Welcome to the Red Letter Church! Actually, welcome to RedLetterChruch.net. (WEBSITE REMOVED)This website consists of 76 posts in the Spirit of ‘76, and in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. The truth will set you free! It's primarily about the Teachings of Jesus Christ. It’s secondarily about the Constitution of the United States.
The goal is Responsible Freedom attained through a Minimalist Church and State! The historical foundation is the Red Letter Teachings of Jesus, dating back 2,000 years, and the Constitution of the United States, dating back over 200 years. In principle and concept, they are two sides of the same free coin. This is sound-money, if you will! Constitutional Responsible Freedom is the coin of the realm!
OK, I admit it, I’m a Red Letter Christian. Campolo made me do it! Just kidding! But Tony used the term Red Letter Christian before I did! A Red Letter Christian is a follower of Jesus, who strives to believe and do what Jesus told us to believe and do. We believe that in a red letter edition of the Holy Bible, that the words which are printed in red, are the first and last word in any Bible study. They are supremely important!
I have resisted the temptation to over-edit the words which I typed onto my website…day after day…for nearly three months. I wanted this manuscript to read like a disjointed brainstorm…because that’s what it really is! Actually…I’m just lazy! You will quickly notice that I place exclamation marks at the end of many sentences! I have tried to make each sentence worthy of the Exclamation Mark Award (EMA)! I have been criticized for writing this way! I have been told to use periods! I have been told that I cannot be taken seriously because of this style of writing! Well guess what? That’s the period…I mean…the point! I don’t want to be taken seriously!
It’s sort of like David Letterman wearing white socks with not quite long enough pants every night on national television! There is way too much seriousness in life in general, and Churchianity in particular! This manner of writing is designed to shower readers with mental ice-water! It’s supposed to wake them up! Let my sub-prime style of writing, incorporating excessive exhibitions of exclamation marks be my trademark! Forget the Mark of the Beast…it’s the Mark of the Exclamation that you’d better fear! (!!!) Is worse than (666)! Exclamation Critics beware! You are marked!
Unfortunately…some people can’t see the truth for the exclamation marks!!! Therefore, with great sadness and deep regret, I have been forced to removed some of the exclamation marks. The Devil made me do it! I have been told that this style makes it appear that I’m ranting and raving! Well I am! I’ve read books by John Shelby Spong, and as a result, I suffer from Spong-in-rare-form Encephalopathy, or for those of you from Rio Linda…Mad Christian Disease! I’m mad at Hell! I’ve had enough! And I’m not going to take this any more! And neither should you! PERIOD.
All-righty then…where was I? I guess I’m trying to imitate Martin Luther’s posting of his 95 Theses on the door of the castle church of Wittenburg, protesting the sale of indulgences (Salvation4Sale) and other evidences of corruption (Righteousness by Ritural)! But did Martin Luther use the Teachings of Jesus to make his case? Did he promote Everything4Nothing? Check it out. I am posting my 76 Theses in the Spirit of ‘76, on the internet, protesting the rejection of the Teachings of Christ by the church of Christ for 2,000 years. It is my Declaration of Independence from Churchianity!
You can have truth or rest…but not both! I promote Salvation by Responsibility, Righteousness by Righteousness, and Something4Something! Do I think that I’ve found the ultimate truth? Well…um...I…OK! I admit it! I don't have everything all figured out! Don't look at me! I didn't set this thing up! I don't have the answer! I'm not even sure what the question is! Could someone please repeat the question? Don't trust in what I write! I don't even trust myself! Think for yourself! Do your own research! And don't forget to pray! "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."--1 Corinthians 13:12 New International Version (NIV).
I think that I’ve located a neglected directional sign…not a destination resort of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help me, God, to find the truth! If you think you “have” the truth…you probably don’t! It’s only by relentlessly pursuing the truth that you get a glimpse of it now and then! And you have to make sure that it is not a chimera or a mirage! I must confess that I think I’m probably deluded! Come to think of it…I think we’re all deluded! We just have conflicting delusions!
Allow me to apologize in advance for offending or hurting anyone. I mean no harm. Really! I am using a unique, almost irreverent approach, which may come as a shock at times! Religion can be a source of unbelievable conflict! I am basically brainstorming…and pretending, at least, that I have a completely supportive and understanding audience! I really, really like my fantasy-land! They say that to undo, you have to over-do! I do believe I overdid it this time! I’m ready to fire myself! Actually, I’m really a smart asterisk!
We don't have church buildings and we don't ask for money. Jesus didn't either! Contribute to your favorite charitable organizations, including your local church. Follow the money!
But first, get plenty of exercise in nature, plenty of rest, and plenty of prayer! Without doing these things, everything else is mostly a waste of time and energy! If you never go outside and smell the roses, never go running, walking or hiking, don’t get enough sleep, and think that you don’t need to pray…well think again! This is not optional! It is essential! Please do not skip over this paragraph!
Meet me here tomorrow! Same Time. Same Cyber-Space. The truth is in here! Follow the truth! And make sure that you are not being followed…especially by Silas!
2. Red Letter Sermons.
The church's one foundation 'tis Jesus Christ her Lord! Are the Teachings of Jesus first and foremost in your church? If not, why not? Who's church is it, anyway? Are most, if not all, sermons preached from the words of Christ? If not, why not? Ask the hard questions. Get to the bottom of this thing! The answer seems to be blowing in the wind…judging from all of the hot air you are likely to encounter…
It’s sort of like inviting a living President of the United States to a meeting of “supporters” and then seating him at the rear of the auditorium, and having other people give their speeches praising the name of the President, but without asking the President to be the keynote speaker! The name of Jesus gets praised to highest heaven, but the words of Jesus are often figuratively seated at the back of the church! How rude! Was it something He said?
Is Christianity the Teachings of Jesus believed and lived…or is it a ritualized religion about Jesus…paying little attention to what the Second Person of the Trinity actually said?! I have sometimes gotten the impression that Christians feel that Jesus’ place is on the cross on the wall of the church. But that the important business of doctrine is best left to Moses, Paul and the theologians! Jesus is expected to be seen, but not heard, and certainly not obeyed! In fact, Jesus is supposed to obey US when we pray for something!
Every sermon should be preached from the Teachings of Jesus! But context is important! The Old Testament is contextual, but not normative. Acts to Revelation is likewise contextual, but does not have veto power over the words of Jesus Christ! The Apostle Paul is not the Fourth Person of the Godhead! Sorry Paul!
The following is an exchange between me and a New Testament theologian:
Me: There is a problem here! The Red-Letter Teachings of Jesus Christ take a back seat to Paul! Christianity needs to repent, and resurrect the words of Christ, and make them first and foremost! I have decided to follow Jesus!
Response: Christ should always be given precedence over Paul. However, until Pentecost the full meaning of Christ's sayings could not be perceived. The Holy Spirit confronted Paul and led him into a unique ministry of interpretation and explanation. Because of his training it was given to Paul to explain what the atonement meant. This could not be done until after the atonement was made, i.e., until after Christ died. The primary enquiry of all intelligent souls is, 'How can I be right with my Creator?' It is only Paul who fully spells out the way with its root and its fruit. The great tragedy of even modern evangelicals is that salvation in its historical and objective senses is too often obscured. A closer attention to the writings of Paul could prevent this tragic loss.
Me: Thank-you for your thoughtful answer. But it is a classic example of "the Teachings of Jesus are lacking." I get the picture of someone who is befuddled (Jesus), and needs help with this and that from their attendant (Paul). Did the 2nd person of the Trinity not say everything of importance that needed to be said? Did He need someone to clean up after Him, and set the record straight?
Response: It is the Holy Spirit who decided that the teachings of Christ needed to be supplemented and therefore our NT does not stop at John 21. It doesn't detract from what Jesus said at all. May I recommend you compare what you can find about the meaning of the Cross from the Gospels with what you can find in the later books inspired by the Spirit of Christ.
The following is a different response by another theologian to essentially the same comment:
Thank-you for your observations. You could have added that in the creeds of the Church, starting with the Apostle’s Creed, the only mention of the historical Jesus is that he died. Zero reference to anything he taught. We need the teaching of the man and not all this rubbish taught about the man. Your suggestion is so simple, so powerful. Do it!
And as they say…“the rest is history!” So…ladies and gentlemen…prepare yourselves to hear…the rest of His-story!
3. The Teachings of Jesus are Fundamental.
This website is the result of my conviction that the words which are printed in red letters in a red letter edition of the Bible are fundamental. This, I suppose, is a more refined fundamentalism of sorts, but without all the negative baggage! When the word “fundamentalism” is used, many people think of militants marching in the streets shouting slogans, waving flags, and brandishing grenade launchers! One gets the picture that a fundamentalist is interested only in teaching and enforcing…not reasoning and learning!
On the other hand, isn’t it important to have a basic formulation of truth, including psychology, ethics, and spirituality? It is impossible to properly play a baseball game without rules and referees. It is also impossible to properly live life without a basic system of psychology, ethics, and spirituality. Ideally, the standard should be historical, include the essentials, and exclude the non-essentials!
The Constitution of the United States is a very simple and concise document! In fact, it is mostly structural and procedural in nature. On the other hand, the Christian Constitution, if you will, has historically consisted of all 66 canonical books of the Bible, with all words carrying equal weight and importance. This has created legion numbers of theologies and churches! It has been a Weapon of Mass Confusion! A real Loose Canon! Ex Cathedra proclamations have been necessary to maintain ecclesiastical law and order! Atrocities have even been perpetrated against those with differing convictions! Evangelism has been conducted with the torch and the sword, in God‘s name! If you can’t convince them…torture and kill them!
Liberalism has sought to abort these exegetical monstrosities and diabolical administrative practices, but all too often destroys the mother instead! The whole Bible is often mockingly rejected privately, while being publicly damned with faint praise! It is reminiscent of drilling a hole in your own lifeboat!
Fundamentalist Christians and Evangelicals have labored valiantly to maintain the doctrinal integrity of all 66 books in a harmonious unity! This only works if there are strong, charismatic leaders who accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, get rid of Mr. In Between, and all those who dare question the authority of the church hierarchy and it‘s interpretations and applications of scripture!
Put bluntly, I believe that the Red Letter Teachings of Jesus Christ are fundamental, and that the rest of scripture is important, but NOT fundamental! It is contextual and illuminating, but not authoritative! Is that heresy? To Churchianity…yes! To Jesus Christ…no! Who’s side are you on? Choose you this day who you will serve!
4. What Did Jesus Say?
The question, "what would Jesus do?" or WWJD, is a popular one. It is a helpful ethical guide under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. However, there is an even more important question, I believe, "what did Jesus say?" When we find out, then it is up to us to do what Jesus said. It's almost too simple! Obviously real-life challenges are not so simple, but the words of Jesus, illuminated by careful-prayerful study and the Holy Spirit, provide an ethical-spiritual home base where we can formulate our positive responses to the challenges and perplexities of modern life!
The Teachings of Jesus have something for everyone! Most of the words of Jesus can be easily understood by a child, yet some of the words of Jesus continue to challenge the world’s sharpest minds! When reading the sayings of Christ…if the saying fits…apply it! If not…move on, and consider that particular saying later. In other words, do not destroy yourself or others with something you don’t understand, or which does not apply to the given situation!
We are not to imitate Jesus. This would be similar to imitating a President of the United States. If you are not the President, then imitating the President leads to inappropriate behavior! We all know people who act like God, don’t we? Jesus was on a very special mission! I believe that this mission was to establish His teachings as the modus operandi for the Human Race! The Teachings of Jesus are an arrow (and an exclamation mark!)…but not a period. They are a beginning and a vehicle…but not a destination. They are to facilitate a proper and orderly search for truth and a better life. This is ongoing. It is never ending. It requires a lot of hard work! You can’t simply let go and let God!
Jesus was the Savior of the World, and the Benchmark of Humanity. This is something that you and I have not been called to do! Hence, WWJD in our particular situation is like comparing apples and oranges, or divinity and humanity! When we are trying to decide what to do, the question is WDJS, or What Did Jesus Say? And don’t forget to pray!
5. Red Letter Phobia.
The term "Red Letter Christian" seems to cause many Christians to bristle! Why is this? Is it the manner of presentation by Red Letter Christians, such as myself? Perhaps. But I think the Teachings of Jesus make us very uncomfortable when we are doing something wrong, or are corrupt! Sometimes things have to seemingly get worse in order to get better. When one kneels at the feet of Jesus and looks into His face of love, one knows that they can do better (no matter how good or bad they are). The experience may make us squirm, but ultimately it makes us better people, and the world a better place!
The true purpose of non-corrupt religion is not to make us happy! At least not initially. It is to do the right thing! This may, at times, make us very unhappy! It can be difficult to deny self, figuratively take up your cross, and follow Jesus. Wrestling with reality is part of the deal. True religion is not the opiate of the people! It is often just the opposite! If it sounds and feels good…don’t believe it! You are probably in the wrong church!
I once had a philosophy teacher who warned us that his class was not designed to make us happy! It was to teach us something. He further said that if we wanted to be happy…we should drop-out, move to Oregon…and smoke pot! This teacher was later arrested for having intimate relations with a minor! He had a minor legal problem, to say the least! And after he got out of jail, he undoubtedly got to travel and meet new people! Maybe he moved to Oregon and smoked pot! Might as well…the rest of his life had gone to pot! I hope the teacher learned his lesson!
6. All Scripture is Centered in the Teachings of Jesus.
The words of Jesus are not isolated from the rest of scripture, but they are central to scripture. Each and every Bible study and sermon should be centered in the words of Jesus! It's not about excluding the rest of the Bible, but rather about understanding the whole Bible by placing the Teachings of Jesus front and center, where they belong!
I must confess that the God of the Old Testament and the book of Revelation, is often not the God that I believe in and love. I prefer the God revealed by Jesus. And doesn’t this representation imply a limited God? This gets God off the hook (if God needs to be gotten off the hook) on the suffering question, and also regarding a delayed (by our reckoning) second coming. Why does God have to be all-mighty? Isn’t most-mighty good enough? Aren’t we sometimes a bit demanding and unrealistic in our God-expectations? Isn’t this a major reason for agnosticism and atheism?
An ideal method of study is to take your favorite red letter, cross referenced version of the Bible, and read the red lettered portions, in context, and read all cross referenced texts in their contexts. The Teachings of Jesus are to the rest of the Bible what the Constitution of the United States is to the Federalist Papers. The first is normative standard, and the second is context and clarification. Don’t make things more complex than they need to be! Let the Bible be its own interpreter, with the Holy Spirit as your guide.
Try reading the four Gospels straight through two or three times. Then read just the red letter portions straight through two or three times. Then search out all of the cross referenced texts throughout the Bible, and highlight them. Then read all of these highlighted texts straight through, from Genesis to Revelation. Do this two or three times. At some point in this process, the Holy Spirit will come streaming through the windows of your soul, and you will see the light! You may very well see it a lot more clearly than I do! I’m just a goofy clown, waving a sign, and trying to point others in the right direction! I’m also a bit of a hypocrite! I haven’t arrived, and don’t expect to anytime soon!
It makes me tired just typing these marching orders! I must confess, I think I have the overall idea right, but I find it difficult to be a Bible scholar. It takes both perspiration and inspiration! To become disillusioned with the old way of relating to the Bible, and then to get inspired with the new way can give one a spiritual whiplash! Fasten your seatbelts and put your headrest up!
Lastly, integrate all of the above into everything! This isn't easy, and it's not for wimps! The texts are ancient and we live in a modern world which is becoming more complex, perplexing and dangerous by the millisecond! But if the principles and concepts of the Teachings of Jesus are not integrated into our modern world, we face negative consequences of truly biblical proportions...
Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:05 am; edited 1 time in total