I have been compromised... By tha web... The ai or stupid matrix made me a servimg account with password I never seen... Is that a phisher? I avoided even logging in with my said email and said their password... If you see a post after this from me. It ain't me... 27 past my challenge. Toasty find. So enjoy for maybe book 13 haha.
~HVN ;"3 signing off
If future is built off lies, I'm willing live as tomorrow in truth, as if tomorrow is the returning but will as of today, tomorrow never promised ... Truth is within Time* least imo or tuition.
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3日 09:07 发表的内容:下面引用由 江骏 2012年05月23日 08:21 发表的内容: 下面引用由 李思邈 2012年05月23日 08:18 发表的内容: 今天1楼和2楼都看懂了,贫僧是不是升华了? 不,其实你不懂 ----------- 请施主开释。。坚神的思想和思考点岂是尔等凡人所能想到的 估计刚刚达到“看山是山”的境界,最少还有2个平行世界等着你们去穿越 11:49:25 王坚回复我了呀~真是太奇怪了,您旅游时比我上班穿的都整齐~我自己买了个T恤和上班的衣服一个色儿,大家谁也没看出来。----------- 发帖人: 曲喆 贴子主题:二楼拾荒老人歌,属坚容并包专辑,经授权改动不算少。\[原创\] 王坚 1# 2012年05月23日07:43 另答同事,我平时也基本上穿行服,上学时平时基本上穿校服,学马加爵说:行服、校服是我穿过的最好的衣服了:) 另杨佳大概是这样说:你不给我一个说法,我就给你一个说法;有些冤屈如果要一辈子背负,那我就尝试替天行道(末句由本人修改,确保不恐怖受欢迎:)。 第 12 楼----------- 吴天新 11# 2012年05月28日 16:10 -----------喜欢王坚的勇气,为这份勇敢投上一票!写这些话的时候,我想起另一位要比王坚名气大一些的人,就是疯狂英语的李阳,当然家暴怎么说都是不对的,因为那是一种对弱小者的欺凌。但这也说明了曾经拥有无数光环的李阳,也只是一个普通人,或者说在某些方面还不及一个普通人。但这并不能将李阳老师所创造的疯狂英语,这一类似于一个产业就一笔抹去。我无意于论及家暴,也不知道这种疯狂的学法是不是就好,可就在几年前,李阳老师还如一位天神一般的站在讲台上。虽说后来证明,他也只是一个普通人,虽说他曾经登上了成功的顶峰。古人在刻印的时候会敲去一角,因为古人知道凡事都是有缺憾的,类似于圆满,或是大团圆其实并不存在。或许我们都会有这些那些的不美,但我们还是要去努力,有时就会失败,有时就会成为笑谈,但不去作,不去尝试,又怎会知道那条路适合自己走,那条路会到达幸福的彼岸。----------- 发帖人: 吴天新 丁硕 9# 2012年05月28日 15:16 消息 查看 搜索 好友 ----------- 跟着坚哥一起写诗写歌写小说吧 第 13 楼
於龍吾不能知,其乘風雲而上天。吾今日見王子,其猶龍邪!我沒見過能風雲直上的龍,今天見了王子(也就是堅強哥),他就是龍啊。=====袁\*\*下面引用由 孫正 2012年05月18日 14:32 發表的內容:不管大家的反應是否是堅哥期待的,堅哥畢竟傾倒眾生,令冷酒壇子回暖。大可不必覺得自己害了這些人,其實大家都要謝謝您才對。-----------汗 院長誤會了 他說我們東施效顰。。。O(∩\_∩)O哈哈\~開心就好 堅挺哥不必介懷,論壇嘛,樂呵樂呵得啦 -----------發帖人: 繆渠春 回復 | 引用 | 舉報 第 4 樓 王兄不懈的努力終於在煮酒掀起漣漪\~ ----------- 發帖人: 任敏 其實王堅挺善良的。。而且無論誰說他啥他從沒有壹句不好聽的話。。就是有點愛幻想。。。 ----------- 發帖人: 黃亞麗 下面引用由 孫正 2012年05月18日 09:41 發表的內容:院長\~我還有幾天活頭?!----------- 妙趣兄棒著呢,狀態好到能無病呻吟。字裏行間洋溢著對藝術的追求,毫無“不瘋魔不成活”的內在驅力。只要蛋定且有壹定的文字感知力,我們就可以覺察“剪刀”詩是內驅力比表現形式更強大,而妙趣兄的詩,就內驅力來分析不過是無聊、好玩、炫耀等膚淺的混合體。辣椒不需要載塗辣醬,面包塗再多辣醬還是面包。妙趣兄,平平淡淡才是真,發現自己不瘋不啥有點若有所失,是因為妳還沒有找到自己要做的事情。我就是這樣感覺的。-----------好吧!把床位留給更需要它的海海\~ 下面引用由 黃亞麗 2012年05月18日 09:21 發表的內容:\[這個貼子最後由 黃亞麗 在 2012年05月18日 09:11 重新編輯\]我看不懂,壹點也沒看懂 但我很喜歡他寫的壹句話“自己點燃自己的煙花”我以為不會有對句了。。哈,昨天我壹朋友居然說了壹句“自己安靜自己的心扉”太絕了。。好像對聯啊。。。-----------P民\~自己幹涸自己的眼淚 某D\~自己觸動自己的G點 ----------- 發帖人: 繆渠春 ----------- 新版狂人日記 -----------發帖人: 李東利 回復 | 引用 | 舉報第 5 樓 我想到這個意思,可惜沒想出來這句話!左右派在地球上血拼,緊那羅王手持燒火棍橫空出世,屹立平流層俯視螻蟻\~\~跪倒仰望蒼穹遙拜 這幅畫面就揭示了:誰是神\~\~誰是人\~\~ -----------發帖人: 鄭燕 下面引用由 徐旭 2012年05月17日 13:00 發表的內容:\[quote\]下面引用由 丁曉雷 2012年05月16日 15:19 發表的內容:我能看懂壹些 雖不敢謬托知己 佩服還是有的-----------確定是佩服文章本身?-----------堅神抓虎只抓不打的那個算是看懂壹點,以前我不是這樣的,請大家見諒。謝謝,祝大家壹切都好。望早日橫掃宇宙。謝謝 ----------- 發帖人: 羅壹鶴 回復 | 引用 | 舉報 第 6 樓 我覺得磨剪刀的人還是挺好玩的 別的大體看了壹下 堅哥還是有信仰的 ----------- 發帖人: 王飛 -----------下面引用由 繆渠春 2012年05月18日 08:55 發表的內容:五月,火辣天,晴朗 壇友滿面愁容 壇上正在熱議 剪刀手 主角:磨剪刀的人 配角:打醬油的眾 刀客和刀魂 主導壹行行跳躍 引領思緒 遊走曖昧 直擊市儈 砂磚上流淌著 我們的尊嚴 勇氣 還有耐心 剪刀體的飄逸 跳躍的主題 閃爍的深奧 慘遭唾棄 妳們不看 所以厭倦 妳們不懂 所以退席 刀客,綿綿沈吟 妳的不解 我不負責 更不在乎非議的黑雲 昂首遊離在碎語紛揚裏 孕育下壹曲癲狂的降臨-----------貼子主題:王堅大哥寫的帖子誰能看懂\~請進來 烏洋 1# 2012年05月16日 13:04 雖然不知道王大哥寫的神馬,但是總是感覺好厲害的樣子。。。。-----好像是在表世界,王堅sama被壞人黑了,下落不明 但是在裏世界,王堅sama卻依然屹立不倒\~\~引領著世界的未來。。。 -----------發帖人: 李思邈 王堅大哥每壹次發帖都在改變著世界線\~ 在王哥的裏世界 他壹定實現了烏托邦,他拯救了世界\~ 王堅sama肯定就是那個擁有魔眼技能的人。。就是世界線的觀測者!!!親,王堅sama的帖子為神馬我們看不懂?因為世界線被改變了,只有王堅sama保留了原來世界線的記憶,所以我們都看不懂,這是正常的,希望王堅sama能實現他自己的願望,突破世界線的收束,跳到β世界線去,改變未來天朝成為絕望鄉的宿命。。。口胡\~ 發帖人: 李思邈 回復 | 引用 | 舉報 第 7 樓 我真希望王大哥能駕臨此貼\~\~為我們指點迷津\~ ----------- 發帖人: 烏洋 我承諾不談的事希望他人也不談,這樣我才能不談。萬謝,祝大家開心。代堅挺哥回帖.. ----------- 發帖人: 繆渠春 有王哥那撲朔迷離的風格\~\~\~ ----------- 發帖人: 烏洋 跳轉至... 第 1 頁 第 2 頁 第 3 頁 第 4 頁 第 5 頁 第 6 頁 第 7 頁 第 8 頁 貼子主題:王堅的出現橫掃了煮酒眾多名人,這個沒懸念吧?曲喆 1# 2012年05月21日 12:14 什麽海客,TT,黃婭麗全被全爆。沒錯吧?管妳什麽新老名人,靠罵靠水上位的全被爆~陳俠 3# 2012年05月21日13:51橫空出世,橫掃六合,無“堅”不摧,甘拜下風-----------朱培 4# 2012年05月21日 16:02 無“堅”不摧,戰無不勝。回復 | 引用 | 舉報 第 8 樓 壹切顛倒主義,最終都不會是不倒主義的對手,這個真理不會因我的生老病死而改變。不倒主義社會,屬於小說中的中華蘭芬共和國(全境位於緬甸撣邦果敢自治區內,果敢族據說就是漢族):本末不倒置、因果不倒置、黑白(是非)不顛倒、……;並非個人、政黨、國家等不會倒,太好了會招忌恨,所以被滅的可能性都是非常大的。-----------尼采提過顯白與隱微,聖賢常常在用。小人物以故事寓言吹牛隱喻世事,實在不錯 發帖人: 張博昌 ----------- 曲喆 28# 2012年05月21日 15:03 咱們成立個拜堅教吧?涉提法不同、劃分不同、理解不同等問題,請不要被字面迷惑,請獨立思考理解。不倒主義,堅挺故而金槍不倒,很搭!哈哈哈\~ -----------發帖人: 繆渠春 回復 | 引用 | 舉報 第 9 樓 自己點燃自己的煙花 寫得很贊 衷心佩服----- 發帖人: 丁曉雷 12:54:20 下面引用由 丁曉雷 2012年05月22日 09:07 發表的內容: 自己點燃自己的煙花 寫得很贊 衷心佩服 ======== 較之《古有諸葛亮舌戰群儒,今有王堅橫掃文暴》氣勢和高度都遜色了些 ------發帖人: 繆渠春 12:54:54 下面引用由 孫澤 2012年05月22日 10:52 發表的內容: 照片是堅哥玉照嗎? ======== 是的,這張是最帥的壹張,文字遮面,面帶微笑,眼神青澀。。。比拿著手機照臉拍的能入眼多了 ----- 發帖人: 錢鑫12:55:39 貼子 主題:解讀堅哥\~ 繆渠春 1# 2012年05月22日 09:43 思路清晰、語氣平緩、態度真誠、境界高尚 這些段完全能夠看懂能夠理解是吧 其實,吾等多了些浮躁,少了些耐心和涵養,也許還有底蘊 堅哥文字的缺陷在於排版較亂,還有其誇張的手法不易被普通人所接受------發帖人: 繆渠春 12:56:17 “堅哥”才是“煮版之大神” 壹 不被刪帖 二 不被禁言 三 不被關小黑屋 佩服 ----- 發帖人: 張泰鑫 12:56:37 堅哥 壹出 神馬 “沙子 海客 帝國 TT 鐵西瓜” 全都弱爆了啊。。。 挺 堅哥 就是 挺 煮版 每日必頂。。。------ 發帖人: 張泰鑫 12:57:11 從歷史 到政治 再到文藝 這就是煮版的進步 我們在壹步壹步向“行為藝術”進發 只因有“大神”的指引。。。----- 發帖人: 張泰鑫12:57:25 是的,壇神之力是可怕的 但,我們能平靜的接受堅哥,也許正是我們內心的壹次進步,壹次強大 也許有壹天我們就不懼壇神了 -----發帖人: 繆渠春 12:58:06 別人笑我太瘋癲,我笑他人看不穿。 發帖人: 劉程 12:58:18 “堅哥” 的玉照哪去了。。。? 我去找找 頂上來 大家膜拜壹下------ 發帖人: 張泰鑫 回復 | 引用 | 舉報 第 10 樓 古曉軍 17# 2012年05月22日 15:53 堅大神的出現,秒殺壹切反動派,壹統煮酒.從此煮酒只有壹種文體-----王氏散文體! 膜拜本壇大神堅哥 ------ 發帖人: 余磊堅兄這是征婚膩嗎?十三樓上手裏換成持紅寶書就現場感多了。 -----發帖人: 鄭燕 看了8樓的照片有個問題,妳旅遊也穿著這麽正經嗎?------ 發帖人: 曲喆 堅叔加油! ----- 發帖人: 古曉軍 別人笑我太瘋癲,我笑他人看不穿。 ----------- 發帖人: 劉程 --------
3 Rì 09:07 Fābiǎo de nèiróng: Xiàmiàn yǐnyòng yóujiāng jùn 2012 nián 05 yuè 23 rì 08:21 Fābiǎo de nèiróng: Xiàmiàn yǐnyòng yóu lǐ sī miǎo 2012 nián 05 yuè 23 rì 08:18 Fābiǎo de nèiróng: Jīntiān 1 lóu hé 2 lóu dōu kàn dǒngle, pín sēng shì bùshì shēnghuále? Bù, qíshí nǐ bù dǒng ----------- qǐng shīzhǔ kāishì.. Jiān shén de sīxiǎng hé sīkǎo diǎn qǐ shì ěr děng fánrén suǒ néng xiǎngdào de gūjì gānggāng dádào “kàn shān shì shān” de jìngjiè, zuìshǎo hái yǒu 2 gè píngxíngshìjiè děngzhe nǐmen qù chuānyuè 11:49:25 Wáng jiān huífù wǒle ya ~zhēnshi tài qíguàile, nín lǚyóu shí bǐ wǒ shàngbān chuān de dōu zhěngqí ~wǒ zìjǐ mǎile gè T xù hé shàngbān de yīfú yīgè sè er, dàjiā shéi yě méi kàn chūlái.----------- Fātiē rén: Qū zhé tiē zǐ zhǔtí: Èr lóu shíhuāng lǎorén gē, shǔ jiān róng bìng bāo zhuānjí, jīng shòuquán gǎidòng bù suàn shǎo.\[Yuánchuàng\] wáng jiān 1# 2012 nián 05 yuè 23 rì 07:43 Lìng dá tóngshì, wǒ píngshí yě jīběn shàng chuānxíng fú, shàngxué shí píngshí jīběn shàng chuān xiàofú, xué mǎjiājué shuō: Xíng fú, xiàofú shì wǒ chuānguò de zuì hǎo de yīfúle:) Lìng yángjiā dàgài shì zhèyàng shuō: Nǐ bù gěi wǒ yīgè shuōfǎ, wǒ jiù gěi nǐ yīgè shuōfǎ; yǒuxiē yuānqū rúguǒ yào yībèizi bèifù, nà wǒ jiù chángshì tì tiān xíngdào (mò jù yóu běnrén xiūgǎi, quèbǎo bu kǒngbù shòu huānyíng:). Dì 12 lóu----------- wútiānxīn 11# 2012 nián 05 yuè 28 rì 16:10 -----------Xǐhuān wáng jiān de yǒngqì, wèi zhè fèn yǒnggǎn tóu shàng yī piào! Xiě zhèxiē huà de shíhòu, wǒ xiǎngqǐ lìng yī wèi yào bǐ wáng jiān míngqì dà yīxiē de rén, jiùshì fēngkuáng yīngyǔ de lǐ yáng, dāngrán jiā bào zěnme shuō dōu shì bùduì de, yīnwèi nà shì yī zhǒng duì ruòxiǎo zhě de qīlíng. Dàn zhè yě shuōmíngliǎo céngjīng yǒngyǒu wúshù guānghuán de lǐ yáng, yě zhǐshì yīgè pǔtōng rén, huòzhě shuō zài mǒu xiē fāngmiàn hái bùjí yīgè pǔtōng rén. Dàn zhè bìng bùnéng jiāng lǐ yáng lǎoshī suǒ chuàngzào de fēngkuáng yīngyǔ, zhè yī lèisì yú yīgè chǎnyè jiù yī bǐ mǒ qù. Wǒ wúyì yú lùn jí jiā bào, yě bù zhīdào zhè zhǒng fēngkuáng de xué fǎ shì bùshì jiù hǎo, kě jiù zài jǐ nián qián, lǐ yáng lǎoshī hái rúyī wèi tiānshén yībān de zhàn zài jiǎngtái shàng. Suīshuō hòulái zhèngmíng, tā yě zhǐshì yīgè pǔtōng rén, suīshuō tā céngjīng dēng shàngle chénggōng de dǐngfēng. Gǔrén zài kèyìn de shíhòu huì qiāo qù yījiǎo, yīnwèi gǔrén zhīdào fánshì dōu shì yǒu quēhàn de, lèisì yú yuánmǎn, huò shì dà tuányuán qíshí bìng bù cúnzài. Huòxǔ wǒmen dūhuì yǒu zhèxiē nàxiē de bù měi, dàn wǒmen háishì yào qù nǔlì, yǒushí jiù huì shībài, yǒushí jiù huì chéngwéixiàotán, dàn bù qù zuò, bù qù chángshì, yòu zěn huì zhīdào nà tiáo lù shìhé zìjǐ zǒu, nà tiáo lù huì dàodá xìngfú de bǐ'àn.----------- Fātiē rén: Wútiānxīn dīng shuò 9# 2012 nián 05 yuè 28 rì 15:16 Xiāoxī chákàn sōusuǒ hǎoyǒu ----------- gēnzhe jiān gē yīqǐ xiě shī xiě gē xiě xiǎoshuō ba dì 13 lóu ----- fù gāo píngjià: Yú lóngwú bùnéng zhī, qí chéng fēngyún ér shàngtiān. Wú jīnrì jiàn wángzǐ, qí yóu lóng xié! Wǒ méi jiànguò néng fēngyún zhíshàng de lóng, jīntiān jiànle wángzǐ (yě jiùshì jiānqiáng gē), tā jiùshì lóng a.=====Yuán\*\*xiàmiàn yǐnyòng yóu sūn zhèng 2012 nián 05 yuè 18 rì 14:32 Fābiǎo de nèiróng: Bùguǎn dàjiā de fǎnyìng shìfǒu shì jiān gē qídài de, jiān gē bìjìng qīngdǎo zhòngshēng, lìng lěngjiǔ tán zǐ huínuǎn. Dà kě bùbì juédé zìjǐ hàile zhèxiē rén, qíshí dàjiā dōu yào xièxiè nín cái duì.-----------Hàn yuànzhǎng wùhuìle tā shuō wǒmen dōngshīxiàopín...O(∩\_∩)O hāhā\~kāixīn jiù hǎo jiāntǐng gē bùbì jièhuái, lùntán ma, lè hē lè hē dé la -----------fātiē rén: Móuqúchūn huífù | yǐnyòng | jǔbào dì 4 lóu wáng xiōng bùxiè de nǔlì zhōngyú zài zhǔ jiǔ xiānqǐ liányī\~ ----------- fātiē rén: Rèn mǐn qíshí wáng jiāntǐng shànliáng de.. Érqiě wúlùn shuí shuō tā shà tā cóng méiyǒu yī jù bù hǎotīng dehuà.. Jiùshì yǒudiǎn ài huànxiǎng... ----------- Fātiē rén: Huángyàlì xiàmiàn yǐnyòng yóu sūn zhèng 2012 nián 05 yuè 18 rì 09:41 Fābiǎo de nèiróng: Yuànzhǎng\~wǒ hái yǒu jǐ tiān huó tóu?!----------- Miàoqù xiōng bàng zhene, zhuàngtài hǎo dào néng wúbìngshēnyín. Zì lǐ hángjiān yángyìzhe duì yìshù de zhuīqiú, háo wú “bù fēngmó bù chénghuó” de nèizài qū lì. Zhǐyào dàn dìng qiě yǒu yī dìng de wénzì gǎnzhī lì, wǒmen jiù kěyǐ juéchá “jiǎndāo” shī shì nèi qū lì bǐ biǎoxiàn xíng shì gèng qiángdà, ér miàoqù xiōng de shī, jiù nèi qū lì lái fēnxī bùguò shì wúliáo, hǎowán, xuànyào děng fūqiǎn de hùnhé tǐ. Làjiāo bù xūyào zài tú làjiàng, miànbāo tú zài duō làjiàng háishì miànbāo. Miàoqù xiōng, píngpíng dàndàn cái shì zhēn, fāxiàn zìjǐ bù fēng bù shà yǒudiǎn ruòyǒusuǒshī, shì yīnwèi nǎi hái méiyǒu zhǎodào zìjǐ yào zuò de shìqíng. Wǒ jiùshì zhèyàng gǎnjué de.-----------Hǎo ba! Bǎ chuángwèi liú gěi gèng xūyào tā dì hǎi hǎi\~ xiàmiàn yǐnyòng yóu huángyàlì 2012 nián 05 yuè 18 rì 09:21 Fābiǎo de nèiróng:\[Zhège tiē zǐ zuìhòu yóu huángyàlì zài 2012 nián 05 yuè 18 rì 09 Chóngxīn biānjí\] wǒ kàn bù dǒng, yī diǎn yě méi kàn dǒng dàn wǒ hěn xǐhuān tā xiě de yī jù huà “zìjǐ diǎnrán zìjǐ de yānhuā” wǒ yǐwéi bù huì yǒu duì jùle.. Hā, zuótiān wǒ yī péngyǒu jūrán shuōle yī jù “zìjǐ ānjìng zìjǐ de xīnfēi” tài juéle.. Hǎoxiàng duìlián a...-----------P mín\~zìjǐ gàn hé zìjǐ de yǎnlèi mǒu D\~zìjǐ chùdòng zìjǐ de G diǎn ----------- fātiē rén: Móuqúchūn ----------- xīnbǎn kuángrén rìjì -----------fātiē rén: Lǐdōnglì huífù | yǐnyòng | jǔbào dì 5 lóu wǒ xiǎngdào zhège yìsi, kěxí méi xiǎng chūlái zhè jù huà! Zuǒyòu pài zài dìqiú shàng xuè pīn, jǐn nàluó wángshǒuchí shāohuǒ gùn héng kōng chūshì, yìlì píngliú céng fǔshì lóuyǐ\~\~guì dǎo yǎngwàng cāngqióng yáo bài zhè fú huàmiàn jiù jiēshìle: Shuí shì shén\~\~shuí shì rén\~\~ -----------fātiē rén: Zhèng yàn xiàmiàn yǐnyòng yóu xú xù 2012 nián 05 yuè 17 rì 13:00 Fābiǎo de nèiróng:\[Quote\] xiàmiàn yǐnyòng yóu dīngxiǎoléi 2012 nián 05 yuè 16 rì 15:19 Fābiǎo de nèiróng: Wǒ néng kàn dǒng yī xiē suī bù gǎn miù tuō zhījǐ pèifú háishì yǒu de-----------quèdìng shì pèifú wénzhāng běnshēn?-----------Jiān shén zhuā hǔ zhǐ zhuā bù dǎ di nàgè suànshì kàn dǒng yī diǎn, yǐqián wǒ bùshì zhèyàng de, qǐng dàjiā jiànliàng. Xièxiè, zhù dàjiā yī qiè dōu hǎo. Wàng zǎorì héngsǎo yǔzhòu. Xièxiè ----------- fātiē rén: Luó yī hè huífù | yǐnyòng | jǔbào dì 6 lóu wǒ juédé mó jiǎndāo de rén háishì tǐng hǎowán de bié de dàtǐ kànle yī xià jiān gē háishì yǒu xìnyǎng de ----------- fātiē rén: Wáng fēi -----------xiàmiàn yǐnyòng yóu móuqúchūn 2012 nián 05 yuè 18 rì 08:55 Fābiǎo de nèiróng: Wǔ yuè, huǒ là tiān, qínglǎng tán yǒu mǎnmiàn chóuróng tánshàng zhèngzài rè yì jiǎndāo shǒu zhǔjiǎo: Mó jiǎndāo de rén pèijiǎo: Dǎ jiàngyóu de zhòng dāo kè hé dāo hún zhǔdǎo yī háng háng tiàoyuè yǐnlǐng sīxù yóuzǒu àimèi zhíjí shìkuài shā zhuān shàng liútǎngzhe wǒmen de zūnyán yǒngqì hái yǒu nàixīn jiǎndāo tǐ de piāoyì tiàoyuè de zhǔtí shǎnshuò de shēn'ào cǎnzāo tuòqì nǎimen bù kàn suǒyǐ yànjuàn nǎimen bù dǒng suǒyǐ tuìxí dāo kè, miánmián shěnyín nǎi de bù jiě wǒ bù fùzé gèng bùzàihū fēiyì de hēi yún áng shǒu yóulí zài suì yǔ fēn yáng lǐ yùnyù xià yī qū diānkuáng de jiànglín-----------tiē zǐ zhǔtí: Wáng jiān dàgē xiě de tiězi shuí néng kàn dǒng\~qǐng jìnlái wū yáng 1# 2012 nián 05 yuè 16 rì 13:04 Suīrán bù zhīdào wáng dàgē xiě de shénmǎ, dànshì zǒng shì gǎnjué hǎo lìhài de yàngzi....-----Hǎoxiàng shì zài biǎo shìjiè, wáng jiān sama bèi huàirén hēile, xiàluò bùmíng dànshì zài lǐ shìjiè, wáng jiān sama què yīrán yìlì bù dǎo\~\~yǐnlǐngzhe shìjiè de wèilái... -----------Fātiē rén: Lǐ sī miǎo wáng jiān dàgē měi yī cì fātiē dōu zài gǎibiànzhe shìjiè xiàn\~ zài wáng gē de lǐ shìjiè tā yī dìng shíxiànle wūtuōbāng, tā zhěngjiùle shìjiè\~ wáng jiān sama kěndìng jiùshì nàgè yǒngyǒu mó yǎn jìnéng de rén.. Jiùshìshìjiè xiàn de guāncè zhě!!! Qīn, wáng jiān sama de tiězi wèi shénmǎ wǒmen kàn bù dǒng? Yīnwèi shìjiè xiàn bèi gǎibiànle, zhǐyǒu wáng jiān sama bǎoliúle yuánlái shìjiè xiàn de jìyì, suǒyǐ wǒmen dōu kàn bù dǒng, zhè shì zhèngcháng de, xīwàng wáng jiān sama néng shíxiàn tā zìjǐ de yuànwàng, túpò shìjiè xiàn de shōu shù, tiào dào b shìjiè xiàn qù, gǎibiàn wèilái tiāncháo chéngwéi juéwàng xiāng de sùmìng... Kǒu hú\~ fātiē rén: Lǐ sī miǎo huífù | yǐnyòng | jǔbào dì 7 lóu wǒ zhēn xīwàng wáng dàgē néng jiàlín cǐ tiē\~\~wèi wǒmen zhǐdiǎn míjīn\~ ----------- fātiē rén: Wū yáng wǒ chéngnuò bù tán de shì xīwàng tārén yě bù tán, zhèyàng wǒ cáinéng bù tán. Wàn xiè, zhù dàjiā kāixīn. Dài jiāntǐng gē huítiē.. ----------- Fātiē rén: Móuqúchūn yǒu wáng gē nà pūshuòmílí de fēnggé\~\~\~ ----------- fātiē rén: Wū yáng tiàozhuǎn zhì... Dì 1 yè dì 2 yè dì 3 yè dì 4 yè dì 5 yè dì 6 yè dì 7 yè dì 8 yè tiē zǐ zhǔtí: Wáng jiān de chūxiàn héngsǎole zhǔ jiǔ zhòngduō míngrén, zhège méi xuánniàn ba? Qū zhé 1# 2012 nián 05 yuè 21 rì 12:14 Shénmó hǎi kè,TT, huáng yà lì quán bèi quán bào. Méicuò ba? Guǎn nǎi shénmó xīn lǎo míngrén, kào mà kào shuǐ shàngwèi de quán bèibào ~chén xiá 3# 2012 nián 05 yuè 21 rì 13:51 Héng kōng chūshì, héngsǎo liùhé, wú “jiān” bù cuī, gānbàixiàfēng-----------zhū péi 4# 2012 nián 05 yuè 21 rì 16:02 Wú “jiān” bù cuī, zhàn wú bùshèng. Huífù | yǐnyòng | jǔbào dì 8 lóu yī qiè diāndǎo zhǔyì, zuìzhōng dōu bù huì shì bù dǎo zhǔyì de duìshǒu, zhège zhēnlǐ bù huì yīn wǒ de shēnglǎobìngsǐ ér gǎibiàn. Bù dǎo zhǔyì shèhuì, shǔyú xiǎoshuō zhōng de zhōnghuá lán fēn gònghéguó (quán jìng wèiyú miǎndiàn dǎn bāng guǒgǎn zìzhìqū nèi, guǒgǎn zú jùshuō jiùshì hànzú): Běnmò bù dǎo zhì, yīnguǒ bù dǎo zhì, hēibái (shìfēi) bù diāndǎo,……; bìngfēi gèrén, zhèngdǎng, guójiā děng bù huì dào, tài hǎole huì zhāo jì hèn, suǒyǐ bèi miè de kěnéng xìng dōu shì fēicháng dà de.-----------Nícǎi tíguò xiǎn bai yǔ yǐn wēi, shèngxián chángcháng zài yòng. Xiǎorénwù yǐ gùshì yùyán chuīniú yǐnyù shì shì, shízài bùcuò fātiē rén: Zhāng bóchāng ----------- qū zhé 28# 2012 nián 05 yuè 21 rì 15:03 Zánmen chénglì gè bài jiānjiào ba? Shè tí fǎ bùtóng, huàfēn bùtóng, lǐjiě bùtóng děng wèntí, qǐng bùyào bèi zìmiàn míhuò, qǐng dúlì sīkǎo lǐjiě. Bù dǎo zhǔyì, jiāntǐng gù'ér jīn qiāng bù dǎo, hěn dā! Hāhā hā\~ -----------fātiē rén: Móuqúchūn huífù | yǐnyòng | jǔbào dì 9 lóu zìjǐ diǎnrán zìjǐ de yānhuā xiě dé hěn zàn zhōngxīn pèifú----- fātiē rén: Dīngxiǎoléi 12:54:20 Xiàmiàn yǐnyòng yóu dīngxiǎoléi 2012 nián 05 yuè 22 rì 09:07 Fābiǎo de nèiróng: Zìjǐ diǎnrán zìjǐ de yānhuā xiě dé hěn zàn zhōngxīn pèifú ======== jiào zhī “gǔ yǒu zhūgéliàng shézhàn qún rú, jīn yǒu wáng jiān héngsǎo wén bào” qìshì hé gāodù dōu xùnsèle xiē ------fātiē rén: Móuqúchūn 12:54:54 Xiàmiàn yǐnyòng yóu sūn zé 2012 nián 05 yuè 22 rì 10:52 Fābiǎo de nèiróng: Zhàopiàn shì jiān gē yùzhào ma? ======== Shì de, zhè zhāng shì zuì shuài de yī zhāng, wénzì zhē miàn, miàn dài wéi xiào, yǎnshén qīng sè... Bǐ ná zhuó shǒujī zhào liǎn pāi de néng rùyǎn duōle ----- fātiē rén: Qián xīn 12:55:39 Tiē zǐ zhǔtí: Jiědú jiān gē\~ móuqúchūn 1# 2012 nián 05 yuè 22 rì 09:43 Sīlù qīngxī, yǔqì pínghuǎn, tàidù zhēnchéng, jìngjiè gāoshàng zhèxiē duàn wánquán nénggòu kàn dǒng nénggòu lǐjiě shì ba qíshí, wú děng duōle xiē fúzào, shǎole xiē nàixīn hé hányǎng, yěxǔ hái yǒu dǐyùn jiān gē wénzì de quēxiàn zàiyú páibǎn jiào luàn, hái yǒu qí kuāzhāng de shǒufǎ bùyì bèi pǔtōng rén suǒ jiēshòu------fātiē rén: Móuqúchūn 12:56:17 “Jiān gē” cái shì “zhǔ bǎn zhī dàshén” yī bù bèi shān tiē èr bù bèi jìn yán sān bù bèi guān xiǎo hēi wū pèifú ----- fātiē rén: Zhāngtàixīn 12:56:37 Jiān gē yī chū shénmǎ “shāzi hǎi kè dìguó TT tiě xīguā” quándōu ruò bàole a... Tǐng jiān gē jiùshì tǐng zhǔ bǎn měi rì bì dǐng...------ Fātiē rén: Zhāngtàixīn 12:57:11 Cóng lìshǐ dào zhèngzhì zài dào wényì zhè jiùshì zhǔ bǎn de jìnbù wǒmen zài yī bù yī bù xiàng “xíngwéi yìshù” jìnfā zhǐ yīn yǒu “dàshén” de zhǐyǐn...----- Fātiē rén: Zhāngtàixīn 12:57:25 Shì de, tán shén zhī lì shì kěpà de dàn, wǒmen néng píngjìng de jiēshòu jiān gē, yěxǔ zhèng shì wǒmen nèixīn de yī cì jìnbù, yī cì qiángdà yěxǔ yǒu yī tiān wǒmen jiù bù jù tán shénle -----fātiē rén: Móuqúchūn 12:58:06 Biérén xiào wǒ tài fēngdiān, wǒ xiào tārén kàn bù chuān. Fātiē rén: Liú chéng 12:58:18 “Jiān gē” de yùzhào nǎ qùle...? Wǒ qù zhǎo zhǎo dǐngshàng lái dàjiā móbài yī xià------ fātiē rén: Zhāngtàixīn huífù | yǐnyòng | jǔbào dì 10 lóu gǔ xiǎo jūn 17# 2012 nián 05 yuè 22 rì 15:53 Jiān dàshén de chūxiàn, miǎoshā yī qiè fǎndòngpài, yī tǒng zhǔ jiǔ. Cóngcǐ zhǔ jiǔ zhǐyǒu yī zhǒng wéntǐ-----wáng shì sǎnwén tǐ! Móbài běn tán dàshén jiān gē ------ fātiē rén: Yú lěi jiān xiōng zhè shì zhēnghūn nì ma? Shísān lóu shàngshǒu lǐ huàn chéng chí hóng bǎo shū jiù xiànchǎng gǎn duōle. -----Fātiē rén: Zhèng yàn kànle 8 lóu de zhàopiàn yǒu gè wèntí, nǎi lǚyóu yě chuānzhuó zhèmó zhèngjīng ma?------ Fātiē rén: Qū zhé jiān shū jiāyóu! ----- Fātiē rén: Gǔ xiǎo jūn biérén xiào wǒ tài fēngdiān, wǒ xiào tārén kàn bù chuān. ----------- Fātiē rén: Liú chéng --------
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Content published at 09:07 on the 3rd: The following quotes the content published by Jiang Jun at 08:21 on May 23, 2012: The following quotes the content published by Li Simiao at 08:18 on May 23, 2012: Today's 1st floor and 2 Lou understands, has the poor monk sublimated? No, actually you don't understand ----------- Please benefactor release. . Are Jianshen’s thoughts and thinking points beyond what ordinary people can think of? It is estimated that you have just reached the realm of "seeing mountains as mountains", and there are at least two parallel worlds waiting for you to travel through. 11:49:25 Wang Jian replied to me Ah~ It's so strange, when you travel, you dress neater than me at work~ I bought a T-shirt of the same color as my work clothes, and no one could tell. ----------- Poster: Qu Zhe Post subject: The second floor scavenges old people's songs. \[Original\] Wang Jian 1# 2012-05-23 07:43 Another answer to my colleague, I usually wear casual clothes, and I usually wear school uniforms when I go to school. I learned from Ma Jiajue: I wear the casual clothes and school uniforms It’s the best dress for me:) Another Yang Jia probably said this: If you don’t give me an explanation, I will give you an explanation; if some grievances have to be borne for a lifetime, then I will try to do justice for the sky (the last sentence is modified by myself, Make sure it's not scary popular :). Floor 12 ----------- Wu Tianxin 11# 2012-05-28 16:10 ----------- I like Wang Jian's courage, and vote for this bravery ticket! When writing these words, I thought of another person who is more famous than Wang Jian, that is Li Yang of Crazy English. Of course, domestic violence is wrong, because it is a kind of bullying for the weak. But this also shows that Li Yang, who once had countless halos, is just an ordinary person, or in some respects he is not as good as an ordinary person. But this cannot erase the crazy English created by Mr. Li Yang, which is similar to an industry. I don't intend to talk about domestic violence, and I don't know if this kind of crazy Fa study is good, but just a few years ago, Teacher Li Yang stood on the podium like a god. Although it was later proved that he was just an ordinary person, even though he had reached the pinnacle of success. The ancients would knock off a corner when engraving, because the ancients knew that everything has shortcomings, similar to consummation, or great reunion does not actually exist. Maybe we all have these and other imperfections, but we still have to work hard, sometimes we will fail, sometimes it will become a joke, but if we don’t do it, don’t try, how will we know which road is suitable for us, which road is right for us? The road will reach the other side of happiness. ----------- Posted by: Wu Tianxin Ding Shuo 9# 2012-05-28 15:16 View messages and search for friends ----------- Write poems with Brother Jian Song Write Novel Bar, Floor 13
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I don't know about Yu Long, he rides the wind and clouds to the sky. When I saw the prince today, he looked like an evil dragon! I have never seen a dragon that can go straight up. Today I met the prince (that is, Brother Qiangqiang), and he is a dragon. =====Yuan\*\*The following quotes the content published by Sun Zheng at 14:32 on May 18, 2012: Regardless of whether everyone’s reaction is what Brother Jian expected, Brother Jian has poured out all sentient beings and warmed up the cold wine jar. You don't have to think that you have harmed these people, in fact, everyone should thank you. ----------- Khan Dean misunderstood him. He said that we are imitating others. . . O(∩\_∩)Ohaha\~It’s good to be happy and strong, don’t worry about it, the forum is fun----------- Poster: Reply by Miao Quchun | Quote | Report No. 4 Brother Lou Wang's unremitting efforts finally caused ripples in cooking wine\~ ----------- Poster: Ren Min In fact, Wang Jian is very kind. . And no matter who said anything about him, he never had a bad word. . Just a little fanciful. . . ----------- Posted by: Huang Yali The following quote is published by Sun Zheng at 09:41 on May 18, 2012: Dean\~ How many days do I have left? ! ----------- Brother Miaoqu is awesome, he is in such a good state that he can moan without illness. The lines between the lines are filled with the pursuit of art, and there is no inner driving force of "no madness, no survival". As long as the egg is fixed and has a certain level of text perception, we can perceive that the "scissors" poem has a stronger internal drive than the form of expression, while Miao Qu's poems are nothing more than boring, fun, and showing off in terms of internal drive. Superficial mixture. Chili does not need to be coated with hot sauce, no matter how much hot sauce is applied to bread, it is still bread. Brother Miaoqu, it’s true to be mediocre. It’s because you haven’t found what you want to do yet. That's how I feel. -----------All right! Leave the bed for Haihai who needs it more\~ The following quotes the content published by Huang Yali at 09:21 on May 18, 2012: \[This post was last re-edited by Huang Yali at 09 on May 18, 2012\ ] I don’t understand, not at all, but I really like the sentence he wrote, “Light your own fireworks” I thought there would be no correct sentences. . Ha, yesterday a friend of mine actually said "quiet your own heart" which is absolutely amazing. . It's like a couplet. . . -----------Pmin\~drying up my own tears a certain D\~touching my own G-spot----------- Posted by: Miao Quchun---- ------- New Madman's Diary----------- Poster: Li Dongli Reply | Quote | Report on the 5th floor I thought of this meaning, but unfortunately I didn't think of this sentence! The left and right are fighting on the earth, King Kinnara is born in the sky holding a fire stick, standing in the stratosphere overlooking the ants\~\~ Kneeling down, looking up at the sky and worshiping from afar This picture reveals: who is God\~\~ who is human \~\~ ----------- Poster: Zheng Yan The following quote is from Xu Xu at 13:00 on May 17, 2012: \[quote\] The following quote is from Ding Xiaolei on May 12, 2012 Published content at 15:19 on the 16th: I can understand some, although I dare not presume that my confidant admires them ----------- Are you sure you admire the article itself? ----------- The one who only catches the tiger but does not fight is a bit more understanding. I was not like this before, please forgive me. Thank you and I wish you all the best. Hope to sweep the universe as soon as possible. Thank you ----------- Poster: Luo Yihe Reply | Quote | Report on the 6th floor I think the scissor sharpener is quite fun, and after a general look, Brother Jian still has faith- ---------- Poster: Wang Fei -----------The following quotes the content published by Miao Quchun at 08:55 on May 18, 2012: May, hot days, The forum is full of sad friends. The scissorhands are hotly discussed. The main character: the man who sharpens the scissors. Patience, scissors body, elegant jumping theme, flickering profundity, you don’t watch it, so you get tired of it, you don’t understand, so you leave the swordsman, lingering on your incomprehension, I don’t take responsibility, and I don’t even care about the black cloud of criticism, wandering in broken words Here is the birth of the next crazy song ----------- Post subject: Who can understand the post written by Wang Jian\~ Please come to Wuyang 1# 2012-05-16 13:04 Although I don't know the magic horse written by Brother Wang, but I always feel very powerful. . . . -----It seems that in the external world, Wang Jian sama was hacked by bad guys, and his whereabouts are unknown. But in the inner world, Wang Jian sama still stands firm\~\~leading the future of the world. . . ----------- Poster: Li Simiao, Wang Jian, every time he posts, he is changing the world line~ In Wang Ge's other world, he must have realized utopia, he saved the world\ ~ Wang Jian sama must be the one with the magic eye skill. . It is the observer of the world line! ! ! Dear, Wang Jian sama's post is so amazing that we can't understand it? Because the world line has been changed, only Wang Jian sama retains the memory of the original world line, so we can't understand it. Go to the β world line and change the destiny of the future Celestial Empire to become a city of despair. . . Mouth\~ Poster: Li Simiao Reply| Quote| Report on the 7th floor I really hope that Brother Wang can come to this post\~\~Guide us\~ ----------- Poster : Wu Yang I hope that others will not talk about the things I promise not to talk about, so that I can not talk about it. Thanks a lot and have fun. Reply on behalf of Brother Jianting.. ----------- Poster: Miao Quchun has Wang's confusing style\~\~\~ ----------- Poster: Wu Yang Jump to... page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 page 8 Qu Zhe 1# 12:14 on May 21, 2012 What Haike, TT, and Huang Yali were all blown up. right? No matter what old and new celebrities you are, those who rely on scolding and relying on the water are all exploded ~ Chen Xia 3# was born at 13:51 on May 21, 2012, swept the world, there is no "strong" invincible, willing to bow to the wind ------ -----Zhu Pei 4# 2012年05月21日16:02 There is no "strong" indestructible, invincible. Reply | Quote | Report No. 8 All inversionism will not be an opponent of inversionism in the end. This truth will not change because of my life, old age, sickness and death. The non-inverting society belongs to the Lanfen Republic of China in the novel (the whole territory is located in the Kokang Autonomous Region of Shan State, Myanmar, and the Kokang people are said to be the Han nationality): the cart is not put before the horse, cause and effect are not reversed, black and white (right and wrong) are not reversed, ...; not Individuals, political parties, countries, etc. will not fall, and if they are too good, they will attract hatred, so the possibility of being wiped out is very high. ----------- Nietzsche mentioned explicitness and subtlety, which are often used by sages. It's really good for the little people to brag about world affairs with stories and fables. Please don't be confused by the words, and think independently about issues involving different references, divisions, and understandings. Not falling down, strong so the golden gun will not fall down, very good! Hahaha\~ ----------- Poster: Miao Quchun Reply | Quote | Report on the 9th floor I ignite my own fireworks. I really admire it. ----- Poster: Ding Xiaolei 12:54 :20 The following quotes the content published by Ding Xiaolei at 09:07 on May 22, 2012: I light my own fireworks. I really admire it. Wang Jian Sweeping Literary Violence" has lost momentum and height ------ Poster: Miao Quchun 12:54:54 The following quotes the content published by Sun Ze at 10:52 on May 22, 2012: The photo is by Brother Jian Yuzhao? ======== Yes, this one is the most handsome one, with the text covering the face, smiling, and green eyes. . . It is much more eye-catching than taking a photo of your face with a mobile phone ----- Poster: Qian Xin 12:55:39 Post subject: Interpretation of Brother Jian\~ Miao Quchun 1# 2012-05-22 09:43 Clear thinking , Gentle tone, sincere attitude, and noble realm, these paragraphs are completely understandable, can you understand them, right? There are exaggerated techniques that are not easy to be accepted by ordinary people------poster: Miao Quchun 12:56:17 "Brother Jian" is the "Master of Cooking Edition" First, the post will not be deleted, the second will not be banned, and the third will not Admired by being locked in a small black room ----- Poster: Zhang Taixin 12:56:37 Brother Jian's amazing horse "Sand Haike Empire TT Iron Watermelon" is all weak. . . Brother Ting Jian is the boiled version of Ting, which must be topped every day. . . ------ Poster: Zhang Taixin 12:57:11 From history to politics to literature and art, this is the progress of cooking. We are moving towards "performance art" step by step, only because of the guidance of the "great god". . . ----- Posted by: Zhang Taixin 12:57:25 Yes, the power of the altar god is terrifying, but if we can calmly accept Brother Jian, it may be a step forward in our hearts, and once it is strong, there may be another step. One day we will not be afraid of altar gods ----- Poster: Miao Quchun 12:58:06 Others laugh at me as crazy, but I laugh at others not seeing through. Poster: Liu Cheng 12:58:18 Where is the photo of "Brother Jian"? . . ? I'll go find the top and let's worship it ------ Poster: Zhang Taixin Reply| Quote| Report the 10th floor Gu Xiaojun 17# 2012-05-22 15:53 The appearance of Jian Dashen kills everything in seconds The reactionaries all cook wine. Since then, there is only one style of cooking wine ----- Wang's prose style! Worship Brother Jian ------ Poster: Brother Yu Leijian, are you tired of asking for marriage? On the thirteenth floor, if you change your hands to hold the Red Book, you will feel more present. -----Posted by: Zheng Yan I have a question after looking at the photos on the 8th floor. Do you also dress so formally when traveling? ------ Posted by: Qu Zhe Uncle Jian Come on! ----- Posted by: Gu Xiaojun Others laugh at me as crazy, but I laugh at others not seeing through. ----------- Posted by: Liu Cheng