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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It


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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Carol Sat Mar 06, 2021 8:42 am

    This is a video going viral of what appears to be a large mothership with dozens of smaller UFOs revolving around it in San Bernardino, California.

    Dr. James Maxwell and Prof. Warren Carry

    Last edited by Carol on Sat Mar 06, 2021 8:45 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    Location : Hawaii

    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Carol Sat Mar 06, 2021 8:43 am

    Last edited by Carol on Sat Mar 06, 2021 8:45 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Carol Sat Mar 06, 2021 8:44 am

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Carol Sat Mar 06, 2021 8:50 am

    This ships is not alone and there are many other ships that are flying around with it. They are in our clouds and our sky. They are near the sun.


    "Hello hello wherever you are in any part of the world. Hello from my heart to yours. We're looking at a massive ship that is in the airspace around the sun. It showed up around February the twentieth and this is the uh soho lascal c3. You can see that there are other ships flying around it. There are also some ships that are coming out of it. You can see the movement that is taking place in the extensions that are coming off of this ship and um some of the ships that are in the sky with this. They shape-shift just like the center of the sun did.

    When we were zooming up you know how the sun kept changing its shape. It was like a Tetris. That's exactly what's happening with some of these ships as they come out of the sun. They too are doing the same thing. They don't keep the same shape. This ship is massive and it did not come alone.

    I did a video on my youtube. I'm trying to zoom up on the smaller ships to see them doing their shape shifting and it was incredible. It really was and if you slow this down you take screenshots, you can see that this is not a planet. It's not. It's far from a planet. This is intelligent. This is an advanced race of beings. I don't know what they look like. They could be AI as far as i know. They could be uh Federation of Light. i don't know. I really don't but I know that they're in our skies and i'm sure they far outnumber our
    ships that we have. I really am. There's too many to even count. You can't count them, you can. I count all these ships. Just notice how all these things that are extending out heather continually changing their length and shape to allow other ships coming out.

    Just like that came out on the top. It's unbelievable when you slow this down because if you go to look at the the soho lascal c3 this stuff's going so fast you can't see what it is. It's only until you zoom up and you slow it down are you able to capture the um shape of that are flying around in the sky.

    It's incredible. It really is absolutely incredible. For those who think that there are no such things as ufos. For those who think that we are alone. We're not alone. We're not. We got a space force too. You have to ask yourself, why do we got a space force. Well there's something going on in the sky and when we see that center of that sun and it starts moving around like a Tetris thing.

    That's not normal and it's not camera pixelation. Is that what people going to dismiss this as because they cannot let it sink in that this is a massive ship.

    There comes a time when you got to say enough is enough. Take the blinders off your eyes. We are not alone you all. This is clear to see what's happening up here.

    We have another race of beings an intelligent race of beings that are in the skies all around. They cloak themselves in the clouds. They travel in the clouds. They're not going nowhere. They are not going anywhere. They are here to stay. What can we do about it. Absolutely nothing. There's nothing we can do about it. We can't. Are you going to be able to tell them to leave.

    No you're not going to tell them to leave. They far outnumber us. Whoever they are they far outnumber us. You may say, "Well gina, are these good or are these bad."

    I don't know. I'm documenting. That's what I'm doing. I'm documenting as much as I can when I see it and I'm thankful to be able to share the documentation with people because people some people say they're evil. Some people say these are the chariots of the most high god. Some people say that this is the galactic federation of light along with many other species. They do. One thing I can say there's a massive
    ship out there and it didn't come alone. It didn't.

    This is absolutely incredible you all. It really is what we're witnessing and again this is at the
    You can go there. You can go to the soholasco c3 product and if that's not enough, now we got some earthquakes going on around the world some major earthquakes.

    Things are heating up. Things are getting real as if it wasn't real enough. We got some more stuff to look at. We got a massive ship up here that entered the airspace around the 20th of February and it's not even reached the center of the sun yet and I'm going to show you a little clip of it where it's at right now.
    This is where the ship is right now.
    we're looking at the time stamp. it was uh March the first um it goes all the way up to March the fourth, which is today.
    These right here. I'll put some screenshots what they look like. They literally change their shape like tetris 06:28 is what they do.

    We got some cubes that also um show up. I'll put a screenshot shop of the cubes. 06:40

    This is what's happening you all. It's like, look at this.
    Look at all this movement you've seen. The cube that came onto the screen but 06:53 these right here. They are ships that are moving like a tetris changing their shape as they go across the sky, the airspace, is what they're doing uh and here is the big ship 07:05. You can see it's changing it's changing its shape and there's all other types of ships flying around up there with it.

    All other types. It's absolutely remarkable. It really is remarkable to be living in a time such as this in order to document and share. Look. Look what's happening. Is all this
    07:34 blinking and stuff going on you all are they cutting my feed, I'm sorry. It's blinking I ain't got no control over the blink and I don't. Maybe I had my screen enlarged too much. There's just all kinds of ships flying around. Look at that. 07:51 Literally stretching from one side to the other.
    Okay look at this. Look at these ships. This is these this this is not Elon Musk satellites you all. These are ships. They're ships.

    Okay, that's what they are. They are ships.

    Let me let me go down here to get the 08:20 one that literally stretches from one side of the sun to the other side of the sun because I seen it flash across the screen.
    They can line themselves up. See. They're about as long as this when they uh 08:32 do that and in fact, they probably could be a byproduct of that too. Probably could belong. Look here we go, 08:38 watch it - one side to the other. It's
    08:41 right there.

    There it is again. It didn't go nowhere, uh it didn't. It didn't go anywhere at all they coming down from up above. They come in all over the place. They are literally coming all over the place. Look at this um yeah. This is so real.

    There's so much going on and I'm not going to be on here long at all. I just wanted to show this to you.

    I wanted to show it to you so you can see it where we're at right now on the 7th 1706 and here is that ship so with that being said I am going to go.

    Have a wonderful rest of your day. I look forward to sharing with you whatever I am given.

    Thank you.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 4201
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Sat Mar 06, 2021 9:08 am

    This rather looks like Las Roques, now located in Malaysia...


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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Carol Sat Mar 06, 2021 12:38 pm

    pretty amazing.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 4201
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Sat Mar 06, 2021 12:49 pm


    (we even had not enough iron on the planet to build "steel worlds"...)

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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Carol Sat Mar 06, 2021 7:14 pm

    Part 1: Selected by Extraterrestrials, .My Life in the Top Secret World of UFOs., think-tanks and Nordic secretaries ...Think Tanks... Civilian Saucer Investigation...The Investigation

    Opened another one,this person was definitely inside,the years that these events took place, will cause pause by those who read them some 50 years later. Ladies and gentleman, I give you William Mills Tompkins and his 'work'...


    At the outset, it’s important I note that while this book is my autobiography, it does not tell my entire life’s history. It only addresses my personal work in, and my knowledge of, the field of aerospace technology from 1950 to 1969. It was a microscopic period of space-time, but one in which a massive change in man’s understanding of his place in the universe occurred. The subject matter contained in this volume is so important that it cannot be covered in just one book alone. The story of the rest of my fantastic life, and corresponding adventures, will be included in subsequent volumes....

    ....A Think Tank, buried inside an engineering department of one of the world’s largest aircraft manufacturing plants? That’s ridiculous. Maybe inside the California Institute of Technology (CALTEC), over in Pasadena. But, certainly not in the Douglas Aircraft Company, at the Santa Monica Airport, right? Wrong. Something really weird was going on in one particular part of Douglas engineering and I had been selected to participate in it.

    To gain access, I had to enter a highly classified walled-off area inside the Engineering department through a locked door. On my first day I was given a temporary badge. I was not, however, given a key to the area. Someone had to buzz me in. A grumpy, middle-aged man in a business suit ushered me down one of the halls into a room.

    My first assignment in advanced design was in this small room with no windows. It seemed to me to have been an office. I could tell there had been pictures on the now empty walls. The only furniture was the standard drafting board and a stool. I was alone in that room for two days. Nobody even came in to tell me when it was quitting time.

    On the third morning, three gray-haired men were waiting for me when I came in. Without introductions each instructed me to determine:

    1) A method to transport heavy equipment from cavern 316 to caverns 329 and 330, saying they need a prototype by Sunday.

    2) A method that would enable them to stabilize a rocket stage that has malfunctioned during descent.

    3) The risk factors in misinterpreting the intent of acquired computations involving recording data....

    ....Ignoring Dr. Klemperer, Wheaton continued, “We’re going to have to educate the senior staff of the Navy on both systems. Seventy percent of them will tell you it can’t be done, but through some of my team’s extensive research and finagling of funding from the Nike series programs, I think that we’re well on our way to achieving the configurations that can accomplish both threats. That’s the diversified goal here. We will continue to bootleg the funding from any program necessary for defining the missions, weapons, and galactic Naval warships necessary to beat the multiple extraterrestrial threats. I thought we must be getting funds from somewhere else.

    “Oh, and Sheila?” he paused. “Make sure you don’t record that comment about switching funds from the Nike programs, please.”

    She nodded.

    “So, now that I’ve given everyone the update on that, let’s continue with what is also a very high priority right now: our undersea and underground facilities. Bill, would you show us your latest diagrams?”

    Sifting through my system block diagrams, I came up with my conceptual DW-23. It was meant to be a “deep water” facility, which was a portion of our ONR proposal. ...

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Sun Mar 07, 2021 3:46 am

    Even if the "mothership aliens" were relatively harmless and possibly not even weaponized in human sense they had to down the ships to get access to the metal if they did not reach Mars for exploitation in time...

    And what could be said if they appear in masses?

    And what if they themselves are after iron ore?

    Humans are predators who do not care the cute doesies in the forests if hunger drives them...

    What could make the Lord of the March wonder? That this planet is inhibited?

    They multiplicate rapidly and new steel worlds are needed soon...

    Btw.: yesterday I spoke to Lord Shadow, the leader of the Bloodclaw Clan.

    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Red-ri10
    Hi, Grandma...

    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Wolfsm10
    Those who assimilated howl and bark at the steel worlds,
    even certain dogs have that, also concerning balloons...

    Allah is the Rabbi of Ashera, and that is He, the Lord of Sirius!

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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Fri Mar 12, 2021 3:14 am


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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Sun Mar 14, 2021 6:00 am

    Ashera wrote:Toward evening as they were shooting arrows at a mark placed at some distance, the
    little stranger gathered all the arrows together and ran away with them. Flesh
    chased him but he ran to a little lake formed by a depression made from the fall
    of a meteor, dived in, and disappeared. Flesh cried and went home. But just
    before he reached home he stopped crying. When the little stranger dived into
    the lake he had said to Flesh, “Forget it!” Thus when the latter reached home
    he had completely forgotten all about it.

    - The Winnebago Twins Cycle

    Was it truly a meteor who caused this depression or were it not Thunderbirds? And to where all the thunderbird weapons vanished that they had stolen in raids? And what about this strange plant, called Lily of the Lake? Some kind of Excalibur myth?

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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Sun Mar 14, 2021 8:22 am


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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Sun Mar 14, 2021 8:52 am


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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Tue Mar 30, 2021 6:35 am


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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Wed Mar 31, 2021 8:01 am


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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Wed Mar 31, 2021 8:10 am

    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Tumblr19

    The so-called "Indus Srcipt" that so far no one decoded.
    First of all context is lacking and every sign is singular.
    A spoon?
    The tavern sign of Sidra and Sidhurti?

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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Wed Mar 31, 2021 11:22 am

    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It 5fee88012f9f38cc87b6708281684c254aea2289

    A closer look shows that the way the types or letters are formed resembles an in stone age far spread technique, namely that of doubling.

    We know such doublings from stone age findings; here not as script, but in symbolizing, bowls with covers, doubling architecture (overground and underground) in neolithic archticture.

    Inter alia the idea of completeness is implied, to keep the cosmos stable.
    Some characters of the Indus script could suggest such doubling
    thinking. If we would know how to split resp. unify them, possibly a “language” could appear. This could be the key.
    The first “type” of the script for example resembles our letter “F”, known as digamma originally:

    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It 800px-Digamma_uc_lc.svg

    Digamma (uppercase Ϝ, lowercase ϝ) is an archaic letter of the Greek alphabet, used primarily as a Greek numeral.

    The letter had the phonetic value of a voiced labial-velar approximant /w/. It was originally called ϝαῦ wau. It was later called the “elusive" δίγαμμα (digamma — "double gamma”) because of its shape. It is attested in archaic and dialectal ancient Greek inscriptions, and is occasionally used as a symbol in later Greek mathematical texts.

    Digamma, like Upsilon, derives from the Phoenician letter Waw, and in its turn gave rise to the Roman letter F, via Etruscan language.

    I found the digamma function and its representations intuitively because I once looked for the letter “F” (“Vau” originally, this spoken like a “W”) and its evolution. I played around with that very long ago, almost still a child then.

    Then I asked myself if someting like a doubledigamma function (not knowing that term then - something like a T-cross with two joists) could be possible. My aim was to mirror the letter without any “loss”.

    This letter would be a “Vau-Tau”.

    There are only few letters that can be mirrored looking in the mirror standing before it without any inversion; the Vau-Tau is a such.

    Maybe it signifies a “path” to the other side of the mirror (or the “screen”) and vice verse?

    Both double-digammas (that before and that “in” the mirror, what in fact means “beyond”, like Alice*s wonderland) combined form a polygamma.

    So the Völva, Vala, Hexe, Wicca, emerged.

    In any case all what I then did over the years I did not do voluntarily, it was enforced by some “power” I did not know.

    Very much later, studying anthropology already, I found similarities to shamanic practices, even in combination with that mighty sexual component.

    School and society taught some kind of exorcism to get rid of those “irrational” aspects of reality, using concepts like “consensual truth” and “social” control.

    But this did not function in my case, so I had no other choice than to go the “shamanic” way to “domesticate” - or, better: to integrate - the overwhelming forces that sometimes almost killed me. Not to forget that the real killer was "the social" in fact.

    Today I know that my “decision” to learn to know and to trust myself and these strange forces was right. Becoming what I am.

    I am from the other side.
    Oct. 12, 2010

    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Ba988ff8606691aad662f9a4b08972aa8b93976d

    Tau Vau She is a girl (''), she is also called "Light as a Feather", and she was raised at home (spoon fed, domesticated).
    Strangely enough the word Ashera in ancient Phoenician is written with similar signs, but simpler and differently sorted.

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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Wed Mar 31, 2021 12:16 pm

    I will write your name across the sky
    - God

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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Wed Mar 31, 2021 4:01 pm


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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:00 am


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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:45 am


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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Thu Apr 01, 2021 9:31 am


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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Thu Apr 01, 2021 10:07 am


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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Sun Apr 04, 2021 1:57 pm


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    From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It Empty Re: From San Bernardino, California Appears To Show A Mothership With Dozens Of UFOs Surrounding It

    Post  Ashera Sun Apr 04, 2021 2:31 pm

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:06 am