Simon Parks with Kerry Cassidy presentation transcript:
Simon: "A school...that was in space....not an abduction...
MUFON: a CIA op: he spoke of being in MUFON and leaving;
He spoke of Dr. Steven Greer
He was being monitored in an interaction type of positive way;
In space: kindergarten: reptilian guards; and mantid teacher and 1 to 2 yr olds...integration of half human and half alien...
He's had a choice of good or evil: touch the purple robe or touch the reptillian sword.....he chose the purple robe....
The white hats work with you as long as you stick to that choice...
Those of you who are here, you've all understood enough to break free from the matrix;
many of you have higher dimension souls...
tear drop craft: 1971: memories came back in 50 yr some of the saddest truths is you know the truth, but most don't
Teardrop craft going back 50 years;
A guy came to him from the “elites” and told him: I've been sent to you; we believe everything you say.....
They asked him how he saw the future: (a trick question) I can see the future in black and white pictures, and the video in color;
I've not been taken out...
there are a plethora of different alien groups.....
He saw a piece of the molten spacecraft he spoke of with the recent interview with Kerry
He spoke of how to shoot down an ET spacecraft using a neutron explosive device;
He spoke of President Regan and how at that time they finally got the software to deal with the hardware: basically they had the weapons, but couldn’t point them or aim them until then: so since they could, that is when he spoke of the Star Wars program...
someone at MUFON: live: he says why is your experience so different from others? The guy wanted, like some people, to have ALL alien experiences be identical....
The majority of ET's don't like humans, the majority of Aliens tolerate humanity, there are some that absolutely want to see us gone, and on the other end of the spectrum, there is a small group that actually wants us to be successful and thrive;
146 min mark: But it is VERY dangerous for anybody to say that the good aliens this and the good aliens that: THAT is extremely dangerous and FOOLISH to do that....and only people who have had the experiences can stand before you and say: "we do have to be careful with that, it's not all about that...."
So Dr. Steven Greer came around nicely to that.....I think it was in the 90's Kerry, he went to the 90's??
He got 100 people together...there was a big one with a staff sergeant whom I know...that one was interesting because at that time, the BLACK HATS controlled congress....and it's a very dangerous situation when you have a black hat operation and to bring lots of good, truthful people with genuine experiences in together....
The CIA spends a lot of its money going from one location to another checking up on genuine experiences..
But for a Black Hat operation to bring in a lot of genuine people together, is great for the CIA because it doesn't have to work too hard...since everyone is in one room.....
But what we saw recently, the White Hats control, by and large, the congress...and that's why it wasn't about "experiencers saying" what they'd experienced, it was about ex-intelligence officers saying what had been reported to them...and what they themselves might have seen themselves....
So that IS NOT PART of the fake alien agenda...that is the invasion....that is the Good Guys moving towards that...what you've got today in some of the newspapers is part of the fake alien stuff:
So you have 2 groups: you've got the cabal trying to push a fake alien agenda, and you've got the Good Guys who say we do want disclosure, but we don't want it as a means to control humanity.
So that is what is taking place, and the media is'll soon see which newspapers are going down which end and which TV station is controlled by who, where and when....
48:47 min mark: "Right, time to give away a prize" (100 Euro note he put out at beginning for the 'right answer')
Right, on that teardrop alien space craft, who I call "mum", the Mantid or Mantis, puts 2 hands on my shoulders, and says what to me? She wants to make a "deal".....what's the deal? Who can say it.....looks like I'm going home with 100 Euro...(he smiles)....
Is it that you don't remember since it's been 6 yrs ago and you've forgotten....because it's now all about Trump and you've forgotten, or that you never caught that....tell me.....
They said: "Didn't catch it"
Simon again: well it horrifies a lot of people ....who don't understand.....and when you make an arrangement it's a part of the wording because are they there to trick you...
I've met lots of people who have made agreements and then said to me afterwards "I, I....I was tricked...I was a fool"
There was one guy who stood there with the alien, and the alien put a vision in his head, and he was like a knight at a table where there was a goblet of wine and a sword, and he thought this is great, I’m gonna be a King, I’m gonna be a Knight, and he took the deal, took this deal.....
And he was taken off this world and put into battle....and lots of humans are....
So there is the Super Soldier ...but that’s the military super soldier....forget about that, that’s a super soldier the public understands....
There is another super Super soldier...and they are the ones that can be brought back from the dead..... although their physical body shows the scars.....
And he was tricked into that and couldn’t work it out on how to get out of it....
Mine wasn’t like that, thank the Lord....that’s why I say, there but for the Grace of God ( go I.....)
So the wording was, so the alien said to me quote: “Would you like to be like us, to have knowledge and know the past....and see the future....”
That’s what I was offered....and I said yes.....
And I was also shown if I at any point wanted to break that, how to do it.
I haven’t broken it yet because that hasn’t negatively impacted humanity (51:22 min Mark....)
...(--------) and it’s taken me on elements of experiences that I could only talk to Kerry as my choice, because I wouldn’t feel comfortable in talking to a wider audience because it is too shocking....
Not because it’s nobody lost their lives, or it’s bad...but the concept is such....and I will do a some point... when I retire....and there will be an awful lot of people who will NOT accept it....they will say he just wants the lime light, he just wants the spot light....he’s just making it all up.... its just not real ....
it couldn’t happen....
That’s their choice....but the WEIRD out there is weirder than a lot of researchers know.......
And I’m here today because Kerry knows.....
52:20 min mark: There’s only a handful, in my opinion of men and women on this planet who have the knowledge without going mad.....(for some reason I shuddered as I wrote that down)....
And Kerry’s one of them. That’s why I made it to this’s very important that I support Kerry since she’s one in a million...and I’m sure that when things happen and work out.....Kerry will get support in ways she doesn’t actually imagine (coming from someone who just said he became “like them, to have knowledge and know the past....and see the future...!!)
So, I’m happy to quickly take any questions and I can do the RV, and I will take questions and answers....I’m not going to move the mic back and forth, so can you shout?
Q: when you get weird coincidences in life over and over is that ET’s doing that, or the universe or (I think, he said ourselves) and Simon said, I’m not copping out of your question, but it can be all three.
Sometimes even working together in conjunction: the key is not what your are presented with, but what do you do with it.....
Plenty of people who have lots of signs laid before them, and don’t act on them....
this may be the only time you have a chance and they’ve blown it...
If you have anything you feel is that way inclined, do not dismiss must act on it for good, because if you do (act on it for the good), you’ll get another one....and another one....and another one....
But if you block it, why would they bother with you....
So it can be all of those things individually or working together
Remember it can be EVIL as well, because evil can put a trap or a trick in your place and you’ve then got to look into yourself and say “ does this look real or genuine”
But evil loves certain aspects, it’s a very dense, heavy energy, and they aren’t clever....
‘cause remember evil can’t create, it can only replicate....
So you could tell with a bit of practice, something that is coming from a very low vibration ...ok, next Question:
Q: (I couldn’t get it very will: but I think it had to do with why would someone want to share their consciousness...
Simon’s answer: I’ve created plan 1 and Plan 2.
Plan 1 was to literally create an energy organization, that’s why you don’t pay a membership fee....if you’re a member of CC you don’t pay me anythin’....
It’s free to join, it’s not a money making’s your free choice...and
the White Hats really love that...they see that it’s not about making money....
That was Phase 1 and Phase 2 we’re on a physical world and I have to take this organization and produce or provide physical aspects, so that is why we are going down the project route so the American Military will fund Connecting Consciousness they asked me how many members do you have.....we’ve got 116,000 across the earth, and Simon was asked “whats your figures” and their reply was well, we can fund 115,000 projects.....
So the second phase is all those members who have submitted projects don’t have to have any Zim notes, or Iraqi Dinar....that’s not required....
And what will happen is that I will get a call sometime soon and they’ll say, ok, lets have 15 projects for England....let’s have 5 projects for Scotland, let’s have 10 projects for Zimbabwe....or Massateusets or where ever it is....and you’ve got 2 days to do it....
That is why we’ll have to move....and that will all be funded and paid for.....
So the point is that I’m not seeking to sit on top of a mountain and preach to people, what I’m seeking to do is create an organization where people will have soveriegnty and I can turn it back on the matrix, but we need support, we need money, you have to pay your rent or your mortgage, or whatever it is....
So if you run a project, you will receive a wage for running that project.....what a fantastic way to elevate good people around the world where they can manage a project which brings benefit to humanity and they and their families are rewarded for doing it.
And there are members of CC who will want to be project managers to manage those projects....there are so many opportunities....
So in terms of if I understand the question correctly, I choose to not tell some people of my own experiences, because outside of this hall of understanding,....there is a mass of ineptitude and biggotry ...
So if I told you something about these things happened....and you think “oh that’s cool”...but then I get the local one from the BBC wants to interview me anymore because they can’t win....
I know that because I’ve been told by the BBC that we can’t interview you because we can’t make a fool of you.....
They’ve actually said that....that’s why they don’t want the interview because they can’t belittle me.....
I remember one guy telling me that “no one in 10 years that I’ve been doing this radio show has ever spoken to me like you do --and he said it “live”---and I said maybe it’s time that happened....
And the other thing is that you MUST NEVER LOOSE your temper with them....soon as you loose your temper, and get cross, or get on your high horse, or get indignant, they LOVE IT.....
So you just make them look a fool.....
And it is a great badge of honor for the BBC to be under orders not to interview me.....‘cause they can’t get the better of me....
So that’s interesting: another question:
Why is it so important, for all these alien races to be here? Simon: that’s a great question:
Because our life spans, all of us, if your are an ant or a human, are so small, ...artificially small....
Artificially reduced, but it means that we respond dramatically, if we were to live 2,000 to 4,000 years, the evolutionary change physically,would be quite slow...
But if you are supposed to live for 100 years on this planet, you change dramatically, the actual insects, the animal life, us...we are FACINATING to study because we respond so quickly....that is one aspect...
The second aspect is that the planet is very very special.....I love the Bible....but there’s some aspects about it that aren’t quite accurate about how everything was created and seeded on the planet, but I’m not gonna do that at the moment...Ahm....
We have a situation where there are some aliens that are connected to the Earth, history wise, and connected through DNA, to the human race here.
So there are some aliens who have attempted and we call them Alliance, who have attempted to walk away, but can’t....and have to do it...
The second perhaps most important is Artificial Intelligence, that AI, the Evil AI, must not be dominant on Earth, because if it wins here, it will go everywhere, and even the aliens who “sit on the fence”, know that they will be destroyed by this evil AI......
So it is in their interests to quarantine the earth, and attempt to destroy this....
So AI is perhaps a greater enemy than the Reptillians, because the reptillians are fighting, perhaps, their own AI....Simon can’t be “sure of that”, but
But you program something, in another dimension, and you put your aspect into it....
Here on this earth, if a great chess master gets someone to program a computer it doesn’t have that just has the answers, and we do this and we do that....
But outside of this realm, you put your essence into it....
So that alien AI was already aggressive and wanted to conquer and control.... question:
Q: we are a food source, and energy source for the kinds of Draco Reptillians, why don’t they want us on the planet.....
Simon: I didn’t say they don’t want us on the planet. They, they, would like to remove a certain portion of us....
It’s a little bit like a big supermarket, the head of that supermarket would say, “I think we should reduce the human population by 75%”
Ok, you do that, and let’s see your cash registers make any money....
That is one of the big reasons that Agenda has not been put into place because the big corporations love out money.....
And if you were to reduce the human population by a staggering number all of their pals would not be making any money....and that is the world....that is another battle going on....
Simon stops and pauses: then he says: at the operational level, to answer your question, there is no difference, we perhaps go into realms here which are a bit difficult for some people.....we passed it today (as he points to someone in the audience) there is no difference between a human farm with sheep or cows, and the earth...
The question is, does anyone r e a l l y (really) know what is going the sheep know where they are going?.....I bet they do know....I bet the cows know....and what the farmer does, he doesn’t kill all his animals off because he’ll have no animals to take to the supermarket next year.
So it’s done, it’s managed, it’s controlled
I’m talking about more demonic type forces..
Demonic forces which are deeply rooted int half human, half non human masters of this earth....evil people who believe themselves to be “god almighty” and therefore they have a RIGHT to do what they do.....
So it is a different group from the reptillians, they may pay “homage” to them, but they are running their own agenda....
That is what I meant as Machiavelian, there are these can have a book with 50 different agendas running....
It’s a good question and I don’t think I’ve answered it as well as I could have if I had more time....
Another question from the back since I’m only choosing people down here: he waited...the person didn’t say anything and Simon said, “too late” and went to another person:
the person asks: you have 160,000 and are you pushing the EBS and the gold standard that connects them...
Simon: it doesn’t connect doesn’t connect to it....that’s disinformation.....ahm....
I’m not promoting the EBS
I am promoting the gold backed Nessara/Gessara ...they are NOT connected...the latest intel coming out from the intel boards is that they are being connected....
Why would you need to connect EBS....why would you need to connect the EBS with’s a very difficult road....and I’ve been as clear as I can after the last 2 years that I would not be surprised if a city like London would have some sort of emergency alert...that wouldn’t surprise me ....
They are not going to say to you the soldiers are in the streets to do this that and the other....
What they will say to you is that we found another post WWII bomb, so if you live in this neighborhood post code, and this post code, don’t come out of your house for the next 6 hrs....if you are on your way home, you have 2 hrs to get home, otherwise book into a hotel.....
I’m quite happy to accept that in this country, or in America, counties in America we call it, and on the county level an emergency alert can be activated ....
But not right across the globe....I also said that don’t go with the stock market crashes as it’s being reported....I don’t go with that and the banking crash as it’s being reported....
And the EBS does exist, but it’s not going to happen as it’s being put forward...
The Pentagon have been “leaning” on a number of commentators ....not me....I wouldn’t be here if I’ve been lent on.....I really wouldn’t.....
And remember I’ve got 4 NDA (non disclosure agreements) non circumventing, nondisclosure agreements which I’ve signed with them which tells me what I can talk about and what I can’t talk about....
So when someone is telling you stuff, just ask them if they’ve got an NDA...ask them if they have an ...
So what I’m saying is that the stock market has been in free fall since the day Donald Trump left office.....but it’s been managed in such a way that there doesn’t appear to be a crash....
If you’ve got the right soft ware, go back over the last 3 or 4 years and look where the stock market was when Trump was in office and where it is now.....
I don’t go with the way the market crash or the bank crash will be as it has been reported;
There is a “crash” but it’s been done so cleverly and so gently that all the ordinary people don’t recognize it....
The banks: look at the 2 major banks: why did the Credit Suise and why did they crash....they crashed because they were not supported by Nessara/Gessara....
What the good guys did, was fly plane loads of gold to every central bank that they wanted to save and those they chose not to save, could not be Basil 3/4 compliant....
So when they were audited, they did not have the financial resources to back the paper money they had and that is why they collapsed;
Remember HSBC is a lead player in Nessar/Gessara...that’s why in Great Britian, HSBC took over one of the failed banks...what a we’ll fully know what Nessare/Gessar is....we’re fully involved in our own humble way....but we’re very cautious about telling people there will be a massive crash....
The number of people who wrote in to me, “thank you for telling me to store food and water because when covid hit and the super markets ran out, I listened to you and I have 3 weeks of food and stuff”
So I’ve done my job: 2 years before covid, I said to people you’ll need 4 weeks of food, water, pet food, etc, etc...and for a lot of people....and I didn’t talk about loo rolls (toilet paper)...I generally didn’t, but I did say food and water and have some cash...etc....
And that’s what those members of CC who listened to me had a store of food, so that when they went to the supermarket, and there was no bread, they had something else....and that’s what we did....
Next Question:
Will British money have the Kings head on it?
Simon: I’m expecting the King to abdicate. Fairly soon.....the difficulty...
When you buy something in the store (and I’m answering your question) you put a debit card in....under the system’s tokens, gold backed tokens...but since we’re still in a fiat environment, they are having to be converted back to convert with your bank....
So that’s the that when that no longer is the case and you put your card in and it’s 15 pounds, that’s 15 tokens....and that is compatible with the system in the bank...we’re off the Swift system and they’re running in duality....then there is no need to have the Kings head....I’d love to see things like Stonehenge....that’s what I want....I don’t want to see Wrens Church or St George Cathedral ....
Look at the history of this country of Wales and Scotland and Ireland....and draw things from their history...and place that on there...
So I’m looking for him to abdicate...and remember the deal done with the Queen was not only that the Queen be reveared, but the family and the concept of the royal line...
Nostradamus said that Charles would be the last king....he wrote what, 300 400 years ago....he’s on record and you can buy a book of his for a couple of quid where he says Charles would be the last king of England....
Next question:
Question has to to with Zimbabwe:
Simon: when I was born there in 1959 it was called Rhodesia....I left as a very young baby, I was only 6 months old, but I am a British subject since it was part of the common wealth at the time....
There are more resources in the ground of Zimbabwe than in every other country in the world put together!!!!
They just haven’t been accessed yet....and quite right, the African leaders are very cautious of the white man turning up and saying we’ve got a deal for you.....I give you this bowel of plastic beads, and you give me this bowel of boring yellow stuff, which we call gold....
Well, those days are part of the concept of 2008 the special Zimbabwe notes, bonds were created...they were not created for currency....that is all part of what is rolling out now.....
So 2 countries really stand out and one is Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and Iraq.
These are the 2 countries who have predominantly had evil placed upon them.....
They are not exclusive, there are lots of other countries who had also had evil placed on them...
So when these 2008 blue trillion dollar notes were created ...they were created JUST for Humanitarian projects.....what they did then is playing out now....
But unfortunately what happened was that the Columbian mafioso stole the printing press and plates from Zimbabwe and started printing loads and loads of notes for themselves ....fortunately the serial numbers are known so they’re not going to go anywhere.....
But back 2008, 2009 and 2010 the Columbian mafia knew exactly what was playing out and wanted those plates so they could produce these notes and then do “redemption”...
There are container loads of Iraqi Dinar.....waiting to be redeemed....
Containers full of Zim notes waiting to be redeemed....
But no notes are going to be redeemed unless there is a true do we know it’s not got child trafficking with do we know it’s not been drug running money....
We don’t
So the good guys are not going to touch anything that they cannot be assured is pristine and has no evil to it.....
So Zimbabwe will have, energy wise, a greater role to play than South Africa.....
South Africa will play a very big role politically ...particularly in Africa, but Zimbabwe will play a very key role in pulling ALL of Africa out of difficulty and there are plans to put railway lines through 5 countries in Africa
On the West Coast of Africa there are plans to build a port in East Africa that will rival any Chinese port ....all these plans will come from Nessar/Gessara.....and monies part of the RV.....
And we at Connecting Consciousness will play our part because we will connect with local communities, leaders ....but not corrupt leaders....and talk to local people.....and put projects in that are not just done for the television.....
And not just here for a year, and when the cameras are gone, the money runs out....and the people are thrown back worse than they were.....
So we’re talking long term projects, and long term support....
And that’s what I believe in...
Next Question:
So the question is: Is Xi Ping bad?
No, he is not bad.
Xi Ping is a card holder of the Communist have to be, otherwise you can’t be a politician....but he’s working with the Chinese Elders, both the Red Dragons and the White take the “head off the Communist Snake”....
So Xi Ping works with the Chinese Elders and works very closely with Trump, very closely with Modi, very closely with Putin...
Next Question: Nessara/Gessara has to do with forgiving debt...why is it not happening now?
Simon: Because we are not yet in Nessara/Gessara.....we’re in the old paradym....I think the key here is nobody is officially going to be told until it can’t be stopped...
Be lovely to be able to shout from the hill tops and say this that and the other....and putting this in place....but until you control the system there is always the possibility that the system will try, like in the matrix at the very end of the film, the matrix just regenerates itself and carried he wasn’t the great savior, he was just one of the anomalies, although a special anomaly....
So what they’ve learned basically is that all of the bureaucracy has to be controlled before things happen.....
So we’re going to move away from Fiat, move away from income tax......the plan is NO income value added tax....
There will be a flat rate tax on new products only.....
So if you buy a new house from a builder, you will pay a tax on that, but then if you sell a house to someone, they don’t pay a tax on it.....
Food will not be taxed, traditional pharmaceutical medicines will not be taxed
117 min mark: I think Becky and I ...lots of things annoy us.....but one of the greatest things that annoy me is looking at holes in roads, street lights that don’t work, good nurses (they are not all good, there are some naughty nurses) but good nurses can’t get a pay rise (a pay raise) can’t get equipment, there’s not enough school teachers etc etc....right across the board...
And then they say: “We found a million!!!” and everyone is really excited about it....we found a million.....
I can tell you without breaking any of my NDA’s that there are individuals who have what we call golden I saw a golden camel, didn’t I?
I thought a golden camel was like that (he holds up a water bottle) 24 karat, a golden camel, is a 5 foot tall solid gold camel....and there are hundreds of them.....and they really aren’t worth anything....
What’s valuable is the boxes that they stand on.....Chinese scrolls that go back 2,000 to 3.000 years old....the amount of money that is REALLY on the earth is beyond most peoples initial comprehension.....
It is a complete game that is played with people....oh we found an extra million for the NHS, we found an extra million for this.....
But, he frowns, and says we can’t really give you this because of’s all Bull XXXX!!!
There’s absolutely trillions as we talked about Zimbabwe....but we are only people and we don’t matter.....
This is the game that’s being played, so what’s happening...there’s a big change coming....and you can’t necessarily tell everyone the truth overnight (to answer your question)....people won’t accept it.....
I mean the things that are happening that I’m involved in, regarding perhaps alien staff, perhaps regarding the RV stuff......
You take away the “need to know” stuff, it’s just too much for someone who has never listened to experiencer...they just can’t cope with it....
Good things don’t happen to good people...or do they?
Only bad people are successful or people with a certain background....why would ordinary decent people actually get anything?
They don’t accept it since they’ve been sooo brainwashed and trodden down...
That is why we are going through this painful process that’s taken years and years ...
Next question:
How much time have I got left?
It’s time it’s I can’t give the present away....what can I do.....(he gets some suggestions from the audience)
The boss says I’ve got 5 minutes.....
Thank you...if anybody needed to ask a question, that was the one:
It’s a good question: No, no, no, no: there are a number of RV platforms that have told people to get yourself a zim note, the AA serial is the right one.....give the organization the serial number and I’ll give you a Safe Keeping Receipt (SKR) you have that, and then you’re going to get the money and then you come to me and accept ...NO NO NO NO NO......
What’s happened is that I have those bonds....and I have sent those bonds to where they need to go....and THAT is what is funding the nobody needs to have any money....nobody needs to give me any money.....
All you need to give me is your good heart, your ability to give me a project and your ability to see it through....
And what I will get is financial funding.....which allows us to roll the projects out across the world....
So no....I know people that went down that road....but that was because they weren’t really in the know....they weren’t really part of the discussion....
It’s only Carol here who is my PA and Becky who is my wife....only they know the number of phone calls and messages throughout the day that I take from people who would KNOW...
And unless you’re in that position, you are guessing.....
And it’s incredibly dangerous, in my humble opinion, to promise things to people which you yourself are not convinced you can deliver because since you are setting people up to fail....
So your note, frame it, and put it up on the’s a real piece of history....because when JFK was murdered in 1963 and the 120 odd Admirals and Generals came together....they worked out a plan on how to wrest control from the evil forces.....but how you would have to keep humanity with you......
But would you spend half your life removing evil, trillionaires, billiionaires, millionaires......only to replace it with another million people cluching a milliion Zim note that you have no clue who they are.....give them millions.....and then they give it back to the evil people......
That’s why it’s not going to happen.....that’s why people like me have been chosen....that why I’ve got 4 Non Circumventing, Non Disclosure Agreements (NDA’s) and if I break those agreements I don’t have any money....CC doesn’t have any money....we don’t go anywhere....
Well that’s not gonna happen is it? Well that’s the deal....
Next Question:
Have we got 2 more, take 3 more and I have to call it a day...
Something about digital currency taking over: and Simon says, “because digital currency is not going to take over”...No, not at all....
The CDC, the central banks digital currency was a complete blind to frighten eating insects is a really good thing for you......or we’re gonna kill all the cows in this country.....or we’re going to put you through all this smoke that will hang over Canada or somewhere.....
There will be a digital form of currency, but it is NOT going to take the place of physical notes...THAT IS DISINFORMATION...partly from the bad guys....but also from people who are good hearted, and completely don’t sit in on the phone calls I sit on.....
There is always a place for gold backed long as it is asset backed (he emphasized).....there’s not many of those....
Right, guy in the they guy is a money man, and wants to know all about the QFS....(Quantum Financial System).....
And Simon says: “I’m not gonna answer that question”....Bless you, bless is covered by my NDA and I can say to you, that it’s THIS YEAR.....
The questioner said someone told him to put all the money he had in the bank into crypto since you’ll loose all your money in the bank...
And Simon said, well if you’re running a cypto currency, that is a good plan isn’t it?.....No, look, I tried to do it on my podcasts....I gave the story when I worked for a local authority where large amounts of money were placed in shopping malls....etc was all part of the pension fund......
If there was a collapse....of the nature that is being spoken of....its ordinary people who would suffer.....yes, the big guys, but there would be ordinary people, pensions wouldn’t be paid, there wouldn’t be any money to pay the emergency services etc.....
The White Hats have husbands, wives, brothers sisters grandchildren, they do not want their world to collapse.....
We hear of a CC member who gave $6,000 to a person who was pretending to be me......and this is what people do.....they pretend to be members of the community to have a voice, and they just don’t have a normal job.....
Anybody who says to you, put your money in crypto...I would just say to them, “No thank you”.....don’t do it.....
I think we need to stop....yeah, the boss says I need to stop...
Lovely to speak to you, and when the RV is done, we will have our own CC conference in many countries, and coordinators will be paid to travel and hotels will be paid for, there will be nothing to pay and there will be no entrance fee.....
That will also be for administrators in CC and other key workers....but it will be in a very large arena.....
So, listen, thank you ever so much.....God Bless you all....lovely to see you.....
Produced and Directed by:
Kerry Lynn Cassidy