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    How to Use a Face Mask Correctly

    Pakistannews information
    Pakistannews information

    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2020-04-12
    Age : 31

    How to Use a Face Mask Correctly Empty How to Use a Face Mask Correctly

    Post  Pakistannews information Fri May 01, 2020 11:42 pm

    How to Use a Face Mask Correctly

    How to Use a Face Mask Correctly How%2Bto%2BUse%2Ba%2BFace%2BMask%2BCorrectly%2B%25284%2529

    Knowledge point one

    What are the common types of masks?

    Disposable masks (medical surgical masks)

       The medical surgical mask has three layers, from the outside to the inside are the waterproof layer, the filter layer, and the comfort layer. The comfort layer is a layer of non-woven fabric. When wearing, the white non-woven fabric faces inward, the blue waterproof layer faces outward, and the side with the metal sheet faces up. Fit the nose and smooth the cheeks so that there is no gap between the mask and the face.

       When buying, you should choose a mask that clearly states "Medical surgical mask" on the outer packaging.

       N95 type mask

    How to Use a Face Mask Correctly How%2Bto%2BUse%2Ba%2BFace%2BMask%2BCorrectly%2B%25285%2529

    N95 mask is one of 9 anti-particulate masks certified by NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health). "N" means not suitable for oily particles (oil fumes produced by cooking are oily particles, and the droplets generated by people talking or coughing are not oily); "95" refers to filtering under the test conditions specified in the NIOSH The efficiency reaches 95%.
    N95 is not a specific product name. As long as it conforms to the N95 standard and has passed the NIOSH review, the product can be called "N95 mask".

       The biggest feature of the N95 mask is that it can prevent the spread of droplets caused by patients' body fluids or blood splashes. The size of the droplets is 1 to 5 microns in diameter. The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) stipulates that for medical institutions, medical personnel exposed to tuberculosis bacteria must wear masks above the N95 standard.

       Compared with medical surgical masks, N95 masks are better sealed. When choosing an N95 mask, try to choose an N95 mask without a breathing valve.

       Ordinary cotton mask

    Its material may be cotton, gauze, wool, canvas and velvet, etc. Because the material itself is not dense enough to prevent infection.

       What type of mask to wear?

    further read


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    Join date : 2010-04-14
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    How to Use a Face Mask Correctly Empty Re: How to Use a Face Mask Correctly

    Post  Seashore Sat May 02, 2020 7:15 am

    According to my research, we shouldn't be wearing face masks for COVID-19 at all.  There is no "virus" that can be spread air-born. Germ theory is bogus; diseases are caused by toxins. Vaccinations have not eradicated diseases.

    Wearing a face mask in this fake pandemic does more harm than good.  It impedes the intake of oxygen.  Toxins from the mask can be inhaled.  Wearing them publicly is reinforcing unnecessary fear, which is also harmful.

      Current date/time is Wed Dec 11, 2024 10:14 pm