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    Does Green Juice Have Benefits? How To Drink?

    Pakistannews information
    Pakistannews information

    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2020-04-12
    Age : 31

    Does Green Juice Have Benefits? How To Drink? Empty Does Green Juice Have Benefits? How To Drink?

    Post  Pakistannews information Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:20 am

    -After drinking a green latte for 60 days , an Australian man lost 45 kilograms and even his skin became super smooth! What should I drink? Take a look-
    Does Green Juice Have Benefits? How To Drink? Green_10

    We all know that green vegetables are important, but very few people can eat enough vegetables a day. Recently, the popular "green latte", a simple way of drinking can eat a balanced amount of vegetables and fruits, help gastrointestinal health and solve constipation , Even the skin and the mental state of the whole person are better!

    What is "Green Latte"?
    Does Green Juice Have Benefits? How To Drink? Pour_t10

    Recently, the "green latte" that has become popular all over the world is actually green vegetable juice. The anthocyanins, phenolic acids, and polyphenols in green vegetables and fruits are very effective in fighting oxidation and detoxification. Green latte becomes the key to gastrointestinal motility and helps the body to metabolize smoothly!

    The "chlorogenic acid" component in green coffee

    Does Green Juice Have Benefits? How To Drink? Pour_a10

    Green coffee is a coffee bean that has not been roasted . This light green coffee bean is rich in "chlorogenic acid", which has a very powerful antioxidant effect. However, due to the antioxidant effect of "chlorogenic acid" after roasting It is much lower, so many health foods will directly extract the "chlorogenic acid" component in coffee beans.

    But because chlorogenic acid capsules are coffee extracts, excessive intake is still harmful to the body, so there is the emergence of green latte. Green latte has the same antioxidant function without worrying about caffeine!

    Does Green Juice Have Benefits? How To Drink? AttachmentVarious fruits at the back, green vegetable juice at the front.JPG
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    Posts : 33032
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    Does Green Juice Have Benefits? How To Drink? Empty Re: Does Green Juice Have Benefits? How To Drink?

    Post  Carol Tue Apr 28, 2020 12:27 pm

    Great article. Thanks.

    We juice daily with celery, apples, carrots, lemon, ginger, parsley, Swiss Chard or Kale.

    Does Green Juice Have Benefits? How To Drink? Green%2Bfruits%2Band%2Bvegetables%2Band%2Bgreen%2Bjuices%2Bare%2Bplaced%2Bon%2Bthe%2Bwooden%2Btable

    This method is mixing everything up in a blender with water and ice.

    How To Drink?

    On an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

    A girl is making juice with green vegetables

    1/2 apple (peeled and cored and cut into 1/2, 1/2 please use half again)

    1 kiwi (peeled, cut in half)

    1/4 pineapple (decentralized, cut into small pieces)

    4 slices of roman (can be replaced by sweet potato leaves and spinach)

    Drink 200CC of cold water and a glass of ice cubes

    The production of green latte can be selected according to your physique and your favorite fruits and vegetables. Drinking a cup every day can help your body detoxify and increase circulation. If you want beauty from the inside out, you must not miss the super rammed green latte!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    Pakistannews information
    Pakistannews information

    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2020-04-12
    Age : 31

    Does Green Juice Have Benefits? How To Drink? Empty thank you very much

    Post  Pakistannews information Wed Apr 29, 2020 10:17 am

    Carol wrote:Great article. Thanks.

    We juice daily with celery, apples, carrots, lemon, ginger, parsley, Swiss Chard or Kale.

    Does Green Juice Have Benefits? How To Drink? Green%2Bfruits%2Band%2Bvegetables%2Band%2Bgreen%2Bjuices%2Bare%2Bplaced%2Bon%2Bthe%2Bwooden%2Btable

    This method is mixing everything up in a blender with water and ice.

    How To Drink?

    On an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

    A girl is making juice with green vegetables

    1/2 apple (peeled and cored and cut into 1/2, 1/2 please use half again)

    1 kiwi (peeled, cut in half)

    1/4 pineapple (decentralized, cut into small pieces)

    4 slices of roman (can be replaced by sweet potato leaves and spinach)

    Drink 200CC of cold water and a glass of ice cubes

    The production of green latte can be selected according to your physique and your favorite fruits and vegetables. Drinking a cup every day can help your body detoxify and increase circulation. If you want beauty from the inside out, you must not miss the super rammed green latte!

      Current date/time is Wed Dec 11, 2024 9:45 pm