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    Resonance Science Foundation


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    Resonance Science Foundation Empty Resonance Science Foundation

    Post  mudra Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:09 am

    Resonance Science Foundation Img_0510

    As we perceive so we act

    Resonance Academy
    Unified Science Course


    Welcome to the Unified Science Course!
    This is a journey of exploration,discovery and collaboration.Wether we are scientific researchers, recently inspired seekers venturing into new territory, or someone who has been following this line of inquiry for a long time, all are invited to engage in an ongoing shared process of discovery as we decelop a clear understanding of what we call Unified Physics.

    Even though the basis of exploration is founded upon a rigorous scientific pursuit through very specific principles of physics, our shared inquiry spans a wide range of experiences that includes the implications and applications of the unified model of physics, the relevance to our personal and societal state of consciousness, and our perception about the world and universe as a whole - our world view.

    This last aspect is where we begin our journey, for how we perceive the world and nature of the universe deeply influences how we relate to it.

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 2:24 am