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    Is It Time to Leave America While You Still Can?


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    Is It Time to Leave America While You Still Can? Empty Is It Time to Leave America While You Still Can?

    Post  enemyofNWO Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:43 am


    "Not a day goes by that I do not receive an email from one of my readers advising me to get out of America while I still can. As the level of tyranny in this country increases, there is a proportionate increase in Americans wondering out loud as to whether they should stay of go.

    Americans Have Three Options When It Comes to Expatriation

    As I see it, Americans have three choices when it comes to expatriation:

    1. We can leave the country for a less volatile place to live.

    2. There are places we could emigrate to which would buy us a little time against the full rollout of tyranny.

    3. We could simply lay down and take our beating as so many victims of genocide have in the past. Or, we can resist the final stages of tyranny and pay for our disobedience with our lives.

    The Reasons to Leave America Are Compelling

    There can be no question that we are headed for hyperinflation and economic collapse. Because America has notions of freedom and entrepreneurship, the globalists must make an example out of such undesirable attributes.

    Employment issues aside, America only has to look at three economic indicators to know that we are in a lot of trouble. The budget deficit is $17 trillion dollars, unfunded (partially or otherwise) mandated social programs constitutes another $222 trillion dollars and the credit swap derivatives total between $1 quadrillion dollars to $1.5 quadrillion dollars.

    When we look at Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and all the government programs that we all take for granted, the price tag is a whopping $222 trillion dollars. These numbers are going to be exacerbated and grow exponentially because the bulk of the baby boomers are entering retirement age. Even if we took every single penny that the federal government takes in and devote it to paying off these social programs, it would take 111 years to pay off this debt.

    In the United States, credit swap derivatives created national debt totals of over one quadrillion dollars. That is one thousand trillion dollars! The entire GDP of the planet is estimated at $66 trillion dollars. And somehow, in the infinite wisdom of Congress in 2008, we falsely and naively believed that a $750 billion transfer of wealth (i.e., Bailout #1) was magically going to save the economy and the collective futures of the American middle class. In short, the debt created by futures speculation is approximately 16 times greater than the sum total of the entire wealth on the planet! And we think we are going to climb out of this? We could fund 1,000 bailouts and the eventual outcome will be the same, slavery by debt.

    It is the belief of many that the depth of suffering and ensuing governmental persecution, inside of the United States, will be greater inside of the U.S. than anywhere else. Therefore, it is a very prudent option to leave. Even if America was not headed toward her Armageddon, it seems prudent to leave. "

    Continues at

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    Is It Time to Leave America While You Still Can? Empty Re: Is It Time to Leave America While You Still Can?

    Post  Carol Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:04 am

    Excellent post ENWO. Here is the passport info you posted earlier along with a way on to how to do this.

    There is a way to do surrender US Citizenship without paying exit fees. Tina Turner formally ‘relinquishes’ U.S. citizenship

    “Long-time Swiss resident Tina Turner” was in the embassy Oct. 24 to sign her “Statement of Voluntary Relinquishment of U.S. Citizenship under Section 349 (a)(1) of the INA” — the Immigration and Naturalization Act.

    The key word in the embassy report apparently is the term “relinquishment.” That means, a knowledgeable source told us, that she did not “formally renounce her U.S. citizenship under 349(a)(5) Immigration and Nationality Act, but took Swiss citizenship with the intent to lose her U.S. citizenship.” As opposed to formal renunciation — a much more complex process, we were told — there are no “tax or other penalties for loss of citizenship in this fashion.”

    Jim Willie from the Golden jackass website lives in Costa Rica and says that some caribbean countries only need to see your bank account with more than $ 5000. Austria , for a passport wants about 1 Million , and there are other lower priced countries.

    The problem is that 90% of USA citizens go back to their country within one year. It takes determination and desire to change and learn a new culture and a new language .

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1851
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    Is It Time to Leave America While You Still Can? Empty Re: Is It Time to Leave America While You Still Can?

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:22 pm

    Just to inform you, Carol and other members who're interested, on the reality of the link at the end of your post,
    about the Maltese welcome to buy yourself in as an EU citizen, that info is published in the year 2013. The rules have changed
    by now. The EU swept this off the table. There's valuable info in that link though, not all is out of date.

    Agenda21 is an agenda, intending to create an EU superpower. For that to achieve, the US needs to be destroyed. If I'm informed
    correctly by an informant, whose identity I can't offer here. It's difficult to know what's being played out, really, nowadays.
    Consider this post as info, shared as food for thought, okay? I'm happy to be proven incorrect or for whatever reason, be corrected.

    The first link below, includes a theatrical presentation by a wry humorous host of the Caravan to Midnight show.
    Some of you may well know of this radioshow.

    Radio show Caravan to Midnight
    What can I do? (Agenda21)


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    Is It Time to Leave America While You Still Can? Empty Re: Is It Time to Leave America While You Still Can?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:28 pm

    One theory is that "If America Goes -- So Does Everyone Else". I'll stay in America -- and just keep modeling Macro-Governance -- until "they" come to "take me away". "Hey!! Hey!!"


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    Is It Time to Leave America While You Still Can? Empty Rosa Koire: Agenda21 behind the green mask

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:38 am

    This tubby, with a courageous speaker, Rosa Koire, offers a better view on what's happening now.

    I've found this tubby yesterday, after searching for Agenda21, posted here by
    Aquaries111 some time ago. Thanks for that!

    This is a clear and powerful presentation of what Agenda21 means in practice.
    For years now, I'm aware of the strategy in Holland, in city centers, to create
    bankrupcy of small shops, by raising the rent. And the control of the land,
    which is a bit of a war, in this densely populated, small frogcountry Holland.

    Little shops disappear increasingly faster now, in city centers, large corporations,
    banks, also many telecom-shops appear, in city centers. Serving coffee.
    With that happening, we find more or less similar malls and streets with the
    most known and profitmaking companies. I don't need to mention the names,
    I'm pretty sure you will know them. So far, I've witnessed this in Holland and
    in the UK.


    Posts : 1471
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    Is It Time to Leave America While You Still Can? Empty Where agenda 21 falls flat ?

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:19 pm

    Thanks  B.B.Baghor for the video . I do not think that agenda 21 will get implemented .There are a few good reasons .
    1) There is a danger that a nuclear war could explode at any moment .
    2) The economic system is on the verge of collapse , the timing is not known but it is a mathematical certainty . From my experience , countries tend to sign international agreements and then those agreements are put in some cabinet with documents and never implemented . It happened in most western countries with the Universal Declarations of Human Rights ....... most countries have signed it , but in practice each country abuses the Human Rights of the citizens by illegal monitoring , spying and gang stalking  
    3) The moments the officials demand to expropriate the property of citizens including apartments in nice area , there will be the first shot fired against this feudal system .
    4) According to the speaker the land outside the city will be expropriated and fenced of and to be given at a future time to the multinationals ......... this if Feudalism and Communism rolled up together .
    5) If the civil war does not explodes for other reason , the implementations of agenda 21 will make it explode .
    6) We must wake up people on the fact that their property will be expropriated  and the people will lose    
       any semblance of freedom .
    7) population reduction is already happening naturally so watch what the Danish government is doing !

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    Is It Time to Leave America While You Still Can? Empty Re: Is It Time to Leave America While You Still Can?

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:06 pm

    enemyofNWO wrote:

    6) We must wake up people on the fact that their property will be expropriated  and the people will lose    
       any semblance of freedom .

    I truly hope you will be proven right in this, enemyofNWO! This point 6 of your list, combined with my
    focus on our right to live in freedom, is my drive to be active in waking up awareness in people who're willing to
    hear about the Agenda21. For I believe in the power of human awareness with the company of the heart.
    To me that's the foundation of creation, beneficial to all living beings, with planet Earth rejoicing.

    I think the reality we create and are a witness of, in the coming years, will show up in ways we can't even begin
    to imagine. I believe that the interpretation of our reality will begin to shift and is already shifting. We need to
    look through new glasses, looking glasses, both sides, magnifying and minimizing. A journey within as much as
    a journey without, more or less trailblazing. I think we will enter new territory and be surprised, about what life
    is really about, awakening on new levels. In short, I see a process of revelation, an unveiling of true and authentic
    ways of life.

    As much as the manifestation of Agenda21 content shows up, close by and in the global society, on one scale of
    the balance, we always have the other side, for it IS a balance. That other scale is filled with a power that is strong
    beyond words. To me, that's the power of our human heart and the purpose of our soul, waking up by the call of our

    The Karen

    We carry that with us, always, there's nothing outside of us that can block entrance to that space within. Nelson
    Mandela knew this, during all the years he lived emprisoned. I think this may be the most important instrument
    for us to work with, or to live by, not as in "working" but in "being" , whether we see signs of Agenda21 or signs
    of Agenda sunny The beauty in this configuration is, that we will find comfort and peace at the same time, that way.
    Either working in the trenches or flying high on wings of victory, alone or together.

    Lionhawk Earth Lionhawk Earth

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