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    Post  Carol Wed May 13, 2020 5:10 pm

    COVID EFFECTIVE TESTS & TREATMENTS Doctor-s-desk-goodrx-1024x576

    The Latest in Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing Methods and Availability

    Key takeaways:

    We now have two main types of tests for coronavirus (COVID-19): molecular and serological.

    The fastest test to be authorized by the FDA, created by Abbott, can return results in as little as 5 minutes.

    The FDA has just issued the first authorization of an at-home collection molecular test kit by LabCorp.

    Due to an influx of potentially unreliable serological antibody tests coming to market, the FDA now requires that these tests be authorized to remain on the market.

    We now have two main types of tests: molecular and serological. The FDA has officially authorized over 30 manufacturers to make molecular tests, and over 10 manufacturers have been authorized to distribute serological tests.

    Provider-administered saliva tests for coronavirus

    Recently, the FDA authorized the first molecular test that uses saliva (instead of deep nose or throat swabs), developed by Rutgers’ RUCDR Infinite Biologics. These tests are as accurate as the swab-based tests, and they may help with the current shortage of testing swabs since patients just need to spit into a collection device.

    At-home tests for coronavirus

    The FDA authorized the first at-home collection molecular test, called Pixel by LabCorp, on April 20. The test kits contain supplies to collect samples, including a nasal swab which you send back to the lab for testing. Unlike other swab-based tests, Pixel uses swabs that only need to go as far as the nostril, instead of deeper into the nasal passage. A study led by the UnitedHealth Group suggests that results from self-collected testing are similar in accuracy to provider-collected testing.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed May 13, 2020 5:14 pm

    The FDA has given the green light to its first at-home test for COVID-19, allowing people to collect nasal swab samples themselves and then ship them to a clinical laboratory to be analyzed for signs of the novel coronavirus.

    Offered by LabCorp, the Pixel test is built off the coronavirus diagnostic that received an FDA authorization in early March, forming the basis of its nationwide testing service. The new home kit includes specifically designed swabs that only have to go as far as the nostril, as opposed to the deeper nasopharyngeal swabs used in previous tests.

    Those swabs must reach farther back into the nose’s upper cavities to collect a clean sample—a difficult and uncomfortable procedure that requires a trained healthcare professional—which had been a hindrance to the development of home-based tests.

    The kit also includes an ice pack, insulation and a FedEx box for overnight shipping. LabCorp said it plans to make the test available with a prescription in the coming weeks for $119, starting with front-line healthcare workers and first responders. Results will typically take one to two days.

    “The FDA’s around-the-clock work since this outbreak began has resulted in the authorization of more than 50 diagnostic tests and engagement with over 350 test developers,” FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn said in a statement.

    “Specifically, for tests that include home sample collection, we worked with LabCorp to ensure the data demonstrated from at-home patient sample collection is as safe and accurate as sample collection at a doctor’s office, hospital or other testing site,” Hahn added.


    FDA approves new type of coronavirus antigen test which provides results in 15 MINUTES and could help reopen country

    The Food and Drug Administration on Saturday announced emergency authorization for antigen tests which rapidly detects fragments of virus proteins in samples from nasal swabs swiped inside the nasal cavity. The antigen test is the third type of test to be authorized by the FDA.

    Last edited by Carol on Wed May 13, 2020 5:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed May 13, 2020 5:36 pm

    Various cures are now out there. Human Trial in Peru with Ivermectin (STROMACTOL) cures fast 100% of patients. Invermectin is an anti-parasitic and even safer then hydrochloroquine. What's important is getting the right info out to the public so that they can be advocates for their own health and have a clue as to what to look for and what to ask for.

    Ivermectin is a medication used to treat many types of parasite infestations.[1] This includes head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis.It can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin for external infestations.

    It is a very old and safe medication used for animals and for humans. The magic bullet humanity has been looking for. We used to use this for our horses.

    "Some of the minimum manufacturing costs found for each of the drugs (considered effective against corona) were listed as follows:

    Remdesivir (Drug useful against Ebola) - US $0.93/day.

    Favipiravir (Drug useful against flu) - U.S. $1.45/day

    Hydroxychloroquine (Drug useful against malaria) - U.S. $0.08/day

    Chloroquine (Drug useful against malaria) - U.S. $0.02/day

    Azithromycin (An antibacterial drug) - U.S. $0.10/day

    Lopinavir/ritonavir (Drugs useful against HIV) - U.S. $0.28/day

    Sofosbuvir/daclatasvir (antiviral drugs) - U.S. $0.39/day

    Pirfenidone (an anti-inflammatory useful in pulmonary fibrosis) - U.S. $1.09/day

    The team of researchers wrote that the costs of production of the drugs ranged between $0.30 and $31 per treatment course. A treatment course ranged between 10 and 28 days. The team added that at present, the price of these drugs in the United States and other nations was much higher than the cost of their production.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed May 13, 2020 5:45 pm


    On April 7th, we proposed that Vitamin D might be important in COVID-19 infections based on the timing of the pandemic and the “at risk” populations.

    We cited literature showing that Vitamin D sufficiency reduced the risk of acute respiratory infections and the severity of infection by other viruses. We found several studies using high-dose Vitamin D in patients on ventilators that showed improved outcomes including decreased mortality. A month ago, we called for more research.

    Now, new studies in COVID-19 patients suggest Vitamin D sufficiency might reduce disease severity and death.

    On April 9th, initial data from the Philippines on 212 confirmed COVID-19 patients showed that Vitamin D status was strongly associated with severity of COVID-19. The study sorted patients into 4 categories of severity based on criteria established in Wuhan.

    The levels were:

    Mild – Mild clinical features without pneumonia
    Ordinary – Confirmed pneumonia by CT with fever and other respiratory symptoms
    Severe – Hypoxia (low oxygen) and respiratory distress
    Critical – Respiratory failure requiring intensive care monitoring.

    In the analysis, 85.5% of patients with sufficient (>30ng/ml) Vitamin D had mild cases while 72.8% of patients who were deficient in Vitamin D (<20ng/ml) had severe or critical cases.

    On April 26th, a second retrospective study came out of Indonesia. This larger study investigated Vitamin D status in 780 confirmed COVID-19 cases. The researchers collected data on Vitamin D status, age, sex and the presence of comorbidities along with mortality data. The study confirmed what we know—that male patients, those over age 50, and those with pre-existing conditions were all significantly more likely to die of COVID-19. However, the most dramatic finding was that patients with Vitamin D insufficiency (between 20 and 30 ng/ml) were 12.55 times more likely to die and patients with Vitamin D deficiency (<20ng/ml) were 19.12 times more likely to die from the disease than patients with sufficient Vitamin D.
    Since age, sex and comorbidities can also be associated with Vitamin D deficiency, the researchers then did an adjusted analysis. The key finding is that, even after controlling for age, sex and having a comorbidity, “When compared to cases with normal Vitamin D status, death was approximately 10.12 times more likely for Vitamin D deficient cases.”

    A third small study out of Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center dated April 24th, examined Vitamin D insufficiency (VDI) in severe COVID-19 patients and discussed possible Vitamin D-related mechanisms for the coagulopathy and immune responses that are being seen. It stated that, “Among ICU subjects, 11 (84.6%) had VDI, vs. 4 (57.1%) of floor subjects. Strikingly, 100% of ICU patients less than 75 years old had VDI.” The study is limited by its small sample size but is consistent with the above studies.

    In an excellent 2018 review paper on Vitamin D in critical care, the authors stated, “Vitamin D deficiency is common in critical illness with prevalence between 40 and 70%.” They continue, “Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to be associated with sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome and acute kidney injury and three different meta-analyses confirm that patients with low Vitamin D status have a longer ICU stay and increased morbidity and mortality.”

    More recently, in another review paper (2020) investigating the potential links between Vitamin D status and risk of Influenza and COVID-19, the authors point out that, “Through several mechanisms, Vitamin D can reduce the risk of infections. Those mechanisms include inducing cathelicidins and defensins that can lower viral replication rates and reducing concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines that produce the inflammation that injures the lining of the lungs, leading to pneumonia.” Cathelicidins and defensins are molecules your body produces to protect you against bacteria, viruses and fungi and modulate your immune system.


    Currently, only Remdesivir has been FDA approved for severe cases of COVID-19. It is an IV pro-drug (the drug is a precursor; the body creates the active compound) that is both expensive at a potential price of $4500 per patient and challenging to scale up quickly. The NIAID/NIH Remdesivir trial was double-blinded and placebo-controlled. Participants had to test positive for the virus and have evidence of lung problems. Remdesivir improved time to recovery (discharge from the hospital or ability to return to normal activity) by 4 days, from 15 days to 11 days. However, the overall survival difference in the trial did not reach statistical significance (8% mortality in the treatment group, 11.6% in the placebo group). So, Remdesivir is unlikely to be a significant factor in the U.S. or the solution on a global scale.

    By contrast, Vitamin D is free from the sun and widely available. It is inexpensive in typical supplements and costs about $100 for a typical IV formulation which may be needed for patients with kidney disease. It is manufactured around the globe and is not subject to patent restrictions. Its safety is well-established and understood. If Vitamin D can reduce severity of COVID-19, it is a potential game-changer. Taking the pressure off of hospitals and health care workers, protecting our elderly, veterans and prisoners, and preventing a resurgence of hospitalizations and deaths are all on the table.

    An April 28th press release from the Medical University of South Carolina is encouraging. Long-time Vitamin D researchers, Bruce Hollis, PhD, and Dr. Carol Wagner, are starting to study COVID-19. Hollis and Wagner have recently been studying the impact of Vitamin D in pregnancy and during breast-feeding on infant outcomes. They have over 60 years of combined experience with Vitamin D research.

    There are currently 10 clinical trials including Vitamin D for COVID-19, some in addition to standard therapies and some in specific combinations with other drugs and supplements. Unfortunately, several of these trials are not well-designed to show significant outcomes because the doses proposed are fairly low.


    Vitamin D might be a game changer, reducing deaths and disease severity. Vitamin D from sunshine is free and regular exposure for 20 minutes a day this time of year will provide about 1000 IU for people living in mid-latitudes who expose about 30% of their body surface.

    Vitamin D is available to almost everyone, even the poorest and recently unemployed. Populations that can’t get outside easily (the elderly, prison populations, indoor workers) may need Vitamin D supplements to achieve sufficient blood levels. We should work towards testing Vitamin D levels in those populations to ensure that they are sufficient.

    Please share this information; it might save a life.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed May 13, 2020 5:49 pm

    Coronavirus CAN enter the body through the eyes:
    Scientists find eye cells are a prime target for the deadly virus to attach /
    latches onto ACE-2 receptors, known as the 'gateway' into cells 

    Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found ACE-2 in the eyes.

    It means if infected droplets land on the eye, the virus can begin infiltrating.
    It may also explain why some patients have suffered conjunctivitis

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed May 13, 2020 5:55 pm

    VIDEO | Anthony Fauci, testified today before the US Senate that
    “I must warn you of negative consequences of a vaccine… that is the vaccine could actually ENHANCE the disease

    It’s called “paradoxical immune enhancement”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed May 13, 2020 6:02 pm

    Despite the warnings around taking hydroxychloroquine to combat the symptoms of COVID-19, prescriptions in France have increased by as much as 7,000% in certain parts of the country since the pandemic began.

    As reported by La Provence, a study looking at the 466 million French prescriptions written since the pandemic began in France, show a huge spike in doctors prescribing the drug. In the last week of March, for instance, over 10,000 people were prescribed hydroxychloroquine in Marseille alone.

    Hydroxychloroquine is at the heart of an angry debate about how to treat coronavirus

    In France and the U.S., the use of hydroxychloroquine has been fraught between those who think the risks are small enough to warrant widespread use and those who think that more research is required before widespread prescription.

    Following research conducted in China, a French doctor, Didier Raoult–head of the IHU, the Institute of Infectious Diseases in Marseille–claimed at the beginning of March that he had successfully treated patients suffering from coronavirus with the drug. Hydroxychloroquine is an anti-malarial drug also used to treat people suffering from lupus. It is sold under its trader name of Plaquénil in France.

    Prescriptions have spiked across France, but mostly in Paris and Marseille

    Before the pandemic, an average of 50 prescriptions were written each day in Marseille for hydroxychloroquine. The day after Didier Raoult announced his findings in Marseille, this had jumped to 450 per day. On March 18th, that figure had spiked again and there were 5,000 prescriptions in just one day across the whole of France.

    The research authors believe that 41,000 people were given the drug between March 16 and April 19.

    Prescriptions have been higher in Paris and Marseille (where Didier Raoult heads the IHU, the Institute of Infectious Diseases). The study also noted that most people who were granted access to the drug across France were from higher socio-economic groups.

    Shortly afterwards, President Trump, tweeted the same news, that a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin could work with patients. The latter is an anti-bacterial drug, given in tandem, to eliminate the risks of bacterial infection.

    Health professionals were quick to point out that no one should be using the drug without further research showing clear evidence that the drugs do work under a peer-reviewed clinical trial. Dr Anthony Fauci, Trump’s advisor downplayed the drug’s impacts as purely “anecdotal” and others issued warnings that the drug can cause severe health impacts if taken in an unsupervised capacity, such as heart problems.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : belgium


    Post  mudra Sat May 16, 2020 4:15 pm


    Posts : 465
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    Location : There's no place like home.


    Post  eMonkey Sat May 16, 2020 5:23 pm

    Thanks Carol, for the list below.

    I found this page to offer more suggestions and an expanded description on the drugs

    Carol wrote:Various cures are now out there. Human Trial in Peru with Ivermectin (STROMACTOL) cures fast 100% of patients. Invermectin is an anti-parasitic and even safer then hydrochloroquine. What's important is getting the right info out to the public so that they can be advocates for their own health and have a clue as to what to look for and what to ask for.

    Ivermectin is a medication used to treat many types of parasite infestations.[1] This includes head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis.It can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin for external infestations.

    It is a very old and safe medication used for animals and for humans. The magic bullet humanity has been looking for. We used to use this for our horses.

    "Some of the minimum manufacturing costs found for each of the drugs (considered effective against corona) were listed as follows:

    Remdesivir (Drug useful against Ebola) - US $0.93/day.

    Favipiravir (Drug useful against flu) - U.S. $1.45/day

    Hydroxychloroquine (Drug useful against malaria) - U.S. $0.08/day

    Chloroquine (Drug useful against malaria) - U.S. $0.02/day

    Azithromycin (An antibacterial drug) - U.S. $0.10/day

    Lopinavir/ritonavir (Drugs useful against HIV) - U.S. $0.28/day

    Sofosbuvir/daclatasvir (antiviral drugs) - U.S. $0.39/day

    Pirfenidone (an anti-inflammatory useful in pulmonary fibrosis) - U.S. $1.09/day

    The team of researchers wrote that the costs of production of the drugs ranged between $0.30 and $31 per treatment course. A treatment course ranged between 10 and 28 days. The team added that at present, the price of these drugs in the United States and other nations was much higher than the cost of their production.


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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Sun May 17, 2020 7:44 am

    Thank you for the extra info e-monkey. Here is some more good news on testing from Argentina.

    Argentinian Scientists Develop Faster And Cheaper COVID-19 Test

    UPDATED 11:15 AM PT — Saturday, May 16, 2020

    A medical laboratory scientist inserts a patient’s swab sample into the coronavirus testing machine in the lab at Stamford Hospital in Stamford, Conn. Thursday, May 14, 2020. (Tyler Sizemore/Hearst Connecticut Media via AP)
    OAN Newsroom

    Argentina recently announced its recent development of a new testing method for the coronavirus, which produced faster results than ever before. On Friday, government officials described their success with the new rapid test named “the NEOKIT-COVID-19.”

    Unlike the widely used PCR test, which can take up to seven hours to provide a result, the new testing method can deliver results in less than an hour.

    The new test has already been approved by Argentina’s National Administration of Drugs, Foods and Medical Devices, which is hoping to test citizens as quickly as possible.

    “This development was carried out in record time by our scientists, in cooperation with the ministry of health with whom we are working closely. As we’ve been saying, it gives us a way to detect the virus’ genome by a similar method to that of the PCR, but even faster. It doesn’t require thermal cyclers or complicated equipment, and it greatly simplifies the diagnostic technique for the virus.”

    – Roberto Salvarezza, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation

    The government is expected to produce the first 10,000 tests over the next ten days, which will be used by the public health sector.

    Argentina is currently in lockdown and has reported more than 7,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus. According to officials, the spread of the coronavirus is slowing down in the region

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Sun May 17, 2020 8:35 am

    FDA halts Bill Gates coronavirus testing program
    May 15, 2020

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) halted a coronavirus testing program promoted by billionaire Bill Gates and Seattle health officials pending reviews.

    The program sought to send test kits to the homes of people both healthy and sick to try to bring the country to the level of testing officials say is necessary before states can begin safely reopening. The program, which had already gone through thousands of tests, found dozens of cases that had been previously undiagnosed.

    The Seattle Coronavirus Assessment Network (SCAN) said on its website that the FDA had asked it to pause testing while it receives additional authorizations but maintained its procedures are safe.

    The FDA "recently clarified its guidance for home-based, self-collected samples to test for COVID-19. We have been notified that a separate federal emergency use authorization (EUA) is required to return results for self-collected tests," SCAN said. "The FDA has not raised any concerns regarding the safety and accuracy of SCAN's test, but we have been asked to pause testing until we receive that additional authorization."

    The pause is emblematic of the fractured national response to the coronavirus, with federal officials proposing guidelines but leaving much of the implementation and administration of tests to states and localities.

    Concerns have recently arisen over the reliability of coronavirus antibody tests, which can gauge if someone previously had COVID-19. However, the SCAN tests do not test for antibodies, and SCAN said it is working on getting its program up and running again.

    "We are actively working to address their questions and resume testing as soon as possible," SCAN said.

    Gates, the billionaire founder of Microsoft who has dedicated much of his personal fortune to global health issues, said the program could be an effective tool in guiding public health responses.

    "Not only will it help improve our understanding of the outbreak in Seattle, it will also provide valuable information about the virus for other communities around the world," Gates wrote in a blog post this week.

    An FDA spokesperson told The New York Times, which was the first to report on the pause, that the home testing kits raised concerns about the safety and accuracy of the results.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Sun May 17, 2020 12:40 pm

    Here’s the dosage chart the Dr in NY used to cure 350 patients
    A NY Doctor shared with Hannity his Hydroxy Chloroquine/Azithromycin results.

    200mg 2x daily Hydroxy Chloroquine
    500mg 1x daily Azithromycin
    220mg 1x daily Zinc sulfate

    350 patients

    • Breathing restored 3-4 hours
    • Zero deaths
    • Zero hospitalizations
    • Zero intubations

    Liposomal Vitamin C vs Regular Vitamin C - how it works. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is one of the 50 essential nutrients you need every day for optimal health. Lypo Spheric vitamin C is no ordinary supplement. It delivers more vitamin C to where it’s needed most because of its unique structure. Lypo-spheric technology is arguably superior for the delivery of nutrients for better absorbtion.

    13 minute video -Important to watch-great tips!

    Helpful advice from a physician on disinfecting groceries. (whether you're still going to stores or taking home delivery). NIH DATA:  COVID-19 LIVES ON CARDBOARD FOR 1 DAY. In light of the recent news that they found coronavirus on surfaces on cruise ships SEVENTEEN DAYS after the last passengers had left, pay heed. Hard metal surfaces can include gas hose handles at the pumps, door knobs, railings, toilet bowl handles, sink handles, car door handles, etc. Be aware, be safe.

    It can literally save our lives.

    PLEASE SHARE to all that you know!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 465
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Location : There's no place like home.


    Post  eMonkey Sun May 17, 2020 1:32 pm



    Carol wrote:Here’s the dosage chart the Dr in NY used to cure 350 patients
    A NY Doctor shared with Hannity his Hydroxy Chloroquine/Azithromycin results.

    200mg 2x daily Hydroxy Chloroquine
    500mg 1x daily Azithromycin
    220mg 1x daily Zinc sulfate

    350 patients

    • Breathing restored 3-4 hours
    • Zero deaths
    • Zero hospitalizations
    • Zero intubations


    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Mon May 18, 2020 3:16 pm
    THE STILL REPORT: 100% Of Acute COVID Patients Cured With New Legacy Med Combo,
    Within 4 Days & With No Side Effects
    NOTE: Report begins at 1:06.


    american allopathic medicine can no
    longer be trusted no other nations who
    are on a much lower economic scale have
    now taken the lead so here's the latest
    researchers in bangladesh have found
    that a combination of two widely used
    legacy medications have produced what
    they call astounding results in curing
    patients from acute cases of Covid 19
    virus catch this after a single dose

    according to doctor Tareq Alam the head
    of medicine at Bangladesh Medical
    College Hospital 60co had 19 positive
    tested patients all had near miraculous
    recoveries after being given a single
    dose of doxycycline a legacy
    along with ivermectin a legacy
    we have got astounding
    results out of sixty COVID 19 patients
    all recovered as the combination of the
    two drugs were applied it's worth
    repeating 100 percent of 60 patients
    were cured by the two drug combination
    within four days with no side effects
    after three days symptoms were reduced
    by 50% doxycycline is used to treat some
    of the most difficult bacterial
    infections including acne urinary tract
    infections respiratory infections
    gonorrhea syphilis and chlamydia it is
    also used to prevent malaria and
    infections caused by ticks mites or lice

    it was patented in 1957 the wholesale
    cost in the developing world is between
    one and four cents per pill in the US
    ten days of treatment costs you 3
    dollars and 40 cents in 2017 it was the
    113th most commonly prescribed
    medication in the United States with
    more than 6 million prescriptions
    written oh one more thing it has been
    shown to be effective against Q fever
    alert the Q bonds
    yes Q fever is a real disease I won't go
    into it here but it is a bacterium that
    can infect humans and animals more on
    this later ivermectin is a classic
    antiprotozoal medicine used to treat
    many types of parasitic infections it is
    useful when taken orally or even applied
    topically it was first discovered in
    1975 and is on the world death
    Organization's list of essential
    medicines the cost in the developing
    world is about 12 cents for a course of
    treatment in the US that will cost you
    less than $50 are you getting the
    picture here the scions of American
    allopathic medicine would prefer that
    you not ask for the combo of doxycycline
    and I
    macton where one dose of each even at
    inflated u.s. prices will cost you what
    five dollars or less however if this
    early trial proves out it is 100%
    after a single dose of the two tablets
    nope our medical leadership would much
    rather have you give their newly
    experimental drug remedy severe a try
    it only costs four thousand five hundred
    dollars for a course and heck it's 60%
    effective and I'll just bet that the
    medical lobby is already fixed with
    Congress for Medicaid and Medicare to
    pay nearly 100% of the cost one caution
    there are no long term or even midterm
    safety studies for MD severe but what
    the heck doctor foul she loves it so it
    must be okay I'm still reporting from
    just outside the Citadel of American
    freedom good day

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Tue May 19, 2020 10:09 am

    Glutathione saved mom from coronavirus death, says medical student son
    by Ethan Huff

    (Natural News) A 48-year-old mother of four and Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) victim from New York is breathing easy after her son, a medical student, successfully cured her of the virus with the “master” antioxidant glutathione.

    James Bruzzese, 23, who studies at the City University of New York‘s (CUNY) School of Medicine, says that his mom Josephine woke up on March 22 with a fever, body aches, and dry cough. She could not breathe and lost her ability to smell and taste.

    “She was so short of breath she couldn’t speak,” he told the media.

    Josephine was taken to NYU Langone Hospital – Brooklyn in Sunset Park where she was diagnosed with pneumonia. But because there were no Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) tests available at the time, Josephine was sent home as a suspected case of the novel virus.

    During her time in self-isolation, Josephine took the antibiotic drug azithromycin as well as the antimalaria drug hydroxychloroquine, neither of which helped her breathe any better.

    “We were very worried because she couldn’t stand up without almost passing out from shortness of breath,” James recalled. “Her respiratory symptoms were very severe.”

    Remembering a remedy that worked for his 16-year-old sister, who was struck with a mystery ailment back in 2015 that left her unable to walk and that later turned out to be Lyme disease, James decided to try it on his mom – and the results were astounding.

    It was actually Dr. Richard Horowitz, a Lyme disease specialist and ally of James who helped treat his sister Julia, who came up with the idea to give Josephine glutathione, which almost immediately gave her back the life she previously had.

    “When you get a viral infection with a huge amount of inflammation you don’t have enough glutathione to be able to protect your very sensitive lung tissue,” Horowitz stated, noting that glutathione works very well in Lyme patients to reduce inflammation.

    After giving Josephine her first 2,000-milligram dose of glutathione, Joseph observed that his mother became a whole new person.

    “Within an hour my breathing got better,” Josephine recalled. “It was amazing. I sat up, I got up. I went and I took a shower,” she added, noting that she was even able to make her own bed.

    After five days of taking glutathione, Josephine had no relapse back to the pain and suffering she endured while infected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which left her bound to a wheelchair.

    Bruzzese and Horowitz publish study outlining benefits of glutathione

    The results were so impressive that James decided to write up his mother’s case as part of a study that he and Horowitz co-authored, which also included the case of a man in his 50s from Manhattan who also saw success with glutathione.

    The paper, which was published in the journal Respiratory Medicine Case Reports, revealed how an intravenous injection of glutathione in the older patient from the city helped the man begin breathing normally again within just half an hour.

    James has not been able to contain himself after seeing the improvements that occurred in his mom from this simple and safe treatment. He has been telling everyone he knows, including on social media, about the benefits of glutathione so that they, too, can take advantage of it if need be.

    Dr. Purvi Parikh, an infectious disease, allergy and immunology specialist at NYU Langone Hospital, believes that glutathione may work by calming the immune system’s overreaction in response to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), a phenomenon known as a “cytokine storm.”

    “Any insight into this novel illness is helpful … in looking for potential treatments,” she says.

    Meanwhile, Horowitz is working on a more extensive clinical trial involving glutathione to better pinpoint how it works.

    “It’s not something new,” he says. “It’s not something dangerous. This may provide a very simple therapy, but again we are going to need the studies.”

    To keep up with the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), be sure to check out

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : There's no place like home.


    Post  eMonkey Tue May 19, 2020 6:21 pm

    Carol wrote:Glutathione saved mom from coronavirus death, says medical student son
    by Ethan Huff


    Josephine was taken to NYU Langone Hospital – Brooklyn in Sunset Park where she was diagnosed with pneumonia. But because there were no Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) tests available at the time, Josephine was sent home as a suspected case of the novel virus.

    During her time in self-isolation, Josephine took the antibiotic drug azithromycin as well as the antimalaria drug hydroxychloroquine, neither of which helped her breathe any better.

    Hmmm, my comment on this story; we are told that she was given HCO and an antibiotic, there was no mention of Zinc Sulphate, which should be a part of the HCO treatment protocol, allegedly. So, if it's true that it was not a part of her treatment, then I'm not surprised it didn't work. Equally, I acknowledge that when combined in the correct protocol, it won't work for everyone in every circumstance.

    Though as I understand it, the action of HCO enables a pathway in cells for zinc to get into cells and kill the virus. The Antibiotic is to fight off infection whilst the immune system was overwhelmed in dealing with the Virus wreaking havoc in the body. But I suspect I'm preaching to the informed here ;-) You knew that already.

    Well, it sure sounds interesting and I will keep an eye out for the studies and whether efficacy is maintained with or without any combination of HCO and antibiotics.

    Thanks Carol.

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    Post  Carol Fri May 29, 2020 7:43 am

    You're welcome.

    Coronavirus: Drug for children's disease had promising results

    A drug for a children's immune disease helped coronavirus patients recover faster, a new study suggests.

    Ruxolitinib is approved to treat Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), which is a severe systemic inflammatory syndrome among youngsters that can be fatal, by calming down the immune system's overreaction.

    Scientists from Cincinnati Children's Hospital in Ohip say that 10 times as many patients who received the medication saw improvements in their respiratory health compared to those who were given a placebo.

    In addition, patients who didn't receive ruxolitinib were 14 percent more likely to die than those who did.

    Ruxolitinib is a drug used to treat Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), a severe systemic inflammatory syndrome in children that can be fatal.

    Scientists believe it can prevent cytokine storms, which occur when the body doesn't just fight off the virus but also attacks its own cells and tissues. Pictured: Dr Joseph Varon, head of the COVID-19 unit at United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, Texas, checks on a patient, 43-year-old Melquiades Cervantes

    Scientists believe it can prevent cytokine storms, which occur when the body doesn't just fight off the virus but also attacks its own cells and tissues. Pictured: Dr Joseph Varon, head of the COVID-19 unit at United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, Texas, checks on a patient, 43-year-old Melquiades Cervantes

    In addition to HLH, ruxolitinib is a medication used to treat myelofibrosis, which is a cancer of the bone marrow.

    Ruxolitinib hinders inflammation, which helps control the immune system response, and even kills some kinds of cancer cells.

    Researchers hope the drug will help ward off cytokine storms, which is when the body doesn't just fight off the virus but also attacks its own cells and tissues.

    Cytokine storms are also a common feature of children battling secondary HLH, which occurs when initial HLH treatment has not worked.

    Dr Gang Huang, a cancer pathologist at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, noticed the feature of both illnesses and decided to see if a drug used to treat one could treat the other.

    'I approached our research colleagues in Wuhan and explained our observations and recommended this drug be tested to quiet the cytokine storm in the multi-system inflammation in patients with severe COVID-19 disease,' Huang said.

    'The disease was spreading very rapidly and many people were dying. We believed the existing clinical drug would help save lives. So, we worked to push it forward before there is an effective vaccine for everyone.'

    For the study, published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, the team looked at 43 patients hospitalized with coronavirus between February 9 and February 28.

    All of the patients were treated in Wuhan, China, where the virus is believed to have originated.

    Half the patients were randomly selected to receive two daily oral dose of ruxolitinib plus standard care while the other half received a placebo and standard care.

    Patients who received the drug were more likely to see respiratory improvements and less likely to die than those given a placebo. Pictured: Nurses care for a coronavirus patient in the ICU at Regional Medical Center in San Jose, California, May 21
    Patients who received the drug were more likely to see respiratory improvements and less likely to die than those given a placebo. Pictured: Nurses care for a coronavirus patient in the ICU at Regional Medical Center in San Jose, California, May 21

    Patients treated with ruxolitinib saw clinical improvements in a much shorter amount of time than the control group.

    In fact, 90 percent of those who received ruxolitinib patients showed improvements in their CT scans within 14 days.

    Only nine percent of patients from the control group saw improvements within the same time frame.

    Additionally, three patients in the control group died of respiratory failure but none of the severely ill patients who received ruxolitinib died.

    'This is the first therapy we know of that appears to work effectively to quiet the cytokine storm and inflammation in severe COVID-19 disease, and there are no significant toxicities to patients who take the drug by two pills a day,' Huang said.

    'This is critical until we can develop and distribute enough effective vaccine to help prevent people from becoming infected.'

    However, he notes that more studies are needed and that Phase II of a clinical trial being run by Incyte and Novartis is looking at how the drug affects 400 severely ill coronavirus patients.

    Preliminary clinical data from the study is expected to be published during the summer.

    America passes grim milestone of 100,000 confirmed COVID deaths.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Fri May 29, 2020 9:04 am
    Censored Dr. Kaufman: “They Want to Genetically Modify Us With COVID-19 Vaccine”
    – Lost His Job and Willing to Go to Jail to Resist

    Andrew Kaufman is a medical doctor. Here is his full bio from his website:

    Andy Kaufman, M.D. is a natural healing consultant, inventor, public speaker, forensic psychiatrist, and expert witness. He completed his psychiatric training at Duke University Medical Center after graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Molecular Biology.

    He has conducted and published original research and lectured, supervised, and mentored medical students, residents, and fellows in all psychiatric specialties. He has been qualified as an expert witness in local, state, and federal courts. He has held leadership positions in academic medicine and professional organizations. He ran a start-up company to develop a medical device he invented and patented.

    Faculty Positions
    Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, SUNY Upstate Medical University
    Vice President, Psychiatry Faculty Practice Corporation, SUNY Upstate Medical University
    Medical Director of Faculty Practice, SUNY Upstate Medical University
    Assistant Director, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship, SUNY Upstate Medical University
    Consulting Expert Witness, Syracuse University Law School

    Medical University of South Carolina, Doctor of Medicine
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, BS in Biology

    American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology Board Certification in Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry (2011)
    SUNY Upstate Medical University, Fellowship in Forensic Psychiatry
    Duke University School of Medicine, Resident in Psychiatry

    Knoll JL and Kaufman AR. Suicide in Correctional Settings: Epidemiology, Risk Assessment, and Prevention. Principles and Practice of Forensic Psychiatry edited by Richard Rosner, 3rd edition, 2017.
    Way BB, Kaufman AR, Knoll JL, Chlebowski, S: Suicidal Ideation among Inmate-Patients in State Prison: Prevalence, Reluctance to Report, and Treatment Preferences. Behavioral Science and the Law, 31(2): 230-8, 2013.
    Kaufman AR, Way BB, Suardi E: Forty Years after Jackson v. Indiana. States’ Compliance with “Reasonable Period of Time” Ruling. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 40:261-5, 2012.
    Kaufman AR, Knoll JL, Way BB, Leonard C, Widroff J: Survey of Forensic Mental Health Experts on Pro Se Competence After Indiana v. Edwards: Towards an Evidence-Based Pro Se Competency Standard. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 39:565-70, 2011.
    Knoll JL, Leonard C, Kaufman AR, Way BB: A Pilot Survey of Trial Court Judges’ Opinions on Pro Se Competence after Indiana v. Edwards. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 38:536-9, 2010.
    Kaufman AR, Way B: North Carolina Resident Psychiatrists Knowledge of the Commitment Statutes: Do They Stray from the Legal Standard in the Hypothetical Application of Involuntary Commitment Criteria? Psychiatric Quarterly, 2010; 81(4): p.363.
    Kaufman, AR: More on DSM-5: Will “Cross-Cutting” Butcher Clinical Psychiatry. Correctional Mental Health Report, 2010; 12(2): p. 21.
    Kaufman AR: Are Psychiatrists Lexa-Professionals? Correctional Mental Health Report, 2010; 11(5): p. 71
    Kaufman AR: Should We Use Law Enforcement for Emergency Transportation of People With Mental Illness? American Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 164(3): Residents’ Journal p. 3

    In this interview with Spiro Skouras, you will most likely learn things you have never heard before about the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Kaufman will explain why this is all planned and is not really about a dangerous virus at all, but a way to control people’s lives.

    He will explain things about the new type of vaccine they are rushing so fast to develop, and what he believes is the real objective for this vaccine.

    Dr. Kaufman has already paid a steep price to be a whistleblower, and he only expects it to get worse. He states:

    "This is the only important thing for me to do now, is to get this information out, so that we can prevent ourselves from living in a horrible, horrible future.

    I have two young children, and they are my main motivating factor, that I don’t want them to live in a world where they have no freedom. And that’s where we’re heading right now.

    And so whatever risks there are, they’re risks that I simply have to take. That’s why I am doing what I am doing.

    There have been things that have occurred. I have had consequences. I was let go from my regular psychiatry job because I refused to wear a mask.

    I have had several friends who are doctors or other health care professionals who have been very upset with me. (They’re) disappointed and won’t talk to me anymore.

    I knew that those risks were part of this. But that’s not what’s important.

    I’ll tell you that I would be happy to risk being taken to jail as well, because I’m not going to participate in any of these measures.

    I don’t wear a mask. I don’t stay at home.

    I respect other people’s rights to make their own choices. So I don’t go and get in people’s faces.

    But if anyone is willing to make eye contact and interact with me, I don’t observe any social distancing, (and so) any opportunity to hug someone, especially in public, I always take advantage of that, because I want to show people that actually all of these measures are really voluntary.

    Even Governor Cuomo has made a public statement that there’s nothing that they can do to enforce any of these measures and that they are voluntary.

    And I would like to encourage other people to make that decision, because if we rely on the authority to give us approval of how to exercise our freedom, they’re going to take more freedoms away, as they’ve been doing.

    So while I respect people that to go and protest at the City Hall or State Capital, they are coming from the right point of view, they’re just asking the authority figures, the government, to give them permission, when they don’t need permission from the government.

    They already have permission because they have inalienable rights.

    It’s not really a decision for me. It’s just what I feel that I have to do to preserve the way of life that I want to live for me and my children.

    At the time of this publication, this interview has been viewed just over 15,000 times.

    It needs to be MILLIONS! Please watch and share this information that they are trying so hard to censor."


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Sat May 30, 2020 2:08 pm
    'A Humble Journey': a film by Sacha Stone
    Jim Humble story in Africa, Uganda where he used MMS to cure Malaria in 4 hours.

    Since we were still having symptoms since March, we decided to try this MMS protocol treatment. Spouse has been making this for us to drink since last last Saturday. During the course of treatment we take this hourly, every hour, for 8 consecative hours. No caffeine. No milk or milk products. No chocolate. No supplements. No Vitamin C throughout the treatment as it deactivates the MMS. No heavy meals during the day.

    We drink a mixture solution mixed in 1/2 cup of water every hour for eight consecutive hours.

    Drinking water every hour on the hour also reduces ones appetite. Since we are only in our first week starting out with 1/d drop.. working up to a drop, then 2 drops and the most is 3 drops in an hour - if one doesn't have a reaction. 3 drops was too much for me, however spouse is taking 3 drops. One is also to brush their teeth with it morning and night.

    There is a full range of stuff to do to kill off all the bugs. It oxidizes and kills pathogens.

    "Okay it heals, but you quite rightly couch it in a different way. You say it doesn't cure or heal anything. In effect, the mechanical level, what it's doing is simply oxidizing and eradicating pathogens It destroys the pathogens and oxidizers poisons and allows you to heal yourself."

    MMS (Miracle Mineral Solutions) cure. (MMS is not bleach). Sodium Chlorite. Humble gave 25 drops of MMS stabilized oxygen to people with Malaria and it cured it within 4 hours. To be effective, MMS needs to be activated. In 100 people he was treating he cured 100 people.

    Supposedly it can cure everything from colds to cancer.

    We'll give an update as to this is working for as over the course of treatment. One thing we did notice within a few days was the sinus phlegm was clearing up. It's been a week. It's killing pathogens in the body and our bodies are getting rid of it.

    Read the book, look at his website and do your research before you attempt to follow the first Protocol 1000 which were we are.

    Book: MMS Health Recovery Guidebook by Jim Humble with Cari Loyd

    Jim's website:


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Age : 69
    Location : belgium


    Post  mudra Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:16 am

    Major Hydroxychloroquine Study Retracted: ‘We Deeply Apologize’
    BY ZACHARY STIEBER June 4, 2020 Updated: June 4, 2020  


    A top journal retracted a study on hydroxychloroquine that attracted worldwide attention—prompting the suspension of multiple trials—after three researchers admitted they couldn’t vouch for the data used.

    Researchers conducting the observational study claimed to have medical records of nearly 100,000 patients who took hydroxychloroquine or the closely related chloroquine. The four researchers said their analysis showed a higher mortality rate in COVID-19 patients who took the drug when compared with those who didn’t.

    But Surgisphere, a little known Chicago-based company where one of the authors works, refused to share the dataset allegedly containing the records, prompting the other three authors to request a retraction.

    “Our independent peer reviewers informed us that Surgisphere would not transfer” relevant information including the full dataset “to their servers for analysis as such transfer would violate client agreements and confidentiality requirements,” the researchers wrote in a June 4 statement (pdf).

    “As such, our reviewers were not able to conduct an independent and private peer review and therefore notified us of their withdrawal from the peer-review process.”

    “Based on this development, we can no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources. Due to this unfortunate development, the authors request that the paper be retracted,” they added later.

    “We all entered this collaboration to contribute in good faith and at a time of great need during the COVID-19 pandemic. We deeply apologize to you, the editors, and the journal readership for any embarrassment or inconvenience that this may have caused.”

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    Location : British Columbia Canada

    COVID EFFECTIVE TESTS & TREATMENTS Empty Re: Covid Effective Tests & Treatments

    Post  Jenetta Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:24 am

    Texas Doctor Reverses Coronavirus Symptoms in 100% of Cases With Inexpensive Treatment

    July 5, 2020

    By Natural Blaze

    Texas family doctor Dr. Richard Bartlett joins Debbie Georgatos on her show American Can We Talk to discuss a potential COVID CURE!

    Dr. Bartlett describes how he has been treating Covid-19 patients with 100% success rate using an inexpensive safe treatment that is commonly used for people with asthma.

    The treatment is enhaling a steroid called budesonide using a nebulizer. Dr. Bartlett says many patients experience rapid relief from Covid symptoms after the first treatment.

    It’s the same treatment that worked in crowded countries like Taiwan, Singapore and Japan who’ve had very few deaths compared to countries that locked down. Therefore, Bartlett questions the effectiveness of mandatory masks, social distancing or a vaccine.

    He explained that a vaccine is unnecessary because the mortality rate is so low and effective treatments already exist. And he emphasized that vaccines would be ineffective because of constant mutations to the coronavirus.

    “The beautiful thing about the treatment that using is that no matter how many times it mutates it’s universally going to work because it decreases the inflammation. It’s a respiratory anti-inflammatory solution to a respiratory inflammatory problem.”
    Oooyeah 1 Double Thumbs Up Oooyeah 1 Double Thumbs Up

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    Post  Ashera Mon Jul 06, 2020 5:36 am

    A stretch of DNA linked to Covid-19 was passed down from Neanderthals 60,000 years ago, according to a new study.

    Read more at:

    Does this study possibly reveal how resistences could have developed? Could it maybe also explain why the Neanderthals died out?

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    Post  Carol Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:46 am

    Ashera wrote:A stretch of DNA linked to Covid-19 was passed down from Neanderthals 60,000 years ago, according to a new study.

    Read more at:

    Does this study possibly reveal how resistences could have developed? Could it maybe also explain why the Neanderthals died out?

    From recent info in the news is even with a Virus Spike in new cases, this isn't bad. People test positive but don't get sick. Why? Could it be because folks are developing antibodies which end up making them immune which is what a vaccine is suppose to do. Looks like there is no need for a vaccine with what is happening referring the the "herd immunity" phenomenon. Reminds me of the 100th monkey phenomenon. People may test positive but feel fine. People with antibodies and are asymptomatic, then their chance of dying is essentially zero. People can develop a sub-clinical case of Rona are a nothing-burger.

    However, if one becomes symptomatic then HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) works 100% effective, very few problems with it and can do it on outpatient basis.

    That 100% 'effective" rate is ONLY if it is discovered & applied early enough in the infection cycle... and in some cases as a preventative, as per POTUS use.

    Dr. Ivette Lozano of Dallas was having pharmacies demand the diagnosis before filling her scripts for HCQ, Zinc and Z-Pack (Azithromycin).

    Tonic water also has CQ and is safe. Drink Tonic water, zinc, and an antibiotic with vitamin C & D3. Add Selenium.


    The China coronavirus is real but the facts about it have been hidden or contaminated.  For example, a doctor at Stanford reported a couple days ago that the China coronavirus mortality rate for those under the age of 45 is almost 0%.

    “The death rate in a given country depends a lot on the age structure, who are the people infected, and how they are managed,” Ioannidis said. “For people younger than 45, the infection fatality rate is almost 0%. For 45 to 70, it is probably about 0.05%-0.3%. For those above 70, it escalates substantially.

    Gateway Pundit: We’ve been reporting the same or similar for months.

    On May 20th we reported: END THE LOCKDOWN: Pennsylvania Has More COVID-19 Deaths Over Age 100 than Under Age 45

    On May 20th we reported: END THE LOCKDOWN: UK has More COVID-19 Deaths Over Age 90 than Under Age 64

    On May 16th we reported: If you are under Age 29 You Are More Likely to Drown than Die from Coronavirus

    On May 3rd we reported: Less than 1% of New York City Coronavirus Fatalities (0.61%) had NO Underlying Health Conditions

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Atargatis Atreides


    Post  Ashera Mon Jul 06, 2020 12:11 pm

    I truly think that tobacco and swallowing the sputum does it too (as I found; the stomach as laboratory. But it will not function if you are not used to tobacco for long). Swiss studies hinted in this direction - maybe some kind of "camp fire effect", evolutively seen, later refined with herbs and incense...

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    Post  Carol Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:04 pm

    Ashera wrote:I truly think that tobacco and swallowing the sputum does it too (as I found; the stomach as laboratory. But it will not function if you are not used to tobacco for long). Swiss studies hinted in this direction - maybe some kind of "camp fire effect", evolutively seen, later refined with herbs and incense...

    I had read somewhere that nicotine or nicotine patches seemed to help. There seems to be both negative and positive info regarding nicotine.

    Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) and Nicotine in COVID-19 Patients: Trying to Calm the Storm

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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