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    Diehold Foundation

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:50 pm

    I found this while looking at magnetic field reversal.

    I like his science, so far..i have barely scratched the surface..


    but interesting to know the truth

    Diehold Foundation
    34.9K subscribers
    Video series 4, Part 1, covers the causes of the ice ages and why they happen immediately after a geomagnetic reversal.
       The videos cover the causes of the Ice Ages at the time of Geomagnetic Reversals. The earth does not flip over on itself. Only the magnetic field reverses. This information has never been taught before because government felt it was too disruptive to society.  Those with degrees in geology, astronomy were deliberately never taught this information. You were taught wrong alternate explanations for the phenomena.
        The research revealed the Greatest Secret the Country has and the CIAs Involvement. You are going to find out what event caused the government to engineer the concealment.
        I am going to give you the Education you were supposed to have gotten when you went to College. I am going to present this information unblemished and treat all of you like mature adults, but I warn you that this information will scare you and change your life.
        I present this information because I want some people to survive the reversal event
        If you have any questions on any of the videos, just send your questions to or  and they will be answered directly or in a Q&A video in that series. List of all the video Series’s:

    Video Series 1 The Theory of Multidimensional Reality.
    Part 1: The two different ways to describe the Universe:
    Part 2: Defining the Problem. How I found the Clock Cycle in the Universe; .
    Part 3: Creation of the Atom and Defining Dimensions;
    Part 4: Dimensions 5-8. What is Gravity;
    Part 5: What is Light; .
    Part 6: The Subatomic “Particles” and what they Really are; .
    Part 7: Where Quasars get their energy; .
    Part 8: The Crisis in Physics; .

    Video Series 2. Creation of the Hebrew Alphabet.
    Part 1: The creation model of the Hebrew Alphabet;
    Part 2: The science philosophy behind the Hebrew Alphabet;
    Part 3: The Three Shapes the Letters Form;
    Part 4: Dating the Torah and the Technology;

    Video Series 3. Gravity & time experiments.
    Part 1: Field Experiment at Oregon Vortex, Santa Cruz Mystery Spot;

    Video Series 4. Causes of the Ice Ages & Polar Reversals.
    Part 1: Clock cycles that cause the reversals;
    Part 2: Proof Sun novas;
    Part 2B: Proof all stars Nova;
    Part 3: The great flood;
    Part 4A: Sea level changes;
    Part 4B: Meteors do not cause extinctions;
    Part 4C/E: 14C dating Issues;
    Part 4D: Greenland crater;
    Part 4F: Earth’s rotation reverses during polar reversal;
    Part 4G: Mechanism that creates the Earth’s magnetic field & rotation?;
    Part 5A: Ways to survive the reversal;
    Part 5B: The easy way to survive;
    Part 5C: Most coded secret in the Torah;

    Video Series 6. Moses 10 Code Systems:
    Part 1: Code systems 1-7;
    Part 2: Code systems 8-10, #12,068 Embedded in the Torah;

    Video Series 7. God’s Code System:
    Part 1: God’s 11th code system;
    Part 2: 12,068 day cycles:

    Video Series 8. Abraham & the cave:
    Part 1: Why Abraham Sold his Half Sister 2X;
    Part 2: Coded Names for Mount Sinai & the Technology in the cave;

    Video Series 9. Joseph & slavery for 11 Tribes:
    Part 1: Young Joseph;
    Part 2: Becomes prime minister;
    Part 3: 11 tribes enslaved;

    Video Series 10. The Exodus and Finding the Real Mount Sinai: Part 1: the Pharaoh;
    Part 2: Moses & the cave;
    Part 3: The Altars;
    Part 4: The Ark:
    Part 5: After Mount Sinai;
    Part 6: The missing 12 tribes:

    Video Series 12. How & who Changed the Science:
    Part 1: How & Who;
    Part 2: Why the Piso’s did it;

    The books mentioned can be purchased through or & The Diehold Foundation is a 501(C)3 Public Science Foundation. Donations are tax deductible and are welcomed.

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Seashore Mon Jul 05, 2021 2:08 pm

    Vidya Moksha wrote:Part 5A: Ways to survive the reversal;
    I see in the Description for the video that he believes the Reversal will occur in 2046.
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:41 pm

    Seashore wrote:
    Vidya Moksha wrote:Part 5A: Ways to survive the reversal;
    I see in the Description for the video that he believes the Reversal will occur in 2046.
    Specifically September to December 2046. Book the End of the World party now.

    I'd be happy with another 25 years here  Ancient One ..

    I am about to watch 5A and 5B , if I can stay awake that long..... been a long day..

    He talks about what will happen,when,how to survive.. but I have only watched the intro..


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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  mudra Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:47 pm

    Excellent find Vidya  cheers 
    I listened to a few of these videos. So great to watch they unfold like a thriller.
    So far so good. 
    In 2046 I'll would be 91 years !
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Mon Jul 05, 2021 6:04 pm

    Today I noticed Richard Branson is about to jet into Space. Jeff Bezos is about to do the same. Elon Musk is selling up on Earth to move to Space.

    Maybe they watched the videos too.

    Makes Super yachts seem so yesterday.. and a reason to rape and pillage the planet for resources while blaming us for Climate change..

    curious and curious...


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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Seashore Mon Jul 05, 2021 8:32 pm

    In his Diehold Foundation Introduction video he says that the Torah is the remnant of an extremely highly advanced previous civilization most likely tens of millions of years more advanced than us.
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Jul 06, 2021 9:18 am

    Seashore wrote:
    Vidya Moksha wrote:Part 5A: Ways to survive the reversal;
    I see in the Description for the video that he believes the Reversal will occur in 2046.

    series 4
    Part 5A: Ways to survive the reversal;

    This video explains the solar cycles and how he worked out the next reversal will be in 2046.

    I haven't checked his data (I wouldn't know where to start!) but I can't fault his logic if his data are correct.

    I would say essential viewing.

    Last edited by Vidya Moksha on Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:40 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Jul 06, 2021 9:24 am

    series 4
    Part 5B The easy way to survive the reversal.

    short version.. You wont survive.

    Long version: Anything on the West coast of anywhere is finished. The entire ocean will be on top of you when the earth stops rotating. So the Americas will have the Pacific Ocean and Europe the Atlantic.

    China might be relatively 'dry'.

    If you survive the water then it's 50/50 as to where the solar flare hits.. the side facing the sun is gone.. burned to a crisp. The dark side will be plummeted into freezing (minus hundreds of degrees, a fast freeze action).

    Were the pyramids built to survive such events? It would take something the size and shape the pyramids to survive.

    It will take a global response, all governments uniting to execute such a plan today. Seems a long way off right now, as they try and kill us by other means instead.

    Last edited by Vidya Moksha on Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Jul 06, 2021 9:30 am

    Seashore wrote:In his Diehold Foundation Introduction video he says that the Torah is the remnant of an extremely highly advanced previous civilization most likely tens of millions of years more advanced than us.
    I havent started with his Torah and Bible references yet.. but I will watch them.

    Vogt is not prone to hyperbole.. and I havent watched the video you reference,, but I find this a bit hard to fathom. Surely if the clock resets every 12,068 years then that's how long the world has to rebuild, unless previous survivors spanned many disasters / cycles?

    Its like a computer game. We have 12,000 years as a planet to get our acts together.. or not. Game over, board reset, start again. Repeat...


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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Seashore Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:13 am

    Vidya Moksha wrote: Surely if the clock resets every 12,068 years then that's how long the world has to rebuild, unless previous survivors spanned many disasters / cycles?
    Good point.

    Maybe previous possessors of the most advanced technology have gotten off planet during disasters.


    I am very interested in anything to do with previous advanced technology on planet Earth. Probably all of it still exists in secret space programs.

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:48 am

    Thank-you for this thread, Vidya. I've spent some time on this topic, including books and videos by Douglas Vogt, but there's only so much I can digest and verify, so I've mostly moved on. Regarding 2046, there are some 87 year periods (fourscore and seven years) I find quite interesting (which coincide with 2046) but I won't comment on them at this point. Some of them are personal. I'm not sure what to make of this, but regarding the Torah (and the rest of the Bible) we're probably not dealing with a bunch of primitive-warriors and sheep-herders in the middle of the desert. We might not be dealing with God (or god) as we know this being to be commonly known. We might be dealing with Ancient-Technology, including Supercomputers, Robotics, Planetary-Propulsion. Weapons of Mass-Destruction, etc. This thing might be worse than we can imagine. Judeo-Christianity (as commonly known) might be a collection of Cover-Stories. Jesus said, "I have many things to tell you, but you can't bear them." In other words, "You Can't Handle the Truth." Unfortunately, we might be in the process of having the Truth crammed down our throats, regardless of whether anyone can handle the Truth or not. I continue my contextual-study but I have reached few-conclusions. What if HAL 9000 (for want of a better term) has run this solar system for millions of years (for better or worse)?? What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would Raven Say?? "@#$%^&*#$%^!!!!!"

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed Jul 07, 2021 11:31 am; edited 1 time in total
    Vidya Moksha
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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:11 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:What Would Raven Say??
    The Raven wrote:"Nevermore"

    I thought you may have come across the biblical references, seem in your ball-park. I am curious to watch more.

    I've been woodworking all day, but his videos have been in my head throughout.. probably explains the gaps in my boards Wink

    It is a lot to take in, and much of it I have to take on trust, I have no knowledge of much of what he speaks... but it doesnt sound like BS.. he has a good intellect and ridiculous amount of information. Old School.. bet he doesnt have a facebook / twitter account.

    so far, so good. It ties up a lot of loose ends for me..
    Vidya Moksha
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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:46 am

    Series 4
    Part 1: Clock cycles that cause the reversals;

    This is the over view. Good place to start, (which is probably why it's Part 1 Wink ).

    Next reversal in 2046. Planetary extinction event. We have 25 years left. If his predictions are true.

    (No reference and take with a large pinch of salt.. but I read somewhere, somewhen.. that 30 fertile women survived the last extinction, 12,000 years ago and we are descended. I dont take that info at all seriously, but it gives an idea of the scale of this thing.)

    Outer Mongolia / Tibet good options for a base. if the earthquakes dont get you.

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    Vidya Moksha
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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Jul 06, 2021 1:18 pm

    Ok.. so for me a litmus test... Dimensions!

    You may recall my trigger switch when I see fluffy new age descriptions of higher dimensions.

    However, as an aside, I can testify and prove I made 5D last week! I always wondered what it would be like. But one rubber is pretty much the same as the next. I took a screenshot, for the record.
    Diehold Foundation 5d10

    So I jumped to Series 1 Part 4: Dimensions 5-8. What is Gravity;


    A scientific description of the dimensions. I can accept it. He defines his terms and is consistent. The fourth, fifth and sixth dimensional beings he describes certainly have parallels in yogic philosophy.

    7D are planets
    8D is the sun.

    gravity is his 'information'.

    works for me..

    I do like this series

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Seashore Tue Jul 06, 2021 1:39 pm

    Vidya Moksha wrote:Series 4
    Part 1: Clock cycles that cause the reversals
    This part is interesting:

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  mudra Tue Jul 06, 2021 2:08 pm

    I completed the first serie.
    I enjoyed all parts of it.
    Mary areas of physics he talks about I am not acquainted with
    but I understood enough to realize I was lucky to have avoided
    filling my mind with erroneous and useless datas that have
    accumulated in some of these areas mainly from pure speculation.
    Douglas is good at pointing at the inconsistencies and explaining why.
    So far it seems he is a scientist that does not leave Consciousness out of the
    equation of his research and in that regard he gets my interest.

    I understand the clock is rigged on cycles of 12.068 years and that it takes 40 years
    for the ice to unfold at the onset of the cycle. Does he mention somewhere how long
    It then takes for it to melt before life forms can survive again ?
    And I wonder wether humanoids are getting smaller and smaller at each cataclysm ?
    There were giants on earth and past civilizations have left huge monuments behind.

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:36 am

    Video Series 12. How & who Changed the Science:
    Part 1: How & Who;

    I recommend NOT watching this video unless you are a Historian, or interested in old Roman families and their libraries.

    He seems to need to show us all his research, how many times Aristotle was NOT mentioned in books. Even the origins of his writings are suspect.

    This is a long video and can be summarised in a sentence.

    There are 2 schools of thinking. Plato suggested form and matter were separate. "Aristotle" says form and matter are the same thing.

    (In my world the idea that you can manifest things would suggest that the Plato model is more accurate and that's what the video says.)

    The Romans pushed their agenda, created the philosophy of Aristotle for their own means. I guess that what Part 2 describes?

    Part 2 mentions the 'Piso' dynasty in the title of the video.. so I guess they created the story? These are the same group of people who 'invented' the Jesus fable (the Piso Flavians)... so I will watch it later, for his take on it.

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  mudra Wed Jul 07, 2021 6:39 am

    I now completed the Hebrew alphabet series.
    I knew the hebrew letters and the tree of life are integral part of the Kabbala.
    Douglas brings this way further and finally brings light to me regarding what genesis is all about.
    And finally he concludes "a thought form is at the origin of the universe". 
    I completely agree. I also like his model of what dimensions are as outlined
    by Vidya above and understand his reasoning. 
    I feel the need to listen to all the series though before being able to
    make a final opinion. I like to listen to them in the order they are given.
    As mentioned above so far so good I have not lost interest yet.
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:05 am

    mudra wrote:I understand the clock is rigged on cycles of 12.068 years  and that it takes 40 years
    for the ice to unfold at the onset of the cycle. Does he mention somewhere how long
    It then takes for it to melt before life forms can survive again ?
    And I wonder wether humanoids are getting smaller and smaller at each cataclysm ?
    There were giants on earth and  past civilizations have left huge monuments behind.
    He is saying 100-200 years to melt, and the zones too far from the equator inhospitable for 60 years after. But he says he doesn't know for sure and also says that NASA and NOAA should have the resources to calculate these time scales.

    Interesting about giant humans and animals (and trees!) .. Although modern physics does seem a mess to me, the physicists do say that Dinosaurs couldn't live today due to high gravity..

    I always liked the 'expanding earth' theory for evolution, as a smaller planet would have less gravity..

    Vogt doesn't mention this.. specifically...but he does talk about gravity.. and he says that gravity is information.. the 'idea' of a thing.. and there is so much information at the centre of the earth it creates a pull to other information (such as the information that makes up our bodies).. which we perceive as gravity..

    ok, so I could postulate.. and blend the above together.. maybe the earth is expanding? Not physically, but with information. More information would create a stronger pull / force.. He also says the planet is 7D. Maybe the planet evolves? Perhaps each solar flare, every nova event, is a new level of consciousness for the sun (8D)? He points to the interaction (with delay) between the earth and the sun, so maybe the earth also evolves, increases its consciousness at the same time as the sun? A knock-on effect? Such an increase would be experienced by humans as extra gravity. That's just my idea, tying together my own ideas..but in such a case, there would be too much information for giant creatures to survive... so bigger is not always better.. on his 'consciousness evolution' scale..

    I wanted to skip ahead to the Dimensions video, and the science videos to check him out. This series represents a big investment for me.. both in terms of time and bandwidth. I can only watch 1 video a day.. more or less.. I have a mobile internet set up and a limited amount of data each month. I don't have much spare time right now.. my last day of rest was more than 6 months ago. So I wanted to be sure before I invested the energy.

    I am convinced enough, and will watch the entire series, over time.
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:51 am

    In my search relating to this work I was looking for books, articles etc. I found the following link:

    Dunning, August. (2020). The End of The World - 2046 solar reset nova.

    The web page has a download pdf button.. but in fact it is a 20 minute video entitled The End of The World - 2046 solar reset nova, based on Vogts works. I haven't watched it yet, but had a glimpse and it offers a video explanation /description of the event as well as producing magnetic field diagrams. I think it is likely a good support video. I will comment later if I am wrong in my assumption.

    I couldn't find the video online anywhere.. only as this download. But that's using my lazysearch (TM) engine.

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  mudra Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:13 am

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Fri Jul 09, 2021 3:53 pm

    Video Series 2. Creation of the Hebrew Alphabet.
    Part 1: The creation model of the Hebrew Alphabet;
    Part 2: The science philosophy behind the Hebrew Alphabet;
    Part 3: The Three Shapes the Letters Form;
    Part 4: Dating the Torah and the Technology;

    I dont want to detract from his message but I found these videos to be over long and poorly edited.The same summary / intro to each is a bit much if you watch the entire series. I think a summary could be in a 2 part video, with no loss of information.

    His constant repeating of supporting info from other videos would be helpful if you watch one out of context, but again it is a bit repetitive if you watch the series.

    Having said that, I am still interested. I have mixed feelings about this series, but it may contain important information about the next global reset.

    His view / understanding of maths is exactly correct! Maths is just a tool, with the emphasis,often lost, on just . Maths is a universal ruler, a universal measure. It can be applied to anything, but it is still a man made measure. I really like his analogy of a computer game. It is possible to write the code that sees a person jump out of a window, fall 30m, hit the ground running and sprint away...

    ...when the reality is many broken bones, if you actually survive the fall. Just because its possible to code the program / to do the maths doesnt mean it is real.

    On the one hand he realises this but on the other I do hold the suspicion that he is guilty of over applying and over-analyzing his own ideas.

    so... The important message: Moses received the Torah from an advanced race. It gave clues /details of the 12,068 year cycles when most life on earth is ended. His data from series 4 suggests the next end of times is in 2046. Do I believe him? I cant doubt his info, so far, so I could believe him.
    His ideas around Moses receiving the code and the Hebrew alphabet is plausible and interesting. His ideas of the Hebrew alphabet origins are plausible.. especially if the big picture is applied.. it may be easy to squabble about some characters not fitting the pattern, but on the whole, and given the method of deriving the characters from the torus.. I could believe it.

    He claims it was an advanced race, or a 5 or 6D being that gave Moses the high tech material, and the coded sheet of information, written in Hebrew.

    Given that this ties in with his 12,068 year cycle it is interesting and believable info.

    He tries to calculate how long it would take to evolve into a 6D being.. but bases his numbers on the theory of evolution from the mud soup.. which is nonsense.. so he is wrong there.. he needs to lose the idea of evolution from the slime.. (i did find this a bit strange.. he says the first universe was just created from an idea.. why didnt humans arrive from another idea? An idea from whatever created us.. )

    He makes the point that after millions of reincarnations we would be insane and want to forget all the previous lives. He is talking from Duality.. In his terminology he is trying to think like a 6D being while in a 4D body, and he informs us that that is two exponential jumps in consciousness. So his ideas and feelings regarding this subject are way off.

    I quite like his dimensions theory, in context of what he is trying to describe, but ultimately I cant buy into them for my own reality. I think he making too many leaps / jumps in his 4D thinking.. he hasnt experienced any of the higher awarenesses.

    For the "end of the world" material and more of his research I will keep watching. I am not inclined to alter my world view based on his ideas of dimensions.


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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  mudra Fri Jul 09, 2021 6:00 pm

    I have been wondering how this clock cycle ties in with time as it is measured in our present calendar
    and the undeniable messed up and altered history as exposed by Fomenko's research,
    Newton's research as well as other scholars.
    Which is quite nicely summarized and illustrated in Observation Deck video historygate

    According to Fomenko there is no authentic document in our possession prior to the 11th century.
    The character of Moses itself is controversial

    Moses is best known from the story in the biblical Book of Exodus and Quran as the lawgiver who met God face-to-face on Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments after leading his people, the Hebrews, out of bondage in Egypt and to the "promised land" of Canaan. The story of the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt is only found in the Penteteuch, the first five books of the Bible, and in the Quran which was written later. No other ancient sources corroborate the story and no archaeological evidence supports it. This has led many scholars to conclude that Moses was a legendary figure and the Exodus story a cultural myth.

    The Torah itself:

    The Textual Evidence of the Pentateuch

    What is the textual basis for the Pentateuch?[2] What are the oldest manuscripts we have? At this point, one should mention the so-called Codex Leningradensis or B 19A in the first place.[3] This manuscript of the Hebrew Bible dates to the year 1008 C.E., so it is a medieval text, but it is the oldest complete textual witness to the Pentateuch. This seems to leave us in a very awkward position: We are dealing with an allegedly 2500-year-old text, but its earliest textual attestation is only 1000 years old.

    So nothing proves Moses ever existed and the Torah on which Douglas Vogt lays his research can't be found in the time where Moses supposedly walked the earth, presumably in the 14th century BCE.
    Yet Douglas analyses what Moses is supposed to have written and designed.
    And yet as I understand it the famous stone tablets or what was left of them were never found either.

    Knowing how much history has been tampered with , specially by monks who invented what they found fit to consolidate their own doctrines . I am beginning to loose interest.
    Remember priests were the first ones who could read and write.
    And before that it was all hearsay from generation to generation.
    The series on Moses code is what lost me really.
    The time factor and the authenticity of these
    materials and events make me sceptic.

    I will have a go at the other series though dealing with the actual cosmic event.
    History can't tell us anything totally reliable imho. Its manufactured , a hall of mirrors
    designed for distraction.
    I am more interested in practical proofs
    to be found on earth itself.
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Sat Jul 10, 2021 12:18 pm

    When Vogt claimed to have found the site moses used, I switched off a little. 2,000 year old structures are usual archaeology. And undisturbed all these millennia? Doubt it.

    Is the bible accurate? Doubt it. The torah? same.

    when were these documents written? and for what purpose?

    But global extinctions happen, and he could be correct in his cycle of 12,000 years. Ice ages happen.

    So where does the water come from to make ice? It wasnt a meteor or nuclear winter.. I believe Vogt is quite correct to look at the energy balance. It would take a lot of water vapour, which would require spectacular heat.. so his model works.

    Noah's ark.. did it have 2 of each species? of course not.Maybe the flood was slow, and predictable. or maybe they had prior warning?.

    Could previous civilizations have left coded clues? Possibly, but what about the 10,000 years before all modern religions? Such clues, left on high tech fabric /material.. or even on stone tablets? Have they been interpreted by someone? Maybe. Maybe history / fantasy called him Moses? Obviously a message from 'god' (who could just be someone from a previous civilization) ..

    There probably was a flood, probably the earth does cycle between ice ages and mass extinctions, possibly someone left clues about this in the past. I like Vogt's models but he takes the religious texts, darwinism, written history etc too literally..

    Maybe he did find a code in the Torah?

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

    Posts : 1301
    Join date : 2010-04-17
    Location : on the road again :)

    Diehold Foundation Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Sat Jul 10, 2021 1:08 pm

    mudra wrote:I have been wondering how this clock cycle ties in with time as it is measured in our present calendar
    and the undeniable messed up and altered history as exposed by Fomenko's research,
    Newton's research as well as other scholars.
    This has led many scholars to conclude that Moses was a legendary figure and the Exodus story a cultural myth.
    and the Torah on which Douglas Vogt lays his research can't be found in the time where Moses supposedly walked the earth, presumably in the 14th century BCE.
    The series on Moses code is what lost me really.
    The time factor and the authenticity of these
    materials and events make me sceptic.

    I will have a go at the other series though dealing with the actual cosmic event.
    History can't tell us anything totally reliable imho. Its manufactured , a hall of mirrors
    designed for distraction.
    I am more interested in practical proofs
    to be found on earth itself.
    I am interested to watch more also. I like his cycles and extinction theory. He could be correct! I like his view of maths. I like that he researches what is NOT written about.So none of Aristotle's contemporaries ever mentioned him. He was brought out of obscurity for political purposes, by the same bunch who superimposed jesus onto mithras..for political purposes.
    There is no mention of Solomon in contemporary texts.. if he was a fictitious character then that rather messes up several religious timescales..was the lack of a temple of solomon the knight templars secret?

    He lost me with dimensions. We evolved into planets? He is not experienced mystically or spiritually. Very matter-of-fact, very sure of himself. The Moses story I cannot believe, but a code in the torah relating to 12.068 year old cycle i am curious about..

    There is a video here:
    (download pdf link)

    and there is some good real world proof of the heat and cyclical catastrophes. It is worth watching.

    I will look at the video you mention. It is something I assumed, without knowing the specific details.

    i expect to find more useful info in other videos by Vogt, but the literal references will also continue, no doubt.

    But hey! Impressive work, even if we cant believe his religious references and complain about his video editing skills Wink

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