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    Interview of Kerry Cassidy by Mel Carmine


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    Join date : 2010-04-14
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    Interview of Kerry Cassidy by Mel Carmine Empty Interview of Kerry Cassidy by Mel Carmine

    Post  Seashore Fri Oct 06, 2023 7:33 am

    In the October 4, 2023 Project Camelot article IF TRUMP IS PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC…. WHAT’S GOING ON?, Kerry mentions Mel Carmine, who I had never heard of.

    Since Kerry is advising us all on the absolute TRUTH as she sees it, I was curious to get to know both Kerry and Mel Carmine, so I did a search on Bitchute.  

    Here is an interview posted in January of this year:


    First published at 09:20 UTC on January 19th, 2023.


    Posts : 2210
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Age : 79
    Location : Virginia, U.S.

    Interview of Kerry Cassidy by Mel Carmine Empty Re: Interview of Kerry Cassidy by Mel Carmine

    Post  Seashore Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:28 am

    Seashore wrote:In the October 4, 2023 Project Camelot article IF TRUMP IS PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC…. WHAT’S GOING ON?, Kerry mentions Mel Carmine, who I had never heard of.

    I can't find the Mel Carmine interview of Juan O'Savin on Bitchute, but this screenshot apparently shows the interview on Rumble:

    Here is the Rumble Description of the video:

    * Don't Expect Oct 4th EAS Tests To Be A Mass Attack > But, There Are The Real Threats And Concerns With The Cell Signal System * Is Juan JFK Jr * Other Sensational Distractions * Don't Be Taken Off Point From The Real War * The Financial Reset War * Counterpunches Coming * We're About To See Something Politically And Militarily *

    Posts : 2210
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Age : 79
    Location : Virginia, U.S.

    Interview of Kerry Cassidy by Mel Carmine Empty Re: Interview of Kerry Cassidy by Mel Carmine

    Post  Seashore Fri Oct 06, 2023 10:34 am

    Seashore wrote:I can't find the Mel Carmine interview of Juan O'Savin on Bitchute, but this screenshot apparently shows the interview on Rumble . . .

    Here is a review of Kid by the Side of the Road by Juan O'Savin:

    This post gives a commentary on a unique offering by a top Washington-based Private Investigator & political insider Wayne Willott, using his latest nom de plume Juane O Savin (107). Wayne is a long time (and verbose) Conservative commentator with an increasingly vocal and respected take on geo-politics most recently surrounding the 2020 US Presidential Elections and the stunningly successful Q military operation – an operation that has perfectly matched and suited President Trump’s unique style. Enjoy this – for I have!

    Perhaps Juan is not JFK Jr, but someone by the name of Wayne Willott?

    Whoever he is, he does seem to be knowledgeable and to have his heart in the right place, in my opinion.

    Posts : 2210
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Age : 79
    Location : Virginia, U.S.

    Interview of Kerry Cassidy by Mel Carmine Empty Re: Interview of Kerry Cassidy by Mel Carmine

    Post  Seashore Fri Oct 06, 2023 10:56 am

    Seashore wrote:Perhaps Juan is not JFK Jr, but someone by the name of Wayne Willott?

    Whoever he is, he does seem to be knowledgeable and to have his heart in the right place, in my opinion.

    Regarding Kid by the Side of the Road:

    It’s unclear where Wayne Willott got the pen name, Juan O. Savin. Wayne has become so popular as Juan O. Savin that he’s chosen to use that name in public. Goodreads’ description of his book reads:

    “This book is a four-chapter transcript of speeches by Wayne Willott, using his nom de plume Juan O. Savin. Wayne is a major player in the Conspiracy movement having established for himself excellent credibility as a QAnon.”

    So, anyone with the energy to research this could verify the speeches alleged to have been given by someone known as Wayne Willott. . .

    I never heard of him. . .

    And I probably don't have the energy!


      Current date/time is Mon Dec 09, 2024 10:29 pm