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    Kerry Cassidy Interview of Robert David Steele


    Posts : 2213
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    Kerry Cassidy Interview of Robert David Steele Empty Kerry Cassidy Interview of Robert David Steele

    Post  Seashore Sun Sep 20, 2020 3:06 am


    Sep 18, 2020

    Project Camelot

    YouTube link

    Robert David Steele has learned and continues to learn a great deal from Kerry's work, and the two of them are moving forward in cooperation to try to help save the United States from further destruction, and begin to turn things around, hopefully under leadership from Trump, if that's what we've actually got.

    Fingers crossed.

    Posts : 33249
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    Location : Hawaii

    Kerry Cassidy Interview of Robert David Steele Empty Re: Kerry Cassidy Interview of Robert David Steele

    Post  Carol Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:55 am

    Excellent video and also cover info on new quantum financial system.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Seashore likes this post


    Posts : 33249
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    Location : Hawaii

    Kerry Cassidy Interview of Robert David Steele Empty Re: Kerry Cassidy Interview of Robert David Steele

    Post  Carol Wed Sep 23, 2020 6:16 pm
    Project Camelot Asteroids Intel Update! Snipers, Covid Tests,
    DNA God Gene, War of Worlds, Telescopes

    QFS/Quantum Financial System. Also info from back channel sources.

    No good clear info as to who knows anything about QFS, whether it will be run by an AI and what sort of an AI. There is a very strange disconnect with respect to information coming out.

    There has been sniper fire (ongoing at the White House) that has never made it to the press. It's getting sniper fire daily and have been sending out teams to find them. Info from the mother from one of the soldiers, Her daughter has been one of those who has duty at the White House. This sniper fire has been going on for 2 months.

    On the 21st the CDC posted info about the virus being airborne was posted in error, as the virus is not airborne, hence there is no longer a need for a mask.

    Supposedly the worst COVID virus out of UK is yet to come. Especially regarding testing. Says nothing about to what will happen to those who test positive. Exceptionally expensive where the UK government will put profit over people. They're tracking a data base as to what's human and what's not.They're testing mutating DNA and what DNA is upgraded, or getting boosts from energy that's coming into the planet. Looking at how much time for 3D & 4D is left. Also a replicating nano bot program in the test is one hypothesis. Also, issue about a synthetic Chromosome 8, linking to melatonin production and God Gene is their desire to deaden the God gene in humanity. Mark Richard mentioned that they want a race of super-soldiers in addition to one that take orders and are more malleable. British is already seeking to see what stage human DNA has reached.

    China is at war. Invasive species trying to bring into synthetics. Wuhan is no longer fighting the virus because they have already been taken over.

    Banks have been moving specious funds and info came to the fore that resulted in a big drop in stocks. Money laundering and criminal activity is coming forward.

    With RBG death, the DS is looking for a hung jury in the Supreme Court for any upcoming cases just prior the election prolonging election results. There was some Supreme Court issue with Pennsylvania who sided with the Democrats regarding the mail-in ballots.

    There is talk of group spray of the virus in different areas so it looks like a pandemic. Actual death rate is less in Britain then what happened. Using the virus they're pushing a synthetic transhumance agenda.

    Telescopes around the world are suddenly being destroyed. Why? Why are they suddenly putting out telescopes around the world, while various astroids are being tracked. The weaponry exists to shoot down asteroids. There is a massing of troops in the Kingman area of Arizona. Will that be an area of impact?

    There is reason to believe that the California fires are incorporated into the war in space and cover and evacuate humans out of those areas.

    They will get push back from TPTB for the push out of the QFS/Financial Reset.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:02 am