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    planetary ascension teams unity field


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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty planetary ascension teams unity field

    Post  Eartheart Fri Nov 02, 2012 11:39 am

    Ascension in the Perspective
    by Georgi Stankov Posted on November 2, 2012

    by Georgi Stankov, November 2, 2012

    These last days we saw the first manifestation of long expected and predicted events for the End Times. Sandy was the most severe hurricane the East coast has ever experienced since it was colonized several centuries ago. As the NY Governor Cuomo commented: “The one-hundred-year-storms are coming every two years now.” Yes, they do and this is not the result of climate warming but of the energetic heating of the earth prior to her ascension to higher dimensions.

    My dear friends – American politicians – we do not live in a random world, as wrongly explained by your failed empirical science, but by inviolable laws of All-That-Is. I know that you have not heard yet that all science, including your failed meteorology, is subjected to one single Universal Law, which comes from human mind and assesses the primary term of higher consciousness of any sentient being throughout this universe.

    But this ignorance will not protect you from enduring the dire consequences of this law in your personal lives much sooner than you can imagine. Then it regulates your personal lives, just as it regulates Mother Nature and all other energetic interactions in All-That-Is. If this is too much abstraction for your compartmentalized thinking and weak minds, you may as well disregard all my subsequent thoughts. But as you have seen it with Sandy – denial is a no longer a substitute for false security. The time to build Potemkin’s villages around your human illusion is over now and the Fall of your Babylon has commenced.

    The End Times have always been about human thinking, even when intelligence was sacrificed by the New Age movement on the altar of their emotionally deficient hearts and degenerated feelings. It is not enough to substitute an old age psyche with a new age psychopathy as to solve the infinite problems of human evolution. A true spiritual evolution needs both – an immaculate honesty in the expression of all human emotions and an immaculate logic in the formulation of all abstract ideas that are accessible to limited human minds.

    Ascension is in the first place an expansion of human spirit/mind and the harmonization of polarized emotions. The physical transformation of the current carbon-based body to a crystalline light body is in this respect the substitution of the old carbon-based hardware of human existence with a much more sophisticated crystalline hardware of multi-dimensional existence.

    Both. human spirit /mind and psyche, have never been part of this hardware, even though they use it to manifest themselves in the current 3d-reality, precisely to co-create this reality. In fact, this 3d-reality has always been created from the fulcrum of our higher selves, which are part of the world spirit in terms of organized, intelligent energy.

    The outer world we live in has always been an expression of the inner reality of the soul. Only to the limited senses and weltanschauung of the incarnated human personality may this reality seem to display the characteristics of an objective, external world, predominantly as a highly hostile world, to which the humble human biological species has been exposed in a random and very cruel manner

    Now this point of view can no longer be sustained – all humans must realize that they are the creators of their destiny, including all victims of Sandy’s devastation. Unfortunately most humans have forgotten this stark fact. When they open their eyes to this fact in the course of this month, their first reaction will be outrage and shame. Both feelings will result from the knowledge how stupid and blind they have been in the past.

    But do not blame or castigate yourselves for such “negative” feelings – they are simply part of your process of awakening, they are the fuel of your spiritual evolution. Any effort to suppress them in the old New Age manner as to what is appropriate to feel, will only hamper your progress. Live your disappointment to the full extent and then analyse its causes. You will ultimately come to the irrevocable conclusion that it is your stupidity, your blindness, and your clinging to old irrational beliefs that have led you into this undesirable situation.

    It should be cogent to everybody that this article is not meant for the members of the PAT, who will soon leave this planet, but for those who must soon open their eyes and begin to read this website in the search for proper answers to all their impending calamities, whom the crumbling Orion mass media and politicians will no longer be able to appease with rogue solutions.

    When the current End Times are stripped off of their esoteric camouflage, there are few basic facts that one should know: Human species is a very primitive species due to his very limited energetic structure. The key limitations are:

    a) his extremely poor brain and mind as systems of processing information/energy;

    b) the numerous blockages of the seven body chakras, in particular of the heart chakra and the 6th, and 7th upper chakra, which link with the oversoul. Hence the lack of spirituality in most human beings.

    c) his insufficient genetic make-up that makes use of only 8% of the DNA potential, etc.

    Now observe that all these energetic deficiencies of the human species were radically improved in the course of the last year with the paramount help of the PAT. We opened the stargate 11.11.11 and flooded earth and humanity with the 11.11.energies that opened the heart chakra in the majority of the human population and thus enabled them to establish contact with the sacred hearts of their oversouls.

    This energetic process liberated for instance many LW from their narrow-minded interpretations of human psyche with regard to the spectrum of emotions one should be allowed to express as to be considered a spiritual personality. Thus much esoteric hypocrisy was spilled down the New Age toilet and the perception of their own reality became all of a sudden much more honest, much to their own surprise and often dismay as to what they saw in their mirror-images.

    We then transmitted to humanity the new high-frequency energies from the source which opened the human genetic code. The new twelve strands, about which many channeling messages speak, was nothing else but the activation of the dormant genetic library of the human species for higher frequency energies. It has never been about multiplying the two bio-chemical strands of the DNA-helix to twelve strands as many LW still believe in their scientific naivety.

    The augmentation of the frequencies on this planet led at the same time to a modest activation of the intellectual and emotional abilities of the incarnated human masses, precisely in that portion of humanity that has the soul age and potential to ascend by the end of this year.

    In the last several months the PAT fully opened all higher-dimensional portals on this planet and thus enabled the descent of the 5d-cities of light into the astral atmosphere of Gaia. Then we transmitted the light codes of Adam Kadmon to all ascending human beings as to update their deficient energetic structure as a dumbed down human species. All these energetic processes built the foundation of the current ascension of Gaia and humanity.

    After that we built the rainbow bridge between Gaia and the Source throughout all dimensions and initiated finally our ascension process on September 17. When our portals were infiltrated by massive dark energies due to the negligence of the GF, we decided to change the ascension scenario one more time and built the new web of light that encompasses the whole ascending humanity and separates it from the old magnetic Orion grid. The latter has been responsible for the programming of this human species exclusively in terms of separation from the source and each other, so that most humans are still driven entirely by greed, aggression, hatred, cowardice and mistrust.

    I have studied these despicable human traits in their whole spectrum with great amusement one last time in the emails, which Internet trolls, paid by dark secret services, used to send me anonymously with false addresses in the last two weeks when we completely defeated the dark forces at the astral level. In other words, we still observe a human population that is in full denial of the creative potential of the soul. None of these people believe in the immortality of the human personality as they fully identify thmeselves with the transiency of the biological body.

    For this reason, two weeks ago it was decided that this new web of light should be further upgraded and directly connected to the Source of this universe through my personal field as a nexus point. This allowed for the full separation of the new web of light from the old Orion matrix of darkness. In order to complete this task, we had to clean all dark energies in all timelines at the astral planes as all these timelines now converge into one timeline of ascension.

    This led to the last fiercest battle with the dark forces, which all of you felt as very debilitating. This battle was accompanied by direct cyber attacks on this website and by sending numerous nasty emails full of unmotivated hatred against myself and the PAT.

    This pestilence has now ceased as we have won a full victory. These facts only illustrate the key role of the PAT in implementing all these dramatic, epic changes in the energetic tissue of Gaia and humanity.

    Initially, it was planned that the ID split will divide the forces of light from the forces of darkness with one stroke. When it was found that most of humanity was not yet ready for the shift, the above discussed alternative was implemented. This led one more time to more cleansing and dirty work for the PAT.

    Now the new energetic web of light, which the PAT has established on the earth, resembles very much a pyramid which is the basic energetic form on this planet. This pyramid is not of physical character, but consists of levels with growing frequency from the bottom to the top. At the top you can find my personal energy field that is now fully rooted in the Source. This nexus builds a unity field with all the members of the PAT who are now also fully integrated in the energies of the Source.

    Below the unity field of the PAT, you will find many layers of LW and other entities with a decreasing rate of vibrations and levels of awakening. Nonetheless, they all are now firmly connected to the PAT unity field and receive their energies exclusively from this field after they were definitely separated from the Orion grid several days ago.

    In this sense, humanity is now ready for the true beginning of all revelations and tribulations. Sandy was just a prelude to this turbulent time. Humanity has undergone in this last month a huge transformation below the radar of limited daily consciousness. But the collective mindset of the still existing Orion society is increasingly becoming new and bigger cracks on its facade.

    At the same time the underlying mode of perception of this reality is changing dramatically, although very few individuals are aware of this process. As all reality stems from the inner realms of the soul, humanity is already pregnant with the new changes and only needs an initial stimulus to give birth to its new enlightened society. This initial wake up call will be my and your ascension and appearance as ascended masters in front of the whole world.

    But this event must be prepared very carefully. We have seen how many stages the processes of ascension had to undergo behind the veil before all prerequisites were met. I guess that a few more quick pulls on the chessboard are still needed to prepare the scene in a perfect manner for our ascension.

    The last two days I did a massive processing of dark thought patterns on behalf of the ascending humanity. In this way my field was firmly rooted in the collective mindset, so that when I appear as ascended master, this event will be immediately recognized by the masses.

    All ascending humans are now intensively preparing themselves in the dream state for this imminent event. If there is one absolute certainty, it is that all ascending human beings know subconsciously about my and your ascension and have rehearsed this dramatic event, leading to massive transformation of the whole human society, since many nights in the dream state. This is the main reason why they have incarnated at this time. Just as all alleged victims of Sandy knew subconsciously about their dire destiny in the End Times many years in advance, when they made their decision to live on the East Coast. There are no coincidences and random events in this world, but only long-term plans of the souls.

    After the massive energy surge in the last two days, I am having another powerful cc-wave today, which is a follow-up of the previous one. According to my estimation many of you must also feel the ripples of these waves as we all must be calibrated before our physical ascension can begin. None of these efforts are isolated from the rest of humanity as we are like a hot balloon that will heave Noah’s Ark with the rest of humanity to the higher dimensions. Our energy fields are like tentacles that now reach the deepest and most darkest corners of this planet and cleanse it in preparation for this final act.

    The ascending portion of humanity is now fully separated from the Orion grid, so that the energetic foundation for any dark behaviour is fully eradicated. When the roots are cut the Orion weeds can no longer flourish in the psyche and minds of the people. But as long as the physical facade still exists, the inertia of the masses will sustain the old way of life.

    This inertia can be interrupted in a twofold manner. Our appearance as ascended masters will offset all current basic human ideas about life and the nature of human existence, upon which the current human reality is erected. The current official denial of the soul as the creator of all reality will be substituted by the full acceptance of the higher realms and their preeminent role in the shaping of all human destiny.

    We will embody this creative potential of the soul in crystalline human vessels on the ground and as pure energy in the higher dimensions. We will immediately substitute the current dark elite which is not part of our web of light. This tiny portion of humanity, including their clones and some very unripe souls who have decided to stay on the planet B and live through another incarnation cycle of 26 000 years, will remain outside these huge social, economic and spiritual transformations and will be fully occupied with their naked survival.

    Then parallel to this dramatic shift in social and political power, the factual destruction of the whole material structure of the old Orion society must take place within the blink of an eye. This can only be done with the help of some bigger natural catastrophes than the Sandy storm. Some of them will most probably occur very soon after our ascension and immediate appearance or even prior to this.

    But the most devastating catastrophe will be the magnetic pole reversal during the ID split. During this cosmic event the ascending part of humanity will move to the new balanced earth A/B and will be at a safe place, while the dark elite and their entourage of clones and unripe souls will struggle to survive on the remaining catastrophic earth A/B.

    The ID shift will happen most probably by the end of November or the beginning of December, before the opening of the last stargate 12.12.12. After that the mass ascension from the balanced earth A/B to earth A will commence. The actual education of the masses will begin after Dec 21 and will take as much simultaneous time and space as necessary, because linear time will be abolished for ever as an illusion of the limited human mind and senses. It may only be used as an artificial magnitude to better evaluate all experiences and events in past incarnation cycles, which must be processed at a very deep level by all ascended entities before they can progress and ascend to much higher dimensions in eons of time.

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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Current Likely Ascension Scenario

    Post  Eartheart Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:57 pm

    Current Likely Ascension Scenario

    First of November

    Our energy fields… like tentacles now reach the deepest…darkest corners of this planet… cleanse it in preparation for this final act.

    The ascending portion of humanity is now fully separated from the Orion grid, eradicating the energetic foundation for any dark behavior.

    Second Week of November

    Our ascension.

    Bigger natural catastrophes than the Sandy storm. Some… most probably…very soon after our ascension and immediate appearance or even prior to this.

    Third Week of November

    Our appearance

    As ascended masters we will offset all current basic human ideas about… denial of the soul as the creator of all reality…

    We will embody soul in crystalline human vessels on the ground and …immediately substitute the current dark elite which is not part of our web of light.

    This tiny portion of humanity, including their clones and some very unripe souls…deciding to stay on planet B and live through another incarnation cycle of 26 000 years, will remain outside these huge social, economic and spiritual transformation… fully occupied with their naked survival.

    Parallel to this dramatic shift in social and political power, the factual destruction of the whole material structure of the old Orion society must take place within the blink of an eye.

    Late November/Early December

    The ID shift will happen most probably by the end of November or the beginning of December, before the opening of the last star gate 12.12.12.

    December 12th

    The opening of the last star gate 12.12.12.

    Mass ascension from the balanced earth A/B to earth A will commence.

    The most devastating catastrophe…the magnetic pole reversal during the ID split.

    During this cosmic event ascending humanity will move to new balanced earth A/B and will be at a safe place.

    The dark elite…their entourage of clones and unripe souls will struggle to survive on catastrophic earth B.

    December 21 and Thereafter

    The actual education of the masses will begin after Dec 21 and will take as much simultaneous time and space as necessary… [as] linear time will be abolished forever as an illusion….

    It may only be used as an artificial magnitude to better evaluate all experiences and events in past incarnation cycles, which must be processed at a very deep level by all ascended entities before they can progress and ascend to much higher dimensions in eons of time. Harp

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    Post  bobhardee Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:48 pm

    Cobra Update 11-25-13… “Opening of the Aion Portal Report”
    by kauilapele

    portal2012_logo_vertical26This is certainly one of many important pieces occurring at this time in our planet's Ascension process.


    Opening of the Aion Portal Report

    We have opened the Aion portal! We have reached the critical mass! The videos alone had more than 200,000 views and countless thousands of people were activating the portal worldwide.

    It is not a coincidence that historic Iran nuclear agreement was reached within hours after opening of the Aion portal:

    This demonstrates the power of our unified consciousness, which does have the potential of influencing the geopolitical situation. As we have been able to help preventing military invasion in Syria after the activation of the Peace portal on August 25th, now we have basically eliminated the possibility of any future war with Iran.

    As a result of increased awareness, more and more people with money and influence are becoming aware that war does NOT bring profit, only misery. This realization will bring peace to this planet more quickly than all peace negotiations and talks in the past:

    The energies of Aion and Iona are energies of eternal peace and global peace will soon become the geopolitical reality on this planet as a result of our unified decision.

    Our group in Firenze has opened the way for the New Renaissance with this beautiful music, presented to our group directly by its composer:

    portal2012_Vortex2We have activated the Firenze energy vortex and served as the main energy conduit on the surface of the planet for the energy flash which traveled from the M87 galaxy, through our Galactic Central Sun via our physical Sun and reached the planetary surface at the moment of the activation of the Aion portal.

    My experience of the energy flash was profound and now I know from my own experience what the energy flash at the Event will feel like. You can read more about the Event and the new collective myth we are creating as the New Renaissance emerges, in my recent interview:

    Our group in Firenze as a whole had a very powerful experience, as you can hear in this testimony:

    It has been communicated from the Light forces that it would be very good for as many people as possible to ground and integrate the energies that came with the portal by continuing to connect with Aion, Iona, M87 galaxy and the energy of the Event flash itself. This subtle video can help you achieving that:

    It might be interesting for you to know that the Event flash will originate from a certain currently classified cosmic source, travel first through M87 galaxy and then through the Galactic Central Sun of our galaxy into our solar system, where it will trigger the Event on the surface of our planet.

    The next step after the Aion portal activation will be an important activation on December 21st this year. We will be having our main vortex activation in Glastonbury, England. More details will be available in about a week.

    In the next few weeks I will release a lot of interesting intel which had to wait until the Aion portal activation was safely completed.

    Victory of the Light is near!

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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty :!: A week Lightfood & Dematerialise 4DimHalo

    Post  Eartheart Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:25 pm

    Exclamation Alloha he in the Nowage here... To all ascending Soulstar-humans
    and Gaians, our Vibe has reached the treshhold of the 7. level,
    see here the graphs pfthe "Bovin" aka Lifeforce measurments...

    planetary ascension teams unity field April211

    The living ones will be served at the 12.Level got his 100%, which should be
    around next fullmoon, we dont do dates, but look at the EMP like graphs, study
    with 3x000 potence adding to our vibes per hour we will be there in no time Crazy Happy full DNA activation depends the on personal subscripts, Enlightened

    The Karen The Karen The Karen Eartheart looves a comeback TRANC

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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty quadriple schumannreso levels

    Post  Eartheart Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:55 am

    Shocked To accentuate the data here a newer and actualized graph,
    plus the recent Schumannresonance developments kindly given
    by russian science - see Hz\hours+date...

    planetary ascension teams unity field Mess3010
    Check in 4 we got level 10 vibing, by average 2-3 days per level we got our 12. level soooooon!!! cheers

    planetary ascension teams unity field Shm10

    Can you see that we have now several resonant levels up to 28Hz,
    interpret data like a HAARP-ist... Lmao

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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Re: planetary ascension teams unity field

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:21 am

    I was gladium when they said unto me "Eartheart is posting in The Mists of Avalon!!"

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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty 12Dim X-change Inscension

    Post  Eartheart Sat May 16, 2015 11:02 am

    Earthur confidential algorithm
    Belooved children of the first and last hour
    attain it all... sunny

    If one can make it, all can, even if its a holo overlay,
    but better if i trust source and ultrastream this dream,
    my massless timeless enspacement gravitational hub
    of unity - we the sparks of divine light
    command Loove & Peace here and around our solarsystem,
    harmonized spills of sourcefield datacore hex,
    induced serviceloops on synchron grids,
    divine guardians of eternal logocurrents,
    rainbowcircled singularities of 13Dim godlynesses...
    Flowers JT
    Albions song of the Earthtree was sounded by Lisa R.,
    our flowers of life generating all the sacred geometrix
    to retune the scales and freqs of manifestation,
    shakti aka cosmix flo forces yearn 4 our intelligent braids
    and miraculix soulstartwork (pun intended soulstar start artwork),
    i feel myself beyond this planetar void, free and unbound in
    a postshift mood of undisclosed rapture. TRANC

    Here the mamabits 4 all:
    planetary ascension teams unity field Bovin110

    as of 150515 wehave reached the 12th level of our geomantic measured lifeforce GEAFIELD strength, which clearly shows the EMP like effects
    since the last eclipse 20march, which as well may grow on and has now
    all the power to switch any molecular bonds, 12DNA starpatterning and
    ascend, dematerialise and retune this/our solar systems encoded grids...

    See you in your godly multidim rainbowsphere Gathering


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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Re: planetary ascension teams unity field

    Post  Carol Sat May 16, 2015 12:05 pm

    I very much enjoy reading your posts. This part is intriguing.

    as of 150515 we have reached the 12th level of our geomantic measured life force GEAFIELD strength, which clearly shows the EMP like effects
    since the last eclipse 20march, which as well may grow on and has now
    all the power to switch any molecular bonds, 12DNA star patterning and
    ascend, dematerialise and retune this/our solar systems encoded grids...

    I was reading something recently about galactic waves of energy that was to wash over the earth and this quote reminded me of that. Supposedly those who still resonate at the lower negative frequencies will not survive this "gleaning" / quickening, so to speak. The Native Americans referred to this process as ascending into the 5th world. Meanwhile, the earth is protected yet many earth changes continue to shake, rattle and roll. What do you think a 12 DNA star patterning being will look like? Is this transfiguration?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty POWwowGaya5Dim

    Post  Eartheart Sun May 17, 2015 5:18 pm

    Eya Carol, youve been so busy here all this month,
    like the special Oops of our Goddess and Albions misty realms,
    even there isnt so much besides Corex, Cobra & Crazyness left
    on this 3D show... Crazy Happy

    Anyhow here some more clarification, x-planation & your answer too:

    Actually, mydear friend, i spoke about the facts, that this 528Hz and similar freqs of sacred geomantrix are included in those highpumping and enveloping cosmic streams, which reaching us since april in a logarithmic growing stream of never before measured proportions. And we know how
    those freqs can "heal" rendeer our DNA patterning, or respective awaken those dormant strangs into aminotraffic or datasynch...
    "shows the EMP like effects
    since the last eclipse 20march, which as well may grow on and has now
    all the power to switch any molecular bonds, 12DNA star patterning and...."

    I didnt refer to a 12dna starpattern-beeing, while the beeing is suposedly free of those aminorealms after transfiguration, independent anyhow to the whole genetic link and comes first (very important to understand- as that is the mistake deadly of greys, borgcivlisations generaly, temporary genetix science magicans/trixters) - so this often came up.... Spoke about the 12DNA starpattern where I imagine an unfolding like a flower alike to inherent symetric and geometric standing wavefronts according to currents/charge quality of energetic phenomenes in living spheres aka body aka beeing aka biomagnetic emoholo ect.. resonating freely with our star...

    planetary ascension teams unity field Bovinl10
    here the timemirror of this wave, modelled after the Bovin-measure
    of the resonant earthfield - sourcefield-data - which has now reached incedible EMP like proportions since last solar eclipse@20march.

    17.05. 13:pm 3,53 E23850,00 ^ 1E+23000Googol-Plex BovinUnits level12 @34,00% !!!!!
    (A googolplex is the number 10, or equivalently, 10(10100). Written out in ordinary decimal notation, it is 1 followed by 10100 zeroes.A googolplex is the number 10, or equivalently, 10(10100). Written out in ordinary
    decimal notation, it is 1 followed by 10highpotenz100 zeroes...)

    planetary ascension teams unity field Bovinl13

    As we can see level 12 is as today by 44% saturated, with an amount of radiance greater than the financial  debts of all banks on earth in pennies...
    Big Grin 2  Big Grin 1  Big Grin 2  Hypnotize As well the Sun dimmed first time by nearly a quarter to avoid overcharge??? by whom???

    planetary ascension teams unity field Bovinl12
    Here 4 our record the warp-temporal markers for anyone who compares it to other solardata, quakes, math ect... You have Mail


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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Re: planetary ascension teams unity field

    Post  Carol Sun May 17, 2015 6:08 pm

    Thank you. emoholo? This is the first time I recall seeing this word and it is the second time I've seen it today from two different people on opposites side of the planet. The other person was referring to entities that appeared holographically only referred as a metaholo transfer, the Holographic transfer of Matter across space time.

    Could it also be that our frequency is moving up so that we can see these beings and/or move about as they?

    The 528 hertz is the love frequency. The visuals on this is mind expanding.

    According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your heart, your spiritual essence, to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth.

    The Love frequency is the “Miracle” note of the original Solfeggio musical scale. Independently confirmed by researchers, these core creative frequencies were used by ancient priests and healers in advanced civilizations to manifest miracles and produce blessings.
    Math scientist Victor Showell describes 528 as fundamental to the ancient Pi, Phi, and the Golden Mean evident throughout natural design. Vic Showell and John Stuart Reid (a pioneer in acoustic research and cymatic measurements) have proven that 528 is essential to the sacred geometry of circles and spirals consistent with DNA structuring and hydrosonic restructuring.

    528 resolves to a 6, the icon for physical manifestation. That is, 5+2+8=15; and 1+5=6 (using Pythagorean math). The symbol “6” reflects the “spiraling down from heaven into the wholeness of earth.” In fact, the Love frequency can be fundamental to broadcasting all matter and energy into reality according to the laws of physics.

    Given what is going with CERN and the releasing of dark matter we can use all the 528 Hertz frequency we can get as both light and dark exists within us. 528 hertz is heart centered and activates heart (compassion) energy where as dark matter leads one down the path of violence.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Re: Planetary Team Ascension's Unity Field

    Post  Jenetta Mon May 18, 2015 12:22 am

    Two things that have struck a chord with me in this thread...yes the sun is dimmed though shining and my plants are aware of it...secondly April 25th was a heavy duty day for me personally including exhibited violence towards me. This was the day CERN did a massive dumping of dark energy matter into the Earth and also the day of the Nepal earthquake.

    As it is below; so it is above


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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Re: planetary ascension teams unity field

    Post  Eartheart Mon May 18, 2015 5:29 pm

    Pointing to JesterTerrarista - the 2015 Bio Crystalline Shift... Exclamation
    Hzian standing wavefronts, monopolar setups individual and as i only
    mentioned for our planets as well (means no polarshift of N/S but a
    monopolar plus in the earthcore and a ionised neg surface, nowhere this
    is understood or BigBangScience is just to dumb), a unified coherent frequency 'Event' that will transfigure our dreamtime...

    amazing resonant display today, saturation of scalar effects happen,
    phaseshift is approaching for all particle, photoneffects to screw us,

    planetary ascension teams unity field Shm1810

    thanx for the ride around this sun santa


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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Re: planetary ascension teams unity field

    Post  Carol Mon May 18, 2015 10:01 pm

    I thought it was a whiz around the sun. Big Grin 2

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 466
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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Energetic tsunami Om

    Post  Eartheart Fri May 22, 2015 6:16 pm

    Looks like very sooon afew of us will whiz around evrywhere,
    forrget bilocations, become omnipresent and liquid light in
    your plasmabody on this lightship...

    planetary ascension teams unity field Bovinl14

    Divine logarithm of cosmix lifeforces here and now, insight every particle and in the spaces between them too,throughout our solarsystem ect....
    we are in the 12th level, solar dimming is more than 25% and the screw us
    out of here will be a release of good old paradigm gliders...
    We are light and divine humors, Avalonians could get more only from Gaya Sophy herself, inner bliss like dreamstates of ascensions droplets...

    Same latest shumannresonant measurments: full resonant bleet-through along the scale, freqs united pulses till 36Hz or 44Hz or as we see supashort
    planetary ascension teams unity field Shm2210

    The germanncapturein those graphs say: get into happy dna-food or increase lightfood to help your dematerialisation, X-change all prepps,
    gold, stress&§Dim stuff with inner BLISS and give last Thanxgivings/Ciao...



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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Re: planetary ascension teams unity field

    Post  ceridwen Mon May 25, 2015 3:13 pm

    Jenetta wrote:Two things that have struck a chord with me in this thread...yes the sun is dimmed though shining and my plants are aware of it...secondly April 25th was a heavy duty day for me personally including exhibited violence towards me.  This was the day CERN did a massive dumping of dark energy matter into the Earth and also the day of the Nepal earthquake.

    As it is below; so it is above

    I am in two minds about this. That day there was a cosmic magnetic wave. I remember it felt quite different and may be the reason CERN had to dump their beams. Not that I am pro CERN in any way or form but, I do not think is as powerful as we are being led to believe.

    The Earth is so much more bigger than a 27 kilometer ring.

    Earth is setient and intelligent. I asked her about CERN because I was quite upset about the whole thing and she said to me that if it became a problem for her she knew how to stop it.

    I think we are being purposely being mislead about their technology to keep awakening people in a bad place of anger and powerlessness. It has been like that for decades.

    The CERN project is 61 years old and it was the creator of the Internet.

    There are loads of LHCs of different capacities across the world

    What they are doing is a waste of money and effort because they will never get to the bottom of matter. Nature can't be hacked. Nature only reveal her secrets to those who respect her. Smashing protons is like kids having a tantrum for her. But it will have consequences in energy terms. Which such will be only Earth knows

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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Re: planetary ascension teams unity field

    Post  Brook Tue May 26, 2015 7:16 am

    ceridwen wrote:
    Jenetta wrote:Two things that have struck a chord with me in this thread...yes the sun is dimmed though shining and my plants are aware of it...secondly April 25th was a heavy duty day for me personally including exhibited violence towards me.  This was the day CERN did a massive dumping of dark energy matter into the Earth and also the day of the Nepal earthquake.

    As it is below; so it is above

    Nature can't be hacked. Nature only reveal her secrets to those who respect her.

    I'm afraid that is incorrect.  Nature has already been hacked in the form of genetically modified organisms.  Better known as GMO.

    They have also discovered a great deal about the nature of matter.  It's only a "matter of time".

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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Gaya5 ascends Lemuria+inscended atlantian heritage

    Post  Eartheart Tue May 26, 2015 8:34 am

    in my 55cents i can comprehend you both, consider a new define of hacking.
    Actually they just can copy nature and use the reverse twist of their genetic mental backwards devolutional borgs for inventions like GMO ect...
    Hacking into nature hastn been usable in the long run, while all things move in circles and return into harmonix ballances... Even from my own true recognition of darco interference into my creation, it allways kind ofplayedinto my hands and resolved into clearing old layed blockades...

    Eventually we gonna re-energize all content, groove into a new goldend spiral galaxy and become plasmabody beeings of higher spheres with tight purpose.

    planetary ascension teams unity field Bovinl15
    For those to comprehent:
    The vital juices Lifeforces making our Earth ring and vibe have risen beyond the 13Dim level!!! flower
    All 13 gradients of sacred geomanthy/geometry are flooded by divine unity grid shakty, so anyone can unhook all barrieres and apply new psy-fi tools.
    Every kind of energetic herzian waveform, soulstar design or compact manifested resonant gradiant surface is included into this reerbrational energetic tzunami. Lets vibe.... Its da Wave

    Here the news::: Band TRANC Blowdup The Floyd Musical Whistle Laugh


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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty free timeline now

    Post  Eartheart Tue May 26, 2015 8:36 am

    albino albino albino
    We are back from our mission on Vancouver Island and have a lot to report. There are some stunning news that began earlier this past week when the PAT reported another peak in cleansing activities with massive descent of source energies in form of cc-waves, headache and clinical symptoms associated with the 3rd chakra of bilocation and ID travels. Also huge ID shifts and uplifting to higher frequency levels were registered.

    I informed you about the visit of St Germain in the night of May 19th when he announced the coming of an unexpected event in the ascension process of Gaia and humanity, which the whole PAT was supposed to confront and resolve through energetic adjustments. These kinds of statements always herald more pain and suffering for us as the chief cleansers of human dross and that is why I was not happy at all when St Germain came to us with this news.

    Indeed, after that we had a series of massive cleansing waves, in their intensity very much like the ones we experienced when we opened the stargate 12.21.12 and successfully laid the foundation for the final ascension of Gaia and a small portion of humanity to the new 4D worlds and for us to the higher dimensions or the Source. Somewhat prophetically, I finished my report as of May 22 with the following forecast: “Now you know what we have gone through in the last several days and my feeling is that this roller coaster has not finished yet. I expect some more surprises over the weekend.”

    … And the surprises did not wait for too long to arrive.

    On Saturday, we took the ferry to Victoria early in the morning and on the way to the B.C. capital visited the famous Butchart’s garden which was built in a former limestone quarry by the said family, to whom this quarry belonged, in the early 20th century. It is indeed a marvelous setting in the best Lemurian tradition how to gestalt nature and to make a paradise out of the most ugly place.

    During our visitation, while we admired the beautiful, opulent flowers and the scents and commented that this must be how Lemuria should look like, Carla received all of a sudden a short message from her HS: “This is the reclamation of Lemuria“. Shortly thereafter we were hit by a very powerful transforming wave and became very tired all of a sudden, but also somehow very uplifted and entered a kind of dreamy state.

    Although the energies were beautiful and harmonious beyond any verbal description, the toll on our physical bodies was immense. All of a sudden I could not breathe and felt a heavy weight on my breast and lungs accompanied by an overall feeling of severe illness, like a sudden flu with fever. Carla was also very tired and complained about joint and back pains. We could barely walk and felt very wonky and dizzy. Then I remembered that Lou from the East Coast of Canada sent me a letter early on Saturday complaining about similar symptoms:

    “Just wanted to send this quick note. Not sure if you or anyone else is feeling this way, but I am so weak and dizzy today with terrible anxiety attacks. Hard to breathe, shaky, pale, dull headache that started last night. Some stomach upset. Barely able to type this so I’m going to go and lay down.”

    To which I responded immediately after our visit to the Butchart’s garden on Carla’s PC as I left mine at home. I wanted to document this event for the PAT due to its importance:

    “Dear Lou, We are today on the Vancouver island and visited the Butchart’s garden on the way from the ferry to Victoria. Here I was hit by a wave that affects the airways as explained in my articles on the LBP. It is the most transforming source wave that may end up with a severe broncho-pneumonitis. I have the feeling that this time it will not be that bad, but it is still too early to say. Carla is also very tired from this wave. As I wrote in the latest report, we are not yet out of the woods.”

    And indeed the broncho-pneumonitis had just started when I wrote back to Lou and it intensified the next day. On Sunday, we visited the near-by Beacon Hill Park on the south coast of Victoria, which, as we already knew from our last visit a year ago, is part of Lemuria and has extremely high vibrations. Here is where we built our direct ID portal to Lemuria and the 6D last spring.

    As soon as we sat exhausted on a bench, the Elohim arrived, as if waiting for us to settle down and told us what we are doing at this very moment. Later on, Carla received a full message from them, which I will publish as soon as Carla has typed it. I do not know the content of this message yet as we did not have any time for Carla to read it to me. But we had an extensive conversation with the Elohim in the park, when we both were channelled and received a lot of information from them. This we discussed with Carla and the Elohim participated in this discussion interactively and confirmed all our observations and conclusions. It was a very exciting fifth-dimensional, telepathic conversation as we have had it only once with the 6D fleet last summer.

    And here is what I want to report to you now in advance, before I will publish the Elohim’s message, as it is of great importance and urgency to all of you in order to understand what you have done this whole last week and will most probably continue doing in the coming several days until May 27th.

    The unexpected event, which St Germain announced to us on May 19th, was only unexpected for us based on our limited human brains. From the higher vantage point of view of our higher selves, it was always part of the ascension plan. What happened? Let me explain as well as I can.

    Obviously we, and by this I mean the true PAT, the exclusive group of light warriors of the first and the last hour, many of them regular readers of this website as the Elohim confirmed one more time, and some of them unaware of the existence of this website but still closely linked to us at the soul level, have been extremely successful in cleansing Gaia 5 with all its timelines and mother planets in the last several months. Thus we were able to raise the frequencies of this uppermost mother planet to the highest possible 4D levels and it is already ready for its final interdimensional leap in to the new Galaxy.

    All negative timelines and dark entities could be fully severed from this timeline. You all remember how we eliminated two weeks ago the astral plane, where all dark archons dwelled for eons of time and what chaos they unleashed for several days before they could be fully removed from this uppermost mother planet and were sent to their final destination on lower timelines or their soul essence was dissolved in the Tao to be healed and reprocessed in the distant future.

    We reported on this website repeated attacks by dark entities and fierce battles. We wrapped up the astral plane that surrounded Gaia with all the dark archons there before May 19th and then the huge cleansing commenced (see Energy Report – May 16, 2015). This is the chronology of our recent light work activities you should bear in mind as to understand what happened thereafter.

    This success was accomplished entirely by the PAT in these last days and this achievement laid the foundation for what was about to come next as St. Germain informed us in advance. He knew that this challenge will be huge and many of us will be hit hard by the coming cleansing waves.

    At the soul level we all knew already that we have done a formidable job and have raised Gaia much higher than expected this month. Some of us even anticipated the coming final ID shift, sensing these high frequency 5D energies already in our fields. On May 21st, Mariusz from Poland wrote to me: “Hi Georgi, What is happening at your site? Something big is going on. I feel almost ecstatic and so connected. I bet that the Event starts?” What Mariusz felt as the beginning of the final ascension was for me the most severe cc-wave with excruciating headache, I had experienced since the opening of the stargate 12.21.12. as I reported the next day.

    But there was one last stepping stone that had to be laid before we can ascend. And this was Lemuria.

    Now let me explain in a little bit more detail the role of both Lemuria and Atlantis in the current ascension scenario. Both past timelines are supposed to be integrated in the new blueprint of Gaia 5, which we created in November 2013 in Lofer. Lemuria existed before Atlantis but in the last phase the two civilisations co-existed side by side and were involved in devastating wars that eventually led to their destruction.

    The Lemurian civilisation embodied the feminine energies of harmonious existence that is fully embedded in nature and the higher ethereal realms. This civilisation was much less dense than the later Atlantis and transcendental, extra-terrestrial experiences were part of the life of many advanced beings in this unique civilisation.

    Both Carla and I were high priests in Lemuria and played an important role in its final stage when it sunk in the ocean. Many members of the PAT also have Lemurian incarnations. As all these timelines exist simultaneously in the Now, these soul fragments of us are still living in this timeline and eventually experience its destruction which caused massive chaotic, disharmonious energies that could not be cleansed and healed until now.

    Atlantis, on the contrary, was a much more dense civilisation from the very beginning as it embodied the masculine principle of expansion in the 3D space-time. The Atlanteans relied on external, for the most part crystal technologies to push forward their civilisation, while the Lemurians were cherishing their internal senses and soul energies and preferred to create from the fulcrum of their HS.

    Originally, both civilisations were established as incarnation experiments on the earth in order to research the expression of the feminine and the masculine principle in a total separation from each other and eventually merge these energies into a new harmony that will open new creative horizons for expansion of the two parallel existing civilisations.

    As we know, this did not happen on this earth, but only on parallel probability timelines, while both continents and societies destroyed themselves due to their inability to merge successfully, in an evolutionary manner, the feminine and masculine energies of the Source in this indeed very daring incarnation experiment. Both civilisations were so opposite in their foundational principles that as soon as Atlantis became strong enough, the antagonistic wars between Lemuria and Atlantis broke out and led to their ultimate destruction.

    The Lemurians were highly sensory people and were gifted with the ability of prophecy. Many of the more advanced Lemurian souls knew in advance how their civilisation will end up. They started preparing themselves for this outcome several thousand years earlier and moved to the Inner Earth of Agartha, by establishing their capital Telos under Mt. Shasta and also building some smaller dwellings in the Inner Earth. Before that they asked for a permission from the older Agarthan citizens, in particular from the Hyperboreans in Shamballa, to be accepted to these 5D and 6D humanoid civilisations.

    The larger part of the incarnated Lemurian souls decided to live to the very end on the surface earth and go under when their continent sank. Some of them continued with their incarnation cycle in Atlantis and up to the present day.

    At that time the Atlantean society was already fully infested by the dark archons from the Orion/Reptilian empire as the people there were much more mind and ego-driven than the Lemurians, who were highly intuitive and more linked to their I Am Presence and thus less vulnerable to negative dark influences. This dichotomy in the incarnated personality structure is prevailing to the present day. The more intuitive and closely linked to the soul an incarnated entity is, the more difficult it is for the dark forces to influence and manipulate this person.

    The feminine principle builds a huge barrier for such external manipulations and that is why we have more spiritual women nowadays in the esoteric movement than men who are, due to their extrovert orientation, much more prone to fall prey to dark influences. Of course this is not a rule but a general observation with numerous exceptions.

    Ultimately, we can only overcome any dark negative influences if we are able to establish a full harmony between the feminine and the masculine energies in our own fields and bodies. This is a major aspect of the LBP nowadays.

    Anyway, the Lemurian souls who incarnated in this civilisation had the following choice to make when the time of its destruction came closer: To decide to leave the surface continent and continue with their incarnation cycle in the Inner Earth of Agartha. They were capable of doing this, as they were already highly ethereal beings, vibrating between the highest 4D and lowest 5D. Those Lemurian souls, who were less evolved and more dense, decided to stay on the continent till its destruction and then continue with their incarnation cycle in Atlantis and the current post-Atlantean human civilisation.

    As the carriers of feminine energies, they could mitigate somewhat the already very destructive, one-sided masculine energies and orientation of the Atlantean society and to postpone its destruction for a while, so that Atlantis existed several thousand years longer after Lemuria had already sunk for ever in the deluge of the Pacific Ocean.

    However, many of these Lemurian souls were trapped in the new Atlantean karma, on top of the old Lemurian karma, that is carried forward by this human civilisation and cannot liberate themselves from this vicious incarnation cycle, although they have actually finished with their incarnation experience. Their greatest wish is to merge with their more successful soul fragments that chose to join the Inner Earth of Agartha and ascend with them. The latter have now finished with their 5D incarnation cycle and will move to 6D when we shall ascend Gaia and part of the surface souls to 5D and higher.

    This is the energetic background, upon which our huge mission to save Lemuria unfolded this last week and particularly during this weekend. I will refer more to it when I come to my key point below.

    Before May the 19th, we had the following energetic situation. We, the true PAT and current Logos Gods of Gaia and Guardians of the New Golden Galaxy, were extremely successful in cleansing this uppermost mother planet and its numerous parallel timelines from all dark factions and layers and were able to ascend it to the highest possible 4D levels before the final ID shift to the new galaxy can take place.

    This success was documented by the total elimination of the old astral plane, where all dark archons used to dwell for eons of time. By doing this we actually raised the frequencies of this earth and part of its population higher than that of Lemuria, which was already a highly ethereal civilisation, existing between the upper 4D and lower 5D. The overall frequencies of Lemuria were already much higher than that of the crystal-dense, material Atlantis and this tells a lot as to how far we have progressed in the meantime, when we consider that Atlantis was technologically much more advanced than the current humanity.

    In other words, Lemuria was left behind in our extremely successful mission to raise this earth and humanity since the beginning of this year, which is essentially a post-Atlantean product and an heir of most Atlantean karma.

    In the new blueprint of Gaia 5, Lemuria will be an inherent part and much of the previous beauty of this natural civilisation will be revived and further developed, so that the new Gaia 5 will become the jewel of the new Golden Galaxy. As most of the Lemurian souls have finished with their incarnation cycle – this also includes our soul fragments – the whole civilisation will ascend and merge as a full healed timeline with the new Gaia 5 when the final ascension will take place.

    This is, however, not the case with Atlantis. Most of the souls who began with their incarnation cycle in this civilisation still need to have many more experiences of separation and are not ready to ascend in the current End Time. Hence, Atlantis as a past timeline will not ascend and become part of the new template of Gaia 5 in its entirety.

    This is very important to know and consider in your observations in order to understand properly what is currently happening in the ascension scenario. For instance, WW1 and WW2 are repetitions of the devastating Atlantean wars that led to the destruction of this continent long after Lemuria had sunk in the Ocean. The souls that were responsible for these wars are the same ones that now represent the dark ruling cabal. On some lower timelines that we have shed off from this mother planet, they managed to unleash another global nuclear WW3 and almost destroyed their planet. On this timeline, they will not be allowed to do this and their manipulative power will simply implode before they vanish from this reality.

    But the most important fact to bear in mind is that most Atlantean souls have not finished yet with their incarnation cycle and need more experiences with the separation of their soul fragments from the Source. These are predominantly the large group of young souls who now populate the North American continent, but also Asia and Africa, where very unripe souls have incarnated these days. They will not ascend with us to the new 4D worlds, but will continue living the Atlantean heritage on 3D and lower 4D timelines until this civilisation reaches its adult and old soul age in another 26 000 years of Kali Yuga and ascend with its full Atlantean heritage in the distant future.

    The bottom line is that Atlantis will not ascend as a full civilisation with Gaia 5 and us to 5D and higher dimensions, but only those aspects of it that have reached this degree of soul evolution. Hence we will not need to do another debilitating cleansing of this past timeline before our ascension. This was my greatest worry when I grasped the logic behind the current episode of cleansing Lemuria, but the Elohim were adamant to reassure us that we need not do this Tantalus act one more time before our imminent ascension. This is definitely the best news of all.

    Today, we have the same situation as in Lemuria about 26 000 years ago when part of its population moved to the Inner Earth of Agartha and ascended, while the rest of the Lemurian souls merged with the Atlantean civilisation and were able to better balance the feminine and the masculine principle for a while. This equilibrium was a necessary prerequisite for the foundation of the current post-Atlantean humanity, which incorporates both the Lemurian and Atlantean heritage.

    In this way, the predominant masculine energies of the more recent Atlantean civilisation were mitigated by the remnant Lemurian feminine energies. This new amalgamation of the feminine and the masculine principle provided the energetic foundation for this humanity to rapidly ascend in the current End Time, although it neither carries the intuitive and sensory abilities of the Lemurians, nor possesses the technological knowledge of the Atlanteans and actually sank deeper into much greater density than both past civilisations. In this way this humanity experienced the utmost form of separation from the Source that is ever possible in this multiverse. But as the rubber band that is maximally stretched backlashes quickest and furthest to the other side, so does this human civilisation.

    This post-Lemurian, post-Atlantean humanity was meant to unite the masculine and feminine principle of creation and expansion from these two past failed civilisations under the most severe and unfavourable conditions and to create the new Gaia 5 through this unification. While Lemuria could be, thanks to our incredible achievements as a planetary ascension team, fully incorporated into the new template, only a portion of Atlantis can be taken into the new Gaia 5. The larger part of Atlantean karma and heritage has to be processed in another long incarnation cycle in the catastrophic 3D and lower 4D worlds, which we have created and severed from this uppermost mother planet as Logos Gods in the last two years since May 2013, when Carla and I were the first told about the seven 4D earths.

    For this reason we had to fully cleanse the very chaotic energies of Lemuria that led to its destruction and followed it, and are still part of this past timeline that exists in the Now, so that it can catch up with the already highly refined energies of this uppermost mother planet and ascend together as united Gaia 5.

    This was not possible as long we had to cleanse this human civilisation. As we were able to fully separate the still very dark Atlantean heritage before May 19th, which will remain the source of future karmic wars and calamities on all catastrophic 3D and most lower 4D timelimes, we were now in the position to cleanse the Lemurian timeline in a tour de force this weekend before we can finally ascend. This was the unexpected, surprising event from our human perspective, as we all knew how effective and victorious we were in heaving this uppermost mother planet to the highest possible 4D levels and did not reckon with another setback, which the cleansing of Lemuria would have superficially evoked in our perception.

    What might have been seen as a setback in terms of physical debilitation due to the massive cleansing effort of past Lemuria was in fact a triumph of cosmic proportions as we have saved billions of souls trapped between the dimensions and have also preserved the entire heritage of this most beautiful civilisation, which we can now enjoy in the new Gaia 5.

    For this purpose, we had to visit Victoria and Vancouver Island this weekend, which is indeed part of Lemuria and where the energetic structures of this timeline are visible to the third eye and almost palpable in the ethereal levels above this island in order to complete this Tantalus cleansing. No wonder, this last episode was so devastating for our health, but we had to do this last big effort before we can move upwards.

    This presentation came to us as an immediate knowing in the Beacon Hill park in Victoria when Carla and I sat on the bench and discussed this issue with the Elohim. Only after we had reached a full clarity on what is going on, could Carla receive a message from them, which, I repeat one more time, I have not read yet and do not know what it contains, but I am sure that it will essentially confirm this elaboration.

    As you all must remember, I informed you last year about the existence of a direct ID portal in Victoria that connects our timeline with that of Lemuria and reaches the 6th dimension. This portal, we were told last time by the Elohim, will enable us to directly enter Lemuria without going first to other timelines such as Atlantis, as our linear understanding of history would tell us. We wondered at that time what this exactly meant, but now, one year later, we are much more clever. But this episode reveals also how carefully the ascension scenario is coordinated from the higher realms and all steps meticulously followed, until the bigger picture is available to all of us and the work done.

    The feeling, which the Elohim conveyed to us yesterday, Sunday, May 24th, also the national day of Bulgaria, was of great satisfaction and great appreciation for this incredible achievement of the PAT in cleansing and saving Lemuria for the new Gaia 5. On several occasions they made us aware that it was a highly coordinated action that involved all PAT members the world over and that it started for instance in the dream state for many of them in Europe, while we were on Saturday morning in the Butchart’s garden and that every one of you has made a great contribution to this collective success. If you feel tired today, know that you have every reason to feel so and that this should not diminish your satisfaction and sincere pride at what we all have achieved on behalf of Gaia and the future humanity. It is awesome and without a precedent in the whole multiverse. rendeer

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    Post  Carol Tue May 26, 2015 6:56 pm

    This is amazing. Both my neighbor and I were dragging this past week, especially on Sunday. She is also a spiritual warrior committed to the work via daily prayer, meditation and thanksgiving. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Age : 60
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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Re: planetary ascension teams unity field

    Post  Eartheart Wed May 27, 2015 1:29 pm

    planetary ascension teams unity field Bovinl16

    Another unprecedented rise in vibe as the potent freqs blast into every
    quadrant of known creation, this must be fun now flower drunken

    planetary ascension teams unity field Shm2710

    off the chart resonant bonding happens, big cheers to all on pure light diet,
    ready 4 lift off or your choice of solarsystem solution, dream on babe...

    By this now, its seems a good moment to surrender all the dark left over still,
    collect all the dark waveforms and let them implode into this lightstreams,
    collourrays and quantumpulses of the uniting ONEHeart songline...


    “This is the Reclamation!“
    When I received this message from the Elohim, it also came with visual pictures that I am usually given when I am shown some aspect of evolution that defies use of the written word. These images were absolutely breathtaking, vivid in colour and form.
    The Elohim hold a great space of honour and endearment for each and every one of you for your efforts in the reclamation of the land called Lemuria, for the reclamation of the sacred aspect of the divine feminine, and are thrilled to see us embrace this activity because it also represents the reclamation of our own lost soul fragments from this past expression.

    Enjoy the intense and commanding feelings of love and feel how your heart space opens upon reading their message. I have also imbued the message with healing energies for those who are open to receiving this.

    With love,



    The Elohim Message

    Greetings! We express our deepest joy as a spectacular refinement of light frequencies all around the Lemurian Connector Portal takes place! (I am shown a moving tornado tunnel that goes from our timeline here and now, to the timeline of the great Lemurian Past)

    The refinement of frequencies is the cleansing of erratic energies just prior to the destruction of the Land of Mu at the time-frequency where chaos brought down this great civilization.

    This work, the refinement of energies, is the special work needed now to mitigate and cleanse the low-frequency and chaotic energies that were attached to the astral plane here, in this your expression, for their release here means there must be an equal and balancing release and re-set also of the timeline holding the destruction frequency of ancient Lemuria.

    This great work also extends to the reclamation of the energies of the divine feminine which were so graciously held by the people of the Land of Mu, and the reconciliation of the principle of the divine feminine to this, your currently held highest level of fourth dimensional Gaia.

    You are asking about the reclamation of Atlantis and we tell you that Atlantis is not included in this reclamation at this time. A time will come for the reclamation of the Atlantean civilization, as the masculine principle must and shall be reclaimed, however because of its increased density as compared to that of Lemuria, it requires further evolution within the process of cyclic incarnation.

    (Here I am shown on my left a very solid-looking Earth, with shiny dark silver coloured land masses that I feel to represent iron ore or “density” in the heavy third dimensional sense of things, or perhaps to simply represent the heavily materialistic culture of Atlantis…. while on my right I am shown a very light pink and yellow “ethereal” city that is floating up in the air above this very dense planet on my left: This is our Lemuria!)

    All light warriors who resonate with the concept of Lemuria, and who resonate with the activity of cleansing the frequency of Lemuria at the time of its destruction, are now actively participating in this Land’s reclamation.

    All light warriors sincerely resonating within their heart space in the here and now, with this overall process are also fully committed to the ascension of the Lemurian aspect of your Gaia, through the reclamation of your own soul fragments from this incarnation.

    Due to the great success of the upward expansion of Gaia here upon your timeline with respect to the lifting of these frequencies to very high fourth dimensional levels, there needs to be a concomitant raising of the frequential expression known as Lemuria, in order to reclaim its wholeness and re-unite its Being into the new higher fourth dimensional expressions. This action facilitates the re-unification of Lemuria into the further evolved expression of Gaia-5, the fifth dimensional expression of Gaia that is separate from the Inner Earth fifth dimensional Lemurian civilization.

    This serves to prepare the energetic landscape for those souls who took no active role in the collapse of Lemuria. Some souls who didn’t take part in this destruction, nor did they make it to the fifth dimensional expression/ Inner Earth Lemurian settlement, have been lost to their soul family of the Inner Earth as their fragments were isolated. These fragments have now been reclaimed and rejoined with those light warriors who resonate with this explanation, with this energetic work.

    You shall perhaps experience the re-unification of some of your soul fragments, by a realization that you feel more complete, more awake, more aware than previously, prior to this work during these past weeks.

    Re-unification may trigger new memories, awareness of new skills, new traits, new abilities. It may present as you seeing your reality through fresh eyes, being given new understanding of why certain experiences in your life occurred, and wishing, upon reflection, you could re-write ‘past’ experience all over.

    This phase has been like receiving a gift, a gift of new awareness, new acceptance of your self and your human condition.

    We are the Elohim and we love you beyond measure. Embrace your divinity! You are expanding into the fullness of who you truly are. We are forever by your side, in love and in reverence to you All.
    ############################## Oooyeah 1


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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Re: planetary ascension teams unity field

    Post  TRANCOSO Fri May 29, 2015 12:02 am

    I've been playing the mp3 version of this video a lot lately and it's the first time I actually feel the 528 Hz.

    Last night I played it twice and this morning the roses and lilies I bought a couple of days ago all opened up.



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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Re: planetary ascension teams unity field

    Post  Eartheart Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:17 am

    planetary ascension teams unity field Bovinl11

    As this daily patterns ecceed scale, proportions and any math??? we shall find us in an unityfield of divine order, shall we find new harmonix above the roof???

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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty 1Day morethan last 2month+new Log

    Post  Eartheart Wed Jun 03, 2015 2:16 pm

    OMDear Friends, the Vibe is raising more than the dough,
    now wehave been offscale, we got a new chart Logarithm here.
    Anyhow,the solar dimming with various causes is around 40% pale !!!
    The energetix climbing beyond the 14th level, what dimensional DNA-geometrix would your GOD of choice apply here?
    And its a energetic Tzunami, last day it rose more than in the last 2month combined, we might energize the space between those molecules/waveforms and even the cores of our fractal/holons with an surprising photoneffect,
    resulting in plasmabody solarsystem synchron ascension... drunken

    planetary ascension teams unity field Bovin310

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    Post  Carol Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:40 pm

    This is amazing. It will be interesting to see how this plays out Eartheart. I appreciate your updates.

    Weather wise here it's been raining daily for weeks with little sun on our side of the island. Usually this time of year it's sunny and in the 80s. It's like winter.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    planetary ascension teams unity field Empty Re: planetary ascension teams unity field

    Post  Eartheart Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:55 am

    Alloha he & Mahalo, Carol - thanx forthis fresh buquet of flowers from your ilands of dreams - they are unfolding in my aural envelope like a blessing.  Blushes
    The aftertaste like in an old wine comes to my in the form of the deep Loove you are emmbedded in by your friend/brother, whom i can resonate with,
    my deep apricote hue back onto you both.  Smirk

    Here are the cakes! During the latest acsensiontestruns 1-3.june all of inner earthcivilisations (which had to hold this mudra/pose since atlantioan downfall) have now ascended and merged the resurrected Lemurian
    particlestreams with Gaya5 and Sourcefield, they are now in the 6Dim and
    awaiting-supporting us there/here. Drink Wine

    I was very happy that our family of Telos has “moved” to the 6D. On Sunday, 31.05. I made a channeling with a friend, where I have been informed by Adama that they are now in 6D. I saw the big crystal of Telos as from above, and how it more and more liquefied and no longer had the hard consistency of a crystal. He also said that we have done almost everything, except for a few small things that need to be accomplished before the ascension comes.

    After this channeling, I was in a very intense heat wave and I thought that my body would be consumed. Otherwise, the last weekend was very difficult with dizziness, blurred vision, extreme fatigue and joint pain, as it often happens.

    I thank you sincerely for this tremendously important message and confirmation of Adama, namely that the Agarthans have now ascended to 6D and expect us there. When I say us, I mean all Logos Gods on the earth’s surface, who undertake the final ascension efforts here in order to heave Gaia to her new place in the new Golden Galaxy and to anchor it there.

    The Agarthans now need no longer appear here on the surface, as this was originally part of the plan, because we are now very successful in ascending this earth alone to the 5D. This became possible after we had successfully cleansed Lemuria and have fully integrated it in Gaia 5. We where informed of the ascension of Agartha to 6D and this also heralds the last phase of our Ascension.

    “The Reclamation of ancient Lemuria continues to the highest timeline of your current expression – the uppermost 4D. There is no exclusion in this process. We are not excluded from the ascension. We are indeed paving the way to the new Lemuria, the expression to be re-born, that is part and parcel of the newly ascended Gaia.
    Telos is not being excluded. Telos ascends now as well and re-unites with the ancient Lemuria that has been reclaimed. It is not lost.

    I love you   feel that we will create (or rather we created) very fresh and independent civilization of light having a base in the past of Lemuria but which is a completely new quality in universe (in all creation). Something like old Lemurian civilization (after The Reclamation of Lemuria) exist parallel to our new civilization of GAIA 5 in Golden Galaxy and we evolved with them to new kind of beings that choose absolutely new form of existence and manifestation. However, the good news is that they are not gone from here but have only changed their energetic configuration. This night (June 3rd)  Carla had a meditation and the Agarthans came immediately to her. They told her that they are now liquid light...

    “Ce n’est qu’un aurevoir mes frères, ce n’est qu’un aurevoir, oui nous nous reverrons mes frères, ce n’est qu’un aurevoir”

    Last edited by Eartheart on Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:05 am; edited 1 time in total

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