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    Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes


    Posts : 33284
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    Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes Empty Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes

    Post  Carol Sat Mar 14, 2020 8:11 am

    Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes ESnDw8aWAAAgqJI?format=jpg&name=large
    So happy how my panic room turned out.

    Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes ESOwNecXkAABW1K?format=jpg&name=medium
    In Australia first you get the toilet paper. Then you get the power.

    Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes ESuoVSAU0AAzeN0?format=jpg&name=medium

    More laughs:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1185
    Join date : 2010-04-13
    Location : The Shire of Wilts

    Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes Empty Re: Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes

    Post  Swanny Sat Mar 14, 2020 8:22 am

    Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes 25501880-8071359-image-a-12_1583275201951

    Posts : 33284
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    Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes Empty Re: Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes

    Post  Carol Sat Mar 14, 2020 8:50 am
    How Colloidal Silver kills Germs. Size Does Matter!

    Learn more or to purchase it go to I explain as I understand it, how bacteria and virus' are killed by ionic and colloidal silver.

    The silver lungs generator

    Improve your immune system with the healthy body digestion pak

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes Empty Re: Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes

    Post  Carol Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:38 am

    Coronavirus 'emergency'? Oregon police ask people to stop calling 911 because they ran out of toilet paper

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes Empty Re: Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes

    Post  Carol Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:22 am

    Stores are out of toilet paper...bleach and maybe hand wipes...but not out of food. Went to the store today and saw customer after customer with canned goods, dried goods and bottled water in their buggies. No one was hoarding these items. Some bought chips, some bought hamburger helper. Each person bought what they needed to stock up on, even though the store was sold out of TP. The plan worked.

    They got the entire nation to stock up on essential supplies and prepare themselves to bunker down for the storm and all it took was saying that there will be no more toilet paper.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes Empty Re: Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes

    Post  Carol Tue Mar 17, 2020 9:30 am


    This is excellent info that was posted at GLP. Link on bottom.

    Coronavirus isn't just airborne, it's aerosolized........they know this, but aren't talking about it
    This is why quarantines fail, this is why doctors and nurses wearing PPE gear still get sick, and this is why it has spread so far, so rapidly

    It's not just aerosolized, it's essentially dry-aerosolized when the smallest respiratory particles evaporate when they leave the lungs

    Look at it like this

    They are trying to mislead you by telling you about droplet transmissions

    Droplet transmission is an upper respiratory phenomenon, and produces 2 to 200 micron diameter particles ( ~ x2 for sneeze droplet sizes )

    That's all well and good, we know those particles drop out of the air pretty fast

    Here's the problem with that though...

    2019-nCov is not an upper respiratory's a lower respiratory infection

    The media fails to mention that every time you breath, in the lower part of the lungs, literally trillions of 1 micron and smaller particles are manufactured

    ....with every cough, no sneeze needed

    This is easily demonstrable by the capture of +5 milliliters of water from the lungs, every hour ( You lose water when you breath )

    2019-nCov is about ~100 nanometers ( On average )

    1 micron ( 1,000 nanometers ) particles from the lower respiratory system ( Breathing ) will pick up viruses from the surface of the epithelial cells where the infection is occurring

    So this means, that even in the smallest particles that come out of your lungs, during normal breathing, there can be a viral load

    A 1 micron particle can carry something like 1 to 8 or so viruses

    That's doom with a capital D

    That's why it's not just airborne, but also aerosolized

    Will go right through an n95 mask ( Which are only rated to stop 95% of particles down to .3 microns

    That's still not small enough to stop the smallest particles that come out of the lungs

    how " infectious " is defined

    Lets see if you can answer this simple question:

    Tuberculosis is considered to be the deadliest infectious disease in the modern world, and kills 1,000,000+ people a year

    ....yet rhinoviruses, the cause of the common cold, are actually responsible for 2 to 3 times as many deaths as Tuberculosis, and are considered fairly harmless

    Why is that ?

    irc, respirator filters usually are dusted with something to specifically electrostatically trap those particles that make it into the actual pores of the filter

    If you read some studies on masks, most of them provide the probability for small particles to pass through

    Think about it...

    TB is caused by a bacteria

    Like 2019-nCov, it is a lower respiratory infection

    And TB is most definitely transmissible by air, but only by droplet transmission and not aerosol, even though the infection is in the area where the smallest particles come from ( Lower respiratory )

    The reason why it's considered the deadliest modern pathogen, yet doctors rarely even bother to wear masks around patients is simple.

    TB bacteria are very large, in fact much larger than coronaviruses

    ~ 3,000 nanometers VS ~ 100 nanometers

    A 3,000 nanometer long bacteria isn't going to fit into a 1 micron particle like a 100 nanometer virus will

    This is why you literally have to drink a few sneezes from a very sick patient to catch TB and you have to do it often ( Since the body's immune system can easily fend off a few bacteria, but not a ton of bacteria ....)

    Get it ?

    Aerosol particles with an effective diameter smaller than 10 microns can enter the bronchi, while the ones with an effective diameter smaller than 2.5 microns can enter as far as the gas exchange region in the lungs

    That's the lower respiratory system, ieo, right where the infection first takes hold.

    Read a few papers on bio-aerosols:

    Coughs - "Coughing and Aerosols". New England Journal of Medicine

    Sneezes - "Microbe-laden aerosols" (PDF). Microbiology Today

    Breathing - "The Mechanism of Breath Aerosol Formation". Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery

    If you want to take 20 minutes and watch this, it should help clarify the difference in transmissions

    One of my parents was a virologist, just trying to help correct the misunderstanding from the BS in the mainstream media

    Think about this-

    Claiming it's not airborne,... but then claiming it's spread by particles from the lungs,( Which technically is referred to as " aerosolization " ) either means whoever made that claim to begin with, is either directly obfuscating facts, or they are just as dumb as a bag of hammers and shouldn't even be speaking on the matter.

    SARS coronavirus was considered airborne.....yet not aerosolized, even though technically the droplets it are carried in are considered " bio-aerosols "

    Why ?

    Because it was an UPPER respiratory infection and therefore only spread by large droplet transmission, hence = " airborne "

    2019-nCov is a LOWER respiratory infection that is spread by micro-droplets, hence " aerosolized "

    Technically, both are considered " aerosolized " and also " airborne "

    The major difference is that large particles carrying SARS drop out of the air rapidly, while micro-droplets carrying 2019-nCov DO NOT

    Airborne Bio-weapons by comparison, are DRY-aerosolized products, smaller than 1 micron.

    Micro-droplets of 1 micron DRY in to half their size in about 1/10 of a second and are technically referred to as " desiccated particles "

    dessicated = dried

    Don't know if I can lay it out any more bluntly than that.

    The CDC and WHO play games with terminologies, don't fall for it !

    Let me give you an example of something else they are not discussing, and that is the actual reason this virus is extraordinarily tricky ( Bioinformaticians, molecular geneticists and virologists already are aware of this , btw )

    Long read ahead.

    We have all seen that this virus seems to have an ability to stay under the radar for extended periods of time, right ?

    Like 1-24 days, maybe as long as 28+ days, you can be asymptomatic

    Let's dissect this- When you are asymptomatic and infectious at the same time, this means you are either slightly infectious, somewhat infectious, or highly infectious

    The severity of " Infectious " here can be equated with the " viral load ", iow, how many viruses can be found in your fluids

    slightly infectious = low viral load
    somewhat infectious = medium viral load
    highly infectious = high viral load

    Now normally we say someone is " infected "

    This however does not mean they are " suffering from an infection "

    Why is " infected " not the same as " infectious " ?

    An " infection " is really when you are past the asymptomatic period ( NOT suffering ), and into the " clinical " phase of the illness ( Suffering )

    This is when you start to display " symptoms " of the " infection ", but you are " infectious " during BOTH periods ( Asymptomatic AND clinical )

    " Symptoms " are how we describe what happens during the immune system response process

    This is when your body starts literally waging war on it's own tissues ( Where the invaders are ), this is when you are " sick "

    There are really 2 separate immune systems in the body

    ~ One is on the cellular level
    ~ One is the whole body ( the " innate " immune system )

    In order for you to be into the clinical phase of the illness, you have to be sick, in order to be sick, your immune system has to be full out waging it's war

    But this really tends to only happen when the innate immune system has actually gotten the " alarm " from the cells that they have been invaded

    The alarm is the " signaling molecule " that the cell has released, as a response to being invaded

    In this case, the signaling molecule is the cytokine protein found in the human epithelial mucousal cell that has been invaded, also known as a " pro-inflammatory cytokine "

    Cytokines are also known as " interferons " ( Because they usually interfere with the virus' ability to hijack the cell's machinery to create more viruses ) They belong to a large subgroup of proteins that help regulate the activity of the immune system by acting as signaling proteins which are made and released by cells in response to the presence of the virus

    So, what do we do?

    well.....avoid large groups of people for one

    the way this virus is going to spread is through blooms ( little localized outbreaks that grow larger until they merge ), so expect " growth spurts " in the spread, ( Because of the highly variable asymptomatic period )

    Me personally, ...I am a recluse by nature, but I have started to not ride the bus, not take any taxi cabs, and have started doing things like grocery shopping at about 3am, when there are only a few employees in the store, and when I have to hit a store that isn't open 24 hours, I go either right at the opening time, or 5 minutes before they close, so I can avoid any crowds

    I also started taking note of my friends and their social activities, ( Do they go out and bar hop, do they have a ton of friends, how much are they paying attention to the situation,....etc )


    There are 2 known types with 3 forms: Interferon I, Interferon II and III

    Type I interferons can be produced by almost any cell upon stimulation by a virus; their primary function is to induce viral resistance in cells. Type II interferon is secreted only by natural killer cells and T lymphocytes; its main purpose is to signal the immune system to respond to infectious agents or cancerous growth

    Interferon has serious side effects, which include flu-like symptoms of fever and fatigue as well as a decrease in the production of blood cells by the bone marrow All interferons inhibit viral replication by interfering with the transcription of viral nucleic acid

    As an immune system response this type II interferon is also released by natural killer T lymphocytes that normally roam the body, it's role is to inhibit viral replication inside the cells

    So what normally happens is that the " signaling molecule ", the cytokine, immediately attaches to the receptor on the neighboring cell, telling it to produce more cytokines to " raise the alarm ", and this " alarm " spreads exponentially

    Now Interferon II ( Innate immune system ) has high binding potential for Interferon I ( Cellular immune system ), so when enough of the two proteins encounter each other and start to bind ......this is when the immune system goes into high gear

    For something like a rhinovirus ( Common cold cause ), this happens very fast, usually 12-24 hours

    So,.............. why does 2019-nCov seem to be able to evade detection in tests and also somehow " hide " it's activities from the body's innate immune system for 24+ days while replicating at a very high rate ?

    The virus prevents cells from making or sending out alarm cytokines that would normally tip off the innate immune system cytokine Interferon II

    What does this all mean ?

    No alarm proteins being made = no warning to immune system
    No warning to immune system response = no immune response
    No immune response = asymptomatic

    Couple that with maximized rate of viral replication and you get:

    Asymptomatic + high viral load = highly infectious

    Since there are so few natural killer cells that normally roam the body, and there are virtually no " alarm " proteins being made or secreted by infected cells, by the time the virus has been replicating inside the body at such a high rate, for such a long time, it starts to use all the available ACE2 that the body normally uses to regulate blood pressure ( Because it's stealing that ACE2 protein and using it like a key to enter cells, because the cells recognize ACE2 as a " friendly " molecule and not an invader )

    This ( along with a few other very complex things ), essentially means the body gets to an " OH XXXX !! " moment and you get the " cytokine storm " that kills patients

    The reason being, is that the body's immune system finally picks up on the fact there is a raging infection going on and responds with overwhelming force

    That " overwhelming force " is the " cytokine storm “

    The part it won't let me post pertains to a certain protein in the viral genome that prevents cellular nuclear transport ( How alarm cytokines are secreted from cells, through their nuclear envelope - the cell membrane ) to warn the innate immune system )

    Hopefully this helps in understanding why this virus does what it does

    The blocking of the cell's call for help is called the " ORF10-Rae1 " interaction

    ORF10 ( A protein ) being the section of the viral genome identified by the " open read frame 10 "

    Rae1 is the critical mRNA export factor that is absolutely essential for cellular processes that include manufacturing cytokine proteins

    ...this virus blocks Rae1 activity

    It's like gagging your cellular immune system so it cannot call out for help

    This is why it potentially can hide and replicate without triggering immune response, and when the response does's overwhelming

    Overwhelming = cytokine storm = heart attack

    This is why you see certain people just keeling over

    And just in case you are still confused about " airborne "

    Aerosol = airborne = 1 micron or less = lower respiratory
    Droplet = airborne = 20 to 200 microns = upper respiratory

    That is the ONLY difference

    ACE2 = Angiontension Converting Enzyme II.

    Blood Pressure medications DO NOT work on ACE2.

    ACE Inhibitors work on ACE1.
    - ACE1 converts Angiontension I to Angiontension II.
    - Angiontension II is what is responsbile for raising blood pressure via vasuclar constriction and increases aldosterone which causes the kidneys to retain sodium and water.

    ARBs (Angiontension Receptor Blockers) work by blocking the Angiontension II Receptor.

    ACE2 is another enzyme that converts Angiontision II back to Angiontension I - 7, which are basically inert in the body. Therefore ACE2 when activiated normally reduces blood pressure, reduces aldoerterone and lowers sodium/water retention.

    Statins actually increase the activity of ACE2 (that is not their primary action for cholesterol, which is to reduce Coenzyme-A Reductase) but it is a secondary or additional mechanism of action.

    There are research chemcials which are ACE2 antagonists- very expensive and only a small amount available; not a prescription drug. If you were to take them, they would create a spike in blood pressure.

    I believe a statin MAY be protective by binding the ACE2 site and prventing the spiky protein from entering into ACE2 - reducing infection, transmission and infections but I have no idea if this is 100% true and am looking for someone who knows more biochemistry and virology then me to way in. If anyone on here knows or knows someone who knows the answer to this, please let us know.

    Here's the same thing, coming from Dr John


    it's measured in nanometers

    coronaviruses are " pleomorphic " , so they have different sizes

    This one seems to range from 60 to 140 nanometers, so an average of 100 nanometers

    1 micron = 1,000 nanometers

    Take for example SARS

    NOT dry-aerosolized in small particles

    only short distance droplet transmission

    Therefore, although it was a very nasty virus, it was not incredibly dangerous because it was an UPPER respiratory infection and the upper respiratory area only produces LARGE particles

    MERS was a LOWER respiratory infection

    2019-nC0v is a LOWER respiratory infection

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1185
    Join date : 2010-04-13
    Location : The Shire of Wilts

    Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes Empty Re: Toilet Paper Panic Room Memes

    Post  Swanny Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:28 pm

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