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    28 June 2022 ~ New Moon


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    28 June 2022 ~ New Moon  Empty 28 June 2022 ~ New Moon

    Post  THEeXchanger Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:36 pm


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    28 June 2022 ~ New Moon  Empty Re: 28 June 2022 ~ New Moon

    Post  THEeXchanger Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:38 pm

    #NEWMOON #New_moon 28 June 2022 into 29 June 2022
    "Take the time to care & nurture yourself, to nourish your mind,
    your soul, and your imagination, to know that your safe at home"
    Greg George

    The first New Moon of the summer
    will come on June 29, 2022
    at 05:53, on the 1st lunar day.
    The heavenly body will be in the zodiac sign Cancer
    – this is a very strong position of the Moon.

    posted by: @13linesofspirit

    Posts : 5352
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    28 June 2022 ~ New Moon  Empty Re: 28 June 2022 ~ New Moon

    Post  THEeXchanger Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:39 pm

    New Moon
    Artist: Natasa Ilic

    Article by: Ruby Falconer
    12m ·

    June 28, 2022: New Moon at Cancer 7°23’, 10:52 pm EDT; Neptune Stationary.

    When Neptune is stationary, the shadow appears. In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology,
    this is Nephthys – Keeper of the Mysteries Behind the Veils. Nephthys is the High Priestess of Magic;
    her realm is mysterious, magical, and imaginative. We can be fooled when Neptune is strong;
    fall prey to a shell game where what is really happening is hidden by a clever sleight of hand.

    It all depends on the intention of the magician.

    At this New Moon, the Sun/Moon conjunction is square to Jupiter, Horus the Young King.

    Our collective attention is directed toward concerns about home, family, and children,
    and a battle is rising around what we need in order to feel safe.

    Pluto is also making his presence known. In traditional astrology, Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld.

    In Egyptian myth, he is Osiris, Lord of Regeneration. Pluto/Osiris holds the mysteries of the Birth/Death/Rebirth Cycle
    - the eternal dance of transformation. In traditional astrology, Pluto is associated with violent, destructive change
    – volcanic eruptions, explosions, and the atomic bomb.

    There is an echo of the 2020 Great Shift Conjunction (Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn) in this New Moon chart.

    Mars is in a conjunction to his sidekick Eris, Goddess of Strife and Discord.

    Both are in Aries, square to Pluto, as they were in the second half of 2020.

    This echo will continue as we build toward the Full Moon on July 13, 2022.

    We are moving into the final Saturn/Uranus square, in effect from mid-July through mid-November.
    Right now, the by-word is “wait.” Do not act when you cannot see what is really going on.

    Peer behind the veils. See not just with your eyes, but with your heart.

    Discern the difference between magic and deceit, illumination and illusion.

    June 27, 2022, by Ruby Falconer.

    Available for chart readings.

    Art: New Moon by Natasa Ilic.
    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
    #astrology #shamanism #ShamanicStarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #CancerNewMoon #NeptuneStationary

    Posts : 5352
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    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    28 June 2022 ~ New Moon  Empty Re: 28 June 2022 ~ New Moon

    Post  THEeXchanger Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:40 pm

    2022 Cancer New Moon

    28 June at 7.52 pm PDT- 10.52 pm EDT- 29 June at 3.52 am BST (Summer time GST)
    29 June at 10.52 am AWST- 12.52 pm AEST

    The key phrase for the sign of Cancer is “I feel everything deeply”.

    But is also found on the Tarot Constellation of The Chariot, Mastery through change and stepping onto the Mystical Path.

    The image is two horses pulling the chariot but wanting to go in different directions (mind verses intuition).

    It is up to you, the charioteer, to channel your power into the horses (freedom) so they will take you where you want to go.

    This Cancer New Moon is all about finding our intuitive power and Yin Wisdom.

    It is also about empowering the feminine.

    That is the theme for this Moon Cycle.

    The Sun/Moon are at 07 degrees Cancer travelling with Black Moon Lilith at 08 degrees Cancer.

    Lilith exposes illusion, the shadow, issues of personal choice. She is a Warrior Goddess
    who exposes deceptions and disrespect.

    She gifts us with healing, spiritual illumination, and personal power.

    This trio is squared (motivation for change) by Jupiter at 07 degrees Aries.

    On a material level Jupiter represents religion, law, and judges.

    In Aries he activates the Tarot Constellation of The Emperor, paternal power.

    So interesting given what has recently occurred in the United States as a women’s right
    to have power of choice over her body has been rescinded.

    Lilith is very angry about that.

    We may see an uprising and protests about women’s rights this summer here in North America and in the world.

    The Dwarf planet Ceres (the Mother Archetype) is at 19 degrees Cancer squared (finding new ways of doing things)
    by Chiron (the healer and problem solver) at 16 degrees Aries (personal power).

    Spiritually The Emperor symbolizes life force and realization of power and Jupiter in Aries,
    the expansion of our Spiritual Consciousness. Jupiter is sextile (new opportunities) Venus (the feminine)
    at 07 degrees Gemini (relationship and choice).

    The planetary dance is a mirror.

    The Moon, Lilith, and Ceres are all “out of bounds” breaking out of limitation and restriction and being empowered.

    The Moon is the traditional ruler of Cancer so she is strong at this New Moon.

    She represents the nurturer and the Great Universal Mother. Jupiter is the Spiritual guide for Cancer (higher consciousness).

    Neptune (illusion or illumination) is the Soul Centered guide for Cancer. At this New Moon he is at 25 degrees Pisces
    (what is true, what is not true) and just turned retrograde this morning empathising that theme.

    He will be retrograde until Dec 03, 2022.

    Retrograde Neptune exposes deception and lies and reveals the Truth. Neptune is sextile the North Node
    at 21 degrees Taurus (path of empowerment) and Pallas Athene at 27 degrees Taurus (inner intuitive wisdom)
    and trine (removal of obstacles) the South Node at 21 degrees Scorpio (release the past and transformation).

    He is also sextile (new gateways opening) Pluto Rx at 27 degrees Capricorn (transformation of society).
    This sextile is also found in each New Moon until the end of the year.

    Saturn is Rx at 24 degrees Aquarius (Cosmic Consciousness and the collective)
    and is sextile (new pathways) Mars at 25 degrees Aries (spiritual action and inspired vision).

    The mid-point between them is Neptune at 25 degrees Pisces (the Oneness).

    Uranus at 17 degrees Taurus (breakthrough to personal power) is sextile (new opportunities)
    Ceres at 19 degrees Cancer (feminine power).

    The end of July to Mid-August 2022 Uranus will activate the Taurus North Node.

    Breaking through to what is true for you.

    Our Animal Totem guide for the Cancer New Moon is Flicker Woodpecker.

    Her drumming connects our hearts to the heartbeat of Mother Earth.

    Flicker guides us through life’s transitions with all Healing Love.

    The Earth is in Capricorn at this Lunation and she is guided by Snow Goose, following your dreams and visions.

    They are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere.

    For all of us the Clan Mother for Cancer is Loves All Things. She is the Mother of unconditional love and acceptance.

    She teaches us to forgive others and ourselves.

    For the Earth in Capricorn we are guided by Talks With Relations. She is the maker of relatives and the Mother of the planetary family.

    She teaches us we have kinship with all life and how to enter the sacred space of others with honour and respect.

    She teaches us to learn the truth.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams)
    Whatever you experience in this Moon Cycle is to empower you.

    Namaste and blessings,

    To contact me email at I am offering astrological telephone sessions again.

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    28 June 2022 ~ New Moon  Empty Re: 28 June 2022 ~ New Moon

    Post  THEeXchanger Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:42 pm


    Posts : 5352
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    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    28 June 2022 ~ New Moon  Empty Re: 28 June 2022 ~ New Moon

    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jun 29, 2022 1:36 am

    Greg Pesemeo
    June 27 at 11:46 PM ·

    "Someone asked me to engage in this Roe VS Wade decision
    and I politely declined because I know the Spiritual/Energetic
    reasoning behind this stuff that’s Manifesting in the Collective.
    I also recognize ENERGY HARVESTING when I see it. 👁

    Once again.....Something that is very EMOTIONALLY/ENERGETICALLY consuming
    is happening as we enter into a New Astrological Transit AND as we’re coming into another NEW MOON.

    Notice the patterns and know when the Rulers of this System are trying to HARVEST & DRAIN your Energy
    as a means to KEEP THEM (and FEAR) Alive and Manifest their will within the Collective.

    They want y’all afraid right now.....ESPECIALLY THE DIVINE FEMININE ARCHETYPES....
    Anyone who’s in tune with this Energy can clearly see

    We’re becoming more POWERFUL Spiritually and Energetically! Lots of Magical things are happening in Us right now.
    So in order to distract us from Aligning with this Upgrade they are trying to Energetically pull us down with FEAR.
    🗣OBSERVE DO NOT ABSORB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Don’t allow yourself to fall into the Trap!
    Remain FOCUSED on your Evolution and Ascension!
    that you are Aware of where your ATTENTION and FOCUS is going.
    Balance.....and FOCUS is key 🔑 right now.
    Also use what’s happening out there to Allow you to Grow!
    Maybe things are coming back into Order.
    Maybe this decision is happening so that we can begin to reclaim SACRED SEXUAL EXCHANGE
    and be more Wise in our decisions regarding who we lay with.
    Maybe we are being called to adopt Natural/Herbal Birth control Remedies....
    Maybe Celibacy will be a GIFT instead of a Burden....
    Take your POWER BACK. - Ryann Nicole

    Greg: Energy harvesting indeed! I remember back when I had this crystal clear realization.
    I went into fear over a story I saw in the mainstream news once and I realized they got what they wanted!
    It was a trap and I walked right into it! Never again!
    It was a catalyzing moment of distinct clarity. We win this by STARVING them
    from the attention and loosh they crave and require.

    Fear is literally the single tool and weapon they use to keep humans under control and seeking out authority and direction.

    If anyone's noticed, my posts are mainly locked in with eyes on the prize and healing to get out of this mess.

    No unnecessary fear porn.. while not avoiding intelligent awareness and education.

    I've also never touched or peeked into the Depp-Heard story and most other trash on MSM.

    Why? Because that's what they want > our viewership! So I do the opposite and ignore them out of existence.

    My attention point is the most valuable currency and they don't deserve it
    > it's the juice for my life.

    We've got a beautiful New Earth to co-create!
    May be an image of 7 people and text that says 'The magicians behind the curtains. They know that Human consciousness co-creates reality based on what the mind believes to be true and real. This process is amplified when instilled in the collective consciousness of the masses. THEY are projecting what THEY WANT into YOUR MINDS so that you build it for them.'


    Posts : 5352
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    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    28 June 2022 ~ New Moon  Empty Re: 28 June 2022 ~ New Moon

    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jun 29, 2022 4:50 am


    Posts : 5352
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    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    28 June 2022 ~ New Moon  Empty Re: 28 June 2022 ~ New Moon

    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Jun 30, 2022 9:10 am

    Hail unto Thee, Jewel of the Night!
    Beauty of the Heavens, Jewel of the Night!
    Mother of the Stars, Jewel of the Night!
    Fosterling of the Sun, Jewel of the Night!
    Majesty of the Stars, Jewel of the Night!

    ____Blessing of the New Moon, Carmina Gadelica

    Hail unto Thee, Jewel of the Night!
    Beauty of the Heavens, Jewel of the Night!
    Mother of the Stars, Jewel of the Night!
    Fosterling of the Sun, Jewel of the Night!
    Majesty of the Stars, Jewel of the Night!

    ____Blessing of the New Moon, Carmina Gadelica

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:28 pm