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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine


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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Jenetta Sun May 24, 2020 3:53 pm

    Sayer Ji Founder of Greenmedinfo

    Sayer Ji Complete transcript at Greenmedinfo

    The COV-19 vaccine is now front page news. Yet the first tests were conducted in mid-March and there was virtually no coverage. The following article by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky was first published by Global Research on March 17, 2020, following the first tests of a vaccine conducted by Moderna Inc. with human volunteers in Seattle on March 16.

    The tendency is towards a Worldwide lockdown spearheaded by fear and media disinformation. Currently, hundreds of millions of people Worldwide are under lockdown.

    What is the next step in the evolution of the COV-19 Crisis?

    The lead entity for the novel coronavirus vaccine initiative is the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) an organization sponsored and financed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

    Note the chronology: The development of the 2019 nCoV vaccine was announced at the Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) a week prior to the official launching by the WHO of a Worldwide Public Health Emergency (January 30) at a time when the number of "confirmed cases" Worldwide (outside China) was 150 (including 6 in the US).

    The pandemic was launched by the WHO on March 11. And five days later, barely covered by the media, the first tests involving human volunteers were conducted in Seattle on March 16.

    CEPI is seeking a "monopoly" role in the vaccination business the objective of which is a "global vaccine project", in partnership with a large number of "candidates". It announced funding for its existing partnership with Inovio and The University of Queensland (Australia). In addition, CEPI confirmed (January 23) its contract with Moderna, Inc. and the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been instrumental in waging the fear and panic campaign across America: "Ten Times Worse than Seasonal Flu".

    The Central Role of CEPI

    CEPI is dealing simultaneously with several pharmaceutical companies. The Moderna- NIAID in all likelihood is slated to implement the COV-19 vaccine in the US.

    On January 31st, the day following the WHO's official launching of the global public health emergency and Trump's decision to curtail air travel with China, CEPI announced its partnership with CureVac AG, a German-based biopharmaceutical company. A few days later, in early February, CEPI "announced that major vaccine manufacturer GSK would allow its proprietary adjuvants-- compounds that boost the effectiveness of vaccines -- to be used in the response". (The pandemic was officially launched on March 11)

    There are many "potential vaccines in the pipeline" with "dozens of research groups around the world racing to create a vaccine against COVID-19".

    In turn the EU and the US are currently competing for the vaccine markets on behalf of powerful pharmaceutical conglomerates, with the European Commission "offering up to €80 million in financial support to the CureVac AG" after it was reported that Trump "was attempting to secure exclusive access to a COVID-19 vaccine it is developing", under the auspices of NIAID headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci.

    The October 2019 Coronavirus Event 201 Simulation Exercise

    The coronavirus was initially named 2019-nCoV by CEPI and the WHO: exactly the same name as that adopted in the WEF-Gates-John Hopkins Event 201 pertaining to a coronavirus simulation exercise held in Baltimore in mid October 2019.

    The Event 201 John Hopkins simulation addressed the development of an effective vaccine in response to millions of cases (in the October 2019 simulation) of the 2019 nCoV. The simulation announced a scenario in which the entire population of the planet would be affected. "During the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases [in the simulation] increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe."

    The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease.

    The COV-19 Global Vaccination Program

    CEPI (on behalf of Gates-WEF, which funded the simulation exercise) is currently playing a key role in a large scale (global?) vaccination program in partnership with biotech companies, Big Pharma, government agencies as well as university laboratories.

    See more in transcript link of the "ID2020 DIGITAL PLATFORM VACCINE" Tied To The Vaccine Implementation


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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Jenetta Sun May 24, 2020 9:56 pm


    Amazing Polly analysis

    Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty or Safety...
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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Jenetta Sun May 31, 2020 2:59 am

    "THE NEW NORMAL" with James Corbett

    In a Time of Universal Deceit; telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Jenetta Sun May 31, 2020 3:15 am


    Part One: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health

    Part Two: Bill Gates Plan' To Vaccinate The World

    Part Three: Bill Gates & The Population Control Grid

    Part Four: Meet Bill Gates
    Smoke and Mirrors

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Re: Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  mudra Sun May 31, 2020 6:01 am

    State Bar Group Calls for 'Mandatory' COVID-19 Vaccinations, Regardless of Objections
    "Some Americans may push back on the COVID-19 vaccination for religious, philosophical or personal reasons,” says the report released on Thursday by the NYSBA, but, it says, “for the sake of public health, mandatory vaccinations for COVID-19 should be required in the United States as soon as it is available.”

    Citing a robust collection of federal and state case law, a New York State Bar Association task-force group on Thursday said it should be mandatory for all Americans to have a COVID-19 vaccination, when one is available, including those who won’t want it for “religious, philosophical or personal reasons.”

    The one and only exception, says the bar association group’s report—which calls for legislation to be enacted—should be for people who shouldn’t medically have the vaccination, as directed by their doctors.
    Making a legally backed argument on pages 60-63 of a newly released report on the “unique” legal and ethical issues brought forward by the global pandemic, the Health Law Section of the bar association writes that “some Americans may push back on the COVID-19 vaccination for religious, philosophical or personal reasons,” but “for the sake of public health, mandatory vaccinations for COVID-19 should be required in the United States as soon as it is available.”

    “Mandatory vaccinations are supported by the authority of the state police power when the vaccinations are necessary to protect the health of the community,” the group writes in the report, while citing the 1905 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts.
    Pointing to several constitutional law-focused cases, including the Supreme Court’s 1990 decision in Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Dept. of Health, the group also says, “Constitutional challenges under the religious freedom clause under the First Amendment and under the substantive due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment have failed, when the individual interests are not strong enough to outweigh the public benefit.”

    Read on :

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Re: Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  mudra Sun May 31, 2020 6:14 am

    European Comission

    Research projects, initiatives and news related to coronavirus vaccine research
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Re: Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Vidya Moksha Sun May 31, 2020 1:13 pm

    This is pre covid BS... i dont think corbett picked this up?
    this is just a part.. good article.. Oct 2019..

    "With his unprecedented power, Bill Gates was able to initiate an elaborate neoliberal financing scheme for vaccines that inevitably transfers public funds to private coffers. Ostensibly, the scheme is designed to help developing countries to fund their vaccination programs but in reality, these countries are caught in a debt-trap. This so-called “innovative development financing” is a debt-based mechanism that taps capital markets to subsidize vaccine buyers and manufacturers through an intermediary, the International Finance Facility for Immunization (IFFIm). GAVI floats bonds which are secured by the promise of government donors to buy millions of doses of vaccines at a set price over periods as long as 20 years. Capitalists take a cut at every stage of the value chain while poor countries are supposed to benefit from access to vaccines that might not otherwise be affordable. Bondholders receive a tax-free guaranteed return on investment, suited to an era of ultra-low interest rates. Pharmaceutical firms, meanwhile, are able to peddle expensive vaccines at subsidized prices in a cash-poor but vast and risk-free market. By creating a predictable demand pull, IFFIm addresses a major constraint to immunization scale-up: the scarcity of stable, predictable, and coordinated cash flows for an extended period. Recent BMGF/GAVI activities in Sri Lanka offer a virtual case study in what has been called “pharmaceutical colonialism.” GAVI targeted the country in 2002, offering to subsidize a high priced, patented pentavalent DtwP-hepB-Hib vaccine. In exchange for GAVI’s support, the country agreed to add the vaccine to its national immunization schedule. Within three months of the vaccine’s introduction, 24 adverse reactions including 4 deaths were reported, leading Sri Lanka to suspend use of the vaccine. Subsequently, 21 infants died from adverse reactions in India."

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Jenetta Sun May 31, 2020 2:19 pm

    I think Corbett is on a well deserved week's vacation Vidya Moksha.  It's true that the billionaires are getting richer during this "plandemic".

    Sniff "the wind of crap" in today's world when you see this:
    The report also says taxes paid by billionaires have fallen by 79% between 1980 and 2018. Jeff Bezos's wealth has increased by 25 billion since January 1, 2020.
    Truth, Liberty & Freedom for Earth's citizens

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Re: Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Swanny Sun May 31, 2020 4:09 pm

    If there are such a thing as "The white hats" why don't they assassinate the likes of gates soros etc?

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Jenetta Sun May 31, 2020 10:52 pm

    Dr. Judy Mikovits Responding To Criticism Surrounding My Viral Documentary 'The Plandemic'

    May 18, 2020

    The Star Of Controversial Documentary - 'Plandemic'

    Judy Mikovits is an American activist.

    As research director of a CFS research organization Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) from 2006-2011, Mikovits led a research effort that reported in 2009 that a retrovirus known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) was associated with CFS and may have had a causal role.

    In 1980, Mikovits was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry with a specialization in biology at the University of Virginia. After graduation, she went to the National Cancer Institute in Frederick, Maryland, where she developed purification methods for Interferon alpha.

    Mikovits has gained attention on social media for promoting her ideas about the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic. She does not believe that a vaccine is needed to prevent COVID-19, and claims that the coronavirus was “caused by a bad strain of flu vaccine that was circulating between 2013 and 2015“. She also claimed masks will “activate” the virus and reinfect a mask-wearer over and over.

    One such circulating video gained notoriety in May 2020. Titled Plandemic Part 1, the film is a half-hour long documentary-styled interview of Mikovits’s perspective on the accusations thrown upon her by the WPI. YouTube has removed this video number of times, citing community guidelines.

    Watch "Plandemic Plague of Corruption" first. Above video at link responds to criticism on Plandemic.
    Truth, Liberty & Freedom Will Prevail

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Re: Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  mudra Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:52 am

    LONDON REAL: Rose /BigTree

    Del Bigtree
    The Coronavirus Vaccine Agenda: Exposing The Dangerous Truth Of Big-Pharma's Master

    Del Bigtree is one of the preeminent voices of the Vaccine Risk Awareness Movement. His career as an Emmy winning producer of the CBS talk show The Doctors changed abruptly when he produced the documentary VAXXED, which is credited with igniting a revolution against Pharmaceutical Tyranny around the world.

    Now Del’s internet talk show, The HighWire, is the fastest growing program in the Natural Health arena with over 40 million views, and his non-profit,, is leading worldwide investigations into drug and vaccine fraud that have already resulted in two winning lawsuits against US Government agencies Health and Human Services and National Institute of Health.

    Del is probably best known for his powerful speeches that weave shocking truth, searing wit and dynamic passion into an experience that is often described as electrifying.



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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Re: Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Carol Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:28 pm

    SORRY AMERICA – Those Catastrophic Mortality Rates Sold to Us by the WHO, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Were a Huge Scam

    Sorry America. We hate to break it to you but you’ve been had. Those horrible projections made about the coronavirus, were wrong – way wrong.

    We’re not saying that the elderly were not at risk. We never did. If New York, New Jersey, Michigan and other Democrat led states would have protected their elderly in the same manner as Republican-led Florida, then you would never had seen the death tolls in those states that you did. By forcing coronavirus infected individuals into the elderly homes, the leaders of states like New York murdered the elderly in those institutions.

    What we are saying is that the leader of the WHO and Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx scared the hell out of the American people, created a panic and pushed for lockdowns and social distancing that saved little if any life but killed the US economy.

    The WHO

    TRENDING: It's a Cult: Thousands of Whites Grovel in Front of Blacks Begging For Forgiveness (VIDEO)

    We were first to report that the Director General of the WHO on March 3, 2020 a set off the panic with his highly flawed statement:

    While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu strains, COVID-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity. That means more people are susceptible to infection, and some will suffer severe disease.

    Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.

    This statement caused a global panic. We, however, knew it was wrong and we wrote about it on March 17, 2020. Here is the video of Dr. Ghebreyesus’s remarks.

    We were the first to report that the WHO leader’s coronavirus death rate number of 3.4% was false.

    It was not accurate! Here is a summary of what we reported:

    The Gateway Pundit reported, that the coronavirus fatality rate reported by the liberal mainstream media was completely inaccurate and the actual rate more like a typical seasonal flu – the media was lying again.

    The false reporting of the coronavirus fatality rate at 3.4% by the media started with the statements made by the WHO in early March.

    Here’s a summary of our analysis proving the Director General’s statement was very misleading and materially false:

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    1. The fatality rate of the coronavirus as presented by the WHO was based on current data available of known positive cases and known deaths.

    Oftentimes estimates have to be made because data is just not yet available. The Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, used the fatality rate of known coronavirus cases and used this as his prediction of eventual mortality rate. This was a faulty assumption. Estimates usually involve obtaining information that is available and making estimates on what is not. We cannot tell the future but we can make educated guesses based on information available. This is what was done with the coronavirus because this exact virus was new to scientists.

    2. The “estimated” rate for this year’s seasonal flu is 0.1%.

    As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, according to CDC numbers, in the US in the 2019-2020 flu season, there were 222,552 confirmed cases of the flu from testing and an estimated 36 million flu cases in the United States. There were 22,000 estimated deaths from the flu (via the CDC).

    Note that the number of deaths and confirmed cases (through testing) of the flu in the US are based on actual data. The number of individuals who contracted the flu is an estimate. There is no way to know who had the flu in the US because many cases are not severe and people do not have a test done to confirm they had the flu. They believe their symptoms are minor and go on with their normal lives thinking they had a cold or something similar. Because of this, the CDC estimates and they estimated 36 million people had the flu in this past flu season.

    The rate of the number of individuals who died from the flu to the number of individuals who were estimated to have had the flu is 0.1% (22,552 / 36 million). This is an estimate and the amount used above by the Director General of the WHO.

    However, comparing the rate of individuals who died from the flu to the number of individuals who were confirmed to have had the flu is around 10% (22,000/ 222,552) much higher than the actual estimated rate of 0.1%. This is based on actual data similar to the rate for the coronavirus above.

    3. Estimates between the flu and the coronavirus by the WHO did not compare ‘apples to apples’.

    The fatality rate that is commonly referred to in the media for the coronavirus back in March was 3.4% from the WHO. This number was based on confirmed cases of people with the coronavirus.

    The flu fatality rate provided by the CDC of 0.1% includes estimated number of individuals who had the flu (36,000,000). This rate includes an estimate of all the people who contracted the flu, most who were not tested for the flu.

    The fatality rate for the coronavirus does not include those who had the coronavirus but were not sick enough to seek medical attention. This is why the flu fatality rate is 0.1% and the coronavirus fatality rate is 3.4%!

    The two rates are like comparing apples to oranges. By doing so the coronavirus fatality rate was overstated when compared to the flu. The WHO and liberal media created a worldwide crisis and panic by falsely comparing the two numbers!

    4. Those most at risk from the coronavirus are the elderly and sick (similar to the flu).

    Similar to the flu, those most at risk of dying from the coronavirus are the elderly and the sick. The average age for those who died from the coronavirus in Italy is 81 years old. This is consistent around the world. Those under age 10 were rarely affected by this virus.

    The sick and those with co-morbidities are also at a higher risk similar to the flu. Current data shows that if you have no pre-existing conditions, your fatality rate if you contract the coronavirus is .9% and that includes the elderly.

    We were attacked for our reporting and ridiculed by the far-left for “downplaying the danger of the spread of [the] coronavirus in the US.” But we were right. Thank God President Trump sees the WHO for what it is and announced plans to no longer donate to the WHO on an annual basis.

    Doctors Fauci and Birx

    Doctors Fauci and Birx were next to push ridiculous and highly exaggerated mortality rates related to the coronavirus:

    ** Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model to persuade President Trump to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.

    ** The fraudulent model predicted 2.2 million American deaths from the coronavirus pandemic

    ** The authors of the Imperial College Model shared their findings with the White House Coronavirus task force in early March

    ** Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx then met with President Trump privately and urged him to shut down the US economy and destroy the record Trump economy based on this model

    ** A new critique of the Imperial College Model finds the study is “completely unusable for scientific purposes” — The Imperial College study is a complete sham

    ** Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx pushed a garbage model on the White House and the American public and destroyed the US economy

    As reported weeks ago — in mid April Dr. Fauci admitted that it was he and Dr. Birx who persuaded President Trump to lock down the US economy knowing the massive destruction this would cause in jobs, lives and commerce.

    President admitted that during a press conference in April that “two very smart people” came into his office and urged him to lock down the economy or 2.2 million Americans would die from the China virus.
    But President Trump did not say who those “two very smart people” were.

    President Trump: The big projection being that 2.2 million people would die if we did nothing. That was another decision we made, close it up. That was a big decision that we made. Two very smart people walked into my office and said listen these are your alternatives. And that was a projection of 1.5 to 2.2 million people would die if we didn’t close it up. That’s a lot of people.

    Dr. Fauci later admitted he persuaded the president to shut down and kill off the US economy.

    The numbers now show that if you are under 60, the mortality rate is similar or less than that of the flu. It looks like the coronavirus panic was a scam.

    The Italians also think the entire coronavirus thing was a scam:

    The WHO, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx created this global panic and caused the global economic meltdown.

    We have no idea yet on the suffering they caused Americans or the damage they caused foreign economies who followed their flawed models and economic lockdowns.

    They were wrong. They knew it. Although the economy is already on the mend, this is enough to cause massive riots – oh wait…

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  mudra Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:30 pm


    The Canadian Government has just secured a contract for 37 million syringes which works out to just about 1 for every single Canadian citizen in preparation for what it describes as the coming mass vaccinations in the fight against Covid-19(84)! The company to be awarded the contract is Becton Dickinson a global medical tech giant who’s past tells us a lot about what Canadian can expect in the future. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth uncovers Becton Dickinsons dark history of hiding the fact that they distributed thousands of dirty contaminated syringes in Poland in 2007, they had to recall thousands more of their contaminated syringes once again in 2009 and they were ordered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to pay fines of over $100k after finding dozens of hazards and violations. And this is the company Canada just signed a contract with for the mass vaccination of the Canadian people.

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Jenetta Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:45 am

    How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It

    The Saudi SARS Sample

    On June 13, 2012 a 60-year-old Saudi man was admitted to a private hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, with a 7-day history of fever, cough, expectoration, and shortness of breath. He had no history of cardiopulmonary or renal disease, was receiving no long-term medications, and did not smoke.

    The Canadian Lab

    On May 4, 2013, a sample of this Saudi SARS (aka novel Coronavirus) from the very first infected Saudi patient arrived in Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg via Ron Fouchier of Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands who sequenced the virus sample.

    Chinese Biological Espionage

    In March 2019, in a mysterious event a shipment of exceptionally virulent viruses from Canada’s NML ended up in China. The event caused a major scandal with Bio-warfare experts questioning why Canada was sending lethal viruses to China.

    Four months later in July 2019, a group of Chinese virologists were forcibly dispatched from the Canadian lab – the only level-4 facility equipped to handle the world’s deadliest diseases where Coronavirus sample from the first Saudi patient was being examined.

    Xiangguo Qiu

    The scientist who was escorted out of the Canadian lab along with members of her research team is believed to be a Chinese Bio-Warfare agent Xiangguo Qiu.

    Dr. Xiangguo Qiu is married to another Chinese scientist Dr. Keding Cheng – the couple is responsible for infiltrating Canada’s NML with many Chinese agents posing as students from a range of Chinese scientific facilities directly tied to China’s Biological Warfare Program.

    Dr. Xiangguo Qiu made at least five trips to the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory located only 20 miles away from the Huanan Seafood Market which is the epicenter of the outbreak.

    The Canadian investigation is ongoing and questions remain whether previous shipments to China of other viruses or other essential preparations, took place from 2006 to 2018, one way or another.

    Frank Plummer Assassination

    Meanwhile, in a very strange turn of events, renowned scientist Frank Plummer who received Saudi SARS Coronavirus sample and was working on Coronavirus (HIV) vaccine in the Winnipeg based Canadian lab from where the virus was smuggled by Chinese Biowarfare agents has died in mysterious conditions in Nairobi, Kenya.

    Scholars or Spies

    The Thousand Talents Plan or Thousand Talents Program was established in 2008 by the central government of China to recognize and recruit leading international experts in scientific research, innovation, and entrepreneurship – in other words to steal western technology.

    Weaponizing Biotech

    China’s national strategy of military-civil fusion has highlighted biology as a priority, and the People’s Liberation Army could be at the forefront of expanding and exploiting this knowledge. Chinese military’s interest in biology as an emerging domain of warfare is guided by strategists who talk about potential “genetic weapons” and the possibility of a “bloodless victory.”

    GreatGameIndia is a journal on Geopolitics and International Relations.

    In a time of universal deceit; telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

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    Post  mudra Sun Jun 07, 2020 7:08 pm

    This Is Very Important for The All World!!!!! VACCINE BILL SB163 & A Little More With Dr. Scott

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Jenetta Sun Jun 07, 2020 8:05 pm

    Thank you for posting this Mudra...I found out about that issue with the polio vaccine when I read:

    Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses Are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, ... Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics by Edward T. Haslam.

    The 1964 murder of a nationally known cancer researcher sets the stage for this gripping exposé of medical professionals enmeshed in covert government operations over the course of three decades. Following a trail of police records, FBI files, cancer statistics, and medical journals, this revealing book presents evidence of a web of medical secret-keeping that began with the handling of evidence in the JFK assassination and continued apace, sweeping doctors into cover-ups of cancer outbreaks.

    Cover-ups continue apace with the Novel Corona Virus.

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Jenetta Sun Jun 14, 2020 7:42 pm

    India Funds Vaccine Cartel Accused Of 38 Million Premature Deaths Worldwide

    By GreatGameIndia -
    June 5, 2020

    The Indian government has pledged US $15 million to the global vaccine alliance GAVI over the next 5 years for the global Coronavirus vaccine project led by Britain. GAVI is largely led by the British government and Bill Gates. While the UK is GAVI’s largest funder, its implementation follows what is known as the "Gates approach”. Known as the Vaccine Cartel or Pharma Cartel by critics, such vaccines have been accused of causing at least 38 million premature deaths worldwide.

    EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It (watch here Visualizing The Secret History Of Coronavirus)
    Watch the exclusive interview of Bioweapons Expert Dr. Francis Boyle on Coronavirus Biological Warfare blocked by the Deep State

    On 4th June 2020, the British government organized the Global Vaccine Summit 2020, to raise US $7.4 billion (approximately £6 billion) in funding for their global vaccine project. Indian Prime Minister committed US $15 million to GAVI over the next 5 years. According to GAVI, India is the only country that has moved from being a recipient to a donor. The country is also now its largest manufacturer, accounting for more than 60% of GAVI vaccines.

    The UK has funded GAVI since its inception in 2000 and is its largest donor, with a pledge of £1.65 billion for the next five years. The Global Vaccine Summit 2020 was organized to position Britain at the center stage for the Global Coronavirus Response Initiative with a funding of 7.4 billion euros (approximately £6.64 billion) toward vaccines, tests and treatment to tackle coronavirus.

    However, GAVI has been criticized for giving private donors more unilateral power to decide on global health goals, prioritizing new, expensive vaccines while putting less money and effort into expanding coverage of old, cheap ones, harming local healthcare systems, spending too much on subsidies to large, profitable pharmaceutical companies without reducing the prices of some vaccines, and its conflicts of interest in having vaccine manufacturers on its governance board.

    How BillGates Infiltrated Global Health

    The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) has spent heavily on GAVI, contributing $750 million just to its launch and a whopping $1.56 billion since 2016. But little is known of how its money and its consultant friends exert tremendous influence in the space of public health and international governance and how Bill Gates infiltrated Global Health.

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of former American President John F. Kennedy, in a lengthy piece exposed Bill Gates agenda in India and his “obsession with vaccines”.

    “In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Gates funds a private pharmaceutical company that manufactures vaccines, and additionally is donating $50 million to 12 pharmaceutical companies to speed up development of a coronavirus vaccine.

    Bill Gates Agenda In India Exposed By Robert Kennedy Jr.

    J Gopikrishnan (@jgopikrishnan70) May 17, 2020

    "In his (Bill Gates) recent media appearances, Gates appears confident that the Covid-19 crisis will now give him the opportunity to force his dictatorial vaccine programs on American (and Indian) children.”

    However, these GAVI prescribed vaccines have been at the center of numerous controversies for their serious ill-effects and even causing deaths. Multiple vaccine-related mishaps have been recorded in India, one of the countries eligible for Gavi allocations.


    This investigation by @GreatGameIndia uncovers the DeepState collaborations between American and Chinese biotechs at the forefront of Coronavirus vaccine development – marketed worldwide by an entity called UNITAID.

    GreatGameIndia (@GreatGameIndia) April 18, 2020

    An Italian politician has demanded arrest of Bill Gates in Italian Parliament. Sara Cunial, MP for Rome denounced Bill Gates as “Vaccine Criminal” and urged Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.

    GreatGameIndia (@GreatGameIndia) May 25, 2020

    Link for Complete Article At:

    How Bill Gates Infiltrated Global Health
    Crack the egg of the stimulus-response Empire...Jon Rappoport

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Re: Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  mudra Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:04 am

    Virginia Has Provided the Nation with the Template for Mandatory Vaccines: Democracy Sacrificed for Medical Tyranny

    June 16, 2020 2:08 pm

    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine COVID19-Identity-Card

    Virginia has now provided the nation with a blueprint on how to mandate a COVID vaccine, or any vaccine for that matter, even if the public is 100% against it. Hand over the decision to unelected medical authorities, and let them make the decision, even if it is not supported by the electorate, for the sake of the "greater good." These unelected medical authorities exist in pretty much every community across the United States as members of the local "Board of Health." These "Board of Health" medical authorities have been granted almost unlimited power to dictate medical intervention against the will of the public, and even against the will of elected officials. These tyrannical medical authorities along with their cronies in politics (in Virginia, Governor Ralph Northam, himself a medical doctor, appointed the members of the Board of Health) continue the false narrative that they know what is best for the community, and that opposition to vaccines comes from uninformed parents, completely ignoring the fact that many of these parents are themselves medical doctors, scientists, attorneys and other professionals in the community. If these medical tyrants even acknowledge the fact that these parents represent children damaged or killed by vaccines, their response is similar to what Virginia legislator Dawn Adams, a PhD nurse practitioner, stated publicly: "We have to do the best job we have for the most people [and this] sometimes results in unintended consequences, and that is a tragedy and [an] across-the-board reality in medical care." So what do you say Americans? Are you going to comply with medical tyranny and potentially sacrifice the health, and maybe even the death, of your children on a fast-tracked COVID vaccine for "the greater good"?

    Read More..


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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Re: Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  mudra Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:18 am

    Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds To Reuters Fact Check on COVID-19 Vaccine Genetically Modifying Humans

    In this interview, Dr. Andrew Kaufman joins Spiro for a second time. The first time Dr. Kaufman joined Spiro, they talked about topics that apparently, nobody is allowed to talk about, if you dare question the official story that is.

    In the first interview the two discussed the coronavirus, they covered testing and they covered the vaccine. The video was quickly approaching 100k views but YouTube removed the video after only a couple days. This video will likely be taken down as well, because it does not conform to the establishment's narrative.

    Not only did YouTube remove the previous video, Reuters, which is a massive international news publication that news sites from all over the world obtain their talking points from, published a fact checking report attempting to debunk Dr. Kaufman's claims that the new COVID-19 DNA vaccine would genetically modify humans. In this must see report, Dr Kaufman responds to the Reuters ‘fact checking’ report.

    Dr. Andrew Kaufman: They Want To Genetically Modify Us With The COVID-19 Vaccine (Updated)

    Doctor Andrew Kaufman Website

    False claim: A COVID-19 vaccine will genetically modify humans

    DNA, RNA and protein – the Central Dogma

    The Emerging Role of DNA Vaccines

    Advancing Novel Experimental Gene-based COVID-19 Vaccine, AAVCOVID

    Adenovirus DNA Replication

    CRISPR-Cas9: Gene Drives

    Antisperm Contraceptive Vaccines: Where we are and where we are going?

    The HSD-hCG Vaccine Prevents Pregnancy in Women: Feasibility Study of a Reversible Safe Contraceptive Vaccine

    Development of antifertility vaccine using sperm specific proteins

    State Bar Group Calls for 'Mandatory' COVID-19 Vaccinations, Regardless of Objections

    AstraZeneca CEO Soriot says fast-tracked COVID-19 shot will protect for just one year

    New COVID-19 restrictions will be needed for anti-vaxxers

    Colorado Bill Would Require “Re-Education” Classes for Parents Who Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine

    MLAs vote to drop notwithstanding clause from mandatory vaccination bill

    Among Americans who say they wouldn't get vaccinated, 7 in 10 worry about safety

    There appears to be a coronavirus vaccine on the horizon—but it’s a GMO and the FDA would need to approve testing


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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Jenetta Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:02 pm

    Thank you for posting Kaufman's video Mudra.  I've been wondering how it is going to feel with vaccinated people around myself in some of the group activities I've previously attended.  They have been cancelled at this time and probably won't resume until a vaccine is on the scene.  Since I will be refusing a vaccine my groups may not even allow the unvaccinated to re-enter the group activity.  These things I love to do however may have to give them up in the future.
    Living in a small community I find things amplified especially where social distancing and masks are concerned.  I have faced outright discrimination or given the "look" not wearing a mask with the general consensus being that wearing the mask in public represents a show of respect and responsibility for other individuals(collective).  Social distancing improperly, garners the same attention and woe to the non conformist who deliberately or accidentally steps outside the individual circles painted outside or inside of a business. As I've said things are amplified in a small community as opposed to a larger town or city.  Ostracization and discrimination are becoming the new normal and naturally don't like it at all.  There are few pleasures we've been left with after the full blown hysteria and panic that was completely unnecessary with this so-called pandemic.
    Now the next phase is giving up the group activities we loved to do because we refuse to be vaccinated, once the vaccine is available.
    I'm left with my gardening, opera and friends which will suffice.
    Jenneta Harp Jenneta Harp

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Jenetta Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:25 pm

    An extremely good insight to what is really happening right now

    Posted June 17/2020 by Dr. Charlie Ward

    The Most Incredible Military Operation In History Under The Cover of Covid, A Recorded Interview!

    The dems or deep state actually murdered thousands of people to get what they want! That is satanic!

    Once a population is living in fear their easy to control, Fear is the lowest frequency on this planet

    The evil of the cabal knows no bounds. When the real epidemic and most profitable business in society is child trafficking you know this world is screwed up!

    Namaste: Charlie, some great news for you and your viewers The Pentagon has a specialized militarized unit called PENTAGON PEDOPHILE TASK FORCE, As of two weeks ago U.S. military operations rescued 35,000 “malnourished, caged and tortured” children from tunnels beneath New York City’s Central Park and other unnamed U.S. cities. Operations ongoing. Om shanti, shanti shanti

    “Under the system there is more money made in disease than in cures”

    According to Italy the “pandemic” was caused by a bacteria not a virus! It’s interesting when you type the word bacteria the emoticon for the virus pops up!

    There’s a spiritual war going on between good and evil. Unfortunately too many people believe evil is the good and good is the evil. .. It won’t last long before good is rising the flag of victory. People are waking up..

    Bill Gates is the white horse rider of the Apocalypse. Pestilence, acquired from his arrows (vaccines)

    Gates is under house arrest but why he is still breathing is a mystery for the future!

    Why else would a retired military RN be called into go undercover in a New York hospital to investigate mass deaths!!!

    It certainly confirms what David Icke warned us about several months ago. And this is why the mainstream media and WHO etc tried to demonize HCQ as chloroquine inhibits nanoparticles. Not only that but it oxidises the blood which prevents COVID (SARS-COV-2) from doing any damage. HCQ acts as a inhibitor and a cure – so no need at all for a vaccine and there’s good Doctors out there that know this and are speaking out!

    He’s correct on Gates Mengele big time!
    At 36:00 he starts speaking about the nano virus+smart dust+rfid(vaccine)=artificial intelligence grid(which mankind will be connected to).
    Where did this sudden fear of germs come from...immune system needs germs to practice on...George Carlin

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Re: Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  ClearWater Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:29 pm

    This could probably go in any number of active threads right now...
    An impassioned message from the President of Ghana "on the evil that is going on in the name of COVID-19 masterminded by Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci together with WHO and the Rockefeller Foundation."

    President of Ghana: Direct Link

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  Jenetta Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:30 pm

    Synchrony at it's best. Thank you Clearwater. The video by Dr. Charlie Ward which I posted yesterday will explain everything. Carol's latest Q posting has also inserted a link to Dr. Ward's video. I'm constantly amazed at the massive corruption and greed going on for decades by the global syndicate.

    The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it. George Carlin

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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Re: Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  mudra Wed Jul 01, 2020 4:40 pm

     Donald Trump Partners with the Gates-Funded Global Vaccine Alliance

    Derrick Broze examines a recent video from the Global Vaccine Alliance and Donald Trump. Still think Trump will protect you from mandatory vaccines

    Poster: The Conscious resistance

    Link to the full event
    GVS2020 | Global Vaccine Summit (full event)


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    Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine Empty Re: Evolution of a "Plandemic" & The Global Race For A Vaccine

    Post  mudra Sat Jul 04, 2020 1:35 pm

    Jenetta wrote:[b]....

    Namaste: Charlie, some great news for you and your viewers The Pentagon has a specialized militarized unit called PENTAGON PEDOPHILE TASK FORCE, As of two weeks ago U.S. military operations rescued 35,000 “malnourished, caged and tortured” children from tunnels beneath New York City’s Central Park and other unnamed U.S. cities. Operations ongoing. Om shanti, shanti shanti

    “Under the system there is more money made in disease than in cures”

    According to Italy the “pandemic” was caused by a bacteria not a virus! It’s interesting when you type the word bacteria the emoticon for the virus pops up!

    Gates is under house arrest but why he is still breathing is a mystery for the future!

    Have you investigated this deeper Jenetta and searched for proof ?
    I can't find any to the contrary.

    I already clarified for example  the " According to Italy " the pandemic " was caused by a bacteria not a virus " on eMonkey's thread :

    As for Bill Gates being under house arrest I seriously doubt it. He is still busy everywhere he can on his various channels.

    I searched more info about the  " Pentagon pedophile task force " and stumbled on the following:

    Love from me

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 26, 2024 10:47 pm