to let go of your limiting beliefs in the idea that you have to listen to other people who tell you things aren’t possible. This is asking you to step outside your comfort zone and do something for yourself following your inspiration so you can find the ambition to lead you forward to what you want.

    Rinse and Repeat

    7-6-24: Q) The Storm Rider - Latest posts - [DS] getting ready to initiate Project Blue Beam? Fake Alien Invasion? Coming into a very strong part of THE STORM


    ]]] SKY EVENT [[

    It's movie time.




    Project Blue Beam


    Kerry Cassidy: It is quite possible this event will not occur ON the date...but any day after the 15th...

    Big Sunspot Starts Flaring, Galactic Magnetic Reversal | S0 News July.10.2024

    FAST-GROWING SUNSPOT: Sunspot AR3738 is getting really big. Watch this movie showing how it has grown in the past 5 days. Now almost ten times wider than Earth, the sunspot group is directly facing our planet with a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for geoeffective solar flares.

    Dutchsinse Earthquake Update

    Large M6.7 earthquake South of Africa (North of Antarctica) on the tip of our arrow!

    Going live now on twitch

    Large 6.7 Earthquake South of South Africa. Tuesday Night update 7/9/2024

    Latest update on Kilauea Volcano inflation and Earthquake activity. Tuesday update 7/9/2024

    Why Mount Rainier Is The United States' Most Dangerous Volcano

    Belgium is on its knees! Storms, flooding and hail in Brussels, everyone is shocked On Monday afternoon, a powerful storm hit Małopolska in southern Poland, bringing heavy rain and hail. So much hail fell in Wolbrom (Olkusz County) that the town looked like it was in the middle of a hard winter.

    9 minutes ago in Poland! Hail storm bombarded houses in Malopolska, people shocked - July 8th

    Power outage update: Residents entering third day without power in Houston area

    Millions in Houston still without power

    SoCal heat wave: Wednesday will be the hottest day of the week - 7 straight of triple digit temperatures 110°

    A Problematic Weather Pattern is Starting

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump - Page 2 Empty Re: Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump

    Post  Carol Thu Jul 11, 2024 3:51 pm
    There's been a Sudden Energy Convergence, but why? Sun Earth and Schumann Update by Stefan Burns
    The Sun is emerging from it's slumber while a rare high-magnitude mid-ocean ridge earthquake occurred and an unusual power increase in the Schumann resonances has been detected. Let's investigate!
    Ascension Energy & Schumann Resonance Update + Spirit Guide Images, July 10
    Breaking News July 11, 2024 - Don Stewart[/b

    News Burst 11 July 2024 – Get The News!
    Warsaw has agreed to help Kiev’s mobilization efforts by calling on any military-age Ukrainian men in Poland to return home and join the fight.
    Schumann Update 7/11
    Good morning friends! How are you feeling? All day yesterday we were getting this brand new awakening energy for those younger adults. If you are already awakened this energy as of course also available to you, but it’s up to you to take advantage of this. Please be mindful of those who are awakening because it can be a very confusing and disorienting time for them. Encourage them to do meditative practices and express themselves creatively to help them access and integrate this information.

    Schumann Resonance Today ~  Power 40
    7/11/2024 17:00 UTC

    Everything is beautifully orchestrated with divine timing…

    Another Big Burst of Light
    Full Light Body activation…

    Grand Rising folks
    Numbers are always Synchronicities from the Universe…✨

    And here we have another Sign that we are on the Right Path…

    During the night a few more M class solar flare/flash kicked in

    and the highest was 1.44…
    Now we have a couple of Huge sunspots facing the Earth and getting closer to one another…

    So the chances to receive more M class are now 60% and 15% for another X class to pop up

    For the new ones, this is Photonic Light, the type of Light that brings us Direct DNA Upgrades

    Stay in the Light…

    Hold the Light…

    Because it’s All about the Light…


    NICE Waves of Light
    “Coincidentally” after the Glitch/Blackout…

    Good job Light Holders!

    Keep Holding the Light, the Earth and Mankind are changing also Thanks to us, the ground crew…

    Never underestimate the Power of Planting a Seed…

    Nice Spike in the Cosmic Rays chart…

    KEEP ALWAYS IN MIND THAT LIGHT IS INFORMATION in whichever Form it comes through…

    We are the Soul, the Energy that operates the body…

    Communicate it so as to transmute it! Speak your truth- We are both the alchemists and the creators of The New Earth .

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump - Page 2 Empty Re: Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump

    Post  Carol Tue Jul 23, 2024 10:35 am

    Ascension Energy And Schumann Resonance Update July 22

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump - Page 2 Empty Re: Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump

    Post  Carol Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:38 am

    Good morning. Monday, July 29th
    NE/OR 51°F Cool & Calm ~ Haze then Chance Showers And T-Storms

    Time line shift again last night.

    Incoming CME's... massive uptick in Schumann Resonance

    Is your ass 'draggin' from all of the active geomagnetic storms solar radiation?

    Ears ringing/singing?

    We're still in Dr. Richard Allan Miller's timeframe for a micro-nova Carrington Event (one down more to come). Solar Max has arrived, and it is expected to continue for at least another 1 to 2 years. Nino had a solar EMP download/vision. Dannon Brinkley had a NDE where he saw 50 years (2025) into the future with visions of solar EMPs.

    Eyes open.. no fear.


    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 81
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.


    SOLAR ACTIVITY IS HIGH: Sunspot complex AR3765-67 is crackling with strong flares--and they're getting stronger. An impulsive X1.5 flare this morning at 0237 UT caused a deep shortwave radio blackout over Japan, southeast Asia and Australia (map). More X-flares are in the offing as the sunspot complex turns directly toward Earth later today.

    CANNIBAL CME ALERT: A series of M-class flares over the weekend hurled multiple CMEs toward Earth. According to a NOAA model, the first two CMEs merged to form a potent Cannibal CME. Strong G3-class geomagnetic storms are possible when it reaches Earth on July 30th. Subscribers to our Space Weather Alert Service will receive an instant text message when the CME arrives.

    The Cannibal CME is clearing the way for 2 or more CMEs following behind it. SOHO coronagraphs show a wagon-train of clouds leaving the sun on July 28th:

    These CMEs are flying into a void created by the earlier Cannibal CME. With little interplanetary material to slow them down, the storm clouds should reach Earth no later than July 31st, potentially intensifying any geomagnetic storm already underway. If the G3 forecast is correct, auroras will be visible at mid-latitudes across Europe and the USA on July 30-31.

    X Class Solar Flare, Solar Storm Coming, Galactic Sheet Confirmed Again | S0 News July.29.2024 Other CMEs to watch for. 5 ... earth directed. KP7 Level 3 geomagnetic storms.

    Uptick in Space weather. Aurora Will be possible this week. 4.4 Earthquake Utah. Sunday night 7/28

    Earth Directed X1.5 Flare just now. Sunday Night 7/28/2024

    2.8 Earthquake Maine. Aurora Forecast for Monday Night. Sunday 7/28/2024
    Earth's Second Sun . . .
    Crrow777 is back on the SGT Report with one-of-a-kind photos of our sun which Crow took himself with his new high powered state of the art telescope. Crow explains that Earth's second sun is not longer in the realm of woo, it's potentially a fact and even NASA knows about it but had covered it up. Buckle up as we delve in deep woo.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump - Page 2 Empty Re: Schumann Resonance's Updates - Timeline jump

    Post  Carol Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:23 am

    Schumann Update 8/4
    Hey friends! How are you doing today? This morning at about 3 AM we started to receive a blast of full body energy coming in. This tends to make me feel very energetic as if I have a battery in my back and it actually jumped me out of bed very early this morning. This information coming into the upper chakras this morning is coming into fuel your third eye and crown, helping to give give you a voice and build that outer world. Remember, the voice is the bridge between the inner and outer world speak what you want into existence friends it’s up to you.

    Also the Schumann resonance (us and the earth) is Blasting…
    Keep Shining, the Matrix system doesn’t like our Light, that’s why it’s collapsing.

    We are not these bodies, but we are the Energy that operates our bodies…

    Understanding a
    variety of
    can be
    and draining

    Nice waking up…

    The CME, Coronal Mass Ejection (Plasma), is here…

    The Magnetometer is at KP5, that means we are currently under Geomagnetic Storm G1…

    The Plasma hitting the ionosphere, Interacts and Upgrades the Plasma in our bodies✨

    We have had some solar flares too, report incoming…

    Update 7:20am ET

    And here we have the the flares (flashes) activity

    Multiple M class kicked in the past couple of hours and the last one is a long duration one, which means that it’s associated with another CME, that will reach us in the next few days, depending on the speed of the Solar Wind…💨💨💨

    And and we are still
    up for X class, 25% chances for the next one to occur…

    Too many people are still scared of the Sun, while they should embrace it, because the Light incoming is pushing us towards our Enlightenment - Ascension…

    How do we know we shifted timeline…?

    Watch it here

    We are shifting timelines multiple times per day…

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 18, 2024 12:31 am