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    United States AI Solar System (4)


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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:19 pm

    Try thinking in terms of the following:

    A.D. 1700 to 1900: The Formulation of an Idealistic-Plan.

    A.D. 1900 to 2100: The Corrupted-Version of This Idealistic-Plan.

    A.D. 2100 to 2300: The Refined and Purified Version of This Idealistic-Plan.

    How might All of the Above harmonize with The End of the World, A.D. 2133 (by Lucio Bernardo Silvestre)?? I could be more specific, but I'd rather not. All of my posts are part of a puzzle. Some of this is intentional, and some of it is laziness and incompetence. If I were too competent, clear, and credible, I don't think I'd survive. I might not anyway, but I'm too old and stupid, and I show no inclination to make a big-deal out of all of this. They simply keep a meticulous record of my insanity, which I'm certain will be used against me, to kick me when I'm down. I honestly believe the worst is yet to come. This feels like the Eye of the Storm.

    I'm continuing my re-posting project, so most of my current posts are several years old. Once again -- all of my internet activities are for educational and entertainment purposes only. This is all a Moot-Jihad. It is a Mental and Spiritual Exercise. I'm washed-out and over the hill. I have very little to offer anyone. I talk-big because I am SO small. Humanity seems to be happy with the way things are -- so why should I try to change anything?? Being hyper-idealistic and hyper-ethical is SO overrated. Besides -- most of my ideas and speculation are probably utter BS. I don't really want to talk about what I'm thinking about. Not anymore. Jordan Maxwell has repeatedly stated that saving humanity from the abuse and exploitation of the so-called New World Order is a lost-cause (or something to that effect). I hate to admit that he might be right. I'm sorry we couldn't work together to build a better tomorrow. Perhaps I should wrap this thread up -- and simply move on. That might be better for all concerned. Please remember that I do NOT agree with a lot of what I post. I simply wished to challenge everyone's presuppositions -- but the fact that this thread is mostly ignored might be for the best. Is there no problem?? Is everything fine?? Is life good -- and getting better?? I certainly hope so.

    I just watched Iron Sky -- and I found it quite entertaining (in a rather dark sense) -- and it really made me think. Same goes for the movie Paul. I'm not a real science-fiction aficionado. I use science-fiction as a crutch. I frankly simply wish for things to be peaceful and happy. Perhaps someone dropped me off on the wrong planet. Once again, I am going to attempt to read Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel -- straight-through -- over and over -- as a mental and spiritual exercise. Again, I am suggesting that the Bible be studied, rather than quoted, with a variety of approaches. What if the Teachings of Jesus preceded the Story of Jesus?? Consider the source Q. What if the Teachings of Jesus are really an Old Testament phenomenon??!! Do the Teachings of Jesus harmonize with the Old Testament Books listed above?? Notice that the Book of Common Prayer is all about the Psalms and Ancient Israel. What if Ancient Israel equals Ancient Egypt??

    Perhaps the Bible Teachings should be divorced from the Bible Stories?! Just a thought!! I get the feeling that the Bible has been massively messed-with and misrepresented. Should we simply positively-reinforce EVERYTHING??? I tend to think so. Again, regarding Schuller and Peale -- I lean much more toward Positive-Thinking than I do Self-Esteem. I actually prefer the term Positive Response Ability. Study the books and sermons of Schuller and Peale -- positively reinforcing their material (especially regarding the principles and concepts). Positively Reinforce ALL Religions and Countries. I'm liking the term Paradise Incorporated as being representative of the next best step forward from Purgatory Incorporated. I don't wish to throw stones. I wish to move on with evolutionary change. On the other hand, we really need to learn from the past. We need to learn from the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Finally, consider the interrelationship of Nature, Human-Nature, Natural-Law, and the Perfect Law of the Lord. Please think long and hard about this paragraph.

    Some things are becoming a lot clearer to me, and it's not a pretty picture. It has to do with how the world has really worked, over the past thousand years, in general, and over the past hundred years, in particular. I won't spell it out in this post, but I desire that the human race learn the truth in as gentle and tactful of a manner as possible. I doubt that things will go smoothly, but I'd like us to move on to bigger and better things as soon as possible. Take a closer look at World War II, and the Nazi Phenomenon, especially in relation to the Vatican and Gizeh Intelligence. I'm tending to think that Pope Pius XII and Adolph Hitler basically followed orders, and that they might not have had a lot of choice in the matter. I don't wish to excuse the horrors of the Nazis, or the silence of the Pope, but I don't think they were in the driver's seat. This doesn't get them off the hook, but I think it helps to explain a lot of things. I'm presently interested in Heinrich Himmler and the Jesuit General as being the links between Gizeh Intelligence and the Vatican and Nazis.

    I'm still grasping at straws, and very little is really known about the so called 'Gizeh Intelligence', but it seems that is where the planning, financing, technology, and authority originated. But what the heck do I know? I wasn't there. Or was I? Who knows? It just seems that Gizeh Intelligence, the Bavarian Illuminati, the Freemasons, Teutonic Zionism, the Jesuits, and the SS somehow had control of the Vatican and the Nazi Party - or so it seems - and that the madness continued after the war, throughout the world, but especially in South America, Antarctica, and the United States. I think this thing is really, really bad, sad, and messy. Once again, I'm just scratching the surface, and I need to do a helluva lot of research before I can say anything with any authority at all. Lest anyone be too self-righteous, if some of us had been in the shoes of the bad guys and gals, we might've been just as bad as them, or worse. This post is not a negative reflection on the German People or the Faithful Members of the Roman Catholic Church. I just think all of this is a continuation of an Ancient Civil War in Heaven, which seems to be ongoing, to this very day. Hopefully, things can be resolved soon.

    Ancient Technology seems to be in the middle of all of this, and I wonder where Nicola Tesla really got all of that very advanced technology? The Vatican Library, or somewhere beneath Rome? Was ancient destructive technology brought back to life, after laying dormant for thousands of years? If so, should it have continued to lay dormant. I tend to think so. I don't know which way to jump, regarding what I'm learning, but again, I really wish to move on as quickly as possible. Obviously, I want justice to be served, but let him who is without sin cast the first stone. I'm leaning toward the idea that very, very few of us are really good. Some of us might be shocked and horrified when we learn how bad we've been in previous lives. I am extremely worried about my reincarnational history. I'm disgusted with my present life, but I'm almost frantic with fear regarding my potential misdeeds in previous lives, going back into ancient Egypt, and even before that. The rabbit hole might be a bottomless pit.

    I think people like Eric John Phelps, Jordan Maxwell, Joseph Farrell, Richard Hoagland, Alex Collier, Alex Jones, and Jim Marrs know a helluva lot about all of this, and if Bill Cooper were still alive, he would know a helluva lot as well. I'm hoping that Bill is still alive, and that his death was faked so he could go underground. I think there are a lot of good Jesuits and Alphabet Agents who are trying to do the right thing in relation to this, as well. Anyway, when the general public starts learning the truth, I think a lot of them are going to literally go insane. Please exercise extreme caution in all of this. Firings, divorces, suicides, murders, riots, and people going completely insane - could result from some very upsetting information being spread in an irresponsible and insensitive manner. The truth should not be supressed, but it needs to be handled properly. I still like the idea of a United States of the Solar System, as being one way of dealing with the horrible situation we're in. But I'm not exactly shouting this from the top of one of the Seven Hills of Rome. There's a time and a place for everything. Right now, I can't seem to stop crying.

    Consider again, this interesting Alex Jones and Jordan Maxwell clip on Teutonic Zionsim. Could Ancient Egypt and the Teutonic Knights be the key to a lot of things? How do the Archangels fit into all of this? Who knows what this might lead to? The True Raiders of the Lost or Stolen Ark? What was really under Jerusalem? Ancient Architecture? Ancient Music? Ancient Texts? Ancient Technology? What if the Ark of the Covenant was a UFO filled with Ancient Knowledge and Wisdom from Sirius? Fire Stolen from the Gods? Is this where the Nazi Advanced Technology orginated? Sirius A = Zionism = The Old World Order = Gabriel? Sirius B = Teutonic Zionism = The New World Order = Lucifer? This Solar System = The New Earth = The New Solar System = Michael? Did Gabriel and Lucifer steal this solar system from Michael? Have they been fighting over it and exploiting it for thousands of years? I'm not sure I really want to go down this rabbit-hole. I might not be able to stop screaming. The horror. How does the rest of the universe view what's been going on here in this solar system? Is the Orion Group a Sirius Issue? Are all of us part of the Orion Group, whether we are human, grey, or reptilian? Are our souls identical? Are our souls interdimensional reptilian? Is that why we have a reptilian portion of our brains? If all of the above were true, would the general public go insane, or would they just say 'well I'll be damned' and move on? I don't know, but 87% of us might go nuts. Danger Will Robinson! Danger!

    I am particularly interested in the possibility of the origins of Teutonic Zionism occurring in the Ninth Century A.D. This could be key to the history of the world for the past twelve-hundred years. Could this be the origin of the so-called 'New World Order'? I don't know, but I think this might be extremely important. I hate to say it, but Human Sacrifice and Teutonic Zionism are of special interest to me presently, and not in a good way. This seems to open a can of worms which I'm not sure I really wish to deal with. Here is the most pertinent part of the linked article by Acharya S:

    Teutonic/Zionist Connection

    Despite the fact that "the Jews" of Palestine were nearly driven to extinction during the first and second centuries CE, when the Christian tale was beginning to be formulated in large part to preserve Judaism/Israel, their numbers recovered enough to continue the play for supremacy. And there was a significant number of Jews outside Palestine as well, some of whom evidently continued their ancient barbaric rites. The noted historian Edward Gibbon wrote in History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire:

    From the reign of Nero to that of Antonius Pius [80-160 CE], the Jews discovered a fierce impatience of the dominion of Rome, which repeatedly broke out in the most furious massacres and insurrections. Humanity is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties which they committed in the cities of Egypt, of Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwelt in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives... In Cyrene they massacred 220,000 Greeks; in Cyprus 240,000; in Egypt, a very great multitude. Many of these victims were 'sawed asunder,' according to a precedent in which David had given the sanction of his example. The victorious Jews devoured the flesh, licked the blood, and twisted the entrails like a girdle around their bodies. (vol. 2, chap. XVI, part I)

    Later, through the conversion of an entire kingdom, that of the Khazars, Judaism continued on and, as before, was not racially determinate, since the Khazars seem to have been both Caucasians and Asiatics, who subsequently became known as the Ashkenazis or Europeans Jews. According to Genesis 10, "the Ashkenazis" were not Semites but Japhethites, or Caucasians.

    In the 9th century Zionists (Jews) and Teutons (Germans) allegedly collaborated against the Catholic Church and established a strange partnership linked by their respective priesthoods' secret and sickening sacrificial rituals. This group was alleged over the centuries to have engaged in human/child sacrifice, an accusation, founded or unfounded, that gave many rulers in Europe the excuse to expel "the Jews" from a number of countries, including from England by Edward I in 1290, as well as from Spain by Isabella and Ferdinando.

    The rebuttal of those accused or expelled was that these rulers simply wished to seize Jewish assets. Nevertheless, what had been done in ancient times by both Jews and Gentiles, i.e., the sacrifice of both animals and humans by immolation and by slitting the neck and sprinkling the blood upon the congregation, was alleged to be continuing in the priesthoods of the Teutons and the Zionists. The Zionist elite, in fact, had been accused many times over the centuries of using the "common Jews" as well as "Christian children" as pawns and sacrificial victims in its quest for world domination, a quest outlined in the Old Testament, the Jewish Apocrypha and the Talmud. That the Israelite priesthood used its "own people" as sacrificial victims is admitted in the Old Testament, in which not only foreigners but "the Jews" are slaughtered by their handlers to propitiate the angry, jealous Yahweh (Ezekiel 9, et al.).

    There seems to be a sort of "Praying Warrior" motif, where blood is shed in religious-ritual (symbolically or literally) and in warfare and persecution. I get the picture of warriors dressed in uniforms or armor, participating in religious-rituals (such as the Mass) which involve human-sacrifice (symbolically or literally) - and then going into battle, where they literally shed the blood of human-beings. What is it with "Blood and Death"? The core of Judeo-Christianity seems to involve "Blood, Death, and Sacrifice". Is this simply a reflection of the evolution of primitive humanity, or are we dealing with the appeasement of very-real, and very-cruel, vengeful-deities? Perhaps Jonathan Edwards wasn't too far off when he delivered the fiery sermon, 'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God'. I once heard a Protestant Minister say that very few knew how much it really cost to keep light on the Earth. He didn't elaborate, but I'm beginning to fear the worst, concerning the Gods and Goddesses of Eden.

    Consider the possible relationships between Sirius, Aldebaran, the Creation of Male and Female Human Physicality, the Original Sin, the Unpardonable Sin, Ancient Technology and Wisdom, Atlantis, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Israel, Christians, Catholics, Zionists, Teutonic Zionists, Teutonic Knights, Jesuits, Masons, Bavarian Illuminati, Rothschilds, Windsors, Rockefellers, Monarchy, Papacy, SS, Nazis, Gizeh Intelligence, Secret Government, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Mithras, Jesus, Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer, Amen Ra, Reptilians, Greys, Dracs, Hybrids, the Old World Order, the New World Order, Earth-Changes, and Armageddon.

    I have no animosity in all of this. I might even be engaging in some sort of a sub-conscious self-incrimination. I simply wish to learn the truth of our existence, in a rather passive and admittedly unscholarly manner. A lot of this in intuitive and speculative, for me anyway, so consider all of this with a sea of salt.

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    The following letter was supposed to have been written by Eric John Phelps, but I don't know this for certain, but it certainly connects some dots. Eric is an amazing researcher and speaker. He has more courage and brains than I can even imagine.

    Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 00:33:45 -0500
    From: Eric Jon Phelps
    To: Robert M. Stockmann
    Subject: Re: a new conspiracy has been shown up

    Dear Robert,

    Thank you for the thought regarding the Teutonic Knights. As you must know, the German Teutonic Knights, with uniforms being identical in their colors with Bavarian Roman Catholic Heinrich Himmler's SS, "Order of the Death's Head" (black trimmed with silver), were the Pope's crusaders led by Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. The Teutonic Knights always executed the will of its master in Rome and were never anti-Rome, or truly Protestant. Their rule was Augustinian; Himmler's rule was that of the Jesuits.

    To assert that the German Teutonic Knights descended into the hands of the Protestant Lutheran Prussians is a popish error. We must remember that the Knights were formally disbanded by Napoleon, the Roman Catholic Masonic Jesuit-advised Avenger for the Order, in 1806; they were then revived under the name of the New Templars by occult Freemason George Lanz in 1912, that former Roman Catholic priest who met Hitler at Lambach Abbey when Hitler was a boy; the priest who openly left the priesthood, openly became a Lutheran, openly turned anti-Jesuit, yet remaining a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor in accordance with the bloody Jesuit Oath.

    After the death of Freemason List, Freemason Lanz was the immediate influence upon both Hitler and Himmler, those Roman Catholic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors who destroyed Protestant Prussia via their connections with Jesuit-trained Joseph Stalin and his Jesuit-ruled "headhunters," the NKVD. Yes, the head of the NKVD and also a Lubyanka General was the Jesuit, who aided Stalin in the murder of his (the Jesuit's) Jewish wife, Alexander N. Poskrebyshev.

    The Order then carried out the designs of Lanz with regard to the Jews of Europe and Western Russia, along with the mass-murder of 20 million "heretic" Orthodox Russian Christians---aided by Stalin himself. After the war Himmler and his Teutonic Knights were saved by Allied Intelligence---the British SIS and the American OSS, both led by the Knights of Malta---via Pope Pius XII's Vatican Ratlines.

    Meanwhile, the apostate Lutheran morphine drug addict and non-member of the Teutonic SS, Prussian Herman Goering, paid with his life for resisting Hitler's all-powerful Jesuit secretary, Martin Bormann. But the obedient ex-Lutheran Bormann, disguised as a Jesuit, escaped to South America via Bishop Hudal's Ratline. His, Adolf Martin, son became a Jesuit "missionary" to the Congo.

    In conclusion, the Jesuit Order rules the Papacy; it rules all secret societies especially the Luciferian Masonic orders. It ruled Himmler and his Teutonic Knights of the SS. Today, it rules the Knights of Malta governing the CIA to the end that the NWO will be centered in that Antichrist in Rome---the Pope who pretends to be Jesus Christ in the flesh, the priest of Jerusalem---Melchisedec. To this no Bible-believing Protestant or Baptist Calvinist would ever submit.

    I trust this is helpful.

    Sincerely in Faith,

    Brother Eric

    There's more. A lot more.

    To get a good understanding about who the Teutonic Knights actually were since the early mideaval ages, checkout Chapter I "The Teutonic Knights and Germany" inside John Beaty's "Iron Curtain Over America". In short, throughout history, the German Teutonic Knights were the only Chivalric Order who could withstand the Pagan Barbarian's from far east Europe, preventing Germany and other European nation states falling down into a Sodom and Gomorrah alike "Civilization".

    The author of The Iron Curtain Over America has written, or collaborated on, a dozen books. His texts have been used in more than seven hundred colleges and universities, and his historical novel, Swords in the Dawn, published originally in New York, had London and Australian editions, and was adopted for state-wide use in the public schools of Texas. His education (M.A., University of Virginia; Ph.D., Columbia University; post-graduate study, University of Montpellier, France), his travel in Europe and Asia, and his five years with the Military Intelligence Service in World War II rounded out the background for the reading and research (1946-1951) which resulted in "The Iron Curtain Over America".

    The Pope [Urban II, at Clermont, France, on November 26, 1095] crossed the Alps from schism-torn Italy and, Frenchman himself, stirred the people of France as he rode among them. In the chapel at Clermont, he first swayed the men of the church who had answered his summons to the meeting; then, surrounded by cardinals and mail-clad knights on a golden-canopied platform in a field by the church, he addressed the multitude:

    You are girded knights, but you are arrogant with pride. You turn upon your brothers with fury, cutting down one the other. Is this the service of Christ? ... Come forward to the defense of Christ.

    The great Pope gave his eager audience some pertinent and inspiring texts from the recorded words of Jesus Christ:

    For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.   (The Gospel According to Saint Matthew, Chapter XVIII, Verse 20)

    And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my namees sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.   (Saint Matthew, Chapter XIX, Verse 29)

    To the words of the Saviour, the Pope added his own specific promise:

    Set forth then upon the way to the Holy Sepulcher ... and fear not. Your possessions here will be safeguarded, and you will despoil the enemy of greater treasures. Do not fear death, where Christ laid down His life for you. If any should lose their lives, even on the way thither, by sea or land, or in strife with the pagans, their sins will be requited them. I grant this to all who go, by the power vested in me by God.   (Harold Lamb, op. cit., p. 42).

    Through the long winter, men scanned their supplies, hammered out weapons and armor, and dreamed dreams of their holy mission. In the summer that followed, they "started out on what they called the voyage of God" (Harold Lamb, op. cit., p. VII) As they faced East they shouted
    on plains and in mountain valleys, "God wills it."

    The third body of medieval military-religious Crusaders was the Knighthood of the Teutonic Order. This organization was founded as a hospital in the winter of 1190-91 -- according to radition, on a small ship which had been pulled ashore near Acre.  Its services came to be so highly regarded that in March, 1198, "the great men of the army and the [Latin] Kingdom raised the brethren of the German Hospital of St. Mary to the rank of an Order of Knights" (Encyc. Brit., Vol. XXI, pp. 983-984). Soon, however, the Order found that "its true work lay on the Eastern frontiers of Germany" (Encyc. Brit., Vol. XXI, p. 894). Invited by a Christian Polish Prince (1226) to help against the still unconverted Prussians, a body of knights sailed down the Vistula
    establishing blockhouses and pushed eastward to found Koenigsburg in 1255. In 1274, a castle was established at Marienburg and in 1309 the headquarters of the Grand Master was transferred (Encyc. Brit., Vol. XIV, p. 886) from Venice to this remote border city on the Nojat River, an eastern outlet of the Vistula (The Rise of Brandenburg-Prussia to 1786, by Sidney Bradshaw Fay, Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1937).

    It was to the Teutonic Order that the Knight of Chaucers famous Canterbury Tales belonged (Sections from Chaucer, edited by Clarence Griffin Child, D. C. Heath & Co., Boston, 1912, p. 150). Chauceras lines (prologue to the Canterbury Tales, II., 52- 53):

    Ful ofte tyme he hadde the bord bigonne Aboven alle naciouns in Pruce

    tell us that this Knight occupied the seat of Grand Master, presumably at the capital, Marienburg, and presided over Knights from the various nations assembled in "Puce" (Prussia) to hold the pagan East at bay. In his military-religious capacity Chaucer's Knight "fought for our faith" in fifteen battles, including those in Lithuania and in Russia (Prologue, II., 54-63). The Teutonic Knights soon drove eastward, or converted to Christianity, the sparsely settled native Prussian people, and assumed sovereignty over East Prussia. They encouraged the immigration of German families of farmers and artisans, and their domain on the south shore of the Baltic became a self-contained German state, outside the Holy Roman Empire. The boundaries varied, at one time reaching the Gulf of Finland (see Historical Atlas, by William R. Shepherd, Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1911, maps 77, 79, 87, 99, 119). "The hundred years from 1309 to 1409 were the Golden Age of the Teutonic Knights.  Young nobles from all over Europe found no greater honor than to come out and fight under their banner and be knighted by their Grand Master" (Fay, op. cit., pp. 32-33). As the years passed, the function of the Teutonic Knights as defenders, or potential defenders, of the Christian West remained unchanged.

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:10 am; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 13410
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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:48 pm

    I am neither Protestant or Catholic. I'm simply a Renegade French Jesuit Organist (in my dreams)!! As I was reading Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen, I had a 'vision' of St. Patrick's Cathedral in the early 1960's, with a televised service, featuring the 1928 Book of Common Prayer -- Sacred Classical Music -- and Fulton Sheen preaching homilies taken directly from his Life of Christ (1958) -- combined with the best aspects of the relatively new Garden Grove Community Church with Robert H. Schuller!!!! This 'Ecumenical Hollywood Service' would've supplemented the pre-existing modus operandi of St. Patrick's Cathedral -- in complete harmony with the Vatican!!! If THAT had been done --- would the Second Vatican Council and the Novus Ordo Mass have really been necessary??? Put those stones down!!! This is just one more mind game!!! There's a reason why some people get to wear fancy robes in ornate cathedrals -- and why some people have to sit in their old car, wearing holey blue jeans, and using their entry-level laptop with public internet!!! Read the introduction to the new edition of Life of Christ . I have read it repeatedly -- and it always brings tears to my eyes.

    'On October 3, 1979, Pope John Paul II was making his first papal visit to the United States. He came to New York City and was met by Terence Cardinal Cooke, Archbishop of New York, who escorted the Pope into St. Patrick's Cathedral. When the Holy Father reached the sanctuary, he paused and looked around. Then he turned to Cardinal Cooke and asked, "Where is Archbishop Sheen?" The Cardinal had to send his secretary to find the Archbishop, who was toward the back of the cathedral in the Mary Chapel. The Holy Father waited motionlessly. The people were wondering what was happening to cause this apparent delay. Finally, Archbishop Sheen emerged from the chapel. When the people realized that the Pope had been waiting for the Archbishop, they stood up and gave Archbishop Sheen a seven-minute standing ovation. Here was the man, after all, who had been the voice of the Catholic Church in America for some thirty years. Then Pope John Paul II went over and embraced the Archbishop, now quite frail with age and sickness. The Holy Father said to him: "You have written and spoken well of the Lord Jesus! You have been a loyal son of the Church." These powerful words certainly apply to Archbishop Sheen's Life of Christ.' -- Father Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R. -- Vice-Postulator, Cause of Canonization of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.

    BTW -- has anyone speculated regarding what the church and world would be like if the First and Second Vatican Councils had never taken place??!! What if the Anglican Communion were considered to be the Experimental Catholic Church -- where new ideas might be explored on a smaller scale prior to implementing them on a larger scale??!! Consider Innovative-Continuity. What if the 'Faithful' don't REALLY know WHY they are 'Faithful'??!! What if the 'Protestants' don't REALLY know WHAT and WHY they are 'Protesting'??!! I'm probably neither Protestant or Catholic -- although I am very interested in both perspectives. Perhaps ALL of us are deluded with Conflicting-Delusions!! Still, I think that Top Catholics know more about what's REALLY going on in this solar system than just about anyone else -- other than the Queen of Heaven and God of This World!! I know that makes a lot of you very angry -- but I am NOT attempting to win a Popularity-Contest -- and I am NOT looking for a Job (even one on the Dark-Side of the Moon). I simply wish to help turn this Purgatory into a Paradise. I knew a lady who grew-up attending St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, and she told me she was certain (as a youth) that she was going to Hell. Honest. An SDA Pastor told me that many Adventist youth have nightmares about the End of the World. This is the sort of thing I'd like to eliminate. My scary threads are for Seasoned-Researchers and NOT for the General-Public. Consider these interesting videos:

    1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Fulton+Sheen+Dominican+missionaries+8+31+1956 Fulton John Sheen (born Peter John Sheen, May 8, 1895 – December 9, 1979) was an American archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church known for his preaching and especially his work on television and radio. His cause for canonization for sainthood was officially opened in 2002. In June 2012, Pope Benedict XVI officially recognized a decree from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints stating that he lived a life of "heroic virtues" – a major step towards beatification – so he is now referred to as "Venerable".[2][3]

    Ordained a priest of the Diocese of Peoria in 1919,[1] Sheen quickly became a renowned theologian, earning the Cardinal Mercier Prize for International Philosophy in 1923. He went on to teach theology and philosophy as well as acting as a parish priest before being appointed Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of New York in 1951. He held this position until 1966 when he was made the Bishop of Rochester from October 21, 1966 to October 6, 1969, when he resigned[4] and was made the Archbishop of the Titular See of Newport, Wales.

    For 20 years he hosted the night-time radio program The Catholic Hour (1930–1950) before moving to television and presenting Life Is Worth Living (1951–1957). Sheen's final presenting role was on the syndicated The Fulton Sheen Program (1961–1968) with a format very similar to that of the earlier Life is Worth Living show. For this work, Sheen twice won an Emmy Award for Most Outstanding Television Personality, the only personality appearing on the DuMont Network ever to win a major Emmy award.[clarification needed] Starting in 2009, his shows were being re-broadcast on the EWTN and the Trinity Broadcasting Network's Church Channel cable networks.[5] Due to his contribution to televised preaching Sheen is often referred to as one of the first televangelists.[6][7]

    Sheen was born in El Paso, Illinois, the oldest of four sons of Newton and Delia. Though he was known as Fulton, his mother's maiden name, he was baptized as Peter John Sheen.[8][1] As an infant, Sheen contracted tuberculosis.[9] After the family moved to nearby Peoria, Illinois, Sheen's first role in the Church was as an altar boy at St. Mary's Cathedral.[1][8]


    After earning high school valedictorian honors at Spalding Institute in Peoria in 1913, Sheen was educated at St. Viator College in Bourbonnais, Illinois, attended Saint Paul Seminary in Minnesota before his ordination on September 20, 1919,[1] then followed that with further studies at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C..[8][10] His youthful appearance was still evident on one occasion when a local priest asked Sheen to assist as altar boy during the celebration of the Mass.[8]

    Sheen earned a doctorate in philosophy at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium in 1923.[10] While there, he became the first American ever to win the Cardinal Mercier award for the best philosophical treatise.[8] In 1924 Sheen pursued further studies in Rome earning a Sacred Theology Doctorate at the Pontificium Collegium Internationale Angelicum, the future Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum.[11]

    Priestly life

    Sheen was for a year assistant to the pastor at St. Patrick's Church, Soho Square in London while teaching theology at St. Edmund's College, Ware, where he met Ronald Knox. Although Oxford and Columbia wanted him to teach philosophy, in 1926 Bishop Edmund Dunne of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Peoria, Illinois asked Sheen to take over St. Patrick's Parish. After nine months, Dunne returned him to Catholic University, where he taught philosophy until 1950.[12][8]

    In 1929, Sheen gave a speech at the National Catholic Educational Association. He encouraged teachers to "educate for a Catholic Renaissance" in the United States. Sheen was hoping that Catholics would become more influential in their country through education, which would help attract others to the faith. He believed that Catholics should "integrate" their faith into the rest of their daily life.[13]

    He was consecrated a bishop on June 11, 1951,[14] and served as an Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of New York from 1951 to 1965. The Principal Consecrator was the Discalced Carmelite Cardinal Adeodato Giovanni Piazza, the Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina e Poggio Mirteto and the Secretary of the Sacred Consistorial Congregation (what is today the Congregation for Bishops). The Principal Co-Consecrators were Archbishop Leone Giovanni Battista Nigris, Titular Archbishop of Philippi and the Secretary of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (what is today the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples); and Archbishop Martin John O'Connor, Titular Archbishop of Laodicea in Syria and President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications.

    Media career


    A popular instructor, Sheen wrote the first of 73 books in 1925, and in 1930 began a weekly Sunday night radio broadcast, The Catholic Hour.[10] Sheen called WWII not only a political struggle, but also a "theological one." He referred to Hitler as an example of the "Anti-Christ."[15] Two decades later, the broadcast had a weekly listening audience of four million people. Time referred to him in 1946 as "the golden-voiced Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen, U.S. Catholicism's famed proselytizer" and reported that his radio broadcast received 3,000–6,000 letters weekly from listeners.[16] During the middle of this era, he conducted the first religious service broadcast on the new medium of television, putting in motion a new avenue for his religious pursuits.


    In 1951 he began a weekly television program on the DuMont Television Network titled Life Is Worth Living. Filmed at the Adelphi Theatre in New York City, the program consisted of the unpaid Sheen simply speaking in front of a live audience without a script or cue cards, occasionally using a chalkboard.

    The show, scheduled in a graveyard slot on Tuesday nights at 8:00 p.m., was not expected to challenge the ratings giants Milton Berle and Frank Sinatra, but did surprisingly well. Berle joked, "He uses old material, too", and observed that "[i]f I'm going to be eased off the top by anyone, it's better that I lose to the One for whom Bishop Sheen is speaking."[8] Sheen responded in jest that people should start calling him "Uncle Fultie".[17] Life and Time magazine ran feature stories on Bishop Sheen. The number of stations carrying Life Is Worth Living jumped from three to fifteen in less than two months. There was fan mail that flowed in at a rate of 8,500 letters per week. There were four times as many requests for tickets than could be fulfilled. Admiral, the sponsor, paid the production costs in return for a one minute commercial at the opening of the show and another minute at the close.[18] In 1952, Sheen won an Emmy Award for his efforts,[19] accepting the acknowledgment by saying, "I feel it is time I pay tribute to my four writers—Matthew, Mark, Luke and John." Time called him "the first 'televangelist'", and the Archdiocese of New York could not meet the demand for tickets.[8]

    One of his best-remembered presentations came in February 1953, when he forcefully denounced the Soviet regime of Joseph Stalin. Sheen gave a dramatic reading of the burial scene from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, substituting the names of Caesar, Cassius, Mark Antony, and Brutus with those of prominent Soviet leaders Stalin, Lavrenty Beria, Georgy Malenkov, and Andrey Vyshinsky. He concluded by saying, "Stalin must one day meet his judgment." The dictator suffered a stroke a few days later and died within a week.[20]

    The show ran until 1957, drawing as many as 30 million people on a weekly basis. In 1958, Sheen became national director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, serving for eight years before being appointed Bishop of Rochester, New York, on October 26, 1966. He also hosted a nationally-syndicated series, The Fulton Sheen Program, from 1961 to 1968 (first in black and white and then in color). The format of this series was essentially the same as Life Is Worth Living.

    International Cassette Tape Ministry

    In September 1974, the Archbishop of Washington asked Sheen to be the speaker for a retreat for diocesan priests at the Loyola Retreat House[21] in Faulkner, Maryland. This was recorded on reel-to-reel tape, state of the art at the time. [22]

    Sheen requested that the recorded talks be produced for distribution. This was the first production of what would become a worldwide cassette tape ministry called Ministr-O-Media, a nonprofit company that operated on the grounds of St. Joseph’s Parish. The retreat album was titled, Renewal and Reconciliation, and included nine 60-minute audio tapes. [23]

    For several years, Ministr-O-Media was one of the largest distributors of non-musical tapes in the United States.[citation needed] The operation started in the St. Joseph’s rectory dining room and eventually grew into five temporary classrooms on the church property, employing nine parishioners full-time, and at one point 18 workers in all. At its height, Ministr-O-Media staff and volunteers were packaging and mailing 500 albums a week, and in ten years, shipped a million tapes to clients worldwide. The effort generated income of $15,000 per week.[citation needed]

    St. Joseph’s Parish was targeted to be closed due to lack of funding for repairs before the chance connection between Sheen and Brady.[citation needed] The parish, founded in 1763, owed its continued existence to the intervention of Sheen and the tape ministry that rebuilt the church, in collaboration with a dedicated workforce of parish volunteers.[citation needed]

    At Sheen’s direction, most of the tape ministry profits were turned over to the pope’s worldwide missionary effort, the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. In its decade of existence, Ministr-O-Media routed over a quarter million U.S. dollars to this charity.[citation needed]


    Sheen was credited with helping convert a number of notable figures to the Catholic faith, including agnostic writer Heywood Broun, politician Clare Boothe Luce, automaker Henry Ford II, Communist writer Louis F. Budenz, theatrical designer Jo Mielziner, violinist and composer Fritz Kreisler, and actress Virginia Mayo. Each conversion process took an average of 25 hours of lessons, and reportedly more than 95% of his students in private instruction were baptized.[8]

    Later years

    While serving in Rochester, he created the Sheen Ecumenical Housing Foundation, which survives to this day. He also spent some of his energy on political activities, such as his denunciation of the Vietnam War in late July 1967.[24] On Ash Wednesday in 1967, Sheen decided to give St. Bridget’s Parish building to the federal Housing and Urban Development program. Sheen wanted to let the government use it for African-Americans. There was a protest, since Sheen acted on his own accord. The pastor disagreed, saying that “There is enough empty property around without taking down the church and the school.” The deal fell through.[25]

    On October 15, 1969, one month after celebrating his 50th anniversary as a priest, Sheen resigned from his position and was then appointed Archbishop of the Titular See of Newport (Wales) by Pope Paul VI. This ceremonial position allowed Sheen to continue his extensive writing. Archbishop Sheen wrote 73 books and numerous articles and columns.[19]

    On October 2, 1979, two months before Sheen's death, Pope John Paul II visited St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City and embraced Sheen, saying, "You have written and spoken well of the Lord Jesus Christ. You are a loyal son of the Church."

    Death and legacy

    Sheen died of heart disease on December 9, 1979, having previously had open-heart surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital.[19] He is interred in the crypt of St. Patrick's Cathedral, near the deceased Archbishops of New York. The official repository of Sheen's papers, television programs, and other materials is at St. Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry in Rochester, New York.[26]

    Joseph Campanella introduces the re-runs of Sheen's various programs that are aired on EWTN. Reruns are also aired on Trinity Broadcasting Network. In addition to his television appearances, Archbishop Sheen can also be heard on Relevant Radio.

    Cause for canonization

    The Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Foundation was formed in 1998 by Gregory J. Ladd and Lawrence F. Hickey to make known the life of the archbishop. The foundation approached Cardinal John O'Connor of the Archdiocese of New York for permission to commence the process of for cause, which was under the authority of the Diocese of Peoria.[5]

    In 2002, Sheen's Cause for Canonization as a saint was officially opened, and from then on he was referred to as a "Servant of God".

    On February 2, 2008, the archives of Sheen were sealed at a ceremony during a special Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception in Peoria, Illinois, where the diocese was sponsoring his canonization.[19]

    In November 2010, it was announced that it was expected that the Archdiocese of New York would likely take over his cause for canonization upon an unsettled debate concerning the return of Sheen's remains to the Diocese of Peoria.[27]

    In 2009, the diocesan phase of the investigation came to an end, and the records were sent to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints at the Vatican in Rome.

    On June 28, 2012, the Vatican announced[28] officially that it had recognized Sheen's life as one of "heroic virtue". This is a major step towards an eventual beatification. From this moment on, Sheen is styled "Venerable Servant of God".

    According to Catholic News Service and The Catholic Post (the official newspaper of the Peoria Diocese), the case of a boy who as an infant had no discernible pulse for 61 minutes (who was about to be declared dead at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria, Illinois, as a stillborn infant) and yet allegedly still lived to be healthy – without physical or mental impairment – is in the preliminary stages of being investigated as the possible miracle needed for Archbishop Sheen's potential beatification. If the miracle is approved at the diocesan level, and then by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints at the Vatican (being both medically unexplainable and directly attributable theologically to Sheen's intercession according to expert panels in both subject areas), then beatification may proceed. Another such miracle would be required for him to be considered for canonization as a saint. On Wednesday, September 7, 2011, a tribunal of inquiry was sworn in to investigate the alleged healing. During a special Mass at 10:30 am on Sunday, December 11, 2011, at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria, the documentation gathered by the tribunal over nearly three months will be boxed and sealed. It will then be shipped to the Vatican for consideration by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, concluding the diocesan tribunal's work- which makes up much of the diocese's work on the project.[29]

    On Sunday, September 9, 2012, a Mass of Thanksgiving and banquet was held at St. Mary's Cathedral and the Spalding Pastoral Center in celebration of the advancement of Archbishop Sheen's cause, with Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., and his predecessor as Bishop of Peoria, Newark Archbishop John J. Myers (celebrating his 25th anniversary of episcopal ordination), in attendance, along with many of the clergy and religious of the Diocese and from around the country. Copies of the "Positio", or the book detailing the documentation behind his cause, were presented to Archbishop Myers, to representatives of the Church in other states, and to a delegate from the Archdiocese of Chicago, and to other patrons and supporters of his cause. According to statements made during the service by clergy connected to the Cause, the medical and theological study of the potential miracles needed for his beatification and canonization is currently well underway and at least one is seriously being considered. Due to new rules under Pope Benedict XVI stating that a beatification should occur locally, ideally in the candidate's home Diocese (which is usually but not always the Diocese that sponsors the Cause), it would likely take place in Peoria, the first there. Should he be beatified and canonized, he would be among a select few natives of the U.S. to hold that distinction.[30][31][32]

    Selected books authored

    God and Intelligence in Modern Philosophy (1925, Longmans, Green and Co.)
    The Seven Last Words (1933, The Century Co.)
    Philosophy of Science (1934, Bruce Publishing Co.)
    The Eternal Galilean (1934, Appleton-Century-Crofts)
    Calvary and the Mass (1936, P. J. Kenedy & Sons)
    The Cross and the Beatitudes (1937, P. J. Kenedy & Sons)
    Seven Words of Jesus and Mary (1945, P. J. Kenedy & Sons)
    Communism and the Conscience of the West (1948, Bobbs-Merrill)
    Peace of Soul (1949, McGraw–Hill)[33]
    Three to Get Married (1951, Appleton-Century-Crofts)
    The World's First Love (1952, McGraw-Hill)
    Life Is Worth Living Series 1–5 (1953–1957, McGraw–Hill)
    Way to Happiness (1953, Maco Magazine)
    Way to Inner Peace (1955, Garden City Books)
    Life of Christ (1958, McGraw–Hill)
    Missions and the World Crisis (1963, Bruce Publishing Co.)
    The Power of Love (1965, Simon & Schuster)
    Footprints in a Darkened Forest (1967, Meredith Press)
    Lenten and Easter Inspirations (1967, Maco Ecumenical Books)
    Treasure in Clay: The Autobiography of Fulton J. Sheen (1980, Doubleday & Co.)

    Further reading

    Timothy H. Sherwood (2010), The Preaching of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen: The Gospel Meets the Cold War. Lexington Books. 137 p.
    Reeves, Thomas C. (2001), America’s Bishop. The Life and Times of Fulton J. Sheen. Encounter Books, San Francisco.
    Irvin D. S. Winsboro, Michael Epple, "Religion, Culture, and the Cold War: Bishop Fulton J. Sheen and America's Anti-Communist Crusade of the 1950s," Historian, 71,2 (2009), 209–233.
    An Enduring Journey of Faith: St. Joseph's Parish, Pomfret, Maryland, (2012 by St. Joseph's Church, Pomfret, MD, Harambee Productions, Inc. White Plains, MD 150 p)


    1.^ a b c d e f "Fulton Sheen Biography and Inspiration". Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation. Retrieved 2010-05-16.
    2.^ Otterman, Sharon (June 29, 2012). "For a 1950s TV Evangelist, a Step Toward Sainthood". The New York Times. Retrieved July 5, 2012.
    3.^ "The Venerable Fulton J. Sheen: a model of virtue for our time". Pontifical Council for Social Communications. June 30, 2012. Retrieved July 5, 2012.
    5.^ a b "The Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Foundation". Retrieved 2009-09-14.
    6.^ Rodgers, Ann (August 29, 2006). "Emmy-winning televangelist on path toward sainthood: Sheen would be 1st American-born man canonized". Chicago Sun-Times (HighBeam Research). Retrieved 2012-07-16.
    7.^ "Fulton J. Sheen". Retrieved 2012-07-07.
    8.^ a b c d e f g h i "Bishop Fulton Sheen: The First "Televangelist"". Time. 1952-04-14. Retrieved 2011-01-21.
    9.^ Fulton J. Sheen. Treasure in Clay, Ch. 2 "The Molding of the Clay", p. 9, 1980 .
    10.^ a b c "About Fulton J. Sheen". Fulton J. Sheen website. Archived from the original on October 20, 2007. Retrieved 2007-12-20.
    11.^ Encyclopedia of American Religious History, 921; Accessed 3-3-2013; Accessed 7-4-2011
    12.^ "Fulton J. Sheen, Catholic Champion". Retrieved 2012-07-07.
    13.^ James Hennesey, S.J., American Catholics, Oxford University Press, 1981, 255.
    14.^ Cheney, David M. "Archbishop Fulton John Sheen". Retrieved 2012-07-16.
    15.^ James Hennesey, S.J., American Catholics, Oxford University Press, 1981, 280
    16.^ "Radio Religion". Time. January 21, 1946. Retrieved 2009-03-30.
    17.^ St. Fultie, The Next American Saint? Brennan, Phil,, Dec, 14, 2004. Retrieved June 11, 2011.
    18.^ Watson, M. A. (1999). And they said Uncle Fultie didn’t have a prayer. Television Quarterly, 30(2), 80–85.
    19.^ a b c d Bearden, Michelle (January 24, 2009). "Mass Today Promotes Sheen For Sainthood". Tampa Tribune. p. 10.
    20.^ Mikkelson, Barbara and David P. "Stalin for Time: Did Bishop Fulton Sheen foretell the death of Stalin?", August 8, 2007.
    21.^ Loyola Retreat House
    22.^ An Enduring Journey of Faith: St. Joseph's Parish, Pomfret, Maryland, (2012 by St. Joseph's Church, Pomfret, MD, Harambee Productions, Inc. White Plains, MD 150 p
    23.^ An Enduring Journey of Faith: St. Joseph's Parish, Pomfret, Maryland, (2012 by St. Joseph's Church, Pomfret, MD, Harambee Productions, Inc. White Plains, MD 150 p
    24.^ James H. Willbanks, "Vietnam War Almanac", Facts on File, Inc. (2009), p 215.
    25.^ John T. McGreevy, Parish Boundaries: The Catholic Encounter with Race in the Twentieth-Century Urban North, University of Chicago Press, 1996, 242
    26.^ The Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Archives accessed August 15, 2007 Archived February 28, 2007 at the Wayback Machine
    27.^ "THE DIRECTOR’S CORNER « Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen". Retrieved 2012-07-07.
    28.^ Decrees of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, June 28, 2012. Vatican Information Service, June 28, 2012.
    29.^ "The Catholic Post : Article – Entries sought for sacred art show planned in Rock Island". 2012-01-29. Retrieved 2012-07-07.
    33.^ This book was Sheen’s response to Rabbi Joshua L. Liebman’s 1946 best-seller Peace of Mind.

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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 PipeOrganStPats-L
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 4583468882_cd07bedcb8_z,_New_York The Cathedral of St. Patrick (commonly called St. Patrick's Cathedral) is a decorated Neo-Gothic-style Roman Catholic cathedral church in the United States and a prominent landmark of New York City. It is the seat of the archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York, and a parish church, located on the east side of Fifth Avenue between 50th and 51st Streets in midtown Manhattan, New York City, New York, directly across the street from Rockefeller Center and specifically facing the Atlas statue.

    According to Catholic News Service (CNS) and the Catholic News Agency (CNA), Cardinal Timothy Michael Dolan, the incumbent Archbishop of New York, announced before reviewing the city's parade on St. Patrick's Day 2012 that the Cathedral would undergo a massive five-year, three-phase, $175 million renovation because of crumbling bricks, faulty heating, and acid rain and pollution that has eaten away at the Tuckahoe marble of the 135-year-old church. Early donors and grants from the Archdiocese and the Trustees of the Cathedral have already raised $45 million for the first phase, which began in late March. This involves repairing, restoring, and cleaning the soot-covered exterior, and an extensive cleaning of the outside and inside surfaces of the stained glass windows. The Cathedral will remain open during the renovations and work will pause during Masses, according to the Cathedral's rector, Monsignor Robert T. Ritchie.[3][4]


    Purchase of the property

    The land on which the present cathedral sits, sold by the city's aldermen in 1799 at a quit-rent, was purchased at auction for unpaid taxes in November 1828 by Francis Cooper, who conveyed it to the trustees of St. Peter's Church in the city that still lay far to the south.[5] The trustees intended it for a Catholic burial ground. The site at 50th Street and Fifth Avenue contained a "fine old house," which was then fitted with a chapel of St. Ignatius.[6] The school closed in 1814 and the Jesuits sold the lot to the diocese. In 1813, the diocese gave use of the property to Dom Augustin LeStrange, abbot of a community of Trappists (from the original monastery of La Trappe) who came to America fleeing persecution by French authorities. In addition to a small monastic community, they also looked after some thirty-three orphans. With the downfall of Napoleon in that year, the Trappists returned to France in 1815, abandoning the property. The property at this point was designated for a future cemetery. The neighboring orphanage was maintained by the diocese into the late nineteenth century. Some of the Trappists resettled to Canada and eventually founded St. Joseph's Abbey in Spencer, Massachusetts.[7]

    Bishop DuBois reopened the chapel in 1840 for Catholics employed at the Deaf and Dumb Asylum and in the general neighborhood.[6] A modest frame church was built for the parish of St. John the Evangelist and dedicated May 9, 1841 by the Rev. John Hughes, administrator of the diocese. Tickets were sold to the dedication to ease the parish's debt level, managed by a lay Board of Trustees, but to no avail and the property mortgage was finally foreclosed on and the church sold at auction in 1844.[6] The stress is said to have contributed to the death that year of the church's pastor, the Rev. Felix Larkin.[6] The experience was blamed on the management of the trustees and this incident is said to have played a significant role in the abolishment of the lay trusteeship, which occurred shortly thereafter.[6] The young and energetic Rev. Michael A. Curran was appointed to raise funds for the devastated parish, and shortly fitted up an old college hall as a temporary church.[6] Fr. Curran continued raising funds to buy back the church during the Great Famine in Ireland, eventually succeeding and taking the deed in his own name.[6] "The site of St. Patrick's Cathedral, hence, came to the Church through the labors of this young priest and the self-denial of his countrymen and not by the fight of the city."[6] The debt was finally all paid for by 1853 when it was clear a large church was needed and the site was selected as appropriate for the new cathedral.[6]

    Construction of the cathedral

    The Diocese of New York, created in 1808, was made an archdiocese by Pope Pius IX on July 19, 1850. In 1853, Archbishop John Joseph Hughes announced his intention to erect a new cathedral to replace the Old Saint Patrick's Cathedral in downtown Manhattan. The new cathedral was designed by James Renwick, Jr. in the Gothic Revival style. On August 15, 1858, the cornerstone was laid, just south of the diocese's orphanage. At that time, present-day midtown Manhattan was far north of the populous areas of New York City.[8]

    Work was begun in 1858 but was halted during the Civil War and resumed in 1865. The cathedral was completed in 1878 and dedicated on May 25, 1879, its huge proportions dominating the midtown of that time. The archbishop's house and rectory were added from 1882 to 1884, and an adjacent school (no longer in existence) opened in 1882.[9] The spires were added in 1888, and an addition on the east, including a Lady chapel, designed by Charles T. Mathews, was begun in 1900.[10] The Lady Chapel's stained-glass windows were made between 1912 and 1930 by English stained glass artist and designer Paul Vincent Woodroffe.[11] In 1927 and 1931, the cathedral was renovated, which included enlarging the sanctuary and installing the great organ.[12] The cathedral and associated buildings were declared a National Historic Landmark in 1976.[2][13][14]


    The cathedral is undergoing a huge restoration that will last a planned 3 years at a cost of $177 million.[15]

    Architectural features

    The cathedral, which can accommodate 2,200 people, is built of brick clad in marble, quarried in Massachusetts and New York. It takes up a whole city block, between 50th and 51st streets, Madison Avenue and Fifth Avenue. At the transepts it is 174 feet wide and 332 feet long. The spires rise 330 feet (100 meters) from street level. The slate for the roof came from Monson, Maine.[11]

    Stained glass

    The windows were made by artists in Boston, Massachusetts and European artists from Chartres, France Birmingham, England. Charles Connick created the rose window.[11]


    The Roman artist Paolo Medici designed the Saint Elizabeth altar. The Saint John Baptist de la Salle altar, one of the few original side-chapel altars, was sculpted by Dominic Borgia. The Papal bull is featured in the adjoining stained-glass window. Tiffany & Co. designed the Saint Louis and the Saint Michael altar.[11]

    In the late 1930s and early 1940s, there was a renovation of the cathedral's main altar area under the guidance of Archbishop Francis Spellman, then cardinal. The previous high altar and reredos were removed and are now located at Spellman's alma mater, Fordham University, in the University Church. The new items include the sanctuary bronze baldachin and the rose stained glass window. The altar was further renovated in the 1980s, under the direction of Cardinal John Joseph O'Connor. To be more visible to the congregation, a stone altar was built from sections of the side altars and added to the middle of the sanctuary.[11]

    Art works

    The Pietà, sculpted by William Ordway Partridge, is three times larger than Michelangelo's Pietà. The cathedral's Stations of the Cross won a 1893 artistry prize at Chicago's World's Columbian Exposition. Commemorating his visit to the city in 1979, Pope John Paul II bust is located in the rear of the cathedral.[11]


    The original pipe organs, built by George Jardine & Son in the 19th century, have been replaced. The chancel organ, in the north ambulatory, was made by the St. Louis, Missouri, firm of George Kilgen & Son, and installed in 1928; it has 3,920 pipes. The grand gallery organ, by the same company, was installed in 1930, and has 5,918 pipes.[16]

    The combined organs, totaling 177 stops and 9,838 pipes, can be played from either of two five-manual consoles installed in the early 1990s to replace the original Kilgen consoles.

    Burials and funeral Masses

    Located underneath the high altar is a crypt in which notable Catholic figures that served the Archdiocese are entombed. They include:

    The eight past deceased Archbishops of New York:

    John Joseph Hughes (interred 1883)
    John Cardinal McCloskey (interred 1885)
    Michael Augustine Corrigan (interred 1902)
    John Murphy Cardinal Farley (interred 1918)
    Patrick Joseph Cardinal Hayes (interred 1938)
    Francis Joseph Cardinal Spellman (interred 1967)
    Terence James Cardinal Cooke (interred 1983)
    John Joseph Cardinal O'Connor (interred 2000)

    Other interments:

    Michael J. Lavelle (Cathedral Rector and Vicar General; interred 1939)
    Joseph F. Flannelly (Auxiliary Bishop, 1948–1969; interred 1973)
    Fulton J. Sheen (Auxiliary Bishop, 1951–1965, later bishop of Rochester; interred 1979)
    John Maguire (Coadjutor Archbishop, 1965–1980; interred 1989)
    Pierre Toussaint (interred 1990)

    In the above list, Cardinal O'Connor declared Pierre Toussaint and Cardinal Cooke to be servants of God, a step in process of being declared a saint of the Catholic Church. Toussaint was declared venerable in 1996 by Pope John Paul II and Archbishop Sheen was declared venerable on June 28, 2012.

    Four of the Cardinals' galeros (those of Cardinals McCloskey, Farley, Hayes, and Spellman) are located high above the crypt at the back of the sanctuary. Cardinal Spellman's galero was also worn by Pope Pius XII (as Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli) until the latter's election to the papacy at the 1939 Papal conclave. In 1967, the ceremony of the consistory was revised by Pope Paul VI and therefore no galero was presented to Cardinal Cooke or any of his successors.

    Some notable people whose Requiem Masses were said at the cathedral include New York Yankees greats Babe Ruth, Roger Maris, and Billy Martin; legendary football coach Vince Lombardi, singer Celia Cruz, former Attorney General and U.S. Senator from New York Robert F. Kennedy, New York Giants owner Wellington Mara, and former Governor of New York Hugh Carey. Special memorial Masses were also held at the cathedral following the deaths of artist Andy Warhol, baseball player Joe DiMaggio, and noted author William F. Buckley, Jr.

    In popular culture

    The film Miracle in the Rain (1956) was filmed in the cathedral.

    Nelson DeMille's novel, Cathedral, (1981) concerns a fictional seizure and threatened destruction of Saint Patrick's Cathedral by members of the Irish Republican Army. Much of the novel is set in and around the cathedral and details of the cathedral's structure contribute important elements to the plot.

    Progressive-metal band Savatage's album Streets: A Rock Opera (1991) features a song called "St. Patrick's" during which the main character, DT Jesus, speaks to God in the cathedral demanding an explanation for his misfortunes.

    In the Giannina Braschi's novel, Empire of Dreams (1994), the ringing of the church bells at the cathedral marks a pastoral revolution in New York City.

    The cathedral appeared in the 2002 movie Spider-Man, when Spider-Man saves Mary Jane Watson and leaves her on one of the Rockefeller Center roof gardens across the street.

    The cathedral features prominently in James Patterson's novel, Step on a Crack (2007) and in the graphic novel version of Maximum Ride (2005).

    In Stephen Frey's 2001 novel "Trust Fund" the cathedral is the venue for a double family funeral.

    The underground ruins were the setting for the climax of Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970) where Taylor destroyed Earth with the Alpha-Omega bomb. Centuries earlier, mutant humans surviving a nuclear holocaust founded a religion on the bomb (later depicted in Battle for the Planet of the Apes), reconsecrated the cathedral to their new religion, and installed the bomb in front of the organ pipes in place of the crucifix.

    In the ABC television series Ugly Betty, the cathedral was used as the venue for the wedding of Wilhelmina Slater to Bradford Meade.

    In the 2008 video game Grand Theft Auto IV, this seems to be the basis for the Columbus Cathedral in Hatton Gardens.

    See also

    Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York


    1.^ "National Register Information System". National Register of Historic Places. National Park Service. 2009-03-13.
    2.^ a b St. Patrick's Cathedral, Lady Chapel, Rectory and Cardinal's Residence. National Historic Landmark summary listing, September 18, 2007. National Park Service.
    3.^ Restoring St. Patrick's Cathedral to cost $175 million, take five years. Catholic News Service. March 19, 2012. Retrieved September 4, 2012
    4.^ Cardinals launch drive to restore St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Catholic News Service. March 20, 2012. Retrieved September 4, 2012.
    5.^ Farley, John Murphy. (1908). History of St. Patrick's Cathedral Society for the propagation of the faith. p. 112ff.
    6.^ a b c d e f g h i Lafort, Remigius, S.T.D., Censor. (1914). The Catholic Church in the United States of America: Undertaken to Celebrate the Golden Jubilee of His Holiness, Pope Pius X. Volume 3. New York City: The Catholic Editing Company. pp. 339-340.
    7.^ Farley, John M. (1908). History of St. Patrick's Cathedral. Society for the Propagation of the Faith.
    8.^ Farley, John Murphy. (1908). History of St. Patrick's Cathedral Society for the propagation of the faith. pp. 49, 111, 115, 122.
    9.^ Farley, John Murphy. (1908). History of St. Patrick's Cathedral Society for the propagation of the faith. pp. 127-128, 130, 151.
    10.^ Farley, John Murphy. (1908). History of St. Patrick's Cathedral Society for the propagation of the faith. pp. 140, 163.
    11.^ a b c d e f St. Patrick’s Cathedral (RC). New York City Architecture. Retrieve 4 September 2012.
    12.^ Cathedral of Saint Patrick. The NYC Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Retrieve 4 September 2012.
    13.^ Pitts, Carolyn. "St. Patrick's Cathedral, Lady Chapel, Rectory, and Cardinal's Residence". National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination. August 1976. National Park Service.
    14.^ St. Patrick's Cathedral, Lady Chapel, Rectory, and Cardinal's Residence. National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination. August 1976. National Park Service.
    15.^ St. Patrick’s Cathedral Set To Undergo $177 Million Restoration. CBS News New York. July 7, 2012.
    16.^ Unknown writer (undated)."Cathedral of Saint Patrick" NYC Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Accessed August 12, 2009.

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Aug 29, 2017 9:55 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jul 19, 2017 9:50 pm

    This is one more old post, and my thinking is always changing. One isn't supposed to admit such things, but I prefer honesty and transparency, especially at the level I'm at presently. Not even the Individuals of Interest have told me to "Shut-Up!!" It's as if they WANTED Me to Spill the Beans!! I have been very restrained in this matter, and this will continue indefinitely. I have chosen to be deliberately ignorant about a lot of things. I honestly don't dig very hard. I think I could be a real jerk if I wanted to be, but I don't want to be, even though some might classify me as a 'Wannabe'!!

    Thank-you magamud and devakas. I once visited 'Focus on the Family' in Pomona, California (before they moved to Colorado Springs). I watched Dr. James Dobson interview Secretary of the Interior Donald Hodel -- and I met them after the taping. They were both very nice -- but I could feel the power permeating the love. 'Top' people have sort of a stiff 'agent' look to them. A relative of mine met Bob Haldeman (shortly after Watergate), and commented on this 'distinguished' look and feel to them. Meeting the head of a major protestant denomination gave me the same feeling -- as did meeting Dr. Robert H. Schuller. Secret Service Agents exhibit this same sort of thing (on steroids)! I keep thinking that all of these types of people really work for the Secret Government -- and if so -- perhaps it has to be this way. I'm mostly attempting to understand the way things really are -- so that I might help to make things better. But really, making things better might consist mostly of refining that which presently exists -- despite past iniquities and transgressions. Once, when Richard Nixon visited CBS Television City in 'Hollywood' -- they drove the limo right onto the stage -- and had Secret Service agents located high above the stage. A worker (who happened to be absent that day) said that if he had been there he would've 'taken a crap in the air-conditioning system'!! Talk about the '$HlT (Sam Huston Institute of Technology) Hitting the Fan'!! I'm presently reading 'The Rockefeller File' by Gary Allen (1976) -- and it is quite enlightening. I'm also reading 'Unmasking Europa' by Dr. Richard Greenberg -- just to balance things out. I'd love to take classes from Dr. Greenberg!

    Check this out! I love watching videos by people who no one has ever heard of -- yet are quite profound. BTW -- I'm reading the '9/11 Commission Report' -- just to balance things out. I keep thinking that the 'Top' people have to do a lot of things they don't agree with. I suspect that many of them hate the New World Order a lot more than Alex Jones does. Things are bad. But trying to make things better might actually make things worse. Think about THAT. I suspect that I will always live a life of quiet desperation -- regardless of whether I am an outsider or an insider. If I were an insider, I'd probably spend 99% of my time in that 'Room with a Cray' weeping and weeping and weeping -- and I'm NOT kidding. When I joke -- and even swear -- I'm dealing with a helluva lot of internal pain and suffering. I'm not 'Uber Alles' regarding my internet posting. I'm simply working within my presuppositions and my environment -- to attempt to help make things better. I'm simply trying to resolve a lot of conflict which I have lived with for most of my life -- but it's NOT working. I'm getting worse and worse. If you met me, and visited me at my house, you'd know how bad things are for me. In many ways, I've given up. If you knew what I REALLY think about -- you'd know why. I keep my lip zipped about a lot of things -- and I have for several decades. I am extremely discrete. I continue to promise 'No Surprises'. Now I think I'm going to read from my book of speeches by John F. Kennedy -- 'Let the Word Go Forth'.

    Consider watching all of the 'Stargate' and 'Stargate SG-1' episodes and movies. Some episodes are sort of corny -- but all of them are excellent mental excercises. I sometimes think I'd like to be a composite of the SG-1 team. Do you see what I mean? I'm presently watching the sixth season of 'Stargate SG-1'. I love the mixture of Egyptology and Science-Fiction!! I'd sort of like to live and work in an environment similar to that of the Stargate Command underground base -- but with less of a militaristic flavor. Imagine that sort of an environment within Ida!! I think I've figured-out a way to move this thread from Berkeley to Ida. I'll try to be idealistic -- but don't count on it. I sometimes feel like the 'Norman' (I think that was his name) character from 'Stargate SG-1'!! You know -- the crazy UFO-Conspiracy Nut who claimed to be an alien -- and who actually turned out to be one!! Hell! I've claimed to be 'KRLLL' (tongue in cheek)!!! Also, try imagining nearly all of the science-fiction material as being real -- and occurring within THIS solar system -- and then imagining how YOU would respond to the various challenges!! Some of this stuff might actually be real. Unfortunately, we don't know which 5% reflects reality and reasonable possibility. They keep us guessing!! On a lighter note -- check this out!! 1. 2. 3.

    I keep thinking about Ra, Isis, and Horus (IHS -- Isis, Horus, Set?) -- reincarnationally. Would one reincarnational manifestion be Cesar, Cleopatra, and Ptolemy Cesarian?? God, Mary, and Jesus?? What if Isis was both wife and daughter of Ra?? What if Isis and Horus were the human children of Amen Ra?? What if Horus and Isis were Adam and Eve?? What if all three could incarnate as males or females -- or even in a hermaphrodite form?? What if Ra were merely an agent of even more powerful Other-Than-Human Gods and/or Goddesses?? Think about Archangel Michael at War with the Dragon in HEAVEN!! What is a Dragon doing in Heaven?? Think about it. A Reptilian in Heaven?? If so -- is this the exception -- or the norm?? What if Ra and Horus sided with a Reptilian-Heaven against a Human-Defending Isis -- for reasons of power and/or survival?? I have NO idea about what I just wrote -- but some of you out there might know the REAL story about all of this. All I know is that I love the Jewish and Catholic people -- but the reality of Judeo-Christian history seems to be very dark and violent -- compared with the Teachings Attributed to Jesus. Something is VERY wrong with this picture -- but I'm not sure exactly what. I've been told that BOTH the human design and programming were fatally flawed -- and that we need to start over. I've been told that I should NOT have tried to save the human race. I could say more -- but I'd rather not. Should I make my peace with Big Brother and/or Big Mother?? In the final analysis, we've made our bed -- haven't we?? We seem to have slept with the Devil for thousands of years -- and we seem to be pleased with the arrangement -- which might be a good thing -- especially if we have to sleep with Satan for at least another thousand years -- if you know what I mean...

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Secret_Service

    Thank-you magamud. That Europa scene was cool. We the Peons (perhaps I should speak for myself) seem to have to rely on science-fiction to get any sort of a feel for what might be encountered 'out there'. I'm trying to conduct an astronomy-centered multidisciplinary-study of science, governance, religion, science-fiction, fringe-research, and conspiracy-theories. Specifically, I'm just covering the territory I've already explored -- and then expanding upon it. However, I continue to be hindered by massive burnout and fatigue. I also feel very attacked on a supernatural level -- but not possessed (that I know of). If I sometimes seem a bit distant, testy, shallow, and standoffish -- that's why.

    I just started rewatching the Alex Collier presentation at 'Awake and Aware' - and his opening remarks hit me like ten tons of bricks - in light of the 'Tibet, Kali, and Trinity Goddess' thread. Alex said that he didn't think the U.S. would disclose - and that disclosure might come from INDIA or CHINA!!!!!!!! Where is TIBET?????? My heart almost stopped. Now my heart is pounding!!!! Please, please, please watch all parts of the video series linked in the first post of this thread!!! Excuse me while I get my heart restarted!! CLEAR!!!!  Hello Kali! Well Hello Kali!! You Devil You!!

    Also - look at bravodawson - on YouTube - the one who posted 'The True Form of Lucifer' - which depicts Lucifer as being female. bravodawson is from INDIA!!! The video was posted on December 21, 2007 - exactly five years before the infamous December 21, 2012!!! Is this just a coincidence??? This is the only video bravodawson has posted on YouTube - and they have posted no comments under this video (that I have noticed) - and they haven't visited their channel for a couple of years. Isn't this strange? Here is a comment/question I posted on bravodawson's channel one month ago:

    "I never see you commenting on your Lucifer video. Or do you comment with another name? Living in India - have you considered the possibility of a connection between Kali - Lucifer - and the Black Madonna? What do people in India generally think about Lucifer? I believe in some sort of reincarnation - but I don't embrace Hinduism or the New Age. Which direction is India moving regarding politics and religion? What if all of us are right - and all of us are wrong? I endlessly speculate - but I know very little for certain. I ask this respectfully - 'Are you Lucifer?' Just thought I'd ask." No reply.

    Here is a comment I posted on bravodawson's channel four months ago:

    "I think you are on the right track...but I also think that Lucifer is a mixture of good and evil...a sort of a Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde. Watch 'V' on abc(dot)com if you can in India. I tend to think that Anna could be similar to the modern manifestation of Lucifer. Also consider that Lucifer is the Whore of Babylon (Deep Underground Military Bases?) and? is in charge of the DUMB's, the Secret Government, and the Secret Space Program throughout the Solar System." No reply.

    Is it just a coincidence that China owns so much U.S. debt? Is it any coincidence that India bought so much gold? But if illegal drug money, blood money, and tax dollars have been paying for a lot of the hypothetical Underground Empire - then who really owes who?

    Does Kali - or a representative of Kali - appear prominently in the movie 'Contact'? Does Satan - or a representative of Satan - appear prominently in the movie 'Contact'? Does Jesus - or a representative of Jesus - appear prominently in the movie 'Contact'? Were there ET's (or equivalent) right in the White House in the movie 'Contact'? Has 'Contact' been ongoing - for thousands of years? Believe it or not - I think I may have seen Kali - or a representative of Kali - in a cathedral (I won't say which one!) - but it's probably a Hail Mary conjecture! Nuff said!

    One more thing. I am pro-money. It is an expression of freedom - and an opportunity to reward responsibility - as well as providing the game-playing and fun of good old-fashioned competition. Responsible Greed is Good! It clarifies. Competition improves the breed. I am not in favor of socialism or communism. I am a born-again responsible capitalist. End the Fed!

    One more thing. I am pro-physicality. I am addicted to orgasms! The human body is a miraculous creation - and I do not intend to leave my physicality - except between incarnations. Perhaps our genetics needs to be restored to it's original state - so that we live longer and use 100% of our brain capacities. Obviously there needs to be a harmonization of the physical and the spiritual.

    One more thing. Haven't the ET's been mentoring us for thousands of years? Hasn't that been a big part of the problem?? Haven't the ET's been ruling the world for thousands of years? So why have things been so bad? Have they been teaching us RESPONSIBILITY? Have they been ruling us with RESPONSIBILITY?

    One more thing. I am not anti-ET. I am not anti-hybrid. I am not even anti-Drac!! I even want to go out on a date with Lucifer (Kali?)!!!! I just want a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System - based upon Responsibility and the U.S. Constitution. I have no problem with interacting with ET's and Hybrids - but they are not our gods and saviors - at least they shouldn't be. I want Lucifer (Kali?) to retire - and advise (not dictate) from a distance. Imagine Lucifer attending a U.N. meeting??!! "The power of Christ compels you to sit down and shut up!!" Just kidding Lucifer! Or is it Kali? Only her exorcist knows for sure!

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Kali

    'A little child shall lead them.' -- Isaiah 11:6 'I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.' -- Matthew 18:3 I appreciate the ability to appreciate. "It is more blessed to appreciate than to pontificate." -- the angel orthodoxymoroni

    Whatever the names and mythologies may be - I am looking for the man or woman behind the curtain. Was it Winston Churchill who said that 'the truth must be protected by a bodyguard of lies'? I am very skeptical regarding any naturally occurring 'Earth Changes' which kill thousands, millions, or billions of people. Why is all of this cr@p surfacing at this critical time in the spiritual evolution of the planet? I'm considering it to be more lies and manipulation. Problem - Reaction - Solution. If masses of humanity are exterminated - I will call it 'An Act of God' - the Wrong God - who is behaving like a hurt and cornered animal. Sorry Lucifer/Kali - I'm just calling it as I see it. Sorry if I got the names wrong - but I think I've got the concept nailed. That dragon demon exorcism was both revealing and chilling. What would abraxasinas say? I'm glad I decided not to eat my dragon! But it might've been cool to enter the Council of Thuban!

    I'm really not kidding when I say that I am attempting to harmonize the U.S. Constitution, the Teachings of Jesus, and a Modified Latin Mass. To the man or woman behind the curtain - this would undoubtedly be anathema and damnable heresy - but I consider it to be both an orthodoxymoron and the wave of the future. It's got to be simple. It's got to be historical. It's got to have mass appeal. And it's got to make sense. The artistic and organizational aspects of the Roman Catholic Church are to be highly valued - but there is something very wrong at it's core - which goes much deeper than the Cardinals, the Curia, the Pope, the Jesuit General, Vatican I or Vatican II. Father Malachi Martin knew exactly what was wrong - and he hinted at it - but I think he could have told us so much more - if he had only lived longer. I think that many of the American Roman Catholics and the sedavacantists would agree. I am not a finger-pointing triumphalistic Protestant. I'm trying to figure out who really controls the City States, the United Nations, and the Secret Government. I'm not necessarily opposed to these organizations - but I am opposed to the evil which I sense is behind them - resulting in this present darkness.

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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Terminal+earth

    I appreciate positive perspectives. They are usually very healing - and in fringe and conspiracy research - this is worth it's weight in yttrium. I tend to swing back and forth between positive and negative - and I tend to swing alone. I keep wondering 'How do we really know anything?' Knowing - and Thinking We Know - Are Two Very Different Things. I speculate a lot - but I usually add a disclaimer - and sometimes a warning. I usually ask questions - and a lot of them are provocative and irreverent. I guess I want other people to find truths of various kinds - rather than me thinking that I have the truth - and then circling the wagons to protect me and my precious truth - and then making a fast buck on the side. I'm really not trying to make friends - and it shows.

    However - after having said all of the above - I really am trying to passively promote a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System - based upon Responsibility and the U.S. Constitution. I've recently been trying to harmonize the Latin Mass with the Teachings of Jesus and the U.S. Constitution - as a part of this ongoing experimental project. Perhaps I have a little of your healing spirit Mudra. I really want things to be happy and peaceful - but I do not want peace at any price. I like listening to Sacred Music or Latin Masses while reading the Four Gospels (NKJV), the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers. This is so much different than Churchianity as Usual - or listening to Alex Jones (and I like Alex - but I can only take so much anger).

    I've started trying to imagine what it would be like to travel on magneto-leviton trains to various Underground Bases throughout the world - which might include bases under the U.N., Washington D.C., the City of London, and the Vatican - and to travel throughout the solar system in unconventional spacecraft - to meet with various officials (human and otherwise), and attend various meetings - in a completely non-corrupt and non-secretive Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System. I am painfully reminded on a daily basis - that I don't have what it takes to do such a thing - even if it were possible - so I have to use my imagination (as faulty as that is). I started to write a book about this - but it scared the hell out of me - so I stopped. Ignorance is bliss - even regarding the use of the imagination. Come to think of it - I'm living in a Dream-Land, Dream-World, or an Imagined-Nation. One Nation Under Construction.

    Once again - I am a United Nations Country Club Constitutionalist (UNCCC) rather than a Shotgun and Constitution in my Truck Constitutionalist (SCTC). I'm simply visualizing a Responsibly Free Solar System - going forward for millions of years. The Creator God of the Universe might drop in from time to time - just to say 'hi'.

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    It just seems as though too many people write too many books - and once a book is written - the writer sort of gets boxed-in. There is something I like about just engaging in limited internet communication. In a sense - I am hoping that some of this reaches the right humans and non-humans who are making the key decisions which affect all of us. I really am envisioning a top down, bloodless non-revolution, to institute a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System. I really don't want to make a whole lot of noise - and then fall flat on my face - because I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I'd rather just plant a few seeds here and there - and let those who are well placed - carry the ball. Great things can happen when one doesn't care who gets the credit. I'm trying to make money in some other ways - but so far I haven't been very successful. It's hard to concentrate when one is contemplating Angels, Demons, Satan, Lucifer, Gods, Goddesses, Star Wars, Wars in Heaven, Enslavement, Extermination, Reptilians, Greys, Mind-Control, Abductions, Genetic Hybridization Experiments, Revivification, Soul-Scalping, Colonization of the Solar System, Theocracy, Persecution, Torture, Corruption, Civil Unrest, Martial Law, Suspension of the U.S. Constitution, Super Soldiers, Six Hundred Thousand Year Wars, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, ad absurdum, reductio ad absurdum...  I just re-read the first protocol of the so-called "Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion". I don't know if they are genuine or not - but what I read sounds all too familiar - that the stupid masses or goyim are incapable of handling freedom, and ruling themselves - and therefore must be ruled by force and deception - rather than by reasoning with them. I have heard this over and over again. Is this true - regardless of the source? I even recently concluded, in a state of discouragement, that the corrupt might very well rule the stupid, in perpetuity - because both are really happy with the arrangement - despite all outward appearances. Whatever the case may be - I continue to believe that We the Sheeple need to become much more knowledgeable and responsible - and at least pretend to be the New Elites. If my precious Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System (or something similar to it) is ever to become a reality - we all need to be a helluva lot more awake, aware, and responsible - and that especially includes me. As I have stated before - I will continue to look more closely at Solar System Governance, the United Nations, Washington D.C., the City of London, the Vatican, the Secret Government, the Secret Space Program, and the Underground Bases - in a passive and non-hostile manner. I feel a lot more like being an uninvited and idealistic hidden-partner of the PTB - rather than being someone who is fighting with them. Having said that - I will continue to blurt things out, as I encounter new insights and thoughts - and I will continue to place my foot in my mouth, and step on my...never mind....

    Has anyone read 'The Federalist Papers' or 'The Anti-Federalist Papers'? They are amazingly detailed and deep. Why can't a thread such as this one proceed in a similar manner? Why isn't Solar System Governance one of the most important topics, if not the most important topic, that we can possibly discuss? This thread seems to be dead in the water (just like on AV1). I think we're missing the boat BIG TIME. Conduit Closing.

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Federalistpapers

    Anchor wrote:Solar governance?

    Gotta learn to walk before running.....

    Self governance would be a start!
    I guess I'm sold on a solar system view - as opposed to a world view. I'm just trying to identify with those who run the City States, United Nations, Underground Bases, Secret Space Program, and Secret Government - as sort of a silent and uninvited insider observer. I really don't wish to fight with these people - even though I do wish to change just about everything connected with these institutions and activities. Think Galactically. Act Locally. The Queen of Heaven is presently a person or being of interest to me - in both positive and negative ways. Perhaps it is productive to think big and small - simultaneously. I'm really just trying to understand the power structure in this solar system. I think power is way over-rated - but that it is still important to understand how it works. I once told someone that God had a lousy job - but that someone had to do it. They looked at me like I was crazy. I was crazy - and I am crazy. I can't even run my own life - so I'll be damned if I'll try to run anyone elses life. We've only just begun. It just might be morning in the solar system.
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Scenicmilkyway_hepburn_big

    The Nephilim are mysterious and illusive. Who knows who or what really goes bump in the night and runs the world? I'm just presently focusing on a hypothetical Anna-like Queen of Heaven - as being the focal point of solar system administration. I obviously know very, very little about this subject - but I'm tired of being kept in the dark and lied to - so I'm stumbling through this minefield like a bull in a china closet. God help us.

    Is there a beautiful side of evil? I am reminded of a book by Johanna Michaelsen, titled 'The Beautiful Side of Evil'. My point in all of this is that I think there may be a very real Queen of Heaven, who is a mixture of good and evil, and who is very, very intelligent - but who can be a real mother when she gets ticked-off. I'm obviously playing with some very hot fire - and I will probably get my fingers burned - right up to my armpits. When I finally get the real answers (if I ever do) - I'll probably be very, very sorry that I ever asked all of the questions. I really don't think I know what the heck I'm dealing with. I just think that we are in so much trouble, that the non-elites may have to be involved in trying to find solutions. Hope springs eternal - but I'm frankly not expecting too much.

    Perhaps we should have a Solar System Constitution Contest. I might be completely wrong regarding Solar System Governance - but where are the rival proposals? Where is the vigorous discussion and debate? This seems to be a dead issue. Dead in the water. Why is this? I'm going to spend a lot of time on the Bill Cooper, Commander X, and Branton thread - which I think has a lot to do with this thread. I like to think that Bill Cooper, Commander X, and Branton would approve of a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System.

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    Beauty sometimes hides the beast. I believed what the inspired and holy religious leaders told me about the inspired and sacred texts - but I found out that a lot of it was BS. I also found out that a lot of the New Age is BS. This thread is all about finding an alternative to all of the BS. I want the BS to stop NOW.

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Newage04
    Mercuriel wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:beauty sometimes hides the beast.

    As well as It "Soothes the Savage Beast..."

    We must have both to Integrate them and appreciate a Third.

    sunny we need the bad side of Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, and Anna (in 'V')? I'm simply trying to rid this solar system of hatred, violence, wars, atrocities, terrorism, starvation, demonic harassment, demonic possession, ecological nightmares, holy wars, extermination events, planned financial collapses, rigged stock markets, slavery of all kinds, etc, etc, etc. I don't think we need any of these things to complement the beauty of Earth and it's inhabitants. I really like the good side of Anna (in 'V'). I really like the spiritual leader of the Navi in 'Avatar'. I really like Rachael (the foxy lady in charge at the White House) in 'Contact' - but I don't see the need for a bad side or any negatives whatsoever. I just wish for this solar system to be run rationally and properly, going forward, for millions of years. This goal seems to require simple and effective principles and concepts - in the context of a simple and effective constitution - which avoids placing too much power in too few hands. I obviously don't know what's really going on in this solar system - but something is very, very, very wrong - and it needs to be fixed. I'm just trying to generate interest and discussion regarding solar system governance. Is it wrong to live in the dreamworld of a perfected humanity living in a perfected solar system? I'm not necessarily sold on the 'treat them like children, teach them to take baby steps, and to kneel in contrite submission' theory of civilization growth and development. I really do think we need a solar system view, and that we ALL need to contemplate Solar System Governance, on an ongoing basis. I am opposed to rule by secrecy, deception, confusion, corruption, force, and violence. I'll just keep ranting and raving on the internet. I don't intend to do anything more than this. Hopefully - somewhere in the galaxy - this activity is being duly noted and studied - to hopefully help someone at some future date - to implement proper planetary governance. Again - I don't have the answers - but I do wish to prompt those who are in positions of authority and power - to consider some of the concepts which surface in these threads.
    mudra wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Perhaps we should have a Solar System Constitution Contest. I might be completely wrong regarding Solar System Governance - but where are the rival proposals? Where is the vigorous discussion and debate?

    I believe we will first have to bring peace within ourselves , our families , our communities , our countries , our Earth before we can contemplate beyond.

    Lao Russel was an inspiring person

    Love from me
    I really like this Lao Russel interview - especially in the beautiful and elegant surroundings of her home. We do need love and cooperation to create a kinder and gentler world. However - I do believe that the meat of love is responsibility (the decision to make the problems of the world - my problems). This is where things get messy. In fact - this is a war. We tend to get in each others way - and we often work at cross purposes - whether intentionally or unintentionally. Perhaps I really need to let this mini-crusade go - at this point - and hope that someone else picks it up - so that it's not my great big deal. Perhaps a millionaire or billionaire could host a Solar System Constitution Contest - with a $1,000,000.00 prize for the winner. Now THAT would generate interest!

    Perhaps evil alternatives can be modeled with a supercomputer program - so that we can learn about them - without having to live them. I think I'm going to exit stage right - and give it a rest for a while - while I go through all of the material on the Bill Cooper thread. I like listening to his old shows - and I like reading the Branton material. I have no idea how much of it is true - but it is interesting to consider the possibilities. Even though the subjects are important - all of this often feels like a monumental waste of time. I wish we got paid to wade through everything! I think that a Secret Solar System Government presently exists - and that in ten years there will be an Open Solar System Government - if anyone and anything is left....

    I looked high and low, but I couln't find my original guidestone - so I tried to duplicate it below. If I find the original - I will modify this one - although I think they are nearly identical.







    It sounds as though we deal with the visible PTB (who we love and hate), who take orders from the bloodline elites, who take orders from mysterious and nepharious entities, who take orders from who knows who? I keep feeling as though we are prisoners of an ancient star war - and that we are serving some type of a sentence. What troubles me, is that even if we do become responsible (or try to be responsible) - it seems as if we are destined to remain in jail. The law of the universe seems to be that the Human Race on Planet Earth cannot and will not be allowed to succeed - and that they will not be allowed to become responsibly free - no matter what. Perhaps the Original Sin was the Unpardonable Sin. This seems to be all about being beat into reverential submission by the chastenings of the lord - as sinners in the hands of an angry god. Did Promethius steal fire from this god? Did we all go along with Promethius? Is that why we are here - and why we are in so much trouble?

    Promethius = Lucifer = Kali = Mary = Anna (in "V")? What if the gods were problematic and disfunctional? What if Promethius/Lucifer/Kali/Mary/Anna was/were/are/is problematic and disfunctional? Is there a solution to the madness? Regardless of what really happened, and regardless of what is happening presently, why is there so much secrecy, deception, corruption, violence, and insanity? Why are legitimate and well-meaning attempts at understanding and reform, met with such coldness and even hostility? "Semiramis became known as the "queen of heaven," and was the prototype from which all other pagan goddesses came."--World Religions by David Terrell This quote probably belongs elsewhere - but it does support the 'all of us are one' theory of historical solar system governance. I'm seeing a single entity as being the being in charge of this neck of the woods - going back thousands, or tens of thousands, of years.

    I've been wondering a lot about the true nature of the soul - and wondering about the true extent of any hybridization programs - historically and presently. What if the human soul is a shapeshifting interdimensional reptilian? Could this be why we have a reptilian part of our brains? Could this really be the biggest secret? Are all of us hybrids - in one way or another? Are Dracs really human/reptile hybrids - with an exceptionally high percentage of reptile genetics? Are everyday humans really human/reptile hybrids - with a very low percentage of reptile genetics? I once knew an ivy league graduate who told me that they were a talking snake. Some of my best friends have turned out to be snakes. I'm considering the possibility that humans of all races, reptilians, greys, hybrids, and aliens of all races - have the same type of soul. Whether this type of soul is human, reptilian, hybrid, none of the above, or all of the above - may be one of the most explosive questions which we could possibly grapple with. In his 1994 interview with Rick Keefe - Alex Collier indicated that our souls were the same - and that they originated at the same time - but that we were at different stages of evolution. I hope I got that right. I need to watch that interview again. Let me know if I missed something - or if Alex (or anyone else) has commented elsewhere on this subject.

    It seems reasonable to me to at least begin with the view that this solar system is our home (regardless of ancient star wars and battles for control of this and that) - and that we just keep reincarnating (as we require new bodies) back into this solar system - and that this solar system may be as good as it gets - anywhere. I'm considering any extermination events (natural or inflicted) and mass evacuations (by UFO's, the Second Coming of Christ, etc.) to be bad things. Bringing reason and peace to this solar system seems reasonable to me. Has the Queen of Heaven been trying to do this for thousands of years? OR - has the Queen of Heaven been misusing and abusing this solar system and it's inhabitants for thousands of years? I keep seeing corruption and insanity as being unavoidably connected with absolute power - despite the best of intentions - which is why I wish for this hypothetical Queen of Heaven to retire - and serve as an advisor rather than a ruler. Sorry for being repetitious - but I will continue to test this hypothesis in different settings. I think we are all in Purgatory - and that it is up to us whether we progress into Heaven - or digress into Hell. We make our bed - and sleep in it. Our planet is how we plan it. World without end.

    If your hair isn't already standing on end from reading this post - then read this link - and you should receive a permanent afro.

    Here is the part which I found to be especially interesting:

    "Governance, as opposed to security, appears to not have been a major issue from the ’79 meeting to the present. The emerging picture concerning governance painted by informant words indicates that the USG continued business as usual both vertically – from the executive apex of the presidency, through its federal departments and agencies, to the state governments in the union – and horizontally – the foreign policy apparatus of the USG continued functioning as expected through its State and Defense departments. What did change was the sense of constituent security – that is, USG had to formally contend with the presence of two Anunnaki camps in conflict with one another, and the additional requirement of dealing with both. The meaning of security also appears to have undergone a subtle, yet quite real metamorphosis. We will briefly discuss this transformation below.

    "It is evident from the literature (Good 1988, 1993; 1996, 1999; Maccabee 2000; Dolan 2000; Bryant 2002; Marrs 1998; Salla 2006; Corso 1997) that there is considerable belief based on evidence – some of questionable reliability, and some on verifiable validity – that the USG is involved in a massive cover up of anything from the existence of aliens, alien technologies, technology transfers to the private sector and more. While the focus of this essay is only on Anunnaki affairs and their impact on Earth governance, internal security, near Earth space security and Anunnaki inter-clan conflict, informants have also provided some information on contacts with “aliens” from outside the solar system (e.g., the Angleton tapes and the SERPA TS/SCI referred to by Collins and Doty 2005). This appears to reflect a reframing of how USG views the Anunnaki vis-a-vis “the real aliens” (Six 2005). Our current hypothesis is that Anunnaki are currently viewed as “ancestors, not really aliens, but more like people who are like us, probably because they were here before the human race appeared on Earth through them” (Six 2005). This makes sense to us, since we were asked more than once to clarify our questions regarding “aliens” from the “incoming”. Is it that at present lead agencies regard this as a “local” event requiring a “local event response set”? It would seem so. This worldview on Anunnaki presence on Earth would also fit in with the seeming working definition of “those who are here and those from the incoming” as a “local problem” (Six 2005; Eight 2005).

    "How, then, has the issue of governance been affected by the double Anunnaki presence since the ’79 meeting? One of the seeming results of the formalized infrastructure specific to this situation is the insulation of the White House from the appearance of real access to UFO information. Two examples of this approach are the handling of the Rockefeller initiative during the Clinton administration (i.e., the involvement of assets said to be with CIA at the time and the White House deft use of UFO/alien humor) in deflecting one of the most delicate exopolitical crisis faced by President Clinton; the other is the style and tenor used by the Bush-43 administration: silence. The Anunnaki seem to have forced the USG into a space security structure responsive to two exopolitical constituencies. This is reflected “in the way things get handled,” said Informant Eight. “Looks like everything political is handled by the [National Space] Council and the Vice President as chair. This is where the two tracks originate. One umbrella for TS/SCIs handling the incoming, another umbrella for TS/SCI dealing with those here, and the twain shall never meet. NGA looks like it works with both tracks, but it really is controlled by the other czar for space security. This is one of the most secret functions, “cause from what I can tell, this person is the Executive Officer of the whole space security apparatus” (Eight 2005)."

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Artwork-Annunaki_photo_medium

    I posted the following on the abraxasinas Q&A in March. Was I unfair or unkind? I have worried about this post a lot since I posted it. Was it too hard? Was it too soft? Was it uninformed and illogical? All of this is sort of an ongoing science fiction novel. This is a guessing game, and a bluffing game. It's a game of make believe. It's a galactic game of monopoly. Please tell me what you think about this.

    I'm not sure where the proper balance point is in all of this. I'm seeking a rock-solid foundation. I do not wish to build on sinking sand...but there will obviously be many false-starts and misunderstandings as I try to find my way...and my voice. I'm tempted to attempt writing about the United States of the Solar System with a writing style similar to abraxasinas. I realize that I can't come close to accomplishing such a feat...but I can try...can't I? This is new territory for me. I'm ashamed that I don't know more about that which I am espousing...but I'm even more ashamed that very few of us seem to give a rat's patootie about how this Solar System is run.

    Have our negotiators been duped over and over essentially demonic entities? I wonder. The 1954 Greada Treaty (if it really exists) was a mistake...wasn't it? But I'm sure we had TOP people...who were on top of everything...and had everything under control...RIGHT? Just like we have TOP people...who have everything under this very moment...RIGHT? Don't get me wrong...I am an overly accomodating and gullible person. I'm the kind of person who hates to swat a fly. I don't wish to harm anyone or anything...even demonic entities. But I don't want various aliens, spirits, whoever, or whatever...enslaving and exterminating us...or making life miserable for all of us. I think we have been lied to and manipulated for thousands (or even millions) of years by various entities and beings. We're not as smart as we think we are...when it comes to dealing with these entities and beings. Again...I wish them no harm. But perhaps my 'where there's life...there's hope' bias is what has gotten us into a lot of trouble for a long, long time. Somehow...we need to deal with this thing here and now...and not let it drag on (dragon -get it?!) for thousands and millions of years into the future. We are kept in the dark about Universal History...and regarding who we really are. Yet...we then get chided for being the 'New Kids on the Block' who need to evolve so we can join all of the superior beings throughout the Universe. I'm sick of this BS. Throughout history...right up to this very day...I am not seeing a reasonable and rational approach to Solar System Governance. I'm seeing 'Divide and Conquer'...'Keep Them Confused and Fighting With Each Other'...and 'Keep Them Ignorant and Stupid'. I'm as mad as hell. I've had enough. And I'm not going to take this anymore. Can you feel the love tonight?

    The eschatological paradigms are mostly negative and violent. I envision continuity in perpetuity in Sol. I'm not moving away from this Solar System. This is my home. Sun. Fun. Stay. Play. This is my sand-box...and the playground attendants are poised to expel the bullies from our little paradise. This Solar System is the Theater of the Universe. The implications and ramifications of Namaste Constitutional Responsible the context of the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of the context of the United Nations...and applied to the entire Solar System...are enormous. I stand in opposition to the corrupt Powers That Be...both Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial...and demand that the United States of the Solar System be implemented with all deliberate speed...and that a Solar System Exorcism commence immediately. In the words of Moses "Let My People Go!" I perceive that We the People of Earth are Prisoners of War...on a Prison Planet...with Grey Guards...and a Reptilian/Human Hybrid Warden...Taking Orders From a Draconian Reptilian God of This World. This is an intolerable state of affairs...and must not be allowed to stand. I hereby request that the non-corrupt Beings of the Universe assist We the People of Earth for a very brief period of we know implement the reforms outlined throughout this thread devoted to the United States of the Solar System. Thanks and Gratitude in Advance.

    I completely and vehemently reject the following Thuban quotation found in ANNO DOMINI DRAGONIA UNO: INTRODUCTION TO DRAGONHOOD (This book is written in the Dragonian language and requires familiarity and intitiation into the structural forms or the forked tongue of Its bifurcation of Unicornian grammar and omniscientific terminology.) "It is however the great destiny of the humanoids to aspire to Dragonhood, because of their immense emotional energy potential and mental aspirations. The reunification of our Father with our Mother allows our Masterdragons, Who are as One in 26 dimensions to femtotechnically Seed the Omniverse as THEMSELVES and then reproduce THEMSELVES as Universes. Every such universe is a Monosong and a 26-dimensional dyad of a FatherMother. This is our Creative Destiny and the destiny for all dragonised humans aka the starhumans."


    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Gizah_Pyramids_Ricardo_Liberato_1

    I'm going to gradually take off the gloves regarding this Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System concept. I think this is a splendiferous idea - regardless of the spiritual and alien situation. The concept does not require me to definitively and accurately sort out who the good-guys and bad-guys are. I simply wish to implement this concept in an evolutionary manner - with EVERYONE on the bus - even if they hate each other - and even if some of them are really, really evil. The really b@d@$$ dudes and dudesses may need to go to jail for a while - BUT NOBODY IS GOING TO BE DAMNED TO HELL!! I desire a big-tent solution - but I do not desire peace at any price. The concept should probably be firmly implemented to avoid confusion - but no one should be treated unkindly or unfairly. System implementation is that which is important - and dictatorial micro-management should NOT occur. We should probably continue the infowar for centuries - but without destroying ourselves. The concept involves an organized decentralization. I like the architectural and artistic aspects of the old world - but the internal modus operandi needs to be Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom. There is a unified architecture and art in the churches and state-houses of the world. The original plan connected with this may have been fatally flawed - but we should enjoy the architectural and artistic excellence as we pursue a unified yet free humanity. This is going to involve a very problematic transitional process - but it need not be traumatic. Does this post go too far - too soon? Baby steps - right? This really continues to be a test. I am interested to see who comes out of the woodwork in support of, and in opposition to, the concept. What would the Incoming say? What would Anna say? What would the Queen of Heaven say? What would the Creator God of the Universe say? What would Satan say? What would SaLuSa say? What would Monka do? What would Jesus do?

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Freedom-of-expression-go-to-hell
    Mercuriel wrote: Oxy - I have downloaded the additional A.R. Bourdon & Eric Julien Material...

    I will read the Material tonight and have comments for You tomorrow. As I have said before - What makes You think You're the only One interested in Solar System Governance...

    Huh ?

    Many are (And are working hard towards It) but We must get Planetary Governance straightened out first. That said - The Machine Gun cresecendo of the pace of Your questioning is remarkable and appreciated Dear Brother.

    That said - I will endeavour to be worthy of It. If only My Twin Flame wasn't in such need ATM - I could do better than I have. Owell - This will change...

    Heh heh
    Thank-you Mercuriel. You make very good points. Do what you have to do. First things first. I'm sure there are many, throughout the solar system, who are working toward more rational governance at all levels. I'm probably trying to change myself, more than I'm trying to change others. I continue to experience debilitating and progress hampering problems - which make me feel virtually ineffectual and very frustrated. Hence the tone of my internet posting. An inferiority complex probably gives me a 'little-guy' attitude. This is actually quite sad - but hopefully something good can be derived from it - either now, or in the future. I was serious when I said that I hoped that this activity was being duly noted somewhere in the galaxy. I fear that we are headed down the wrong road, and that we will not turn back, regardless of the warnings, and regardless of the rantings and ravings of lunatics such as myself. I really wish that I had a shallow underground civilian base to go down into. At this point - I am ready to go down - and stay down - for a long, long time.
    Raven wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote: I was serious when I said that I hoped that this activity was being duly noted somewhere in the galaxy. I fear that we are headed down the wrong road, and that we will not turn back, regardless of the warnings, and regardless of the rantings and ravings of lunatics such as myself. I really wish that I had a shallow underground civilian base to go down into. At this point - I am ready to go down - and stay down - for a long, long time.

    Indeed Oxy, duly noted it is. You will not be alone hiding under those rocks.
    Rev.6 KJV

    [12] And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
    [13] And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
    [14] And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
    [15] And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
    [16] And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

    [17] For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
    I prefer the eschatology in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21). I have problems with the Book of Revelation. Even though I wish to seek cover from civil unrest, nuclear war, chemical and biological warfare, an 'alien' invasion, etc. - I don't wish for the rocks to fall upon me - and I do wish to look him that sitteth upon the throne - straight in the eye - and tell them to get off of their high-horse and to stop the mass-murder - and for the Lamb to calm the f#$k down. VIOLENCE IS NOT A SOLUTION - EVEN IF YOU ARE GOD - THINK YOU ARE GOD - OR ARE ACTING LIKE GOD. EARTH CHANGES MY @$$. SINNERS IN THE HANDS OF A LOVING GOD?

    Having said that - I would like to know the full extent and nature of the Original Sin - and whether all of us were a party to it, or not. But regardless of how bad the sins of the past have been - shouldn't there be a peaceful and rational resolution of the madness? Why do we always rush toward violent 'solutions'? Those who quote from the Book of Revelation often seem to exhibit a morbid satisfaction connected with the expected extermination - which couldn't possibly include themselves.

    'As he looked up, Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. "I tell you the truth," he said, "this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on." Some of the disciples were remarking about how the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and with gifts dedicated to God. But Jesus said, "As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down." "Teacher," they asked, "when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are about to take place?" He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them. When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away." Then he said to them: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.' But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you.

    They will deliver you to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name. This will result in your being witnesses to them. But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death. All men will hate you because of me. But not a hair of your head will perish. By standing firm you will gain life. When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city. For this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written. How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! There will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people. They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

    There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." He told them this parable: "Look at the fig tree and all the trees. When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap. For it will come upon all those who live on the face of the whole earth. Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man." Each day Jesus was teaching at the temple, and each evening he went out to spend the night on the hill called the Mount of Olives, and all the people came early in the morning to hear him at the temple.'
    Luke 21 NIV

    Luke chapter 21 contains basic soteriology, or how we are saved, and basic eschatology, or a study of the end of time. If you don't know what eschatology is…it's not the end of the world! Jesus proclaims that by standing firm, we will gain life. Again and again, Jesus ties salvation to behavior…not simply belief! On the other hand, belief is the beginning of behavior. By beholding Christ we become changed! Visualize Jesus…and world-peace. Give Jesus and peace a chance. The Luke 21 end time scenario contains enough upsetting information for just about anyone! If you want to become really upset and confused, read the books of Daniel and Revelation! There are numerical challenges here as well, if you're into numbers games! It seems that the end here depicted by Jesus was to occur shortly after His death…not 2,000 years later! Could it be that the followers of Jesus fumbled the ball? Were the words of Jesus preached with power throughout the world after His death? Did someone circumvent the Great Commission, thinking they knew better? Have the Teachings of Jesus been placed first and foremost in Christian churches during the past 2,000 years? Are the words of Christ being placed first and foremost in Christian churches now? Could it be that the Teachings of Jesus have been purposefully and systematically suppressed and relegated to the back of the bus? Will humanity have to wait another 2,000 years for the return of Christ? World without end?

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Pbucket
    magamud wrote:
    Think Galactically. Act Locally. The Queen of Heaven is presently a person or being of interest to me - in both positive and negative ways.

    That link is down fyi in the US as are others hmmm.  I agree with you, its just a wholesome attitude.  Exopolitics is a very important issue, but there is no stern platform to stand on with such a weighty subject.  A point to self actualization in general within a social dynamic.

    Im sorry I cant summarize all my contrasts with your posts.  There is to much information and I want to contrast post as I read them, so I dont forget it.
    magamud wrote:
    StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Opening Cinematic  2:55

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:22 am

    I'm reading The Quickening by Art Bell (1997) and it's truly chilling. I'm also reading Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine (1957) and this is also chilling (especially when one considers that QOD was published at the tail-end of the publication of the monumental SDA Bible Commentary and that it contains substantial heresy). I'm continuing my study of volumes 3, 4, and 6 (1 Chronicles through Malachi, and Acts through Ephesians) of the SDA Bible Commentary (and this seems to be historically-foundational). Finally, I'm reading the two-volume Memoirs of Baron Stockmar by Ernst Stockmar (1873) and I find this area of research to be frightening (but I don't want to talk about it). I'm thinking a lot about AD 2031 to 2046, and this is scaring the hell out of me (on SO Many levels). I predict that most serious researchers will go insane over the next couple of decades. I think the problems are THAT Bad. 'RA' told me "Humanity is Screwed!!" I'm beginning to understand why (but I don't want to talk about it).
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Keepers
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Rose-Tyler-Wallpaper-doctor-who-1601609-1280-800
    Listen to These Links with Extreme Caution.
    I Include Them for Experienced Researchers.
    They Are Part of a Long-Term Research Project,
    But I Don't Expect Anyone to Understand Why.

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Doctor_who___companions_by_strawberrygina-d3a6q8i
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Doctorwho
    Carol wrote:
    This woman and her cat are having the best time sailing around the world

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Woman_and_cat-large_trans++ERUd09xRIscpDQJI9Ljp7VVse9JsN00kzbUr3IXHaGo
    They are living their best lives
    26 APRIL 2016 • 11:41AM
    Captain Liz Clark and her cat are having an absolute whale of a time sailing around the world.
    The captain and her first mate, named Amelia, live on a 40-foot long boat called Swell.
    Clark told BuzzFeed she adopted Amelia when she was only six months old and is now giving her the adventure of her nine lives.

    She said: “She has adapted to living surrounded by water. She’s learned to trust that she will be safe with me.”
    Liz Clark, originally from San Diego, and now from The Ocean, told the website she had been dreaming of sailing around the world since she was a child.

    She worked on her boat - which was made in the 1960s - for two years to make it seaworthy and then set off on the open seas with Amelia for company.

    Setting sail in 2006 from California, Amelia has now traveled along the western coast of Mexico and Central America, as well as to the South Pacific.
    Captain Clark has now logged an impressive 18,000 nautical miles.

    She said:  “I sleep on a pool mat under the stars, but I feel rich when I look up at that night sky and breathe the fresh ocean air and leap into the sea each morning.”
    Clark said Amelia especially enjoys fishing from the boat.

    “On calm nights, she fishes off of a soft top surfboard attached to the side of Swell with a small light that attracts fish,” the captain explained.

    Amelia also enjoys hiking and exploring new places.
    She has adapted well to the life of a travelling cat.

    Liz Clark said: “She has to go out of a cat comfort zone often.
    “But I think she now understands that I will keep her safe and she will have a lot of fun in the end. She makes Swell feel much more like a home.”
    Consider the following Study-List:

    1. Patriarchs and Prophets (Ellen White).

    2. Prophets and Kings (Ellen White).

    3. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volumes 3 and 4 (1 Chronicles to Malachi).

    4. Daniel 8:14, the Day of Atonement, and the Investigative Judgment (Desmond Ford).

    5. Sacred Classical Music.

    I'm suggesting this study as an alternative way of looking at Ancient History and Prophecy -- which is not necessarily Judaism or Christianity (as we know them to be). I keep thinking about that Pathologist in The Prophecy. I like that kind of guy!! Do you know who and what I'm talking about?? Anyway, I continue to know that I don't know. I am truly a Completely Ignorant Fool BUT sometimes I feel like a Thomas Dagget Kind of Guy!! The First Council of Nicaea (/na?'si??/; Greek: ???a?a ['ni:ka?ja]) was a council of Christian bishops convened in Nicaea in Bithynia by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in AD 325. This first ecumenical council was the first effort to attain consensus in the church through an assembly representing all of Christendom, although previous councils, including the first Church council, the Council of Jerusalem, had met before to settle matters of dispute.[5] It was presided over by Hosius of Corduba, a bishop from the West who followed the Pope who was the bishop of Rome and the Patriarch of the West.

    Its main accomplishments were settlement of the Christological issue of the nature of the Son of God and his relationship to God the Father,[3] the construction of the first part of the Creed of Nicaea, establishing uniform observance of the date of Easter,[6] and promulgation of early canon law.[4][7]

    The First Council of Nicaea was the first ecumenical council of the Church. Most significantly, it resulted in the first uniform Christian doctrine, called the Nicene Creed. With the creation of the creed, a precedent was established for subsequent local and regional councils of Bishops (Synods) to create statements of belief and canons of doctrinal orthodoxy—the intent being to define unity of beliefs for the whole of Christendom.

    Derived from Greek (Ancient Greek: ?????µ??? oikoumene "the inhabited earth"), "ecumenical" means "worldwide" but generally is assumed to be limited to the known inhabited Earth, (Danker 2000, pp. 699-670) and at this time in history is synonymous with the Roman Empire; the earliest extant uses of the term for a council are Eusebius' Life of Constantine 3.6[8] around 338, which states "he convoked an Ecumenical Council" (Ancient Greek: s???d?? ?????µe????? s??e???te?)[9] and the Letter in 382 to Pope Damasus I and the Latin bishops from the First Council of Constantinople.[10]

    One purpose of the council was to resolve disagreements arising from within the Church of Alexandria over the nature of the Son in his relationship to the Father: in particular, whether the Son had been 'begotten' by the Father from his own being, and therefore having no beginning, or else created out of nothing, and therefore having a beginning.[11] St. Alexander of Alexandria and Athanasius took the first position; the popular presbyter Arius, from whom the term Arianism comes, took the second. The council decided against the Arians overwhelmingly (of the estimated 250–318 attendees, all but two agreed to sign the creed and these two, along with Arius, were banished to Illyria).[12]

    Another result of the council was an agreement on when to celebrate Easter, the most important feast of the ecclesiastical calendar, decreed in an epistle to the Church of Alexandria in which is simply stated:

    We also send you the good news of the settlement concerning the holy pasch, namely that in answer to your prayers this question also has been resolved. All the brethren in the East who have hitherto followed the Jewish practice will henceforth observe the custom of the Romans and of yourselves and of all of us who from ancient times have kept Easter together with you.[13]

    Historically significant as the first effort to attain consensus in the church through an assembly representing all of Christendom,[5] the Council was the first occasion where the technical aspects of Christology were discussed.[5] Through it a precedent was set for subsequent general councils to adopt creeds and canons. This council is generally considered the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils in the History of Christianity.

    The First Council of Nicaea was convened by Emperor Constantine the Great upon the recommendations of a synod led by Hosius of Córdoba in the Eastertide of 325. This synod had been charged with investigation of the trouble brought about by the Arian controversy in the Greek-speaking east.[14] To most bishops, the teachings of Arius were heretical and dangerous to the salvation of souls.[15] In the summer of 325, the bishops of all provinces were summoned to Nicaea, a place reasonably accessible to many delegates, particularly those of Asia Minor, Georgia, Armenia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Greece, and Thrace.

    This was the first general council in the history of the Church since the Apostolic Council of Jerusalem, the Apostolic council having established the conditions upon which Gentiles could join the Church.[16] In the Council of Nicaea, "The Church had taken her first great step to define revealed doctrine more precisely in response to a challenge from a heretical theology."[17]

    Constantine had invited all 1,800 bishops of the Christian church (about 1,000 in the east and 800 in the west), but a smaller and unknown number attended. Eusebius of Caesarea counted more than 250,[18] Athanasius of Alexandria counted 318,[9] and Eustathius of Antioch estimated "about 270"[19] (all three were present at the council). Later, Socrates Scholasticus recorded more than 300,[20] and Evagrius,[21] Hilary of Poitiers,[22] Jerome,[23] Dionysius Exiguus,[24] and Rufinus[25] recorded 318. This number 318 is preserved in the liturgies of the Eastern Orthodox Church[26] and the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria.[citation needed]

    Delegates came from every region of the Roman Empire, including Britain.[27] The participating bishops were given free travel to and from their episcopal sees to the council, as well as lodging. These bishops did not travel alone; each one had permission to bring with him two priests and three deacons, so the total number of attendees could have been above 1,800. Eusebius speaks of an almost innumerable host of accompanying priests, deacons and acolytes.

    The Eastern bishops formed the great majority. Of these, the first rank was held by the three patriarchs: Alexander of Alexandria, Eustathius of Antioch, and Macarius of Jerusalem. Many of the assembled fathers—for instance, Paphnutius of Thebes, Potamon of Heraclea and Paul of Neocaesarea—had stood forth as confessors of the faith and came to the council with the marks of persecution on their faces. This position is supported by patristic scholar Timothy Barnes in his book Constantine and Eusebius.[28] Historically, the influence of these marred confessors has been seen as substantial, but recent scholarship has called this into question.[25]

    Other remarkable attendees were Eusebius of Nicomedia; Eusebius of Caesarea, the purported first church historian; circumstances suggest that Nicholas of Myra attended (his life was the seed of the Santa Claus legends); Aristakes of Armenia (son of Saint Gregory the Illuminator); Leontius of Caesarea; Jacob of Nisibis, a former hermit; Hypatius of Gangra; Protogenes of Sardica; Melitius of Sebastopolis; Achilleus of Larissa (considered the Athanasius of Thessaly)[29] and Spyridion of Trimythous, who even while a bishop made his living as a shepherd[30] From foreign places came John, bishop of Persia and India, Theophilus, a Gothic bishop and Stratophilus, bishop of Pitiunt of Georgia.

    The Latin-speaking provinces sent at least five representatives: Marcus of Calabria from Italia, Cecilian of Carthage from Africa, Hosius of Córdoba from Hispania, Nicasius of Die from Gaul,[29] and Domnus of Stridon from the province of the Danube.

    Athanasius of Alexandria, a young deacon and companion of Bishop Alexander of Alexandria, was among the assistants. Athanasius eventually spent most of his life battling against Arianism. Alexander of Constantinople, then a presbyter, was also present as representative of his aged bishop.[29]

    The supporters of Arius included Secundus of Ptolemais, Theonus of Marmarica, Zphyrius, and Dathes, all of whom hailed from the Libyan Pentapolis. Other supporters included Eusebius of Nicomedia, Paulinus of Tyrus, Actius of Lydda, Menophantus of Ephesus, and Theognus of Nicaea.[29][31]

    "Resplendent in purple and gold, Constantine made a ceremonial entrance at the opening of the council, probably in early June, but respectfully seated the bishops ahead of himself."[16] As Eusebius described, Constantine "himself proceeded through the midst of the assembly, like some heavenly messenger of God, clothed in raiment which glittered as it were with rays of light, reflecting the glowing radiance of a purple robe, and adorned with the brilliant splendor of gold and precious stones".[32] The emperor was present as an overseer and presider, but did not cast any official vote. Constantine organized the Council along the lines of the Roman Senate. Hosius of Cordoba may have presided over its deliberations; he was probably one of the Papal legates.[16] Eusebius of Nicomedia probably gave the welcoming address.[16][33]

    The agenda of the synod included:

    1.The Arian question regarding the relationship between God the Father and the Son (not only in his incarnate form as Jesus, but also in his nature before the creation of the world); i.e., are the Father and Son one in divine purpose only or also one in being?
    2.The date of celebration of Pascha/Easter
    3.The Meletian schism
    4.Various matters of church discipline, which resulted in twenty canons 1.Church structures: focused on the ordering of the episcopacy
    2.Dignity of the clergy: issues of ordination at all levels and of suitability of behavior and background for clergy
    3.Reconciliation of the lapsed: establishing norms for public repentance and penance
    4.Readmission to the Church of heretics and schismatics: including issues of when reordination and/or rebaptism were to be required
    5.Liturgical practice: including the place of deacons, and the practice of standing at prayer during liturgy[34]

    The council was formally opened May 20, in the central structure of the imperial palace at Nicaea, with preliminary discussions of the Arian question. In these discussions, some dominant figures were Arius, with several adherents. "Some 22 of the bishops at the council, led by Eusebius of Nicomedia, came as supporters of Arius. But when some of the more shocking passages from his writings were read, they were almost universally seen as blasphemous."[16] Bishops Theognis of Nicaea and Maris of Chalcedon were among the initial supporters of Arius.

    Eusebius of Caesarea called to mind the baptismal creed of his own diocese at Caesarea at Palestine, as a form of reconciliation. The majority of the bishops agreed. For some time, scholars thought that the original Nicene Creed was based on this statement of Eusebius. Today, most scholars think that the Creed is derived from the baptismal creed of Jerusalem, as Hans Lietzmann proposed.

    The orthodox bishops won approval of every one of their proposals regarding the Creed. After being in session for an entire month, the council promulgated on June 19 the original Nicene Creed. This profession of faith was adopted by all the bishops "but two from Libya who had been closely associated with Arius from the beginning".[17] No explicit historical record of their dissent actually exists; the signatures of these bishops are simply absent from the Creed.

    The Arian controversy arose in Alexandria when the newly reinstated presbyter Arius[35] began to spread doctrinal views that were contrary to those of his bishop, St. Alexander of Alexandria. The disputed issues centered on the natures and relationship of God (the Father) and the Son of God (Jesus). The disagreements sprang from different ideas about the God-head and what it meant for Jesus to be his son. Alexander maintained that the Son was divine in just the same sense that the Father is, co-eternal with the Father, else he could not be a true Son. Arius emphasized the supremacy and uniqueness of God the Father, meaning that the Father alone is almighty and infinite, and that therefore the Father's divinity must be greater than the Son's. Arius taught that the Son had a beginning, and that he possessed neither the eternity nor the true divinity of the Father, but was rather made "God" only by the Father's permission and power, and that the Son was rather the very first and the most perfect of God's creatures.[11][36]

    The Arian discussions and debates at the council extended from about May 20, 325, through about June 19.[36] According to legendary accounts, debate became so heated that at one point, Arius was struck in the face by Nicholas of Myra, who would later be canonized.[37] This account is almost certainly apocryphal, as Arius himself would not have been present in the council chamber due to the fact that he was not a bishop.[38]

    Much of the debate hinged on the difference between being "born" or "created" and being "begotten". Arians saw these as essentially the same; followers of Alexander did not. The exact meaning of many of the words used in the debates at Nicaea were still unclear to speakers of other languages. Greek words like "essence" (ousia), "substance" (hypostasis), "nature" (physis), "person" (prosopon) bore a variety of meanings drawn from pre-Christian philosophers, which could not but entail misunderstandings until they were cleared up. The word homoousia, in particular, was initially disliked by many bishops because of its associations with Gnostic heretics (who used it in their theology), and because their heresies had been condemned at the 264–268 Synods of Antioch.

    According to surviving accounts, the presbyter Arius argued for the supremacy of God the Father, and maintained that the Son of God was created as an act of the Father's will, and therefore that the Son was a creature made by God, begotten directly of the infinite, eternal God. Arius's argument was that the Son was God's very first production, before all ages. The position being that the Son had a beginning, and that only the Father has no beginning. And Arius argued that everything else was created through the Son. Thus, said the Arians, only the Son was directly created and begotten of God; and therefore there was a time that He had no existence. Arius believed that the Son of God was capable of His own free will of right and wrong, and that "were He in the truest sense a son, He must have come after the Father, therefore the time obviously was when He was not, and hence He was a finite being",[39] and that He was under God the Father. Therefore, Arius insisted that the Father's divinity was greater than the Son's. The Arians appealed to Scripture, quoting biblical statements such as "the Father is greater than I",[40] and also that the Son is "firstborn of all creation".[41]

    The opposing view stemmed from the idea that begetting the Son is itself in the nature of the Father, which is eternal. Thus, the Father was always a Father, and both Father and Son existed always together, eternally, co-equally and con-substantially.[42] The contra-Arian argument thus stated that the Logos was "eternally begotten", therefore with no beginning. Those in opposition to Arius believed that to follow the Arian view destroyed the unity of the Godhead, and made the Son unequal to the Father. They insisted that such a view was in contravention of such Scriptures as "I and the Father are one"[43] and "the Word was God",[43] as such verses were interpreted. They declared, as did Athanasius,[44] that the Son had no beginning, but had an "eternal derivation" from the Father, and therefore was co-eternal with him, and equal to God in all aspects.[45]

    The Council declared that the Son was true God, co-eternal with the Father and begotten from His same substance, arguing that such a doctrine best codified the Scriptural presentation of the Son as well as traditional Christian belief about him handed down from the Apostles. This belief was expressed by the bishops in the Creed of Nicaea, which would form the basis of what has since been known as the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed.[46]

    One of the projects undertaken by the Council was the creation of a Creed, a declaration and summary of the Christian faith. Several creeds were already in existence; many creeds were acceptable to the members of the council, including Arius. From earliest times, various creeds served as a means of identification for Christians, as a means of inclusion and recognition, especially at baptism.

    In Rome, for example, the Apostles' Creed was popular, especially for use in Lent and the Easter season. In the Council of Nicaea, one specific creed was used to define the Church's faith clearly, to include those who professed it, and to exclude those who did not.

    Some distinctive elements in the Nicene Creed, perhaps from the hand of Hosius of Cordova, were added. Some elements were added specifically to counter the Arian point of view.[11][47]

    1. Jesus Christ is described as "God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God", proclaiming his divinity.
    2. Jesus Christ is said to be "begotten, not made", asserting that he was not a mere creature, brought into being out of nothing, but the true Son of God, brought into being 'from the substance of the Father'.
    3. He is said to be "of one being with The Father". Eusebius of Caesarea ascribes the term homoousios, or consubstantial, i.e., "of the same substance" (of the Father), to Constantine who, on this particular point, may have chosen to exercise his authority. The significance of this clause, however, is extremely ambiguous, and the issues it raised would be seriously controverted in the future.

    At the end of the creed came a list of anathemas, designed to repudiate explicitly the Arians' stated claims.

    1. The view that 'there was once that when he was not' was rejected to maintain the co-eternity of the Son with the Father.
    2. The view that he was 'mutable or subject to change' was rejected to maintain that the Son just like the Father was beyond any form of weakness or corruptibility, and most importantly that he could not fall away from absolute moral perfection.

    Thus, instead of a baptismal creed acceptable to both the Arians and their opponents the council promulgated one which was clearly opposed to Arianism and incompatible with the distinctive core of their beliefs. The text of this profession of faith is preserved in a letter of Eusebius to his congregation, in Athanasius, and elsewhere. Although the most vocal of anti-Arians, the Homoousians (from the Koine Greek word translated as "of same substance" which was condemned at the Council of Antioch in 264–268), were in the minority, the Creed was accepted by the council as an expression of the bishops' common faith and the ancient faith of the whole Church.

    Bishop Hosius of Cordova, one of the firm Homoousians, may well have helped bring the council to consensus. At the time of the council, he was the confidant of the emperor in all Church matters. Hosius stands at the head of the lists of bishops, and Athanasius ascribes to him the actual formulation of the creed. Great leaders such as Eustathius of Antioch, Alexander of Alexandria, Athanasius, and Marcellus of Ancyra all adhered to the Homoousian position.

    In spite of his sympathy for Arius, Eusebius of Caesarea adhered to the decisions of the council, accepting the entire creed. The initial number of bishops supporting Arius was small. After a month of discussion, on June 19, there were only two left: Theonas of Marmarica in Libya, and Secundus of Ptolemais. Maris of Chalcedon, who initially supported Arianism, agreed to the whole creed. Similarly, Eusebius of Nicomedia and Theognis of Nice also agreed, except for the certain statements.

    The Emperor carried out his earlier statement: everybody who refused to endorse the Creed would be exiled. Arius, Theonas, and Secundus refused to adhere to the creed, and were thus exiled to Illyria, in addition to being excommunicated. The works of Arius were ordered to be confiscated and consigned to the flames while all persons found possessing them were to be executed.[48] Nevertheless, the controversy continued in various parts of the empire.[49]

    The Creed was amended to a new version by the First Council of Constantinople in 381.

    The feast of Easter is linked to the Jewish Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread, as Christians believe that the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus occurred at the time of those observances.

    As early as Pope Sixtus I, some Christians had set Easter to a Sunday in the lunar month of Nisan. To determine which lunar month was to be designated as Nisan, Christians relied on the Jewish community. By the later 3rd century some Christians began to express dissatisfaction with what they took to be the disorderly state of the Jewish calendar. They argued that contemporary Jews were identifying the wrong lunar month as the month of Nisan, choosing a month whose 14th day fell before the spring equinox.[50]

    Christians, these thinkers argued, should abandon the custom of relying on Jewish informants and instead do their own computations to determine which month should be styled Nisan, setting Easter within this independently computed, Christian Nisan, which would always locate the festival after the equinox. They justified this break with tradition by arguing that it was in fact the contemporary Jewish calendar that had broken with tradition by ignoring the equinox, and that in former times the 14th of Nisan had never preceded the equinox.[51] Others felt that the customary practice of reliance on the Jewish calendar should continue, even if the Jewish computations were in error from a Christian point of view.[52]

    The controversy between those who argued for independent computations and those who argued for continued reliance on the Jewish calendar was formally resolved by the Council, which endorsed the independent procedure that had been in use for some time at Rome and Alexandria. Easter was henceforward to be a Sunday in a lunar month chosen according to Christian criteria—in effect, a Christian Nisan—not in the month of Nisan as defined by Jews.[6] Those who argued for continued reliance on the Jewish calendar (called "protopaschites" by later historians) were urged to come around to the majority position. That they did not all immediately do so is revealed by the existence of sermons,[53] canons,[54] and tracts[55] written against the protopaschite practice in the later 4th century.

    These two rules, independence of the Jewish calendar and worldwide uniformity, were the only rules for Easter explicitly laid down by the Council. No details for the computation were specified; these were worked out in practice, a process that took centuries and generated a number of controversies. (See also Computus and Reform of the date of Easter.) In particular, the Council did not decree that Easter must fall on Sunday. This was already the practice almost everywhere.[56]

    Nor did the Council decree that Easter must never coincide with Nisan 14 (the first Day of Unleavened Bread, now commonly called "Passover") in the Hebrew calendar. By endorsing the move to independent computations, the Council had separated the Easter computation from all dependence, positive or negative, on the Jewish calendar. The "Zonaras proviso", the claim that Easter must always follow Nisan 14 in the Hebrew calendar, was not formulated until after some centuries. By that time, the accumulation of errors in the Julian solar and lunar calendars had made it the de facto state of affairs that Julian Easter always followed Hebrew Nisan 14.[57]

    The suppression of the Meletian schism, an early breakaway sect, was another important matter that came before the Council of Nicaea. Meletius, it was decided, should remain in his own city of Lycopolis in Egypt, but without exercising authority or the power to ordain new clergy; he was forbidden to go into the environs of the town or to enter another diocese for the purpose of ordaining its subjects. Melitius retained his episcopal title, but the ecclesiastics ordained by him were to receive again the Laying on of hands, the ordinations performed by Meletius being therefore regarded as invalid. Clergy ordained by Meletius were ordered to yield precedence to those ordained by Alexander, and they were not to do anything without the consent of Bishop Alexander.[58]

    In the event of the death of a non-Meletian bishop or ecclesiastic, the vacant see might be given to a Meletian, provided he was worthy and the popular election were ratified by Alexander. As to Meletius himself, episcopal rights and prerogatives were taken from him. These mild measures, however, were in vain; the Meletians joined the Arians and caused more dissension than ever, being among the worst enemies of Athanasius. The Meletians ultimately died out around the middle of the fifth century.

    The council promulgated twenty new church laws, called canons, (though the exact number is subject to debate), that is, unchanging rules of discipline. The twenty as listed in the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers[59] are as follows:

    1. prohibition of self-castration 2. establishment of a minimum term for catechumens (persons studying for baptism) 3. prohibition of the presence in the house of a cleric of a younger woman who might bring him under suspicion (the so called virgines subintroductae, who practiced Syneisaktism) 4. ordination of a bishop in the presence of at least three provincial bishops and confirmation by the metropolitan bishop 5. provision for two provincial synods to be held annually 6. exceptional authority acknowledged for the patriarchs of Alexandria (pope), Antioch, and Rome (the Pope), for their respective regions 7. recognition of the honorary rights of the see of Jerusalem 8. provision for agreement with the Novatianists, an early sect 9–14. provision for mild procedure against the lapsed during the persecution under Licinius 15–16. prohibition of the removal of priests 17. prohibition of usury among the clergy 18. precedence of bishops and presbyters before deacons in receiving the Eucharist (Holy Communion) 19. declaration of the invalidity of baptism by Paulian heretics 20. prohibition of kneeling on Sundays and during the Pentecost (the fifty days commencing on Easter). Standing was the normative posture for prayer at this time, as it still is among the Eastern Christians. Kneeling was considered most appropriate to penitential prayer, as distinct from the festive nature of Eastertide and its remembrance every Sunday. The canon itself was designed only to ensure uniformity of practise at the designated times.

    On July 25, 325, in conclusion, the fathers of the council celebrated the Emperor's twentieth anniversary. In his farewell address, Constantine informed the audience how averse he was to dogmatic controversy; he wanted the Church to live in harmony and peace. In a circular letter, he announced the accomplished unity of practice by the whole Church in the date of the celebration of Christian Passover (Easter).

    The long-term effects of the Council of Nicaea were significant. For the first time, representatives of many of the bishops of the Church convened to agree on a doctrinal statement. Also for the first time, the Emperor played a role, by calling together the bishops under his authority, and using the power of the state to give the council's orders effect.

    In the short-term, however, the council did not completely solve the problems it was convened to discuss and a period of conflict and upheaval continued for some time. Constantine himself was succeeded by two Arian Emperors in the Eastern Empire: his son, Constantius II and Valens. Valens could not resolve the outstanding ecclesiastical issues, and unsuccessfully confronted St. Basil over the Nicene Creed.[60]

    Pagan powers within the Empire sought to maintain and at times re-establish paganism into the seat of the Emperor (see Arbogast and Julian the Apostate). Arians and Meletians soon regained nearly all of the rights they had lost, and consequently, Arianism continued to spread and to cause division in the Church during the remainder of the fourth century. Almost immediately, Eusebius of Nicomedia, an Arian bishop and cousin to Constantine I, used his influence at court to sway Constantine's favor from the orthodox Nicene bishops to the Arians.[61]

    Eustathius of Antioch was deposed and exiled in 330. Athanasius, who had succeeded Alexander as Bishop of Alexandria, was deposed by the First Synod of Tyre in 335 and Marcellus of Ancyra followed him in 336. Arius himself returned to Constantinople to be readmitted into the Church, but died shortly before he could be received. Constantine died the next year, after finally receiving baptism from Arian Bishop Eusebius of Nicomedia, and "with his passing the first round in the battle after the Council of Nicaea was ended".[61]

    Christianity was illegal in the empire until the emperors Constantine and Licinius agreed in 313 to what became known as the Edict of Milan. However, Nicene Christianity did not become the state religion of the Roman Empire until the Edict of Thessalonica in 380. In the mean time, paganism remained legal and present in public affairs. In 321 (four years before Nicaea), Constantine declared Sunday to be an Empire-wide day of rest in honor of the Roman sun-god Sol Invictus. At the time of the council, imperial coinage and other imperial motifs still depicted pagan cult symbology in combination with the Emperor's image.

    Constantine's role regarding Nicaea was that of supreme civil leader and authority in the empire. As Emperor, the responsibility for maintaining civil order was his, and he sought that the Church be of one mind and at peace. When first informed of the unrest in Alexandria due to the Arian disputes, he was "greatly troubled" and, "rebuked" both Arius and Bishop Alexander for originating the disturbance and allowing it to become public.[62] Aware also of "the diversity of opinion" regarding the celebration of Easter and hoping to settle both issues, he sent the "honored" Bishop Hosius of Cordova (Hispania) to form a local church council and "reconcile those who were divided".[62] When that embassy failed, he turned to summoning a synod at Nicaea, inviting "the most eminent men of the churches in every country".[63]

    Constantine assisted in assembling the council by arranging that travel expenses to and from the bishops' episcopal sees, as well as lodging at Nicaea, be covered out of public funds.[64] He also provided and furnished a "great hall ... in the palace" as a place for discussion so that the attendees "should be treated with becoming dignity".[64] In addressing the opening of the council, he "exhorted the Bishops to unanimity and concord" and called on them to follow the Holy Scriptures with: "Let, then, all contentious disputation be discarded; and let us seek in the divinely-inspired word the solution of the questions at issue."[64] Thereupon, the debate about Arius and church doctrine began. "The emperor gave patient attention to the speeches of both parties" and "deferred" to the decision of the bishops.[65] The bishops first pronounced Arius' teachings to be anathema, formulating the creed as a statement of correct doctrine. When Arius and two followers refused to agree, the bishops pronounced clerical judgement by excommunicating them from the Church. Respecting the clerical decision, and seeing the threat of continued unrest, Constantine also pronounced civil judgement, banishing them into exile.

    There is no record of any discussion of the biblical canon at the council.[66] The development of the biblical canon took centuries, and was nearly complete (with exceptions known as the Antilegomena, written texts whose authenticity or value is disputed) by the time the Muratorian fragment was written.[67]

    In 331 Constantine commissioned fifty Bibles for the Church of Constantinople, but little else is known (in fact, it is not even certain whether his request was for fifty copies of the entire Old and New Testaments, only the New Testament, or merely the Gospels), but some scholars believe that this request provided motivation for canon lists. In Jerome's Prologue to Judith[68] he claims that the Book of Judith was "found by the Nicene Council to have been counted among the number of the Sacred Scriptures", which suggests that the Nicene Council did discuss what documents would number among the sacred scriptures.

    The main source of the idea that the Bible was created at the Council of Nicea seems to be Voltaire, who popularised a story that the canon was determined by placing all the competing books on an altar during the Council and then keeping the ones that didn't fall off. The original source of this story is the Vetus Synodicon, a pseudo-historical account of early Church councils from AD 887:[69]

    The canonical and apocryphal books it distinguished in the following manner: in the house of God the books were placed down by the holy altar; then the council asked the Lord in prayer that the inspired works be found on top and--as in fact happened--the spurious on the bottom. (Vetus Synodicon, 35)

    The council of Nicaea dealt primarily with the issue of the deity of Christ. Over a century earlier the use of the term "Trinity" (????? in Greek; trinitas in Latin) could be found in the writings of Origen (185–254) and Tertullian (160–220), and a general notion of a "divine three", in some sense, was expressed in the second century writings of Polycarp, Ignatius, and Justin Martyr. In Nicaea, questions regarding the Holy Spirit were left largely unaddressed until after the relationship between the Father and the Son was settled around the year 362.[70] So the doctrine in a more full-fledged form was not formulated until the Council of Constantinople in 360 AD.[71]

    While Constantine had sought a unified church after the council, he did not force the Homoousian view of Christ's nature on the council (see The role of Constantine).

    Constantine did not commission any Bibles at the council itself. He did commission fifty Bibles in 331 for use in the churches of Constantinople, itself still a new city. No historical evidence points to involvement on his part in selecting or omitting books for inclusion in commissioned Bibles.

    Despite Constantine's sympathetic interest in the Church, he was not baptized until some 11 or 12 years after the council, putting off baptism as long as he did so as to be absolved from as much sin as possible[72] in accordance with the belief that in baptism all sin is forgiven fully and completely.[73]

    Roman Catholics assert that the idea of Christ's deity was ultimately confirmed by the Bishop of Rome, and that it was this confirmation that gave the council its influence and authority. In support of this, they cite the position of early fathers and their expression of the need for all churches to agree with Rome (see Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses III:3:2).

    However, Protestants, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox do not believe the Council viewed the Bishop of Rome as the jurisdictional head of Christendom, or someone having authority over other bishops attending the Council. In support of this, they cite Canon 6, where the Roman Bishop could be seen as simply one of several influential leaders, but not one who had jurisdiction over other bishops in other regions.[74]

    According to Protestant theologian Philip Schaff, "The Nicene fathers passed this canon not as introducing anything new, but merely as confirming an existing relation on the basis of church tradition; and that, with special reference to Alexandria, on account of the troubles existing there. Rome was named only for illustration; and Antioch and all the other eparchies or provinces were secured their admitted rights. The bishoprics of Alexandria, Rome, and Antioch were placed substantially on equal footing."[75]

    There is however, an alternate Roman Catholic interpretation of the above 6th canon proposed by Fr. James F. Loughlin. It involves five different arguments "drawn respectively from the grammatical structure of the sentence, from the logical sequence of ideas, from Catholic analogy, from comparison with the process of formation of the Byzantine Patriarchate, and from the authority of the ancients"[76] in favor of an alternative understanding of the canon. According to this interpretation, the canon shows the role the Bishop of Rome had when he, by his authority, confirmed the jurisdiction of the other patriarchs—an interpretation which is in line with the Roman Catholic understanding of the Pope.[76]

    Ancient church councils (pre-ecumenical) – church councils before the First Council of Nicaea
    First seven Ecumenical Councils


    1.Jump up ^ Britannica 2014
    2.^ Jump up to: a b SEC, pp. 112–114
    3.^ Jump up to: a b SEC, p. 39
    4.^ Jump up to: a b SEC, pp. 44–94
    5.^ Jump up to: a b c Kieckhefer 1989
    6.^ Jump up to: a b On the Keeping of Easter
    7.Jump up ^ Leclercq 1911b
    8.Jump up ^ Vita Constantini, Book 3, Chapter 6
    9.^ Jump up to: a b Ad Afros Epistola Synodica
    10.Jump up ^ SEC, pp. 292–294
    11.^ Jump up to: a b c Kelly 1978, Chapter 9
    12.Jump up ^ Schaff & Schaff 1910, Section 120
    13.Jump up ^ SEC, p. 114
    14.Jump up ^ Carroll 1987, p. 10
    15.Jump up ^ Ware 1991, p. 28
    16.^ Jump up to: a b c d e Carroll 1987, p. 11
    17.^ Jump up to: a b Carroll 1987, p. 12
    18.Jump up ^ Vita Constantini iii.7
    19.Jump up ^ Theodoret, Book 1, Chapter 7
    20.Jump up ^ Theodoret, Book 1, Chapter 8
    21.Jump up ^ Theodoret, Book 3, Chapter 31
    22.Jump up ^ Contra Constantium Augustum Liber
    23.Jump up ^ Temporum Liber
    24.Jump up ^ Teres 1984, p. 177
    25.^ Jump up to: a b Kelhoffer 2011
    26.Jump up ^ Pentecostarion
    27.Jump up ^ "Ancient See of York". New Advent. 2007. Retrieved 25 October 2007.
    28.Jump up ^ Barnes 1981, pp. 214–215
    29.^ Jump up to: a b c d Atiya 1991
    30.Jump up ^ Vailhé 1912
    31.Jump up ^ Photius I, Book 1, Chapter 9
    32.Jump up ^ Vita Constantini, Book 3, Chapter 10
    33.Jump up ^ Original lists of attendees can be found in Patrum nicaenorum
    34.Jump up ^ Davis 1983, pp. 63–67
    35.Jump up ^ Anatolios 2011, p. 44
    36.^ Jump up to: a b Davis 1983, pp. 52–54
    37.Jump up ^ OCA 2014
    38.Jump up ^ González 1984, p. 164
    39.Jump up ^ M'Clintock & Strong 1890, p. 45
    40.Jump up ^ John 14:28
    41.Jump up ^ Colossians 1:15
    42.Jump up ^ Davis 1983, p. 60
    43.^ Jump up to: a b John 10:30
    44.Jump up ^ On the Incarnation, ch 2, section 9, "... yet He Himself, as the Word, being immortal and the Father's Son"
    45.Jump up ^ Athanasius (Patriarch of Alexandria) - Select treatises of St. Athanasius in controversy with the Arians, Volume 3 Translator and Editor John Henry Newman. Longmans, Green and co., 1920. page 51. Retrieved 24 May 2014.
    46.Jump up ^ González 1984, p. 165
    47.Jump up ^ Loyn 1991, p. 240
    48.Jump up ^ Schaff 1910, Section 120
    49.Jump up ^ Lutz von Padberg 1998, p. 26
    50.Jump up ^ Anatolius, Book 7, Chapter 33
    51.Jump up ^ Chronicon Paschale
    52.Jump up ^ Panarion, Book 3, Chapter 1, Section 10
    53.Jump up ^ Chrysostom, p. 47
    54.Jump up ^ SEC, p. 594
    55.Jump up ^ Panarion, Book 3, Chapter 1
    56.Jump up ^ Sozomen, Book 7, Chapter 18
    57.Jump up ^ L'Huillier 1996, p. 25
    58.Jump up ^ Leclercq 1911a
    59.Jump up ^ Canons
    60.Jump up ^ AOC 1968
    61.^ Jump up to: a b Davis 1983, p. 77
    62.^ Jump up to: a b Sozomen, Book 1, Chapter 16
    63.Jump up ^ Sozomen, Book 1, Chapter 17
    64.^ Jump up to: a b c Theodoret, Book 1, Chapter 6
    65.Jump up ^ Sozomen, Book 1, Chapter 20
    66.Jump up ^ Ehrman 2004, pp. 15–16, 23, 93
    67.Jump up ^ McDonald & Sanders 2002, Apendex D2, Note 19
    68.Jump up ^ Preface to Tobit and Judith
    69.Jump up ^ A concise summary of the case can be found at [1], or less readable in .
    70.Jump up ^ Fairbairn 2009, pp. 46–47
    71.Jump up ^ Socrates, Book 2, Chapter 41
    72.Jump up ^ Marilena Amerise, 'Il battesimo di Costantino il Grande."
    73.Jump up ^ "Catechism of the Catholic Church". Vatican. Retrieved 7 October 2015.
    74.Jump up ^ Canons, Canon 6
    75.Jump up ^ Schaff & Schaff 1910, pp. 275–276
    76.^ Jump up to: a b Loughlin 1880


    Note: NPNF2 = Schaff, Philip; Wace, Henry (eds.), Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, Christian Classics Ethereal Library External link in |publisher= (help), retrieved 2014-07-29
    Eusebius Pamphilius: Church History, Life of Constantine, Oration in Praise of Constantine, NPNF2 1, retrieved 2014-02-24 Anatolius of Laodicea, "Paschal Canons quoted by Eusebius", The Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius
    Eusebius Pamphilius, The Life of Constantine.

    Socrates and Sozomenus Ecclesiastical Histories, NPNF2 2 Socrates of Constantinople, The Ecclesiastical History of Socrates Scholasticus, retrieved 2014-02-24
    Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History of Sozomen

    Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, and Rufinus: Historical Writings, NPNF2 3, retrieved 2014-02-24 Constantine the Great, "Constantinus Augustus to the Churches quoted by Theodoret", The Ecclesiastical History of Theodoret, retrieved 2014-02-24
    Eustathius of Antioch, "A Letter to the African Bishops quoted by Theodoret", The Ecclesiastical History of Theodoret, retrieved 2014-02-24
    Theodoret of Cyrus, The Ecclesiastical History of Theodoret

    Athanasius: Select Works and Letters, NPNF2 4, retrieved 2014-02-24 Athanasius of Alexandria, De Decretis [Defence of the Nicene Definition], retrieved 2014-02-24
    Athanasius of Alexandria, Ad Afros Epistola Synodica [Synodal Letter to the Bishops of Africa]
    Eusebius Pamphilus, Letter of Eusebius of Cæsarea to the people of his Diocese, retrieved 2014-02-24

    Jerome: The Principal Works of St. Jerome, NPNF2 6, retrieved 2014-02-24 Jerome, Prefaces to the Books of Tobit and Judith

    The Seven Ecumenical Councils, NPNF2 14 The Nicene Creed, retrieved 2014-02-24
    The Canons of the 318 Holy Fathers Assembled in the City of Nice, in Bithynia
    Athanasius of Alexandria, The Synodal Letter, retrieved 2014-02-24
    Constantine the Great, "On the Keeping of Easter quoted by Eusebius", The Life of Constantine

    Chronicon Paschale [Paschal Chronicle]
    Pentecostarion, Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain, 3 November 2008, retrieved 22 February 2014
    Chrysostom, John; Harkins, Paul W (trans) (1 April 2010), Discourses Against Judaizing Christians, The Fathers of the Church 68, Catholic University of America Press, ISBN 978-0-8132-1168-8
    Epiphanius of Salamis; Williams, Frank (trans) (1994), The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Leiden: Brill, ISBN 90-04-09898-4
    Hilary of Poitiers, Contra Constantium Augustum Liber [A Book Against the Emperor Constantine]
    Jerome, Temporum Liber [The Book of Times]
    Photios I of Constantinople; Walford, Edward (trans), Epitome of the Ecclesiastical History of Philostorgius, Compiled by Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople

    Secondary sources

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    "Council of Nicaea", Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014
    Anatolios, Khaled (1 October 2011), Retrieving Nicaea: The Development and Meaning of Trinitarian Doctrine, Grand Rapids: Baker Publishing Group, ISBN 978-0-8010-3132-8
    Ayers, Lewis (20 April 2006), Nicaea and Its Legacy, New York: Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-875505-0, retrieved 2014-02-24
    Barnes, Timothy David (1981), Constantine and Eusebius: , Cambridge: Harvard University Press, ISBN 978-0-674-16530-4, retrieved 2014-02-24
    Carroll, Warren (1 March 1987), The Building of Christendom, Front Royal: Christendom College Press, ISBN 978-0-93-188824-3, retrieved 2014-02-24
    Danker, Frederick William (2000), "?????µ???", A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (Third ed.), Chicago: University of Chicago Press, ISBN 978-0-226-03933-6, retrieved 2014-02-24
    Davis, Leo Donald (1983), The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325-787), Collegeville: Liturgical Press, ISBN 978-0-8146-5616-7, retrieved 2014-02-24
    Ehrman, Bart (2004), Truth and Fiction in the Da Vinci Code, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-1-28084-545-1
    Fairbairn, Donald (28 September 2009), Life in the Trinity, Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, ISBN 978-0-8308-3873-8, retrieved 2014-02-24
    Gelzer, Heinrich; Hilgenfeld, Henricus; Ooopsey, Otto, eds. (1995), Patrum nicaenorum nomina Latine, Graece, Coptice, Syriace, Arabice, Armeniace [The names of the Fathers at Nicaea in Latin, in Greek, Coptic, Syriac, Arabic, Armenian] (2nd ed.), Stuttgart: Teubner
    González, Justo L (1984), The Story of Christianity 1, Peabody: Prince Press, ISBN 978-1-56563-522-7, retrieved 2014-02-24
    Kelhoffer, James A (2011), "The Search for Confessors at the Council of Nicaea", Journal of Early Christian Studies 19 (4): 589–599, doi:10.1353/earl.2011.0053, ISSN 1086-3184
    Kelly, J N D (29 March 1978), Early Christian Doctrine, San Francisco: HarperCollins, ISBN 978-0-06-064334-8, retrieved 2014-02-24
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    Leclercq, Henri (1911), "The First Council of Nicaea", The Catholic Encyclopedia 11, New York: Robert Appleton Company, retrieved 19 February 2014
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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:26 am

    Between the Devil and the Returning Rock:
    The quickening of issues of governance, security, and interspecies
    exopolitical relations caused by the Anunnaki inter-clan civil conflict and
    the return of NI.BI.RU. to aphelion – Speculations in view of new data 
    A. R. BORDON
    Foundation One
    Foundation One
                 In this essay, we will examine interlocking sets of issues concerning governance, near-Earth security, and interspecies relations generated by the presence of the Anunnaki on Earth and the Kingdom returning to aphelion in the next sixty to one hundred and ten years. The presence of people from another world on Earth presents unique problems and opportunities for us as a biokind (biological kind), the result of a directed panspermia carried out by Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came – in the words of Zecharia Sitchin, a latter days prophet and dispeller of darkness about our biokind’s prehistory. Information generated over the last forty years (e.g., the Department of Energy’s early 1970s conference on communications in the 21st century at Hilton Head, the colloquia at Cornell University organized by Carl Sagan in the early to mid-80s on exocommunication and interspecies relations, the select conferences organized by the aerospace industry on interplanetary travel requirements and exotic propulsion, the formation of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (or NGA) late last century and its mission, and the indicia on Anunnaki presence in the United States generated by a field study conducted by the authors over the last five years) make, in our view, for a most compelling need to confront the broad issues we will raise and deal with in this essay.

          The driving assumptions of this essay are two, and quite simple: (1) not everything is as it seems, or as we are told it is; and (2) neither are all assets completely disclosed, nor their real, intended capabilities and uses open to public scrutiny, for their obvious security and counterintelligence value. Also a note on the intent of the authors in writing this essay: It is our opinion and impression from a cursory review of the UFO literature that the focus of study of phenomena ascribed to extraterrestrial biological entities – as life forms and bearers of advanced levels of technology – is scattered across a wide range of subjects. Furthermore, the subject of Anunnaki on Earth – a subject of primary importance to the human race at this juncture in our history – is focused upon Sitchin’s voluminous work.

    The presence of Anunnaki on Earth is treated by thoughtful thinkers, like Neil Freer, in reference to Sitchin and not on the present or the future of what the reality of Anunnaki on Earth portends for us, not just their mythic and Jungian archetypes in our subconscious (Freer [White Paper] undated, 1998, 1994). Perhaps this state of affairs is due to the dearth of information on what to, where to, and who to look for on Earth, and in particular in the United States. Neil’s focus upon our need to grow up and out of our collective godspell is well placed, but in our view does not address what needs to be our central interest about Anunnaki on Earth. Hopefully, doing so will indicate to us all just what we now face and will encounter in the next sixty to one hundred ten years from today. Metaphorically speaking, this should put a face on what, in the literature, is often referred to as the dark side, unethical celestial network,

          Additionally, we have written this essay not as whistleblowers, which we are not, nor intend to stimulate the view we are; quite the contrary, we present our thoughts and the results of our field study here to stimulate discourse on the subject what the presence of the Anunnaki on Earth means to us. It is also evident that there is little or no intelligence on them in the public domain, and we believe this to be a dangerous state of affairs. Without information, whether shreds, indicia, or even uncorroborated reports, we believe that it is indeed difficult to entertain possibilities and formulate scenarios for our collective consideration. Fortunately, there are ways and places to go find information about these people, and from humans who have had access to high level policy formulation about them as well as people who have been the recipients of their request for allegiance and loyalty.

    We have explored these places and managed to meet sources who have spoken to us on the condition of anonymity, in the furtherance of our collective understanding of what we are facing now and will face in the future. It took time – nearly five years of patient search and careful scrutiny of the sources themselves and the information culled from and through them – and a complex validation (vetting information where possible, along with of the sources). We also used the journalistic device of confirmation of information by at least two or more sources. Finally, it was not our intention to conduct a scientific study, but rather a field study that would generate information which could lead us all into new venues, new inquiries, and more search and research pertinent to our collective future safety, security and integrity. We hoped to have accomplished that, and pray that this essay generates the intended discourse on the subject. The final reason is that we found Ed Komarek’s remarks on his blog…
    The way to break the back of the dark, secret, covert cabal … is to expose their very exopolitical foundation!
    …quite on target, although his metaphors a bit simplistic yet very accurate. There are indeed two camps which correspond closely to his ethical celestial beings vs. unethical celestial network, with their corresponding earthly conduits and minions.  But the landscape in which the drama continues to unfold is murkier than what Ed makes it out, or perhaps wishes it, to be. See his Their presence in the dramatic landscape suggested by our eleven informants will also hopefully become evident in this essay.
          We will explore scenarios raised by informant reports in two areas – governance and near-Earth security, and draw from available literature and scenarios developed by a team led by the junior author on interspecies relations. From these, we will focus specifically on six sets of issues: governance as institutional response sets to the presence of the Anunnaki on Earth, governance as meaning given to the concept by Earthbound Anunnaki culled from informant sources, near-Earth space security (for whom? why?), defense of Earthbound Anunnaki interests on Earth, the current roles and situations we face in the Anunnaki inter-clan conflict, and the choices we face in view of the alignment of political/economic/religious/military influence and control exerted by Earthbound Anunnaki through third-party minions and their projection of might and technological superiority.
          These are evident from FIOA documents retrieved under the United States Freedom of Information Act concerning UFOs, aliens, extraterrestrials, codified rules (as in Code of Federal Regulations and certain military manuals), the U.S. military sources of public and leaked classified information, and leaks to unvetted , unwitting informants. Another stream has also been manifested as governmental and military sources of public and leaked information in England, NATO, and the European Union. A third stream was manifested as a conjunction of interest compact initiated by the U.S. National Space Council in association with unspecified developed-industrial nations within a United Nations umbrella, again as public and leaked information. And a fourth stream has been the witting informant (both out of government and military services, as well as still in government and military service) willing and able to provide hints, partial disclosures, confirmations, and information pattern reconstruction assistance on a case by case basis. The latter are few and far between, speak by statements in response to specific questions (never face to face, until very recently) and are here further protected as numbered informants.1 Information obtained and culled through these sources are used in this essay to indicate past and current policy directions of interest in examining matters associated with national and planetary governance, safety and sovereignty issues.
    Governance as an issue seems to had taken a new shade of meaning in the late 1970s, when in the words of Informant One, “things went kind of haywire, when the people from the incoming [NI.BI.RU.] made contact through unexpected assets requesting a meeting with representatives of the United States” (2003). According to this source and a corroborating one, “the only thing that saved the day was the cool-headed handling of matters related to this contact, and the delegation made by the president to his close friend from Navy days to head the group that met with them up in the tundra” (One 2003; Four 2004). “A semi-formal arrangement was set up for exchanges and contacts directly through the interagency directorate set up by the White House and [an unspecified agency] to handle them and facilitate the settlement and acclimation of one of theirs at one of our [unspecified] installations in [an also unspecified] desert” (One 2003; Two 2002; Four 2004). At the time, we were in the throes of the first Iran situation, “and the people from the incoming filled us in on the actual conflict being played out at that time” (Four 2004).

          Governance then ceased being a matter of mere elections and political parties, and more of a two-track affair of state – one involving politics as usual on the domestic side and a carefully orchestrated foreign policy enriched by the revelations on the nature and genesis of the Iranian about-face (the invisible hands of the Serpent Faction in fomenting the uprising of Sunnis and the subsequent establishment of a theocracy dominated by Serpent Faction minions); the other involving more of a managing of relationships with those who were coming in, mostly through the one whom Informant One referred to as “the ambassador” (2003). The new intelligence available through such contacts “concerning Serpent Faction activities in fomenting division by religious fundamentalism was heard but not heeded – at least not until the next administration” (Two 2002). How much of what had transpired in the ten months prior to the 1980 election was passed on during the transition is unknown, but several informants (One, Two, Four, Five and Six), especially those in the military attached to the interagency directorate, did confirm that “awareness of what was going on was palpable from day one, but how much the old man knew was anybody’s guess.

    Everything was still being handled in compartments and very few of us had access to the latest [intelligence] from them out west [Anunnaki in the desert?]” (Four 2004). “The thing that changed everything was the reports coming in from the Naval Observatory and the project that was handling the [astronomical] observations in South America and Australia. By then we knew that this whole thing was for real, and that there were needs superceding the way we were then organized” (One 2002; Four 2004). But it would apparently take nearly six years for pertinent information to reach the summit of power in the White House – even though the interagency directorate was said to have functioned out of the Executive Office Building and one of the subfloors under the White House. Why this took so long, and by what means did Reagan become aware of things concerning the Anunnaki is unknown, and remains so.

          In 1986, then President Reagan met with then Secretary General Gorbachev in Reykjavik, Iceland, for a mini-summit. In a private session, which is said to have included their respective wives, Nancy and Raisa, the foursome is reported to have received a formal briefing on information culled from astrophysical, technological and historical sources concerning what cannot be anything other than the 10th planet in our solar system, the historical record of anthropological and archeo-astronomical information concerning NI.BI.RU. and its inhabitants, and the “apparent civil conflict between members of an asset group [Nibiruan Anunnaki on Earth] and the [NI.BI.RU.-borne] governing body of the incoming” (One 2002). The occurrence of this briefing was verified to have taken place by six of the eleven sources 2 we cultivated over the years.

    It was also said that reference was made during the briefing to “the handling of understanding with those here concerning matters of mutual interest,” which were discussed by the principals and questions asked of the briefers – ostensibly, “senior military officers in civilian clothes” (One 2002; Two 2003; Five 2004) quite possibly attached to the interagency directorate and/or NSA. Additionally, Reagan and Gorbachev both wished to know how extensive was the institutional awareness of this “threat” on the part of the other major powers and industrialized nations of Earth. The answer was said that awareness was highly restricted to “intelligence sharing of certain compartmented information on a need to know basis” and “only with those who’ve assisted us in term of recoveries [of extraterrestrial artifacts] in the past” (Two 2002; Five 2004).

          Issues of national governance raised by both heads of state concerned “both internal issues of disclosure and preparation” (One 2003; Five 2004), “and issues on how to handle them”. Gorbachev was said to be more concerned with the managing of relations with the asset group and its leadership, while the American president was said to have voiced concerns about the position in which the U.S. was finding itself with respect to the asset group on planet surface and what stance was the proper one to take on this matter. The president was said to have been reminded that the information compartment, though inclusive of major aspects, was also still restricted to the highest level, to those having a [certain specific compartment] clearance, “and to those serving on the [National Space] Council,” and that “all previous contacts and understandings with them [the Earthbound asset group] remain in place” (One 2003; Four 2003; Five 2004). The president was also reported to have asked for recommendations on possible options for the handling of the situation at hand.
    It was then said that, as an initial step, Gorbachev recommended the matter be disclosed to the United Nations both privately and publicly “in the strongest possible terms,” but avoiding unnecessary and premature full disclosures. Both heads of state also are said to have requested and received descriptive information on “what these people looked like.” The briefing was said to have been sober and business-like, with the wives remaining quiet and attentive, but with Nancy taking some notes. It was also said they were reminded that the matter would not arise as “a tangible” until the beginning of the second decade of the next century” and that “there was still some time to organize an infrastructure for the handling of contact, intelligence and positioning of assets with the aim of establishing a basis for future diplomacy” (One 2003; Five 2004; Six 2004; Nine 2005).
    Interestingly enough, a relatively short time after the briefing, Reagan publicly addressed the United Nations General Assembly and is reported to have held private meetings with a select group of NATO allies and other industrialized nations (Two 2003; Four 2004). Towards the end of his speech to the Forty-second Session on September 21, 1987, the President said that, "in our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think," continued Reagan, "how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask" -- here comes the clincher -- "is not an alien force ALREADY among us?" The President now tries to retreat from the last bold statement by posing a second question: "What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?"
          There are indications also that Reagan and Gorbachev had already spoken about aliens during their previous Geneva summit. And there are further indications in the public domain that the president had awareness of the presence of “aliens” on Earth. Earlier during the second term, the astrology flap had caught public attention, and when the next time Reagan mentioned “a threat” from outer space, it was a further attention getter. The media was having a field day with horoscopes at the White House when Reagan talked about the possibility of Earth uniting against a threat by "a power from outer space." Although the idea wasn't new for the President, as we shall soon see, this time everybody paid attention. More as a joke than a serious thought, however.

    The AP story on the speech, for example, had the headline, "Reagan follows astrological flap with comment on space invaders." The President first disclosed his thoughts about "an alien threat" during a 4 December 1985 speech at Fallston High School in Maryland, where he spoke about his first summit with General Secretary Gorbachev in Geneva. According to a White House transcript, Reagan remarked that during his 5-hour private discussions with Gorbachev, he told [Gorbachev] to think… "How easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries ..."

          Except for one headline or two, people didn't pay much attention. Not then and not later, when Gorbachev himself confirmed the conversation in Geneva during an important speech on February 17, 1987, in the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow, to the Central Committee of the USSR's Communist Party. Not a High School in Maryland, precisely! There, buried on page 7A of the Soviet Life Supplement, was the following statement:
    "At our meeting in Geneva, the U.S. President said that if the earth faced an invasion by extraterrestrials, the United States and the Soviet Union would join forces to repel such an invasion. I shall not dispute the hypothesis, though I think it's early yet to worry about such an intrusion..."
          It is significant that Gorbachev didn’t consider this to be an incredible proposition; he just said that it's too early to worry about it.

          If Gorbachev elevated the theme from a high school to the Kremlin [Politburo], Reagan upped the ante again by including the "alien threat", not in a domestic speech but to a full session of the General Assembly of the United Nations.  Unlike the off-the-cuff remarks to the Fallston High School, we must assume that the President's speech to the General Assembly was written very carefully and likewise, it merits close consideration. Ronald Reagan has told us that he thinks often about this issue, yet nobody seemed to be paying attention. When the President mentioned on 4 May 1988 in Chicago for the third time the possibility of a threat by "a power from another planet," the media quickly dubbed it the "space invaders" speech, relegating it to a sidebar in the astrology flap. The ET remark was made in the Q&A period following a speech to the National Strategy Forum in Chicago's Palmer House Hotel, where he adopted a more conciliatory tone towards the Soviet Union.

          Significantly, Reagan's remark was made during his response to the question, "What do you consider to be the most important need in international relations?"
    "I've often wondered," the President said, "what if all of us in the world discovered that we were threatened by an outer -- a power from outer space, from another planet." And then he emphasized his theme that this would erase all the differences, and that the "citizens of the world" would "come together to fight that particular threat..." There is a fourth, unofficial, similar statement from Ronald Reagan about this particular subject, which was reported in the New Republic by senior editor Fred Barnes. The article described a luncheon in the White House between the President and Eduard Shevardnatze, during the Foreign Minister's visit to Washington to sign the INF Treaty on September 15, 1987. "Near the end of his lunch with Shevardnadze," wrote Barnes, "Reagan wondered aloud what would happen if the world faced an 'alien threat' from outer space. “Don't you think the United States and the Soviet Union would be together?” he asked. Shevardnadze said, “yes, absolutely. And we wouldn't need our defense ministers to meet."  In terms of secrets, there is also an unconfirmed story of a special screening in the White House of the movie ET years ago, with director Steven Spielberg and a few select guests. Right after the movie, Reagan is reported to have turned to Spielberg and to have had a whispered conversation for a few minutes. Then, as they stood up, Reagan said, more audibly, "There are only a handful of people who know the whole truth about this." If true, Reagan knew.

          During the Reykjavik briefing, it is also reported that both heads of state pushed for the formation of a “response network set to handle aerial reconnaissance, surveillance and chase,” over the national skies of participating nations under an integrated command “ostensibly controlled by the American and Soviet higher commands” (Two 2003; Six 2004). But, as other informants reported, “this suggestion, in practice, met with so much resistance that it was ultimately dropped” (One 2004; Five 2004). Thus, at this juncture and on the basis of informant reports, we can discern neither the extent to which the matter developed and materialized, nor which countries led in the effort.

          In the United States, the president is reported to have formally organized diverse American space security assets under a National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (or NGA), which is said to have been charged with providing “warning systems and means of downward and outward surveillance of matters and astronomical objects of interest to the national security” (Five 2004; Six 2004; Eight 2005). This is said to have been accomplished through a secret presidential executive order (One 2002; Four 2004; Five 2004). The primary concerns at the time were reported to be practical and their nature institutional in tone – what needs to be organized as networks of response to the threat on a case by case basis, how to organize participants and assets, how to orchestrate and make use of assets, and disposal of same under an integrated domestic command when events warranted it (One 2002; Two 2002, 2003; Four 2003, 2004; Five 2005; Seven 2005; Nine 2005).

          On the domestic side, lead in event response was said to have been given to NGA, the National Space Council and its contact committee, and to “a kind of space security czar” (Seven 2005; Eight 2005; Nine 2005). All intelligence agencies, both on the civilian and military sides, were said to have been directed to provide support and assets as needed (Two 2003; Four 2003; Five 2004, 2005; Ten 2005). Another, albeit not fully vetted, informant provided information concerning the formation of what was referred to as a “National Security Council-Augmented” group to provide “specific constituencies within the US Government and certain foreign constituencies” with what was described as “voice participation and recommending function” in discussions of issues and problems connected to presidential tasks, event response situations, and crises (Three 2003). We were not able to verify this report with information from other independent informants, but it is included here because it is suggestive of the institutional response set initiated under Reagan, and because it fits the preparatory and crisis handling patterns following the initiation of institutional responses to the perceived threat.

          Two of our informants (Two and Five) also reported that the initial focus on in-situ Anunnaki declared by Reagan had changed during the next administration, only to have it reversed and amplified in the next two. When queried about these changes in focus as possible institutional inconsistencies, the reply was that “these were not so much structurally driven inconsistencies, either from the White House or from the foreign constituencies, but rather they were more like a floating focus driven by events and situations” (Two 2004), “some of [which] were surface [i.e. domestic and foreign political and military] events and situations stemming from administration policies” (One 2004). In other words, “the pucker factor [fear] was much higher during the administration immediately following Reagan than during any of the other two following, including the present one” (Five 2004; Six 2004; Ten 2005).

    The framework within which the remnant Anunnaki situation was conceived and dealt with was, in the words of Informant Five, “as something ongoing and not readily subject to change. It was something that had to be managed, and managed carefully, choosing levels of engagement as carefully as if dealing with a live cobra” (2005). Interesting choice of words, given the moniker chosen by those who are here – Serpent clan. This meant, Informant Five explained further, that “when, for example, those who are here began making moves to meet and begin securing allegiance and loyalty oaths from members of groups like retired military, retired military intelligence and civilian intelligence people, de facto and ad hoc groups pretty much on their own initiative around the turn of the century, meetings with official US government people started taking place as pro-forma, but in some cases obligatory contacts arranged, managed and conducted from the highest levels. But those who would be sent to meet with them were at most deputy level people” (2005).

          We also asked if, and how, governance was conducted following the institutionalization of what we baptized as the “NI.BI.RU. event response”. Was safety and security (personal, public, institutional) ever an issue at any time? With regard to governance, “once the realization set in that things were not imminent, that the arrival [in southern skies] of the incoming would not be until the second decade of this century, governance as an issue was forestalled by putting in place a multitrack program for managing anything from suppression and disinformation to public information and conditioning – all of that through about damn near 800 ST/SCI/SARs. All in the hands of an umbrella project [not the infamous MJ-12] that had superceded the one that had been handling things for the last forty or fifty years” (Five 2005; Nine 2005).

          Governing was more or less a two track affair after Reagan, according to Informants Four and Seven: “after Reagan and the fall of the Soviet Union, things got a little hairy for a while, but they turned less so after No. 41 [Bush senior] left office and the dust settled in Iraq” (Four 2004). “Governing went back to politics as usual, the winning and losing of elections, etc., on one side, and on the other, not visible side, it became a kind of tap dance – managing carefully requirements by both sides [those who are here and those who are coming] “ (Seven 2005).

          Both sides? Was there formal contact with the home planet before Reagan? Was this contact ongoing? “No to the latter; yes to the former, but through a more self-contained and insulated group who pretty much was left to its own devices for keeping the kisam [Earthbound Anunnaki] happy” (Seven 2005). “It was only after the detection of NI.BI.RU. in the late ‘70s that things went into higher gear” (Four 2004). “When the interagency directorate was set up, things moved to the White House and the tap dance began. Now there were two groups to contend with and the [exo]politics at times would get intense” (Seven 2005).

           Was the group that handled things then the same as that which led the umbrella project mentioned earlier? “Yes, with some additions after the other side [those who were on the incoming] requested and got a formal meeting up in the tundra [unspecified whether in Canada or Alaska, or Antarctica], that’s when things started to get a little crazy, sort of like being between the devil and the incoming rock. But all of that happened before Reagan” (Two 2004; Four 2005; Five 2005; Six 2005).

    Who Are These People? 
          Finally, in a recent round of exchanges with several informants, some of them new ones, we asked them the following question. What are we dealing with here? The extant literature mentions humanoids, grays, reptilians and other kinds of life forms. Which of these are the Anunnaki?  And what do they look like? Their answers were quite enlightening.

          “Let’s start out by saying that we are definitely dealing with biological entities, not altogether more complex than us, except that their cellular electrical capacitance is much higher than ours, which makes them an energetic envelope of much higher bioelectric potential than us. When you are in the presence of one of them, you can feel their presence as if you could cut it with a knife. A very definite force of what could best be described as intention emanates from them” (Eight 2005, 2006). “They are very large, very tall biological specimens, no doubt of that. They can also be best described as looking almost like albinos – white, almost milky white skin, with a sort of sweat or beads of water evident on their skin, like a film – about seven or eight feet in height, very white hair – not gray white, but kind of snow white. Like white wool – yes, kinky white hair, some of them wear it shoulder length, others short, almost close cropped. But you can tell it is kinky. Oh, eyes are red, when you catch them inside in low light and they are not wearing dark, almost black contact-like lenses, but different from ours.

    They always travel in pairs, so if you see one of them, the other is not too far away. This is true of the kisam. Haven’t had the chance of meeting the others [those who went to the original late ‘70s meeting, ostensibly coming from the home planet] so I can’t tell you what they’re like. [I] Imagine they look the same. But you can tell more about them from their presence” (Eleven 2006). It is interesting to note that C. L. Turnage, author of a series of provocative books on the connection between the Bible, Planet X and the Anunnaki (Turnage 2000, 1997, 1996) had also described an encounter with one of them, in which she described them in nearly identical terms (Turnage, personal communication to the senior author, 1997).3  And an entirely similar description of the Anunnaki can also be found in Patrick Cooke’s controversial but well thought out arguments on his website,
    An Emerging Picture
          Governance, as opposed to security, appears to not have been a major issue from the ’79 meeting to the present. The emerging picture concerning governance painted by informant words indicates that the USG continued business as usual both vertically – from the executive apex of the presidency, through its federal departments and agencies, to the state governments in the union – and horizontally – the foreign policy apparatus of the USG continued functioning as expected through its State and Defense departments. What did change was the sense of constituent security – that is, USG had to formally contend with the presence of two Anunnaki camps in conflict with one another, and the additional requirement of dealing with both. The meaning of security also appears to have undergone a subtle, yet quite real metamorphosis. We will briefly discuss this transformation below.

          It is evident from the literature (Good 1988, 1993; 1996, 1999; Maccabee 2000; Dolan 2000; Bryant 2002; Marrs 1998; Salla 2006; Corso 1997) that there is considerable belief based on evidence – some of questionable reliability, and some on verifiable validity – that the USG is involved in a massive cover up of anything from the existence of aliens, alien technologies, technology transfers to the private sector and more. While the focus of this essay is only on Anunnaki affairs and their impact on Earth governance, internal security, near Earth space security and Anunnaki inter-clan conflict, informants have also provided some information on contacts with “aliens” from outside the solar system (e.g., the Angleton tapes and the SERPA TS/SCI referred to by Collins and Doty 2005).

    This appears to reflect a reframing of how USG views the Anunnaki vis-à-vis “the real aliens” (Six 2005). Our current hypothesis is that Anunnaki are currently viewed as “ancestors, not really aliens, but more like people who are like us, probably because they were here before the human race appeared on Earth through them” (Six 2005). This makes sense to us, since we were asked more than once to clarify our questions regarding “aliens” from the “incoming”. Is it that at present lead agencies regard this as a “local” event requiring a “local event response set”? It would seem so. This worldview on Anunnaki presence on Earth would also fit in with the seeming working definition of “those who are here and those from the incoming” as a “local problem” (Six 2005; Eight 2005).

          How, then, has the issue of governance been affected by the double Anunnaki presence since the ’79 meeting? One of the seeming results of the formalized infrastructure specific to this situation is the insulation of the White House from the appearance of real access to UFO information. Two examples of this approach are the handling of the Rockefeller initiative during the Clinton administration (i.e., the involvement of assets said to be with CIA at the time and the White House deft use of UFO/alien humor) in deflecting one of the most delicate exopolitical crisis faced by President Clinton; the other is the style and tenor used by the Bush-43 administration: silence.

    The Anunnaki seem to have forced the USG into a space security structure responsive to two exopolitical constituencies. This is reflected “in the way things get handled,” said Informant Eight. “Looks like everything political is handled by the [National Space] Council and the Vice President as chair. This is where the two tracks originate. One umbrella for TS/SCIs handling the incoming, another umbrella for TS/SCI dealing with those here, and the twain shall never meet. NGA looks like it works with both tracks, but it really is controlled by the other czar for space security. This is one of the most secret functions, “cause from what I can tell, this person is the Executive Officer of the whole space security apparatus” (Eight 2005). We asked some of our informants to describe what they knew of the infrastructure of this “space security apparatus.” Figure 1 is a graphic representation of our understanding of the information at this time.

          The picture emerging from Figure 1 is a political/military, strategic/tactical event response infrastructure designed to enable security assets to be quickly available to a designated Space Security Executive Officer (quite probably someone in the Directorate of National Intelligence as a cover). This infrastructure appears to be transnational in nature and organization, which bespeaks of a highly integrated grid that includes assets from not just the United States but also from a host of foreign countries. Its makes sense that this should be so, given comments made by Informants Eight, Ten, and Eleven (2005, 2006). “Notice that during the Clinton years, that movie Independence Day was the source of much joking about aliens. But I’ll tell you right now, what happened in [that movie] will never happen in reality. The grid is tightly woven and completely interactive – from surveillance to intelligence, counterintelligence to asset disposition, military policy to event response sets – everything has its protocol and policies by which it guides itself.” (Eleven 2005). “Think of it as a huge, extended team.

    The whole thing is based on the assumption that there will be an invasion by superior, technologically more advanced forces. That would be the people from the incoming. So everything is geared toward an event response set that will do its best to disallow beachheads and coordination with whatever fifth column assets they may have on the ground. This is why everything but technology appears to be integrated in common” (Eight 2005). “This is also a response infrastructure where no one is elected to office, but rather appointed at the pleasure of the people at the [National Space] Council level. I also have reason to believe there is input in this from the NGA and the compact. But when you look and see who is in position, it’s not just Americans on the ground, though a large majority are Americans. A lot of them come from across the pond and some as far as Moscow” (Ten 2006). And the PRC – the Chinese? “Well, that’s a problem – political one right now, but it could become more than that in the next few years. The key to that may well be Iran, unless the Russians are able to solve the heavy water issue to everyone’s satisfaction, especially ours” (Ten 2006).
    Our interpretation of the USA/transnational “crisis mode” space security, intelligence, and event response grid at present:

    National Security Council
    White House/President USA
    National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
    National Space Council
    United States
    Intelligence Community
    United States Military Services
    United Nations Space Security Compact
    Transnational security and intelligence bi-national and compact agreements
    Space Security Executive Officer

          Our anecdotal data indicates that the infrastructure represented in Figure 1 is most likely a blend of response sets, which include the management of Earthbound Anunnaki interests, USA and USA/transnational compact interests, and a definition of space security forced upon the latter by the need to carefully handle two constituencies in conflict with one another. We showed Figure 1 to all informants, except Three and Five. A surprising consensus became manifest as each was able to peruse it and react to what it depicted. “It is accurate to say that it is a grid,” said Informants Six and Seven (2006). “Each function on this graph [Figure 1] has specific concerns,” added Informant Nine (2006). Each of them agreed on the descriptors assigned to the functions represented on the Figure 1 grid, offered in smaller font.

          The grid is most definitely not the infrastructure of a political democratic institution. It appears to be military in tone and tenor, and it is obviously designed to handle crisis situations. Much like the present war economy of the United States, it is deeply rooted in corporate-like response sets to specific, segmented constituencies, to which those beholden to the powers that be must appease, court, kowtow, and fear – yet, they must be protected and held in fearful respect. Protection, in the words of one of our informants, is not just in terms of advance notice of arrivals of advance parties from the home planet; “it also involves the use of people who obey them implicitly, and who are in positions of considerable power by their pleasure and for their benefit. Let me give you a clear example of what we’re talking about. Secret groups in the military and on the intelligence services have mushroomed considerably. If you get to know the deity they serve, you’ll come up with a cluster of names that, when you look back in time, you’ll see an unexpected correlation. You’ll hear the Greek and Egyptian names for these guys, but they are the same ones from ancient Iraq [Mesopotamia]. They are using these groups in the same way they used the artisan and merchant groups back then – as intelligence gathering and dirty-works squads that will terrorize those that rise against them” (Eight 2006; Nine 2005).

    “However,” Informant Eleven warned, “don’t think that they penetrate everybody’s mind with the fear of God. No, not at all. All they have to do is gain control of the lives of people who can get others to do their masters’ bidding, and that’s that! It’s both subtle and also very brutal. Let me give you another example. I was present at [a Fall 2003 meeting in which both sides bid for the allegiance and loyalty of ex-military, ex-intelligence and others still serving in government] and the styles are different as night and day. Both understand that everything is based on conscious consent. The newcomers appealed to our better nature, carefully explaining their position and why they were here, talking to us. The choice was pretty much ours, and the consequences of joining them was also ours. They knew that, and told us so. I’d call them straight shooters. Now, the other ones, those who are here, mimicked the approach of those who were from the home planet, but the feeling tone of their words was cold as hell. You just knew you did not go against their will, against their vector intention. Just being there scared hell out of you! It did me. So what do you do in that situation? Temporize, and then temporize some more. You can lie to them, but your word is your bond, and then they got you.” (2006).

          Eight expanded on the subject. “Though I wasn’t at the session [Informant Nine] is talking about, I can tell you how they operated at [the Army base where this individual had run across an Anunnaki pair assigned to that post]. There was a bunch of special ops guys at [that base] and they were doing something with them. One of [the two Anunnaki] was by the [barrack in front of which the special ops group was assigned]. I was going by and there was this black noncom who the tall one singled out. He asked him what was his wish [for post-training assignment] and the tech sergeant said he wanted to go to medic school. Tall blondie told him his wish was granted, but that later he [the Anunnaki] would keep track of him and ask him to do things for him. I knew the E-8 [sergeant] and I saw his face when the tall dude said that to him. What I saw was naked, raw fear” (2006). “I had a chance to have a beer with him [the E-8] later, and he would not talk about what happened, and told me to forget I ever saw him in the presence of [the tall blond].”
          What Needs To Be Protected And Why
          As Informants Eight, Nine and Ten put it, “when you understand why all of this is in place, you’ll understand what is really going on at the ground level. That means [that] the folks here [Anunnaki on Earth] feel the pinch of proximity. As [Eight] told you before, these guys have a lot invested down here. As near as I can tell, they’ve been here for eons and want to continue at the top of the food chain. There are also harvesting programs they’re invested in, not just us. Think of this as seeds planted long ago that have been coming home to roost. The thing is, when these people want something, they will get it at any level of our constituted government they can. They get their way because we fear them. At least that’s the culture I come from now. This is not to say it’s been different in the past. No. It has not! We’re tools for them, big time.

    There are companies. . . , private companies . . .  set up just to assist them in what they want. Think of them as kinda proprietaries operated by their own people, and I mean tall albino-looking men and women. Their favorites are biotech and aerospace” (Ten 2006). Ten clarified things: “Hold on just a sec! The kisam are not the only ones doing it. So are the Useanesda [loyal lord protectors of the “King’s house” or “The Kingdom” (Nibiru)]. But these people are well aware of what the ones here want and are doing to get what they want. That’s why we’re in the middle, or more precisely, why we’re caught in the middle of things. The perspective at ground level is very different from the ones inside the beltway or anywhere out west. They don’t get to interact and get caught in the middle of their little war, as we are. That’s why it can get tense, if you know what I mean. [Scientists] who won’t go along to get along just. . . , well, disappear” (Ten 2006) “Or get taken out” (Eight 2006). “And then there is all the initiatives on Mars and the Moon” (Eight 2006; Nine 2006; Eleven 2006)
    “What’s in it for them?” The question, as Ten posed it, was much more than rhetorical, as it would turn out. “Well, think about it. We’re the hands they use to get their numbers up, their next generation people. This is what has [those coming in] their jockeys up in a bunch. We’re talking about longevities comparable to theirs [people from the incoming] and longer, which is a core issue in their little civil war. Can we use these [technologies] for us? God help us if we did. Now, part of the problem up to now has been that [the project umbrella of SCIs under which relations with those who are here is handled] has been so fragmented that coordination, while fair at the top, we can feel things slipping. There are too many fronts to contend with [i.e., other groups active on Earth’s surface] and resources getting pulled off or diverted to handle [issues and crises with these ‘other groups’]. But that’s not the only thing they’re in for. They’re also in for the control and sitting up at the top of things. We’re their servants, in more ways than one. I don’t care what all the other so called ‘initiatives’ may have produced” [at this juncture, Ten went off on a tangent about the early Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Rockefeller/Kennedy, and Johnson initiatives vis-à-vis Earthbound Anunnaki], “they’re still holding us right where they want us and we are still acting like ninnies. We may be getting things on the quid pro quo set up with them a while back [under Truman and Eisenhower] but, oh, well. So, take your pick, (long pause) but as for me, I think we’re so vested in defending them against all enemies, off-world and domestic, it’s not even funny anymore” (Ten 2006).

          Nine’s perspective seemed broader, but he made up for this by being even more cryptic than on other occasions. “But you don’t understand the stakes,” he started out replying to Ten. “We’re not as supple at [the White House and NGA] levels as you might think. Also, you gotta remember that we were serving a much larger constituency than just the Oval Office. Oh, they played a key role on the political, PR and control side of things. But they were just one more constituency in the way things were set up. Real control’s always been in the hands of the [space security executive officer] and the chairman [of the National Space Council, which is the U.S. Vice President]. So if we’re protecting things ourselves, it’d have to be this. Imagine, not a single one of them was elected by anyone [except for the U.S. Vice President]. As to the kisam, we’re well integrated with them and they with us. What’s always troubled me is that by doing this and being so, we’re on the cross-hair of the Useanesda. Does this mean a war with them? No, there are not indications of that at all. What gets me worried is the sorting out we expect will happen when they get here. The [certain U.S. middle eastern ally] already have good relations with them [who are on the incoming] and their intelligence service and our event response CI work together well.

    But we can’t expect favors simply by association. Being on the so-called ‘right side’ doesn’t immunize us from repercussions from them [those returning]. However, everything on the table says we can expect they will assist, but not fight on our side, on whatever comes out of the Iran situation, which is the one we really are tracking very closely” (Nine 2006). And the clan conflict? What does it do in our framing of our own imperatives and policies? “Interesting how you put it. . . imperatives. . . , I don’t think we’ve ever used it in connection to setting course on anything while I was in [service]. Tell you the truth, I for one don’t get a sense of what are our imperatives under the present circumstances. That is, aside from not getting our nuts caught in a double wringer. [Long pause] I’d have to say, though – well, it’s obvious to me at least – that, as a species we are them, like it or not. Everything I’d seen says our genomes are one or two letters per million from being the same, in a matter of speaking” (Nine 2006)
    EN.KI – Lord Earth

    “What concerns me the most is that we are being played by allies and supposed foes alike, and for the same reasons. Back to the Iran thing here for a moment. If there are imperatives we hold dear, it is to side with Israel in what’s coming, and not get drawn into what NATO will more than likely get pulled into in regards to the Iranian nuclear issue. No one can afford a rogue in that region, and the strings being pulled from the lake down in Africa are not responding in Tehran, I don’t think. Does this affect us? You bet. Governance, safety and security? Hell, yes! And all of this while things that are quite significant to us are reported to have happened [on the incoming] from the last meeting we had with them last year. There’s been an apparently drastic realignment of personalities in the clan clash. Seems the old man of the leader here went to the king’s side, and the king’s not the one the Russian Jew wrote about [in oblique reference to Sitchin]. Same with the surface leader’s brothers, both the one who lived down in Africa as well as the one who reigned in Egypt and then got exiled to the New World for a spell.”

    The authors responded to the news with raised eyebrows, indicating our surprise at the depth of knowledge on Nine’s part. He was obviously referring to Nergal and Ningishzidda, both sons of the EN.KI. [Lord Earth] and brothers of the surface leader. Nine simply grinned and continued. “Oh, yeah. We [where he worked before retirement] took the Russian Jew’s scholarship to task and found him to be a high percenter [i.e., one who keeps scoring very, very high on matters that were important to his agency] by doing our own homework. So the fellow here [leader to Earthbound Anunnaki] is feeling the pinch of loss. The conflict’s now naked, and them who are coming are here setting up their own CI and other clandestine programs, in the same way those who are here have done for decades, if not centuries – through third parties and minions” (Nine 2006). We asked him then just how did he know of this. He leaned back, looked us straight in the eye, and said. “Because after the meeting last year, they [from the incoming’s delegation] tried to recruit me and others. That’s how!”4 
          Our informants made it abundantly clear to us that Earthbound Anunnaki are masters of those in positions of power within the political/economic/religious/military grid, through whom they could influence the creation of third-party conflicts. What we were not aware of is the Earthbound Anunnaki’s direct projection of might and technological superiority – apparently exercised for the first time in the late 1940s or early 1950s, in a gesture of raw, naked, and very aggressive power (Eight, Nine, Ten 2005/2006). Other informants have also mentioned this event, but we could not evince or extract any corroborating evidence or documentation from them at the time, or establish which, and if, the event or events constituting the muscle flexing had been reported in the public domain under some other category. This is a line of research we continue to pursue.

          However, during the course of the interviews, we were once again offered indicia of Anunnaki political, economic, religious and military influence and control as patterns of events, intervening sociopolitical and socioeconomic infrastructures specific to these patterns, hints of a who’s who of Anunnaki leadership and follower cadres as recurrent membership of often interlocking boards of directors, boards of regents, and boards of trustees of organizations and companies in the USA, Europe, Asia, Africa and Middle East. We were also given hints of the “sub-rosa level of influence” (Nine 2006) as indications of the secret or occult groups serving as conduits for downward information and tasking conveyance and as upward conveyors of intelligence and counter-intelligence information within their specific organizational focus, membership ranks and reach.
    In the next section, we will explore the hints given, the indicia generated, and the patterns found.  Hints:
          In the course of searching the literature and the internet on topics mentioned above, we came across unexpected pearls and some surprisingly candid exposes of information sets that were also mentioned to us by informants orally. While the SCI/project umbrella is still classified,5 we have come across information which, when correlated with informant data, have clarified much of our initial indicia of Anunnaki influence and control patterns, their infrastructures, and their follower cadres. Also early on in 2001 (before 9-11) as we tried to grasp the extent and qualitative characteristics of Anunnaki influence and control, we made the mistake of thinking like Earthbound exopolitical analysts. We thought in terms of what they were doing to us and what effect this had on human governance, security, political, economic, religious and military affairs. Our shift in perspective came about slowly over time, and mostly thanks to the insightful and thoughtful explanations and discussions held with Informant Nine.

    This individual kept insisting that we look at them as being the driving force – the source of powerful appeal to the baser instincts and ego drives in human beings who willingly consent to being co-opted into “the team” by promises and bestowals of wealth, power, influence, sexual favors, control, access to resources, membership in socioeconomic spheres of likeminded and like-disposed men and women, establishment of circles of a cult-of-personality centered upon he who says he is the King of the kings of the world, and elevation of position by control of rewards upon blind obedience and loyalty to the vector from which rewards come. As we so did, it became easier to understand how Anunnaki influence and control was applied and exerted at all levels of the political/economic/military/religious/security/governance grid in the United States and the USA/transnational network.

          As we gained awareness of the extent of Anunnaki penetration of the political, economic, social, religious, military, security and governance circles on Earth, we also came to the tentative conclusion that to understand their power and influence (both exerted over those whom they control, and projected through third party loyalists and minions) we needed to take hints of things from two perspectives: from the Anunnaki leader’s Council of Twelve on Earth (which reportedly does not include any Earth humans) and from the viewpoints of each of the ten “kings of Earth” formalized by the Anunnaki in the last sixty or seventy years.

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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:58 am

    This is a continuation of the previous post. Please notice the names Marduk and Ra. Are they really the same individual?? Might they be the Ancient Egyptian Deity I keep referring to?? Carefully studying these two posts might make it more difficult to laugh at me!! The individual who looked me in the eye, and said "I AM RA!!" might've been an agent or a crackpot, but they sure seemed to play the part extremely well (based upon my limited research and experience). I played along, without committing to anything (such as signing on the dotted line). I've recently encountered some very rude individuals, who obviously knew about my internet-posting. I recently saw an Individual of Interest, and they watched me from a distance, but we didn't converse.

          Informants were often quizzed about Anunnaki and their organization. In this regard, we received two hints from more than one informant, phrased in similar fashion. Here we italicized the operative terms:
          One: How are they organized and ranked? Follow the leader and decipher the pair constellation order.
          Two: Who of the early ones is the top dog now? The Man from the Gateway.
          These hints led us to the tentative conclusion that the man from the gateway (Babili or Gateway of the Gods) was the leader – none other than MAR.DUK. (son of the bright mound). This then meant the pair constellation referred to him, members of his immediate family, and their wives. We knew then that the active ones on the surface were MAR.DUK., GI.BIL. (a son of MAR.DUK.), and NA.BU. (the leader’s oldest son). We also knew from Sitchin that MAR.DUK’s official consort was ZAR.PA.NIT., but we have not had confirmation as to who the official consorts of the sons are. This information was corroborated by that obtained by the senior author from C. L. Turnage in the late 1990s (Turnage 1998, personal communication). Then, in 2003, the junior author met Informant Six, who had mentioned an additional name in reference to a November 2003 meeting at Homestead AFB as being an Anunnaki in leadership position: NUS.KUM. (official consort unknown). So the Earthbound Anunnaki Council of Twelve (or governing council) nomenklatura is most probably composed as shown below.
    Table 1 – Probable membership and ranking order of Earthbound Anunnaki
    Council of Twelve Membership
    Male   Order    Female  Order
    Marduk  60    Zarpanit  55
    Nabu   50    Unknown  45
    Gibil   40    Unknown  35
    Unknown  30    Unknown  25
    Unknown  20    Unknown  15
    Nuskum  10    Unknown   5

          We found the ranking order of great interest and some surprise, in part confirming what we had already suspected: Marduk’s sin against the Kingdom includes pretension to the throne of Earth (as King of Kings) and Heaven (as King of NI.BI.RU. as well). The rank order of 60, according to Sitchin (confirmed to us by Turnage) belongs to the King of NI.BI.RU. only. By awarding himself the rank of 60, Marduk signals that he is also king of the incoming planet. The surprise in the council was the presence of Nuskum, a majordomo and servant of the EN.LIL while the latter was still on Earth through approximately 700 BCE.

          The supreme leader, a title used by more than one informant in reference to the Anunnaki leader, has quite apparently established a cult-of-personality leadership style, wherein Council of Twelve power resides in an imperial leader (Turnage, personal communication, 1998), not in the more collegial, consensus-centered style ascribed to the internal politics of the Anunnaki Kingdom’s court and governing body (Sitchin 1976, 1990). We also received indications that both NA.BU. and GI.BIL. function with powers of ministers with portfolios, though we do not have any information on function for each of them at this time. And we also received oblique confirmation that NER.GAL. nor NIN.GISH.ZI.DA., kin brothers both to MAR.DUK. are patently absent from any leadership roles in the earthly Council. If this is correct, it can only be due to their reported cementing of allegiance and relationship to and with the King – purportedly to be none other than NAN.NAR., the man who had been in charge of UR. (Turnage personal communication 1998). This latter indication raises the expectation that MAR.DUK., himself not a scientist, must depend on human minions for much of the purported biotechnological ventures embarked on by earthly humans for and on his behalf. Besides reported contacts with humans at loyalty sessions6 said to be carried out on American military bases (Army and Air Force), we could not find any indications of actual, direct contacts between Anunnaki leadership and human loyalists – except in the scientific field, where several informants have given us information on the presence of Anunnaki at underground installations and laboratories on the U.S. mainland (Informant Nine, Ten, and Eleven) and on certain military bases (Informant Nine, Six, and Five).

          So how, then, would Anunnaki and humans interface in the pursuit of programs said to have been laid out by the Anunnaki supreme leader, for and on whose behalf humans worked and served at the apparent pleasure and dispensation from the latter? Again, hints helped very much in guiding our decipherments. We asked questions of informants who had provided us with information before. However, replies to our questions were not given at the time of the meeting in which they were asked. They would come on the next time we’d meet.
          Q.   How do Anunnaki have humans organized?
          A.   Follow the toes of Daniel and the hills of the last book.
          Toes? Hills? Last book? We wrestled with this hint for nearly nine months, before running into a truck driver at a truck stop restaurant in Casa Grande, Arizona, on a research trip to Texas. We were having lunch, as we met Robert – a driver who was then “a part time road preacher and former black sheep.” We talked about many things, and we shared with him about our Journal of End Time Studies project. He, in turn, told us about several pastors well versed on the book of revelation, and turned us on to a series of books by a man from Ohio, Larry Wilson. So we took a chance and asked Robert to decipher the meaning of the hint, without telling him what or why we were asking. It was child’s play to him. He immediately told us it referred to the “10 toes of Daniel’ or “kings of the world” who appear before the rise of the “lawless one,” and the seven oros (Greek) or hills of Revelation, representing the seven religions of the world. With this piece in place, we took on the next hint – which was a follow on the one before.,How is this organization delivering on Anunnaki program(s) designed to bring about their bidding? Each king is a shepherd and a center of its own constellation.
    Probable metaorganization of earthbound Anunnaki influence/control
    Help came on this one in the form of a series of conference call phone conversations with three of our informants (Five, Six, and Nine) in early 2006. We asked in the course of the second one the very question above, and were made aware that we must first ask ourselves what the Anunnaki bidding (i.e., programs) were, and only then look at how a “king” and its constellation are organized to bring about the objectives of the group(s) under him. As we shall see, at the end we will have to deal with three exopolitical perspectives: the Earthbound Anunnaki(kisam), the Kingdom Anunnaki(Useanesda), and ours as a species or biokind. We started deciphering what the metaorganization of the Anunnaki phenomenon is to gain some understanding of their objectives and plans. Figure 2 helped us to graphically think about the interrelationships among the parts of the whole.

          Informant Eleven (2006) and Informant Nine (2005, 2006) were our conduits for the hints, so we went back to them for decipherment of their meaning. The result is information graphically represented in Figure 2. Our present understanding of the emerging picture in this regard centers around a kind of “nested double wheel” metastructure that combines Earthbound Anunnaki and a group of ten power centers each headed by one human who then is said to sit on a grand council whose leader is reported to have direct contact with the Council of Twelve – and quite possibly the self-appointed King of kings himself (i.e., Marduk). The emerging construct presented some problems at the time. One consisted of what were the power centers referred to by Eleven and Nine. The other was the geographic (or GPS) location of these groups on Earth surface.
          Power Centers   
          Nine asked that we look at what is happening in the world today and follow the seeming conflagration of conflicts and discern the forces operating sub-rosa (i.e., below the surface). Conflict, we were warned, would not necessarily mean war, as in armed conflict. Instead, conflict (or more properly, a drama of control and hegemony) was said to be dramatized confrontation of forces or vectors with a specific target audience or audiences, procuring a sociopolitical response often involving fear. In other words, “look for the groups and countries you are told to fear, for whatever reason” (Nine 2005), and “the bloodless political dramas that look more like saber rattling than armed skirmishes” (Eleven 2006), “ask yourselves, for whose benefit is this drama being staged and what are the benefits for the drama producers” (Nine 2006).

          In the course of our analysis, we were able to identify to our satisfaction ten such power centers: the American/NATO group, the Russia/mafia group, the Japan, Inc. group, the China, Inc. group7, the OPEC group, the Cartel/Triads councils group, the supply margin economic/political groups in Latin America and Africa headed by Brazil (Latin America) and South Africa (Africa), the seven members of the ecumenical community led by the Roman Pope, the two trigger states, Iran and North Korea (as a wild card group), and the economic/political group known as the G-8.8 What do they all have in common? Eleven (2006) and Nine (2006) put it in perspective for us.

          “When you look at the G-8 and include the China issue in the mix, examine the way in which the G-20 and the G-8 work together. Take a closer look at who are the people involved at these levels, and then have a good look at who is involved in the so-called 300 Committee, and you may see some of the same names. Then look at the composition of some of the major corporate entities from these countries and see who serves as ‘consultants’ to the delegations – sometimes as outright delegation members of these countries – and you’ll see how the grid is formed” (Nine 2006). “But what you call the grid is not just political or economic as state entities coming together. There are also what those on the outside would regard as ‘marginalized’ power groups, which are not marginal at all. These are the Vatican and the Cartel/Triad groups, who also sit in as ‘observers’ in some of the meetings of the G-8 and G-20 sessions. They’re all in it together!” (Eleven 2006). So we started looking into these groups mentioned by our informants.
    Pyramidal information flow and command/control strategic arrangement of each power center for the fulfillment of Anunnaki exopolitical objectives

    On the internet, our first visit was to the Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions (PEHI). There are hundreds of institutes, centers, institutions and groups painstakingly listed and described by Joel van der Reijden. We began to follow Joel’s research, with the intent of piecing together a correlated list of members. But the more we reviewed available indicia from Joel’s website, as well as the myriad of links he provides curious readers, it became evident that the collection of hidden institutes, centers, institutions and groups whose members are varied by nationality, background, religious orientations and affiliations, level of wealth, and circles of enfranchisement (i.e., the sphere of influence in which each becomes a part of this seemingly seamless web) was neither monolithic nor devoid of disagreements and infighting. But the tone is set from above and not dictated by self-interests of the membership of hidden institutions, according to Nine. The PEHI website articles offer several examples of how this takes place.
    Who, then, are the penultimate puppet masters, to borrow a van der Reijden term, and what are the layers to the top?
    If we are to take Nine seriously, each of the ten “kings” are the pinnacle of what must be a human pyramidal hierarchy of information flow (intelligence going upward) and command/control (policies and directives going downward). Furthermore, the logical extension of this metastructure would indicate that the same pyramidal information flow/command and control arrangement applies to each of the ten power center “kings.” What would each one of the pyramids be like? Our understanding of what each must perform is represented in Figure 3, suggested by van der Reijden’s interpretation of information flow and event-response strategic structure he refers to as “the globalist movement and secret knowledge”. See

    Each power center then organizes itself by establishing a centralized decision-making group at the top, a network of organizations interlinked vertically to the controlling group and horizontally to the operational networks of other power centers, military/special operations/intelligence networks set up for enforcement of organizational network policies and decisions coming down from the control group at the top, and action groups to intervene in ordinary international politics (whose involvement in such political activities reflect extreme consonance with the exopolitical interests and operational objectives of the action sphere of the power center). Nine and Ten, on one occasion, pointed out to us that “the connection between groups happens at all levels and all the time, like a hive that looks out for some invisible queen” (Nine 2006). “And all of these people seem to work out of a single position paper that is damn near always the script for the framing of whatever situation or crisis that comes down the pike. It is also something of a blueprint for policies that seemed to me to cut across a wide swath of organizations, not just here (U.S.) but also internationally” (Ten 2006). So where did this coordination and centralized policy making emanate from?

          We had heard of certain people who had been referred to by these two informants as the Olympians. Not until running across the information gathered, collated and analyzed by Joel van der Reijden, a former intelligence officer with the Dutch intelligence service, did we make the connection with the 300 Committee – the seeming human pinnacle of the invisible pyramid we’d been constructing to gain some understanding of how the earthbound Anunnaki could be exercising command and control without disclosing their physical presence and their exopolitical objectives. Our main source on this group comes from John Coleman’s book, Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (Coleman 1992). But we also took pains to research clearly significant aspects of his book we found pertinent to the pattern of influence, control and reshaping of the world’s major national military powers by the Tavistock Institute’s programs and policies largely driven by what Coleman refers to as the 300 Committee.

    We quietly researched indicia on the connection between these groups, the free-masons (Scottish Rite) and the Anunnaki Ningishzidda. From several groups across the United States, we found indications (in conversations involving tertiary sources) that such secret societies indeed work as a sub-rosa intelligence service controlled by “an ever widening and quite convoluted grouping of 33rd degree Masonic groups beholden to East Coast and European organizations nobody’s heard about” (Nine 2006 and additional tertiary sources). Who is the god to which these people direct their entreaties? None other than to the Hermes (Ningishzidda) of Egyptian lore. And yet, our intelligence on this particular Anunnaki indicates that he had changed sides, now said to be in service to the rightful Anunnaki King, Nannar (Turnage 1997, personal communication to the senior author; Nine 2005; tertiary sources). Is this patent disinformation on the part of Masonic leaders to their own? Or a ruse whereby the claim to subordination of an important figure, such as Ningishzidda, to the will and purpose of the supreme Earthbound Anunnaki leader a part of his plan? It is known that he had the Babylonian Enuma Elish rewritten to suit his purposes (see Sitchin 1985). Is this another rewrite of history to claim his own brother as being in his rank and file, thereby counting on Ningishzidda’s technological and scientific prowess? This remains a mystery as of this writing.

          The Olympians, nevertheless, remain at the top of the pyramidal metastructure of Anunnaki influence, control and command of earthly minion international organizations and institutions. The work of the PEHI and van der Reijden indicates this to be so. As to what are the policies, purposes and objectives of each of the “kings” and the 300 Committee is beyond the scope of this essay. Work in this area continues, and will be reported in future essays.
    Locations on Earth
            The other problem presented by our emerging construct lay in the location of these power centers and, in particular, the central command-and-control center for the Anunnaki leadership on Earth. At the outset, in 2001, we started by looking at each of the geographic locations commonly associated with each of the centers. We then focused on the probable main metropolitan centers where identifiable headquarters were located. And finally we simply realized the interconnections of each of the organizations at each of the levels (see Figure 3) defied mere geographic positioning. Therefore, we began to focus on the probable location(s) of the earthbound Anunnaki on the Earth. Indicia received in information from Informants One, Three and Four (2005, 2006) led us to Puerto Rico and the Ngongoro region of the Great Rift Valley, in the Serengeti National Park of Tanzania, Africa (see Maps 1, blue circle, and Map 2 red circle). While on the road in the USA, both of us had chances to set up meetings with four former special operations personnel who, according to Three and Four, had served in Tanzania (along with British SAS team) protecting a “highly classified underground compound” located in the area.

    Each of these men was, at the time of our individual meetings with each of them, an owner-operator truck driver. All of them, independently of each other, confirmed for us that there was Anunnaki presence in the area, including craft activity. Only one of them reported to have had a chance to “go down the chute to the platform level.” These men also confirmed that there was occasional military activity brought against the compound by “forces that were part of the local war between Rwandan, Congolese and Tanzanian groups, with us usually as the prize for the victor. But they didn’t count of about 300 well armed, well trained Americans and Brits manning the perimeter.” The period was said to be “in the mid- to late ‘80s.” With regard to Puerto Rico, we were not able to confirm any of the reports received concerning the El Yunque region, near the U.S. naval base at Roosevelt Roads, in northeast Puerto Rico – except for a number of confirmed “disappearances” of people in the Experimental Forest area near the naval base, and the unusual number of albinos in the area.

          Finally, our review of the literary revealed to us a paucity of serious discussion about Anunnaki penetration of earthly political, economic, military, religious, social and intelligence structures. To us, the main concern about aliens on Earth seemed to be the presence of multiple groups whose origin, biologic typing, biophysical characteristics, and exopolitical objectives spanned a wide range of issues, most of them given mythical, speculative and hypothetical treatments. As to the Anunnaki, Sitchin’s last Earthbound Anunnaki book pertinent to our understanding of the basis for their policies in these End Times came out in 1998. Of all of his books, only a portion of the last chapter of his Genesis Revisited  (Sitchin 1990) is useful in the decipherment of possible and probable exopolitical Anunnaki Earthbound policies. Why is it? Was he approached by elements from the grid we are suggesting in this essay and told to not go any further regarding the Anunnaki presence on Earth in the late 20th century? It is quite possible, as we have sent emails to his son Eric concerning these questions but have yet to receive replies.

    So, in the absence of any public domain documentation focusing directly on our final concern in this essay, we are again forced to piece together what we consider to be an educated, albeit speculative, mosaic of probable policies for the Earthbound Anunnaki – in particular, for Marduk who, as Turnage (1998, personal communication) had once said, “must now once again face his real nemesis, Nannar, and not just the King’s warrior, Ninurta.” What, then, would be driving Earthbound Anunnaki policies implemented and enforced by the subservient, sub-rosa metastructure of networks at Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4, as identified in Figure 3? And, specifically, why these policies? In considering these questions, we must walk in their moccasins to grasp the circumstances driving his (and their) choices; we also have to take into consideration the probable policies and imperatives of the incoming Kingdom. And last, but definitely not least, we must examine the probable scenarios which will evolve as consequences of present course of events and current levels of control and influence over the population of the planet by the aforementioned grid. The last two sets are beyond the scope of this essay. Future essays are planned by the authors to examine questions concerning the probable Kingdom’s objectives and the choices we face in the next 50 to 100 years.
          Probable Scope of Earthbound Anunnaki Exopolitical Policies
          We share, with others, that the driving force behind probable Anunnaki policies in the 21st century is Marduk, and his bipolar objectives: to increase his numbers, and to delay the inevitable confrontation with the newly appointed EN.KI-equivalent returning on the incoming (One 2004, Two 2004, Nine 2005, Eleven 2006). Our current intelligence on Marduk is that he is what could best be described as a generalist in terms of education and training originally conducted by his father, the EN.KI., while in Egypt quite probably during the first two Anunnaki (or divine) pharaohs (Pta [the EN.KI. himself] and Ra [Marduk]).

          Lacking the profound knowledge of the Tree of Life (consisting of biology, biotechnology and bioenergetics) given by the EN.KI. to Ningishzidda, Marduk very likely had to do with what biotechnical wherewithal he could find among his rank and file to advance his cause on Earth. What would be his primary concern vis-à-vis the forces of the incoming Kingdom? Numbers! More specifically, the number of Anunnaki in his ranks. Tactically and strategically speaking, we suspect that he is realizing, or has arrived at, a limitation of range and reach, given the Anunnaki numbers (reportedly to be in the 330 range) available under his command. We know from tertiary sources who once served in special operations of high above black SCIs that Anunnaki targets had been sanctioned in the past, and more than one had perished at the cross hair of snipers of unknown source control. So it is not surprising to learn they now work in pairs, whenever appearing in the open (e.g., US military installations), nor unexpected to learn that the Department of Defense is implementing plans to increase the number of special operation forces and placing them under a centralized command structure (though the reasons circulated had to do with the new definition of the new model of a more “highly mobile and responsive force” reportedly being pushed currently by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld.
    An Outline of the Probable Consequences of the “Increased Numbers” Anunnaki Priority
          When we learned from One, Two, Nine, and Eleven that Marduk and his Anunnaki cohort considered increasing their numbers on Earth, we asked ourselves what policies and programs would this translate into, and what would be the consequences to humankind from our collective viewpoint. Furthermore, what weaponry would come off from their push of this priority upon their minions?

          As we proceeded with our reasoning, we also asked ourselves just what would be reasons powerful enough for Marduk to invest time, resources and political capital in developing the means to increase Anunnaki numbers loyal to him on Earth. We undertook the “walk in his moccasins” exercise we devised for the occasion, and began to look at the exopolitical landscape from his point of view. The man sits atop a highly volatile network of organizations that must require expenditure of time, manipulation, control, command and sensitivity to real-time intelligence to maintain hegemony over ten satraps. In spite of his millennia of experience with lulu (human) shepherds, there is the inescapable reality of normal, traditional political manipulation and cajoling to get his program underway and moving forward on target.

    This would mean a rather complex and hierarchical system of rewards and punishments based on fear, retribution, regal attention, and access. It would also mean a system of gatekeepers and consequence managers, who would implicitly carry out the supreme leader’s will and programs, unquestioningly and faithfully. This, we now have strong reasons to believe, is the primary function of his so-called “kings of the world.” In this regard, there is also a considerable ego-factor which, according to Nine and Eleven, would allow him to eventually crown himself King of kings.9

          As we began to explore this issue, we realized that besides their reduced numbers, the Earthbound Anunnaki faced a corollary problem: too many lulus on Earth! If the EN.LIL (lord of the command) made the decision in council not to make humans aware of the impending flood some 12,800 years ago (Sitchin 1976, 1990; Allan and Delair 1997, 1994), the excess human population on Earth in these end times would have to be disposed of by other means – war, pestilence, hunger, disease, drugs, etc. Even a cursory review of van der Reijden’s work shows that many of the organizations listed by him as being engaged in sub-rosa work are devoted to the destabilization and self-destruction of institutions, duly constituted governments, and entire peoples of Earth.

    In itself, this constitutes another complex field of study, and would therefore be beyond the scope of our present essay. Suffice it say that this appears to be, indeed, a working aspect of the tasks entrusted to the Anunnaki network of minion organizations. Again, this appears to be carried within a framework of complete, plausible deniability for Marduk and his Council of Twelve who, when the time arrives for him to make his appearance on Earth will afford him a relatively pristine PR image – one which, we suspect, he will make use in advancing his anticipated program of complete domination of all aspects of life, limb and survival on Earth, if we are to take the prophecies in Daniel and Revelations as true which, we might add, we do.
    Where do these policies leave us, biokind of the Earth panspermed by Anunnaki some 250,000 years ago? Obviously, an institutional response to the situation generated by these interpretations of Anunnaki influence and policies is out of the question, as the institutions which govern and order our lives are eminently penetrated and controlled by the very vectors we see are out to destroy us. Therefore, we suggest our response sets need to be extrainstitutional and more formless and decentralized but thoroughly integrated. Perhaps Al-Qaida could teach us a thing or two. This is not to say we suggest open and direct action against the institutions and organizations our indicia are showing to be associated with Anunnaki priorities and programs. Does that mean we also need a Bin Ladin-like leader, whose ethereal nature makes him a moving target hard to hit? No, not at all. And we are also not suggesting it.

          What we are suggesting is not a war or even resistance to Marduk or those who carry out his plans and objectives. This would be, indeed, futile (to borrow a phrase from Roddenberry and his Star Trek Next Generation paradigm). What we are suggesting, instead, is the development of a network of canton-like like-minded and like-disposed peoples who accept, realize, choose to, and develop means to open themselves to possibilities. We know The Kingdom is coming back, and The Kingdom and humankind are bound to each other by genetic makeup and past, some of which must be unlearned and undone in the present so that a peaceful future could be possible for both – them and us.

          One of our first tasks would be to figure out what is it they expect from us upon extra-institutional contact, and what are the positions and past events we need unlearned and undone so we, too, may be free to move onward and upward in a renewed and completely reconceptualized view of ourselves with them and with the galactic community (of which more than one of our informants tell us there are nearly 120 life forms in our vicinity). Then there is the matter of the dedicated human said to be returning with them, who is to assume the combined offices of EN.KI. and EN.LIL. as First Lord of Earth – or something like that – in some kind of direct democracy. It would be nice to know what his sixty epithet names will be; this will tell us a great deal of what to expect from what he is to offer to the remnant humankind left after the forecast defeat and imprisonment of Marduk, following some final confrontation of forces prophesied in biblical sources.

          All of the preceding would require of us that we change our views of what is to come and face them, not in religious or doctrinal ways, but rather in well-informed and thoughtful exopolitical and scriptural ways. Why scriptural as well? We also need to know what is required of us in the dedicated human’s program for a post-Marduk Earth. We contend it is not an accident that much of what written patrimony left to us has been altered and in some cases changed completely to suit doctrinal and institutional hegemonies and power. We are also not suggesting a naive, Pollyanna-like worldview of what is to come; quite the contrary, we suggest we must become informed not just about Marduk and his program, but also about The Kingdom and the dedicated human’s paradigm of an Earth seemingly patterned after what NI.BI.RU. sees working for them. Will it also work for us? We are not suggesting it will not. We are asking that we begin a dialogue on these two seemingly diametrically opposed options, and learn what we may already know deep within us all what is best for us.
    1  After much debate between us, we settled on identifying them by number in the sequence in which we came in contact with them and were able to complete the vetting of their bona fides.

    2  The eleven informants we were able to cultivate throughout the last six years are former civilian and military officers, ten of which were vetted by us through active people with appropriate and necessary clearance levels still in government, and known to the authors. We were not able to obtain complete and unassailable vetting of the qualifications and service record of one of them, and this individual is identified as so in the text. Informant One worked in the White House at and around the time of the alleged “contact” through outside assets concerning the ones who are coming; this individual communicated with us through a third party unknown to us, and displayed considerable knowledge of tradecraft. Informant Two was a technically training individual who also worked in the White House at or around the time of the first meeting with the people from the incoming; we received word earlier this year of his demise due to natural causes.

    Informant Three was a scientist type who alleged to work for what he would only identify as “the directorate,” which we later on deciphered to refer to the interagency directorate mentioned by other informants; we were able to establish that he held a high clearance with the appropriate SCIs, but could not establish who he worked for either in the White House or at the Executive Office Building; thus, we considered this individual as our only not fully vetted informant.  Informant Four was a former high ranking military officer who was assigned for a good part of the late ‘70s and most of the ‘80s in various roles associated with the interagency directorate; we believe this individual to be a scientist-administrator, who displayed extensive knowledge of subjects of interest to us. Informant Five was a military officer in some kind of staff position in the Pentagon, quite possibly midlevel in rank but attached to a high ranking officer with access to information. This individual displayed unusual knowledge the exopolitical activities associated with USG handling of the incoming and the presence of those who are here concerning events which occurred in the ‘80s and early ‘90s. We have sufficient reasons to believe this person was a political assessment officer of some kind, and although at the Pentagon, his vetting indicated detachment to the lead agencies in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s.

    Informant Six and Informant Nine were also military officers during the same period as Informant Five, and quite possibly knew each other, or knew of each other. Both held higher ranks (quite possibly lieutenant colonels or higher) at the time. Six is known to us to have served both at the EOB and the WH subfloor, while Nine is known to have served at the WH and the NGA. Informant Seven and Informant Eight were both military and civilians during their careers; their vetting indicates both to have served in intelligence services. As military officers, Informant Seven and Informant Eight were noncommissioned officers in staff positions at very high levels in both of the lead agencies of interest to us. One of them (Informant Seven) had a scientific background (MS in a highly technical area). Informant Ten and Informant Eleven were scientists attached (as on site consultants on sabbatical, in one case, and as full time consultant, in the other) to various SCI/SARs, projects. In one case (Informant Eleven), the individual served in several projects, and on different time periods in the same project. 3

    Albinos have always been objects of superstition and wonder because of their spectacular appearance and rarity in nature. To the Indian tribes of the Great Plains, a white buffalo was a sacred beast regarded as the special property of the Sun [Sumerian god Utu/Shamash]. "Albino" is the name originally given by Portuguese explorers to "white" Negroes they saw in West Africa. Since then it also has come to mean an individual, of any species of living thing, which lacks the pigments that other members of its race normally have. Albinos occur among all races of men, almost all species of domestic animals, and a wide variety of wild species. Technically speaking, the word "albinism" refers to a group of inherited conditions. People with albinism have little or no pigment in their eyes, skin, or hair. They have inherited genes that do not make the usual amounts of a pigment called melanin.  Recent research has used analysis of DNA, the chemical that encodes genetic information, to arrive at a more firm classification system for albinism.

    Type 1 albinism (also called tyrosinase-related albinism) is the type involving almost no pigmentation. Type 1 albinism results from a genetic defect in an enzyme called tyrosinase. This enzyme helps the body to change the amino acid tyrosine into pigment. (An amino acid is a "building block" of protein, and comes from protein in the diet.) Type 2, a type with slight pigmentation, results from a defect in a different gene called the "P" gene. For more information on albinism in all five human genetic groupings, see The National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation (NOAH) by visiting their website.

    We asked each and every one of these men at the every outset of our relationship with them why were they talking to us about matters obviously highly classified. The most common theme to the replies we received was that matters were getting out of hand. Perhaps Nine put it best. “You know, there’s roughly 350 or 400 of them down here [in reference to the Earthbound Anunnaki] but we treat the whole thing as though there are 350 or 400 divisions on the ground. We’re plain scared of these people, and I for one fail to see the basis for it. Sure. . . they are certainly more technologically advanced than us, have a higher cellular electrical capacitance, and they know how to use this to their advantage, supported by technology. But, in the very end, they put their pants on just like we do, they bleed just like we do, and they can be taken out and can die just like we do.

    But eliminating them all won’t solve the problem for us, because their like-kind are on the home planet, and we still have to deal with them as well. So why not let them deal with their issues, and we decide what is best for our kind. Yeah, I know this sounds simplistic but there is one thing that I’d heard [one of them] say to us last year that really stuck with me. He said, and I quote, ‘we will be in a zone of time that will soon make governments irrelevant and immaterial, because each and every [person] will have to choose and stand fast to be counted, or join in,’ or something to that effect. They have a kind of polymind, if I can coin a term here. By that I mean, they all share mind at will – thoughts, feelings and images, I believe. This, to me, is what makes them superior to us at the moment. We just haven’t figured out yet how to do that, even when they tell us it is in our genes already.” 5 The umbrella project informants referred to as Astro appears to be a huge TS/SCI/SAR cluster of operational projects, ranging from Earthbound TS/SCIs to off-world black-budget military/economic projects.

    The most amazing aspect of the coincidence of pertinent internet and information derived through informant communication is the seeming accuracy of what is already in the public domain, albeit marginalized. Establishing reliability for both is, of course, quite another matter. If we were to use Salla’s (2003) classification for evaluating the validity and reliability of information sources, their testimony (if testimony is what they rendered) would fall into the unidentified whistleblower and witness report categories. These are people who, often and repeatedly, were at sites, places and events they talked about, seen and heard people close up and personal at the circles of power, and had one or more opportunities to be in the presence of Earthbound Anunnaki. Those who did could even tell the difference between those who are here and those who are coming by the feel of their presence, the experience of their emotional signatures imprinted on their skin. Still, regardless of the validity and reliability trust coefficient we may place on their words, the value of what they have told us lies, in the words of Informant Nine, “in the conceptual doors and new landscapes people like me open for those who are outside trying to look in and understand what is being done behind the veil of fear we all lived in when I was still inside.” 6 

    These were sessions usually held on military bases and reservations, designed to entice and attract former military and intelligence officers into coming in to take loyalty oaths to the Anunnaki supreme leader, and reject any connection to The Kingdom. Most of our informants (except Three) have made mention of them. These sessions are said to be continuing, and do take place at unspecified intervals. 7  The issue of China's proper relationship with, or even prospective place in, the G7/8 has been a prominent feature of the debate over reform of the Summit process launched by the end of the European cold war during the past decade. Amidst the rich array or opinions featured in this debate, three broad schools of thought about China have dominated. The first treats China as an outside object, neither worthy of greater inclusion nor a country bringing valuable assets into the G7/8. The second considers China to be a valuable associate, with more formalized links to the G7/8 bringing net advantages to both. The third judges China to be a legitimate member, particularly after Russia's admission, of some if not all of the G7/8 institutions. For an enlightening treatment of China’s place in the G-8, see Kirton, J. The G-7 and China in the management of the international financial system. G-8 Scholarly Publications & Papers, G-8 Information Centre, University of Toronto, 1999.

    “Since 1975, the heads of state or government of the major industrial democracies have been meeting annually to deal with the major economic and political issues facing their domestic societies and the international community as a whole. The six countries at the first summit, held at Rambouillet, France, in November 1975, were France, the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan and Italy (sometimes referred to as the G6). They were joined by Canada at the San Juan Summit of 1976 in Puerto Rico, and by the European Community at the London Summit of 1977. From then on, membership in the Group of Seven, or G7, was fixed, although 15 developing countries' leaders met with the G7 leaders on the eve of the 1989 Paris Summit, and the USSR and then Russia participated in a post-summit dialogue with the G7 since 1991. Starting with the 1994 Naples Summit, the G7 met with Russia at each summit (referred to as the P8 or Political Eight). The Denver Summit of the Eight was a milestone, marking full Russian participation in all but financial and certain economic discussions; and the 1998 Birmingham Summit saw full Russian participation, giving birth to the Group of Eight, or G8 (although the G7 continued to function along side the formal summits). At the Kananaskis Summit in Canada in 2002, it was announced that Russia would host the G8 Summit in 2006, thus completing its process of becoming a full member.

    The G7/8 Summit has consistently dealt with macroeconomic management, international trade, and relations with developing countries. Questions of East-West economic relations, energy, and terrorism have also been of recurrent concern. From this initial foundation the summit agenda has broadened considerably to include microeconomic issues such as employment and the information highway, transnational issues such as the environment, crime and drugs, and a host of political-security issues ranging from human rights through regional security to arms control. In addition, the G7/8 has developed a network of supporting ministerial meetings, which allow ministers to meet regularly throughout the year in order to continue the work set out at each summit; these include the meetings of the finance ministers, foreign ministers and environment ministers, among others. G7/8 ministers and officials also meet on an ad hoc basis to deal with pressing issues, such a terrorism, energy, and development; from time to time the leaders also create task forces or working groups to focus intensively on certain issues of concern, such as a drug-related money laundering, nuclear safety, and transnational organized crime. The G7/8 provides an important occasion for busy leaders to discuss major, often complex international issues, and to develop the personal relations that help them respond in effective collective fashion to sudden crises or shocks. The summit also gives direction to the international community by setting priorities, defining new issues and providing guidance to established international organizations. At times it arrives at decisions that address pressing problems or shape international order more generally.

    The summit members comply modestly with the decisions and consensus generated by and codified at their annual meeting. Compliance is particularly high in regard to agreements on international trade and energy, and on the part of Britain, Canada, and Germany. Summit decisions often create and build international regimes to deal with new international challenges, and catalyze, revitalize and reform existing international institutions. In recognition of its centrality in the process of global governance, the summit has always attracted the attention of thousands of journalists at each leader’s meeting, and of a number of countries seeking admittance to this exclusive and powerful club. It has also become a prime occasion for non-governmental and civil society organizations to advocate on behalf of their concerns. There is a ninth member of both the G7 and G8: the European Union. At the leaders' level, the EU is represented by both the president of the European Commission and the rotating president of the European Council. Other groups are related to the G7/8. The G20 is the Group of Twenty finance ministers and central bank governors, who meet annually. This is different from another G20, often referred to as the G20 developing countries, which is involved in specifically in trade issues relating to the World Trade Organization and does not include any members of the G8. The L20, or Leaders Twenty, is a concept proposing regular meetings of the leaders of 20 countries representing both industrialized and developing countries, similar to the G20.” 9

    This aspect of our decipherment of Marduk-related intelligence required us to engage the knowledge base and skills of experienced Bible scholars, which initially we took to mean academic scholars. However, after approximately eighteen months of searching the literature and developing contacts, se settled on two sources which, on the basis of the utility of the information set originating from them, we chose to incorporate and use in our analyses of Marduk’s campaigns. An additional factor, quite important to us, that added to our adoption of product from these sources to our information grid was the rather uncanny similarities in the working hypotheses each of us had been working on independent of one another. The first is Wake Up America Seminars operated by Larry Wilson (WUAS Mailing Address: PO Box 273, Bellbrook, OH 45305). Their email address is: The second is Patrick Cooke’s organization in Berkeley, CA, The Bible UFO Connection.  Emails to Patrick should go to Albeit controversial, both of these men have done exceedingly good work and presented serious students of end time events with useful, thought-provoking information. Both offer Christian-oriented, scripture-based information well anchored in information derived from the books of Daniel and Revelation.
    Allan, D. S. and Delair, J. B.  When the Earth nearly died: Compelling evidence of a world cataclysm 11,500 years ago. Gateway Books, 1994.
    Allan, D. S. and Delair, J. B. Cataclysm: Compelling evidence of a cosmic catastrophe in
          9,500  BC. Bear and Co, 1997.
    Benton, M. When life nearly died: The greatest mass extinction of all time. Thames &
          Hudson, NY, 2003.
    Bryant, L. W.  UFO politics at the White House. Invisible College Press, New York, 2002.
    Collins, R. M. and Doty, R. C.  Exempt from disclosure. Peregrine, Vandalia, OH, 2005.
    Colaw, John.  Neil Freer Interview - UFO Disclosure Exclusive.
    Coleman, J. Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. American West
          Publishers, 1992.
    Corso, P.  The day after Roswell.  Diane Publishing, 1997.
    Dolan, R. M. UFOs and the national security state. Keyhole Publishing, 2000.
    Freer, N.  The alien question: An expanded perspective – A White Paper (,
    Freer, N.  God games: What do we do forever?  Book Tree, Escondido, CA, 1998.
    Freer, N.  Breaking the Godspell. Book Tree, Escondido, CA, 1994.
    Good, T. Unearthly disclosure: Conflicting interests in the control of extraterrestrial
          intelligence. Century Publications, London, 2000
    Good, T. Alien bases: The evidence for extraterrestrial colonization of Earth. Arrow, 1999.
    Good, T. Beyond top secret: The worldwide UFO security threat. Sidgwick & Jackson,
          London, 1996.
    Good, T Alien contact: Secret UFO files revealed.  William Morrow, N.Y., 1993.
    Good, T. Above top secret. William Morrow, N.Y., 1988.
    Maccabee, B. S.  UFO/FBI connection: The secret history of the Government’s cover-up.
          Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, MN, 2000.
    Marrs, J.  Alien agenda.  HarperCollins, N.Y., 1998.
    Ryan, W. & Pittman, W.  Noah’s flood: The new scientific discoveries about the event
          that changed history.  Simon and Schuster, N.Y., 2003.
    Salla, M. E.  The History of Exopolitics: Evolving Political Approaches to UFOs and the
    Extra-terrestrial Hypothesis. Exopolitics Journal 1, 1, 1-17, 2005 (
    Salla, M. E. The Need for Exopolitics: Implications of Extraterrestrial Conspiracy Theories for
          Policy Makers & Global Peace., January 20, 2003. Available at

    Turnage, C. L.  ETs are on the Moon and Mars: The photographic evidence. Flying Disk
          Publications, 2000.
    Turnage, C. L.  Bible – An extraterrestrial transmission: Is Planet X Planet Heaven?
          Flying Disk Publications, 1997.
    Turnage, C. L.  Personal communication to the senior author, 1997.
    Turnage, C. L.  War in Heaven: The case for a solar system war. Flying Disk Publications,
    Sitchin, Z.  The 12th Planet. Avon Books, New York, 1976.
    Sitchin, Z.  The Wars of Gods and Men. Avon Books, New York, 1985.
    Sitchin, Z.  Genesis Revisited. Avon Books, New York, 1990.
    Sitchin, Z.  The Cosmic Code. Avon Books, New York, 1998.
    A. R. Bordon is a biophysicist, experienced gnosive neurosensor, writer and consultant to a research institute funded by Foundation One and its corporate sponsor. His interests are in bioenergetic human-environment interaction effects, mind/matter interface effects, exobiology, and exopolitics. He leads a team of gnosive researchers dedicated to extension neurosensing (a proprietary method of gnosive research for the accessing) of information cumuli interfaced by physical-gnosive means. He is also one of several scientists working on an evolving Working Model from information derived from this research as an alternative to the Standard Model in physics and cosmology.
    Roy W. Gordon is also a biophysicist. He has served as deputy director of the foundation’s research institute and as manager of several of the institute’s projects. At present, he serves as project manager for two Foundation One programs – physical-gnosive research and futures scenarios. He also serves in the oversight group that manages the public information and upcoming presence projection on the internet of all Foundation activities. He is managing editor of Foundation Reports In Life Physics Online, and an associate editor of the forthcoming Journal of End Time Studies Online.

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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:33 am

    I continue to think that most high-profile individuals follow a script, and that Earth is on a timetable which might not be alterable. I continue to think I should simply engage in a Neo Science-Fiction exercise in futility. My threads aren't really science-fiction, but they're not science, religion, politics, or anything in particular. They're sort of a Philosophical-Potpourri for Completely Ignorant Fools!! I'm encouraging deep-study for a select-few, but I'm NOT telling anyone how to live, or what to do. I'm feeling completely out of synch with mainstream-society. I don't watch TV. I rarely go to movies. I read books no one else reads. I think about things most people consider pure unmitigated poppycock!! I basically create a research-laboratory or launching-pad for Sirius-Researchers. The churches would reject me, but so would the New-Age crowd. I think I've completely marginalized myself, and I think I'm becoming increasingly isolated. This is probably a bad-sign, as far as behavioral-scientists are concerned, but I think my organic and soul issues have a lot to do with this, and are mostly untreatable. I think I am utterly-screwed, and I think this is part of someone's plan. I think some of you might know who that someone is. I'll continue my reposting project, but don't expect much new material. I'm not posting on other threads or websites. I'm mostly keeping to myself on this particular thread.

    I continue to think the Bible should be studied in an academic-environment, but that the rank and file should NOT be force-fed someone's theological-constructs. Try thinking in terms of Clean-Sheet of Stone Psychology, Ethics, Business, and Law (for starters). Try mating your idealism with your pragmatism. Try reading Job through Isaiah and Luke through Jude (side by side, straight-through, over and over) as a historical place of beginning. What would a decade of this approach yield?? I think we might be entering into a Great Disappointment regarding Life, the Universe, and Everything. There might not be much left in a couple of decades. Look long and hard at AD 2031 to 2046 regarding the excrement contacting the blower (on so many levels). I'll probably continue considering positive and negative possibilities in my search for a useable future. Rampant-Robotics, Artificial-Intelligence, Spiritual-Wickedness, and Genetic-Experimentation might unleash unimaginable-horrors upon humanity. Guard-Changing might be an Angelic Shell-Game of Cosmic-Monopoly. Are we entering into a New Dark-Ages disguised as a Sophisticated Information-War?? If You Can't Convince Them, Confuse Them?? Give Them What They Want, While Taking What They Have?? Freedom = Rebellion with Rule by Secrecy?? Does ANYONE Actually Study My Stuff, Or Do They Just Look at the Scary-Pictures and Get-Mad?? Are Some of You Lunatic-Reactionaries?? Do Some of You Worship You Know Not What?? What Would Art Bell Say??

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    I had a horrible thought today. What if the Bible repeats over and over and over again -- in an endless loop -- civilization after civilization -- race after race?? What if this solar system develops and tests new races -- and trains new deities (as blasphemous as that sounds)?? What if this is Civilization-Reincarnation?? Remember in the original Stargate movie -- when Ra claims that he built our civilization -- and that now he will destroy it??!! The Alpha and Omega?? The Beginning and the End?? The First Shall Be Last -- and the Last Shall Be First?? What if this Galactic Rat-Trap gets reset every ten-thousand years?? What if we've all been sentenced to an Endlessly-Repeating Hell on Earth?? The Ancient Egyptian Deity suggested that Earth might be Hell. They said "The Human Race is Screwed." Once upon a time a Dogma-Like Rufus showed me some very advanced science-fiction comics -- one of which showed a spaceship approaching a Big Galactic Reset Button!! They got nervous when I suggested that we might all be in prison (without knowing it)!! I really hate thinking outside of the box -- considering a lot of horrible possibilities -- but someone has to do it. Remember in Battlestar Galactica: The Plan -- during the attack -- when one of the colonists says "This Has Happened Before"??!! The Ancient Egyptian Deity told me there were actually places in the galaxy with the various colony names. Several times -- as I was driving them somewhere (sort of like driving Gabriel around in The Prophecy!!) -- the AED said we were being followed (sort of like in A Beautiful Mind)!! Beware of Bay Hill!! BTW -- I think I figured-out something about a commonality between ME and the AED -- but I'm not sure -- and I won't talk about it.

    I keep getting the feeling that Humanity is Bucking the System in a Harsh Universe. I tell you very little of what I really think about. If I wanted to -- I could learn a HUGE amount of forbidden information in a very short time -- But I Don't Want To. I'll probably just be scratching the surface of the madness for the rest of this incarnation. When one sincerely attempts to be neutral, it is very difficult to get anywhere. One is always at sea (beating upon the rocks of infidelity while kicking against the pricks) -- and people want security and certainty -- not a lot of horrible problems and questions. I talked to a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses recently -- and I just HAD to keep asking hard questions -- rather than trying to be Holier, Happier, and Healthier Than Thou -- if you know what I mean. Siriusly, read the first few chapters of The Invisible War by Donald Grey Barnhouse -- regarding a destroyed creation prior to the creation-story (as we know it)!! The Ancient Egyptian Deity said they "liked Genesis" -- that "deceiving humanity was very easy" (or something to that effect) -- and that they had "always remained one step ahead of humanity"!! I'm honestly NOT making this up -- but I wish that I were. Another individual of interest told me they were opposed to humanity -- here, and in other galactic locations -- that they always would be -- and that we should start over (or words to that effect)!! Yet another individual of interest (claiming to be God) told me of their plans to destroy humanity (or something to that effect -- but without any details). I could go on and on -- but I'd rather not. Consider the following:

    1 Samuel
    2 Samuel
    1 Kings
    2 Kings
    1 Chronicles
    2 Chronicles
    Song of Solomon
    1 Corinthians
    2 Corinthians
    1 Thessalonians
    2 Thessalonians
    1 Timothy
    2 Timothy
    1 Peter
    2 Peter
    1 John
    2 John
    3 John
    1 Samuel
    2 Samuel
    1 Kings
    2 Kings
    1 Chronicles
    2 Chronicles
    Song of Solomon
    1 Corinthians
    2 Corinthians
    1 Thessalonians
    2 Thessalonians
    1 Timothy
    2 Timothy
    1 Peter
    2 Peter
    1 John
    2 John
    3 John
    1 Samuel
    2 Samuel
    1 Kings
    2 Kings
    1 Chronicles
    2 Chronicles
    Song of Solomon
    1 Corinthians
    2 Corinthians
    1 Thessalonians
    2 Thessalonians
    1 Timothy
    2 Timothy
    1 Peter
    2 Peter
    1 John
    2 John
    3 John

    Gabriel v Michael
    Loki v Bartleby
    Zo'or v Da'an
    Bill Parcher v John Nash
    Black-Print v Red-Print
    Amen-Ra v Lilith-Isis
    The Brain v Pinky
    Klaus Adler v Renate Richter
    Gods of Eden v Desire of Ages
    Reptilian v Human

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    How many times are the Ten-Commandments broken in Revelation and the First Seventeen Books of the Old-Testament?? How many times are the Ten-Commandments (in whole or in part) mentioned or discussed Post-Pentateuch -- throughout the rest of the Bible?? I'm not opposed to the concept of the Sabbath -- yet the Post-Pentateuch Biblical-Support seems inexplicably weak. There's nothing in Scripture which rivals the treatment Ellen White gives the Sabbath. What troubles me is the Death-Penalty (or any harsh penalty) regarding which day one keeps holy and/or goes to church -- especially in modernity. Does the Bible even instruct us to go to church (on any day) -- or regarding what liturgy or order-of-worship to use?? The problem with church and state is that evidence and reason are often lacking -- which is sometimes compensated with threats and/or force. I don't know what REALLY transpired in Biblical-Times. I have no idea what roles I might've played (if any) in Biblical-Times. More often than not, those with the Gold and Guns make the rules (and enforce them). Should I really aspire to be an Intergalactic-Banker and a Star-Warrior in my next incarnation?? Would I gain some respect then?? What if that's who I really am (on a soul-basis) -- with this stupid incarnation being the exception to the rule??

    If I remain in this solar system -- perhaps I should request that I be a very well trained Intergalactic-Banker and Star-Warrior in my next incarnation (as stupid as THAT sounds)!! How does one disagree with City-Hall or the New World Order?? What is appropriate -- and what is inappropriate?? What works -- and what does not work?? I feel as if I'm fighting a losing-battle regarding everything I've touched-upon within my United States of the Solar System threads. How useful and effective can a Basket-Case really be -- even if they are profoundly correct?? What if one made Job through Malachi their Biblical Doctrinal Statement?? Would the New Testament really be necessary?? Or, in modernity, is the Bible devotionally and/or doctrinally necessary?? Can one live a Responsible Life without any Sacred Books whatsoever?? There always seems to be the threat (open or veiled) that if someone doesn't do as they're told -- God's going to punish them severely. I understand Absolute-Obedience to those who are Absolutely Ethical and Competent -- but what about Absolute-Obedience to Dictators, Monarchs, and Pontiffs -- who might not deserve such respect and responsiveness?? I think we have a HUGE Law of God (and Character of God) problem in the Bible and the Church. I crave an Idealistic (yet realistic) Law and God -- but where are they?? Just because someone with a billion followers says to do something -- or says that a certain thing is the Will of God -- does that make it right (and beyond reasonable question and cross-examination)??

    I just finished watching Son of God. I thought it was quite fine -- yet I continue to have a HUGE inner conflict regarding the validity of the Jesus-Story as most of us know it -- especially regarding how it has been interpreted and marketed. The movie characters looked and sounded as though they might be City of London employees!! Some say that Michael was (and is) Jesus Christ. The Ancient Egyptian Deity called me "Michael" (at Wal*Mart)!! They separately asked me if I thought I might be the one hanging on the cross in a crucifix?! I just smiled at the "Michael" comment -- and I remained "poker-faced" when asked the "Crucifix" question. Anyway, I don't think I'm crazy for experiencing this close-encounter -- but I do think I'm crazy to tell you about it!! One thing that bothers me about the Jesus-Story is 'who was writing everything down during the Life of Christ??' Jesus had a treasurer -- but what about a journalist?? They didn't have CNN back then!! Also, would the Ruler of This World have really allowed Jesus to do what he did?? Wouldn't it have been very easy to murder Jesus early-on -- and nip the whole thing in the bud?? A darker question might be "What if Jesus WAS the Ruler of This World??" -- as rude and blasphemous as THAT sounds!

    I have imagined myself being somewhat close to the creation of humanity -- and somewhat involved with writing certain portions of the Bible (mostly for modeling purposes) as a Michael-Character. What if someone took portions of Old-Testament Wisdom-Literature -- and turned it into New-Testament Christianity??!! I will continue to model the possibility that Two Ancient Reptilian-Queens were (and are?) at the core of the History and Culture of This Solar System. I know this is heresy -- and unverifiable -- which is why I merely whisper and joke on this small website. Please remember that I'm mostly rambling in this thread -- so don't take it too seriously. I keep sensing a political and theological final-jihad in the near future. I realize that the history of the world has been a non-stop political and theological jihad -- but the internet has made the world very small, and very fast. Plus, this world seems to be a house of cards in so many ways. Consider the Gospel Source "Q".

    The Q source (also Q document, Q Gospel, Q Sayings Gospel, or Q from German: Quelle, meaning "source") is a hypothetical written collection of sayings (logia) of Jesus defined as the "common" material found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke but not in their other written source, the Gospel of Mark. According to this hypothesis, this ancient text was based on the Oral Tradition of the Early Church.[1]

    Along with Markan priority, Q was hypothesized by 1900, and it is one of the foundations of most modern gospel scholarship.[2] B. H. Streeter formulated a widely accepted view of Q: that it was a written document (not an oral tradition) composed in Greek; that almost all of its contents appear in Matthew, in Luke, or in both; and that Luke more often preserves the original order of the text than Matthew. In the two-source hypothesis, Matthew and Luke both used Mark and Q as sources. Some scholars have postulated that Q is actually a plurality of sources, some written and some oral. Others have attempted to determine the stages in which Q was composed.[3]

    The existence of Q has been questioned.[3] The omission of what should have been a highly treasured dominical document from all the early Church catalogs, and from mention by the fathers of the early Church, might be seen as a great conundrum of modern Biblical scholarship.[4] However, copying Q might have been seen as unnecessary as it was preserved in the gospels that were considered canonical. Hence, it was preferable to copy Gospels of Matthew and Luke, where the sayings of Jesus from Q were rephrased to avoid misunderstandings, and to fit their own situations and their understanding of what Jesus had really meant.[5] Despite challenges, the two source hypothesis retains wide support.[3]

    Nineteenth-century New Testament scholars who rejected the traditional perspective of the priority of Matthew in favor of Markan priority speculated that the authors of Matthew and Luke drew the material they have in common with the Gospel of Mark from that Gospel. Matthew and Luke, however, also share large sections of text which are not found in Mark. They suggested that neither Gospel drew upon the other, but upon a second common source, termed the Q.[6][7]

    In modern times, the first person[8] to hypothesize a Q-like source was an Englishman, Herbert Marsh, in 1801, in a complicated solution to the synoptic problem that his contemporaries ignored. Marsh labeled this source with the Hebrew letter beth (?).

    The next person to advance the Q hypothesis was the German Friedrich Schleiermacher in 1832, who interpreted an enigmatic statement by the early Christian writer Papias of Hierapolis, circa 125: "Matthew compiled the oracles (Greek: logia) of the Lord in a Hebrew manner of speech". Rather than the traditional interpretation that Papias was referring to the writing of Matthew in Hebrew, Schleiermacher believed that Papias was actually giving witness to a sayings collection that was available to the Evangelists.

    In 1838 another German, Christian Hermann Weisse, took Schleiermacher's suggestion of a sayings source and combined it with the idea of Markan priority to formulate what is now called the Two-Source Hypothesis, in which both Matthew and Luke used Mark and the sayings source. Heinrich Julius Holtzmann endorsed this approach in an influential treatment of the synoptic problem in 1863, and the Two-Source Hypothesis has maintained its dominance ever since.

    At this time, Q was usually called the Logia on account of the Papias statement, and Holtzmann gave it the symbol Lambda (?). Toward the end of the 19th century, however, doubts began to grow on the propriety of anchoring the existence of the collection of sayings in the testimony of Papias, so a neutral symbol Q (which was devised by Johannes Weiss based on the German Quelle, meaning source) was adopted to remain neutrally independent of the collection of sayings and its connection to Papias.

    This two-source hypothesis speculates that Matthew borrowed from both Mark and a hypothetical sayings collection, called Q. For most scholars, the Q collection accounts for what Matthew and Luke share — sometimes in exactly the same words — but are not found in Mark. Examples of such material are the Devil's three temptations of Jesus, the Beatitudes, the Lord's Prayer and many individual sayings.[9]

    In The Four Gospels: A Study of Origins (1924), Burnett Hillman Streeter argued that a third source, referred to as M and also hypothetical, lies behind the material in Matthew that has no parallel in Mark or Luke.[10] Furthermore, some material present only in Luke might have come from an also unknown L source. This Four Source Hypothesis posits that there were at least four sources to the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke: the Gospel of Mark, and three lost sources: Q, M, and L. (M material is represented by green in the above chart.)

    Throughout the remainder of the 20th century, there were various challenges and refinements of Streeter's hypothesis. For example, in his 1953 book The Gospel Before Mark, Pierson Parker posited an early version of Matthew (Aramaic M or proto-Matthew) as the primary source.[11] Parker argued that it was not possible to separate Streeter's "M" material from the material in Matthew parallel to Mark.[12][13]

    In the first two decades of the 20th century, more than a dozen reconstructions of Q were made. However, these reconstructions differed so much from each other that not a single verse of Matthew was present in all of them. As a result, interest in Q subsided and it was neglected for many decades.

    This state of affairs changed in the 1960s after translations of a newly discovered and analogous sayings collection, the Gospel of Thomas, became available. James M. Robinson of the Jesus Seminar and Helmut Koester proposed that collections of sayings such as Q and Gospel of Thomas represented the earliest Christian materials at an early point in a trajectory that eventually resulted in the canonical gospels.

    This burst of interest after the discovery of the Gospel of Thomas led to increasingly more sophisticated literary reconstructions of Q, and even to redactional speculation, notably in the work of John S. Kloppenborg. Kloppenborg, by analyzing certain literary and thematic phenomena, argued that Q was composed in three stages. In his view, the earliest stage was a collection of wisdom sayings involving such issues as poverty and discipleship. Then, he posits, this collection was expanded by including a layer of judgemental sayings directed against "this generation". The final stage included the Temptation of Jesus narrative.

    Although Kloppenborg cautioned against assuming that the composition history of Q is the same as the history of the Jesus tradition (i.e., that the oldest layer of Q is necessarily the oldest and pure-layer Jesus tradition), some recent seekers of the Historical Jesus, including the members of the Jesus Seminar, have done just that. Basing their reconstructions primarily on the Gospel of Thomas and the oldest layer of Q, they propose that Jesus functioned as a wisdom sage, rather than a Jewish rabbi, though not all members affirm the two-source hypothesis. Kloppenborg is now a fellow of the Jesus Seminar himself.

    However, scholars supporting the hypothesis of the three-stage historical development of Q, such as Burton L. Mack, argue that the unity of Q comes not only from its being shared by Matthew and Luke, but also because, in the layers of Q as reconstructed, the later layers build upon and presuppose the earlier ones, whereas the reverse is not the case. So evidence that Q has been revised is not evidence for disunity in Q, since the hypothesised revisions depend upon asymmetric logical connections between what are posited to be the later and earlier layers.[14]

    In the study of biblical literature, some scholars believe that an unknown redactor composed a Greek-language proto-Gospel. It may have been in circulation in written form about the time of the composition of the Synoptic Gospels (i.e., between 65 and 95 AD). The name Q was coined by the German theologian and biblical scholar Johannes Weiss.[15]

    The relationship among the three synoptic gospels goes beyond mere similarity in viewpoint. The gospels often recount the same stories, usually in the same order, sometimes using the same words. Scholars note that the similarities between Mark, Matthew, and Luke are too great to be accounted for by mere coincidence.[16][17]

    If the two-source hypothesis is correct, then Q would probably have been a written document. If Q were merely a shared oral tradition, it is unlikely that it could account for the nearly identical word-for-word similarities between Matthew and Luke when quoting Q material. Similarly, it is possible to deduce that Q was written in Greek. If the Gospels of Matthew and Luke were referring to a document that had been written in some other language (for example Aramaic), it is highly unlikely that two independent translations would have exactly the same wording.[18]

    The Q document must have been composed prior to the Gospels of both Matthew and Luke. Some scholars even suggest Q may have predated Mark. A date for the final Q document is often placed in the 40s or 50s of the first century, with some arguing its so-called sapiential layer (1Q, containing six wisdom speeches) being written as early as the 30s.[19]

    If Q did exist, it has since been lost. Some scholars believe it can be partially reconstructed by examining elements common to Matthew and Luke (but absent from Mark). This reconstructed Q is notable in that it generally does not describe the events of the life of Jesus: Q does not mention Jesus' birth, his selection of the 12 disciples, his crucifixion, or the resurrection. Instead, it appears to be a collection of Jesus' sayings and quotations.

    The existence of Q follows from the argument that neither Matthew nor Luke is directly dependent on the other in the double tradition (defined by New Testament scholars as material that Matthew and Luke share that does not appear in Mark). However, the verbal agreement between Matthew and Luke is so close in some parts of the double tradition that the most reasonable explanation for this agreement is common dependence on a written source or sources. Even if Matthew and Luke are independent (see Markan priority), the Q hypothesis states that they used a common document. Arguments for Q being a written document include: Sometimes the exactness in wording is striking, for example, Matthew 6:24 = Luke 16:13 (27 and 28 Greek words respectively); Matthew 7:7–8 = Luke 11:9–10 (24 Greek words each). There is sometimes commonality in order between the two, for example Sermon on the Plain/Sermon on the Mount. The presence of doublets, where Matthew and Luke sometimes each present two versions of a similar saying but in different context, only one of those versions appearing in Mark. Doublets may be considered a sign of two written sources, i.e., Mark and Q. Luke mentions that he knows of other written sources of Jesus' life, and that he has investigated in order to gather the most information.[20][21]

    The fact that no manuscripts of Q exist today does not necessarily argue against its having existed. Many texts of early Christianity are no longer extant, and we only know they did exist due to their citation or their mention in texts which have survived. Once the text of Q was incorporated into the body of Matthew and Luke, it was no longer necessary to preserve it, just as interest in copying Mark seems to have waned out substantially once it was incorporated into Matthew.[22] The editorial board of the International Q Project writes: "During the second century, when the canonizing process was taking place, scribes did not make new copies of Q, since the canonizing process involved choosing what should and what should not be used in the church service. Hence they preferred to make copies of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, where the sayings of Jesus from Q were rephrased to avoid misunderstandings, and to fit their own situations and their understanding of what Jesus had really meant."[5]

    Although most scholars accept the Two-source Hypothesis, many have called into question the arguments for Q as a distinct source.[23]

    While the two-source hypothesis remains the most popular explanation for the origins of the synoptic gospels, the existence of the "minor agreements" has raised serious concerns. These minor agreements are those points where Matthew and Luke agree against or beyond Mark precisely within their Markan verses (for example, the mocking question at the beating of Jesus, "Who is it that struck you?" [Luke 22:64 // Matt 26:68], found in both Matthew and Luke but not in Mark, although it should be noted that this "minor agreement" falls outside the usually accepted range of Q). The "minor agreements" thus call into question the proposition that Matthew and Luke knew Mark but not each other, e.g. Luke might have indeed been following Matthew, or at least a Matthew-like source. Peabody and McNicol argue that until a reasonable explanation is found the Two-source Hypothesis is not viable.[24]

    Secondly, how could a major and respected source, used in two canonical gospels, disappear? If Q did exist, these sayings of Jesus would have been highly treasured in the early Church. It remains a mystery how such an important document, which was the basis of two canonical Gospels, could be lost. An even greater mystery is why the extensive Church catalogs compiled by Eusebius and Nicephorus would omit such an important work yet include such spurious accounts as the Gospel of Peter and the Gospel of Thomas. The existence of a treasured sayings document in circulation going unmentioned by the Fathers of the early Church remains one of the great conundrums of modern Biblical scholarship.[4] Pier Franco Beatrice argues that until these issues are resolved, Q will remain in doubt.[25][26][27][28][29]

    Some scholars argue that Matthew's Gospel according to the Hebrews was the basis for the Synoptic Tradition.[30][31] They point out that in the first section of De Viris Illustribus (Jerome), we find the Gospel of Mark where it should be as it was the first gospel written and was the basis of later gospels.[32] Following it should be Q. But not only is Q not where it should be at the top of Jerome's list, this treasured work recording the Logia of Christ is mentioned nowhere by Jerome.[32] Rather, the first seminal document is not Q but the Gospel according to the Hebrews.[33] In "the place of honor" that should be given "the phantom Q" we find a Hebrew usurper.[34][35]

    Austin Farrer,[36] Michael Goulder,[37] and Mark Goodacre[38] have also argued against Q, maintaining Markan priority, claiming the use of Matthew by Luke. This view has come to be known as the Farrer hypothesis. Their arguments include: Farrer, in his 1955 paper that first outlined this hypothesis, notes that when we find two documents that contain common material, identical in the words and phrases they use to describe some scenes, the simplest explanation is that one of the two used the other as a source, rather than both using a third document as a source.[36] Goulder points to common Matthean phrases such as "brood of vipers", "make fruit", and "cast into the fire" that each appear in Luke only once, in a Q passage. Goulder's conclusion, based on writing styles, is that Matthew is the source for these "Q" sayings.[37] Goodacre notes that there is no extant copy of Q and that no early church writer makes an unambiguous reference to a document resembling the Q that modern scholars have reconstructed from the common material in Luke and Matthew.[39] While supporters say that the discovery of the Gospel of Thomas supports the concept of a "sayings gospel", Mark Goodacre points out that Q has a narrative structure as reconstructed and is not simply a list of sayings.[39]

    Other scholars have brought other arguments against Q: There is a "prima facie case" that two documents, both correcting Mark's language, adding birth narratives and a resurrection epilogue, and adding a large amount of "sayings material" are likely to resemble each other, rather than to have such similar scope by coincidence.[citation needed] Specifically, there are 347 instances (by Neirynck's count) where one or more words are added to the Markan text in both Matthew and Luke; these are called the "minor agreements" against Mark. Some 198 instances involve one word, 82 involve two words, 35 three, 16 four, and 16 instances involve five or more words in the extant texts of Matthew and Luke as compared to Markan passages.[40]
    John Wenham (1913–1996) held to the Augustinian hypothesis that Matthew was the first Gospel, Mark the second, and Luke the third, and objected on similar grounds to those who hold to the Griesbach hypothesis. Eta Linnemann, formerly a follower of Bultmann, rejected Q, and Markan priority, for a variation of the Two Gospel hypothesis that holds that the Mosaic requirement for "two witnesses" made two Jewish Gospels a necessity in the Diaspora audiences.[41]

    Some of the more notable portions of the New Testament are believed to have originated in Q:[42]

    The Beatitudes
    Love your enemies
    Golden Rule[43][44]
    Judge not, lest ye be judged
    The Test of a Good Person
    The Parable of the Wise and the Foolish Builders
    The Parable of the Lost Sheep
    The Parable of the Wedding Feast
    The Parable of the Talents
    The Parable of the Leaven
    The Parable of the blind leading the blind
    The Lord's Prayer
    Expounding of the Law
    The Birds of Heaven and The Lilies in the Field


    1. Christoph Heil & Jozef Verheyden (Ed.) The Sayings Gospel Q: collected essays, Vol. 189 of Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium, Peeters Publishers Pub., 2005 pp. 163 - 164
    2. Funk, Robert W., Roy W. Hoover, and the Jesus Seminar. The five gospels. HarperSanFrancisco. 1993. "Introduction," p 1-30.
    3. "'Q.'" Cross, F. L., ed. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian church. New York: Oxford University Press. 2005
    4. James R. Edwards , The Hebrew Gospel and the Development of the Synoptic Tradition, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2009 p. 228
    5. (From the preface to the Sayings Gospel Q, International Q Project, 2001
    6. This hypothetical lost text—also called the Q Gospel, the Sayings Gospel Q, the Secret of Q, the Synoptic Sayings Source, the Q Manuscript, and (in the 19th century) The Logia—is said to have comprised a collection of Jesus' sayings. Acceptance of the theories of the existence of "Q" and the priority of Mark are the two key elements in the "two-source hypothesis". (See also the Gospel of the Hebrews and Streeter).
    7. D. R. W. Wood, New Bible Dictionary (InterVarsity Press, 1996), 739.
    8. Stephen Hultgren, Narrative elements in the double tradition, Walter de Gruyter Pub., 2002 p. 4 - 5
    9. Bart D. Ehrman, Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium, Oxford University Press, p.80-81
    10. Streeter, Burnett H. The Four Gospels. A Study of Origins Treating the Manuscript Tradition, Sources, Authorship, & Dates. London: MacMillian and Co., Ltd., 1924.
    11. Pierson Parker. The Gospel Before Mark. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953.
    12. William R. Farmer, The Synoptic Problem: a Critical Analysis, Macmillan, 1981 p. 196
    13. Everett Falconer Harrison, Introduction to the New Testament, Wm. Eerdmans 1971 p. 152.
    14. The Lost Gospel: The Book Q and Christian Origins, Macmillan Co. (1993, paperback 1994).
    15. "Britannica". Britannica. Retrieved April 15, 2012.
    16. Honoré, A. M. "A Statistical Study of the Synoptic Problem." Novum Testamentum Aug. 10-July (1968): 95–147. On page 96 Honoré compares the similarities between the three Gospels with the number of words in common.
    17. *Ehrman, Bart D. (2004). The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings. New York: Oxford. p. 84. ISBN 0-19-515462-2.
    18. Delbert Royce Burkett, Rethinking the Gospel Sources, Volume 2: The Unity and Plurality of Q, Society of Biblical Lit, 2009 pp. 47 - 48
    19. Dunn, James D. G., Christianity in the Making Volume 1: Jesus Remembered. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2003. page 159
    20. Luke 1:1–4
    21. Robert L. Thomas & F. David Farnell, The Jesus crisis: the inroads of historical criticism into evangelical scholarship, Kregel Publications, 1998 pp. 136 - 140
    22. See Tuckett, C.M. "The Existence of Q." Pages 19-48 in The Gospel Behind the Gospels: Current Studies on Q. Edited by R. Piper. Leiden: Brill, 1995 (esp. p. 20).
    23. Adieu Q.
    24. David Barrett Peabody & Allan James McNicol, One Gospel from Two: Mark's Use of Matthew and Luke, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2002 pp. 1 - 6
    25. Pier Franco Beatrice, The Gospel according to the Hebrews in the Apostolic Fathers, Novum Testamentum, 2006, vol. 48, no2, pp. 147-195 (@
    26. James R. Edwards, ''The Hebrew Gospel & the Development of the Synoptic Tradition'', Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2009 pp. 209 - 247. October 16, 2009. Retrieved April 15, 2012.
    27. Martin Hengel, The Four Gospels and the One Gospel of Jesus Christ Trinity Press, SCM 2000 p.207- 210
    28. Mark Goodacre (January 10, 2003). "Ten Reasons to Question Q". The Case Against Q website. ISBN 1-56338-334-9. Retrieved June 8, 2009.
    29. Powell, Evan (February 17, 2006). The Myth of the Lost Gospel. Symposium Press. ISBN 0-9770486-0-8.
    30. Pierson Parker (Dec., 1940). "A Proto-Lucan basis for the Gospel according to the Hebrews". Journal of Biblical Literature 59: pp. 471–478. JSTOR 3262407.
    31. Lillie, Arthur (2005). The Gospel According to the Hebrews. Kessinger Publishing. pp. 111–134. ISBN 978-1-4253-7051-0.
    32. Ste. Jerome, On illustrious men 1:4.
    33. Ste. Jerome, On illustrious men 3:1.
    34. Edwards (2009). p. 228.
    35. ANDREW GREGORY Prior or Posterior? Cambridge University Press 51:3:344-360.
    36. Austin M. Farrer, "On Dispensing with Q" in D. E. Nineham (ed.), Studies in the Gospels: Essays in Memory of R. H. Lightfoot (Oxford: Blackwell, 1955), pp. 55–88, reproduced at
    37. For example, Michael Goulder, "Is Q a Juggernaut", Journal of Biblical Literature 115 (1996), pp. 667–81, reproduced at
    38. See, for example, Mark Goodacre, The Case Against Q: Studies in Marcan Priority and the Synoptic Problem (Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International, 2002)
    39. "Ten Reasons to Question Q". January 10, 2003. Retrieved April 15, 2012.
    40. These statistics are taken from an analysis by Walter M. Shandruk of Frans Neirynck's The Minor Agreements of Matthew of Luke and Mark with a Cumulative List, Leuven University Press, 1974. The results of Shandruk's analysis have been posted at
    41. Robert L. Thomas Three views on the origins of the Synoptic Gospels 2002 p255, and p322 "Farnell 's third axiom notes, quoting Linnemann, that the reason for four independent Gospels stems from the legal principle of Deuteronomy 19:15b: "[O]n the evidence of two or three witnesses a matter shall be confirmed.""
    42. Reconstruction of Q by the International Q Project.
    43. The Sayings of Jesus in The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles - Clayton N. Jefford - Google Books. Retrieved April 29, 2012.
    44. The Many Deaths of Judas Iscariot: A Meditation on Suicide - A. M. H. Saari - Google Books. July 26, 2006. Retrieved April 29, 2012.


    BibliographiesDavid M. Scholer: Q Bibliography Supplement. Society of Biblical Literature Seminar papers. Scholars Press, Atlanta 1965-2003,ISSN 0160-7588. 127.1991, pp. 1ff.; 128.1992, pp. 1ff.; 129.1993, pp. 1ff.; 130.1994, pp. 1ff.; 131.1995, pp. 1ff.; 132.1996, pp. 1ff.; 133.1997, pp. 750–756; 134.1998, pp. 1005–1012
    Thomas R. W. Longstaff, Page A. Thomas: The Synoptic Problem. A Bibliography 1716–1988. New Gospel Studies 4. Mercer, Macon 1988, ISBN 0-86554-321-6
    Frans Neirynck, J. Verheyden, R. Corstjens: The Gospel of Matthew and the Sayings Source Q. A Cumulative Bibliography 1950-1995. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 140. 2 volumes, University Press, Leuven 1998, ISBN 90-6186-933-1
    IntroductionKlaus-Stefan Krieger: Was sagte Jesus wirklich?. Vier Türme, Münsterschwarzach 2003, ISBN 3-87868-641-2
    John S. Kloppenborg: Q, the Earliest Gospel: An Introduction to the Original Stories and Sayings of Jesus. Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville 2008, ISBN 9780664232221
    ReconstructionsAdolf von Harnack: Sprüche und Reden Jesu. Hinrichs, Leipzig 1907
    Athanasius Polag: Fragmenta Q. Neukirchener Verlag, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1979/1982, ISBN 3-7887-0541-8
    Frans Neirynck (Ed.): Q-synopsis. The Double Tradition Passages in Greek. Studiorum Novi Testamenti Auxilia 13. University Press, Leuven 1988 (2nd expanded edition 1995, 2001), ISBN 90-5867-165-8
    Marcus J. Borg, Thomas Moore (Eds.): The Lost Gospel Q: The Original Saying of Jesus. Ulysses Press 1996, ISBN 1-56975-100-5
    James M. Robinson, Paul Hoffmann, John S. Kloppenborg (Eds.): The Critical Edition of Q. Synopsis Including the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Mark and Thomas with English, German, and French Translations of Q and Thomas. Managing Editor: Milton C. Moreland. Peeters Press, Leuven 2000, ISBN 978-90-429-0926-7 / Fortress Press, Minneapolis 2000, ISBN 978-08-006-3149-9
    James M. Robinson, Paul Hoffmann, John S. Kloppenborg (Eds.): The Sayings Gospel Q in Greek and English with Parallels from the Gospels of Mark and Thomas. Managing Editor: Milton C. Moreland. Peeters Press, Leuven 2001, ISBN 978-90-429-1056-0 / Fortress Press, Minneapolis 2002, ISBN 978-08-006-3494-0
    James M. Robinson (Ed.): The Sayings of Jesus: The Sayings Gospel Q in English. Fortress Press, Minneapolis 2002, ISBN 978-08-006-3451-3
    Paul Hoffmann, Christoph Heil (Eds.): Die Spruchquelle Q. Studienausgabe Griechisch und Deutsch. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 2002 (2nd edition 2007 / 3rd edition 2009), ISBN 3534164849
    James M. Robinson u.a. (Eds.): Documenta Q. Peeters, Leuven 1996ff. (up to now eleven volumes: Q 4,1-13 [1996], Q 6,20f. [2001], Q 6,37-42 [2011], Q 7,1-10 [2002], Q 11,2b-4 [1996], Q 11,39-44 [2012], Q 11,46-52 [2012], Q 12,8-12 [1997], Q 12,33f. [2007], Q 12,49-59 [1997], Q 22,28.30 [1998]), ISBN 978-90-6831-788-6
    Maurice Casey: An Aramaic Approach to Q: Sources for the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Cambridge University Press 2002, ISBN 0521817234
    Harry T. Fleddermann: Q: A Reconstruction and Commentary. Peeters Press, Leuven 2005, ISBN 9042916567

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Naa_060

    I truly do not wish to make things creepy and confusing. I truly seek resolution and solutions. I truly seek a positively-reinforced Judeo-Christianity. One HUGE problem is that a HUGE amount of time and effort are required to properly deal with all of this. I simply think that people should research without ceasing -- in all subjects. I guess this is why I've hinted at some sort of Liturgical-Conservatism and Doctrinal-Liberalism -- wherein one participates in Community-Commonalities while engaging in Ongoing Freethinking Research. This is a painful and delicate matter which I am not capable of dealing with in a proper and expert manner. I'm merely attempting to get some of you Sci-Fi and New-Age types to rethink your prejudices against Judeo-Christianity and Biblical-Studies -- by giving the Old, Old Story of Jesus and His Love a Sci-Fi Context. For a Minimalist Devotional Approach to the Gospels, consider the following study-list:

    1. Isaiah
    2. Matthew
    3. John
    4. Psalms

    Notice this unconventional order. I'll let you speculate as to why I did what I did. I really think that we are driven by forces which are not necessarily benevolent or beneficial toward humanity -- but that going against the grain often seems to require more inspiration and perspiration than most of us possess. Now, consider this arrangement of Gospels and Wisdom-Books!!

    1. Isaiah
    2. Matthew
    3. Job
    4. Mark
    5. Psalms
    6. Luke
    7. Proverbs
    8. John
    9. Ecclesiastes

    BTW -- I've recently noticed a change in a lot of people -- and not for the better. I continue to experience massive discomfort and disorientation. I don't know if this is due to thinking too far out of the box -- or if I really am being oppressed by unseen entities. Whatever the case may be -- it is disabling (rather than enabling) in nature. I have no idea what's really going on. Honestly, I'm just making this up as I go nucking futs. One more thing. What if there are no copies of "Q" (that we know of) possibly because they might be dated to the time of the Old-Testament Wisdom-Literature??!! We couldn't have that, now could we??!! Who knows what existed in the Library at Alexandria (before the fire) -- and who knows if the library was looted before it was torched??!! I suspect that it was!! One last thing. I continue to attempt Responsible-Neutrality regarding all of this madness. I mean no harm. I am of peace, always. Take me to your therapist.

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 2031271,TfpHoAlyl6FoVNR2ljANu6zfG6xNplQYfKbP39Vm3ZJmdstZPgZmEwFb+DkLPKR7qkSRW3LyGfxC1m23STV4wg==
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Relative%2BContent%2Bof%2BSynoptic%2BGospels2
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Four-versions
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 2031272,3NJsz3sqdsAFfKwoP0IJJ3uwZ48xah7omtAQuDf+HhekT2BdW9XN5jCxZJ4AHSHbVIOBB+1ZZOFPwL+xyqLMHg==
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Oh-god-1
    "I'm Just a Completely Ignorant Fool!!"

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Sep 17, 2017 12:06 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 13410
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:53 pm

    Please remember that this thread is a mental and spiritual gymnasium which is intended to make all of us think -- and that it does not necessarily reflect my true views. What about mostly studying materials which are at least five years old, but less than five hundred years old, so as to be able to gain a proper perspective, yet still be able to verify sources, and know something about authorship? Wouldn't this help to avoid sensationalism, and also avoid having to deal with fragments, obscure ancient languages, or the deciphering of hieroglyphics? AD 1517 to AD 2012? Just a thought. Here is my original 'United States of the Solar System' thread (from the old and closed to posting) Project Avalon. It presently has nearly 105,000 views (increasing daily). How does this original-thread from 2010 compare with this present-thread??  Please remember that I have attempted to remove ALL of my online proposals from ALL tables, simply because I don't know what's REALLY going on. Garbage In, Garbage Out?? What Would Kerry Cassidy Say?? What Would Sherry Shriner Say?? That's All I'm Going to Say.

    I like to read the Bible, but how do I really know that what I'm reading is accurate, or that it is what the original authors actually wrote? I continue to be interested in idealistic theology, but I have become somewhat pessimistic regarding using the Bible as a modern infallible standard. Anyway, the info-war will be ongoing and problematic. I'm going to see what sort of mileage I can get out of Responsibility and the U.S. Constitution, at least as being a frame of reference or a base camp. I don't wish to be harsh and narrow, but I do wish to avoid becoming lost at sea, or to avoid beating upon the rocks of who knows what absurdities? There is so much information to wade through. How should we properly sort everything out?

    If you don't stand for something, you tend to fall for anything. If one does not believe in God, the problem is that they will then be much more likely to believe in just about anything. I like thinking about a Vatican-Based Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System, regardless of where it should be headquartered, or who should preside over it. At this point, it is a mental and spiritual exercise for me. It's an ultimate neo-reformation, if you will. Admittedly, the problems connected with implementation and application would be huge. It might not work, but thinking about it might help us to determine what would work. I'm finding it to be a helpful starting point.

    Look at the pluralistic mass of information I have collected in connection with these few words!!! Once again, take this thread as a whole, when considering the possibility of a United States of the Solar System, based solidly on a foundation of Responsibility. Sorry for the repetition, but theme and variation is a useful tool, in music and politics!! It sounds as though my threads are about to go up in smoke because of copyright and forum issues. I smell a rat, but what do I know? I continue to believe that I don't have things figured-out at all. I'm just making this up as I go completely insane. Is this an alien with a bong filled with orgone water??!!! What fate Omoroca? How does this dude blow his nose? What would Sherry Shriner say??? I'm going to listen to six hours straight of Sherry Shriner to try to get my pius-zombie head together...

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Oood

    One more time, and perhaps one last time, I truly wish for things to work out well for all concerned, but I do not subscribe to 'anything goes' or to 'peace at any price'. I'm just not a 'fire and brimstone' kind of guy, like Loki. I think a lot of beings need to be incarcerated and reeducated, but with dignity and respect. I obviously don't know the true state of affairs, and when I learn what's really been going on, I might have a very different attitude. I continue to feel that I am watched and attacked on a supernatural-level 24/7. I'm paranoid, because they really are out to get me. I can visualize what I think has been going on, but I can't articulate it very well, and if I could, I probably wouldn't live very long. If this forum gets shut-down or severely restricted, I doubt that I'll join another forum. This has been an adventure, but I had hoped that it would be a shared adventure.

    I'll probably read more books, watch more documentaries, spend more time in nature, clean and repair my house, straighten-up my finances, write and perform some popular music, and possibly write some science-fiction. In a future-life, I'd like to participate in solar system governance, but I don't think it's going to happen in this life. This has pretty much been a wasted life, in my view. Better luck next time. Right? Thank-you Carol, Mercuriel, All Forum Members, and Secret Admirers for everything you have said and done. Thank-you Queen of Heaven and God of This World for not striking me dead as I have attempted to figure this mess out. But who knows, you might've tried! Perhaps you even succeeded in some of my past lives! I think I might've met you, or a couple of your representatives, over the past few years, but I'm not really sure at this point. If you want to take this tempest in a teapot to the next level, you know where I live, work, and walk. Some of your minions have probably even watched me in the bathroom. Too much information, right?

    Also, beware of those who talk fast and vibrate quickly, and who are clean, neat, smooth, give you what you want, tell you what you want to hear, and have all the answers. I once spoke with an attorney, who told me that if Jesus showed-up, the churches wouldn't know what to do with him. I think they might crucify the real Jesus (figuratively or literally) and try to create a Christ in their own image, and after their likeness, for presentation to the world, which the real Jesus would have nothing to do with. Take a very close look at who has followed the actual Red-Letter Teachings of Jesus, historically and presently. You might be surprised at what you find, or don't find. I think there might be a lot of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth in the final reckoning, and that the genuine return of Jesus might be a great disappointment to the majority of the human race. What would William Miller say? I will continue to argue against eternal capital punishment, but I don't know the true and complete story.

    Seeing everything in it's panoramic horror, might make me think very differently. I've never been more conflicted about this subject than I am right now. Looking beneath the surface of politics and religion is not for the timid or the faint of heart. This subject has made me question myself, more than anyone or anything else. I'm going to be a lot quieter and more thoughtful in the coming months and years. There are thoughts about the subject of this thread which I don't dare print. I almost don't dare think them. My reflection on life, the universe, and everything is scaring the hell out of me, or is it that I am angering the powers of darkness, and they're trying to shoot me down? I think I'm mostly shooting myself down. I'm looking for resolution, but I'm mostly finding questions and conflict. I frankly don't know which way to jump.

    What do you think about restoring most ancient ruins, and other notable structures? What about finishing unfinished grand architectural building projects? What about building grand architectural designs which were never built? Wouldn't this save a lot of time and money? Wouldn't the finished products be grand and monumental? Might this include structures throughout the solar system? Modern construction methods and innovations could be incorporated into the historical designs. Would people be prejudiced by the political, religious, and philosophical associations connected with the buildings? This might be a very difficult hurdle to overcome. I guess I'm a sucker for the grand and glorious, but often this sort of thing has been connected with questionable philosophies and fund-raising methods. Could this endeavor be conducted on a very high road? There would be a lot of Babylonian, Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman themes, wouldn't there? But wouldn't this complement a lot of the existing grand and glorious architectural wonders of the world?

    Elsewhere in this thread, I suggested the installation of an 1875 design Cavaille-Coll pipe-organ in St. Peter's. I'm a sucker for pipe-organs too, even though they are often not well matched with the buildings they are located in. There are a lot of Bentley Organs in Volkswagen Churches! You organists know what I'm talking about! Don't read too much into this paragraph. I lean heavily toward natural everything, and I think the best building is no building, as long as the weather cooperates! But I do admire human creativity, which sometimes manifests in the form of beautiful and grand buildings. I'd really like the solar system to be a New Garden of Eden, which only retains, say 50% of the existing buildings. I'd like to see a lot of the new construction occur underground. Probably most of this hypothetical underground construction would be quite shallow, and people would be able to easily come to the surface. I just want this world and solar system to be picture-perfect! Does anyone have a problem with that???

    You might find this interesting. Of course, as always, I can't verify most of the controversial material I subject myself to, so I just mumble on this little site. Consider the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, the Jesuits, the Freemasons, the Bavarian Illuminati, Gizeh Intelligence, the Nazis, the Alphabet Agencies, the New World Order, and the Secret Government as having a lot in common. Again, no evidence, no proof, just hunches and speculation. Old World Order vs New World Order? Or, are they two sides of the same coin? Bad@$$ vs Bad@$$? If the hated New World Order is defeated, do we then get stuck with the Old World Order? Are both of our options really bad? Sometimes I really wonder if we might be in more trouble than we can possibly imagine. Would a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System be a workable alternative to the madness we are in, or would the same old bastards just keep right on ruling from the shadows? I'm trying to toughen myself up by watching old episodes of 'Nikita'. I'm really a kumbaya kinda guy, but do we live in a kumbaya kinda universe? Sometimes I really wonder.

    Take a look at this documentary on the Dead Sea Scrolls. I continue to experience a profound and devastating crisis of faith, but I also continue to believe that biblical and theological studies are foundational for bigger and better things. Don't just write-off the Bible and Religion, and avoid the whole subject. As unpleasant as it might be, I think we need to properly deal with this. It's really hard to master calculus, without learning algebra and trigonometry. I've been trying to keep one foot in the Old Age and the other foot in the New Age, and I'm doing the splits. I also think that we need the organization and community which the church offers. Unfortunately, many churches are wracked with painful power struggles and doctrinal controversies, not to mention fighting about money. But please don't stop studying religion and theology, just because you don't go to church, or don't believe in God. I tear down and build up, simultaneously. One doesn't make a lot of friends that way, and it's a nasty job, but someone has to do it. I'm still conceptually working with the Teachings of Jesus, the U.S. Constitution, the Latin Mass, and Sacred Classical Music, but I'm not making a lot of progress, and I have received virtually no feedback from anyone. Could the Catholics, Orthodox, Anglicans, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Buddhists, Jews, and Muslims accept such a combination? Would the Protestants still protest, or did most of them stop protesting a long time ago? I wonder.

    The Latin Mass is the most difficult part of the equation for me, but if I interpret the Mass with the Teachings of Jesus, it sort of works, for me at least. I'm trying to look for commonalities and historical continuity, with a lot less baggage. I like to travel light. But I remain in turmoil about all of the above. I don't think there is any easy way out of this mess. No one's really going to be happy, no matter what we do. It's sort of like 'choose your poison'. We're very hard to please, aren't we? I'm trying to be a New Age Protestant Catholic by engaging in heresy within the sacred walls of Roman Catholicism, if you know what I mean. They'd fire me in five minutes! Here is a beautiful Latin Mass Wedding. Sometimes I think I should move to Paris, and attend various Parisian Roman Catholic Churches, and go to every single organ and choral concert. Then I might find a group of renegade Jesuits to hang-out with, and conspire against the Pope (in a nice way, of course!), in sort of a Neo-Hellfire Club! What would Benjamin Franklin say??? What would Francis Dashwood say??? What would the Pope say??? I don't hate the Pope, but I think the Papacy is too easily controlled from the shadows, and too easily corrupted. But would a more democratic and transparent hierarchical governmental structure destroy the Roman Catholic Church? How does one save the church, without destroying it, and a lot of faithful church members, as the church confronts modernity? What a pain!

    My computer is running slower than constipation, and I think I know why. I once attended a couple of lectures by Charles Thomas Casey. I think he was a grandson of Edgar Casey. It was quite interesting, but I don't remember the details, and I'm not sure why I didn't pursue the work of Edgar Casey. I come from a somewhat suspicious and paranoid religious tradition, which might explain some of my reluctance to jump right in to something supernatural and spooky. I was attending a Whole Life Expo, and I was a bit overwhelmed by everything. I was also singing in four televised church services at the time, two on Saturday (Sabbath) and two on Sunday, so I was a bit over-churched, to say the least! How does one properly combine order, organization, and discipline with freedom and creativity? How does one properly avoid confusion and anarchy? There are probably seven billion different opinions regarding politics and religion, and how they should relate to each other, so do we need a super father or mother figure to bring order out of chaos?

    If we keep a certain few items constant, in a minimalist-traditionalist approach, can we then safely engage in a responsible and harmonious pluralism? If the center doesn't hold, we're pretty much screwed, aren't we? Would a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System be a center which would hold? My answer is that it would depend on what people infused this concept with. It could work, or it could fail. What are the psychological, ethical, political, and religious implications and ramifications of a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System? Would such a concept compete with the Roman Catholic Church and maybe China or Russia, or could there be a grand and glorious integration? I really don't know. Again, it would depend on what people brought to the table. I really don't favor a particular race, religion, or country. I really don't. I'm trying to be a watcher from a distance, and do that which is in EVERYONE'S BEST INTEREST. But does that sort of approach make EVERYONE UNHAPPY???

    There are some aspects of the Nazi phenomenon, which might have it's roots in Gizeh Intelligence (or equivalent), which have-been, and are, quite attractive, but with legion and devastating final-solutions. Fame, Fortune, Power, Pleasure, and Technology are big draws for a lot of people. But reprehensible means lead to unthinkable ends. Just keep researching a wide variety of subjects. A couple of interesting books which combine politics and religion in a historical setting are 'Hitler's Pope' by John Cornwell, and 'The Keys of This Blood' by Malachi Martin. I'm thinking about going back to church, not because they teach the truth, but because of community. 'The Rise of the Fourth Reich' by Jim Marrs, is an excellent book regarding the persistence of the Nazi phenomenon. I think we need to study the history of the 20th century very carefully, or the human race might not make it to the 22nd century. I will continue to be honest, rather than sanitizing my true feelings with love and light. Intensity and honesty seems to be viewed as being a vice rather than a virtue.

    I know how to do placid and peaceful. Been there and done that. I just watched a documentary on Heinrich Himmler, and I'm presently agonizing over the Nazi phenomenon. Why didn't the Germans simply promote excellence, and leave everyone alone? Why go to war at all? Why didn't they simply try to win the hearts and minds of the rest of the world, without fighting with them? The Nazi Party seemed to be an authoritarian humanist religion. If one can grapple with the horrors of history, and remain placid and happy, then something is seriously wrong with them. I hope some good guys and gals with Cray Supercomputers are saving the best internet content, and engaging in expert analysis 24/7. I think this infowar is just warming up, and that we haven't seen anything yet. I'd love for things to be resolved and placid by December 21, 2012, but at this point, I'm bracing for the worst, and for a long and drawn-out conflict, which might involve the entire solar system. But I'm pleading with everyone, weak and strong, to keep the infowar completely non-violent.

    I realize that there are huge issues to discuss and argue about, but hurting and killing should be kept completely off the table. Justice should be delivered in a legal context, and without capital, cruel, or unusual punishment. I don't wish to just sweep everything under the galactic rug, hold hands (or whatever), and sing kumbaya, but I get the feeling that there have been way too many star wars, over billions of years. I want this to be over, but I'm certainly not holding my breath. Well, I might be going down for the 30th time, but I'm going to try to stay down this time, in my Shallow Underground Civilian Base, and just read books and watch documentaries. I might even enter a Vibrational Rehab Center to try to vibrate fast enough to make a difference. I have no idea what I'm supposed to be thinking and doing. I got the distinct impression today, that someone does not like what I'm thinking and doing, but I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

    Everything seems like a big, sick, most dangerous game. I just wish to turn Purgatory into Paradise. Is this unreasonable or irresponsible? I'm sensing no love from anyone, good or bad. So, once again, are we stuck with either the Old World Order or the New World Order? Is there another better option? What the hell is really going on? Damned if I know, but this thrashing madness of mine is over, for now anyway. This thread is born of insecurity, rather than arrogance. It is merely a tool. It is a means to an end, rather than being the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Namaste. Mea Culpa. Kyrie Eleison. Good-Night. God Bless You. And God Bless the United States (slight pause) of the Solar System. Geronimo!

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    Orthodoxymoron v Marduk??!!

    I was finally going to stop, but here I go again. I like the idea of a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System, with a University of Solar System Studies and Governance being an integral part of this Brave New Solar System. There might be a hundred campuses located throughout the solar system. I think the best aspects of all political and religious systems could be incorporated into a United States of the Solar System. The idea is to end up with 10,000 of the best and the brightest highly educated and trained representatives, who are not corrupted in any way, shape, or form. I don't know enough about the various beings and factions in the world, solar system, galaxy, and universe to make proper determinations and judgments about them at this time. I simply wish for the corrupt and evil bullshit to cease and desist in this solar system, with all deliberate speed. Do not twist and misuse my words and intentions. I desire only the best for this solar system. Perhaps I should narrow my study to 'The Federalist Papers', 'The Anti-Federalist Papers', The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, in the context of Nature and Sacred Classical Music. Studying this subject while listening to appropriate music makes all the difference in the world.

    I am not in bed with any particular race, country, or religion. I might be confused or deceived, but my intentions are to do that which is in everyone's best interest. I remain open to all beings and all points of view, but I am quite suspicious and paranoid at this point. I am attempting neutrality, to the best of my ability.
    I have tried to keep things light, throughout this thread, but I am very serious about cleaning up the mess in this solar system. Formality and informality both have their proper spheres, and I will attempt to be sensitive regarding what is appropriate and inappropriate in various contexts. Would all of the above need to be theocratically approved, established, and administered? I tend to think so, but I don't know enough about the true state of affairs, regarding God, Satan, Angels, Demons, the Human, and the Divine. I continue to fly-blind, with not nearly enough reliable information. A brutal gang of facts, or a brutal gang of dracs, could change everything. I still don't have an enemies list, but I continue to work on one, as I continue to try to understand. Namaste.

    Is competition an integral part of freedom? Are deception, cruelty, and moral ambiguity integral parts of competition? Can pure love compete in the reptilian eat human solar system we live in? I'm leaning toward responsibility and response-ability as being a modus operandi where the good guys and gals can actually win, instead of huddling in a corner, singing kumbaya, while the bad guys and gals rule the solar system. I really do want the good guys and gals to win, but a lot of what masquerades as love and goodness is really naivety and stupidity, and I have engaged in plenty of this myself, which is why I know so much about it. Has high-technology made us safer and happier people? Has it really made things better? Was the Industrial Revolution a good idea? Are all of the Weapons of Mass Destruction making the solar system a really great place? I'm not anti high-tech or anti factory, but probably 90% of this complex mess should be eliminated. Is the world an environmentally better place than it was a century ago? Have we made this world much more beautiful and peaceful, or have we turned it into a toilet and a slaughterhouse? Answer these questions honestly, instead of just struggling to get more and more and more.

    I wish to turn this solar system into a paradise for everyone, not just for some select faction, religion, or race. I support a responsible pluralism. Obviously, defining and applying this would be something to behold. Once again, please study this thread as a whole, rather than just reading a couple of posts, and then issuing a verdict. This thread is a mental and spiritual exercise, and a means to an end, rather than being the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. This thread is intended to make you face yourself, and think. One more thing. Please understand that I have engaged in a certain amount of role-playing and imagined-importance in this thread. Little people with inferiority complexes, sometimes imagine themselves in important roles and situations. It's sort of fun, and it can be instructional, but it really is dreamland, and there are massive doses of dreamland in this thread. But I have attempted to approximate what I think the hidden realities might really be. Once again, I would love to play some sort of a role in a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System, but this would have to be in one of my future lives. I'm sort of a basket-case in this life, but in a good way. I mean well, but Raven was right, I am a completely ignorant fool, and I know it. We all have our crosses to bear.

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    Take a very close look at the Knights Templar and the Teutonic Knights. Where and when did they REALLY originate? What have they been doing for the past 500 years, in particular? What are they doing presently? Are there two or three factions, or are they monolithic? What if they really go back into ancient Sirius, Atlantis, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome? What if they are at the center of the Bloody Drama on this Prison Planet in Rebellion? Are they the Secret Government? I haven't really gotten into this, but I see and smell a helluva lot of smoke, and the smoke is just pouring out of my ears. Consider the Praying and Fighting aspects of the Knights. What might be the World War II parallels? Do we basically need to reform all factions and aspects of the Knights Templar and Teutonic Knights, or whatever names they presently use? Read between the lines here. I don't want to speculate too freely in this area. I think this might be playing with hotter fire than I'm prepared to handle. One more time.

    Has anyone considered or attempted Expository Preaching based upon 'The Teachings of Jesus', 'The Federalist Papers', and 'The Anti-Federalist Papers', in the interest of 'Responsible Freedom', in the Context of the Cathedral? What if there were a French Romantic Organ Prelude (foreplay), followed by a Processional with French Romantic Choral Music, followed by a French Romantic Choral Anthem, followed by Expository Preaching Based Upon 'The Teachings of Jesus', 'The Federalist Papers' and the 'Anti-Federalist Papers', followed by a French Romantic Choral Work, followed by a Recessional with French Romantic Choral Music, followed by a Climactic French Romantic Organ Postlude, with Bells and Fireworks Outside???? Why won't anyone talk to me about any of this? I'm not just talking to the regular posters. I'm talking to everyone who monitors this site and thread. You probably know a helluva lot more about what's really going on than I do, and you could very easily carry on an intelligent conversation with me. Why is there a conversational brick wall?

    I'm dumber and smarter than you think. I could explain, but it's complicated. I'm just starting to figure it out, and I'm probably making a lot of mistakes, but they are just stumbling baby steps on the road to utopia. Check this out. You can watch services from Notre Dame in Paris. I've spoken of Latin Masses, but I really just like listening to services in languages other than English, so I can read, write, or just think, while listening to them. Don't crucify me regarding my comments on Latin Masses. I would still like to know the full story behind the origins of the Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass. I'm not Catholic, so go easy on me, as I try to understand a lot of things which most people couldn't care less about. I love the music!!! Je T'aime Notre Dame de Paris!!!

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    Imagine being in a room with 100 of the best and brightest individuals in the solar system - discussing solar system governance issues. What might that be like? Is this the way it should be? But how would one ensure that you really had the 100 best and brightest individuals? How would one keep this group from becoming cold, hard, cynical, and corrupt? So many things start out looking so very promising, and then they go to hell in a hurry. Would an Idealized Queen of Heaven really be the best final authority? Imagine dealing with an Uber-Competent Queen of Heaven in a Temple Palace on the Moon. What might that be like? If they were really, really good - that would be an exhilarating experience, especially if they were really, really sexy!! But what if they made Bloody Mary look like Mother Teresa? How about Kali or Hathor on a bad day?? Think about it. The human race should be treated with dignity and respect, and be given appropriate levels of responsibility, but does there need to be a theocratic authority of last resort? If people are treated like children, they're going to act like children. But, on the other hand, if they are allowed to run wild, they might exterminate themselves rather quickly. Where is the happy medium or proper balance point in all of this governance madness?

    I really just want things to operate properly, and for wars, starvation, gross-injustice, etc. to be completely eliminated. The drama should be kept to an absolute minimum. There are probably hundreds of viable models of solar system governance, which would work just fine, but a Theocratically Implemented, Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System is the one I'm going to run with, until I find something better, and I am open to being shown something better. But it better be really good! This thread is not born of arrogance and superiority, but rather of insecurity and inferiority. I'm really just trying to make sense out of things, so as to try to help make things better for everyone. I like a mixture of the royal model, the servant model, formality, informality, democracy, and theocracy. Even if there has been historical and contemporary governmental malfeasance, a new team might not be much better. I really am trying to understand that which has been hidden from the goyim and commoners. I hate having to keep guessing about all of this, but when I really find out the truth, I might hate myself regarding my historical reincarnational role in the troubles which have plagued this solar system. Ignorance is bliss, right?

    I deal in possibilities and probabilities, and I also mostly connect dots to information which has been revealed by others. But I do this very passively, and only on this little forum. I think most of those who read what I write, know a lot more than I do, even though they rarely comment. I have no credentials, so my credibility is zero. Even if I'm mostly right, the impact is probably close to zero. It's not like I've been given the grand-tour by a group of Dracs and Tall, Long-Nosed Greys, and then told not to tell anyone. I really don't know, but I worry constantly, and I suspect deception and foul-play on a grand scale. And no, it's not worth it, but I do it anyway. It might be of some benefit to someone, somehow, somewhere, somewhen. This is sort of like 'Mr. Smith Goes to Phobos'. This is honestly an attempt to reconstruct a badly shattered faith, but it obviously is not working. They promised me a rose-garden. They lied. I'm not complaining about the primrose path. It's what's at the end of the path that troubles me. The light at the end of the tunnel might be an oncoming magneto-leviton train travelling at mach 2.

    They never promised me a rose-garden in Avalon or the Mists of Avalon, and I don't expect one here, or on Phobos, for that matter. But the truth of our predicament seems to have been carefully hidden by both the good guys and the bad guys. They all have their reasons. But it seems to me that the time has come for the truth to be tactfully revealed to everyone, regardless of whether satisfactory solutions can be achieved, or not. My continued speculation might prepare myself and others for whatever horrors await us, just around the corner. I'm trying to keep all of this in the realm of science-fiction, and mostly for a morbid sort of entertainment. If someone becomes upset by this, they can be consoled that I'm just a stupid crackpot conspiracy theorist, rather than a credentialed whistleblower. If the Mists of Avalon gets taken down, perhaps we can start the Fog of Phobos...

    I've been trying to keep one foot in the Old Age and the other foot in the New Age, and I'm doing the splits. The antediluvian world was supposedly surrounded by some sort of a mist, which did not exist post-deluge. Is there any evidence of such a mist, and what it might've consisted of? The chem-trails (laced with radioactive materials?), Fukushima (deliberately inflicted?), and weather modification (courtesy of HAARP?) might be designed to produce conditions conducive to certain life-forms. Is this possible? Some speak of the 'veil being lifted'. What are they referring to? Are we going to be dealing with zombies, giants, and plf's? How might orgone affect humans and other than humans, physically and on a soul-level? I'm feeling a tremendous sense of dread. Perhaps I should make my shallow underground civilian base a bit deeper. Can you dig it? In the biblical record, Adam lived to the ripe, old age of 939 earth years, but in a very short time period, people were lucky to make it to 100. What the hell happened? That can't possibly be blamed on 'The Fall' can it? Then, 'God' was sorry that 'he' created 'man', and committed genocide, nearly wiping-out the entire human race. In Babylon, 'God' seemed to forbid a One World Government and the Unification of Humanity. I am not a slave to the biblical scrolls, but I do think they contain important clues.

    Has anyone read any Ralph Ellis books, such as 'Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs'? How about any of Gerald Massey's books, such as 'The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ'? Both authors focus upon the intersection of Biblical Studies and Egyptology. Does anyone have any thoughts regarding Biblical Egyptology? What about Michael / Horus / Mithras / Jesus / ??? as being a reincarnating archangel, or even a reptilian queen on a soul-level? Perhaps a forbidden genetic hybridization program resulted in an undesirable and threatening product of conception, namely the human race. I am interested in idealistic government and religion, and even the constructive combining of the two, but I'm not seeing much of a solid historical foundation for this sort of thing. Is the human race predestined to defeat, by divine design? Am I getting warm (due to increased levels of radioactivity?), or am I just cracking-up? Sometimes I feel like a potted-plant. What would Brendan Sullivan say?

    Anyway, has anyone read or re-read 'Megatrends' or 'Future Shock' lately, to see how things have played-out in relation to the forecasts and projections? Should I be reading Daniel and the Revelation in the Holy Bible, for the real-deal about the future? Should I try to change the future, or is it pretty-much already determined? Have the gods and goddesses made up their minds what they're going to do with us, or to us? Or, has the Creator God of the Universe decided what to do with the gods and goddesses - and with us? Is the ball in our court, or not? I guess I'm seeking a productive partnership of the Human and the Divine, whatever that really means. Where does the BS stop, and the truth begin? Which Heins 57 varieties of religion and philosophy do we embrace? How shall we then live? Should we just eat, drink, and be merry, as we prepare to die?

    Please listen to the 1989 MUFON Bill Cooper video (UFO's and Secret-Government), over and over again. Please determine how much of it is true. I think a lot of it is true, but my interpretation is somewhat different than the conclusions which Bill arrives at. This material is enough to drive a man to irritability and drunkeness. I've never had a drink in my life, but I'm tempted to become an alcoholic, and join the Friends of Bill Cooper! Sorry Bill. I have no respect, even for my friends! Would Mt. Weather be a good United States of the Solar System Headquarters? How about Camp David? What about the Crater Copernicus? If nothing else works out, there's always Phobos! Should I rent a Ferrari, and do my version of 'On the Beach'? What would Jon Shirley say? What would Shirley Maclaine say? Wait. Don't tell me. Once again, I want to make it clear that I don't hate anyone, but I am annoyed by nearly everyone. I'm really just trying to understand, and to then respond responsibly. I'm very hesitant to throw stones, because I might live in a glass house. Hell, I spent years in a glass cathedral. I really just want to resolve this mess, and move on to bigger and better things, with all deliberate speed. I'm going to spend years attempting to sleep in the bed I've made in this thread. I intend to remain virtually invisible and low key, but who knows what the future will bring, if we even have a future.

    The following is just a current theory of mine. I speculate a lot. I somehow think that in antiquity, Michael/Jesus was instrumental in the intelligent design and genetic engineering of male and female human beings, and that this was considered to be the original and unpardonable sin in a reptilian universe. Then, this rebellion was put-down by the Old World Order. At some point Michael/Jesus tried to take back the solar system with a New World Order, which was quickly put-down. At some point, a Counterfeit New World Order came into existence, and battled with the Old World Order. I think Michael/Jesus has largely been disempowered for a very long time. I'm hoping that a New Solar System will replace both the Old World Order and the New World Order. I have tried to approximate what I think the New Solar System might be like, by hypothetically creating a Theocratically-Implemented, Responsibility-Based, United States of the Solar System. The crucifixion might've originally occurred in ancient Atlantis, Babylon, or Egypt, simply as a punishment, with Jesus as a Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God. Then, the story was later modified into the version we are taught in the churches.

    The crucifixion is essentially a human-sacrifice, and the eucharist is essentially cannibalism, especially when the doctrine of transubstantiation is taken literally and seriously. The substitutionary atonement promises that we can be considered as being good, even if we continue to be bad. I agree with Bernard Shaw, that the substitutionary atonement is unethical. I think we simply must be good, which means we must be responsible, and make the problems of others, our problems. We really are our brother's and sister's keepers. A human sacrifice and cannibalism (symbolic or literal) will not get us off the hook with a legitimate deity. But we might be dealing with regressive and vengeful deities, who use God's name in vain, to punish and enslave us. Read 'The God's of Eden' by William Bramley, 'The Great Controversy' by Ellen White, and 'Rule by Secrecy' by Jim Marrs, as evidence for this hypothesis. Crucifixes do not honor Jesus Christ. They are hideous, and most of them should be removed. Obviously, stained-gl@ss windows, and such, should be left alone, as works of art, and integral parts of existing buildings.

    Anyway, the Teachings of Jesus emphasize being ethical and righteous. The writings of Paul promote the substitutionary atonement, and many consider Paul to be a heretic against the message of Christ. Paul did not follow the Great Commission in Matthew 28. He started an essentially new religion, which was not based upon the Teachings of Jesus. As far as I can tell, no church in 2,000 years has followed the Teachings of Jesus as it's doctrinal statement, and rule of faith and practice. I'd love to be proven wrong, but no one seems to wish to talk to me, regardless of whether they agree with me, or not. No one really seems to give a damn. I have also seen the little white amoeba-like lights between me and the computer screen today. I know someone hates me, but at least they are interested in what I'm doing. I think this thing is really nasty and bitter, and I don't think I know 5% of what has really gone on for thousands and even millions of years. I have no animosity presently, but if I knew the full story, I might start applying the war-paint and beating the drums of war! Unfortunately, we're not dealing with sticks and stones anymore. We're dealing with planet-busting WMD's.

    So, I will continue to attempt to be a neutral pacifist, rather than a war monger. The regressives would probably kick my @$$ anyway!!!! There has been minimal dialogue on this thread, and then, in the past couple of months, conversation has dried-up completely. I have some ideas. I'm challenging the status-quo, and while I intend no harm, the implications and ramifications of my challenge might be very far-reaching. Again, I continue to fly blind. I'm just trying to do the right thing, despite feeling like poop most of the time. But this doesn't seem to be welcome and appreciated. I guess I'm attempting a jail-break, but it's really a nice and peaceful jail-break. This all seems so futile. I really just want things to make sense, and for this solar system to be run properly. Herein probably lies the problem. I am criticizing the prison planet administration, and I am trying to convert a harsh and punishing prison into a peaceful paradise. This might be attempting an impossibility. I just don't know the true nature of our predicament. I doubt that the management is incompetent, but I do think it is corrupt and cruel. But what the hell do I know?

    What's going on with China and Korea? I feel very apprehensive. I have heard some troubling things, which I can't verify, and which I'd rather not talk about. To all concerned, be very careful, and don't believe everything the Secret Government (or equivalent) tells you. I continue to think there is a hidden power which incites and causes us to war with each other. We need to stop falling for this bullshit. Again, I am not partial toward any race, religion, or country. I'm White, American, Christian, and Male, but I'm doing my best to be a composite of everyone and everything, if you know what I mean. A Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System might not be particularly American, if you know what I mean. My continued discussion of the Roman Catholic Church doesn't mean that I'm in bed with the Pope. There is a positive and a negative side to everyone and everything, and I wish to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, and get rid of the dracs! Just kidding! I'd still like to hang-out with the Dracs on Phobos! Someone told me that they like me, but I'm not sure why, or if that was a sarcastic comment.

    I simply wish to give everyone a fair shake, but obviously I don't know what's really been going on throughout the solar system for thousands of years. Full disclosure might change everything. I will attempt to adapt appropriately and ethically to changing circumstances and situations. What would Joseph Fletcher say? I know what he told me privately, but it was rather negative, and wouldn't apply to this post! BTW, is Titan the new Prison Planet? If so, is it really big enough? Just wondering. If they cause any trouble, airlock 'em!!! I'm half-joking and half-serious! Probably keeping them in a Deep Underground Faraday-Shielded Maximum-Security Prison would be the best idea. For now. Should eating people be a capital offense? Are people really being eaten? Alex Collier says yes. Sherry Shriner says yes. I haven't said much about this, because it is so horrific and sensational, and because I don't know.

    I have chosen to focus on solar system governance as a method of dealing with whatever horrors exist in this solar system, which might include non-humans eating humans, or even humans eating humans. We don't seem to be bothered by humans eating non-humans, do we? Well, actually it does bother me, because I'm a vegetarian. Nothing would surprise me, at this point. I am becoming more jaded and cynical than you can imagine. I really doubt that participation in solar system governance would bring happiness and fulfillment. One might become a cold and heartless bastard, which is why I like the idea of a rational and organized rotation of power, with plenty of oversight, checks, and balances. But what do I know? Probably very little. I'm going to spend a lot of time listening to Alex Jones. I'm not recommending this to others, but it's something I need to do. I need some of what Alex has, but not too much! I like Ron Paul and Alex Jones, regardless of any hidden agendas. Also, consider studying 1. Science. 2. Theology. 3. Science Fiction. 4. New Age. 5. Conspiracy Theories. I'm not sure why I wrote that, but I think each of us needs to find a proper balance of several subjects. I like the words 'multidisciplinary' and 'pluralistic'.

    Are there good Dracs, Greys, Hybrids, Nazis, Masons, Magicians, Jesuits, and Alphabet Agents? I think so. Imagine working with all of them on the Darkside of the Moon!!! It might be cool if there were a site for whistle-blowers, where they would just post to each other, and others would simply read, and not comment. A Jesuit and Alphabet Agent Site would be sort of cool, where they would reveal bits and pieces of previously classified information, in a manner which would avoid confusion and sensationalism. I hate having to speculate about everything. I'd like to just go into a room full of Jesuits and Alphabet Agents, and have them give me an education for a couple of weeks. I'd probably want to kill myself when I found out the truth, but at least I'd know the truth. A thousand-page, eyes-only document would be the next best thing. But really, ignorance is probably bliss, and completely ignorant fools like me shouldn't be told too much! We might spook the herd!

    I remain very troubled regarding the low-level of communication refinement, throughout the world. We might not be ready for disclosure or ascension. My quest has revealed how little I know, and how much I need to learn about everything, really. I intend to read a lot of books and watch a lot of documentaries, and say a lot less. I've probably said too much already, and there is probably a very good reason why very little substantial conversation results, but I'm not sure what that reason is. I'm really sorry that we couldn't discuss solar system governance. I really do have to talk to myself. You wouldn't believe the conversations and arguments I get into with my higher-self!! That prude always hides behind a puritanical skirt. I think something monumental and historical has occurred over the past 18 months, but I'm not sure what it is, exactly. I have some ideas, which I'd rather not talk about. I continue to desire that things work out well for all concerned, but without knowing what's really going on, it's very difficult to say anything with any certainty. I just feel very beat-up, very sad, and very scared.

    If you can remain calm in this situation, you haven't been paying attention. I think things could go in any direction, and I have no idea regarding my fate, and the fate of the human race. I think things have been very bad, for a very long time, and I have no idea whether things can be properly resolved, or not. Things have gotten so bad, that I really don't wish to continue, but I obviously will. Everything is a struggle. Life should be lived, rather than endured. Just consider how precarious our situation really is. Seven Billion Inmates on a Prison Planet in Rebellion, Filled with Weapons of Mass Destruction, Hurtling Through Space, Under the Scornful Gaze of the Gods and Goddesses. Either this world is nicer than I thought it was, or I am receiving some sort of protection, because I am posting things which would've gotten people removed a few years ago. Perhaps it's just that so much forbidden information is being released and discussed presently. I get the feeling that I am being supernaturally attacked, but that I am being physically protected. I know that is counter-intuitive, but I feel as though I am left to fight my own spiritual battles, but that physically, it's claws-off. But who knows? I try to be in an attitude of prayer 24/7, but I rarely engage in traditional prayer, where specific things are asked for. I'm not recommending this approach, but it's just my modus operandi presently. Think About It. Namaste and Godspeed.

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    I've watched both of these cars race! 12 cylinder engines sound sweet!!

    Researching Teutonic Zionism, Teutonic Knights, Knights Templer, et al is getting into an area of study which frankly scares the hell out of me. When I got into the subject of Amen Ra, on Avalon 1, I felt the same way. By the way, the 'Amen Ra' thread on Avalon 1 presently has nearly 155,000 views, with nearly all of these views occurring after the shut-down. Could the two subjects be related? I'm beginning to think so. Here is a link to some related links. Incidently, I'm thinking that Eric Jon Phelps is an excellent resource for this topic. He mostly deals with the Jesuit and Catholic aspects, but perhaps they are important pieces of the puzzle. I still do not wish to be angry at anyone, and I still wonder what my reincarnational role might've been in all of the historical madness. I've been completely out of the loop throughout this incarnation, with the exception of my recent internet expedition into madness. I will continue to blurt things out, in a tactful and tentative manner, on this little site. I hope this helps more than it hurts, but I am open to a redirection of my attention, with the appropriate use of reason, rather than meanness. I want to help to clean things up, but I want to do it the right way. There is a right and a wrong way to do the right thing, you know. Think about religious-ritual human-sacrifice and military human-sacrifice. Are the two related? Is there a religious and a military branch of a secret government, which specializes in blood, death, and sacrifice? And what about blood-money banksters? What about the City-States?

    Like I said, this subject is getting too scary and creepy for me. I was just going to stop posting, while I wait for Armageddon. How far out on a limb should I venture, if I am to follow my own advice concerning responsibility? I'm going to stop whimpering and rambling, and just listen to Eric Jon Phelps, Leo Zagami, Alex Jones, Bill Cooper, Jordan Maxwell, and Sherry Shriner. That should calm me down, and help me get my head together. I certainly do NOT want bad things to happen -- yet my internet activities have made me quite paranoid. Some real-life conversations have made me even more paranoid. It seems as if things are ripe for something bad to happen -- to cover-up a lot of things -- maintain control of Purgatory Incorporated -- and for a few people (and other than people?) to make a lot of money. I understand that life might have to be somewhat harsh for most of us for quite some time -- but please do NOT deliberately inflict pain, suffering, death, and destruction upon humanity. If certain individuals deserve the worst -- deal with them on a case by case basis -- and leave the rest of us alone. If all of us deserve the worst -- then I don't know what to say, other than "Adhere to a REASONABLE System of Rewards and Punishments". One more thing. I am NOT Anti-Alien. I AM Anti-Bullshit. World Without End. Amen -- or Whoever.

    Real or Fake??
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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jul 24, 2017 10:40 pm

    Carol wrote:
    The road to Rome leads through Mecca and Jerusalem
    By Benjamin Fulford - 7/24/17

    The rogue states of Saudi Arabia and Israel are under massive attack from a Russian, Chinese, Pentagon and Iranian alliance and will have no choice but to surrender. It is only a question now of when, not if. When these rogue regimes surrender, their leadership is going to be forced to expose who gives them their orders and they will point to Rome and the black sun worshippers at the P2 freemason lodge. These are the self-appointed social engineers behind most of the world’s troubles. Once they are exposed, it will be game over and a world revolution leading to world peace will take place.

    The P2 Freemason leaders who are behind such acts of terror as 911 and Fukushima are sick with worry these days because they can see a dragnet closing in on them from all sides. This writer’s verified claims about their involvement in these horrors, for example, are now going viral.

    The lawsuits against Saudi Arabia by the families of the victims of 911 are one key source of worry. That is because the lawsuits will inevitably lead to the secret Western controllers of Saudi Arabia. In the UK, for example, the Labour Party, that is poised to seize power, has joined the 911 victim’s families in demanding that the UK government release its secret report on Saudi Arabian funding of terror groups. The government of Prime Minister Theresa May says they cannot make this information public “for national security reasons.”

    What they really mean is that exposing Saudi Arabia’s involvement would expose the involvement of people like former Prime Minister Tony Blair in 911. Since Blair went to former Pope Maledict (Pope Benedict XVI) for protection after he lost power, you can be sure the trail from Blair leads to Rome.

    Then we have Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif being quoted in English language media as saying that 94% of world terrorism can be traced to Saudi Arabia.

    Once again, if you look behind Saudi Arabia and its pseudo-Muslim Satan worshipping ruling family, you will find the P2 and their black sun.

    Now, the US military has allowed the Iranians and Russians to deploy along the border between Syria and Israel as well as along the Saudi Arabian border, causing the Israelis to freak out.

    The US military is now concentrating its military in the Middle East on annihilating Daesh, which is an Israeli and Saudi Arabian front. So the US military is de facto in an alliance with Iran and Russia against Israel and Saudi Arabia.

    Now Turkey has made public the locations of US bases in Syria even as its buys Russian s-400 missile defenses. Pentagon sources say this leak was deliberately made to show a US, Russian military alliance in the Middle East. This is happening as Germany withdraws its troops from Turkish airbases and stops selling arms to Turkey. Remember, Turkey has the largest army in the NATO alliance after the US. Turkey’s strongman Recep Erdogan has been flipping and flopping back and forth between Russia and NATO depending on who seems stronger. Remember it was not that long ago that Erdogan asked for NATO help after his armed forces shot down a Russian fighter jet. Now he seems to be working with Russia and the US military against NATO.

    We also see the Serbians asking for Russian missile defense systems to “defend against NATO aggression.”

    Remember also how US President Donald Trump was calling Germany “very bad” and became the first US president in NATO’s history to not mention the article 5 mutual defense clause in the NATO treaty. Pentagon sources have long told this writer about how much they enjoy sinking submarines sold to Israel by the Germans. Now they say the Germans are being blocked from a plan to sell 3 more submarines to Israel. Also, the Germans lost out to the French company DCNS on a contract to sell 12 submarines to the Australians, Pentagon sources say.

    So now we see Germany, Israel and Saudi Arabia all in the cross-hairs together. What do these countries have in common? They are controlled by Khazarian mafia bloodline families, including the old Roman families who control the P2 Freemason lodge.

    Remember also how at the last G20 meeting Pope Francis was, together with German Prime Minister Angela Merkel, leading the chorus for the Paris accords, while Trump opposed it. The Paris Accords are really an attempt by the bloodline families to appear as gentle sheeple herders in order to stay in power and create a world government controlled by them. So, opposition to the Paris accords by Trump is really gnostic illuminati opposition to continued bloodline rule. The gnostic illuminati claim they have fought against bloodline rule for thousands of years and take credit for the French, US and Russian revolutions. Their leaders say they are now pushing for a world revolution against bloodline rule.

    Thus, what we are seeing reflected in recent news is a continuation of a civil war in the West with countries still controlled by Khazarian bloodline families (Saudi Arabia, Germany, Israel) being attacked by those no longer under their control (the US, Russia, Iran etc.). France is also being pulled out of its alliance with Germany which is why the Daesh supporting top French general Pierre de Villiers was fired, Pentagon sources say. Clearly the tide is turning against the bloodline controlled countries.

    Inside the US, the neocon Khazarian servants had a huge loss as Trump was forced to renew a deal with Iran despite his previous posturing against that country. The purge of bloodline servants also continues with warmongering Senator and Daesh (ISIS) founder John McCain getting malignant brain cancer. He joins George Soros, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Clintons and many others in the garbage can of history.

    The bloodlines are fighting back against this ongoing purge with their “Russia did it” campaign. Thus, last week Susan Rice, former President Barack Obama’s security adviser, was giving secret testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee on “Russian interference” in the US election. “Russian interference,” is a Khazarian bloodline family code name for the gnostic Illuminati. Now their pet politicians in Congress (who are supported by less than 10% of the US population) are trying to place a new set of sanctions against Russia that are tantamount to a declaration of war. Of course the US military will ignore these bribed actors but what they really should be doing is rounding them up and putting them in jail. And jail is what they deserve.

    If you want to know just how corrupt the Western power structure is, I highly recommend you listen to this 37 minute interview with Tony Gambino, former top boss of the Gambino crime family.

    The bloodline families think they are doing God’s work by forcing Islam and Christianity to mix and merge so that they can unify monotheism, according to various P2 officials I have interviewed. They also want to create Eurabia, ruled from Jerusalem, as a step on their road to creating a fascist world government.

    Their plan is now unravelling in Asia as well as in Europe. In Japan, the Tokyo Electric Power Company has sent yet another robot into the Fukushima reactors only to have them once again find nothing. That is because the official story of a reactor melt-down is a lie. The reactors were blown up by atomic bombs placed there by the Israeli company Magna BSP. This is going to be public knowledge soon because the CIA and the Pentagon have decided to expose Fukushima for the P2 directed mass murder attack that it was, according to CIA sources in Asia.

    Asian secret society bosses say they agree with the Pentagon on this and will go to war if necessary early next year to remove the Khazarian influence from Japan and the Korean peninsula. The Japanese underworld are also planning a revolution against the slave regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe this autumn, several right wing sources say.
    Should I completely stop my embarrassing internet-fiasco?? Have I more than made my point?? Notice the last video of the last post, with Kerry Cassidy being interviewed. That's a switch, isn't it?? I've always heard Kerry interviewing others, and not the other way around. What if Kerry is Sherry?? What if there is somehow a Kerry and/or Sherry connection with the Mists?? Is there an Australian connection?? What Would Desmond Ford and Robert Brinsmead Say?? I wish I could completely stop my quest, but how can I do that?? Do I need to be placed in solitary-confinement for a couple of months (in a secret-government mental-institution)?? I'm sort of joking, and sort of serious. How do I find out what my true genetic, soul, medical, and legal situations REALLY are?? Do I need an Insider-Attorney?? Do I need to just Shut-Up and Go-Away??

    Regarding my SDA, Bible, and Ellen White stuff, perhaps Prophets and Kings combined with Volume 4 of the SDA Bible Commentary is as close to a definitive and concise approach as I can come up with. This is essentially a Whole-Bible approach, focused upon the second-half of the Old-Testament. For practical-purposes, consider this to be 'My Book'. I could never write with such articulate academic and devotional excellence, so I point you toward others for 'My Book'. I've tried to understand my disappointment with life and religion, in the context of my upbringing and programming, and I've concluded that even my Final-Answer is a Band-Aid on a Compound-Fracture. Give this approach Due-Diligence, but don't expect it to make you happy, or provide you with all the answers.

    Consider NOT watching TV, NOT watching Movies, NOT using the Internet, and JUST Reading Books and Newspapers!! This works the brain in a very different manner (for better or worse, I know not). It seems as if we are being Intellectually and Spiritually BULLIED!! I've even felt bullied, listening to Alex Jones, or arguing with Miss Pris!! I recently spoke with an individual who supported Eugene McCarthy (back in the good old days) and told me that people had died in the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. He said those days were much nastier than the present Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton drama (as difficult as that is to imagine)!! Once again, I'm treating This Present Madness as Science-Fiction, and this will continue indefinitely.

    I think I tried to "fight the good fight" and "solve the world's problems" BUT I honestly wish I had "played the game" and "made a name" for myself. I tried too hard to think too deeply -- and I ended-up defeating myself. I've tried to understand all sides -- and I've ended-up feeling rebellious and reprobate (even though that wasn't my intention). Is honesty the best policy?? It seems as if one gets into massive-trouble when they take both sides in a theological-debate!! For example -- when attempting to imagine what changes might need to be made in order for Roman Catholicism to be palatable for a Protestant -- one angers both Catholics and Protestants. The Catholics don't want outsiders telling them what to do with their faith. The Protestants can't imagine becoming Reformed-Catholics!!

    I continue to think that 99% of the public would NOT understand and appreciate my United States of the Solar System threads. Going-Public would be like Going to Hell. I don't even want to think about what has been nefariously-planned for and against me. This incarnation is a game I can't win. I was born to lose. Such is the fate of a Completely Ignorant Scapegoat!! Fool-Rule is SO Under-Appreciated!! I feel evil and dirty for posting my "consider all-sides" Holy-War (for all to see and criticize). Silence is Golden. Appearances are Everything. I'll probably continue to post on this thread -- just to make my work a bit more presentable -- but I'm Really Dead Inside. I think I died around the onset of puberty -- or was it from the Foundation of the World??

    What if both Gabriel and Michael are considered to be "Light-Bringers"?? What if we are dealing with two very real "Anna's" -- who are very different from each-other?? What if there is no "Lucifer" who morphed into "Satan"?? I'm NOT saying there's no evil. All I'm saying is that I don't think we know very much about what's REALLY going-on in the world, solar-system, galaxy, and universe -- and that includes me. I know that I don't know. I honestly don't know what the reality is concerning Queens, Goddesses, or -- but considering this aspect of administrative possibilities should NOT be neglected. And really, 95% of my internet posting involves nothing more than 'possibilities'.

    I probably picked-up some of that approach from Dr. Robert H. Schuller (with his Positive and Possibility Thinking). Even decades ago, I suspected that Bob knew a lot about the hidden solar system stuff. I was receptive to the general approach of Robert H. Schuller and the Crystal Cathedral -- even though I knew that something was very wrong just beneath the surface. Several people who I have been somewhat close to -- seemed to be dead-set against Dr. Schuller -- and I'm not sure exactly why -- but I think I might have some reasonable theories. I frankly wished to combine the best of what I experienced in Garden Grove and Loma Linda -- but I never got very far in this project -- other than what I have placed within my various and sundry internet activities. I would be interested to see the seamless integration of Loma Linda Adventism, American Roman Catholicism, and the Fred Swann Era of the Robert Schuller Crystal Cathedral -- in the context of St. Paul's Cathedral in the City of London!! I'm a bit different -- aren't I?? What Would Ida Say?? Sometimes I think I'd like to just do Live-Steam, Vintage Auto-Racing, Amateur-Astronomy, and Sacred Classical Music Concert-Going -- while drinking big cups of 'Shut the f$#@ Up' -- if you know what I mean...

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 St_pauls_cathedral_sma250808_3
    magamud wrote:Mausoleum

    A mausoleum[1] is an external free-standing building constructed as a monument enclosing the interment space or burial chamber of a deceased person or persons. A monument without the interment is a cenotaph. A mausoleum may be considered a type of tomb or the tomb may be considered to be within the mausoleum. A Christian mausoleum sometimes includes a chapel.
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    Thank-you magamud. That video was sort of cool and sort of terrifying. What if it is representative of a reality which exists somewhere in the universe?? What if it reflects a reality which exists within this solar system -- at least in the preparation stages?? If things are REALLY bad throughout the universe -- how are things to be improved?? What if the creation (genetic-engineering?) of the human being was a desperate attempt to save the universe?? What if it was known that the human race would ultimately fail -- but that this effort would buy the universe some time?? When a motorcycle rider is facing a serious crash -- they often 'lay the bike down' -- substituting a less serious crash for a certainly fatal accident. What if this solar system and the human race are a System Lord's version of 'laying the bike down'??!! When I think about God -- I am really more interested in the conditions which might exist throughout the universe than I am interested in the mind, character, and personality of God. We might have NO proper context or frame of reference with which to 'judge' God in a fair and righteous manner.

    My 'Desire of Ages' theological idealism might be a step in the right direction -- yet it might not ultimately provide a Convincing Solution to the problems which might exist throughout the universe. What if YOU were the Draconian-Reptilian Captain of a Queen-Ship the size of Jupiter??? What if YOU were in the middle of a HUGE BAD@$$ STAR WAR which might make 'Star Wars' look like a Sunday-School Picnic??!! The problems of humanity might seem very minor and inconsequential in comparison. A United States of the Solar System might have to 'fit' into the Universe-Wide State of Affairs. How this solar system is governed might have more to do with what is in the best interests of the universe than that which might be in the best interests of Earth-Humanity. Here is some more Sherry Shriner to brighten-up your day.

    I've looked at the various wars, assassinations, 'natural-disasters', 'terrorist-activities', etc. -- especially over the past few years -- and it sickened me so much that I just had to move on. My current political and theological science-fiction adventures have been my strange way of 'dealing with it'. I don't say or write a lot of what I really think about all of this madness. I find all of it to be very interesting -- but very destructive -- physically, mentally, and spiritually -- which is why I'm not in a great-big hurry to 'wake people up'. Perhaps a small core of humanity needs to 'wake-up' in their own time and way -- while the rest of humanity remains mostly oblivious to the madness happening all around them. If everyone woke-up on the wrong side of the bed at the same time -- that might be the end of us all. BTW -- I lean toward the Bill Cooper theory about JFK -- that the driver fired the 'kill-shot' -- but who knows what really happened?? I'm trying to revisit 9/11 by reading the '9/11 Commission Report'. We shouldn't just scoff at 'official versions'. They might contain clues -- hidden just beneath the surface. Think about it.

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    A cenotaph is an "empty tomb" or a monument erected in honour of a person or group of people whose remains are elsewhere.
    The word derives from the Greek: ?e??t?f??? = kenotaphion (kenos, one meaning being "empty", and taphos, "tomb").

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    I love 'Sacred Structures' of all kinds. I am NOT Uber Alles regarding Christianity and Christian Sacred Structures. However, I think that Judeo-Christianity must NOT be ignored or neglected. I continue to seek some sort of common ground for all of humanity -- politically and theologically. I also see a need for a 'Righteous Secularism'. We don't all have to be church-goers. I was just reading from the Gospels -- and I noticed (not for the first time) that Jesus taught in the Temple EVERY DAY -- Not Just on the Sabbath. I have suggested that religious services should be offered EVERY DAY -- and that no particular day be considered exclusively HOLY. Incidentally, how might one observe the Sabbath on the Asteroid Ida?? Think About It. I have NO idea regarding my ancient and reincarnational role relative to the Sabbath and Sabbath-Observance -- but I am attempting to be pragmatic in modernity. Is This a Sin??

    I continue to think that we somehow need Religious-Ritual -- but I am extremely uncomfortable with Ritual Human-Sacrifice and Cannibalism -- Symbolic or Otherwise. I even feel a bit uncomfortable with the Eucharistic-Liturgy as a Remembrance. The Traditional Latin Mass is exceedingly beautiful and moving -- but it is an Unbloody-Sacrifice -- not a remembrance or a reenactment. I consider myself to be a Christian -- yet I have become VERY WARY of the Dark-Side of Judeo-Christianity. I continue to wonder what the True Galactic Situation is -- especially theologically and politically. It almost seems as if our religions have shielded us from an unbearable reality -- historically and presently. Perhaps the Bible is sort of a '9/11 Commission Report' version of the Real Story -- wherein the people are told as much as they can be from official sources -- without destroying civilization as we know it. What if the 'Stargate SG-1' story-line regarding the 'System Lords' is somewhat close to the truth?? I have NO idea -- but I sense that something is VERY wrong -- politically and theologically -- historically and presently. True Peace and Happiness Might Elude Us for All Eternity...

    Might I suggest taking a Scanning Electron-Microscope Look at Ethics, Law, Law-Enforcement, and the Military -- including their interrelationships. Might I further suggest doing this from a historical-perspective -- as well as from a fundamental clean-sheet of paper approach -- especially regarding Solar System Governance vis a vis the Rest of the Universe. Do 'System Lords' obey written laws -- or do they make up the laws as they go?? "Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone -- but by Every Word That Procedeth Out of the Mouth of God". Is God bound by the Ten-Commandments?? Is God 'Above the Law'. Is What God Says and Does the Benchmark of the Universe?? Is the Story of Jesus representative of a challenge to the 'System Lords' or to a particular 'System Lord' -- regardless of whether the story is mostly factual or mostly fictional?? I think that all of us might be facing a VERY rough political and theological ride in the coming months and years -- regardless of our present political and theological views. I tend to think that ALL of us are about to get our fingers burned -- right up to our arm-pits...

    Imagine Three Queens dressed like 'Ra' in 'Stargate' meeting in a 'Solomon's Temple' (complete with the Ark of the Covenant) beneath a Pyramid in Ancient Egypt -- debating politics, religion, and the fate of humanity. Imagine one queen being for humanity and freedom -- one queen against humanity and freedom -- and one undecided queen. Imagine these queens in human, reptilian, and reptilian-human hybrid forms. Imagine them participating in a Eucharistic-Liturgy with real flesh and blood being consumed. Imagine these three queens as being Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer. Imagine these three queens as being Isis, Horus, and Set. Imagine these three queens as being Isis, Horus, and Ra. Imgine these three queens as being in conflict with one or more 'System Lords'. Is this day-dream and/or night-mare really THAT far-fetched?? Reality might be stranger than any 'Stargate SG-1' episode. BTW -- how many replicas of Solomon's Temple exist throughout the world?? How many people strictly observe the ways of Ancient Egypt and/or Ancient Israel?? How many people strictly observe the Red-Letter Teachings of Jesus??

    What sort of religion might one end up with if they strictly observed the teachings found in the Psalms, Proverbs, and in Matthew through Jude -- which would exclude most of the Biblical Murder and Mayhem?? Can we really escape from a Violent God and Universe?? Should we Make Our Peace with a Violent God and Universe?? Should we train everyone to be a Bad@$$ Warrior -- instead of teaching them to love neighbor as self?? Is the universe filled with War-Lords in conflict with each other?? Are Peace, Love, and Harmony really concepts whose time has NOT come??

    Would a United States of the Solar System have to be Militaristic and Egyptian-Roman in nature -- even with Responsible-Freedom?? Would one or more 'System Lords' have to facilitate a U.S.S.S.?? If a 'regime-change' occurs -- should all parties remain 'in-house' rather than some being 'out in the cold' in 'outer-darkness' and/or the 'bottomless-pit'?? What approach would facilitate a lasting peace in this sector of the galaxy?? What would it take for a Hypothetical Draconian-Reptilian Universe to tolerate Earth-Humanity and Responsible-Freedom?? These questions might not be as ridiculous as they sound. The politics and religion of the universe might be stranger than we CAN think. We should NEVER think that we have this madness figured-out and under-control. Would a Hypothetical Solar System Administrator need to have 'Dual-Citizenship' in a Reptilian-Universe and an Earth-Human Solar System?? Would a Solar System Administrator have to deal with the Reptilians in a Reptilian-Body -- and with the Humans in a Human-Body?? I have NO idea about ANY of this. I honestly don't. But I think that some of us should model the most unlikely possibilities -- under the watchful eyes of those in the know -- if you know what I mean...

    I have spoken of the possibility of a 10,000 representative United States of the Solar System -- with various meeting-place conceptualizations. Well, in light of what I've said in this post, take a look at THIS!!

    This week, as Jews around the world observed the fasting day of Tisha B’av, commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Jewish Temples in ancient Jerusalem, a Brazilian megachurch received planning permission to build a 10,000-seat replica of Solomon’s Temple in the city of São Paulo.

    As Tom Phillips of The Guardian noted, a Brazilian newspaper, Estado de São Paulo, reported that the church will cost an estimated $200 million and should be completed in four years.

    According to a post on the blog of Bishop Edir Macedo, the founder of Brazil’s evangelical Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, which is building the replica, the structure will be 180 feet high, making it nearly twice as tall as the Christ the Redeemer statue that towers over Rio de Janeiro. Mr. Macedo also said that stones of the same type used by Solomon had been ordered from Jerusalem to be used in a complex which will also house 36 Bible schools, television and radio studios and a 1,000-space parking lot.

    In 1998, Alan Riding reported for The Times that the Brazilian police investigated charges that the Universal Church “pretends to cure people by expelling the Devil from their bodies, using grotesque and humiliating gestures reminiscent of the barbaric sects of the Middle Ages.”

    The Bishop’s blog also reported that a leader of the city’s Jews has called the temple project “very interesting” and suggested that the project might help fight anti-Semitism by educating Brazilians about Israel. The blog also said this about the prospects for a similar project in Jerusalem : “For Jews, there is still hope that the Third Temple is constructed so that the Messiah will reign with them. But for that to happen, they will have to expect some natural disaster or governmental changes.”

    What if something such as this were built UNDERNEATH Jerusalem -- with the cornerstone being at the very TOP of the structure?? Would this avoid World War III and/or the Battle of Armageddon?? I am not really up to speed as to why rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem is so important. I'm not saying that it's not important. I simply don't know the inside-story -- not in this incarnation anyway. What if this 10,000 seat replica were built on the Earth-Side of the Moon??!! This ancient stuff seems somewhat dangerous and creepy -- and who knows how nasty the ancient factional fighting really was??!! Is the God of Judeo-Christianity really Amen Ra?? Is Judeo-Christianity really a Rebel-Egyptian Faction of a Galactic-Empire??

    How much trouble might we really be in?? There might be a VERY compelling reason why seemingly EVERYTHING is covered-up and white-washed -- including assassinations and terrorist-events. I think I see what's going on -- but I don't wish to be any more direct than I've already been in this post (and others). The carnage and absurdity is really getting me down. World Without End. Amen. 'The Holy City' is one of my all-time favorites. My mom used to sing it in a most excellent manner.

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:33 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:19 am

    Someone said they were 'Blessed', and asked me if I was 'Blessed'?? I said "Yes" to which they asked "By Jesus??" and I answered "Yes." They asked me what church I attended, and I said I no longer attended any church. It felt a bit like an ambush. I could've gotten into a theological discussion with them, which might've included 'Jesus Studies' with talk of Albert Schweitzer, Gerald Massey, Rudolph Bultmann, Ellen White, Fulton Sheen, the Jesus Seminar, John Dominic Crossan, Richard Carrier, Ralph Ellis, John Shelby Spong, et al!! But that would've gotten ugly, real fast!! There's the Foretold-Messiah of the Old-Testament, the Synoptic-Gospel Jesus, the Johanine-Jesus, the Pauline-Jesus, and the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

    There's the general concept of 'Christ' which might have multiple applications and interpretations, including my Science-Fictional Possibility-Thinking which might include Egyptology. What Would Amen Ra Say?? What Would Ptah Say?? What Would Marduk-Ra Say?? What Would the Antichrist Say?? What Would Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer Say?? Or are Gabriel and Michael BOTH 'Light-Bringers'?? Does this sort of thing indicate Honesty or Apostasy?? I've sort of supported God and Religion with a Contrarian-Approach. Is this a legitimate methodology?? I've even suggested that Job through Malachi should be thoroughly mastered, prior to examining other portions of Sacred-Scripture. But really, I am SO miserable and burned-out that I can't do proper research and reflection. I hope the Real God takes this into account in the Final-Judgment. I'm NOT spearheading a movement, or conducting an evangelistic-crusade, so I whisper and whimper as I wonder as I wander. Are Faith and Dishonesty Related?? Are Honesty and Apostasy Related??

    Regarding the entirety of his post -- This is Mostly Old-News. I'm just repeating myself. What Would Blue Roller Say?? I'm feeling more and more as if I don't wish to say, write, or do much of anything -- even in a solely-observational role. A $500 Laptop and Public Wireless-Internet are probably as much access as I can handle for the remainder of this incarnation. Actually, I'm trying to STOP using the internet. I stopped watching television several years ago. I've never smoked a cigarette. I've never taken illegal-drugs. I've never had a drink. I've never committed adultery. So really, not using the internet shouldn't be THAT difficult to pull-off. Plausible-Deniability and Being "Out of the Loop" are wonderful-things (especially for Completely Ignorant Fools with Messiah-Complexes). I don't care who I am on a soul-basis. I do NOT wish to be a Useful-Idiot. I suspect that Disclosure and Salvation Events will be highly-technological and highly-orchestrated high-quality deceptions.

    Perhaps I really wish to just keep quietly posting on the internet. I still think it would be cool to quietly have absolute-access -- but so much is presently available online, that this is probably plenty of information. I still might like to buy an old decommissioned missile-silo -- and decorate it into being some sort of a spaceship and/or lunar-base -- with a powerful computer (of course)! A violent End of the World wouldn't surprise me -- but I do NOT wish to play a role in the Mass-Murder of the Human-Race. That sort of thing should NOT be taken lightly and triumphantly. I obviously do NOT know the whole story of our predicament -- but my current preference is to incarcerate (rather than exterminate). I am especially troubled by Eternal-Extermination -- which so many religious people seem to have absolutely no problem with. Even if I turn out to be the Antichrist (on a soul-basis) I don't wish to play the role in modernity. I wish to remain an Anonymous Completely Ignorant Fool -- at least for the rest of this stupid incarnation. I am very wary of Resets, Alien-Invasions, Regime-Changes, Salvation-Events, etc. This world is really a Big-Show with One-Boss with Extremely Sophisticated Organization, Networking, and Power. This isn't just going to go away because the Bad Boys and Girls got caught with their pants and dresses down. Think long and hard about what I just said.

    I'm going to get myself into a helluva lot of trouble with this post BUT what if the entire universe is essentially Egyptian-Roman-Nazi in nature (to varying degrees) by virtue of the inevitability of STAR WARS?? What if there is NO WAY to avoid STAR WARS?? Is a United States of the Solar System too idealistic for this universe OR might it be a model of survival and growth WITHOUT CONQUEST?? I keep getting the feeling that ALL of the Ancient and Modern Empires were somewhat idealistic in conceptualization -- but that they were all manipulated into senseless internal strife and bloody battles -- which accomplished nothing constructive. Why did the Nazis go to war??? Why didn't they simply become some sort of a City on a Hill -- and attempt to convince various nations and religions to join them VOLUNTARILY?? Nazi Art and Architecture are MOST interesting. Who and/or What was REALLY behind Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party?? Is there a Gizeh-Intelligence Connection?? Is there a Judeo-Christian Connection?? What is the relationship (if any) between Zionism and Teutonic-Zionism?? Are we really dealing with more than one Egyptian-Roman-Nazi Faction?? The Nazi-Phenomenon is a VERY revealing window through which to view the way things REALLY work in this solar system. Notice that a lot of science-fiction has a somewhat Egyptian-Roman-Nazi militaristic theme. Is there such a thing as Good-Nazi v Bad-Nazi?? I know that sounds absurd -- but I'm beginning to wonder how dark and violent this world, solar system, galaxy, and universe really is. How do I convince my idealism to mate with my pragmatism??

    I really hate to ask this question BUT which was more merciless and violent -- 1. The Old Testament? 2. The Roman Empire? 3. The Roman Catholic Church? 4. Nazi Germany? 5. The Soviet Union?? And what about the Book of Revelation?? Sorry if I left anyone out. Is there a common thread?? But what if the rest of the universe makes all of the above look like a Sunday-School Picnic?? I have NO idea BUT I think some of us need to model the unthinkable in order to eventually achieve some sort of a lasting and satisfying solution. One must understand how sick and/or hurt a patient is before planning and implementing a course of treatment. We seem to keep proudly placing Band-Aids on Compound-Fractures. I spoke with someone who knew a helluva lot about the Nazis -- and they seemed to have first-hand knowledge of top-level World War II activities -- even though they didn't seem to be nearly old enough. That reincarnational thing keeps coming to mind. A lot more keeps coming to mind -- which I refuse to talk about. Stuff like the concept of a highly-ethical and highly-competent Nazi-Mason-Jesuit Agent-Attorney-Queen!! Would a United States of the Solar System become one more failed manifestation of the Egyptian-Roman-Nazi Empire Phenomenon?? My intentions are VERY different than those seen in the bloody empires of the past -- and hopefully much more idealistic -- but we all know about good intentions paving the road to hell. Sometimes I just feel like crying and even screaming. Sometimes I just feel like -- never mind.

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    Was Orthodoxymoron Present in This Room in a Previous Incarnation??
    magamud wrote:
    What is the relationship (if any) between Zionism and Teutonic-Zionism??
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    Even the United States seems to manifest some aspects of the hypothetical Egyptian-Roman-Nazi Empire Phenomenon -- especially at the Secret Government Level. But even if this is the case -- are we sort of stuck with this phenomenon?? Is the big sin of the New World Order simply that they botched the job and screwed-up?? I have sometimes tried to second-guess the activities of the past 100 years -- open and covert -- and 'they' seemed to do things in a very sloppy and careless manner. We might have to keep a lot of the best of the past -- even that which is connected with the Secret Government -- but I would certainly hope that we would be kinder, gentler, more reasonable, and a helluva lot more competent. I tend to think that 'THEY' got arrogant and careless -- and that 'THEY' didn't anticipate how completely 'THEY' would be exposed by the Internet and the General Public. But if 'THEY' are deposed -- don't count on the 'NEW GUYS' being any better -- even if the United States of the Solar System is the New Solar System which replaces the New World Order. Nothing might deliver a lasting peace and a satisfied civilization. There is bound to be power-struggling and nasty-fighting -- No Matter What We Do -- and No Matter Who Rules. I think I'm going to get that Room with a Cray -- whether it's on the Darkside of the Moon -- or in a cheap studio apartment. I'll probably do pretty much the same thing -- whether I'm an insider or an outsider.

    Perhaps being an insider-outsider might be optimal -- at least for the remainder of this particular incarnation. In many respects, I feel as if that's what I already am. But really, there are probably literally millions of people just like me -- who try to find out a lot of things -- without getting paid or rewarded for doing so. I still think that I'm hanging myself with all of my reptilian and theological speculation -- but I continue to think that a very few of us should model the unmentionable and the unthinkable -- just to cover our bases -- and to look at the most important subjects from as many angles as possible. However, I still think that I might very well go insane and/or get bumped-off. I think I'm right on the edge in both respects. Getting committed to the Bethesda Naval Hospital would probably be a bad thing. Siriusly. Watch this video, one more time. It's low budget and low quality -- but the material is quite fine -- even though it's rather dated. I still think that Commander X is Bill Cooper -- even though this video was supposedly made in 2004 (and Bill supposedly was killed in 2001).

    magamud wrote:

    Queen Elizabeth's Magician -John Dee  48:36
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    19th-century engraving of Goethe's Faust and Homunculus

    Oppenheimer Quotes out of Hinduism's Bhagavad
    What do you think about the possibility of Three Archangelic-Factions of a Reptilian-Egyptian-Roman-Nazi Galactic-Empire??!! Is Lucifer really Amen Ra?? Is Gabriel really Horus?? Is Michael really Isis?? If so, are all three mixtures of good and evil?? Are they battling for control of the solar system -- or might the conflict extend far beyond this little solar system?? I might have the names and roles all screwed-up -- but do you understand what I'm wondering about?? Notice in 'Legion' that Gabriel was sent by 'Him' to do battle with the rebel angel Michael and the Humans. Interesting. Was Michael-Isis the Chief-Geneticist in the Creation of the Human-Race?? Was Michael-Isis the Sovereign Queen of the Air (which Nicolas Roerich spoke of) who came to Earth to conduct hybridization experiments?? Was Michael-Isis a Rebel-Scientist who Illegally Created Humanity?? If so -- how might this relate to the terms 'Satan', 'Devil', 'Lucifer', et al??

    What if Isis and Horus fought side by side to establish a Human-Civilization Governed by Namaste-Constitutional-Responsible-Freedom in direct defiance of the Galactic-Reptilian Powers-That-Be?? What if Horus eventually sided with Ra to reign-in Isis and Humanity?? What if Ra and Horus became corrupted in the process?? What if Isis had secret galactic approval to conduct this grand experiment on an unofficial basis?? What if Isis was exiled and/or removed from any management role on Earth -- 2,000 to 4,000 years ago?? What if Isis returned in 1947 -- but not to any sort of management role?? What if Isis will be involved in Earth-Management in some capacity around 2020?? Or -- are one, two, or all three archangels getting demoted and removed from all management activities -- and possibly removed from this solar system?? I have NO idea. This is simply more speculation. However, I hear that the 'Regressives' are extremely angry about something. I wonder why??

    More technology creates problems which are solved by more technology which create more problems which are solved by more technology which create more problems which are solved by more technology which create more problems. Some say that AIDS and other health issues were created in 'alien' laboratories. Who knows?? I keep thinking that some sort of responsible solar system governance will be necessary to keep ET from exterminating US -- to keep US from exterminating ET -- and to keep US from exterminating US. I'm not anti-technology. I'm anti-extermination. I just keep getting the feeling that Three Archangels are at the Center of this Solar System -- going way back -- and that they're NOT Angels. We SAY we want 'Disclosure' -- but I doubt we REALLY want the truth. We might crucify the messengers -- and then turn on each other. That wouldn't surprise me one little bit. The Truth Might be REALLY 'Out-There'.

    I guess I want to positively-reinforce the best history has to offer. I just can't seem to properly analyze the past (or the present). I still think there is an absolutely authoritative version of history -- going back billions of years -- going into excruciating detail -- but that this record is hidden away in some underground archive -- and only available to a very few humans. I guess I want to know everything -- without getting involved in murder, mayhem, and corruption. I guess I want the secrets -- without the society. But really, the process of learning everything (relatively speaking) would probably involve a lot of psychotherapy, drugs, misery -- and weeks of staring blankly into space while rocking back and forth in the fetal position -- doing you know what. I wish I were kidding.

    Consider watching 'Splice' and 'Moonraker' while noticing the parallels between the first chapters of Genesis and the last chapters of Revelation. Also, watch 'For Your Eyes Only' while noticing the theological implications and ramifications. Notice especially the 'Ice-Angel' who is separated from their wings. Then, watch the 'Fragile Balance' episode (7-03) of 'Stargate SG-1' noticing especially the renegade and demoted Asgard named 'Loki' who has engaged in illegal genetics experiments. Think about what I've said previously, regarding the possibility of the illegal creation of the human race. Remember the time when it is revealed in a trial that Dr. Who was demoted by a very strict and formal hierarchy?? (Vintage 'Dr. Who' -- possibly 'The Five Doctors') I'm still trying to understand the possible relationship between Isis, Cleopatra, Jesus, and Josephus.

    Given the harsh context -- would a real 'Jesus' have been allowed to teach each and every day in the temple -- especially when he started getting 'mouthy'?? If it is ever proven that Jesus was a myth -- is there a possibility that there might be a real Jesus behind the mythical story?? As a teen, I was working on a book I intended to name 'The Second Jesus'. I didn't get very far -- but I felt that the whole Jesus story was part of some sort of a conspiracy which involved two Christs -- but, as with my current speculations, I couldn't prove anything -- and the theory scared the hell out of me -- so I stopped. This is why I'll probably never publish my strange speculations and humor -- even though I desperately need the money.

    Regarding the Bible -- think of the Red-Letter Teachings of Jesus as being in the Drivers-Seat -- with the Black-Letters of the Gospels being in the Passenger-Seat. Think of Paul as being a Back-Seat-Driver -- with the rest of the Bible being a Very Rough Road to Utopia!! I liked my previous analogy of the Bible being a '9/11 Commission Report' version of the 'Real Story'. The Whole Truth would NOT have been tolerated historically. The Whole Truth is NOT tolerated today!! Try to read between the lines as you read the Bible and the '9/11 Commission Report'. The authors of both probably did the best they could under the circumstances. Think About It. I just thought of something. What if a 'Malachi Martin' character was somehow included (and even featured) in a future 'James Bond' movie??!! What Would Ian Flemming Say?? One more thing -- has anyone thought of starting a rock-group called 'The Splice Girls'??!! I should stop.

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    Michael Creating the First Test-Tube Baby??

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Jul 27, 2017 2:23 pm

    Are people becoming more 'Fast and Nasty'?? It sometimes seems that way to me. I sometimes wonder if Earth is an Alien-Spaceship, and the more we learn, the more 'Alien' we'll become. I sometimes think that Supercomputers have taken-over 'Alien-Spaceship Earth', and that the Aliens and Humans are all under the control of a Supercomputer-Network (which might extend beyond this solar-system). I'm always full of faith, hope, and love, aren't I?? I've never promoted my threads as being 'Self-Help'. They are intended for Agencies, Aliens, Angels, and Sirius-Researchers. No One Else. If I ever write a book (out of financial-necessity) I'll produce a VERY watered-down version of my internet-madness, and I'll probably never do public-presentations. I'll probably just quietly release a book (with anonymous-authorship) and remain otherwise silent (other than continuing my twisted-threads). I wonder what they think about me in the REAL Solar-System Command-Center??!! I probably don't want to know. Ignorance is Bliss and a Virtue.
    Jenetta wrote:Now you see them, now you don't...Vanishing Islands?

    HAARP Technology 2.0 Wrecking Our Environment?

    Weather Wars & The Devil's HAARP

    Masters of the World:  HAARP Wars

    Death Chain:  Antarctic HAARP Activation

    Planet Earth:  The Latest Weapon Of War

    Physicist:  HAARP Manipulates Time

    Deadly Time Vortex Appears Over Antarctica

    Are HAARP Frequency Pulse-Waves Driving People Mad?

    HAARP Destroying Polar Ice Cap

    Scientists:  Earth's Protective Shield Failing


    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 187111  Food for thought
    burgundia wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:I get the sinking feeling that humanity is messing around with ancient ET technology which they really know nothing about -- and have no business implementing on Earth at this point in time. I further get the sickening feeling that this is stolen ET technology -- which might be booby-trapped. Humanity might be playing with burning-magnesium. I am extremely apprehensive and distressed. I guess I like the idea of this solar system being run by extremely competent and ethical individuals (human and otherwise) as a Big Non-Corrupt Business -- with the Sovereignty of God -- and Human Responsible Freedom -- in a Dynamic Equilibrium. Hope Springs Eternal.
    I recently received a copy of The Hard Sayings of Jesus by F.F. Bruce. It was shipped from England -- which I thought was sort of cool. My life is so dull, that even receiving a package from England is a Big-Deal for me!! I also recently received a copy of Planet Earth Inc. (Empire of the gods Exposed -- Volume One) by Ed Rychkun. It's HUGE!! It looks VERY Cool!! I haven't read it yet -- but I'm already going to recommend that some of you read it too!! Once again -- if anyone actually studied this thread, it would probably be considered "Dangerous" -- but, as far as I can tell, very few individuals even occasionally look at this thread -- and I doubt that anyone (other than the AED perhaps) actually follows this thread on a regular basis. I continue to think that something significant happened to me -- relative to the Ancient Egyptian Deity. I don't think I'm smarter or better than anyone -- but I think I might've been someone significant in antiquity (who might've been deposed) -- and now that all of the secret-stuff is being exposed -- I am somehow being reintroduced to ancient-relatives (who might've stabbed me in the back)!! Who knows??!! This solar system might really be some sort of a Galactic Family Business. "Know ye not that I must be about my Father's Business??" I have expressed my desire that Purgatory Incorporated be transformed into Paradise Incorporated -- but I obviously do not know the full story of what's really going on. I continue to be interested in focusing upon the 1928 Book of Common Prayer -- the Psalms -- Isaiah -- Daniel -- Luke-Acts -- and James -- combined with Sacred Classical Music -- as an Ecumenical Place of Beginning. But I obviously don't know what the PTB find interesting regarding ecumenism. They never tell me anything. They probably don't even know about me. Ignorance is Bliss.

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    I keep wondering what 'They' think of a thread such as this?! Is it just ho-hum faire -- or does it really cause concern? I often wish I knew when I could safely go farther -- and when I should shut-up. I truly do not wish to cause more problems. I am honestly trying to make things better. Unfortunately, I keep getting the feeling that it might not be possible to make things better -- and that things might get a helluva lot worse. Were those 'alien' images genuine or bogus?? I have no idea. I don't lurk in parking-garages at 3AM to get such things. I simply pull them off the internet. I'm only doing this stuff because of the volume of very upsetting and problematic material on the internet. I wouldn't have dreamed of doing such things just a few years ago -- and I am truly going to stop doing this sort of thing at the end of August. I think I've more than made my point. Now I think it is high-time to sit-down and shut-up. I'm just reposting and editing old posts. When this process is done -- I'm done. I probably should've stopped a couple of years ago, after my encounter with someone claiming to be a particular Ancient Egyptian Deity. THAT should've been the last straw. It's important to know when to stop.

    I just wonder how many nukes or potent explosives are pre-positioned throughout the world?! I've even heard the theory that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by pre-positioned nukes. I keep wondering if everyone involved in the planning and execution of 9/11 really knew that the towers were going to be brought down?! I wonder what the effect of flying only one actual airliner into one tower (with no implosion) would've had regarding Going to War -- the Patriot Act -- Airport Security -- Conspiracy Theorists -- Re-Elections -- Etc.?? It seems as if 'They' made things way too complex and messy. What if 'They' had merely used a pre-planted nuke in one tower (with no plane or missile)?? 'They' seem to be very smart and very stupid -- simultaneously. I don't necessarily have a problem with appropriate watching and listening -- but I keep thinking that the bad-guys are cracking-down on the good-guys -- and that the bad-guys can do whatever the hell they want -- and get away with it. I keep getting the feeling that this solar system was taken-over by a Sun God who wasn't (and isn't) very nice -- thousands of years ago. Enough Said.

    I've got to tell you that I am somewhat suspicious of the Exodus -- the beginning of the Intertestamental Period -- the Ninth Century AD (relative to Catholicism and Judaism) -- and the beginning of the Great Schism. What if there is such a thing as an Ancient Egyptian-Christian Universal-Church??!! What if this hypothetical church got taken over at the beginning of one of those suspect times just stated?? From a couple of posts back -- consider this once more: Take a look at "Is War a Ritual Human Sacrifice?" by Acharya S. I am particularly interested in the possibility of the origins of Teutonic Zionism occurring in the Ninth Century A.D. This could be key to the history of the world for the past twelve-hundred years. Could this be the origin of the so-called 'New World Order'? I don't know, but I think this might be extremely important. I hate to say it, but Human Sacrifice and Teutonic Zionism are of special interest to me presently, and not in a good way. This seems to open a can of worms which I'm not sure I really wish to deal with. Here is the most pertinent part of the article by Acharya S:

    Teutonic/Zionist Connection

    Despite the fact that "the Jews" of Palestine were nearly driven to extinction during the first and second centuries CE, when the Christian tale was beginning to be formulated in large part to preserve Judaism/Israel, their numbers recovered enough to continue the play for supremacy. And there was a significant number of Jews outside Palestine as well, some of whom evidently continued their ancient barbaric rites. The noted historian Edward Gibbon wrote in History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire:

    From the reign of Nero to that of Antonius Pius [80-160 CE], the Jews discovered a fierce impatience of the dominion of Rome, which repeatedly broke out in the most furious massacres and insurrections. Humanity is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties which they committed in the cities of Egypt, of Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwelt in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives... In Cyrene they massacred 220,000 Greeks; in Cyprus 240,000; in Egypt, a very great multitude. Many of these victims were 'sawed asunder,' according to a precedent in which David had given the sanction of his example. The victorious Jews devoured the flesh, licked the blood, and twisted the entrails like a girdle around their bodies. (vol. 2, chap. XVI, part I)

    Later, through the conversion of an entire kingdom, that of the Khazars, Judaism continued on and, as before, was not racially determinate, since the Khazars seem to have been both Caucasians and Asiatics, who subsequently became known as the Ashkenazis or Europeans Jews. According to Genesis 10, "the Ashkenazis" were not Semites but Japhethites, or Caucasians.

    In the 9th century Zionists (Jews) and Teutons (Germans) allegedly collaborated against the Catholic Church and established a strange partnership linked by their respective priesthoods' secret and sickening sacrificial rituals. This group was alleged over the centuries to have engaged in human/child sacrifice, an accusation, founded or unfounded, that gave many rulers in Europe the excuse to expel "the Jews" from a number of countries, including from England by Edward I in 1290, as well as from Spain by Isabella and Ferdinando.

    The rebuttal of those accused or expelled was that these rulers simply wished to seize Jewish assets. Nevertheless, what had been done in ancient times by both Jews and Gentiles, i.e., the sacrifice of both animals and humans by immolation and by slitting the neck and sprinkling the blood upon the congregation, was alleged to be continuing in the priesthoods of the Teutons and the Zionists. The Zionist elite, in fact, had been accused many times over the centuries of using the "common Jews" as well as "Christian children" as pawns and sacrificial victims in its quest for world domination, a quest outlined in the Old Testament, the Jewish Apocrypha and the Talmud. That the Israelite priesthood used its "own people" as sacrificial victims is admitted in the Old Testament, in which not only foreigners but "the Jews" are slaughtered by their handlers to propitiate the angry, jealous Yahweh (Ezekiel 9, et al.).

    I am actually so burned out on all of this speculative madness, that I can hardly wait to finish reposting this thread, so I can finally be done with it, once and for all. I'm continuing to think in terms of Three Archangels in Conflict with Each Other. Frankly, if I were one of these three, I'd just shrug my shoulders, and wish to move on to another topic. The magnitude of the problems, and the nature of the beast, would make it very difficult for me to be triumphalist. Those who are most screwed might very well be insiders. I'm frankly so disillusioned and fatigued that I doubt that I'd be of much use on the 'inside'. I almost wish I didn't exist -- and I'm sure there are others who feel the same way. Those around me seem so much smarter and full of life. I'm a shelluva guy. What if the Real-Insiders are at war with God (with a upper-case 'G') and with Mankind?? I doubt there is any neat and clean way to deal with God and Man. The problems are probably beyond belief and beyond description. If I'm really a nobody -- going way, way back -- I still think I might try to at least go through the motions of being a Make-Believe Insider -- with a small home or apartment outfitted in a science-fictional manner, with an entry-level Cray and science-fictional theme throughout the house or apartment. If I had the money, I probably really would buy an old decommissioned missile-silo -- and decorate it like the Stargate SG-1 Base -- or perhaps I wouldn't. I keep thinking about the episode where some UFO Conspiracy Nut claimed to be an Alien from Another Planet -- and it turned out that he really was!!!!! What if I'm some sort of an ET without even knowing it??!! Could that be why I seem to be having such a difficult time during this present incarnation??!!

    Could we be dealing with the Annunaki vs Gizeh Intelligence? Or - are we really dealing with only one Solar System Super Power? Could they have created all of the mythologies, theologies, hybrids, greys, reptilians, nukes, anti-gravity craft, etc and et al? Damned if I know. I just keep marching bravely and stupidly into the unknown - waiting to get shot down. Is there any truth to the following?

    ALDEBARAN -- Human militarists of a fascist slant who have traditionally sided with the Dracos and Greys. They collaborate within a large underground facility below Egypt, the base of a secret "Kamagol-II" cult which has connections to the Bavarian Thule Society and the Montauk time-space projects. This cult is also referred to as the Gizeh empire or Gizeh Intelligence, and they are working with secret societies on earth in an effort to dissolve all national sovereignties into a global religio-eco-political order. There are also Insectoid forces involved with Aldebaran. Apparently a neo-Nazi space force may have helped to colonize that system by sending time-space forces back into the distant past to inhabit the 4th dimensional realm of one or more of its planets. These forces from the past are currently involved with the New World Order scenario, attempting to carry out their dictatorial agenda on earth from their "base" within another time-space dimension of Aldebaran (source: Preston Nicholes, and others). The link to the site where I found this information no longer works.

    Alex Collier Lecture ..A; 1995: Interaction Between Gizeh Group and Nazi Germany: The Greys made contact with a world governmental body for the first time in 1931. This was in Germany. The Greys were however turned away by the German government, because it had already committed itself to involvement with the Gizeh Intelligence. Now, I don't know if you know who Gizeh intelligence is, but I will tell you that it is a renegade group of human extraterrestrials that were headquartered under the Gizeh plateau in Egypt. They were predominantly Pleiadians at the time. Ashtar was part of that group, Kamagol was part of that group. Even Jehovah was part of that group for some time. They did their own thing. They came down here and "played God" with us, and people worshipped them as "Gods" because they had this technology. They abused their power. The Germans were, in the 1930's, building rockets and starting a space program because of their contacts with extraterrestrials - the Gizeh Intelligence.

    Technology was developed and used to create weapons, because the German governmental bodies involved were concerned that there was going to be an alien invasion. The Gizeh intelligence told them that the Greys were here. However, there was not an actual invasion, per se, in progress. Weapons, such as sound devices, lasers, neutron bombs, particle beam weapons were created, although many of these were actualized later on in history. The Germans were given a lot of this technology by the Gizeh intelligence. These technologies also included free energy devices and anti-gravity technology. Tripartite Interaction: US, USSR and Britain. The United States was the first to open its doors to the alien race known as the Greys. I have been told of a contact in 1934, wherein the Greys made their presence known to the United States government in Washington State. It wasn't until 1947 that actual contact occurred with the aliens and United States officials, due to the shooting down of an alien craft in Roswell, New Mexico. This pressed the Greys into contact earlier than they had anticipated. After this crash at Roswell in 1947 the United States, the Soviet Union and the British, at the very highest levels of government, became "blood-brothers".

    Now, these governments did not know what Germany was really up to at that time in history. The Germans were very very secretive about their contact with Gizeh intelligences. What was going on in Germany and what was going on between these other countries were two separate issues. The Roswell incident created more of an urgency to develop a true space program in order to defend the Earth. Again, the United States government and the Soviets thought that there was a threat due to the technologically advanced state of the aliens they had encountered. The true space program as an "underground" development that we are just now beginning to hear about. It was originally financed by members of the Club of Rome. Now, you will need to do some homework to find out who those members are, and don't be surprised at who you see. We'll talk more about that when we discuss the moon. The Greys assisted the "black government" with the building of some of the first facilities on the moon and Mars. Once again, the link to this information no longer works.

    The observation leads to the conclusion that Al Gore is a top member of Gizeh intelligence. This was the reported occult backing of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi movement in Germany. Ethnically, the Mars connection of pyramid builders (Caucasian white race component of modern humanity via Atlantis, in their original form fitting the Nazi stereotype and extremely racist, the people described by contactee Elizabeth Klarer). The story is very old and very complex. In order to give a short intro, just take a look at this ancient Egyptian painting of Toth writing judgment: Toth, or Hermes Trismegistos, was born during the times of Atlantis and achieved personal immortality. A part of this was a shape-shifting ability. In the painting above, he is depicted with an animal head (ibis). Gizeh intelligence comprized around 8000 highly advanced people under the supreme leadership of shape-shifting Toth. They lived since ancient times in a network of underground cities, the main city being under Gizeh, Egypt, another site being under a location in the Grand Canyon, U.S.A. Other animal shapes reported from ancient times include a crocodile face, a lion face, etc.

    Toth is the fading embodiment of a fallen angel, Lucifer. In the 19th century, some of the 8000 started becoming active, such as through the Theosophical society of Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. In the early 20th century, the Gizeh intelligence became active as a backer of Adolf Hitler in Germany and his Rothschild-Windsor sponsors in England. Today, all the 8000 have left their cities and are active among humanity. From this connection it is plausible that they are also the force behind the Jesuits in the Vatican and the Knights Templar before that. Reference: Books by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Contrary to myth, the Nazis won the second world war and took over the United States of America. See research by Mae Brussell, Webster G. Tarpley, Anton Chaitkin, David Emory and Greg Hallett. From this connection it is plausible that Gizeh intelligence is in control of America. My personal psychic experience is that Al Gore is a shape-shifting demonic entity from the very top of Gizeh intelligence with Assamite ability (one of the so-called „Ascended Masters” who are highly developed negative beings). The activation of the Gizeh intelligence over the past 150 years (since John D. Rockefeller, Sr.’s time) is to my mind an incidental part of the prophecy that is frequently discussed today under the caption of „2012”. The traditional Christian name for this is the Apocalypse (after the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible). The link no longer functions.

    In light of the above information, please watch the following videos.  Do you see a pattern...or is it just me? Tell me I'm not crazy! Pretty please!! Help! I'm finding very little information on 'Gizeh Intelligence'. The above description seems to place 'them' at the center of our troubles. The views expressed above are not necessarily mine...but they seem intriquing. What is going on here?

    I am looking for a plurality of sources regarding 'Gizeh Intelligence'. Collier says they are gone...but I doubt this. If they existed here historically...I would expect that they are still here. Could Gizeh Intelligence be the group wherein Lucifer resides? Are they the 'fallen angels'? Do they compose the present day Illuminati? Is David Icke speaking of Gizeh Intelligence? Has he ever mentioned this term? Did they create the well as a mythology to go along with their creation? Are they creating an army and air-force of aliens in the Deep Underground Military Base genetics labs? Will we end up fighting these creations...which we have helped to develop? Are we building the UFO's which they fly? Is most of ufology utter bs...invented mostly by Gizeh Intelligence? Do they live on the inside of our hollow earth(if it is indeed hollow) ...and come through their tunnel system in the earth's raise heck with us? Are Pleiadians the only aliens here on earth? Are we all Pleiadians? Are the Gizeh Intelligence Pleiadian Aliens those who at some point in history, mated with reptilians? So...might there be Reptilian Pleiadians and Non-Reptilian Pleiadians...and nothing more? Are the reptilians the real bad-guys(demons)? Are the off-world Pleiadians the real good-guys(angels)? Are we the wild card in-between guys? It's the real nice guys who get you! I think I just became a heretic! I recant!! What? You don't believe me?! Oh, come on! I'll be good! What are you doing with that torch?

    So...who the heck is Gizeh Intelligence? Do they have a Central Giza Intelligence Agency? Or how about the GIA (Gizeh Intelligence Agency)? Or might it be the CIA (Central-earth Intelligence Agency)? I actually prefer Compassion In Action! Hi guys! Is MI6...Middle-earth Intelligence 6? Is no one interested in this topic? Can someone direct me to where people might be interested in this topic? Sometimes I feel like I'm from another planet...and I wish I were kidding. Please consider all the information available so far on this thread...and give me some feed-back. If these guys are in charge...and no one knows or cares...they have been very, very sucessful. Our greed, fear, and stupidity makes it very, very easy for the bad-guys. Did Billy Meier ever mention 'Gizeh Intelligence'? There seems to be very little information available on this subject. Are the Pleiadians he interacted with...'off-world' other words, not residing here on earth, or interveining in human affairs, other than providing warning, inspiration, and advice? Could Gizeh Intelligence be Pleiadians who are in cahoots with reptilians and greys? Do they live in the crust of the earth...and possibly in the allegedly hollow earth? Have they interbred with the reptilians? Is this the basis of the Illuminati, and are the Illuminati actually Pleiadian/Reptilian hybrids? Are the Illuminati and Greys actually subservient pawns to the Draconian Reptilians? Are all of the above the foundation of the New World Order? Could this rightly be called the Old World Disorder Alien-Theocracy? Is this really old, rather than new...and possibly thousands of years old? Are we humans...all Pleiadians?

    It's difficult for me to distill the truth from the bs. The Hyperborean reference reminded me of a passage in Frederick Nietzsche's book 'The Anti-Christ' which reads 'We are Hyperboreans'. It's been years since I read this, but that phrase stuck. I'm guessing he was referring to the Germanic people, but I don't really know for sure. The thesis of Jim Marrs' book 'Rise of the Fourth Reich' is that Nazi Fascism is alive and well in the good 'ol US of A. Seperately, the Alex Collier allegation that Gizeh Intelligence was behind Hitler and the Third Reich, would suggest that the same forces are at work today, if in fact, there is a Fourth Reich on the rise presently. Why would Gizeh Intelligence be removed without the other rascals being 86'd? The US/Gray treaties? What about the Reptilians? The whole concept of the earth's crust being laced with bases, tunnels, cities, and aliens is a very unsettling hypothesis. If there is a hollow earth with a central sun...the plot thickens, to say the least! Mind you, I don't know if any of this is true. I have been jilted in the area of traditional religion...and I believe that it is possible to be jilted in the area of ufology and conspiracy research. It's hard to simply say 'could be...but then again...might not be'. Was it Carl Sagan who said 'I don't want to believe. I want to know'? I want to know, as well. Yet I am tending to be very detached...and I have a chronic case of commitment-phobia. I tend to change my mind on a daily basis. The upside is that it's harder to hit a moving target! :

    The man behind the curtain must just about die laughing at us...that sob! Perhaps it would be interesting to study the previous decade in light of the current decade. This would provide some perspective and some critique and potential validation or debunking. The current decade may be too close to focus upon...and going back further than the previous decade may be too far. I don't know. Maybe comparing everything with everything...without latching on to anything in a good approach. But the emotional and spiritual trauma may be too much for many people. I started a thread recently titled '1990's Prophets Vindicated or Debunked?' where I looked at Bill Cooper, Alex Collier, and Bill Still. The response was pretty minimal, and focused only on Bill Cooper. The constant asking and answering of questions may be a good approach. I keep getting the feeling that no matter which way we turn we are going to encounter trouble. There seems to be no simple, easy road to utopia. If you are ignorant and gullible, you get taken. If you know too much, they're out to get you! If you're at the bottom, you're a slave. If you're at the top, you might not like the view! I don't have the answer. I'm not even sure what the question is.

    Could the tall, long-nosed greys, who supposedly met Eisenhower...and who our government supposedly signed treaties with...have been Gizeh Intelligence, with some plastic surgery perhaps? Please, someone shoot this thread down, provide some additional sources, or substantiate and expand on this initial hypothesis. Do benevolent aliens have the green light to remove malevolent is alleged to have occured with Gizeh Intelligence in 1978? I thought benevolent aliens were non-interventionist. We supposedly signed treaties with the tall greys...not the short greys...right? people report seeing tall greys? I'm sensing that there may be a lot of 'local' aliens with human 'help' really screwing the human race. Isn't this an important topic? You can vibrate as fast as you want...but the details of who really controls our planet...and why so many people have died in the past 100 years...may determine the destiny of the human race. If we don't get our house in order...we may be stuck in enslavement/extinction...instead of going into 4th or 5th densities. Do we have our heads stuck in the clouds...and are we too sure that we are going to 'graduate' from all the trouble here on earth? We may be in for a big surprise...

    Gizeh Intelligence may go by other names...but the descriptions in my first post seem to fit what is going on in our world. Go through the whole first post a couple of times...including the video clips...and see if you can see a startling pattern emerging. The whole Nazi/Hitler/Illuminati/Military Industrial Complex/New World Order/Fascist/Enslavement/Extermination/International Banking thing really has me it seems to be a global phenomenon which can convincingly be traced for nearly 100 years...right up to 2009. Everything we have seen and experienced thus far may just be practice for the main event. I don't even want to think about what that might be. Check out EVERYTHING on YouTube or Google Video on Jim Marrs, Joseph Ferrell, and Bill Cooper ...for starters. The dots should start connecting...with a very disturbing picture emerging. Please give this some serious thought. The truth may set us free...but it's sure scaring the heck out of me!

    I don't have anything in particular against Forrest Gore...but life is like a Google never know what you're gonna get! However, it might be wise to look closely at the Vice Presidents of the past 60 years...and how they were selected. Were they who the President really wanted? I'm simply interested in how corruptible the top jobs in our country are. Is our political system a glorified 'The Price is Right' show? Who's the host? Who's the parasite? Are we the suckers?

    Dr. Earlyne Chaney, in an article titled 'ODYSSEY INTO EGYPT', in her occult-oriented magazine VOICE OF ASTARA (May, 1982) tells of a discovery she and researcher Bill Cox was shown in Egypt. These were two tunnels, neither of which had been fully explored. One was in the temple of Edfu between Luxor and Cairo in the ruins of El Tuna Gabel; and the other near Zozer's Step Pyramid at Cairo near Memphis-Saqqarah, within the tomb of the Bull, called "Serapium". The Egyptian government sealed both tunnels because of fears of certain archaeologists who alleged that they "lead too deeply down into the depths of the earth," and because they found the earth to be "honeycombed with passages leading off into other depths," and the possibility of explorers becoming lost. If such labyrinths do exist, then it may explain one story which alleged that men dressed like "ancient Egyptians" have been seen deep in unexplored tunnels near Cairo, as well as possible confirmation of the story which appeared in Nevada Aerial Research's 'LEADING EDGE' Publication to the effect that the U.S.(?) Government secretly maintains a huge base within a cavern of tremendous size (several miles in diameter) beneath the desert sands of Egypt. Could this tie in with the vaque references to a subterranean society(s) referred to by certain people 'in the know' which is/are known as the 'Phoenix Empire' and/or the 'Gizeh People'?

    How many factions of humans/aliens are there in this solar system? I think that it is important to know who all of the major players are throughout the solar system...what their track records are...and what their intentions for the future are. Ignorance may be bliss...but it could also be deadly. To me...there should be no secrets regarding all of the above. If Hitler was interacting with Giza Intelligence (is it Giza or Gizeh?)...this is something which should be examined very carefully. Why is there so little information on this subject? Supposedly they broke off interaction with Hitler in 1941 and were driven off planet in 1979. Does this have something to do with the Dulce Wars? Is this when the military industrial complex and the secret human government really lost control of the alien situation...or were they never in control? Did Giza Intelligence simply move voluntarily to the Dark Side of the Moon? Is this the Capitol of the Solar System? Is there a Vatican Connection? Is Lucifer the head of Giza Intelligence? Do they still have a presence in North Africa?

    The Secret Space Program. The Deep Underground Military Bases. The City-States. The Reptilians and Greys. Lucifer. Who Owns and Operates the Solar System? These are the key words and phrases. All of the secrecy should end...and the Solar System should be based upon Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom with an uncorrupted form of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, which is adapted to incorporate 100's of states throughout the Solar System. Gizeh Intelligence may be at the center of all of the above. What do you think?

    I know that dealing with this subject is playing with fire. I don't know what the stakes really are. If I did...I'd probably just play video games. I just don't want malevolent humans or aliens to play god in this part of the universe...and engage in genocide, atrocity, or enslavement. Bad-guys need secrecy a lot more than good-guys.

    Perhaps I could return to the subject of the thread by saying that all of this stuff is interconnected. Compartmentalizing what we discuss may be a mistake. Thinking about the Secret Space Program while watching a motorcycle race may unlock new insights. I'm not kidding. I call this Contextual Superimposition...and related to the Eureka Phenomenon. The military industrial complex has a huge presence in Southern California. Just ask John Lear. hugely important regarding the subject of aliens and ufo's. I guess that North Africa and the Southwestern United States are two of the most interesting areas to this time...other than the Dark Side of the Moon.

    Richard Hoagland states that the three main factions within NASA are 1. The Masons 2. The NAZI's 3. The Magicians (Occultists?). My question is...which of these three factions is most closely associated with Giza Intelligence? Or are all of the seemingly different factions simply different facets of the same diamond? There has to be a supreme council headed by a supreme leader...which oversees all of the madness. I suspect that this leader is Lucifer. Again...did Giza Intelligence move their headquarters from North Africa to the Dark Side of the Moon in 1979 (or shortly thereafter)?

    Actually...I think the underground bases, leviton trains, secret space program, kinda cool...but all of this should not be secret...and should not be under malevolent reptilian control. We the People of Earth should control all of this very, very expensive activity. We're paying for it...aren't we? We the People should be invited to the party. It should be 'Our Party' to speak. Again...I don't know if any of this is true. I'm simply exploring different lines of possibility and probability. The Vatican, the Pentagon, the NSA, the CIA, etc, etc...all keep forgetting to brief me on what's REALLY going on! I am NOT a potted-plant!

    Could Giza Intelligence be a relatively benevolent faction of humans, greys, and reptilians? Are they fighting more malevolent factions of humans, greys, and reptilians? I'm sensing a very dark and complex power struggle...with lots of collateral damage. Are the various factions really different shades of black? Disclosure could be unbelievably complex. Are there good Masons? Are there good NAZI's? Are there good Occultists? Are there good Popes? Are there good Illuminati? Are there good Zionists? Are there good Reptilians? Are there good Greys? What were the World Wars REALLY all about? Did WWII really end? Is it still raging (over our heads, beneath our feet, and invisibly all around us...and even in us)?

    I'm sensing that we are discussing the tip of the iceberg. We may be picking a scab which covers a very ugly and grotesque wound. We may not like what we see when 'Disclosure' fully occurs. I'm thinking that we may have to become very unhappy and disillusioned before we can really begin to build a better world and solar system. Keep digging...but don't be surprised if you don't like what you find. Abandon all hope ye who enter Avalon. Just kidding...or am I? What if Earth (and the Solar System) was colonized millions of years ago by Humans (rather than having evolved here on Earth, at least)...who brought all of the fancy technology with them (including antigravity, nuclear weapons, holographic, free energy, etc). Could we Earth Humans really be Humans from Sirius? Sirius is the All Seeing Eye at the Top of the Pyramid. Sirius is at the center of EVERYTHING.

    What if we Humans can exist both physically and spiritually...and simply get recycled here on Earth (and the Solar System)? What if a faction of Humans hoarded the technology, dumbed the rest of the Humans down genetically and educationally. What if all of the religions are manmade? What if all of the alien races are either made up...or have been genetically created by Humans? What if a faction of Human Beings is behind all of this? Could this be Gizeh (Giza) Intelligence? I've asked this sort of thing before...and I live in perpetual uncertainty. This uncertainty is taking a toll. I'm just asking at least some of you to think through what a completely Human Earth scenario would look like. Imagine being part of a faction of throughout the Solar System...and deceiving 99% of the other Humans. How would you pull it off...century after century? We have to consider all possibilities...don't we?

    I know Humans exist. I know Spirits exist. I know UFO's are real. I know we are in HUGE trouble. Beyond that...I don't really know a damn thing. I'm getting everything second, third, fourth, and fifth hand. Many of us have open minds regarding Aliens, UFO's, time-travel, etc, etc...but what about being open-minded about the possibility that all of this phenomenon is Human? Could the supposed Roswell future Humans really be the elite underground Humans called Giza Intelligence? Bill Cooper was perplexed by the 'Alien Presence' and wondered if it could be a completely homegrown phenomenon. What's going on here? Somebody help me out here. I'm feeling very small, stupid, and helpless. I'm in way over my head thinking about this stuff. I need to stop. Could the superimposed parallel universes simply be 1. The elite members of Giza Intelligence (1% of the Human Race?). 2. The rest of us peons (99% of the Human Race?). Who knows? Oh...I forgot...the Shadow Government knows. Gotta go. Someone's pounding on my front-door...

    A special note to Gizeh Intelligence: If what I have said in the previous post is correct...all I ask at this that all extermination and enslavement scenarios be conclusively terminated. Just join the rest of the human race. I request that all factions throughout the solar system reconcile and join together under the authority of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. This sad chapter of universal history can have a happy ending...and a new beginning. Namaste. I'm feeling really close to the truth...yet really far away. I'm thinking that Sirius is at the center of everything...yet I'm not sure exactly how.

    Could it be that the God of This World is a Draconian-possessed androgynous black human alien from Sirius who heads Giza Intelligence, the Secret Space Program, and the Deep Underground Military Bases...and who is the real Black Pope? Could the Ark of the Covenant be the UFO which brought us here from Sirius along with technology obtained from Draconian-demons in exchange for allowing the Draconians to possess the elite-humans? Is this solar system really part of the Siran solar system? Is our sun really Sirius C? Is the ancient depiction of three suns really Sirius A, Sirius B, and Sirius C? Are the tall greys from Sirius, really just human beings? Did we all come from Sirius? Is there a stargate between this solar system and Sirius? Is all of the cr@p we have been in for millions of years really a Sirian civil war? Are we all different factions of Sirians? Would my pet project of The United States of the Solar System really have to apply to Sirius as well? Is Sirius the All Seeing Eye at the top of the pyramid? Is Sunday really Sun God Day? Is this sun really Sirius? Is the Roman Catholic Church all about Sirius? Are the Masons all about Sirius? Are the occultists all about Sirius? Is the layout of Washington D.C. all about Sirius? Is the Sirian Theocratic System really the Universal Church aka The Holy Roman Empire aka the New World Order? How answerest thou...SaLuSa?

    I just wonder if it's possible to remove the Draco part of the unholy trinity you mentioned? Are the Draconians really demons who are usually invisible...but who can manifest themselves in reptilian/grey form? Are the Sirians we are dealing with really human beings? When the Vatican referred to extraterrestrials as our brothers...perhaps they meant this literally. Are the Nazis, Masons, Vatican, City of London...and most of the people we love to hate...really pawns? Would an exorcism of the Sirius system as well as our solar system be necessary to rid us of most of our problems? If so...what would make this possible? Is it even possible? Has a significant faction of humanity been dealing with the devil? How expensive would this divorce be?

    I have no hatred in asking these questions. I'm treating this like a science fiction mystery novel. I realize that if even 5% of it is true that we are in very deep trouble. I'm thinking that Sirius A, B, and C need to be completely divorced from Draco...and that Sirius A, B, and C need to completely reconcile under the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights...and completely expose all of the dark secrets, horrific wars, and deals with the devil. I just want the BS to stop. Hope springs eternal. Conduit closing.

    They have to use Secrecy and Deception to pull-off their agenda. That is Not a good sign. I think we have a chance to properly handle this BS...but that the window of opportunity is very small. The consequences of getting this wrong are enormous...I think. We seem to be like an abused spouse who believes the promise that it will be different this time. How many times do we have to get beat-up before we wake-up and get a cosmic divorce and a universal restraining order? If we keep going back for more...there is probably very little the benevolent forces throughout the universe can do for us.

    I keep wondering about the distinction between supposed 'native' reptilians and the alleged 'Draconian' reptilians. Perhaps the 'native' reptilians are not really a huge problem. They seem to be more physical than supernatural. Perhaps greys are a type of 'native' reptilian. I don't know. But it does seem that there are 'non-native' reptilians which seem to be more supernatural than physical. These Draconian reptilians seem to be very evil, smart, and dangerous. Perhaps these Draconians can manifest as reptilians or hijack the native reptilians (and greys?) to do their bidding...or at least blame them for all the trouble. The greys with two brains (one which is computerized?) seem to just be robots. Do the Draconians sometimes (or always?) possess these greys? The Draconians seem to need physicality. Why is this? Why do they possess people?

    We are told that we need to ascend beyond physicality. I don't buy this at all. We are also told that we will be taken to better places with spaceships and stargates. Are we sure we would really go to 'better' places? It sounds like they want our bodies and our planet. It sounds like they want to rule over us as Gods. I want to keep my body. I want to keep my planet. I want Constitutional Responsible Freedom. I want the Draconians to go to hell...and leave us alone.

    Giza Intelligence is supposedly connected with Aldebaran...but I am considering the possibility that they are connected with Sirius. I haven't decided if they are with the Draconians...or against them. It sounds like they are with them...and even possessed by them. I really don't know. It just sounds like our solar system and the Sirian solar system are linked...and that we are dealing with a human phenomenon(Sirian humans and Earth humans)...with the exception of the Draconians...and perhaps some native reptilians and greys(native to both Sirius and Earth). Again...I don't know. Help somebody. I'm simply suspecting huge doses of BS everywhere...especially from ET's who are oh so superior to us stupid mortals...and are here to help us abducting us, experimenting on us, terrorizing us, and dictating to us...whether we like it or not. BS!!!!!

    !!!!!!!!!!!! BETTER DEAD THAN REP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SOLAR SYSTEM EXORCISM!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here is something of interest regarding Aldebaran from Wikipedia: Notice especially the section on the Gnostic Neo-Nazis.

    The name Aldebaran comes from the Arabic (??????? al-dabaran) meaning "the follower" and refers to the way the star follows the Pleiades star cluster in its nightly journey across the sky. In Persia it was known as Sadvis and Kugard.[7] The Romans called it Palilicium, and it is known as ??? (Bìxiùwu, the Fifth Star of the Net) in Chinese. Aldebaran is identified as the lunar mansion Rohini in Hindu astronomy and as one of the twenty-seven daughters of Daksha and the wife of the god Chandra.

    An esoteric neo-Nazi sect headquartered in Vienna, Austria called the Tempelhofgesellschaft, founded in the early 1990s, teaches a form of Gnosticism called Marcionism. They distribute pamphlets claiming that the Aryan race originally came to Atlantis from the star Aldebaran (this information is supposedly based on "ancient Sumerian manuscripts"). They maintain that the Aryans from Aldebaran derive their power from the vril energy of the Black Sun. They teach that since the Aryan race is of extraterrestrial origin it has a divine mission to dominate all the other races. It is believed by adherents of this religion that an enormous space fleet is on its way to Earth from Aldebaran which, when it arrives, will join forces with the Nazi Flying Saucers from Antarctica to establish the Western Imperium. [8]

    In Inuit astronomy, Aldebaran is called "Spirit of a Polar Bear". In the religion of Stregheria, Aldebaran is a fallen angel and quarter guardian of the eastern gate. Aldebaran is referred to in Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene (1590), book one, canto three, stanza 16:

    Now when Aldeboran was mounted hye
    Aboue the shinie Cassiopeia chaire (I.III.16.1-2)
    In American horror writer H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, Hastur resides in the Hyades cluster, and is signified by Aldebaran being above the horizon. When Aldebaran is visible, Hastur's eye is said to be upon all it oversees.

    For the Seris of northwestern Mexico, this star is providing light for the seven women giving birth (Pleiades). It has three different names: Hant Caalajc Ipápjö, Queeto, and Azoj Yeen oo Caap ("star that goes ahead"). The lunar month corresponding to October is called Queeto yaao "Aldebaran's path".[9]

    For the Dakotas (a branch of the Native American Sioux tribe), Aldebaran took on a heroic aspect. The young star was the child of the sun and the lady Blue Star. One day, he desired to hunt the white buffalo (the Pleiades). After he pulled up a sapling to make a spear, a hole was made in the ground and he could see all the people of Earth down below. The white buffalo took this chance to push him through. He was found by an old woman and was to be known as Old Woman's Grandson. On Earth, he killed many strange monsters that had been troubling the Native Americans; one monster of which was a serpent that caused drought. The young hero killed the serpent, releasing a great stream of water that became the Mississippi River. In time, Old Woman's Grandson remembered the white buffalo and returned to hunting him in the sky to fulfill his destiny.

    Reference to Aldebaran appears in the The Rolling Stones song "2000 light years from home" from the 1967 psychedelic rock album Their Satanic Majesties Request. The Welsh-born Dark Ambient musician Brian Williams (Lustmord) has a track entitled Aldebaran of the Hyades on his 1994 album The Place where the Black Stars Hang. Enya included a song named Alderbaran on her first album, Enya (later re-released as The Celts). Austrian musician B. Fleischmann includes a song called "Aldebaran Waltz" in his 2006 album, The Humbucking Coil.

    Aldebaran is also the title of a song by Essra Mohawk, and is included on her album "Revelations Of The Secret Diva". What if what we are really dealing with is Draconian Demon Possessed or Controlled Humans vs Pleiadian Angelic Assisted Humans? What if all of the physical ET's who are here are really Human Beings? Would this violate the non-intervention rule? Are native Reptilians and Greys being forced to do the bidding of the Draconians? Are the Greys who are doing the abductions, etc...really clones, robots, or PLF's? Will the native Reptilians and Greys be used as scapegoats by the Draconian Cabal?

    I'm presently seeing Draco > Aldebaran > Sirius B > Earth (Giza Intelligence, Vatican, Nazis, Masons, Illuminati, Occultists, City of London, United Nations, Washington D.C., Deep Underground Military Bases, Secret Space Program) = Military/Industrial/Financial/Draconian Theocracy. This is not exactly a happy-go-lucky, live and let live, group of humans and extraterrestrials (in spirit form?) say the least! I suspect that this is where all the drug money...war blood money...bankster bail-out money...missing trillions from the defense budget, etc...really goes. Negative Karma to the nth degree is being generated daily. Judgement Day will not be pretty or pleasant. Crime does not pay on Judgement Day. Getting nervous guys? It won't be long now. The Horror. The fun never ends...does it? That figure at the 1984 Olympics looks like one of our Draconian Masters...looking down on us stupid a Gargoyle on a Cathedral.

    Here is something relevant to this thread that I posted on another thread: The Aldebarans are supposedly renegade Pleiadians. Did they thumb their noses at the Pleiadian Powers That Be...and make deals with the Devil aka obtain Technology and Spiritual Power? Was the Pleiades really Heaven? Was the Person In Charge really God. Was Lucifer a Pleiadian who tried to get a better deal by dealing with the Dracs? Did this result in the famous War in Heaven? Did Lucifer drag one third of the Pleiadians to Aldebaran...then to Sirius...and finally to Earth? Are we all Fallen Angels? Is this why Lucifer is the God of This World? Some say Lucifer is no more...but I doubt this. Is Aldebaran still renegade Pleiadian presently? Is Sirius A and Arcturus completely unfallen Pleiadian presently? Is Sirius B and Earth in Sirius trouble? Is a final battle brewing to settle this thing once and for all? the whole Universe under Draconian control...including the Pleiades? Did the God in the Pleiades keep this a secret to make a bad situation seem like Heaven? Did Lucifer smell a rat...and try to fight fire with fire...hoping to get technology and spirituality from the Dracs...and then turn on them? Could the final phase of this be happening presently? Is that what's brewing? Is this 'The Great Work'? Are Sirius B and Earth engaged in a rebellion against the Dracs which must be crushed? Will the Empire strike back? Does Sirius B and our Sun contain Planets in Rebellion? Do they threaten the Draconian Universal Church Theocracy? Did Lucifer mean well...but did he or she bite off more than they could chew...and go insane? I keep thinking that Lucifer is like Colonel Kurz in 'Apocalypse Now'. If Constitutional Responsible Freedom really catches fire...will this be the end of Draconian Universal Domination? I really and truly don't know. All of the above could be complete BS. I don't know who the good-guys and who the bad-guys are anymore. Do you?

    Take another look at the details of my previous couple of posts. If the whole universe was Drac-controlled...and this was being hidden from you...but you figured it out. How would you fight the tyranny being effected through your beloved leader? Would you confront your leader publicly while privately dealing with the Dracs to try to get their technology and spirituality? You'd end up fighting both your beloved leader and his loyal (and clueless?) when you double-crossed the'd have to fight them as well. Did Lucifer and his(her?) followers get kicked out of Heaven...and then get involved in a horrific fight with the Dracs? Was this the 600,000 year Gaian-Orion War? Supposedly no one won...they just stopped killing each other. Did a sort of 'cold-war' follow? Is this the situation we find ourselves in presently? Is this why everything is so $crewed-up? Is the New World Order a Draconian attempt to completely regain domination over humanity? Is this how much trouble we are really in...or is it much worse? I suspect that it is. Is Lucifer insane because of the hopelessness of the situation? Are all of us Renegade Pleiadians?

    I continue to believe that Constitutional Responsible Freedom would be in everyone's best interest...including the Pleiadians and Dracs. The God thing really doesn't work. I suspect that Lucifer found this out the hard way. Humanity is waking up to this very harsh reality as well. If what I am thinking is true...the Pleiadian God was wrong. Lucifer was wrong. And the Draconians were (and are) wrong. Two new commandments I give unto all of you: I. Thou Shalt Have No Gods. Period. II. Thou Shalt Not Be An @sshole. Period. I really don't want to fight with the Dracs. I can't believe that there is no possibility of them warming to the idea of Responsible Freedom. I don't know what made them so mean...but perhaps there is a legitimate reason. Regardless...why not base the Universe on the best principles...rather than on brute-force? Why is this so hard? Lord Draco...we need to talk. Soon. In the're a warrior Lord Draco...aren't you?? Isn't war and killing really, really stupid? Isn't it insane? I think it is. We can do better than this...can't we Lord Draco?

    Here is a bit of a restatement of questions which I have previously asked: Are we really dealing with the following? Draconian-Pleiadian-Annunaki Theocracy vs Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom. How would Giza Intelligence fit in with the above? Is Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom a grave threat to the Universal Church? Is Earth a Planet in Rebellion against the Draconian-Pleiadian-Annunaki Theocracy aka Universal Church? Will the Empire Strike Back to crush this rebellion? Does might trump right? We might not have to wait long to find out. Something seems to be brewing. Hmmmmmm.

    Is Gizeh Intelligence the key to all of the mysteries we discuss on this site? I just want all of us to get informed about who we really are...and what's really going on...without becoming angry or going crazy. Obviously...I want a sovereign and free humanity...especially in this solar system. I certainly hope this is a possible possibility. I'm leaning toward a hypothesis that the original creation is a mystery...which is probably a combination of evolution and intelligent design. I see evidence of this everywhere. What I don't see is an All Powerful, All Knowing, All Loving, and All Present Creator God of the Universe running this solar system. I'm seeing something quite sinister.

    I don't think the Annunaki, Pleiadians, or Dracs created us. They may have done some genetic engineering (mostly dumbing us down to control us). I'm seeing a cabal of Annunaki, Pleiadians, and Dracs playing god. Could this have been what Lucifer rebelled against in the Pleiades? Did war in heaven result? Did Lucifer and a third of the Pleiadians get kicked out of heaven? Did Lucifer then try to play god in Aldebaran with a third of the angels? Did this apostasy spread to Sirius and Earth...among other places? Are we all part of the third of the angels? Did Lucifer try to fight a wrong with a wrong? We know that two wrongs don't make a right. Did Lucifer go insane? Is the whole concept of theocracy the real root problem? Should the Ten Commandments be replaced by the Two Commandments?

    I. Thou Shalt Have No Gods. (In the traditional sense)
    II. Thou Shalt Not Be An @$$hole.

    I really don't wish to demonize or destroy anyone. I just want the bs to stop. Here is a comment which I posted on another thread which is relevant to this thread:

    I have a fascination regarding cathedrals and pipe-organs. The whole temple and worship concept goes way back into antiquity. Lucifer was supposedly the chief musician in 'heaven'. If 'heaven' is really the Pleiades...perhaps there were cathedrals and pipe organs in the Pleiades...and Lucifer brought the whole theological concept...including temples, cathedrals, pipe-organs, and worship...from the Pleiades to Aldebaran...then to Sirius...and finally to Earth. As below. I guess I'm seeing two rival 'gods' leading a civil war. Are the Annunaki and Dracs mercenary interdimensional warriors and laborers? Was the Pleiadian 'god' instrumental in the destruction of Atlantis? Did the Luciferian 'god' take the Atlantian civilization underground? Is this Giza Intelligence? Are there underground mansions, cathedrals, libraries, and museums...combined with military bases and stargate temples? Does Lucifer (or equivalent) possess the ability to end most life on Earth through 'Earth Changes'? Is alien technology really ancient Pleiadian technology? I'm beginning to think so. The exact composition and motivations of the various secret factions are obviously unknown. My guess is that there may be three major factions...two theocratic (one Pleiadian and one Aldebaran Luciferian)...and one namaste constitutional responsible freedom faction.

    Hitler may very well have been a regular visitor to this underground or inner Earth realm. This may also be true for the Popes. I don't know. This is all just wild speculation. But studying the Nazi phenomenon may be the real window into what is going on.

    When Henry Kissenger was learning about the 'alien presence' he worked night and day...and wouldn't communicate with anyone...not even his wife. What he was learning must have been devastating. It couldn't have been good. Notice that certain key people, such as Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski (both Jason Scholar study directors)...who presumably know the complete story...quietly direct the Presidents...administration after administration. The Presidents presumably do not know the complete story...with the possible exception of George H.W. Bush.

    Once again...I just want the secrecy to end...I want all hard core regressive beings (human and non-human) to leave this solar system...and I want the solar system to be based upon namaste constitutional responsible freedom. That should correct most of the major ills...regardless of who is presently running things or which et's are good or bad. If this works...other star systems might try doing this as well. Is this too much to ask?

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:19 am

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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Valerian-trailer-004 Valérian and Laureline (French: Valérian et Laureline), also known as Valérian: Spatio-Temporal Agent (French: Valérian, agent spatio-temporel) or just Valérian, is a French science fiction comics series, created by writer Pierre Christin and artist Jean-Claude Mézières. First published in Pilote magazine in 1967, the final installment was published in 2010. All of the Valérian stories have been collected in comic album format, comprising some twenty-one volumes plus a short story collection and an encyclopaedia. Valérian is one of the top five biggest selling Franco-Belgian comics titles of its publisher, Dargaud.[1]

    The series focuses on the adventures of the dark-haired Valérian, a spatio-temporal agent, and his redheaded female colleague, Laureline, as they travel the universe through space and time. Valérian is a classical hero, kind, strong and brave who follows the orders of his superiors even if he feels, deep down, that it is the wrong thing to do. On the other hand, his partner Laureline combines her superior intelligence, determination and independence with sex-appeal. Influenced by classic literary science fiction, the series mixes space opera with time travel plots. Christin's scripts are noted for their humour, complexity and strongly humanist and left-wing liberal political ideas while Mézières' art is characterized by its vivid depictions of the alien worlds and species Valérian and Laureline encounter on their adventures. The series is considered a landmark in European comics and pop culture,[2] and influenced other media as well: traces of its concepts, storylines and designs can be found in science fiction films such as Star Wars and The Fifth Element.

    Many of the stories have been translated into several languages, including English.[3] The series has received recognition through a number of prestigious awards, including the Grand Prix de la ville d'Angoulême. An animated television series, Time Jam: Valerian & Laureline, was released in 2007, and a feature film directed by Luc Besson, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, was released in 2017.

    The original setting for the series was the 28th century. Humanity has discovered the means of travelling instantaneously through time and space. The capital of Earth, Galaxity, is the centre of the vast Terran Galactic Empire. Earth itself has become a virtual utopia with most of the population living a life of leisure in a virtual reality dream-state ruled by the benign Technocrats of the First Circle. The Spatio-Temporal Service protects the planets of the Terran Empire and guards against temporal paradoxes caused by rogue time-travellers. Valérian and Laureline are two such spatio-temporal agents.[4]

    However, since the end of the story The Wrath of Hypsis (Les Foudres d'Hypsis) in which Galaxity disappears from space-time as a result of a temporal paradox the pair have become freelance trouble-shooters travelling through space and time offering their services to anyone willing to hire them while also searching for their lost home.

    In the first two albums Valérian travels through time in a two-seater device, the XB27, which transports him to the various relay stations that Galaxity has hidden throughout time (e.g. in Bad Dreams (Les Mauvais Rêves) the relay is hidden below a tavern). In subsequent stories Valérian and Laureline use the saucer-shaped Astroship XB982 (which made its debut appearance in 1969 in the short story The Great Collector (Le Grand Collectionneur).[5] The astroship is able to travel anywhere using a spatio-temporal jump, a sort of hyperspace drive enabling near-instant transportation anywhere in space and time.

    The initial albums were generally straightforward good versus evil adventure stories. However, thanks to Pierre Christin's interests in politics, sociology and ethnology, as the series progressed the situations typically arose from misunderstandings or ideological differences between various groups that could be resolved through reason and perseverance.[6] The core theme of the stories is an optimistic liberal humanism: the adventures are not about defeating enemies but about exploring, facing challenges, and celebrating diversity.[6] Thus, according to academic John Dean, Christin "as a rule works into his narratives political, environmental and feminist concerns – thereby showing social ills are universal, no matter on what planet you land".[7]
    Another concept that developed was Galaxity as a proxy for Western democracy; contrary to its benign self-image it is actually imperialistic and prone to a corrupt real-politik.[8] Other themes include:

    Natural simplicity as superior to technological complexity.[8]
    Rejection of machismo, violence and war in favour of femininity and nature.[9]
    Distrust of power and the suppression of individuality.[9]
    The ability of women to manipulate males sexually without being manipulated themselves.[8]
    These themes are underpinned by the vivid drawings of Jean-Claude Mézières whose "visually stunning backgrounds: complex architecture, futuristic machines, otherworldly landscapes and odd-looking aliens",[7] are what John Dean calls "staples of Mézières' seeming boundless visual inventiveness",[7] resulting in what the artist Pepo Pérez likens to "National Geographic, but on a cosmic scale".[9]

    Valérian was born on Earth, in Galaxity, capital of the Terran Galactic Empire in the 28th century. He joined the Spatio-Temporal Service in the year 2713. He has been trained to think that Galaxity is always right – even when he receives orders that go against his morals he will, reluctantly, follow them. He much prefers to be a man of action than sitting around pondering what course to take next.

    The early stories present Valérian as a typical square-jawed hero figure, who is strong and dependable (although an early running joke was that despite being a time-traveller he is always running late, especially when summoned by his boss). However, as the series progresses, he is increasingly portrayed as somewhat knuckle-headed. In World Without Stars (Le Pays sans étoile), he gets recklessly drunk on the colonists' home-made booze, in On the False Earths (Sur les terres truquées), the historian, Jadna, views him as useful only as cannon fodder and nothing else while in Heroes of the Equinox (Les Héros de l'Equinoxe), he comes across as woefully inadequate compared with the champions he is competing against. Although devoted to Laureline, he has been led astray by other women, such as in Heroes of the Equinox and Brooklyn Station, Terminus Cosmos.

    When Galaxity disappears in The Wrath of Hypsis he contemplates following his fellows into oblivion, much to Laureline's horror. Even afterwards, he feels the loss of Galaxity much more than Laureline, as it is his birthplace.

    The name Valérian comes from Eastern Europe,[10] although its origin is Latin, from valere ("to be strong").[11] Valérian was created by Mézières and Christin as a reaction to the fearless boy-scout (e.g. The Adventures of Tintin) and American superhero characters that were prevalent in comics available in France at the time. Instead they sought to devise a "banal character" with "no extraordinary means of action".[6] Eventually, with Christin feeling that they had gone too far with this angle and that the Valérian character had become too stupid, from The Ghosts of Inverloch (Les Spectres d'Inverloch) onwards, Valérian was made more sympathetic and given a greater piece of the action.[6]

    Laureline is a peasant girl from 11th century France. In the debut adventure, Bad Dreams, she rescues Valérian from the enchanted Forest of Arelaune. When she accidentally discovers Valérian is a time-traveller, he is forced to bring her back with him to Galaxity where she is trained as a Spatio-Temporal Agent and assigned as his partner.

    In the early stories Laureline generally sits in the background while Valérian saves the day in whatever situation the pair have found themselves, but her position changes as the series develops. World Without Stars, in which the two characters are separated for most of the adventure, allows Laureline to step out from under Valérian's shadow for the first time, and she proves to be more than an equal to Valérian in ensuring that their mission succeeds.

    Welcome to Alflolol (Bienvenue sur Alflolol) brings Laureline's rebellious nature to the fore; unlike Valérian, she has not been born and raised by Galaxity and is prepared not only to question Galaxity's authorities but to rebel openly against them when their orders run contrary to her sense of morality. It also demonstrates her impulsive streak; she sides with the native Alflololians against Galaxity and Valérian with no thought for the personal consequences she may have to face herself. Her position as the true star of the series is cemented in Ambassador of the Shadows (L'Ambassadeur des Ombres), which is virtually a solo adventure for her as she searches the vast space station Point Central for the kidnapped Valérian and the Earth Ambassador. Later, when acting as independent agents, it is Laureline who questions the ethics of some of the jobs they are forced to take to make ends meet, notably in The Living Weapons (Les Armes Vivantes).

    Despite being independent and efficacious, Laureline is not afraid to exploit her considerable sex appeal if it is to her advantage. For example, she attracts the attention of the Emperor of Valsennar in World Without Stars and, dressed in leather gear and boots, she manipulates Crocbattler and Rackalust in Brooklyn Station, Terminus Cosmos and regularly charms the Shingouz when negotiating with them for information. She has appeared nude in some adventures. Mézières drew a picture of her for the French edition of Playboy in 1987.[12] She also has a certain affinity for animals such as the Alflololian Goumon in Welcome to Alflolol, the Grumpy Converter from Bluxte, first seen in Ambassador of the Shadows, and the Tüm Tüm (de Lüm) and the Tchoung-Tracer, both introduced in On the Frontiers (Sur les Frontières).

    The name "Laureline" was invented by Mézières and Christin who were seeking a name that would sound "medieval" and "soft".[10] The name has proven popular and there are now several thousand women in France named Laureline, the first one born in 1968 just a year after the publication of Bad Dreams. There have also been variations such as "Loreline" and "Laurelyne".[13] Laureline was initially created just for the first story, Bad Dreams, but recognising that they had a female character who was different from the bimbo types common to comics of the time, Mézières and Christin fell for her and, in response to positive reader feedback, retained her for the subsequent stories.[6]

    Mr Albert is Galaxity's contact on 20th century Earth. He makes his first appearance in Métro Châtelet, Direction Cassiopeia.[14] He is a retired gentleman who drives an obsolete Renault 4CV and lives in the suburbs of Paris, France. He maintains a wide range of contacts in government and scientific circles as well as with many experts in fields outside the mainstream such as ufology, telepathy, and sorcery. He is also a pigeon fancier and uses his carrier pigeons to relay messages between some of his contacts. Unlike Valérian he tries to avoid getting involved in the thick of the action and never acts impulsively, always preferring to take his time about things. He enjoys the finer things in life: gourmet cuisine, fine wines and likes to take things easy. The character of Albert is partially influenced by that of August Faust, the main character in the strip The Extraordinary and Troubling Adventure of Mr August Faust (L'extraordinaire et Troublante Aventure de M. August Faust), written by Fred and drawn by Mézières in 1967.[10]

    The Shingouz are aliens who make their first appearance in Ambassador of the Shadows and re-appear regularly throughout the subsequent albums. They are brown, short-furred creatures, slightly less than a metre tall, resembling flightless birds with a snout instead of a beak. Their appearance is reminiscent of the main characters in the Mad magazine comic strip Spy vs. Spy. Shingouz have a high alcohol tolerance and preference for strong alcoholic beverages, which they consume in large quantities. The Shingouz society is capitalist to the extreme. Shingouz want a profit from everything they do. They are especially adept in trading important and sensitive information to interested parties. Valérian and Laureline have struck up a relationship with a group of three Shingouz who have a particularly useful network of contacts in all the major space communities. They are especially fond of Laureline, which she often uses to her advantage in striking favourable deals with them.[15]

    Childhood friends Jean-Claude Mézières and Pierre Christin had previously collaborated on the comic strip Le Rhum du Punch (Rum Punch) in 1966 while both were living and working in the United States.[10] Upon their return to France they initially intended to create a Western strip but, with the genre already well represented in French comics thanks to Lucky Luke, Blueberry and Jerry Spring, Christin instead proposed that they turn their hand to science fiction, a genre he felt was unrepresented in French comics at the time.[6] The decision to work in the science fiction genre was also influenced by the political climate in France at the time; Mézières and Christin saw Valérian as a "backdoor" means to react against the prevailing doctrine of Gaullism.[6] Although science fiction was not a favourite of Pilote editor René Goscinny, Goscinny wanted his magazine to be diverse and innovative and so agreed to commission Valérian.[10]

    There had been French science fiction comics before Valérian such as Kline's Kaza the Martian (a childhood favourite of Mézières),[10] Roger Lecureux and Raymond Poivet's Les Pionniers de l'Espérance (The Pioneers of Hope) (which Christin found tired and repetitive)[6] and Jean-Claude Forest's Barbarella. Barbarella is famous for its strong, female, titular character, but Christin has denied any influence on the character of Laureline stating that she was inspired by Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex as well as the burgeoning feminist movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s.[16] However, contemporary reviews of the early stories by Jean-Pierre Andrevon describe the books as "Forestian".[17][18] Mézières and Christin were also heavily influenced by literary science fiction such as that by Isaac Asimov (especially The End of Eternity),[9] Jack Vance (especially The Blue World),[10] and John Brunner.[6] Jean-Marc and Randy Lofficier have also suggested that Poul Anderson's Time Patrol books, about an official organization dedicated to protecting time from interference, are a major influence on the series.[19] Christin has also cited the whodunit genre—notably novels by Georges Simenon and Ed McBain—as an influence on Valérian since they taught him, as a writer, that all characters in a narrative must be seen to have motivations.[16]

    Mézières' drawings in the early albums were influenced by such "comic-dynamic" artists as Morris (Lucky Luke), André Franquin (Spirou et Fantasio) and Jack Davis (Mad magazine),[9] leading Jean-Pierre Andrevon to refer to Valérian as "a kind of Lucky Luke of space-time".[17] As the series progressed, Mézières developed a more realistic style, akin to that of Jijé, though in more recent albums he has returned to the more cartoonish style of the earlier stories.[9]

    Valérian's arrival on the French comics scene was contemporaneous with the debuts of other notable French science fiction strips including Luc Orient by Greg and Eddy Paape and Lone Sloane by Philippe Druillet.[9][20] The success of these strips would eventually lead to the creation of Métal Hurlant, the highly influential French comics magazine dedicated to science fiction.[21] The influence of Valérian has been noticed in such strips as Dani Futuro (es; de; it) (by Víctor Mora and Carlos Giménez) and Gigantik (by Mora and José Maria Cardona).[9] The visual style of Valérian has also influenced some American comics artists, notably Walt Simonson[9] and Gil Kane.[1] Sometimes the impact of Valérian has gone beyond mere influence; following a complaint by Mézières, the artist Angus McKie admitted that several panels of his strip So Beautiful and So Dangerous were copied from Ambassador of the Shadows.[1]

    Outside of comics, the Valérian series has been particularly influential on science fiction and fantasy film.

    Several commentators, such as Kim Thompson of The Comics Journal,[22] film critic Jean-Philippe Guerand[23] and the newspaper Libération,[24] have noted certain similarities between the Valérian albums and the Star Wars film series. Both series are noted for the "lived-in" look given to their various settings and for the diverse alien creatures they feature. Mézières' response upon seeing Star Wars was that he was "dazzled, jealous... and furious!".[25] As a riposte, Mézières produced an illustration for Pilote magazine in 1983 depicting the Star Wars characters Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa meeting Valérian and Laureline in a bar surrounded by a bestiary of alien creatures typical of that seen in both series. "Fancy meeting you here!" says Leia. "Oh, we've been hanging around here for a long time!" retorts Laureline.[26] Mézières has since been informed that Doug Chiang, design director on The Phantom Menace, kept a set of Valérian albums in his library.[10]

    Mézières has also noticed similarities between some of the sets in the 1982 film Conan the Barbarian and the planet seen in Birds of the Master (Les Oiseaux du Maître) and between some of the production sketches for the alien fighters in the 1996 film Independence Day and Valérian and Laureline's astroship.[10]

    The 1999 Danish film Mifune's Last Song, directed by Søren Kragh-Jacobsen, features a character, Rud, who is a fan of Linda and Valentin (as Valérian is known in Denmark) who believes the character of Liva is in fact Linda (i.e. Laureline).[27]

    Jean-Claude Mézières himself has worked as a concept artist on a number of science fiction film projects. The first of these was in 1984 for director Jeremy Kagan who was attempting to adapt René Barjavel's novel La Nuit des temps (The Ice People). The film was never made. This was followed, in 1985, by a proposed adaptation of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky's novel Hard to Be a God for director Peter Fleischmann. This film was eventually finished in 1989 though Mézières' concepts for the film were barely used. The art Mézières produced for both projects was later published in Mézières Extras.[10][12]

    In 1991 Mézières began work producing concept art for the director Luc Besson for his film The Fifth Element. When the project stalled and Besson moved on to work on the film Léon in 1994, Mézières returned to Valérian for the album The Circles of Power (Les Cercles du Pouvoir). This featured a character, S'Traks, who drove a flying taxi around a great metropolis on the planet Rubanis.[28] Mézières sent a copy of the album to Besson who was inspired to change the background of Korben Dallas, the lead character of The Fifth Element, from a worker in a rocketship factory to that of a taxi driver who flies his cab around a Rubanis-inspired futuristic New York City.[29] Mézières produced further concept drawings for Besson, including flying taxi cabs. He also re-used certain aspects of the design of the space liner seen in the 1988 Valérian album On the Frontiers for the Fhloston Paradise liner seen in second half of the film.[30] The Fifth Element was finally completed and released in 1997. The importance of the four classical elements to the film is similar to the significance the elements have in the two-part Valérian story Métro Châtelet, Direction Cassiopeia and Brooklyn Station, Terminus Cosmos. However, Besson has claimed that he first came up with the idea for the film at the age of 16 which would pre-date the publication of these two albums.[31]

    Valérian and its creators have also received recognition through a number of prestigious awards. Most notably, in 1984, Jean-Claude Mézières was honoured with the Grand Prix de la ville d'Angoulême for his comics work, including Valérian.[32] Mézières and Christin also received a European Science Fiction Society award for Valérian in 1987[33] and the album Hostages of the Ultralum (Otages de l'Ultralum) won a Tournesal award, given to the comic that best reflects the ideals of the Green Party, at the 1997 Angoulême International Comics Festival.[34] The encyclopedia of the alien creatures found in the Valérian universe Les Habitants du Ciel: Atlas Cosmique de Valérian et Laureline (The Inhabitants of the Sky: The Cosmic Atlas of Valerian and Laureline) received a special mention by the jury at the 1992 Angoulême International Comics Festival in the Prix Jeunesse 9–12 ans (Youth Prize 9–12 years) category.[35]

    Valérian has also been nominated for a Haxtur Award in 1995 for The Circles of Power[36] and for a Harvey Award in 2005 for The New Future Trilogy, an English-language compilation of three of the albums.[37]

    Valérian first appeared on 9 November 1967 in issue #420 of the Franco-Belgian comics magazine Pilote,[38] and every Valérian story from Bad Dreams to The Rage of Hypsis was initially serialised in Pilote. The second Valérian story, The City of Shifting Waters (La Cité des Eaux Mouvantes), was the first to be collected in graphic novel album format by Dargaud. Since On the Frontiers, every Valérian story has debuted in album format. Seven short stories were also published in the digest-sized Super Pocket Pilote in 1969 and 1970 and later collected in Across the Pathways of Space (Par Les Chemins De l’Espace) in 1997. The series was originally published under the title Valérian: Spatio-Temporal Agent. However, with the publication of The Order of the Stones in 2007, the series now goes under the title Valérian and Laureline.

    On 22 January 2010, the last album, L'OuvreTemps (The Time Opener), was published. With this album the authors concluded the entire comic series with the intention to prevent the series from becoming weak, or staggering behind newer comics. However, Christin has written a 270-page Valérian and Laureline novel, Lininil a disparu (Lininil has disappeared), and indicated that Valérian and Laureline will continue to live on in a yet unspecified form.[39]

    The first Valérian album to be translated into English was Ambassador of the Shadows which was serialised across four issues of the magazine Heavy Metal in 1981 (Volume 4, Number 10 (January 1981) to Volume 5, Number 1 (April 1981)).[40][41]

    Ambassador of the Shadows was later republished in English in album format as were World Without Stars, Welcome to Alflolol and Heroes of the Equinox by the short-lived Dargaud-USA and Dargaud-Canada between 1981 and 1984 and in the United Kingdom by Hodder-Dargaud in 1984 and 1985.[40]

    In 1989 it was announced that NBM Publishing were going to reissue the four English language albums published by Dargaud-USA and also release a translation of Empire of a Thousand Planets but nothing seems to have come of this.[40]

    Heroes of the Equinox was republished in July 1996 in black and white by Fantasy Flight Publishing (an offshoot of Fantasy Flight Games) in two issues as standard American sized comic-books as part of an unsuccessful attempt to translate and print several European comic book series including Spirou et Fantasio and Lucky Luke.[42]

    In November 2004, iBooks published Valérian: The New Future Trilogy, collecting the albums On the Frontiers, The Living Weapons and The Circles of Power in one volume reduced to standard American graphic novel size. These were the only Valérian stories iBooks published and the company has since declared bankruptcy.[43]

    Since July 2010, UK publisher Cinebook has been publishing English language editions of Valérian. These began at a rate of one volume every six months, however, as the cinematic release of Luc Besson's film Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets approached, the rate increased to one every three months.[44] Fourteen volumes had been published by the end of 2016.

    Many of the Valérian stories have been translated from their original French into several other languages, including German (as Valerian und Veronique), Dutch (as Ravian: Tijd/ruimte-agent), the Scandinavian languages (Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish) (as Linda og/och Valentin), Finnish (as Avaruusagentti Valérianin seikkailuja), Spanish, Portuguese (as Valérian, agente espácio-temporal), Serbian (as Valerijan), Italian, Turkish, Polish, and Indonesian.[3]

    The notion of making an animated adaptation of Valérian dates back to at least 1976.[10] In 1982, Mézières produced concept art for an episode titled The Asteroids of Shimballil (Les Astéroïdes de Shimballil) which was later published in 2000 as an appendix to the album release of Bad Dreams. In 1991, Dargaud Films financed the production of a three-minute pilot, directed by Bernard Deyriès and animated by Studio 32 in Paris and Luxembourg, but nothing came of this venture. Several stills from this pilot episode were published in Mézières Extras.[12] Another pilot, directed by Florient Ferrier, was made by the French animation studio 2 Minutes in 2001. Nothing came of this attempt either.[45]

    An animated series entitled Time Jam: Valerian and Laureline made its debut on Canal+ Family in France on 20 October 2007. In total, forty 26-minute episodes have been made.[46] The series is a Franco–Japanese co-production, directed by Philippe Vidal.[47][48]

    The scripts have been written by a French team under the supervision of Peter Berts while Charles Vaucelles was responsible for the realisation of the characters and Vincent Momméja was responsible for the design of the locations and spacecraft.[47] Music is by Alexandre Azzaria.[47] In the French dub of the series Valérian is voiced by Gwendal Anglade and Laureline by Mélodie Orru.[49] Three trailers were released to promote the series: the first on 24 April 2006,[50] the second on 10 October 2006[51] and the third on 30 August 2007.[52] The series differs from the original comics in that Valerian comes from the year 2417, instead of 2720, and meets Laureline in the year 912 instead of 1000. Whereas in the comics Valerian takes Laureline back to the 28th century without any trouble, in the animated series this results in Earth disappearing from the solar system.

    According to Animation World Network, "Time Jam - Valerian & Laureline sets out to answer the question: Where on Earth has Earth gone? Valerian and Laureline, our two young heroes, seem to be the only representatives of the human race in the unsafe galaxy where the nightmarish Vlagos are conspiring to control the world. Sent out on an assignment by the head of STS (the Spatial-Temporal Service), Valerian and Laureline discover the existence of a time-portal, a mysterious phenomenon, which may hold the key to the recovery of Earth. The series from Dargaud Marina mixes 2D and CGI animation with an anime touch".[53] The series has also been sold to Belgium, Spain, Israel and Morocco.[46]

    In 2012, it was announced that Luc Besson planned to make a movie for the big screen of Valérian and Laureline.[54][55] The film was shot in January 2016 and stars Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevingne. It was released on July 21, 2017.[56][57][58]

    Jump up to:
    a b c Kane, Gil; Groth, Gary (May–June 2004). "Recognition: A Conversation with Jean-Claude Mézières". The Comics Journal. Fantagraphics Books (260): 88–112. ISSN 0194-7869.
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    ^ Italian announcement of final issue
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    a b "Valerian eri kielillä - Valérian in different languages". Retrieved 2006-09-16.
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    ^ Mézières, Jean-Claude; Christin, Pierre (2000). Les Mauvais Rêves. Valérian: Agent Spatio-Temporel (in French). Paris: Dargaud. ISBN 2-205-04880-5.
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    ^ Mézières, Jean-Claude; Christin, Pierre (1997). "Le Grand Collectionneur". Par les Chemins de l'Espace. Valérian: Agent Spatio-Temporel (in French). Paris: Dargaud. ISBN 2-205-04456-7.
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    a b c d e f g h i Pomerleau, Luc (May 1989). "Pierre Christin and Enki Bilal, Called to Comics". The Comics Journal (129): 62–67. ISSN 0194-7869. Archived from the original on May 19, 2006. Retrieved 2006-09-02.
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    a b c Dean, John (1996). "A Comics Interlude". In Dean, John; Gabillet, Jean-Paul. European Readings of American Popular Culture (Contributions to the Study of Popular Culture, Number 50). Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. pp. 23–43. ISBN 0-313-29429-1. doi:10.1336/0313294291. Retrieved 2006-09-16.
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    a b c Klein, Gérard (1983). "Des messagers de l'actuel. Une exploration des mondes de Valérian". In Mézières, Jean-Claude; Christin, Pierre. Mézières et Christin avec... (in French). Paris: Dargaud. ISBN 2-205-02513-9. Retrieved 2007-03-20.
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    a b c d e f g h i Perez, Pepo (February 2002). "Tierra de Gigantes". U (23): –. Retrieved 2006-09-16.
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    a b c d e f g h i j k Maltret, Olivier (August 2001). "Dossier Mézières". Les Dossiers de la Bande Dessinée (DBD) (12): 1–40. Archived from the original on 2005-10-28. Retrieved 2006-09-01.
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    a b c Mézières, Jean-Claude (1995). Les Extras de Mézières (in French). Paris: Dargaud. ISBN 2-205-04443-5.
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    ^ "Clins d'oeil". Valerian et Laureline, tout sur les agents spatio-temporels de Galaxity (in French). Archived from the original on June 16, 2006. Retrieved 2006-09-01.
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    ^ Mézières, Jean-Claude; Christin, Pierre (1980). Métro Châtelet, Direction Cassiopeia. Valérian: Agent Spatio-Temporel (in French). Paris: Dargaud. ISBN 2-205-04639-X.
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    ^ Mézières, Jean-Claude; Christin, Pierre (1991). "Les Shingouz". Les Habitants du Ciel. Atlas Cosmique de Valérian et Laureline. Valérian: Agent Spatio-Temporel (in French). Paris: Dargaud. ISBN 2-205-03921-0.
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    a b "Christin/Mézières, l'abécédaire" (Press release). Dargaud. 2001. Retrieved 2006-09-01.
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    ^ Lofficier, Jean-Marc and Randy (2004). Shadowmen 2. Heroes and Villains of French Comics. Encino, California: Black Coat Press. ISBN 0-9740711-8-8.
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    ^ Gravett, Paul (2005). "Of Futures and Fables". Graphic Novels. Stories to change your life. London: Aurum. p. 88. ISBN 1-84513-068-5.
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    ^ Mézières, Jean-Claude; Christin, Pierre (2004). "The Circles of Power". Valerian: The New Future Trilogy. Valérian: Spatio-Temporal Agent. Trans. Timothy Ryan Smith. New York: iBooks. ISBN 0-7434-8674-9.
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    ^ Vlessing, Etan (May 18, 2015). "Luc Besson’s Sci-Fi Epic 'Valerian' Gets Release Date". The Hollywood Reporter.

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Oct 08, 2017 3:10 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Jul 29, 2017 1:57 am

    Consider Freedom, Responsibility, Competition, and Cooperation in the Kingdom of God. This might be more important than you can imagine!! How many of us REALLY Want a Real God?? One night 'RA' said he was cracking-down on Credo Mutwa, and I like Credo, but the way 'RA' said it made me shake my head and laugh, and 'RA' pointed-out my 'SIN'!! Once, 'RA' was having a difficult phone-conversation, and I was laughing at him!! Once, 'RA' was talking to me on the phone, and it sounded like he was in space, and I thought I heard an other-than-human in the background, and I told 'RA' to say "HELLO!!" I recently encountered a 'Tough-Guy' who gave me 'The Look'!! This didn't surprise me because of the stuff I've posted on this thread. I'm honestly not going anywhere with this madness. Don't Shoot!! I'm Just a Completely Ignorant Fool!! Here is a previously-posted study-list (as a mental and spiritual exercise -- without an endorsement by me):

    1. Patriarchs and Prophets (Ellen White).

    2. Prophets and Kings (Ellen White).

    3. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volumes 3 and 4 (1 Chronicles to Malachi).

    4. Daniel 8:14, the Day of Atonement, and the Investigative Judgment (Desmond Ford).

    5. The End of the World, A.D. 2133 (Lucio Bernardo Silvestre).

    6. The United States of the Solar System: A.D. 2133 (Books One, Two, and Three).

    7. Sacred Classical Music.

    8. Science and Science-Fiction.

    I never know how much of a 'problem' I am. I really don't know. I have no idea whether I am completely ignored -- and no problem to anyone -- OR, if I really make certain individuals or organizations feel angry or threatened. I don't know who I really am. I don't know what the stakes are. I don't know who expects what of me -- if anything. I don't have a boss (in connection with my internet activities) -- and I don't get paid for wasting my life away. I don't know if I am fundamentally a friend or foe to humanity. I have no idea if God, Satan, Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel, the angels, the demons, the aliens, the reptilians, the greys, the elites, the peons, the gods, or the goddesses -- love me, hate me -- or frankly don't give a damn about me. I have NO idea. I have NO idea what lists I might be on -- if any. I'm leaning toward the theory that I'm some sort of a rebellious and disenfranchised reincarnational somebody of some note -- but certainly of NO note in this incarnation. I have NO idea if anyone has studied my threads in any way, shape, or form. I have NO idea whether this universe is fundamentally good or bad -- or how 'good' or 'bad' should be defined. I have NO idea how close to the truth I might be -- or if anyone even gives a damn how close I am -- to the truth or otherwise.

    I seem to hold NO attraction to the opposite sex. I seem to have very few marketable job skills. Most days, life does NOT seem to be worth living -- and I really fail to see the point. I feel supernaturally attacked -- but maybe I'm just a NUT-CASE. I have NO idea. I sense hostility and hatred in real-life -- but then maybe I'm just hyper-sensitive and paranoid. I'm almost to the point of telling people to forget about seeking the 'truth' -- and to just focus on maximizing fame, fortune, power, and pleasure -- by any and all means -- because why should the peons be good when the elites are bad -- which seems to create an unfair advantage. Didn't John D. Rockefeller call competition a sin?? I really think I could've been a big-shot surgeon or musician if I hadn't gotten all screwed-up worrying about the damn 'truth'. Why should I point people toward a life of poverty and misery in pursuit of the damn 'truth'?? Especially when the 'truth' is whatever people wish to believe -- and NOT the actual 'truth'??!!

    magamud wrote: I feel the same way Ortho and I suspect many others are too.  I have noticed waves of syncronicity effecting the populace in different ways.  Bursts of singularity?

    Unconscious explosions manifesting in symbology, insights and dialectic language.  I think this thread is very valuable and at the least, a lens of construction into the quantum ocean of life.  A missionary of your own existence?  A deep sea diver into the depths of your energy?

    Jenetta wrote:Oxy you will always be a survivor...why? because you have imagination which most of humanity lacks...also you have 'heart'...lastly you have a great deal of humour (which many people lack) and this also helps you to survive.

    The wheel keeps turning and we're turning with it.


    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 139717
    Thank-you magamud and Janetta. I worry about irresponsible-freedom v responsible-freedom. I understand that We the Sheeple must be watched by the Sheep-Herders -- but I worry when I hear about the TV watching people while they watch TV. What are ethical and appropriate limits to surveillance?? We obviously live in a VERY dangerous world -- and I agonize over how the insanity should be managed. I have recently started thinking more about Ethics, Law, Law-Enforcement, and the Military. The industrial revolution, the technological revolution, and the information explosion -- have created a perfect storm -- especially on the internet -- and I suspect that a lot of individuals (human and otherwise) have gotten caught with their pants and dresses down -- and I further suspect that they are really, Really MAD!! I am very doubtful that things are going to get better anytime soon. Even if my hypothetical United States of the Solar System were introduced in Obama's State of the Union Address -- things would probably still go to hell -- and such a sudden and abrupt introduction might precipitate Hell on Earth.

    I think things are very precarious and unstable right now. I further think that evolutionary change should trump revolutionary change. Things might have to APPEAR to remain the same for at least the rest of this decade. I think we could be facing a market-crash and a dollar-crash in 2016 -- which could be made milder or more severe by how change and the media is managed. I worry about resets, disclosure, regime-changes, civil-unrest, foreign-invasions, and alien-invasions (staged or otherwise). I think the evil and destructive potential which exists within this solar system is beyond comprehension. I feel as if we might be in the quiet before the storm. My recent 'Solar System View' is making me feel like a completely different person -- and it is scaring the hell out of me. I can only imagine how the 'Real Insiders' feel -- the ones who deal directly with the BS -- each and every day.

    Listen to this recent 'Sherry Shriner Show'. It seems to have particular relevance to what I've said in this post. I think Sherry knows a helluva lot -- but I take everything she says with a sea of salt. I don't do Orgone (but perhaps I should) -- and I don't necessarily share Sherri's theological views (even though I think she knows  ten times more than I do about theology). I've said some of what I think about Sherry -- but I've said it very indirectly -- so you might need to review my posts to put some pieces of the puzzle together. You'd be amazed at what I think about -- but don't talk about.

    Regarding the Asteroid '243 Ida' -- I was interested to note that it seems to be less dense than it should be -- suggesting that it might really be a hollowed-out asteroid-spaceship. Also, the little fictional story that I just reposted features a small piloted asteroid (which is now on it's way from Earth to Ida). I described this asteroid as being approximately one kilometer in diameter (and mostly round). This is pretty damn close to describing the size and shape of Ida's satellite 'Dactyl'! When I originally wrote the story I didn't have Ida or Dactyl in mind!! Honestly!! To thicken the plot -- Dactyl has been known to be 'MISSING'!!!! See the bold print in the wiki article below!!! Might this suggest that Dactyl really could be a piloted-asteroid??!! OK -- I'm getting carried away -- but this is just one more example of some very strange coincidences and occurrances connected with my internet posting. All of this madness is driving me somewhat mad -- and I'm NOT kidding. The problem is -- I think things are going to get exponentially nuttier in the coming months and years -- and I really think the possibility exists that I might really come unglued -- and go down HARD -- a lot harder than I've already gone down. Look Out Below!!!

    243 Ida (/'a?d?/ EYE-d?) is an asteroid in the Koronis family of the asteroid belt. It was discovered on 29 September 1884 by Johann Palisa and named after a nymph from Greek mythology. Later telescopic observations categorized Ida as an S-type asteroid, the most numerous type in the inner asteroid belt. On 28 August 1993, Ida was visited by the spacecraft Galileo, bound for Jupiter. It was the second asteroid to be visited by a spacecraft and the first found to possess a satellite.

    Like all main-belt asteroids, Ida's orbit lies between the planets Mars and Jupiter. Its orbital period is 4.84 years, and its rotation period is 4.63 hours. Ida has an average diameter of 31.4 km (19.5 mi). It is irregularly shaped and elongated, and apparently composed of two large objects connected together in a shape reminiscent of a croissant. Its surface is one of the most heavily cratered in the Solar System, featuring a wide variety of crater sizes and ages.

    Ida's moon, Dactyl, was discovered by mission member Ann Harch in images returned from Galileo. It was named after the Dactyls, creatures which inhabited Mount Ida in Greek mythology. Dactyl, being only 1.4 kilometres (4,600 ft) in diameter, is about one-twentieth the size of Ida. Its orbit around Ida could not be determined with much accuracy. However, the constraints of possible orbits allowed a rough determination of Ida's density, which revealed that it is depleted of metallic minerals. Dactyl and Ida share many characteristics, suggesting a common origin.

    The images returned from Galileo, and the subsequent measurement of Ida's mass, provided new insights into the geology of S-type asteroids. Before the Galileo flyby, many different theories had been proposed to explain their mineral composition. Determining their composition permits a correlation between meteorites falling to the Earth and their origin in the asteroid belt. Data returned from the flyby pointed to S-type asteroids as the source for the ordinary chondrite meteorites, the most common type found on the Earth's surface.

    Discovery and observations

    Ida was discovered on 29 September 1884 by Austrian astronomer Johann Palisa at the Vienna Observatory.[10] It was his 45th asteroid discovery.[1] Ida was named by Moriz von Kuffner, a Viennese brewer and amateur astronomer.[11][12] In Greek mythology, Ida was a nymph of Crete who raised the god Zeus.[13] Ida was recognized as a member of the Koronis family by Kiyotsugu Hirayama, who proposed in 1918 that the group comprised the remnants of a destroyed precursor body.[14]

    Ida's reflection spectrum was measured on 16 September 1980 by astronomers David J. Tholen and Edward F. Tedesco as part of the eight-color asteroid survey (ECAS).[15] Its spectrum matched those of the asteroids in the S-type classification.[16][17] Many observations of Ida were made in early 1993 by the US Naval Observatory in Flagstaff and the Oak Ridge Observatory. These improved the measurement of Ida's orbit around the Sun and reduced the uncertainty of its position during the Galileo flyby from 78 to 60 km (48 to 37 mi).[18]


    Galileo flyby

    Ida was visited in 1993 by the Jupiter-bound space probe Galileo. Its encounters of the asteroids Gaspra and Ida were secondary to the Jupiter mission. These were selected as targets in response to a new NASA policy directing mission planners to consider asteroid flybys for all spacecraft crossing the belt.[19] No prior missions had attempted such a flyby.[20] Galileo was launched into orbit by the Space Shuttle Atlantis mission STS-34 on 18 October 1989.[21] Changing Galileo's trajectory to approach Ida required that it consume 34 kg (75 lb) of propellant.[22] Mission planners delayed the decision to attempt a flyby until they were certain that this would leave the spacecraft enough propellant to complete its Jupiter mission.[23]

    Galileo's trajectory carried it into the asteroid belt twice on its way to Jupiter. During its second crossing, it flew by Ida on 28 August 1993 at a speed of 12,400 m/s (41,000 ft/s) relative to the asteroid.[23] The onboard imager observed Ida from a distance of 240,350 km (149,350 mi) to its closest approach of 2,390 km (1,490 mi).[13][24] Ida was the second asteroid, after Gaspra, to be imaged by a spacecraft.[25] About 95% of Ida's surface came into view of the probe during the flyby.[6]

    Transmission of many Ida images was delayed due to a permanent failure in the spacecraft's high-gain antenna.[26] The first five images were received in September 1993.[27] These comprised a high-resolution mosaic of the asteroid at a resolution of 31–38 m/pixel.[28][29] The remaining images were sent in February 1994,[2] when the spacecraft's proximity to the Earth allowed higher speed transmissions.[27][30]


    The data returned from the Galileo flybys of Gaspra and Ida, and the later NEAR Shoemaker asteroid mission, permitted the first study of asteroid geology.[31] Ida's relatively large surface exhibited a diverse range of geological features.[32] The discovery of Ida's moon Dactyl, the first confirmed satellite of an asteroid, provided additional insights into Ida's composition.[33]

    Ida is classified as an S-type asteroid based on ground-based spectroscopic measurements.[34] The composition of S-types was uncertain before the Galileo flybys, but was interpreted to be either of two minerals found in meteorites that had fallen to the Earth: ordinary chondrite (OC) and stony-iron.[9] Estimates of Ida's density are constrained to less than 3.2 g/cm3 by the long-term stability of Dactyl's orbit.[34] This all but rules out a stony-iron composition; were Ida made of 5 g/cm3 iron- and nickel-rich material, it would have to contain more than 40% empty space.[33]

    The Galileo images also led to the discovery that space weathering was taking place on Ida, a process which causes older regions to become more red in color over time.[14][35] The same process affects both Ida and its moon, although Dactyl shows a lesser change.[36] The weathering of Ida's surface revealed another detail about its composition: the reflection spectra of freshly exposed parts of the surface resembled that of OC meteorites, but the older regions matched the spectra of S-type asteroids.[20]

    Both of these discoveries—the space weathering effects and the low density—led to a new understanding about the relationship between S-type asteroids and OC meteorites. S-types are the most numerous kind of asteroid in the inner part of the asteroid belt.[20] OC meteorites are, likewise, the most common type of meteorite found on the Earth's surface.[20] The reflection spectra measured by remote observations of S-type asteroids, however, did not match that of OC meteorites. The Galileo flyby of Ida found that some S-types, particularly the Koronis family, could be the source of these meteorites.[36]

    Physical characteristics

    Ida's mass is between 3.65 and 4.99 × 1016 kg.[37] Its gravitational field produces an acceleration of about 0.3 to 1.1 cm/s2 over its surface.[6] This field is so weak that an astronaut standing on its surface could leap from one end of Ida to the other, and an object moving in excess of 20 m/s (70 ft/s) could escape the asteroid entirely.[38][39]

    Ida is a distinctly elongated asteroid,[40] with an irregular surface,[41][42] and is somewhat "croissant-shaped".[27] Ida is 2.35 times as long as it is wide,[40] and a "waist" separates it into two geologically dissimilar halves.[27] This constricted shape is consistent with Ida being made of two large, solid components, with loose debris filling the gap between them. However, no such debris was seen in high resolution images captured by Galileo.[42] Whilst there are a few steep slopes tilting up to about 50° on Ida, the slope generally does not exceed 35°.[6] Ida's irregular shape is responsible for the asteroid's highly uneven gravitational field.[43] The surface acceleration is lowest at the extremities because of their fast rotational speed. It is also low near the "waist" because the mass of the asteroid is concentrated in the two halves, away from this location.[6]

    Surface features

    Ida's surface appears heavily cratered and mostly gray, although minor color variations mark newly formed or uncovered areas.[13] Besides craters, other features are evident, such as grooves, ridges, and protrusions. Ida is covered by a thick layer of regolith, loose debris that obscures the solid rock beneath. The largest, boulder-sized, debris fragments are called ejecta blocks, several of which have been observed on the surface.


    The surface of Ida is covered in a blanket of pulverized rock, called regolith, about 50–100 m (160–330 ft) thick.[27] This material is produced in impact events and redistributed across Ida's surface by geological processes.[44] Galileo observed evidence of recent downslope regolith movement.[45]

    Ida's regolith is composed of the silicate minerals olivine and pyroxene.[2][46] Its appearance changes over time through a process called space weathering.[36] Because of this process, older regolith appears more red in color compared to freshly exposed material.[35]

    About 20 large (40–150 m across) ejecta blocks have been identified, embedded in Ida's regolith.[27][48] Ejecta blocks constitute the largest pieces of the regolith.[49] Because ejecta blocks are expected to break down quickly by impact events, those present on the surface must have been either formed recently or uncovered by an impact event.[43][50] Most of them are located within the craters Lascaux and Mammoth, but they may not have been produced there.[50] This area attracts debris due to Ida's irregular gravitational field.[43] Some blocks may have been ejected from the young crater Azzurra on the opposite side of the asteroid.[51]


    Several major structures mark Ida's surface. The asteroid appears to be split into two halves, here referred to as region 1 and region 2, connected by a "waist".[27] This feature may have been filled in by debris, or blasted out of the asteroid by impacts.[27][51]

    Region 1 of Ida contains two major structures. One is a prominent 40 km (25 mi) ridge named Townsend Dorsum that stretches 150 degrees around Ida's surface.[52] The other structure is a large indentation named Vienna Regio.[27]

    Ida's region 2 features several sets of grooves, most of which are 100 m (330 ft) wide or less and up to 4 km (2.5 mi) long.[27][53] They are located near, but are not connected with, the craters Mammoth, Lascaux, and Kartchner.[49] Some grooves are related to major impact events, for example a set opposite Vienna Regio.[54]


    Ida is one of the most densely cratered bodies in the Solar System,[28][41] and impacts have been the primary process shaping its surface.[55] Cratering has reached the saturation point, meaning that new impacts erase evidence of old ones, leaving the total crater count roughly the same.[56] It is covered with craters of all sizes and stages of degradation,[41] and ranging in age from fresh to as old as Ida itself.[27] The oldest may have been formed during the breakup of the Koronis family parent body.[36] The largest crater, Lascaux, is almost 12 km (7.5 mi) across.[42][57] Region 2 contains nearly all of the craters larger than 6 km (3.7 mi) in diameter, but Region 1 has no large craters at all.[27] Some craters are arranged in chains.[29]

    Ida's major craters are named after caves and lava tubes on Earth. The crater Azzurra, for example, is named after a submerged cave on the island of Capri, also known as the Blue Grotto.[58] Azzurra seems to be the most recent major impact on Ida.[48] The ejecta from this collision is distributed discontinuously over Ida[35] and is responsible for the large-scale color and albedo variations across its surface.[59] An exception to the crater morphology is the fresh, asymmetric Fingal, which has a sharp boundary between the floor and wall on one side.[60] Another significant crater is Afon, which marks Ida's prime meridian.[8]

    The craters are simple in structure: bowl-shaped with no flat bottoms and no central peaks.[60] They are distributed evenly around Ida, except for a protrusion north of crater Choukoutien which is smoother and less cratered.[61] The ejecta excavated by impacts is deposited differently on Ida than on planets because of its rapid rotation, low gravity and irregular shape.[40] Ejecta blankets settle asymmetrically around their craters, but fast-moving ejecta that escapes from the asteroid is permanently lost.[62]


    Ida was classified as an S-type asteroid based on the similarity of its reflectance spectra with similar asteroids.[9] S-types may share their composition with stony-iron or ordinary chondrite (OC) meteorites.[9] The composition of the interior has not been directly analyzed, but is assumed to be similar to OC material based on observed surface color changes and Ida's bulk density of 2.27–3.10 g/cm3.[5][36] OC meteorites contain varying amounts of the silicates olivine and pyroxene, iron, and feldspar.[63] Olivine and pyroxene were detected on Ida by Galileo.[2] The mineral content appears to be homogeneous throughout its extent. Galileo found minimal variations on the surface, and the asteroid's spin indicates a consistent density.[64][65] Assuming that its composition is similar to OC meteorites, which range in density from 3.48 to 3.64 g/cm3, Ida would have a porosity of 11–42%.[5]

    Ida's interior probably contains some amount of impact-fractured rock, called megaregolith. The megaregolith layer of Ida extends between hundreds of meters below the surface to a few kilometers. Some rock in Ida's core may have been fractured below the large craters Mammoth, Lascaux, and Undara.[65]

    Orbit and rotation

    Ida is a member of the Koronis family of asteroid-belt asteroids.[14] Ida orbits the Sun at an average distance of 2.862 AU (428.1 Gm), between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.[2][3] Ida takes 4.84089 years to complete one orbit.[3]

    Ida's rotation period is 4.63 hours,[7][40] making it one of the fastest rotating asteroids yet discovered.[66] The calculated maximum moment of inertia of a uniformly dense object the same shape as Ida coincides with the spin axis of the asteroid. This suggests that there are no major variations of density within the asteroid.[54] Ida's axis of rotation precesses with a period of 77 thousand years, due to the gravity of the Sun acting upon the nonspherical shape of the asteroid.[67]


    Ida originated in the breakup of the roughly 120 km (75 mi) diameter Koronis parent body.[7] The progenitor asteroid had partially differentiated, with heavier metals migrating to the core.[68] Ida carried away insignificant amounts of this core material.[68] It is uncertain how long ago the disruption event occurred. According to an analysis of Ida's cratering processes, its surface is more than a billion years old.[68] However, this is inconsistent with the estimated age of the Ida–Dactyl system of less than 100 million years;[69] it is unlikely that Dactyl, due to its small size, could have escaped being destroyed in a major collision for longer. The difference in age estimates may be explained by an increased rate of cratering from the debris of the Koronis parent body's destruction.[70]


    A small satellite named Dactyl orbits Ida. Dactyl, officially (243) Ida I Dactyl (/'dækt?l/ DAK-til) was discovered in images taken by the Galileo spacecraft during its flyby in 1993. These images provided the first direct confirmation of an asteroid moon.[33] At the time, it was separated from Ida by a distance of 90 kilometres (56 mi), moving in a prograde orbit. Dactyl is heavily cratered, like Ida, and consists of similar materials. Its origin is uncertain, but evidence from the flyby suggests that it originated as a fragment of the Koronis parent body.


    Dactyl was found on 17 February 1994 by Galileo mission member Ann Harch, while examining delayed image downloads from the spacecraft.[2] Galileo recorded 47 images of Dactyl over an observation period of 5.5 hours in August 1993.[71] The spacecraft was 10,760 kilometres (6,690 mi) from Ida[72] and 10,870 kilometres (6,750 mi) from Dactyl when the first image of the moon was captured, 14 minutes before Galileo made its closest approach.[73]

    Dactyl was initially designated 1993 (243) 1.[72][74] It was named by the International Astronomical Union in 1994,[74] for the mythological dactyls who inhabited Mount Ida on the island of Crete.[75][76]

    Physical characteristics

    Dactyl is an "egg-shaped",[33] but "remarkably spherical"[75] object measuring 1.6 by 1.4 by 1.2 kilometres (0.99 mi × 0.87 mi × 0.75 mi).[33] It was oriented with its longest axis pointing towards Ida.[33] Like Ida, Dactyl's surface exhibits saturation cratering.[33] It is marked by more than a dozen craters with a diameter greater than 80 m (260 ft), indicating that the moon has suffered many collisions during its history.[13] At least six craters form a linear chain, suggesting that it was caused by locally produced debris, possibly ejected from Ida.[33] Dactyl's craters may contain central peaks, unlike those found on Ida.[77] These features, and Dactyl's spheroidal shape, imply that the moon is gravitationally controlled despite its small size.[77] Like Ida, its average temperature is about 200 K (-73 °C; -100 °F).[2]

    Dactyl shares many characteristics with Ida. Their albedos and reflection spectra are very similar.[78] The small differences indicate that the space weathering process is less active on Dactyl.[36] Its small size would make the formation of significant amounts of regolith impossible.[36][72] This contrasts with Ida, which is covered by a deep layer of regolith.

    Dactyl's orbit around Ida is not precisely known. Galileo was in the plane of Dactyl's orbit when most of the images of the moon were taken, which made determining its exact orbit difficult.[34] Dactyl orbits in the prograde direction[79] and is inclined about 8° to Ida's equator.[71] Based on computer simulations, Dactyl's pericenter must be more than about 65 km (40 mi) from Ida for it to remain in a stable orbit.[80] The range of orbits generated by the simulations was narrowed down by the necessity of having the orbits pass through points at which Galileo observed Dactyl to be at 16:52:05 UT on 28 August 1993, about 90 km (56 mi) from Ida at longitude 85°.[81][82] On 26 April 1994, the Hubble Space Telescope observed Ida for eight hours and was unable to spot Dactyl. It would have been able to observe the moon if it was more than about 700 km (430 mi) from Ida.[34]

    Dactyl's orbital period is about 20 hours, assuming it is in a circular orbit around Ida.[78] Its orbital speed is roughly 10 m/s (33 ft/s), "about the speed of a fast run or a slowly thrown baseball".[34]

    Age and origin

    Dactyl may have originated at the same time as Ida,[83] from the disruption of the Koronis parent body.[50] However, it may have formed more recently, perhaps as ejecta from a large impact on Ida.[84] It is extremely unlikely that it was captured by Ida.[73] Dactyl may have suffered a major impact around 100 million years ago, which reduced its size.[68]

    See also
    List of geological features on 243 Ida and Dactyl
    List of minor planets


    1.^ a b Raab 2002
    2.^ a b c d e f g h Holm 1994
    3.^ a b c d e JPL 2008
    4.^ a b Britt et al. 2002, p. 486
    5.^ a b c Wilson, Keil & Love 1999, p. 480
    6.^ a b c d e Thomas et al. 1996
    7.^ a b c Vokrouhlicky, Nesvorny & Bottke 2003, p. 147
    8.^ a b c Seidelmann Archinal A'hearn et al. 2007, p. 171
    9.^ a b c d Wilson, Keil & Love 1999, p. 479
    10.^ Ridpath 1897, p. 206
    11.^ Schmadel 2003, p. 36
    12.^ Berger 2003, p. 241
    13.^ a b c d NASA 2005
    14.^ a b c Chapman 1996, p. 700
    15.^ Zellner, Tholen & Tedesco 1985, pp. 357, 373
    16.^ Zellner, Tholen & Tedesco 1985, p. 404

    The Eos and Koronis families ... are entirely of type S, which is rare at their heliocentric distances ...

    17.^ Zellner, Tholen & Tedesco 1985, p. 410
    18.^ Owen & Yeomans 1994, p. 2295
    19.^ D'Amario, Bright & Wolf 1992, p. 26
    20.^ a b c d Chapman 1996, p. 699
    21.^ D'Amario, Bright & Wolf 1992, p. 24
    22.^ D'Amario, Bright & Wolf 1992, p. 72
    23.^ a b D'Amario, Bright & Wolf 1992, p. 36
    24.^ Sullivan et al. 1996, p. 120
    25.^ Cowen 1993, p. 215

    Nearly a month after a successful photo session, the Galileo spacecraft last week finished radioing to Earth a high-resolution portrait of the second asteroid ever to be imaged from space. Known as 243 Ida, the asteroid was photographed from an average distance of just 3,400 kilometers some 3.5 minutes before Galileo's closest approach on Aug. 28.

    26.^ Chapman 1994, p. 358
    27. Chapman 1996, p. 707
    28.^ a b Chapman et al. 1994, p. 237
    29.^ a b Greeley et al. 1994, p. 469
    30.^ Monet et al. 1994, p. 2293
    31.^ Geissler, Petit & Greenberg 1996, p. 57
    32.^ Chapman et al. 1994, p. 238
    33. Chapman 1996, p. 709
    34. Byrnes & D'Amario 1994
    35.^ a b c Chapman 1996, p. 710
    36. Chapman 1995, p. 496
    37.^ Petit et al. 1997, pp. 179–180
    38.^ Geissler et al. 1996, p. 142
    39.^ Lee et al. 1996, p. 99
    40.^ a b c d Geissler, Petit & Greenberg 1996, p. 58
    41.^ a b c Chapman 1994, p. 363
    42.^ a b c Bottke et al. 2002, p. 10
    43.^ a b c Cowen 1995
    44.^ Lee et al. 1996, p. 96
    45.^ Greeley et al. 1994, p. 470
    46.^ Chapman 1996, p. 701
    47.^ Lee et al. 1996, p. 90
    48.^ a b Geissler et al. 1996, p. 141
    49.^ a b Sullivan et al. 1996, p. 132
    50.^ a b c Lee et al. 1996, p. 97
    51.^ a b Stooke 1997, p. 1385
    52.^ Sárneczky & Kereszturi 2002
    53.^ Sullivan et al. 1996, p. 131
    54.^ a b Thomas & Prockter 2004
    55.^ Geissler, Petit & Greenberg 1996, pp. 57–58
    56.^ Chapman 1996, pp. 707–708
    57.^ a b USGS
    58.^ Greeley & Batson 2001, p. 393
    59.^ Bottke et al. 2002, p. 9
    60.^ a b Sullivan et al. 1996, p. 124
    61.^ Sullivan et al. 1996, p. 128
    62.^ Geissler et al. 1996, p. 155
    63.^ Lewis 1996, p. 89

    The chondrites fall naturally into five composition classes, of which three have very similar mineral contents, but different proportions of metal and silicates. All three contain abundant iron in three different forms (ferrous iron oxide in silicates, metallic iron, and ferrous sulfide), usually with all three abundant enough to be classified as potential ores. All three contain feldspar (an aluminosilicate of calcium, sodium, and potassium), pyroxene (silicates with one silicon atom for each atom of magnesium, iron, or calcium), olivine (silicates with two iron or magnesium atoms per silicon atom), metallic iron, and iron sulfide (the mineral troilite). These three classes, referred to collectively as the ordinary chondrites, contain quite different amounts of metal.

    64.^ Thomas & Prockter 2004, p. 21
    65.^ a b Sullivan et al. 1996, p. 135
    66.^ Greenberg et al. 1996, p. 107
    67.^ Slivan 1995, p. 134
    68. Greenberg et al. 1996, p. 117
    69.^ Hurford & Greenberg 2000, p. 1595
    70.^ Carroll & Ostlie 1996, p. 878
    71.^ a b Petit et al. 1997, p. 177
    72.^ a b c Belton & Carlson 1994
    73.^ a b Mason 1994, p. 108
    74.^ a b Green 1994
    75.^ a b Schmadel 2003, p. 37
    76.^ Pausanias 5.7.6

    When Zeus was born, Rhea entrusted the guardianship of her son to the Dactyls of Ida, who are the same as those called Curetes. They came from Cretan Ida – Heracles, Paeonaeus, Epimedes, Iasius and Idas.

    77.^ a b Asphaug, Ryan & Zuber 2003, p. 463
    78.^ a b Chapman et al. 1994, p. 455
    79.^ Petit et al. 1997, p. 179
    80.^ Petit et al. 1997, p. 195
    81.^ Petit et al. 1997, p. 188
    82.^ Petit et al. 1997, p. 193
    83.^ Greenberg et al. 1996, p. 116
    84.^ Petit et al. 1997, p. 182

    Journal articles

    Asphaug, Erik; Ryan, Eileen V.; Zuber, Maria T. (2003). "Asteroid Interiors". Asteroids III (Tucson: University of Arizona): 463–484. Bibcode 2002aste.conf..463A. Retrieved 2009-01-04.
    Bottke, William F., Jr.; Cellino, A.; Paolicchi, P.; Binzel, R. P. (2002). "An Overview of the Asteroids: The Asteroids III Perspective". Asteroids III (Tucson: University of Arizona): 3–15. Bibcode 2002aste.conf....3B. Retrieved 2008-10-23.
    Britt, D. T.; Yeomans, D. K.; Housen, K.; Consolmagno, G. (2002). "Asteroid Density, Porosity, and Structure". Asteroids III (Tucson: University of Arizona): 485–500. Bibcode 2002aste.conf..485B. Retrieved 2008-10-27.
    Chapman, Clark R. (1994). "The Galileo Encounters with Gaspra and Ida". Asteroids, Comets, Meteors: 357–365. Bibcode 1994IAUS..160..357C.
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    Chapman, Clark R. (October 1996). "S-Type Asteroids, Ordinary Chondrites, and Space Weathering: The Evidence from Galileo's Fly-bys of Gaspra and Ida". Meteoritics 31: 699–725. Bibcode 1996M&PS...31..699C. doi:10.1111/j.1945-5100.1996.tb02107.x.
    Chapman, Clark R.; Ryan, Eileen V.; Merline, William J.; Neukum, Gerhard; Wagner, Roland; Thomas, Peter C.; Veverka, Joseph; Sullivan, Robert J. (March 1996). "Cratering on Ida". Icarus 120 (1): 77–86. Bibcode 1996Icar..120...77C. doi:10.1006/icar.1996.0038. Retrieved 2008-10-27.
    D'Amario, Louis A.; Bright, Larry E.; Wolf, Aron A. (May 1992). "Galileo trajectory design". Space Science Reviews 60 (1-4): 23–78. Bibcode 1992SSRv...60...23D. doi:10.1007/BF00216849.
    Geissler, Paul E.; Petit, Jean-Marc; Durda, Daniel D.; Greenberg, Richard; Bottke, William F.; Nolan, Michael; Moore, Jeffrey (March 1996). "Erosion and Ejecta Reaccretion on 243 Ida and Its Moon". Icarus 120 (1): 140–157. Bibcode 1996Icar..120..140G. doi:10.1006/icar.1996.0042. Archived from the original on 20 March 2009. Retrieved 2009-03-26.
    Geissler, Paul E.; Petit, Jean-Marc; Greenberg, Richard (1996). "Ejecta Reaccretion on Rapidly Rotating Asteroids: Implications for 243 Ida and 433 Eros". Completing the Inventory of the Solar System (Astronomical Society of the Pacific) 107: 57–67. Bibcode 1996ASPC..107...57G.
    Greenberg, Richard; Bottke, William F.; Nolan, Michael; Geissler, Paul E.; Petit, Jean-Marc; Durda, Daniel D.; Asphaug, Erik; Head, James (March 1996). "Collisional and Dynamical History of Ida". Icarus 120 (1): 106–118. Bibcode 1996Icar..120..106G. doi:10.1006/icar.1996.0040. Retrieved 2008-10-23.
    Hurford, Terry A.; Greenberg, Richard (June 2000). "Tidal Evolution by Elongated Primaries: Implications for the Ida/Dactyl System". Geophysical Research Letters 27 (11): 1595–1598. Bibcode 2000GeoRL..27.1595H. doi:10.1029/1999GL010956. Retrieved 2008-10-25.
    Lee, Pascal; Veverka, Joseph; Thomas, Peter C.; Helfenstein, Paul; Belton, Michael J. S.; Chapman, Clark R.; Greeley, Ronald; Pappalardo, Robert T.; Sullivan, Robert J.; Head, James W., III (March 1996). "Ejecta Blocks on 243 Ida and on Other Asteroids". Icarus 120 (1): 87–105. Bibcode 1996Icar..120...87L. doi:10.1006/icar.1996.0039. Retrieved 2008-10-27.
    Mason, John W. (June 1994). "Ida's new moon". Journal of the British Astronomical Association 104 (3): 108. Bibcode 1994JBAA..104..108M.
    Monet, A. K. B.; Stone, R. C.; Monet, D. G.; Dahn, C. C.; Harris, H. C.; Leggett, S. K.; Pier, J. R.; Vrba, F. J.; Walker, R. L. (June 1994). "Astrometry for the Galileo mission. 1: Asteroid encounters". The Astronomical Journal 107 (6): 2290–2294. Bibcode 1994AJ....107.2290M. doi:10.1086/117036.
    Owen, W. M., Jr.; Yeomans, D. K. (June 1994). "The overlapping plates method applied to CCD observations of 243 Ida". The Astronomical Journal 107 (6): 2295–2298. Bibcode 1994AJ....107.2295O. doi:10.1086/117037.
    Petit, Jean-Marc; Durda, Daniel D.; Greenberg, Richard; Hurford, Terry A.; Geissler, Paul E. (November 1997). "The Long-Term Dynamics of Dactyl's Orbit". Icarus 130 (1): 177–197. Bibcode 1997Icar..130..177P. doi:10.1006/icar.1997.5788. Retrieved 2008-10-25.
    Seidelmann, P. Kenneth; Archinal, B. A.; A'hearn, M. F. et al. (2007). "Report of the IAU/IAG Working Group on cartographic coordinates and rotational elements: 2006". Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 98 (3): 155–180. Bibcode 2007CeMDA..98..155S. doi:10.1007/s10569-007-9072-y. edit
    Sullivan, Robert J.; Greeley, Ronald; Pappalardo, R.; Asphaug, E.; Moore, J. M.; Morrison, D.; Belton, Michael J. S.; Carr, M.; Chapman, Clark R.; Geissler, Paul E.; Greenberg, Richard; Granahan, James; Head, J. W., III; Kirk, R.; McEwen, A.; Lee, P.; Thomas, Peter C.; Veverka, Joseph (March 1996). "Geology of 243 Ida". Icarus 120 (1): 119–139. Bibcode 1996Icar..120..119S. doi:10.1006/icar.1996.0041. Retrieved 2008-10-27.
    Thomas, Peter C.; Belton, Michael J. S.; Carcich, B.; Chapman, Clark R.; Davies, M. E.; Sullivan, Robert J.; Veverka, Joseph (1996). "The shape of Ida". Icarus 120 (1): 20–32. Bibcode 1996Icar..120...20T. doi:10.1006/icar.1996.0033.
    Vokrouhlicky, David; Nesvorny, David; Bottke, William F. (11 September 2003). "The vector alignments of asteroid spins by thermal torques". Nature 425 (6954): 147–151. Bibcode 2003Natur.425..147V. doi:10.1038/nature01948. PMID 12968171. Retrieved 2008-10-23.
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    Imagine Looking Into Your Telescope
    and Seeing THIS!!!

    The 'Disclosure' episode from the sixth season of 'Stargate SG-1' which I thought was quite fine! I would recommend getting a ten-season set of DVD's. I noticed that in 'The Fifth Race' episode of 'Stargate SG-1' -- the 'Greys' or 'Asgard' state that they live in the Galaxy of Ida!! Think about the title of this thread regarding the asteroid 'Ida'!! This is yet another interesting 'coincidence' in my internet posting. If you carefully study my threads, you will find some amazing coincidences -- especially if you know all about me -- as I'm sure some of you do. I don't make a big deal about this sort of thing -- and I mostly just hint at a lot of it -- but the occurrances and coincidences connected with my life and internet posting are scaring the hell out of me each and every day -- and I'm not kidding. Consider the alien-character 'Kril Mossette' in one of the fifth-season 'Star Trek Voyager' episodes. Notice the French-Connection, the KRLLL-Connection, and the strange similarity to Dr. Mataros from 'Earth: Final Conflict' ('Termination' episode). What did Roddenberry know -- and when did he know it?? Can you imagine a private conversation between Gene Roddenberry and Arthur C. Clark??!! BTW -- I think I've seen (and even met) 'Lilly' in 'real-life'. Nuff said about that. 'Hathor', 'The Powers That Be', 'The Torment of Tantalus', 'The Fifth Race', 'Absolute Power', and the 'Disclosure' episodes are some of the best 'Stargate SG-1' material.

    The 'Disclosure' episode is especially relevant when considering a 'United States of the Solar System' which might involve the sharing of advanced technology and information with ALL member states. This sort of thing is quite challenging and dangerous -- but the alternatives might be even more problematic. Supposedly John F. Kennedy wanted to partner with the Soviet Union regarding the Space Program (and who knows what else) -- and we all know what happened a few months later. What are legitimate-secrets and illegitimate-secrets?? I suspect that this whole damn solar system is a subsidiary of a HUGE Galactic Business Empire -- and that the Bottom-Line is the Bottom-Line in just about EVERYTHING -- but I can't prove it. I continue to suspect that we live in a nasty and violent universe with 'System Lords' in conflict with each other -- and I suspect that the Human Race is simply a Pawn in a HUGE Galactic Chess Game. Realistically Speaking -- a United States of the Solar System might have to be somewhat militaristic and disciplined to survive in this universe. I desire absolute peace and harmony -- but does this idealism really work in this universe?? I continue to suspect a VERY nasty past, present, and future for ALL civilizations and races. The Old Testament might very well reflect the reality of the type of universe we live in.

    I might, of necessity, have to be a Bad@$$ Warrior in my next incarnation. My idealism in this incarnation seems to have nearly put me in the funny farm -- and I'm not kidding. Perhaps I should embrace Old Testament Ethics rather than trying to superimpose the Teachings of Jesus onto a Universe which HATES these teachings. I really think that I'm some sort of a Reincarnational Bad@$$ with a reprehensible ethical record. Perhaps I should NOT have tried to be 'Good'. This seems to have brought me nothing but misery and sadness. What if the Galactic PTB Want Bad@$$ Bad Guys?? What if they do NOT want the Pure in Heart?? I guess my present goal is to become sort of a Bad@$$ Good-Guy (in preparation for my next incarnation). It's a little late for me to do anything significant in this incarnation -- especially when I seem to be hamstrung by nefarious entities and agencies. I can barely remember my name and tie my shoes. I seem to be Galactically Blacklisted and Redlisted -- Big Time. Was it Something I Said?? As you can tell -- I'm getting more and more jaded and cynical regarding just about everything -- as my ears ring loudly -- and as I feel like I just got hit by a mag-lev train -- each and every day. Unfortunately, I feel as if my next incarnation will be a helluva lot worse -- if I even have a next incarnation...

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    The Queen of Heaven and a Jesuit-Professor??
    Another Day at the University of Solar System
    Studies and Governance at Ida??
    devakas wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you magamud and Janetta. I worry about irresponsible-freedom v responsible-freedom. I understand that We the Sheeple must be watched by the Sheep-Herders -- but I worry when I hear about the TV watching people while they watch TV. What are ethical and appropriate limits to surveillance?? We obviously live in a VERY dangerous world -- and I agonize over how the insanity should be managed. I have recently started thinking more about Ethics, Law, Law-Enforcement, and the Military. The industrial revolution, the technological revolution, and the information explosion -- has created a perfect storm -- especially on the internet -- and I suspect that a lot of individuals (human and otherwise) have gotten caught with their pants and dresses down -- and I further suspect that they are really, Really MAD!! But I am very doubtful that things are going to get better anytime soon. Even if my hypothetical United States of the Solar System were introduced in Obama's State of the Union Address -- things would probably still go to hell -- and such a sudden and abrupt introduction might precipitate Hell on Earth.

    I think things are very precarious and unstable right now. I further think that evolutionary change should trump revolutionary change. Things might have to APPEAR to remain the same for at least the rest of this decade. I think we could be facing a market-crash and a dollar-crash in 2013 -- which could be made milder or more severe by how change and the media is managed. I worry about resets, disclosure, regime-changes, and alien-invasions (staged or otherwise). I think the evil and destructive potential which exists within this solar system is beyond comprehension. I feel as if we might be in the quiet before the storm. My recent 'Solar System View' is making me feel like a completely different person -- and it is scaring the hell out of me. I can only imagine how the 'Real Insiders' feel -- the ones who deal directly with the BS -- each and every day.
    I can only imagine how the 'Real Insiders' feel -- the ones who deal directly with the BS -- each and every day -

    hahaha I think you got it right here.

    incarnated soul is very busy to create the paradise on earth, to make there imortal matter, get insurance and enjoy the 'misery'....

    Ortho you are the very skilled english writer. You try to speak with the sore mind.  However it is true that the heart is wiser than mind.

    I posted on Vedic thread about Creator, our father, i shared to understand Him better, to feel Him in our hearts, to love Him, bow to Him.....
    remember it is all about desires. it it all about our desires to whom to serve. truth or lies.

    Now compare the desire in your posts. I see it as it is politics of rulers, pure desire to rule and sufering of this passion.  
    (remember passion always ends in misery. facts. hollywood passion, rules of passion, love with passion, etc. always ends with misery. ) remember that.

    so the question is do you want to know God? really? or do you want to take over the ruler's part? Are you worry how to rule? This post of One is taken. :) So whom you want to rule or take over?

    I would be fan of your writings, but i am not interested in politics, powers, rulers, responsibilities (sucks)...those are only people mind speculations in illiusion of -i do better, i am the best..

     freedom is better.

    i see your honesty, i see you suffer and feel bad about it.  

    keep cool your mind and best best wishes.


    should i post about matter
    Thank-you devakas. I wish to know God, in part, by attempting to understand the realities and potentialities of the governance of this solar system. I guess I'm attempting to think God's thoughts after Him and/or Her. But really, this might reveal both the positives and negatives of how this solar system and universe really works. The universe might be stranger than we CAN think. What Would Albert Einstein and JBS Haldane Say?? I think I'm going to imagine the 'Stargate SG-1' Underground Base as being part of the interior of Ida. (Imagine each 'SG-1' episode originating in said base!!) Then, I might imagine that enlarged (10,000 seat) reproduction of Solomon's Temple as being inside of Ida -- complete with a Fisk Pipe-Organ similar to the 1875 Cavaille-Coll Design Intended for St. Peter's Basilica in Rome!! What if this were one of the meeting-places for USSS Representatives!! Finally, I might imagine Humans, Greys, and Dracs as being the Professors (Including Jesuits!) at the University of Solar System Studies and Governance at Ida!! Could I get some sort of a scholarship??!! I really would like to obtain a PhD in Solar System Studies and Governance -- based, in part, upon my internet posting concerning a hypothetical United States of the Solar System. What Would Richard Greenberg Say?? I have NO idea what the realities are, connected with all of this, but it's fun to think about -- in a very scary way!! Can you even begin to imagine a Room with a View with a Cray on Ida???!!!
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    "Late to Class AGAIN???"
    devakas wrote:Ortho, did Jesus taught us to imagine? you should stop to imagine, and get real. Did Jesus taught to rule Solar System? or Jesus taught Love?

    Save your soul, as your mind is going off. If you realy want to know Truth, read yourself Bhagavad Gita As It Is as Einstein did. Read what he said about it.
    you are not late to class.  There is Bhagtivedanta Institute. I posted on Vedic link somewhere.

    i just want you to be happpppppyyyyyyyy!!!!  hear me.  :).  shut off your mind.


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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:44 pm

    Have things been terrific for All-Concerned Throughout-History?? Will things be terrific for All-Concerned for All-Eternity?? Is Earth Heaven, Purgatory, Hell, or All of the Above?? Damned if I know. Once again -- I have very little confidence in myself -- but I think this thread might still be an excellent Galactic Boot Camp!! This is intended to make you tougher and smarter!! I'm not trying to hold anyone's hand!! Has anyone thought much about my concept of a Ritz-Carlton with a DUMB and a Mag-Lev Train-Station underneath -- as being the Headquarters of a United States of the Solar System??!! Even if nothing comes of that idea -- I still think I might like to try writing enough of a watered-down book to facilitate obtaining some sort of a "Ritz-Carlton Card" which would enable me to stay and dine (year-round) in any Ritz-Carlton in the world (at a heavily discounted rate) -- and rent a nice car (heavily-discounted) once in a while -- and fly on a particular airline (again, at a heavily discounted rate). I'd just use a Kick@$$ Laptop with an Uber-Secure Satellite InterPlaNet Connection -- with Access to Most of the "Good-Stuff". A Sexy Secret-Government Therapist--Housekeeper--Secretary--Bodyguard--Chauffer--Companion might be a decided plus!! I'd just live this way -- day after day -- week after week -- month after month -- year after year. I'm obviously kidding -- but it's still fun to think about!! Do You REALLY Think I Could Come Up With This Stuff On My Own??!! Who Do YOU Think I REALLY Work For?? Who Do YOU REALLY Think Jester Terrestrial Works For?? BTW -- I Heard You Laughing at Me Today!! Laugh While You Can!! What if Valerian is a Renegade French Jesuit Organist?? What if Viktor Schauberger = David Bowman = King of the Girls??

    Has anyone seriously considered the concept of a heavily-edited de-paganized 1928 Book of Common Prayer with the Psalms, Isaiah, Daniel, Luke, Acts, and James in the King James Version of the Holy Bible printed in their entirety -- mated with Sacred Classical Music?? How would each religion and church of the world react to such a revolting development?? The Psalms, Isaiah, and Daniel are probably the most Messianic portions of the Old-Testament (and central to the Wisdom-Books and Major-Prophets). Luke is probably the most complete and articulately written Gospel -- with Acts really being part of Luke (and sometimes referred to as "Luke-Acts". Acts really documents the activities of Peter and Paul -- in the context of the Early-Church. James is probably the Post-Gospel book which is most faithful to the Old-Testament Wisdom-Books and to the Red-Letter Teachings of Jesus. The 1928 Book of Common Prayer seems to be superior to the newer prayer-books (Protestant and Catholic) -- and also seems as if it might be a "Middle-Way" between the "Traditional Latin Mass" and the "Novus Ordo Mass". I once attended an SDA church where conservative 1928 Prayer-Book Episcopalians met each Sunday!! All of this seems to harmonize with the vast collection of Sacred Classical Music. But I am NOT an Anglican or Catholic scholar. Not even close. I'm talking about something I know very little about -- even after hinting at this sort of thing for several years. I'm merely attempting to create some interesting Religious and Political Science-Fiction!! What Would Gabriel McKee Say?? In a sense -- making everyone mad probably makes everyone think!! I'm sort of a "Little-Fallen DUMB-XXXX" making everyone angry!!

    I've repeatedly mentioned select writings of Ellen White -- but I haven't told anyone to join the SDA church!! The EGW book I would most recommend is Prophets and Kings (which was released a couple of years after her death). I think Ellen White knew a LOT More than she put in print!! Was she a Mason of some sort??!! That frankly wouldn't surprise me!! There is a Masonic Grave-Marker on the White Burial Plot!! It's become a tradition for me to visit a particular Masonic-Cemetery (which is in a horrible state of upkeep) once a month -- but which has quite a few grave-stones indicating birth and death dates between 1807-1850!! I just take a long walk -- which includes visiting that cemetery. It sort of makes me face myself and think. BTW -- I recently encountered a high-ranking Mason who told me about all of his marital and divorce problems!! And these guys are supposed to keep secrets!!!

    Consider the first video very closely. It denies the existence of Jesus -- but that's not what I'm thinking of presently. I honestly can't remember what caught my ear exactly (when I listened to it some time ago) but there is a part which involves mythology regarding genetic-preservation -- the Moon -- and I can't remember what else. I'm really tired and discouraged right now -- so I can't be more specific. Once again -- I am supportive of Church-Liturgy -- Church-Music -- and Church-Scholarship. Please read between the lines of what I just said. Even if a lot of the Biblical-Stories turn-out to be Historical-Fiction -- this doesn't mean that Divinity was NOT involved in the writing of said "historical-fiction". I don't think we have a clue regarding what REALLY went-on historically. I think we need to have a Dynamic-Equilibrium of Faith and Doubt. Don't get stuck on one side of this continuum. I find science-fiction useful regarding the accomplishment of this difficult task.

    I continue to take everything in -- and passively treat it as science-fiction. I truly am tiring of all of this madness -- and I am preparing to move in another direction -- which I really do not wish to discuss. It isn't well with my soul. Is it well with yours? I hope so, but peace does not equal piety and righteousness. The opposite might be the case, in many cases. I'm experiencing continual and severe turmoil, for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, I'm expecting things to worsen. I have no idea what our true situation is. I meant the best with this thread, but my hopes have been dashed. I seem to be in the middle of some sort of a power struggle, but no one will really open up, and spill the beans. My personal situation has dramatically worsened, and life presently holds very little attraction for me. I love the theory, but I hate the reality, and I sense that things are about to get exponentially worse. I so hope that I'm wrong. I'm going to try to move in a very different direction, and I don't wish to talk about it. I don't wish to talk about much of anything, at this point. I think this thing is just going to have to play out, for better or for worse. Anyway, I used to listen to 'The Second Chapter of Acts' all the time, but I had forgotten how good they were. I'm going to start listening to them again.

    I've never been opposed to Contemporary Christian Music, although some of the Prima Donna Soloists and Mindless Scores get on my nerves. Angela didn't appreciate my tolerance of Contemporary Christian Music!! But, really, I prefer Louis Victor Jules Vierne at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco and Notre Dame de Paris!! What would Kimo say? What about a combination of Vierne and the 'Second Chapter of Acts' at Notre Dame de Paris? Thank-you for putting-up with my rambling and brainstorming. The crazy phase is ending, and hopefully, I can refine this thread into something which really makes sense. I am very disillusioned with this whole thing, but I will continue privately, in my own way and in my own time, without begging for help, attention, and approval. I'll be spending a lot of time considering 'The Federalist Papers', 'The Anti-Federalist Papers', Nature, and Sacred Classical Music. But that's just my little mission. You really have no idea what I would do with a church service. No idea at all. But it would knock your socks off!! I really liked participating in the services at the Crystal Cathedral, but I would make significant changes, without making a lot of changes. Puzzled? Good! I like to keep people guessing! Once again, I am very sorry if I have harmed anyone in any way with my internet posting, or in my various and sundry reincarnations. Please keep thinking about idealistic political and religious forms and practices, but don't go nuts trying to make the world a better place. This is going to be a difficult and nasty process.

    I think there is a good side and a bad side to all of this power-struggling governance-madness, and I will do my best to appreciate both aspects, but I am presently in so far over my head, that I MUST go into a READ-ONLY mode. I need to heal BIG TIME, but I doubt that healing will occur. I think I'm stuck in the muck for this entire incarnation, and I don't think I really had a choice in the matter, once I was born. Sorry for the negativity, but that's just how I feel. You wouldn't believe what I think about, but never talk about. Just think of Michael/Horus/Mithras/Jesus/????? as being a reincarnating archangel, who has been, and is, on the side of humanity, and who rebelled against the Old World Order, and got himself crucified. Then, consider that Christianity has NOT been a Religion of Responsibly Following the Teachings of Jesus. Further, consider that around 800-900 A.D. Teutonic Zionism was hatched, and might've been the Genesis of the New World Order, which we are dealing with presently. But I doubt that it's new.

    Anyway, I have serious problems with both the Old World Order and the New World Order, and I think they should be replaced by a Theocratically-Implemented, Responsibility-Based, United States of the Solar System, with 10,000 Representatives, who have PhD's in Solar System Studies and Governance. Unfortunately, things are so bad, and there is so much negative momentum, that things might get a lot worse, no matter what we do. People will probably never really be satisfied or happy. Major gains for humanity will probably not be appreciated. We might exterminate ourselves, with or without the assistance of the Old World Order, the New World Order, or the Aliens. I think we are in a VERY PRECARIOUS SITUATION, and that this will be ongoing, into the foreseeable future. I'm not promising anyone a rose garden - not even a primrose garden path. I simply desire the best for ALL CONCERNED. And Now Abideth Responsibility, Response-Ability, and Love. Namaste and Godspeed.

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Ac0006s

    When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
    When sorrows like sea billows roll;
    Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
    It is well, it is well, with my soul.

    It is well, with my soul,
    It is well, with my soul,
    It is well, it is well, with my soul
    Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
    Let this blessed assurance control,
    That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
    And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

    My sin - O the joy of this glorious thought! -
    My sin, not in part but the whole,
    Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

    For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
    If Jordan above me shall roll,
    No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life,
    Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.

    But Lord, 'tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
    The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
    Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!
    Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul.

    And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
    The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
    The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
    Even so, it is well with my soul.

    Horatio G. Spafford - 1873


    What do you think about what I wrote in the previous paragraph? I know you're not talking to me, but I just thought I'd ask anyway. I wonder how this thing is really going to play out. I doubt that things are going to proceed in a reasonable and rational manner. Just look at history. I can almost understand why some have sought to work from the shadows, rather than reasoning openly with the Gods, Goddesses, and Masses. I have found that attempting to be accommodating, open, and honest doesn't seem to work. I'm feeling as though a multitude of unfriendly eyes are viewing my well intentioned, but feeble, activities. Are solar system studies and governance really that uninteresting, or is it just that you don't like me one little bit? Am I too unscholarly, or am I too much of an irreverent smart-alec? I have tried to deal with this subject as though it were sort of a midnight fireside-chat among friends. Was this a mistake? Is this solar system really as irrational and hostile as it seems? I treated the subject of Jesus and Christianity in a rather free-wheeling manner throughout this thread. I have even tried to be Christ-like, in a rather unconventional manner, which has included a bit of role-playing. Was this a mistake? Is it better to not enjoy the use of the imagination?

    I sense that no one would really like the real Jesus, if he showed-up in modernity, and refused to play anyone's prefabricated games. Perhaps humanity has rejected Jesus, century after century after century. Just a thought. Should this world and humanity be destroyed? Are Daniel and the Revelation really histories of the future, which are set in concrete? Various religions fight and fight and fight over what the future will be like. Which one is right? Are any of them right? What if all of them are wrong? Will everyone be saved? Will a select few be saved? Will no one be saved? Or, is 'saved' a deceptive and irrelevant concept? Is Earth really Heaven? Purgatory? Hell? Will a UFO take people to Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell? What if you thought you were being taken to Heaven, and you ended-up on a Reptilian Slave-Labor Planet, where people get eaten? What if Earth is such a planet? Can this seeming Purgatory be turned into Paradise, or would efforts toward this end really be exercises in futility?

    Why did all of you stop talking to me? What did I do wrong? I feel as if I need to just be myself, regardless of whether it makes anyone happy, or not. Should I fight with everyone? Should I tell everyone what they wish to hear? Should I give everyone what they want? Do Lucifer or Satan tell people what they wish to hear, and give them what they want, while deceiving and destroying them, with the people being none the wiser? Does humanity embrace their destroyer and reject their savior? Has everyone made up their minds for all eternity? Should the wicked be destroyed? Are there any righteous souls? Even one? What would Bartleby and Loki say and do? What if the B-movie 'Legion' approximates reality? BTW, what is the relationship between Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus? What if they are ancient Egyptian royalty, rather than being the stereotypical figures? What if Egyptology and Teutonic Zionism are at the core of a lot of very important things?

    What kind of a Jesus does the general public want? Is there so much corruption and confusion, that people have mostly given-up regarding the Second-Coming of Christ, and a Grand Prize Trip to a Perfect Heaven, Possibly Located Beyond M-42 in Orion? I really can't talk to anyone. I have to pretty much exist in my own little world. I have a difficult time making small-talk. I have nothing to talk about most of the time, and I feel and act like an idiot. Yet, I love to watch some of the most complex and abstract videos and lectures on the internet, and science-fiction doesn't come close to the sci-fi I generate in my own mind. What's going on here? I have really found no one who I can really relate to, and I am very lonely. I doubt that things will improve. It seems as though too much water has gone under the bridge, and things have gone too far wrong, for this sad story to have a happy ending. All of this seems to be an exercise in futility. Perhaps this thread should be renamed 'Solar System Governance in the Hands of a Completely Ignorant Fool'. I wish I were kidding.

    I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. Perhaps I should try to imitate Alex Jones, and promote the United States of the Solar System with a bullhorn and a three-hour daily internet show. Perhaps I should imitate Dr. Robert H. Schuller. Maybe I should imitate Anna. Can you imagine orthodoxymoron as a composite of Alex Jones, Robert Schuller, and Anna!! Actually, that might not be a bad idea. Seriously. Well then, I'd better get busy! I've got work to do!! Or, should I try to improvise like Pierre Cochereau? It might be cool to be a composite of Robert Schuller and Fred Swann, promoting a Positive Response Ability Based United States of the Solar System!!! Seriously, I'd rewrite Schuller's sermons and use Fred's hymn improvisations! And once in a while, I'd let-go with an Alex Jones rant!! Let Go, and Let God!!! The Bliss!!!

    Once again, I don't think anything is for certain, and I certainly don't think that everyone is going to be happy anytime soon. I simply think that we should assume that we keep getting recycled in this solar system, and that it's up to us to create a solar system paradise. I continue to be opposed to false-flag terrorism, deliberately inflicted earth-changes, planned wars, enslavement of any kind, or any kind of extermination events. If we are in prison, the jailers should at least be better than the inmates. Mass Murder is not a Family Value. I am extremely upset with the state of the world, and with modern civilization. We seem to have created a very sophisticated toilet and slaughterhouse on this prison planet in rebellion. Am I mentally-ill because all of this madness bothers me so much? Are those who don't know and don't care the ones we should pattern our lives after? I get the feeling that this thing is going to just keep grinding on and on, and that we will continue to lack real warmth and spirituality as a race. I'm mad at the so-called 'regressives', but I'm mad at us too. Would civilization really collapse if the politicians, scientists, and clergy stopped lying to us, and started telling us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

    I once heard Dr. Walter Martin say that the young people were honest. I also heard him suggest studying the Bible, but not talking to people directly about theology and scripture. I think Dr. Robert H. Schuller did that, but I still think that ministry lost it's way, at some point. One of the first Schuller books, 'Move Ahead With Possibility Thinking' was probably one of the best. I don't want a Godless Society, but I certainly don't want the Religious Insanity which has plagued humanity for thousands of years. I want all nations and religions to be RESPONSIBLE, but I don't wish to specify or dictate the details to them. There can be responsible Atheists, Agnostics, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Capitalists, Constitutionalists, Communists, Socialists, et al. I would insist upon responsibility throughout the solar system, in a Brave New Solar System aka the United States of the Solar System. People should feel safe to do what they want to do, even if they are completely ignorant fools, and are engaging in strange and seemingly irrational behavior. But they must do whatever they want in a completely responsible manner. Beware of the Responsibility Police!!! What would Alex Jones say???

    Unrelatedly, what is the point of the stock-market? Is it simply the world's biggest casino? Does a successful trader or investor really make a contribution to society, or are they sophisticated thieves? Greed, fear, and deception seem to be at the top of the list of what drives the stock-market. Is the market rigged and corrupt? What would happen if we didn't have a stock-market at all? Or what would happen if Day-Trading were forbidden? How would my idea of a 5% Federal Point of Sale Tax affect the stock-market? Human beings seem to need to play games. Games of all kinds. We need challenges. Is the stock-market merely one more game that people play? Does it place money in the hands of the clever, and remove it from those who are stupid, or who fail to do their homework? When one owns stock, they don't own part of the company. What if people had to go directly to a company, and become a part-owner? The United States is doing a lot of money moving, but what about production? On the other hand, is industrialization and technology really in the best interests of humanity?

    Perhaps the Amish and the Monks have the right idea. What if we pale-faces had adopted the culture and life-style of the Native Americans, instead of stealing their land and slaughtering them? Is China really becoming a better place with it's industrialization? What if the whole world became much less industrialized and technological? I'm not necessarily against either, but I think we're killing ourselves. I think the guilt and absurdities throughout human history are reprehensible to the nth degree. I think we've screwed-up BIG TIME, and that we continue to blow it. We never seem to learn. The regressives might have a point, but I still want to find constructive ways to reign-in our stupidity and unethical behavior. I desire more sane ways to manage the insanity. I continue to be VERY DISAPPOINTED that no one will engage in any sort of an ongoing intelligent conversation with me. Perhaps I should start a secret society, or at least a think-tank, with maybe a couple of dozen members, who are devoted to a completely non-corrupt and highly-ethical manipulation of society from the shadows. But how long would such a thing remain non-corrupt? Probably not for very long, which is why I should probably just keep doing what I'm doing, by brainstorming in a completely open and naive manner, with no smoke-filled rooms and hacking-laughter...


    I had a Vietnamese friend, who grew-up in Vietnam during the Vietnam War, and would sleep through most bombing-raids, unless the bombs started getting really close and loud!! I witnessed him sleeping right next to a very loud alarm clock!! I am supportive of a strong military - with a non-lethal military branch - but I am dead-set against war. Hurting and Killing Each Other is the Epitome of Stupidity. War is a sin. War is insane. War is hell. Here is another look at the Viet Nam War, from a German/American perspective. It is unimaginable what people had to go through during the Viet Nam War (and all wars). We need to end all wars. Period. War is a Racket. What would Smedley Butler say?

    I just want you all to know that I think this thread is worthy of your consideration, even with all of it's speculation and smart-alec comments. I also want you to know that all is not well with me personally, and that it hasn't been, throughout my entire life. Something has been, and continues to be, very wrong. I don't know what it is, but I think it might have something to do with the spiritual warfare thing. Nothing seems to help. I seem to have lived a miserable and non-productive life, even though I have tried to do just the opposite. It feels as though I am supernaturally targeted for some reason. Once again, I'm going to try to exit stage-left, and nurse my wounds in silence, for the rest of my life. Thanks again for your contributions to innovative and progressive conceptualizations of solar system governance. Unfortunately, I suspect that we will continue to be ruled by secrecy and deception, and that achieving a Perfected Humanity in a Perfected Solar System will continue to be illusive. It seems as if we will not be allowed to be too successful as a race. It seems as if we will stay in jail, and continue to be tortured and killed, as sacrificial lambs, for who knows what reasons. I am very disillusioned with the universe, at this point. I started-out trying to solve my problems and the world's problems, but my pseudointellectual research seems to have made things exponentially worse. I seem to have made the gods and goddesses extremely unhappy with me. I suspect that this has been the case for a very long time, lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.

    My conceptualizing and writing skills are sort of ok, but you would be very unimpressed with me in real life. I am very unimpressed with myself. On the other hand, I think I could read through sensitive classified files on all manner of subjects, including aliens, star-wars, underground-bases, the secret space program, the secret government, etc, etc, etc, and write well thought-out and rational analysis and recommendation reports. But then, in the D.U.M.B. Cafeteria, I wouldn't be able to carry on much of a conversation, and I'd probably sit in a corner, all by myself. I guess my plans are to think about a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System, in a wide variety of contexts. I want to try to think this thing through from as many angles as possible. I'd like to be able to constructively deal with all races, religions, and countries.

    I needed help with this subject, but very little seemed to materialize, and possibly there were legitimate reasons why. I keep feeling as though there are numerous individuals, who know the whole story, but are carefully keeping it from me, and possibly for legitimate reasons. Whatever the case may be, I'm super sick of this stupid game. Rational and honest conversation might've been nice, but it might be a little late in the game for that. Many years ago, Dr. Bruce Larson asked me how we should properly process all of the conflicting and confusing information in the world? I didn't have a proper answer then, and I don't have one now, but I now realize how profound and important his question was. You might wish to take a close look at the books and ministry of Dr. Bruce Larson. I have joked around a lot, and been quite irreverent, but at the core of my soul, I am very serious and reverent. Know that light, truth, justice, and righteousness will triumph.

    Consider the following areas of study and speculation:

    1. Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome before Akhenaten.
    2. Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome after Akhenaten and before Jesus Christ.
    3. Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome after Jesus Christ until 800-900 A.D.
    4. Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome from 800-900 A.D. up to the Present, noting especially the role of the Teutonic Knights and Teutonic Zionism in all of it's forms.

    1. The Old World Order. (Led by Isis?)
    2. The New World Order. (Led by Amen Ra?)
    3. The New Solar System. (Led by Horus?)

    1. Gabriel. (Isis?)
    2. Lucifer. (Amen Ra?)
    3. Michael. (Horus?)

    Chain of Command?

    1. Draconian Reptilian Queen of Heaven.
    2. Hybrid Hermaphrodite God of This World. (who manifests as male, female, black, white, ?????)
    3. Hybrid Elites.
    4. Human Elites.
    5. Human Front-Men and Errand-Boys. (Patriarchy)
    6. The Rest of Us.

    1. Old World Order - Positive and Negative Aspects - Past, Present, and Future. Problem? Thesis?
    2. New World Order - Positive and Negative Aspects - Past, Present, and Future. Reaction? Antithesis?
    3. New Solar System - Positive and Negative Aspects - Past, Present, and Future. Solution? Synthesis?

    I could say a lot more, but I'm done for now. I'm tired of kicking against the pricks, although it might be fun to kick dick again! (from Avalon 1) Just keep thinking about Ancient Egypt and Teutonic Zionism, with an emphasis on the archangelic roles in the history and future of the solar system. Remember, this is a HUGE subject, and it won't necessarily make you happy. You could study 24/7, for your entire life (if you didn't need to sleep!), and I doubt that you would get everything figured-out and neatly packaged. The confusion and pain are seemingly ongoing. Again, consider this thread as being a study-guide. Consider me as being a smart-alec at the back of the room. I can't imagine delivering a speech from the New York Mothership, or participating in a press-conference on 'Meet the Depressed'. But I suppose that professional speech-writers, endless practice-sessions, chip-implantation, mind-control, teleprompters, drugs, and an extreme makeover would work wonders. I think this sort of thing goes on all the time, possibly in underground bases. But really, I'm not that kind of guy.

    I'm genuinely trying to be on everyone's side, even though this is probably impossible. I continue to fly-blind, and I continue to attempt neutrality, as I continue to have no animosity toward anyone. But full disclosure might change everything. I'm starting to figure this out, and it's destroying me. I'm going down fast, and I need to pull the rip-cord. I'm descending at terminal velocity through flight level 2,000. Unfortunately, Jaws, Silas, and a Brutal Gang of Dracs are waiting for me on the ground! Fair warning. If you ever talk directly with me, I might ask a lot of questions, and make a lot of comments, which might make you mad at me. I might seem like a two-faced, back-stabbing S.O.B. Friendly (in a distant sort of way) but trenchant. Don't take it personally. Don't be frightened. I mean no harm. I am of peace. Always.  

    Note the following, very carefully. Consider combining 1. Orthodoxymoron (this thread, with all linked material), 2. Alex Jones (shows and documentaries), and 3. Dr. Robert H. Schuller (especially his books and broadcasts during 1965-2000). Consider internalizing these three, and exhibiting the best aspects of Anna externally! (in an appropriately masculine and feminine manner) I realize that sounds idiotic, but I'm a bit different, to say the least! Good Anna v Bad Anna? Who knows? Re-watch the entire 'V' series (old and new) with this paragraph in mind. All of this confusing-madness and thrashing-about has caused me to conclude that I don't know much of anything about anything. That is not simply a becoming humility. I mean it. Anyway, that's all folks. I'm going underground. Perhaps you should too. It might be later than we think. Taking the easy way, isn't an easy way. This is a cool song by 'The 2nd Chapter of Acts'. Some of the verses are taken from Proverbs 17:28, Matthew 11:28/30, and Matthew 28:18/20.

    All of my life they said be quiet
    Be quiet for crying out loud
    Taking the easy way isn't an easy way
    Even a fool when he is silent
    People will think he's wise
    Taking the easy way isn't an easy way
    In your footprints this is what I read
    Tell the children
    Tell them what I said
    Tell all nations
    Tell them I'm not dead
    My yoke is easy and my burden is light
    My yoke is easy and my burden is light
    I might be taken by my sadness and still be filled with joy
    Taking the easy way isn't an easy way
    I have taken to sing my silent song
    Taking the easy way isn't an easy way
    My hearts bursting, bursting with your Word
    I will tell them, tell them what I've heard
    Some though brokenhearted will be cured
    For there is healing, healing in Your wings
    Yes, there is healing, healing in Your wings
    So I take you into my weakness
    I'm weak but You are strong
    Taking the easy way isn't an easy way
    Learning of You has made me give up
    Give up all that I am
    Taking the easy way isn't an easy way
    Transformation in every word
    Relocation, hell to heavenward
    Education says that You're absurd
    Taking the narrow road isn't an easy way
    Taking the narrow road isn't an easy way
    Taking the easy way isn't an easy way

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Revelation

    I recently heard Gerald Celente championing the concept of 'Direct Democracy', wherein everyone votes directly on every issue, rather than depending on often corrupt and incompetent politicians to think and vote for us. As I have stated repeatedly, I like the idea of a combination of direct electorate voting and a constitutional representative republic. I like the idea of everyone voting on every issue, and comprising perhaps 50% of the vote, with the votes of the elected representatives comprising the other 50% of the vote. I continue to like the idea of elected representatives in a United States of the Solar System, all having PhD's in Solar System Studies and Governance. Also, if the general public were to be involved in direct democracy voting, perhaps they should have at least a two-year degree in Governance, to be able to participate in such a program. Do you see my point? I don't want a mob-rule free for all, and I don't want us ruled by corrupt and stupid nitwits in smoke-filled rooms, laughing at the stupid sheeple, with hacking-laughter and contempt. Do you see my point? Today, I'm watching 'Invisible Empire'. It's really quite good.

    Again, I don't simply want to engage in throwing stones. I really wish to understand. Someone recently asked me who I would like to be taught by, regarding Solar System Governance. I responded, that even though I didn't really like them, I would want to spend some quality-time with David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush (sorry for all of the funny pictures below), Dick Cheney, Bill and Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Various CEO's, the Queen, the Pope, the Black Pope, the Rothschilds, the Queen of Heaven, and God of This World - just to get their side of the story. Some might be shocked by this damaging admission, but I really and truly am not trying to win a popularity contest. This continues to be a very serious form of entertainment for me, but I refuse to take this too seriously. My endgame is simply to achieve a Brave New Solar System, which Maximizes Long-Term and Sustainable Responsible Freedom in the Context of a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System.

    I simply wish to keep doing what I'm doing, but perhaps in a more sophisticated and refined manner. But obviously, I don't know the whole story, and it would be important to know the whole story, before saying anything too definitely and confidently. This is why I mostly ask questions and provide links. I like to talk under certain circumstances, but I'm a dud at a party. I am definitely not a party animal, at this point, but who knows what the future holds? I just think people need to become lifelong researchers, and speak in responsive, rather than reactionary, ways. Unfortunately, I've come to the sad conclusion, that the best conversations I engage in, are with myself, or imaginary conversations with various speakers, actors, actresses, or authors. It's really quite strange. I'm not good at small-talk at all. I prefer communicating with people on the internet, as impersonal as that is. I need to get out more. I once held an apple box next to my head, and told a Chris Rock ('Rufus' in 'Dogma') look-alike, that I liked to think outside of the box. He told me about 'Dogma' and the 'Golgothan', but I didn't watch it until long after I had met the 'cast'. I spent quite a bit of time with 'Rufus' and 'Bartleby' (or was it Azrael?), especially the latter. I think Bartleby and Loki pulled-up next to me in their car, when I was out walking my dog, and Loki looked at me very intently and strangely for at least 10 seconds. I hadn't seen 'Dogma' yet, so it didn't register. I think I've met the 'Last Scion' and possibly 'Serendipity'. I knew a Loki-Like many years ago. He spoke of big-time spiritualism in Ancient Egypt. It makes me wonder. It really makes me wonder. Just keep feeding the rope... scratchgeek

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    What if the New World Order really started in Ancient Egypt? Something catastrophic happened, but I don't know exactly what. I believe in Michael/Jesus, but not necessarily in the standard story. I think the real story has been carefully hidden. I'm really more conservative than the most devout Latin Mass Catholic, in many ways, yet I'm sort of a basket-case smart-alec. I'm all over the charts, and I can't even figure myself out. I'm in bed with no one, other than my dog. I guess I'm in bed with an idealism, which could be applied to most groups and individuals. I'm functioning at about 25%, so I'm dumber and smarter than you think. I continue to believe that I am supernaturally targeted, or something creepy like that. I am willing to work with anyone, but I am very suspicious of everyone. I don't even trust myself, or my dog. Please spend a lot of time researching Ancient Egypt and Teutonic Zionism. The Black People have some very interesting things to say about Ancient Egypt. But don't get caught-up in the racial thing. I have absolutely no hatred for any groups or individuals. I just think the human race needs to stop fiddling around, and we need to really fix things on this planet, and throughout the solar system, hopefully without destroying it and ourselves. I think we're hanging-on by a thread. I really do. Sometimes one can make things worse when they try to make things better. I hope that I haven't been guilty of this, but I fear that I have. I am very worried. No, I'm very frantic.

    Once again, what is the true nature of the soul? I come from a religious tradition which preaches against the 'immortality of the soul'. Were the founders of this religion (SDA) trying to protect people from a dangerous aspect of human existence? I truly do not participate in any creepy activities, but creepy things still keep happening to me, uninvited. What if we are all interdimensional reptilian souls who are living in human bodies? I think this might possibly be the case, but it hasn't caused me to become any more insane than I already was. But what about the general public? Probably a third wouldn't believe it, no matter what the evidence or proof was. Probably a third would just shrug their shoulders, and take it in stride. Probably a third would go insane, in various degrees. Just speculation. Are good interdimensional reptilians really angels? Are bad interdimensional reptilians really demons? Did a third of the angels incarnate into male and female human bodies? Was this an act of rebellion? Was this the Fall? Was this the Original and Unpardonable Sin? Did this cause the War in Heaven? Are we presently in the Cold War phase of a previously Hot War? Is it impossible for Spirits in Sinful Human Flesh to perfectly obey the Law of God? Are the wages of sin really and truly death? The end of male and female human physicality? Eternal soul-death or perpetual-punishment? Damned if I know. Or damned if I am who I think I might reincarnationally be? I know I've been over this territory before, but that picture sort of got to me. All of the religions may need to redefine and reinvent themselves. I certainly do not wish to dictate what anyone should think or not think. I'll just keep asking questions.

    Unless I'm mistaken, the last comment on this thread, other than mine, was two months ago, even though I have been adding one or two posts nearly every day. I've tried to keep things light, in a serious way, and I have been craving conversation, but it just isn't happening. This thread really is dead, isn't it? I've tried to stop posting several dozen times, but I always have something to add. Perhaps I should get very serious about all of this, and become a hard-core researcher, instead of merely being an armchair smart-alec. It has been suggested that if I used a 5D approach, that I might be more successful. I really can write in a very elevated and inspirational manner. I can remain completely positive. I think I might've become a great evangelist. I once made a passioned religious appeal (along with others) to my fellow classmates in high-school, and they lined up, and gave often tearful testimonies for nearly two hours. I walked though the Greek Theater and the Hollywood Bowl, contemplating an outdoor ministry, many years ago, but nothing ever came of it. I spoke up in Bible classes, and people got mad, and tried to shut me up. I was spoken to in a stern manner by men of great experience and faith. I had doubts, and so I moved on. Was this a mistake?

    Should I have tried to be another Billy Graham or Robert Schuller? BTW, did they achieve high degrees in Freemasonry? Anyway, I'm pretty disgusted with this whole thing. The whole thing seems to stink from top to bottom. The good guys, the bad guys, everyone, seem to not wish to be challenged or crossed. But I think I should've done more. A lot more. I have some lame excuses, but none of them really hold water. Should I continue to think outside of the box, and challenge the status quo and cherished beliefs of just about everyone? Should I become appropriately pastoral or statesman-like? We really wish to be told what we wish to hear, don't we? We really wish to feel good about ourselves, don't we? We really wish to be proved right, don't we? What was really behind 'Oh God!' and 'Dogma'? I hadn't watched either of them until I had completed at least 75% of this thread, and I found that they were irreverent in ways a bit similar to my own posting style. What's going on here? In many respects, I am more conservative than the conservatives. In other ways, I am more liberal than the liberals.

    I feel like a fish out of water, and this has been the case throughout my life. I'd like to know who I was during my last two or three incarnations. I'd like to know who I was in my ancient incarnations. What if I were Cleopatra? What if I were related to Cleopatra? Everyone thinks they were Cleopatra, don't they?! They don't want to think that they might've been Freddy the Freeloader! What would Red Skelton say? I liked the music on the 'Red Skelton Show'. That's a funny thing to say, isn't it? I guess I lost my train of thought. Anyway, I think I need to try to be more appropriately 5D on my Highway to Heaven (Somewhere Over the Rainbow). Red could make people laugh, without using four-letter words. Perhaps I should get a Little House on the Prairie, after I get kicked-out of the one I'm in. That might make my spiritual quest a lot easier. But perhaps I should move to a mountain prairie, to avoid that wall of water. I wish I were kidding, but this is no joke.

    One more thing. What happened in the last half of June? I have a strange feeling that something significant occurred, but I don't know what. Might whatever it was have something to do with the absence of comments on this thread for the past two months? I feel very uneasy about this. Something seems to be amiss and creepy. I've been very troubled by the sneaky and deceptive aspects connected with trying to find out what's really going on in this solar system. Nothing is straight-forward and honest. I think this whole thing could be properly cleared-up in a proper science-fiction movie, series, or documentary. A Presidential Disclosure Speech should probably occur after everyone already knows what's going on. That speech should probably be anticlimactic. I just wish I knew what I should be doing, or not doing. The fact that no one will talk to me, makes this exponentially more difficult. This continues to feel like a very creepy game, with very high stakes. It feels like a Galactic Most Dangerous Game. What would Rainsford say?

    One Moor Thing. Look at the Moor's eye (below). Is the slit just an artistic touch, or is this a reptilian hybrid queen? Is there a connection between Arians, Persians, Nazis, Teutonic Zionism, and Bohemian Grove? Think about it. OK, this approach obviously doesn't work, so I should probably do some market research, and figure out what people want, and then give them what they want, right? You wouldn't believe my latest theory! I don't know if I believe it, and I'm certainly not talking about it. It's the wildest theory yet! But, if it's true, it's actually quite sad. There is a clue on this page, but that's all you're going to get. Just blame Inigo Loyola, or someone like him. Tehuti and Vegas are important. I like the desert and the palms. Especially the dates. Read 'The Jesuits' by Malachi Martin. It's a VERY interesting book. I actually like the best aspects of the Jesuits, and I sometimes think of myself as being a Renegade French Jesuit Organist, who is both a friend and enemy of the church! Isn't that strange! The Orthodoxymoron of Notre Dame! What would Arrupe say? Those of you who have been monitoring my internet activities will probably be surprised by the changes I'm about to make. They might even surprise me! Actually, I might just sit back, and enjoy the show. You might have to find someone else to criticize and laugh at. If I were in your shoes, I'd criticize and laugh at myself. Did that make sense? I really despise myself. I think I've really struck-out, and I'm very discouraged. Time to change the batter, because this one's battered to a pulp. Over and out. What would Casey say? scratchgeek

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    Should this thread morph into a Lunar Studies thread? Who is the premier Lunar Guru, in both an exoteric and esoteric sense? I think I should spend a lot of time considering the work of Richard Hoagland. There are undoubtedly many others, but are they as vocal? I wish I had access to everyone throughout the solar system!! Wouldn't that be cool!! But then I would know way, way too much!! But seriously, the Moon is quite close, and we have officially been there, regardless of whether we went there with conventional or unconvential propulsion. I tend to think that the Lunar Module used some sort of anti-gravity. Plus, there are plenty of conspiracy theories to keep one's blood pressure up! And what about thinking of the possibility of the Queen of Heaven living in a Lunar Palace? It would be cool to go to the Moon, but once the novelty wore off, would one long to be back on Earth? I think it would be cool to have a University of Solar System Studies and Governance campus on the Moon! Should I consider living in such a setting, located within Lunar Base II, using my imagination, or should I stop? What would the Nazis and Greys say?! I was just thinking about Thomas and Sophia in 'The Event'. Could Thomas be compared with the God of This World? Could Sophia be compared with the Queen of Heaven? Notice that Thomas got carried away and became a loose-cannon, while Sophia was incarcerated. Both of them could be quite nice, and incredibly cold, calculating, and violent. Do our visible world leaders have to deal with the equivalent of Thomas and Sophia? I really wonder.

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    Here is some very wild speculation. Read this with extreme discernment, and take it with a sea of salt. What if the World Wars were really wars between various factions of Teutonic Zionists? Or between various factions of Gizeh Intelligence? Were we really dealing with a sort of a Gang War or a Weapons Deal Gone Bad? Crips v Bloods? When we speak of Aryan, are we really speaking of Blond Hair and Blue Eyes? I don't think so. Are we really dealing with Secret Government v Secret Government? Are we dealing with Kabbalists and Nazis? Or are we dealing with Kabbalistic Nazis? How dark and deep is this thing? Each side probably has well thought out justifications for their often brutal and reprehensible actions, but I am very fearful that we are on the verge of exterminating ourselves, or being enslaved by an unimaginable Theocracy and Technocracy. If this occurs, we will undoubtedly blame everyone other than ourselves, but we will still be existing in a living hell. This might be an excellent time to REALLY think this thing through, from cause to effect, rather than just trying to get more, more, more, while the world goes to hell. I suspect that the elites are in more danger than the peons, because they are in too deep, and know too much. The DUMB's might very well become TOMBS. Face yourselves, and think, while we still have a chance.

    Could my idealistic and well-intentioned Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System be used as a stepping-stone by an Evil and Corrupt Secret Government? Could I become a naive and unwitting pawn of the Corrupt Powers That Be? It certainly wouldn't surprise me. If my cherished United States of the Solar System were implemented exactly as I envision it, I wouldn't be jumping up and down, or gloating triumphantly. I would probably be in seclusion, working around the clock, to attempt to anticipate problems, and to preemptively create solutions. I really don't think the United States of America was founded free and clear on a clean-sheet of paper. I think there were strings attached. No, I think there were thick steel-cables attached. I think these cables are still attached. I suspect a Constitutional Theocracy. Could the United States of America have been a Teutonic Zionist project? Think about it. Could there be a good and a bad side to this alleged phenomenon? I think so, which is why I think we need to look at the positives and negatives of EVERYONE and EVERYTHING, rather than dealing in broad generalizations.

    A Brave New Solar System should incorporate the best of the past, no matter who or what these best aspects might've been associated with. I would want to look very closely at both the Old and New World Orders, when determining the character and content of a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System. The infrastructure of the present factions of secret government might be left mostly intact, while being cleaned-up and reformed. We shouldn't try to fix what isn't broken. We shouldn't attempt to reinvent the wheel. We should simply try to make it round and true. I'd like to think of this as being a Non-Hostile Takeover, with No Poison Pills or Scuttling in Absentia. I truly wish to do that which is in EVERYONE'S BEST INTEREST. If this weren't the case, we would doom ourselves to endless hatred and warfare, and ultimately exterminate ourselves. If we fumbled the ball, the same old bad guys and gals might very well be back in the saddle within twenty years, with extreme prejudice and vengeance. Think long and hard about what I just said, but don't strain yourselves. Sorry, but sometimes sarcasm is irresistible!

    I just feel like Spaceship Earth is out of control, and that it is heading toward a horrible fate. I feel like I am one of millions, or billions, who are frantically trying to get this runaway train under control. I hope that an interplanetary team of PhD Representatives, with Educated Constituents, will be able to keep this beast under control. This whole thing is very iffy and precarious. The consequences of failure are unimaginable. I'm not happy Pre-USSS, and I doubt that I will be happy with a fully implemented and operational USSS. There are just too many problems and potential problems. There is too much horrific and bloody history to ever forget, and to be happy and care-free ever again. Perhaps many church services will be memorials to those who suffered and died on the Road to Utopia. Hopefully, the cost of doing business in a Brave New Solar System will simply be Hard Work, with No Criminal-Violence or Warfare Whatsoever. Could there be such a thing as a Responsible Free Enterprise Workers Paradise? I don't see why not. I sure don't relish Bourgeois v Proletariat class warfare. How about one big stratified and competitive middle-class, with no destitute-poor, and no non-compassionate use of accumulated wealth? How hard is this? This isn't Multivariable Calculus, Nuclear Physics, or Quantum Mechanics. This isn't even Rocket Science, but I guess we're not dealing with Rocket Scientists, now are we? I successfully resisted sarcasm for a whole paragraph. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. And sorry, I couldn't just pick on 'W'.

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    orthodoxymoron wrote:Once again, this thread is intended to be a mental and spiritual exercise. I try to make you think, laugh, get mad, get scared, and look at a lot of different things from a lot of different angles. Take all of this seriously, but not too seriously. I am trying to help us avoid the 'Deer in the Headlights' phenomenon, in connection with all of the controversial, confusing, and conflicting material. It's a combination of a zoo and a jungle out there, and I don't think things are going to get any easier any time soon. In fact, I think things might get a lot worse, and they might not get better for a very long time. But do try to treat all of this as science fiction, which might contain some truth, and if it gets too hard to deal with, just move on to something else. A lot of my writing is speculative and intuitive, and I have not exhaustively researched the topics which I address. But I have tried to get as close to the truth as I possibly can, and I have not tried to deceive or mislead anyone. I have also not tried to make a fast buck, although judging from my dismal financial situation, I probably should have. I might write some sort of a science fiction book to try to help pay my bills. Take everything I say with a sea of salt, and with extreme discernment. Probably half of what I say is utter BS, or pure, unmitigated popycock. Consider all of this to be a grand adventure, even if it is very difficult and painful for you. We will all make it through this madness somehow. Namaste.
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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Sep 17, 2017 12:30 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 13410
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Jul 30, 2017 9:15 pm

    I recently encountered someone who looked a lot like Angelina Jolie, but I didn't say anything. Perhaps I should've. I just finished watching the new movie Valerian and I liked it, even though it followed the usual sci-fi pattern of extreme violence, with the stars barely getting a scratch. I'm thinking of NOT watching movies, but just reading books. It almost seems as if we are being prepared to become Star-Warriors in a renewed War in Heaven. Think of all the nasty sci-fi movies and video-games!! Someone such as myself is considered to be a grave threat to the way things are, and as someone worthy of scorn, suspicion, superstition, shunning, spying, black-listing, red-listing, and unvarnished-hatred!! WTF?? If my general-hypothesis of a Sinister Secret-Government, beginning at least 5,000 years-ago in the Garden of Eden, has any validity and credibility, then Lone-Ranger Knight in Shining-Armor Governmental-Reformation might be doomed to ultimate-failure, regardless of how idealistic and well thought out a New Solar System might be. This thing might be more deep-seated and highly-sophisticated than ANY of US can imagine!! BTW -- I Feel MUCH Worse Since My Surgery, But No One Seems to Give a Damn, and I Have No Idea What to Do. Tough$HlT?? Smart@$$!!

    I've tried to know the unknowable by thinking in terms of 'In-Between Gods and Goddesses' who are Ancient and Mighty, but NOT Almighty, All-Knowing, All-Powerful, Everywhere-Present, and Highly-Righteous. Rebellious-Atheism and Arrogant-Theism might be Conflicting-Delusions. I continue to think that some of you should read Volume 4 of the SDA Bible Commentary (Isaiah to Malachi) for a real historical theological education. But perhaps Church and State are a Waste of Time (unless one has a lot of extra money to donate)!! Perhaps I should tell everyone to start their own business, and hobnob with the elite movers and shakers!! Perhaps one should research Church, State, and Business, incorporating the best aspects into their own business, and leave it at that!! Perhaps we should look to our Business as our Church and State from Whom All Blessings Flow!! Perhaps We Should Make Silver Our Savior!! Perhaps the Galactic Powers That Be Will Make This Present Madness Continue for All Eternity (as an example for the rest of the universe, such that this NEVER happens again). What If Gods and/or Goddesses Will Be Forbidden, and a Power-Struggle in Perpetuity Will Be Enforced, in the Name of 'FREEDOM' of Course??!! No Titles of Nobility?? No Queen of Heaven and God of This World??

    What if the Church of Orthodoxymoron of Latter-day Luddites consisted of the following Four Fundamental Beliefs??

    1. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volume 2 (Joshua through 2 Kings).

    2. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volume 3 (1 Chronicles through Song of Solomon).

    3. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volume 4 (Isaiah through Malachi).

    4. Sacred Classical Music.

    This wouldn't be Judaism or Christianity -- would it?? What would it be?? What does Joshua through Malachi do with the Torah?? What does Joshua through Malachi REALLY prophecy regarding the Messiah and Eschatology?? This isn't just reading the Bible. This isn't just reading Ellen White. This isn't just listening to Doug Batchelor. Doug wasn't raised and trained in an SDA environment (to say the least). Are most successful preachers really Masons?? Do most successful preachers REALLY believe what they teach?? People Want Certainty and Salvation -- and the Preachers Give Them What They Want!! This is why I've tended to look at all-sides (especially on the edges) to attempt to get-at the "Truth". Unfortunately, the Truth is SO Overrated. The Fame, Fortune, and Power Masonic-Thing seems to work SO Much Better!! I continue to think this solar-system was overthrown in antiquity -- and that it has been ruled by ONE BOSS/CONQUEROR for thousands of years (for better or worse -- I know not). I'm not leading a Witch-Hunt. I'm simply attempting to understand. Honestly. BTW -- why are there "Torah-Jews" and "Talmud-Jews"?? What About "Joshua through Malachi Jews"?? What About a Joshua through Malachi religion which wasn't exclusive (other than diligently studying these particular books of the Bible)?? Is the concept of "God's Chosen People" and/or "Spiritual Israel" really helpful in modernity?? I seek Historicity and Continuity without Absurdity!! Hope Springs Eternal!!

    Has this solar system been ruled with LOVE for the past few thousand years?? I try to apply the Scientific Method to Political and Theological Issues -- which involves Proposing a Hypothesis -- which involves the use of the imagination. I am attempting to Face Reality with the use of the Imagination -- because the Secret Government and the Secret Space Program do not offer Guided Tours of the Solar System to the General Public. One probably has to be an Interplanetary-Bankster or Lead a Megachurch -- to get to do THAT -- so I am reduced to using my imagination, and being an internet warrior. I'd 'empty my mind' and meditate -- but it's nearly impossible for a Completely Ignorant Fool to think less than they already do!! I try to 'Pray Without Ceasing'. I feel a bit like Jake Sully in 'Avatar'!! I try to use big words to compensate for my cerebral-deficiencies. BTW -- as a child, I imagined building and 'flying' my own one-person UFO throughout the solar system. As a child, I imagined frictionless magnetic bearings, which I named ThermLess. As a pre-teen, I imagined a 19" B&W TV Based Personal-Computer (Before there were PC's). As a teen, I imagined thought-processes enhanced by cerebral-cortex implanted electrodes (no doubt inspired by Wilder Penfield) -- and not unlike the 'Borg-Queen' (NOT Swedish). As a teen, I spoke before a college class regarding the UFO phenomenon -- and received a VERY long, hard, and penetrating stare from my professor (sounds sort of sexy, doesn't it??)!!  Heh heh Whistle

    What if Ancient Egypt faced a Ra v Isis Power Struggle which culminated in the Exodus or the Hyksos-Exodus?? What if all of those bloody battles of conquest in the Old Testament were the efforts of a Monotheistic Amen Ra to stamp-out the Polytheistic Heresy of Isis?? I have NO idea -- but I wonder. The Old Testament HAD to involve much more than the Israelites 'Laying Down the Law' and Stealing the 'Promised Land'. What if Isis documented the madness, and wrote most of the Teachings of Jesus (Teachings of Isis??)?? What if Josephus (and others) rewrote the words of Isis (and others) to form the Bible (as we know it) with a conspicuous absence of Ancient Egyptian History?? What if the Roman-Empire and Judeo-Christianity essentially began with a Ra-Sponsered Exodus, Monotheism, and Akhenaton?? Are the City-State, and Phobos Monoliths and/or Obelisks really Monuments to Amen Ra?? Just a thought. I have NO idea. What if I have spoken to Ra, Horus, Sekhmet (and/or Isis) in modernity?? One more thing. Read Tempest and Exodus by Ralph Ellis. They're coming to take me away (to 243 Ida?)!! World Without End. Amen.

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    magamud wrote:
    I keep getting the impression that our current system and administration goes back to Ancient Egypt -- as the Roman Manifestation of Ancient Egypt -- and not a nice one. What if the 'Losing Egyptian Faction' is the 'Incoming Annunaki' and the 'Local Solar System Faction' is the 'Roman-Egyptian Faction' aka the 'Local Annunaki'?? I've been thinking in terms of Three Factions -- but what if it's really just Two Leading Factions?? I keep thinking about Ra, Sekhmet, Isis, and Horus -- but names can be deceiving. Male, Female, Reptilian, Human, Whoever, and Whatever might be somewhat meaningless in a Galactic Shell-Game of Monopoly. I just get the feeling that Egypt got looted -- Big-Time -- and that the Goodies ended up underneath Rome and Jerusalem. Who knows the full extent of the 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' analogy. I'm thinking I should SERIOUSLY study the Nazi Phenomenon -- in both the mainstream and fringe literature. I guess I mostly wish to understand that which presently exists -- and then attempt to transform the Secret Government and Secret Space Program into a Kinder and Gentler New Solar System -- if that is even remotely possible. I guess I'll just keep posting my Political and Theological Science-Fiction for Free -- in the hope that it might do some good -- without getting me killed. My grand plan is to just keep doing what I'm doing -- with no surprises.

    I guess I'd like to be able to speak with All Concerned -- Good and Bad -- Human and Otherwise -- in a Neutral and Polite Manner. I tried to do this with the 'Ancient Egyptian Deity' -- but that effort only lasted a few months -- and I sense that I did NOT fit into the AED's plans -- which might've been a good thing or a bad thing -- I know not. This whole thing seems to be a Very Deceptive Most Dangerous Game -- and it frankly sickens me -- especially when 'innocent' people continue to suffer worldwide. But the AED didn't seem to think that there were very many 'innocent' people. I've decided not to talk much about the AED -- so for more info -- take a look at my 'Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System' thread. I guess I'm focusing on the concept of 'Good Anna' v 'Bad Anna' -- regardless of the Egyptology Particulars. I guess I am actively modeling the concept of a Good-Anna-Administered United States of the Solar System -- just to see where that leads. I guess I have a target date of around 2020 for that model to begin to be implemented -- if and only if it successfully endures brutal gangs of facts and dracs. I frankly don't have a problem with Positively-Reinforcing the Best of Egypt, the City-States, the United-Nations, the Secret-Government, and the Secret Space-Program. I just want to see things run in a reasonable, rational, and sustainable manner. Is that too much to ask??

    An attorney once passionately told me that Bill Gates was evil. An employee of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation told me just the opposite -- with equal passion. Someone once told me that I reminded them of Bill Gates. I keep hearing about 'Stolen Technology'. Without pointing fingers in any specific direction -- what if a lot of CEO's Deal with the Devil as Front-Men for 'Stolen Technology'?? I keep getting the feeling that an Evil Galactic Business Empire is so entrenched in this solar system -- that trying to 'clean things up' might be a lot like trying to remove an 'Inoperable Brain-Tumor'. I worry that even if some of the well-intentioned ideas I've been considering were implemented -- things would still remain as corrupt as hell. As I have said elsewhere, I'm almost to the point of telling people to learn from the Top One-Percent -- and then go and do likewise -- so as to level the playing-field somewhat for 'We the Peons'. Why should the Peons be Ethical Knights in Shining Armour when the Rich and Powerful continue to Deal with the Devil -- and have no intention of being Good Boys and Girls -- especially when no one is looking. I think society should Reward Responsibility -- but until it does so -- perhaps people should do what they have to do to 'take care of business'. My idealism seems to be fading into a Jaded Cynicism. There are some aspects of religion which might work if everyone were 'On Board' -- but I hate to send good people as 'Lambs to the Slaughter' in a cold, cruel world -- seemingly run by an Agency of Evil Spirits.

    The Powers That Be -- Human and Otherwise -- are not exactly blurting-out the truth, the whole-truth, and nothing but the truth -- perhaps with both good and bad reasons for secrecy. I keep seeing a Reptilian-Human-Egyptian-Roman-Nazi Galactic-Empire -- but damned if I know what's really been going on -- regardless of my reincarnational virtues and vices. I'm going to continue exploring all of this madness -- from the perspective of Asteroid 243 Ida. I wonder what they're saying on Phobos, on Ida, in Medina, and on the Darkside of the Moon??? The Horror...

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    "See You in Hell, Billy!!!"
    magamud wrote:
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    Phobos (moon)

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    Phobos monolith
    I think I might try to spend a lot of time reading Richard Greenberg, Richard Hoagland, and Joseph Farrell types of books and websites. It might also be worthwhile to look at official City-State, United-Nations, JPL, NASA, University, etc. sources -- so as to NOT become Fundamentally-Renegade in attitude and outlook. I guess I'm trying to imagine myself as being a Kinder, Gentler, Quieter Version of that 'Insider-Guy with the Fedora' in 'A Beautiful Mind' who seemingly caused John Nash to go nuts. Incidentally, I was around someone for several months who reminded me of that 'Insider-Guy'. They even gave me a Fedora -- and several times, while we were driving down the road, they expressed concern (and even fear) that we were being followed. Beware of Bayhill!! The Horror!! Somewhat unrelatedly, I have spoken of knowing a 'Rufus' character (not the AED -- that I know of) -- and there is a character in the 'Orpheus' episode of the seventh season of 'Stargate SG-1' (starting at around 19 minutes) which looks almost exactly like the 'Rufus' I knew (More than Chris Rock)!! If Amen Ra ever becomes a Personna non Grata -- should all of the Obelisks be chopped-down?? I tend to think not.  What Would Lorena Bobbit Say?? The good, the bad, and the ugly are ALL part of OUR history. If Jesus turns out to be mostly a fictional character (or a flawed character) the art, literature, scripture, and music should still benefit humanity. But are we Big Enough to handle imperfections in our paradigms, or spots on the sun??

    Imagine the 'Taelon Mothership' from 'Earth: Final Conflict' as existing within Asteroid 243 Ida (Complete with Zo'or, Da'an', Boone, Liam, Lilly, and Sandoval)!! Imagine many scenes from 'Star Trek Voyager' as occurring in and around Ida!! Also, what if the Asteroid-Belt were thought of as being the 'Galaxy of Ida' (from 'The Fifth Race' of 'SG-1')!! What if the Asteroid-Belt aka Galaxy of Ida is populated with millions of Greys within thousands of Piloted-Asteroids??!! OMG!! Doesn't THAT conjure-up some startling images??!! If I ever visited 243 Ida -- would I ever return to Earth -- alive or otherwise??? What if 243 Ida is Sananda's Space-Ship??!! What Would Sherry Shriner Say?? BTW -- who is 'The Most High' Sherry speaks of?? She doesn't like the name 'Jesus' -- but she reverences the name 'Yeshua'. I faithfully listen to her shows -- but I haven't heard much Biblical Exegesis from the Red-Letter Teachings of 'Jesus'. Why might this be?? Come to think of it, I don't even do a lot of that sort of thing on my threads -- although I would refer everyone to my posting of 'Matthew' and 'The Desire of Ages' within the 'Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System' thread -- for the source and application of the Teachings Attributed to Jesus -- which harmonizes with my thinking on the subject. I'm NOT a trained-theologian -- so I tend to tread softly in this area. Study it for yourselves -- and arrive at your OWN conclusions. Hint: Spend a lot more time READING than you do arguing or listening to sermons.  

    Would it really be THAT difficult to reproduce the INTERIOR of that enlarged-version of Solomon's Temple within 243 Ida?? That would give the 'Little-Grey Stone-Cutters' something to do!! Freedom What Would the Greys Say?? Fisk Organ-Builders might have to be transported (drugged and blindfolded) to Ida to install the new pipe-organ in a Rear Balcony!! Then, imagine said temple filled with 10,000 Humans, Dracs, Greys, and Annunaki -- laying prostrate before a Draconian-Reptilian Queen!!! I really should STOP!!! But Siriusly -- what if that sort of thing occurs each and every day??!! What if that's what ALL of us will be doing in a few, short years??!! I desire the Best for Humanity -- WITHOUT Siriusly Angering the Hypothetical Reptilian Powers That Be. Do you see my point?? I am a bit irreverent and flippant in my internet posting -- but I have NEVER called for the torture, enslavement, or extermination of ANYONE -- Human or Otherwise. My current bias is that this solar system should be Fundamentally-Human -- but I have never called for a Human-Only Solar System. What if the Asteroid Belt were one of the United States of the Solar System?? Should the Greys get kicked-out of the solar system?? Should the Greys be restricted to the Asteroid Belt?? Should the Asteroid Belt be integrated or segregated?? Should Humans begin moving to the Asteroid Belt??

    AnnoyedBoxer Crybaby "THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD!!!!" Mad: Crying or Very sad cyclops


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    "What are You Looking At??!! What are You Doing??!!
    You Should be Ashamed of Yourself!!!!
    Big-Brother and Big-Mother are Watching!!!!"

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    magamud wrote:
    I do NOT support Unrestricted-Freedom -- But Where Does Academic-Freedom End?? I guess I envision the 10,000 Absolutely Best, Brightest, and Most-Responsible United States of the Solar System Representatives -- who might be sort of like the Jesuits -- but without that damn oath -- and who are working for the Right Boss -- if you know what I mean. Some of what I say is somewhat contradictory and confusing -- but I like to combine opposites -- and use a lot of defining and qualifying words -- if you know what I mean. Your post reminds me that I need to finish reading my rather scholarly Space-Law book (Reynolds and Merges) -- which touches upon the Space-Junk problem and other Outer-Space Nightmares. I Really Want This Solar System to be Highly Organized -- with Massive Doses of Law and Order -- Throughout the Solar System -- if you know what I mean. I think Sherry Shriner knows what I mean. I'm reading Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations by Joseph P. Farrell -- and there are two quotes at the beginning of the book which really got my attention:

    "...(We) can readily understand why the power elite of America has no ideology and feels the need of none, why its rule is naked of ideas, its manipulation without attempted justification. It is this mindlessness of the powerful that is the true higher immorality of our time; for, with it, there is associated the organized irresponsibility that is today the most important characteristic of the American system of corporate power." -- C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite (Oxford, 1956), p. 342.

    "...(When) men of knowledge do come to a point of contact with the circles of powerful men, they come not as peers but as hired men." -- C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite, p. 351.

    If my theory of a Reptilian-Human-Egyptian-Roman-Nazi Galactic-Empire is even partially valid -- it might help to explain these quotations. Someone connected with organizing Bilderberg conferences stated that he was quite certain that the Bilderberg attendees did not rule the world (or something to that effect). George Green described Elite American Politicians as being decadent, degenerate, and immoral (or something to that effect) -- snorting cocaine and making leud comments about his teenage daughter (or something to that effect). I've recently been speculating about the POSSIBILITY of the existence of a Corrupt and Violent Reptilian-Human-Egyptian-Roman-Nazi Galactic-Empire. I also keep speculating that Humanity is a Recent-Idealistic-Renegade Creation in an Ancient-Strict-Traditionalist Reptilian-Empire. However, I'm beginning to wonder if whoever created Humanity got some sort of a High-Level Reptilian Green-Light to Create Humanity -- BUT that they were warned about what would happen if they did -- which might've included anticipating a Corrupt and Violent Reptilian-Human-Egyptian-Roman-Nazi Galactic-Empire as an inevitable part of the deal. What if there is a Benevolent Reptilian Secret Government which 'Our' Secret Government doesn't even know about??? Whoever created Humanity knew what the hell they were doing IMHO. What if this Solar System is a Big Galactic Rat-Trap (where the Rats only Think they're winning)?? SNAP!!!! I have commented on sensing that the Leaders of the World often seem to look like they just got the crap beat out of them -- rather than being On Top of the World -- and Above It All. I have also stated that I think the Jesuits (and people somewhat similar to them) know more about how this solar system really works than 99.3% of the human-race (and that percentage might be on the low-side) -- but that I don't necessarily like them or believe their public-statements.

    I grew-up believing that the Universe was essentially perfect -- except for Human-Beings and Planet-Earth -- and the Demonic-Beings who tormented them. Unfortunately, I have come to question that assumption. More recently, I have begun to suspect a Dark and Violent Universe filled with Strange-Beings and Star-Wars -- and that these beings generally hate each other -- but that they REALLY HATE THE HUMAN RACE AND THEIR QUEST FOR FREEDOM. I can't prove this -- obviously -- but when I re-read the Bible and the writings of Ellen G. White -- a Very Dark Reality seems to emerge from between the lines. I frankly have a difficult time criticizing the Roman Catholic Church for the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Vatican's behavior relative to World War II -- when I carefully and honestly read the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation. It ALL seems to be One Interconnected Phenomenon. I don't know about the alleged Reptilians. I often use the term Other Than Humans instead. I think I'm beginning to see what's really going on -- possibly because of my Reincarnational Participation in a Dark and Violent Universe. I don't know. I say 'I don't know' a lot -- and NOT as a 'becoming humility'. I'm NOT going to pretend to know things that I don't -- which is why I keep referring to my internet activities as Political and Theological Science-Fiction.

    Imagine Dr. Mataros (from the Termination episode of Earth: Final Conflict) in a Room with a Cray on 243 Ida -- in a manner similar to the 'jail-cell scene'. You know -- a 600 square-foot room with no windows, a psychiatrist's couch, one of those legendary Cray supercomputers -- with the walls and ceiling covered with flat-screen monitors, combined with a very advanced voice recognition and control function -- connected with Instantaneous InterPlaNet -- with Priority Access to Everyone and Everything Worth Accessing Between Our Sun and the Dog-Star Sirius. Then -- imagine Dr. Mataros only asking questions while communicating with the President of the United States, the Queen of England, the Pope of Rome, the Jesuit General, the Secretary General of the United Nations, the City of London, the Archbishop of Canterbury -- Russia, China, India, Japan, Germany, Mexico, Pine Gap, Area 51, PSNS, Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratories, the Pentagon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Dark-Side of the Moon, Medina, Phobos -- and with Various Other Than Human Beings from Throughout the Galaxy. Then -- imagine Dr. Mataros researching every conceivable subject -- in great detail -- and speaking comments which are translated into text by the voice-recognition software -- accessible by those with a Need to Know. Dr. Mataros might rarely leave this room -- and might require NO sleep because the Room with a Cray might also be a Room with a Wardrobe of Bodies (Human and Otherwise)!! Finally -- Imagine Dr. Mataros as presiding over the newly created United States of the Solar System. Do you get the picture? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this Administrative Model??? I mostly intended to conceptualize a very smart, very tough, very concise, and worldly-wise no-nonsense individual -- who might resemble a Behind-Closed-Doors Anna!!

    How does one keep someone with Absolute-Power from becoming Absolutely-Corrupt and/or Completely-Insane?? How does one keep 10,000 Representatives from becoming 10,000 Corrupted Raving Lunatics?? BOTH the Dictator and Representative Models seem to be HIGHLY PROBLEMATIC. A Perfect and Harmonious Administrative Honeymoon might be Very Short Indeed. How might one create a Self-Correcting Homeostatic-System of Royal-Judgment and Representative-Voting -- which keeps the Best, Brightest, and Most-Responsible at the Top of the Pyramid??? How does one avoid Nasty and Bloody Power-Struggles while maintaining Constructive-Competition?? Those Capable of Rising to the Top Might NOT be Capable of Properly Governing Once They Ascend to the Pinnacle of the Temple. Just Because One Wins a War Doesn't Mean They Know How to Rule (Especially Long-Term -- Under a Wide-Variety of Circumstances). What if Earth was an Ancient Garden of Eden which Quickly Turned into Hell on Earth when the Challenges of Governing the New Human Race Were Unanticipated and Underestimated?? As I have previously stated -- How This Universe is Governed Might Have EVERYTHING to do with How This Solar System is Governed. Can Significant Exceptions be Made for Earth and Humanity -- Without Destroying the Effective Governance of the Universe?? I think we know very little about how things REALLY work in the Universe. I'm attempting to gain a better perspective by mentally moving to 243 Ida. Here's a preview of Motorsports in a Twenty-Second Century United States of the Solar System!! The 'Stargate SG-1' 'Space Race' episode (7-08) is really quite fine (but it's not on YT).

    What if we are dealing with a Strict-Traditionalist Reptilian-Egyptian Universe v Renegade Reptilian-Human Egyptian-Roman-Nazi Solar-System?? What if there is a Kinder and Gentler, Completely Out of Power, Idealistic-Kumbaya Faction which seeks Love, Peace, and Harmony for All Concerned?? How might a United States of the Solar System relate to this hypothetical factional situation?? Should a U.S.S.S. contain a Theocratic Component -- or would such a component be REQUIRED by the Galactic Powers That Be?? I continue to get the impression that there are VERY powerful individuals who believe that the Human Race should NOT exist -- and that this conviction goes way back to the moment of the creation of the first Humans (and possibly prior to that time). I get the feeling that some of those in the know are playing with me like a cat plays with a mouse. I think things are going to get REALLY bad for me -- very soon. I don't think the madness will ever end. When I spoke to the AED about 'happiness' they just gave me a sad look -- and wistfully sighed "Ah.....Happiness...". I want peace, love, and happiness -- but that would be too easy -- wouldn't it??? Eating Raw Vegetarian Food and Going for Daily Hour-Long Walks is probably a winning combination. But putting it THAT simply probably won't make you a millionaire best-selling author. Doing Unnecessary Surgeries is FAR more lucarative and respectable. Isn't THAT rather sad???

    Ancient-Strict-Traditionalist-Egyptian-Reptilian Empire v Recent-Renegade-Idealistic-Egyptian-Human Faction = Corrupt-Violent-Reptilian-Human-Egyptian-Roman-Nazi Empire?????

    If the above is at least partially true -- would a Good-Anna-Administered United States of the Solar System (Predominantly Human -- but not Anti Other-Than-Human or Human-Only) solve all of the ancient and contemporary problems -- or would it just make things worse??? I really wonder. If you wonder too -- consider enrolling in the University of Solar System Studies and Governance at Ida. Here is the List of Admission Prerequisites (follow this specific order):

    1. Read the Holy Bible -- Genesis to Revelation -- Straight Through.
    2. Read The Gods of Eden -- William Bramley.
    3. Read The Great Controversy -- Ellen White.
    4. Read Rule by Secrecy -- Jim Marrs.
    5. Read Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs -- Ralph Ellis.
    6. Read Cleopatra to Christ -- Ralph Ellis.
    7. Read Scota: Egyptian Queen of the Scots -- Ralph Ellis.
    8. Read Rise of the Fourth Reich -- Jim Marrs.
    9. Read Hitler's Pope -- John Cornwell.
    10. Read S.S. Brotherhood of the Bell -- Joseph Farrell.
    11. Read Family of Secrets -- Russ Baker.
    12. Read The Jesuits -- Malachi Martin.
    13. Read The Keys of This Blood -- Malachi Martin.
    14. Read Behold a Pale Horse -- Bill Cooper.
    15. Read The Vatican Assassins -- Eric John Phelps.
    16. Read Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations -- Joseph Farrell.
    17. Watch Cleopatra -- 1963 Movie with Elizabeth Taylor.
    18. Watch The Ring of Power -- 5 Hour Documentary.
    19. Watch Stargate -- Original Movie.
    20. Watch Stargate SG-1 -- All 10 Seasons.
    21. Watch Stargate Continuum -- 2008 Movie.
    22. Watch Earth: Final Conflict -- All 5 Seasons.
    23. Watch Star Trek: Voyager -- All Seasons.
    24. Watch the Old and New 'V' Series -- All Seasons.
    25. Study Amen Ra thread -- Project Avalon (original site).
    26. Study Part 1 of 'The Red Pill' thread -- Brook.
    27. Study the United States of the Solar System thread -- orthodoxymoron.
    28. Read Tempest and Exodus by Ralph Ellis.
    29. Become an Amateur Astronomer.
    30. Listen to Sacred Classical Music.
    31. Join a Cathedral Choir.
    32. Read Exo-Vaticana by Chris Putnam and Thomas Horn.
    33. Talk to an Ancient Egyptian Deity.
    34. Go Insane and Start Talking Too Much.
    35. Hold a Disclosure Press Conference at the National Press Club and Have a Nervous-Breakdown on Live Network Television.
    36. Get Committed to the Bethesda Naval Hospital.
    37. You Don't Want to Know.

    Siriusly -- I would recommend learning as much as YOU feel comfortable with -- and then saying and doing very little in connection with this sort of thing. I have no idea how accurate any of this stuff might be -- which is why I limit my activities to this little web-site. I occasionally talk to a few individuals (who I suspect know ten times as much as I do) -- but that's all. I realize that the Ultimate Reality is Very Serious -- but I frankly don't know what that reality is -- so I'm TRYING to have a good-time with the madness (but it's NOT working). I always end-up being tense, negative, crude, rude, crabby, messy, delusional, irresponsible, non-responsive, poverty-stricken, and socially-unacceptable. We all have our crosses to bear. Just continue treating all of this stuff mostly as educational science-fiction. Has anyone thought of reading the Bible as a Novel?? Would that take some of the pressure and anxiety out of Bible-Study?? Sorry if that steps on toes. I think the Bible is More Than a Novel -- but even if it were completely discredited as being Accurate-History -- it should still be diligently studied. Think about THAT!! What if the Asteroid-Belt is Mostly Grey-Territory?? What if the Kuiper-Belt is Mostly Drac-Territory??

    What if Most of the Asteroids and Moons in This Solar System are Space-Ships??!! Moons and Asteroids Scare the Hell Out of Me!! Still -- I Think I'd Like to Specialize in Moon and Asteroid Studies -- with an Emphasis on Queen-Ship Conversions!! "Pimp My Ride!!!" One More Thing -- My Internet Activities somewhat reveal what I had in mind when I spoke with a close-relative of a very-famous Hollywood Director regarding the possibility of doing a Modern Life of Christ Movie -- complete with all of the latest scholarship and special-effects. Obviously nothing happened -- and that was decades ago -- but one never knows. What if something like this happened to a very real David Bowman in 1947?? I'm being rather serious at this point. Think long and hard about the Robert Morning Sky clip I just posted -- and the KRLLL Pleiadian stuff I've posted elsewhere. I get the distinct impression that there's been a lot of double-crossing, triple-crossing, quadruple-crossing, etc. going on -- but I have NO idea what the details might be. Nuff Said. I love hymn-improvisations!! One More Thing. What if a Supercomputer-Network Will Be Humanity's Lord and Savior for All-Eternity?? "Thou Shalt Have NO Gods Ever Again!!"?? "Thou Shalt Have No Sex Ever Again!!"?? What Would Marduk Say?? What Would the Antichrist Say??

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    "I'm the New Guy!!! You Gotta
    Problem with THAT???!!!"


    Posts : 13410
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    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:11 am

    Swanny wrote:
    Hello Skynet  Argh

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Pri_47097896

       Scientists have switched off Facebook’s robot because it has reportedly created its own language.

       Researchers noticed that Artificial Intelligence they had created has started to make up their own code words.

       Initially it looks like absolute gibberish, but it became clear that the machines –

    nicknamed Bob and Alice – were actually communicating with one another.
    What if Bob and Alice both have Souls?? What if Ava had a Soul?? What if HAL 9000 had a Soul?? What Would Seymour Cray Say?? An Individual of Interest seemed to imply that I would be placed in some sort of a Cyber-Environment or exist as a Disembodied-Spirit, with no Feeling. This Individual did NOT approve of Humanity. Honest. The Members of This Forum (Past and Present) Probably Know Ten Times More Than I Do. I Talk Big Because I Am Conducting an 'Extreme-Modeling Research-Project'. It's Sort of Similar to 'Script-Writing' but I try to 'Keep It Real' in a 'Crazy-Context'. What If the 'Seven Deadly Sins' Should Be the Following??

    1. Computer Technology.

    2. Robotics Technology.

    3. UFO Technology.

    4. Genetics Technology.

    5. Soul Technology.

    6. WMD Technology.

    7. Megalomaniacs Anonymous.

    The Horror. What Would the Stockmars Say?? What Would Viktor Schauberger Say?? What Would the King of the Girls Say?? What Would the Vrill Society Say?? What Would Gizeh Intelligence Say?? What Would the Ancient Egyptian Deity Say?? What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would David Mann Say?? What Would Alan Rickman Say?? What Would Dr. Peter Venkman Say?? What Would Enki Say?? What Would Ptah Say?? What Would Amen Ra Say?? What Would Ovid Write?? What Would Cupid Do?? What Would Dr. Who Do?? What Would Anu Do?? What Would YOU Do?? What if Valerian is a Renegade French Jesuit Organist?? What Would Guy Bovet Play?? What Would Pedro Arrupe Say?? What Would Marcel Dupre Play??

    Sanicle wrote:Hello again Evisnam.  I hope you'll be posting some more for us soon.  

    I really enjoy reading something different that's not just about all the doom and gloom happening here for a change and you do seem to have a unique and far-reaching perspective.  I may disagree with some of what you claim but rather than 'picking' on individual points I'm waiting for you to add the pieces you can share with us to gain the bigger picture you are trying to give us to see if it indeed does all add up in some way I haven't been able to conceive of as yet.  Although, generally speaking, it's all making a lot of sense IMO.

    OK, I guess I have one question for you at this time.  Where do you think the Spirit and Soul fit into this AI/OI system you're describing?
     I love you
    evisnam wrote:Thank you Sanicle

    I understand some may find things hard to understand or even believe and without specifics i cant elaborate but its important to note these are merely my perspectives, the verity of my information is something i decided to keep as close to the bone without breaking fundamental laws which i work under.

    Granted some is hard to believe or even ratify ( most would be impossible id imagine ) but its important to note , this is my story , my experience and so its all a lie. my lie , my cosmos , my paradigm.  I know some may take that information and run with it and i am happy for that to happen. This information serves one purpose , to tell the story of evisnam, to tell what i have experienced not so i become something but rather as a messenger only.

    What i have seen and experienced goes through thorough scrutiny inside before ever writing anything , in my second fire i found that what i experienced was far beyond the fictional imagination of sci fi writers and therefore needed no embellishment, so it was an easy choice for me to just say it as it is. I most certainly look back and wonder if it all ever really happened , and if it wasn't for certain physical changes to my body and how i think and feel , i could have just brushed it off.    

    And i say this now not to try and convince but to actually agree with you , i read back what i write and shake my head , then i remember the events im describing and think , " yes , that did happen "   All i can say is i am fortunate and brave enough to be selected to go along with what i feel is evolution.

    Sanicle, your question here :

    Where do you think the Spirit and Soul fit into this AI/OI system you're describing?

    Excellent question and something i have pondered before and again today , i did read notes i have made in the past to refresh my memory of how my feelings dictated my impressions when inside these experiences. So with those in mind i will try to explain what i felt and saw , i need to remind you that not a lot of this was ever explained to me , there was no communication as such , i feel that " they " assume you know what is happening by virtue of experiencing it.

    And yes i swap from first to second to third person reference in the same paragraph sometimes , this was noted by my english teacher shortly after my first fire, and interesting to note , people who tend to have precognitive or extra abilities tend to speak as though you already understand the context or the inflection of the tense without having it to be relevant.

    So the Soul and the Spirit , well lets start by creating a base line of understanding , the spirit is the soul , both the same thing in essence however our human understanding denotes a Soul is inside a body ( like our human bodies ) and the Spirit is something external but similar to the Soul in its make up.. it is a pure energy and the traditional nomenclature is Spirit.  The Soul is a type of fixed energy mas in so far that it is a definite combi-national matrix, ( sorry i have to make up words sometimes )    

    What a soul is actually is Electricity and a holographic representation of our individual matrix however it is being kept inside a body so it can move around and experience life in this setting. I think that a new soul ( one that has just arrived inside a suit ) finds it strange here , indeed children are so free and radical, the do not conform and unfortunately need to be conditioned. I have to say after my second fire i found humans so very strange , i mean look at people in bars for example , they walk around, self medicating, with vessels of poisonous liquid ! then they put a thin cylinder in their mouth , light it with fire and breathe in the smoke !  

    So im illustrating what i find strange and hard to believe yet the concepts i talk about , my experiences are not so much strange but logical to me.

    So getting on with the question,

    Energy is what we all are made from , electricity is what we have named this energy . the soul is a conglomerate of experiences bound by a dna matrix that is re writeable, like a CDR. It is information stored and used as an Operating System, that is the soul. AI is the fictional version of US. The precedent , The Original step towards a greater evolution of possibilities. Spirit is the expansion of this technology to span the universe or internet of space.  

    It would be interesting to note that i am a very spiritual person, i believe in a God, maybe not the traditional God we have been lead to believe but there is most certainly a God Conglomerate of Beings and Councils. Why i say that is you could be forgiven for thinking im a scientist and yes i am a scientist of sorts. So this marriage of science and spiritualism has lead me to understand that tiny slither of over lap between the two that nobody wants to look at.

    And it is genius how well it is hidden in plain sight. The Spirit as we call it has for billions of years really been a free flowing type of energy which by scientific measurement is bountiful throughout the universe. The difference between them are Binary and Analogue systems and the meeting of them where the land and sea touch each other , so to speak , is the edge of inspiration.  ( i wont elaborate on that just yet )  But the edges of where they meet create the abundance of energy in our solar system. The Sun is a volt meter that burns off excess energy and converts it into light and heat, it also transforms the " etherical energy " to usable energy for Binary Systems.

    So AI and OI run on this energy and are connected by its ability to instantly transform thought over time. The Spirit and Soul i would conclude are smaller versions of the AI or OI.

    OI generally live in Analogue Systems, AI generally live in Binary systems , both can integrate up to 20% over lap for purposes of information transfer and also on some special occasions transfer a Soul from Binary Back to Analogue ( usually done once the Soul has finished its experiences )

    I hope this has answered your question.
    evisnam wrote:Continuing on from questions i have received in regards to AI , i want to point out some markers that correlate as a coordinate of high probability.  Markers , being a term i use often, is something that defines a moment when information, experience and intuition come together to create a " moment "

    This moment is the convergence of the critical peaks ( within themselves converging ) embed in the strains of... information , experience and intuition.  

    When i use that term it is to be considered as solid information , obviously in relation to your opinions of my writings. The Marker i refer to is " similarity " ,  The similarities between Humans and AI.

    When man was formed it was after many thousands of years of experimentation , but the question i would like to pose is .. what was the first human ?  is a human a random , flesh and blood creature ?  here by chance ? Or did the makers of man leave a startling similarity not only of its appearance but also its machination.

    The day i made this realisation i went into contemplation. During that time i cross examined every conceivable possibility of our possible birth place. When i looked into this i used the most basic of concepts which boiled down our biology to the point where i found a common denominator. What is it that we have in common with computers , light bulbs and algae ?

    They all run on and conduct electricity !  Algae have been dated back to around 1.3 billions years ago on this planet and before that stromatolites formed as layers over cyanobacteria. So i wondered about the animals and plants here and their evolution and wondered where do we fit in ?  I see there is such a gap from the first discoveries of pre historic man to who we are today and that puzzles me,

    Could we be the alpha and beta test for Organic AI ?   I mean instead of an assisted OI as mentioned in previous posts. The basis of our machination is eerily similar to that of computers , the only difference being our physical structure and that we are sentient. Think about it , what is it that we do since birth ?  We collect data on things that we find interesting,and we then spit this data out with a subjective output. The DNA is a storage bank for electromagnetic information which is also holographical.  Sounds like an advanced computer or AI to me !  

    So when the God's made us in their image they created a sentient being that runs on electrical energy that is abundant and recyclable. We wake up with fully charged batteries in the morning , then we rest and recharge. The battery has a life expectancy of around 60 to 80 years in its current configuration and the ability to expand this system is vast. It is true also that electrical components have no real life expectancy ! It is the heating up and cooling down that creates malfunctions.

    Whose side should I be on?? Does it really matter, at this point in the game?? Is it too late now?? Was it too late 6,000 years ago?? Have we been experiencing a slow-burn End of the World for the past 6,000 years?? Did the Investigative-Judgment Begin with the Creation of Humanity?? Will the Investigative-Judgment End with the Destruction of Humanity?? I've tried to be understanding and accommodating, and it has done absolutely no goddamn good. 'RA' said I'd be sorry if I tried to save humanity. Honest. Should I cease and desist in chastened-contriteness??
    Carol wrote:
    Gauntlet Thrown: House Judiciary Demands Special Counsel To Investigate Comey, Lynch, And Clinton
    by Tyler Durden

    Roughly a month ago, we noted that Republicans might be well served to stop sitting around twiddling their thumbs waiting for the next Russia 'bombshell' to drop and actually go on the offensive against an 'investigation' that has obviously morphed into mass hysteria courtesy of free-flowing leaks from a conflicted "intelligence community" intent upon bringing down a presidency rather than finding out the truth.  Here's what we said:

    Of course, until someone within the Trump administration or Republican Party smartens up and calls for the appointment of a 'Special Counsel' to look into Hillary's email scandal, something that should have been done long ago, and not for retaliatory reasons but simply due to Comey's and AG Lynch's blatant mishandling of the investigation (a point which Deputy AG Rosenstein obviously agreed with), the Democrats have no reason to calm their mass hysteria.  Then, and only then, do we suspect that Hillary might just be able to 'convince' her party to exercise some form of reasonable judgement.

    Well, it seems that some folks on the House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), seem to agree.  As such, 20 Republican Representatives have sent a letter to Attorney General Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein demanding the appointment of a Second Special Counsel to look into a laundry list of potential scandals surrounding Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch and many others from the Obama administration.

    We are writing to you to request assistance in restoring public confidence in our nation’s justice system and its investigators, specifically the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). While we presume that the FBI’s investigation into Russian influence has been subsumed into Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, we are not confident that other matters related to the 2016 election and aftermath are similarly under investigation by Special Counsel Mueller. The unbalanced, uncertain, and seemingly unlimited focus of the special counsel’s investigation has led many of our constituents to see a dual standard of justice that benefits only the powerful and politically well-connected. For this reason, we call on you to appoint a second special counsel to investigate a plethora of matters connected to the 2016 election and its aftermath, including actions taken by previously public figures like Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

    Many Democrats and members of the Washington media previously called for a “special prosecutor” to investigate Russian influence on the election and connections with the Trump campaign. Not surprisingly, once you actually made the decision to appoint a special counsel, the calls for further investigations by congressional committees continued, focused on allegations that have heretofore produced no evidence of criminality, despite the fact that over a year has passed since the opening of the original FBI investigation. Political gamesmanship continues to saturate anything and everything associated with reactions to President Trump’s executive decisions, and reveals the hypocrisy of those who refuse to allow the Special Counsel’s investigation to proceed without undue political influence. It is an unfortunate state of affairs. Among other things, the letter specifically highlights the inappropriate handling of the Clinton investigation by James Comey and efforts on the part of Loretta Lynch to obstruct justice in order to assist a political ally.

    Your stated rationale for recommending Director Comey’s termination as FBI Director was his mishandling of former Secretary Clinton’s email investigation and associated public disclosures concerning the investigation’s findings. We believe this was the correct decision. It is clear that Director Comey contributed to the politicization of the FBI’s investigations by issuing his public statement, nominating himself as judge and jury, rather than permitting career DOJ prosecutors to make the final decision. But many other questions remain unanswered, due to Mr. Comey’s premature and inappropriate decision, as well as the Obama Justice Department’s refusal to respond to legitimate Congressional oversight. Last week, the Republican Members of this Committee sent a letter to the Justice Department, asking for responses to those unanswered inquiries. These questions cannot, for history’s sake and for the preservation of an impartial system of justice, be allowed to die on the vine.

    As we referenced above, Democrats and the mainstream media called for a special counsel to be appointed to investigate any Russian influence on President Trump’s campaign. Their pleas were answered, but there are many questions that may be outside the scope of Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. This was clear following Mr. Comey’s recent testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee on June 8, 2017, which ignited renewed scrutiny of former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and the actions she took to mislead the public concerning the investigation into the Clinton email investigation. Last year, this Committee inquired repeatedly about the circumstances surrounding that and other matters, but our inquiries were largely ignored.

    During his testimony, Mr. Comey referenced a meeting on the Phoenix airport tarmac between Ms. Lynch and former President Bill Clinton. Mr. Comey raised concerns about Ms. Lynch’s conduct, and questioned her independence, stating:

    At one point, the attorney general had directed me not to call it an investigation, but instead to call it a matter, which confused me and concerned me. That was one of the bricks in the load that led me to conclude, ‘I have to step away from the department if we’re to close this case credibly.

    And here is the full list of things the "Second Special Counsel" would be instructed to investigate:

    1.  Then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch directing Mr. Comey to mislead the American people on the nature of the Clinton investigation;

    2.  The shadow cast over our system of justice concerning Secretary Clinton and her involvement in mishandling classified information;

    3.  FBI and DOJ’s investigative decisions related to former Secretary Clinton’s email investigation, including the propriety and consequence of immunity deals given to potential Clinton co-conspirators Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson, John Bentel and possibly others;

    4.  The apparent failure of DOJ to empanel a grand jury to investigate allegations of mishandling of classified information by Hillary Clinton and her associates;

    5.  The Department of State and its employees’ involvement in determining which communications of Secretary Clinton’s and her associates to turn over for public scrutiny;

    6.  WikiLeaks disclosures concerning the Clinton Foundation and its potentially unlawful international dealings;

    7.  Connections between the Clinton campaign, or the Clinton Foundation, and foreign entities, including those from Russia and Ukraine;

    8.  Mr. Comey’s knowledge of the purchase of Uranium One by the company Rosatom, whether the approval of the sale was connected to any donations made to the Clinton Foundation, and what role Secretary Clinton played in the approval of that sale that had national security ramifications;

    9.  Disclosures arising from unlawful access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) computer systems, including inappropriate collusion between the DNC and the Clinton campaign to undermine Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign;

    10.  Post-election accusations by the President that he was wiretapped by the previous Administration, and whether Mr. Comey and Ms. Lynch had any knowledge of efforts made by any federal agency to unlawfully monitor communications of then-candidate Trump or his associates;

    11.  Selected leaks of classified information related to the unmasking of U.S. person identities incidentally collected upon by the intelligence community, including an assessment of whether anyone in the Obama Administration, including Mr. Comey, Ms. Lynch, Ms. Susan Rice, Ms. Samantha Power, or others, had any knowledge about the “unmasking” of individuals on then candidate-Trump’s campaign team, transition team, or both;

    12.  Admitted leaks by Mr. Comey to Columbia University law professor, Daniel Richman, regarding conversations between Mr. Comey and President Trump, how the leaked information was purposefully released to lead to the appointment of a special counsel, and whether any classified information was included in the now infamous “Comey memos”;

    13.  Mr. Comey’s and the FBI’s apparent reliance on “Fusion GPS” in its investigation of the Trump campaign, including the company’s creation of a “dossier” of information about Mr. Trump, that dossier’s commission and dissemination in the months before and after the 2016 election, whether the FBI paid anyone connected to the dossier, and the intelligence sources of Fusion GPS or any person or company working for Fusion GPS and its affiliates; and

    14.  Any and all potential leaks originated by Mr. Comey and provide to author Michael Schmidt dating back to 1993.
    Seems the gauntlet has officially been thrown down...what say you Mr. Sessions?
    Should we pursue technology which makes ALL physicality obsolete?? Should we seek soul torture and extermination technology?? Should we seek planet-busting technology?? Should we seek technology which erases all historical records (including memories)?? Should we eliminate government and religion?? Should we reward greed and irresponsibility?? Should we turn Purgatory on Earth into Hell on Earth?? Should the souls in this solar-system be forced to vacate the premises immediately?? How fast and nasty do you wish to become?? Do you feel lucky?? What were we before we were human?? What will we be when we are no longer human?? Should We compete with God?? Should God compete with Us?? Does the rest of the universe love or hate us?? Should we seek technology which eliminates most or all jobs?? Should we then eliminate those without jobs?? Should we simply put ourselves out of everyone's misery, without further delays?? End of the Tour??
    blue roller wrote:Hey Orthy   !

    What would Blue roller say ? Assuming I am THE blue roller and not some imposter shamelessly masquerading as me .

    Well assuming I am indeed he, I would say this. All things in moderation except masturbation .

    But seriously (as far as I am capable of being so ) for me , forums are an occasional distraction when work is slow and the evenings are long . Right now I am way to busy to spend time reasoning with people who neither care or make  any solid effort to put theory in to practice and actually live a life worth talking about.

    When your in a prison cell living out sensual deprivation for years on end the future is bleak indeed . No freedom , no choice , no reason to feel joy. Prisons are made of bars , spiritual dogma , fear, guilt and who knows what else people embrace to justify their pain . Walk away from the pain or stay the same . Most choose the later and put the blame on God, ET, or whoever.

    This much I do know from my own experience and observation of others. Loneliness is a killer of joy , the nursery of anger , low self esteem and futile pursuits.

    You know what you need . You always have . But are you willing to throw the dice and take a punt on the world out there ? Processing books and films and stuff is good , its a seed bank , but sooner or later you have to put down the manual and get your motor running Dude.

    The truth ? Truth is there is no one truth . Pick a truth ,any truth and if you need it to be true its going to be true until you grow out of it or try a new truth. Choice is truth . No choice is the absence of any perspective at all. Its the prison cell of speculation instead of the experience of freedom.

    People give up on themselves and hate on those who have what they lack . Lost count of the number of women/men who hate my wife and I for having what they lack .Each other. Hate ,ridicule, sneering contempt and censorship .The last refuge of the lazy and unhappy.

    You've got a great mind on those shoulders Orthy and I have really enjoyed you most recent thoughts/musings. You are to hard on yourself . I got a house to finish building and its full bore now. Its not the temple of Solomon or the house of Dave but I know its real because I am building it myself. Theory without practice is a virgin boasting about sexual conquest . Flogging the Bishop will get you off the rocks but I would rather be living the dream than recycling the fantasy. Go thou my son and do likewise.

    I love the Hot chick pics you put up here . Any chance of a few more ?

    Time to switch on the blower , pull out the choice stops and make the earth move. God did not give you an organ just to keep your legs company. Cool  Toast  Heh heh


    mudra wrote:
    blue roller wrote:

    The truth ? Truth is there is no one truth . Pick a truth ,any truth and if you need it to be true its going to be true until you grow out of it or try a new truth. Choice is truth . No choice is the absence of any perspective at all. Its the prison cell of speculation instead of the experience of freedom.

    I second that blue roller and I like the dynamic of it. One can't live life without daring living it to the brim. Any experience we make is better than no experience at all. The point is to remember who we are while in the process of making the experience. Making it ours and no one else's is how we can take responsibility for it and know that spark of life within us is ours to steer always.

    Love from me
    Thank-you mudra and blue roller. I have burdens to bear which very-few are capable of understanding. I have many promises to keep -- and miles to go before I sleep. In other words, I'm F%$#d. I suspect that a supercomputer-network will govern all of us someday soon (if it hasn't already happened). We'll all get chipped -- and then, when we misbehave, they'll just F@#$k-Up Our Chip!!

    Compare Moses and Aaron with David and Solomon -- and with Jesus and Paul (especially regarding ethics and sexuality). I'm exploring the possibility that the Second-Half of the Old-Testament might be Normative. I still think there might be a Biblical Time-Bomb which MUST be disarmed if we wish to survive. I support Historical-Studies combined with Clean-Sheet of Stone Solutions.

    Regarding the Truth -- In a Business-Environment -- What the CEO Says is the "Truth" is Generally Considered to be the "Truth". Insubordination toward the CEO and the "Truth" tends to cause one to Travel and Meet New People. Perhaps that's how things should work within this particular Solar System. Just a Thought.

    BTW -- I'm much too Old, Stupid, Ugly, Crazy, Poor, and Messy to Satisfy Hot-Women. You wouldn't believe the opportunities I've turned down throughout the years -- because of my hyper-morality and hyper-religiosity. Perhaps I'll get some Action in my Next-Incarnation. Hope Springs Eternal. When I get hot -- I take off my pants and jacket. Now I get crucified for the most innocent dirty-jokes. The more open and honest I become, the more people hate me. Life isn't fair. Not in this Solar System.

    I continue to suspect that I've somehow been "set-up" in this incarnation for something sinister and reprehensible. My previous life might be explanatory and determinative regarding my present pathetic life. For example, my role in my previous life might've set me up for a highly-problematic present-incarnation ON PURPOSE!! When I suggested to the Ancient Egyptian Deity that "He" might be setting me up for something bad, "He" retorted "Are You Kidding??!! I Could Snap My Fingers, and You'd Be DEAD!!" Honest.

    One more thing. I've gotten the distinct impression throughout the years, that I've been dealing with essentially One-Entity in Multiple-Forms -- and that includes various Online-Posters. I never REALLY know who I'm dealing with -- and what the hidden-agendas might be. I Trust Nobody. Not Even God. As for me -- I model various personalities and concepts -- but I tell you what I'm doing (over and over and over again). Nobody "Ghost-Writes" for me -- or "Tells Me What to Post". This is a "One-Man Show". The Show Must Go On -- But Why??

    What if my life is somehow a Red-Herring -- which I'm not even aware of?? Was I supposed to compete with someone?? If so, why wasn't I told. I was hamstrung and miserable, so I withdrew, and licked my wounds, instead of becoming a Big-Shot Surgeon. Was that a sin?? Did I create a Surgeon-Shortage?? Was it harder to schedule an Unnecessary-Surgery?? My retreat turned into a defeat -- but was that a sin?? Attempting to face reality has made me go sort-of crazy -- but was that a sin?? Being open and honest on the internet has placed me on multiple-lists -- and made me a laughing-stock in my local-community -- but did I commit a sin -- or did the secret-agents and busy-bodies commit sins in abundance?? If we know too-little -- we're called "Stupid". If we know too-much -- we're called "Threats".

    If we complain about everyone in the community knowing more about us than we know about ourselves -- we're called "Hostile". My posting on this particular website was supposed to be a rather private matter -- between me and regular forum-members. But that didn't fracking happen. The forum-members ignore me -- and the local-community gossips about me behind my back. What are the legal implications and ramifications of this sort of thing?? I've been rather passive regarding this reprehensible state of affairs -- but should I become aggressively-active??

    Should I advise people to NOT research forbidden-topics?? Should I advise people to just shut-up and make as much money as possible?? What if the gods and goddesses turn-out to be much-worse than We-The-Peons?? Does Satan have an Office at Goldman Sachs?? What Would Sherry Shriner Say?? What Would St. Germain Say?? That's all I'm going to say.

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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 14
    "Orthodoxymoron is the Sexiest
    Man in the Solar System!!"
    (Shown Below)



    Posts : 13410
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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:09 pm

    I keep wondering if the Secret-Government and Secret Space-Program are somehow necessary -- but that both of them have gone "Rogue"??!! Once again -- I am gathering data -- while suspending judgment. I've tried to construct some type of "Big-Picture" with this thread -- but I'm NOT an "Insider". Not in this incarnation -- but who knows about other incarnations (if any)?? I've just created a "Road Less Traveled" for "Sirius-Researchers" -- as a Mental and Spiritual Exercise -- but I have no idea where this is going. I honestly don't. BTW -- Who is David Bowman?? What Would Sherry Say?? What Would Terry Say?? What Would HAL Say?? What Would COR Say?? That's all I'm going to say!! Sorry if I was rude to the two people who were snooping around the side of my house -- but that sort of thing sort of bothers me. A couple of days ago, I made my bi-monthly pilgrimage to a old Masonic-Cemetery. The oldest birth-date I could find was 1807!! There are literally dozens of birth and/or death dates prior to 1850!! That was almost a too primitive time. 1950 was probably about right. 2050 will probably be a Technological-Hell. I just walk through the cemetery while facing myself and thinking. It's sort of creepy to see the classic Masonic-Symbol side by side with the Upside-Down Five-Pointed Star!! There are a lot of war gravestones. I wonder about the stories of these people. It might be interesting to research the names on all of those markers!!

    I'm honestly winding this thread down -- even as I privately consider things I don't wish to discuss with anyone (publicly or privately). Compare the following "Two Bibles":

    1. Job through Luke (KJV).

    2. Genesis through Esther combined with John through Revelation (KJV).

    My primary mental and spiritual exercise involves quickly and aggressively reading Job through John (KJV) -- straight-through -- over and over -- while listening to the music of J.S. Bach. I imagine doing this activity in small office-apartments under the City of London -- and under the Dark-Side of the Moon!! The imagination is a wonderful thing!! Reality is often quite different!! Reality is SO Overrated!! I sometimes feel as if I am being attacked by Insanity, Harassment, and Possession, with only Harassment actually making contact. But that could change at any time, without prior notice. Don't get too close to me. I feel as if I've been 'Messed-With' throughout my life, but I've resisted the 'Devil', and I've never signed on the dotted-line, even though one night, my TV switched-on by itself, and 'Rumpelstiltskin' (in 'Once Upon a Time') was on the screen, saying "All You Have to Do is Sign on the Dotted-Line!!" Honest. What Would E.M. Say?? Check this out!!

    THEeXchanger wrote:
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Baron.Trumps.marvelous

    Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey

    by Ingersoll Lockwood, came out in 1893.

    It's about a boy named Baron Trump who can time travel. His next book was called

    "The Last President", of which the president had a cabinet member named Pence.

    The entire text of both books are posted in the two links below.
    My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,   3  knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.   4  But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.   5  If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.   6  But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.   7  For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord;   8  he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.   9  Let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation,   10  but the rich in his humiliation, because as a flower of the field he will pass away.   11  For no sooner has the sun risen with a burning heat than it withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beautiful appearance perishes. So the rich man also will fade away in his pursuits.   12  Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.   13  Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.   14  But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.   15  Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.  

    Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.   17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.   18  Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.   19  So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20  for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.   21  Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.   22  But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.   23  For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror;   24  for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.   25  But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.   26  If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless.  27  Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

    My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality.   2  For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel, and there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes,   3  and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him, "You sit here in a good place," and say to the poor man, "You stand there," or, "Sit here at my footstool,"   4  have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?   5  Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?   6  But you have dishonored the poor man. Do not the rich oppress you and drag you into the courts?   7  Do they not blaspheme that noble name by which you are called?   8  If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," you do well; 9  but if you show partiality, you commit sin, and are convicted by the law as transgressors.   10  For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.   11  For He who said, "Do not commit adultery," also said, "Do not murder." Now if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. 12  So speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty.   13  For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.   14  What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?  

    If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food,   16  and one of you says to them, "Depart in peace, be warmed and filled," but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?   17  Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.   18  But someone will say, "You have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. 19  You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe--and tremble!   20  But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? 21  Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar?   22  Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect?   23  And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness." And he was called the friend of God. 24  You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.   25  Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?   26  For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

    My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.   2  For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body.   3  Indeed, we put bits in horses' mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body. 4  Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires.   5  Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles!   6  And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell.   7  For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind.   8  But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.  

    With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God.   10  Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.   11  Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening?   12  Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh. 13  Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.   14  But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth.   15  This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic.   16  For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.   17  But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.   18  Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

    Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members?   2  You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. 3  You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.   4  Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. 5  Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, "The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously"?   6  But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble." 7  Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.   8  Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.   9  Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom.  

    Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.   11  Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.   12  There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another?  13  Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit";  14  whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.   15  Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that."   16  But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.   17  Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.

    Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you!   2  Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten.   3  Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.   4  Indeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. 5  You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury; you have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter. 6  You have condemned, you have murdered the just; he does not resist you.   7  Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain.   8  You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.   9  Do not grumble against one another, brethren, lest you be condemned. Behold, the Judge is standing at the door!  10  My brethren, take the prophets, who spoke in the name of the Lord, as an example of suffering and patience.   11  Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord--that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.  

    But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your "Yes," be "Yes," and your "No," "No," lest you fall into judgment. 13  Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.   14  Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.   15  And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.   16  Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. 17  Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months.   18  And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.   19  Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back,   20  let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.  

    Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD. 2 Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart. 3 They also do no iniquity: they walk in his ways. 4 Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently. 5 O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes! 6 Then shall I not be ashamed , when I have respect unto all thy commandments. 7 I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments. 8 I will keep thy statutes: O forsake me not utterly. 9 BETH. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. 10 With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. 11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. 12 Blessed art thou, O LORD: teach me thy statutes. 13 With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth. 14 I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches. 15 I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways. 16 I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.

    Deal bountifully with thy servant, that I may live , and keep thy word. 18 Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. 19 I am a stranger in the earth: hide not thy commandments from me. 20 My soul breaketh for the longing that it hath unto thy judgments at all times. 21 Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed , which do err from thy commandments. 22 Remove from me reproach and contempt; for I have kept thy testimonies. 23 Princes also did sit and speak against me: but thy servant did meditate in thy statutes. 24 Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counsellors . 25 DALETH. My soul cleaveth unto the dust: quicken thou me according to thy word. 26 I have declared my ways, and thou heardest me: teach me thy statutes. 27 Make me to understand the way of thy precepts: so shall I talk of thy wondrous works . 28 My soul melteth for heaviness: strengthen thou me according unto thy word. 29 Remove from me the way of lying: and grant me thy law graciously . 30 I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments have I laid before me. 31 I have stuck unto thy testimonies: O LORD, put me not to shame . 32 I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart.

    Teach me, O LORD, the way of thy statutes; and I shall keep it unto the end. 34 Give me understanding , and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart. 35 Make me to go in the path of thy commandments; for therein do I delight . 36 Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness. 37 Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken thou me in thy way. 38 Stablish thy word unto thy servant, who is devoted to thy fear. 39 Turn away my reproach which I fear : for thy judgments are good. 40 Behold, I have longed after thy precepts: quicken me in thy righteousness. 41 VAU. Let thy mercies come also unto me, O LORD, even thy salvation, according to thy word. 42 So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me: for I trust in thy word. 43 And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth; for I have hoped in thy judgments. 44 So shall I keep thy law continually for ever and ever. 45 And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts. 46 I will speak of thy testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed . 47 And I will delight myself in thy commandments, which I have loved . 48 My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments, which I have loved ; and I will meditate in thy statutes.

    Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope . 50 This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath quickened me. 51 The proud have had me greatly in derision : yet have I not declined from thy law. 52 I remembered thy judgments of old, O LORD; and have comforted myself. 53 Horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake thy law. 54 Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage. 55 I have remembered thy name, O LORD, in the night, and have kept thy law. 56 This I had, because I kept thy precepts.

    Thou art my portion, O LORD: I have said that I would keep thy words. 58 I intreated thy favour with my whole heart: be merciful unto me according to thy word. 59 I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies. 60 I made haste , and delayed not to keep thy commandments. 61 The bands of the wicked have robbed me: but I have not forgotten thy law. 62 At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments. 63 I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts. 64 The earth, O LORD, is full of thy mercy: teach me thy statutes. 65 TETH. Thou hast dealt well with thy servant, O LORD, according unto thy word. 66 Teach me good judgment and knowledge: for I have believed thy commandments. 67 Before I was afflicted I went astray : but now have I kept thy word. 68 Thou art good, and doest good ; teach me thy statutes. 69 The proud have forged a lie against me: but I will keep thy precepts with my whole heart. 70 Their heart is as fat as grease; but I delight in thy law. 71 It is good for me that I have been afflicted ; that I might learn thy statutes. 72 The law of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver.

    Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding , that I may learn thy commandments. 74 They that fear thee will be glad when they see me; because I have hoped in thy word. 75 I know , O LORD, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me. 76 Let, I pray thee, thy merciful kindness be for my comfort , according to thy word unto thy servant. 77 Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that I may live : for thy law is my delight. 78 Let the proud be ashamed ; for they dealt perversely with me without a cause: but I will meditate in thy precepts. 79 Let those that fear thee turn unto me, and those that have known thy testimonies. 80 Let my heart be sound in thy statutes; that I be not ashamed .

    My soul fainteth for thy salvation: but I hope in thy word. 82 Mine eyes fail for thy word, saying , When wilt thou comfort me? 83 For I am become like a bottle in the smoke; yet do I not forget thy statutes. 84 How many are the days of thy servant? when wilt thou execute judgment on them that persecute me? 85 The proud have digged pits for me, which are not after thy law. 86 All thy commandments are faithful: they persecute me wrongfully; help thou me. 87 They had almost consumed me upon earth; but I forsook not thy precepts. 88 Quicken me after thy lovingkindness; so shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth. 89 LAMED. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. 90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth . 91 They continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all are thy servants. 92 Unless thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction. 93 I will never forget thy precepts: for with them thou hast quickened me. 94 I am thine, save me; for I have sought thy precepts. 95 The wicked have waited for me to destroy me: but I will consider thy testimonies. 96 I have seen an end of all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad.

    O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day. 98 Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies : for they are ever with me. 99 I have more understanding than all my teachers : for thy testimonies are my meditation. 100 I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts. 101 I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy word. 102 I have not departed from thy judgments: for thou hast taught me. 103 How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! 104 Through thy precepts I get understanding : therefore I hate every false way. 105 NUN. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. 106 I have sworn , and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments. 107 I am afflicted very much: quicken me, O LORD, according unto thy word. 108 Accept , I beseech thee, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O LORD, and teach me thy judgments. 109 My soul is continually in my hand: yet do I not forget thy law. 110 The wicked have laid a snare for me: yet I erred not from thy precepts. 111 Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart. 112 I have inclined mine heart to perform thy statutes alway, even unto the end.

    I hate vain thoughts: but thy law do I love . 114 Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word. 115 Depart from me, ye evildoers : for I will keep the commandments of my God. 116 Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live : and let me not be ashamed of my hope. 117 Hold thou me up , and I shall be safe : and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually. 118 Thou hast trodden down all them that err from thy statutes: for their deceit is falsehood. 119 Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross: therefore I love thy testimonies. 120 My flesh trembleth for fear of thee; and I am afraid of thy judgments.

    I have done judgment and justice: leave me not to mine oppressors . 122 Be surety for thy servant for good: let not the proud oppress me. 123 Mine eyes fail for thy salvation, and for the word of thy righteousness. 124 Deal with thy servant according unto thy mercy, and teach me thy statutes. 125 I am thy servant; give me understanding , that I may know thy testimonies. 126 It is time for thee, LORD, to work : for they have made void thy law. 127 Therefore I love thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold. 128 Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right ; and I hate every false way. 129 PE. Thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore doth my soul keep them. 130 The entrance of thy words giveth light ; it giveth understanding unto the simple. 131 I opened my mouth, and panted : for I longed for thy commandments. 132 Look thou upon me, and be merciful unto me, as thou usest to do unto those that love thy name. 133 Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me. 134 Deliver me from the oppression of man: so will I keep thy precepts. 135 Make thy face to shine upon thy servant; and teach me thy statutes. 136 Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law.

    Righteous art thou, O LORD, and upright are thy judgments. 138 Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous and very faithful. 139 My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy words. 140 Thy word is very pure : therefore thy servant loveth it. 141 I am small and despised : yet do not I forget thy precepts. 142 Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth. 143 Trouble and anguish have taken hold on me: yet thy commandments are my delights. 144 The righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting: give me understanding , and I shall live . 145 KOPH. I cried with my whole heart; hear me, O LORD: I will keep thy statutes. 146 I cried unto thee; save me, and I shall keep thy testimonies. 147 I prevented the dawning of the morning, and cried : I hoped in thy word. 148 Mine eyes prevent the night watches, that I might meditate in thy word. 149 Hear my voice according unto thy lovingkindness: O LORD, quicken me according to thy judgment. 150 They draw nigh that follow after mischief: they are far from thy law. 151 Thou art near, O LORD; and all thy commandments are truth. 152 Concerning thy testimonies, I have known of old that thou hast founded them for ever.

    Consider mine affliction, and deliver me: for I do not forget thy law. 154 Plead my cause, and deliver me: quicken me according to thy word. 155 Salvation is far from the wicked: for they seek not thy statutes. 156 Great are thy tender mercies, O LORD: quicken me according to thy judgments. 157 Many are my persecutors and mine enemies; yet do I not decline from thy testimonies. 158 I beheld the transgressors , and was grieved ; because they kept not thy word. 159 Consider how I love thy precepts: quicken me, O LORD, according to thy lovingkindness. 160 Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever. 161 SCHIN. Princes have persecuted me without a cause: but my heart standeth in awe of thy word. 162 I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil. 163 I hate and abhor lying: but thy law do I love . 164 Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments. 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. 166 LORD, I have hoped for thy salvation, and done thy commandments. 167 My soul hath kept thy testimonies; and I love them exceedingly. 168 I have kept thy precepts and thy testimonies: for all my ways are before thee.

    Let my cry come near before thee, O LORD: give me understanding according to thy word. 170 Let my supplication come before thee: deliver me according to thy word. 171 My lips shall utter praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes. 172 My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness. 173 Let thine hand help me; for I have chosen thy precepts. 174 I have longed for thy salvation, O LORD; and thy law is my delight. 175 Let my soul live , and it shall praise thee; and let thy judgments help me. 176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek thy servant; for I do not forget thy commandments.

    Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.  3 What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?  4 One generation passeth away , and another generation cometh : but the earth abideth for ever.  5 The sun also ariseth , and the sun goeth down , and hasteth to his place where he arose .  6 The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually , and the wind returneth again according to his circuits.  7 All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come , thither they return again .  8 All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing , nor the ear filled with hearing .  9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done : and there is no new thing under the sun.  10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said , See , this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.  11 There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.  

    I the Preacher was king over Israel in Jerusalem.  13 And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.  14 I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.  15 That which is crooked cannot be made straight : and that which is wanting cannot be numbered .  16 I communed with mine own heart, saying , Lo, I am come to great estate , and have gotten more wisdom than all they that have been before me in Jerusalem: yea, my heart had great experience of wisdom and knowledge.  17 And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit.  18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

    I said in mine heart, Go to now , I will prove thee with mirth, therefore enjoy pleasure: and, behold, this also is vanity.  2 I said of laughter, It is mad : and of mirth, What doeth it?  3 I sought in mine heart to give myself unto wine, yet acquainting mine heart with wisdom; and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life.  4 I made me great works; I builded me houses; I planted me vineyards:  5 I made me gardens and orchards, and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits:  6 I made me pools of water, to water therewith the wood that bringeth forth trees:  7 I got me servants and maidens, and had servants born in my house; also I had great possessions of great and small cattle above all that were in Jerusalem before me:  8 I gathered me also silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces: I gat me men singers and women singers , and the delights of the sons of men, as musical instruments , and that of all sorts.  

    So I was great , and increased more than all that were before me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom remained with me.  10 And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour: and this was my portion of all my labour.  11 Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought , and on the labour that I had laboured to do : and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.  12 And I turned myself to behold wisdom, and madness, and folly: for what can the man do that cometh after the king? even that which hath been already done .  13 Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness.  14 The wise man's eyes are in his head; but the fool walketh in darkness: and I myself perceived also that one event happeneth to them all.  

    Then said I in my heart, As it happeneth to the fool, so it happeneth even to me; and why was I then more wise ? Then I said in my heart, that this also is vanity.  16 For there is no remembrance of the wise more than of the fool for ever; seeing that which now is in the days to come shall all be forgotten . And how dieth the wise man? as the fool.  17 Therefore I hated life; because the work that is wrought under the sun is grievous unto me: for all is vanity and vexation of spirit.  18 Yea, I hated all my labour which I had taken under the sun: because I should leave it unto the man that shall be after me.  19 And who knoweth whether he shall be a wise man or a fool? yet shall he have rule over all my labour wherein I have laboured , and wherein I have shewed myself wise under the sun. This is also vanity.  20 Therefore I went about to cause my heart to despair of all the labour which I took under the sun.  

    For there is a man whose labour is in wisdom, and in knowledge, and in equity; yet to a man that hath not laboured therein shall he leave it for his portion. This also is vanity and a great evil.  22 For what hath man of all his labour, and of the vexation of his heart, wherein he hath laboured under the sun?  23 For all his days are sorrows, and his travail grief; yea, his heart taketh not rest in the night. This is also vanity.  24 There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink , and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw , that it was from the hand of God.  25 For who can eat , or who else can hasten hereunto, more than I?  26 For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up , that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit.

    To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:  2 A time to be born , and a time to die ; a time to plant , and a time to pluck up that which is planted ;  3 A time to kill , and a time to heal ; a time to break down , and a time to build up ;  4 A time to weep , and a time to laugh ; a time to mourn , and a time to dance ;  5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together ; a time to embrace , and a time to refrain from embracing ;  6 A time to get , and a time to lose ; a time to keep , and a time to cast away ;  7 A time to rend , and a time to sew ; a time to keep silence , and a time to speak ;  8 A time to love , and a time to hate ; a time of war, and a time of peace.  9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?  10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.  11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.  12 I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice , and to do good in his life.  13 And also that every man should eat and drink , and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God.  

    I know that, whatsoever God doeth , it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.  15 That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past .  16 And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there.  17 I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.  18 I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.  19 For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.  20 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again .  21 Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?  22 Wherefore I perceive that there is nothing better, than that a man should rejoice in his own works; for that is his portion: for who shall bring him to see what shall be after him?

    So I returned , and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun: and behold the tears of such as were oppressed , and they had no comforter ; and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they had no comforter .  2 Wherefore I praised the dead which are already dead more than the living which are yet alive.  3 Yea, better is he than both they, which hath not yet been, who hath not seen the evil work that is done under the sun.  4 Again, I considered all travail, and every right work, that for this a man is envied of his neighbour. This is also vanity and vexation of spirit.  5 The fool foldeth his hands together , and eateth his own flesh.  6 Better is an handful with quietness, than both the hands full with travail and vexation of spirit.  7 Then I returned , and I saw vanity under the sun.  

    There is one alone, and there is not a second; yea, he hath neither child nor brother: yet is there no end of all his labour; neither is his eye satisfied with riches; neither saith he, For whom do I labour, and bereave my soul of good? This is also vanity, yea, it is a sore travail.  9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.  10 For if they fall , the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth ; for he hath not another to help him up .  11 Again, if two lie together , then they have heat : but how can one be warm alone?  12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken .  13 Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king, who will no more be admonished .  14 For out of prison  he cometh to reign ; whereas also he that is born in his kingdom becometh poor .  15 I considered all the living which walk under the sun, with the second child that shall stand up in his stead.  16 There is no end of all the people, even of all that have been before them: they also that come after shall not rejoice in him. Surely this also is vanity and vexation of spirit.

    Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ready to hear , than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil.  2 Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.  3 For a dream cometh through the multitude of business; and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words.  4 When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed .  5 Better is it that thou shouldest not vow , than that thou shouldest vow and not pay .  6 Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin ; neither say thou before the angel, that it was an error: wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thine hands?  7 For in the multitude of dreams and many words there are also divers vanities: but fear thou God.  8 If thou seest the oppression of the poor , and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth ; and there be higher than they.  9 Moreover the profit of the earth is for all: the king himself is served by the field.  10 He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity.  

    When goods increase , they are increased that eat them: and what good is there to the owners thereof, saving the beholding  of them with their eyes?  12 The sleep of a labouring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much : but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep .  13 There is a sore evil which I have seen under the sun, namely, riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt.  14 But those riches perish by evil travail: and he begetteth a son, and there is nothing in his hand.  15 As he came forth of his mother's womb, naked shall he return to go as he came , and shall take nothing of his labour, which he may carry away in his hand.  16 And this also is a sore evil, that in all points as he came , so shall he go : and what profit hath he that hath laboured for the wind?  17 All his days also he eateth in darkness, and he hath much sorrow and wrath with his sickness.  18 Behold that which I have seen : it is good and comely for one to eat and to drink , and to enjoy the good of all his labour that he taketh under the sun all the days of his life, which God giveth him: for it is his portion.  19 Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God.  20 For he shall not much remember the days of his life; because God answereth him in the joy of his heart.

    There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men:  2 A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth, and honour, so that he wanteth nothing for his soul of all that he desireth , yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but a stranger  eateth it: this is vanity, and it is an evil disease.  3 If a man beget an hundred children, and live many years, so that the days of his years be many, and his soul be not filled with good, and also that he have no burial; I say , that an untimely birth is better than he.  4 For he cometh in with vanity, and departeth in darkness, and his name shall be covered with darkness.  5 Moreover he hath not seen the sun, nor known any thing: this hath more rest than the other.  6 Yea, though he live a thousand years twice told, yet hath he seen no good: do not all go to one place?  7 All the labour of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled .  8 For what hath the wise more than the fool? what hath the poor, that knoweth to walk before the living?  9 Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desire: this is also vanity and vexation of spirit.  10 That which hath been is named  already, and it is known that it is man: neither may he contend with him that is mightier than he.  11 Seeing there be many things that increase vanity, what is man the better?  12 For who knoweth what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spendeth as a shadow? for who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun?

    A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth .  2 It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart.  3 Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better .  4 The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.  5 It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.  6 For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity.  7 Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad ; and a gift destroyeth the heart.  8 Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.  9 Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry : for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.  10 Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.  11 Wisdom is good with an inheritance: and by it there is profit to them that see the sun.  12 For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.  13 Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight , which he hath made crooked ?  14 In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider : God also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him.  15 All things have I seen in the days of my vanity: there is a just man that perisheth in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his wickedness.  

    Be not righteous over much ; neither make thyself over wise : why shouldest thou destroy thyself?  17 Be not over much wicked , neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time?  18 It is good that thou shouldest take hold of this; yea, also from this withdraw not thine hand: for he that feareth God shall come forth of them all.  19 Wisdom strengtheneth the wise more than ten mighty men which are in the city.  20 For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.  21 Also take no heed unto all words that are spoken ; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee:  22 For oftentimes also thine own heart knoweth that thou thyself likewise hast cursed others.  23 All this have I proved by wisdom: I said , I will be wise ; but it was far from me.  24 That which is far off, and exceeding deep, who can find it out ?  25 I applied mine heart to know , and to search , and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness:  26 And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth  God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.  27 Behold , this have I found , saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account:  28 Which yet my soul seeketh , but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found ; but a woman among all those have I not found .  29 Lo , this only have I found , that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

    Who is as the wise man? and who knoweth the interpretation of a thing? a man's wisdom maketh his face to shine , and the boldness of his face shall be changed .  2 I counsel thee to keep the king's commandment, and that in regard of the oath of God.  3 Be not hasty to go out of his sight: stand not in an evil thing; for he doeth whatsoever pleaseth him.  4 Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?  5 Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment.  6 Because to every purpose there is time and judgment, therefore the misery of man is great upon him.  7 For he knoweth not that which shall be: for who can tell him when it shall be?  8 There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it.  9 All this have I seen , and applied my heart unto every work that is done under the sun: there is a time wherein one man ruleth over another to his own hurt.  10 And so I saw the wicked buried , who had come and gone from the place of the holy, and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done : this is also vanity.  11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.  

    Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged , yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him:  13 But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before God.  14 There is a vanity which is done upon the earth; that there be just men, unto whom it happeneth according to the work of the wicked; again, there be wicked men, to whom it happeneth according to the work of the righteous: I said that this also is vanity.  15 Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat , and to drink , and to be merry : for that shall abide with him of his labour the days of his life, which God giveth him under the sun.  16 When I applied mine heart to know wisdom, and to see the business that is done upon the earth: (for also there is that neither day nor night seeth sleep with his eyes:)  17 Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because though a man labour to seek it out , yet he shall not find it; yea further; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it.

    For all this I considered in my heart even to declare all this, that the righteous, and the wise, and their works, are in the hand of God: no man knoweth either love or hatred by all that is before them.  2 All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrificeth , and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner ; and he that sweareth , as he that feareth an oath.  3 This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead .  4 For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.  5 For the living know that they shall die : but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten .  6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished ; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.  7 Go thy way , eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works.  8 Let thy garments be always white; and let thy head lack no ointment.  9 Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun.  

    Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do , do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest .  11 I returned , and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding , nor yet favour to men of skill ; but time and chance happeneth to them all.  12 For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them.  13 This wisdom have I seen also under the sun, and it seemed great unto me:  14 There was a little city, and few men within it; and there came a great king against it, and besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it:  15 Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man.  16 Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised , and his words are not heard .  17 The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools.  18 Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good.

    Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour : so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour.  2 A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.  3 Yea also, when he that is a fool walketh by the way, his wisdom faileth him, and he saith to every one that he is a fool.  4 If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy place; for yielding pacifieth great offences.  5 There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the ruler:  6 Folly is set in great dignity, and the rich sit in low place.  7 I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth.  8 He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him.  9 Whoso removeth stones shall be hurt therewith; and he that cleaveth wood shall be endangered thereby.  10 If the iron be blunt , and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct .  

    Surely the serpent will bite without enchantment; and a babbler is no better.  12 The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself.  13 The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness: and the end of his talk is mischievous madness.  14 A fool also is full of words: a man cannot tell what shall be; and what shall be after him, who can tell him?  15 The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city.  16 Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning!  17 Blessed art thou, O land, when thy king is the son of nobles, and thy princes eat in due season, for strength, and not for drunkenness!  18 By much slothfulness the building decayeth ; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through .  19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry  : but money answereth all things.  20 Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber  : for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.

    Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.  2 Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth.  3 If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth , there it shall be .  4 He that observeth the wind shall not sow ; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap .  5 As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.  6 In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper , either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.  7 Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun:  8 But if a man live many years, and rejoice in them all; yet let him remember the days of darkness; for they shall be many . All that cometh is vanity.  9 Rejoice , O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.  10 Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh: for childhood and youth are vanity.

    Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh , when thou shalt say , I have no pleasure in them;  2 While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened , nor the clouds return after the rain:  3 In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble , and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few , and those that look out of the windows be darkened ,  4 And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of musick shall be brought low ;  5 Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish , and the grasshopper shall be a burden , and desire shall fail : because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets:  6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed , or the golden bowl be broken , or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.  

    Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.  8 Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity.  9 And moreover, because the preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed , and sought out , and set in order many proverbs.  10 The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth.  11 The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd .  12 And further, by these, my son, be admonished : of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.  13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.  14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing , whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:21 am; edited 1 time in total

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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Aug 03, 2017 12:14 am

    I'm not going to post links, but Sherry Shriner has said a lot of horrific stuff regarding HELL. She's said a lot of horrific stuff, PERIOD. What if some of it is TRUE?? I don't want it to be true, but look at all of the DOCUMENTED Horrific Stuff throughout history. What the Hell is Going On?? Several Individuals of Interest have spoken to me about horrific stuff, seemingly without any compassion whatsoever. Why are they like this?? What is THEIR True History?? What is MY True History?? What is OUR True History?? I'm presently considering the possibility of an Investigative-Judgment extending from the Creation of Humanity to the Destruction of Humanity, in sort of a Galactic-Trial in Perpetuity. If this is true, I suspect that it is HIGHLY Violent, Graphic, and Upsetting. 'RA' spoke of Daily Negotiations. Another Individual of Interest spoke of "Changes Being Made Throughout the Solar System." Honest. I have obviously been leaning toward Reasonable and Rational Galactic-Jurisprudence, rather than Harsh and Arbitrary Fire and Brimstone, but I do NOT know the Truth, the Whole-Truth, and Nothing But the Truth Concerning Life, the Universe, and Everything. Context and Perspective are Highly-Determinative Regarding Knowing Anything. How Do We REALLY Know Anything With Any Certainty??  

    What does reading Job through Malachi without a Whole-Bible Commentary (straight-through, over and over) ultimately yield?? I've pointed toward the SDA Bible Commentary, yet this is a biased resource. What if one did NOT refer to Genesis through Esther and Matthew through Revelation?? What if one took Job through Malachi in a Stand-Alone Manner?? What would this tell us about the other portions of the Bible?? I mostly wish to know the Real-Story regarding Who We Are, Where We Came From, What's Going On Presently, and Where We're Going (if it's not too much trouble). Is this too much to ask?? I continue to ask "Who Owns and Operates the Solar System?? Who Should Own and Operate the Solar System?? Who Will Own and Operate the Solar System??" This seems to involve digging into a lot of Problematic History. My threads are an attempt to motivate the Best and Brightest Researchers, and NOT to Spook the Herd.

    I'm sort of a 'Documentary Armchair Soldier Without a Country'!! At this point, I would HATE to kill people in WAR!! But somehow I feel as if I need to 'Toughen-Up'!! 'RA' said I should study the 'Nazi Phenomenon'. Who was I in my previous incarnation?? Who was I before that?? These questions Scare the Hell Out of Me!! 'RA' said we were "Ancient", and that we had "Fought Side by Side"!! If true, would that be a good-thing or a bad-thing?? I discussed my UFO 'Attack' sighting with 'RA' and we briefly discussed 'Exploding Motherships'!! The Horror. I'd actually rather be looking at stuff like this!! I'd LOVE to fly a P-38!!

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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Csm_lightning-014_3e2e97da09 The Lockheed P-38 Lightning is a World War II-era American piston-engined fighter aircraft. Developed to a United States Army Air Corps requirement, the P-38 had distinctive twin booms and a central nacelle containing the cockpit and armament. Allied propaganda claimed it had been nicknamed the fork-tailed devil (German: der Gabelschwanz-Teufel) by the Luftwaffe and "two planes, one pilot" (2飛行機、1パイロット Ni hikōki, ippairotto) by the Japanese.[7] The P-38 was used for interception, dive bombing, level bombing, ground attack, night fighting, photo reconnaissance, radar and visual pathfinding for bombers and evacuation missions,[8] and extensively as a long-range escort fighter when equipped with drop tanks under its wings.

    The P-38 was used most successfully in the Pacific Theater of Operations and the China-Burma-India Theater of Operations as the aircraft of America's top aces, Richard Bong (40 victories), Thomas McGuire (38 victories) and Charles H. MacDonald (27 victories). In the South West Pacific theater, the P-38 was the primary long-range fighter of United States Army Air Forces until the appearance of large numbers of P-51D Mustangs toward the end of the war.[9][10]

    The P-38 was unusually quiet for a fighter, the exhaust muffled by the turbo-superchargers. It was extremely forgiving and could be mishandled in many ways but the rate of roll in the early versions was too slow for it to excel as a dogfighter.[11] The P-38 was the only American fighter aircraft in high-volume production throughout American involvement in the war, from Pearl Harbor to Victory over Japan Day.[12] At the end of the war, orders for 1,887 more were cancelled.[13]

    Lockheed designed the P-38 in response to a February 1937 specification from the United States Army Air Corps. Circular Proposal X-608 was a set of aircraft performance goals authored by First Lieutenants Benjamin S. Kelsey and Gordon P. Saville for a twin-engine, high-altitude "interceptor" having "the tactical mission of interception and attack of hostile aircraft at high altitude."[14] In 1977, Kelsey recalled he and Saville drew up the specification using the word interceptor as a way to bypass the inflexible Army Air Corps requirement for pursuit aircraft to carry no more than 500 lb (227 kg) of armament including ammunition, as well as the restriction of single-seat aircraft to one engine. Kelsey was looking for a minimum of 1,000 lb (454 kg) of armament.[15] Kelsey and Saville aimed to get a more capable fighter, better at dog-fighting and at high-altitude combat. Specifications called for a maximum airspeed of at least 360 mph (580 km/h) at altitude, and a climb to 20,000 ft (6,100 m) within six minutes,[16] the toughest set of specifications USAAC had ever presented. The unbuilt Vultee XP1015 was designed to the same requirement, but was not advanced enough to merit further investigation. A similar single-engine proposal was issued at the same time, Circular Proposal X-609, in response to which the Bell P-39 Airacobra was designed.[17] Both proposals required liquid-cooled Allison V-1710 engines with turbo-superchargers and gave extra points for tricycle landing gear.

    The Lockheed design team, under the direction of Hall Hibbard and Clarence "Kelly" Johnson, considered a range of twin-engine configurations, including both engines in a central fuselage with push–pull propellers.[18]

    The eventual configuration was rare in terms of contemporary fighter aircraft design, with only the preceding Fokker G.1, the contemporary Focke-Wulf Fw 189 Luftwaffe reconnaissance aircraft, and the later Northrop P-61 Black Widow night fighter having a similar planform. The Lockheed team chose twin booms to accommodate the tail assembly, engines, and turbo-superchargers, with a central nacelle for the pilot and armament. The XP-38 gondola mockup was designed to mount two .50-caliber (12.7 mm) M2 Browning machine guns with 200 rounds per gun (rpg), two .30-caliber (7.62 mm) Brownings with 500 rpg, and a T1 Army Ordnance 23 mm (.90 in) autocannon with a rotary magazine as a substitute for the non-existent 25 mm Hotchkiss aircraft autocannon specified by Kelsey and Saville.[19] In the YP-38s, a 37 mm (1.46 in) M9 autocannon with 15 rounds replaced the T1.[20] The 15 rounds were in three five-round clips, an unsatisfactory arrangement according to Kelsey, and the M9 did not perform reliably in flight. Further armament experiments from March to June 1941 resulted in the P-38E combat configuration of four M2 Browning machine guns, and one Hispano 20 mm (.79 in) autocannon with 150 rounds.[21]

    Clustering all the armament in the nose was unusual in U.S. aircraft, which typically used wing-mounted guns with trajectories set up to crisscross at one or more points in a convergence zone. Nose-mounted guns did not suffer from having their useful ranges limited by pattern convergence, meaning that good pilots could shoot much farther. A Lightning could reliably hit targets at any range up to 1,000 yd (910 m), whereas the wing guns of other fighters were optimized for a specific range.[22] The rate of fire was about 650 rounds per minute for the 20×110 mm cannon round (130-gram shell) at a muzzle velocity of about 2,850 ft/s (870 m/s), and for the .50-caliber machine guns (51-gram rounds), about 850 rpm at 2,900 ft/s (880 m/s) velocity. Combined rate of fire was over 4,000 rpm with roughly every sixth projectile a 20 mm shell.[23] The duration of sustained firing for the 20 mm cannon was approximately 14 seconds while the .50-caliber machine guns worked for 35 seconds if each magazine was fully loaded with 500 rounds, or for 21 seconds if 300 rounds were loaded to save weight for long distance flying.

    The Lockheed design incorporated tricycle undercarriage and a bubble canopy, and featured two 1,000 hp (746 kW) turbosupercharged 12-cylinder Allison V-1710 engines fitted with counter-rotating propellers to eliminate the effect of engine torque, with the turbochargers positioned behind the engines, the exhaust side of the units exposed along the dorsal surfaces of the booms.[24] Counter-rotation was achieved by the use of "handed" engines, which meant the crankshaft of each engine turned in the opposite direction of its counterpart, a relatively easy task for a modular-design aircraft powerplant as the V-1710.

    The P-38 was the first American fighter to make extensive use of stainless steel and smooth, flush-riveted butt-jointed aluminum skin panels.[25] It was also the first military airplane to fly faster than 400 mph (640 km/h) in level flight.[26][27]

    Lockheed won the competition on 23 June 1937 with its Model 22 and was contracted to build a prototype XP-38[28] for US$163,000, though Lockheed's own costs on the prototype would add up to US$761,000.[29] Construction began in July 1938, and the XP-38 first flew on 27 January 1939 at the hands of Ben Kelsey.[30][Note 1]

    Kelsey then proposed a speed dash to Wright Field on 11 February 1939 to relocate the aircraft for further testing. General Henry "Hap" Arnold, commander of the USAAC, approved of the record attempt and recommended a cross-country flight to New York. The flight set a speed record by flying from California to New York in seven hours and two minutes, not counting two refueling stops,[24] but the aircraft was downed by carburetor icing short of the Mitchel Field runway in Hempstead, New York and was wrecked. However, on the basis of the record flight, the Air Corps ordered 13 YP-38s on 27 April 1939 for US$134,284 each.[4][32] (The "Y" in "YP" was the USAAC's designation for a prototype, while the "X" in "XP" was for experimental.) Lockheed's Chief test pilot Tony LeVier angrily characterized the accident as an unnecessary publicity stunt,[33] but according to Kelsey, the loss of the prototype, rather than hampering the program, sped the process by cutting short the initial test series.[34] The success of the aircraft design contributed to Kelsey's promotion to captain in May 1939.

    Mechanized P-38 assembly lines in Burbank, California. Planes start at the back of the building on the far right (without wings, so that section of the line is narrower). When they reach the end of that line, they shift to the center line, grow wings, and move backward down this line. Upon reaching the end, they are then shifted to the line at the left, and progress forward to the end of the line.[35]

    Manufacture of YP-38s fell behind schedule, at least partly because of the need for mass-production suitability making them substantially different in construction from the prototype. Another factor was the sudden required expansion of Lockheed's facility in Burbank, taking it from a specialized civilian firm dealing with small orders to a large government defense contractor making Venturas, Harpoons, Lodestars, Hudsons, and designing the Constellation for TWA. The first YP-38 was not completed until September 1940, with its maiden flight on 17 September.[36] The 13th and final YP-38 was delivered to the Air Corps in June 1941; 12 aircraft were retained for flight testing and one for destructive stress testing. The YPs were substantially redesigned and differed greatly in detail from the hand-built XP-38. They were lighter and included changes in engine fit. The propeller rotation was reversed, with the blades spinning outward (away from the cockpit) at the top of their arc, rather than inward as before. This improved the aircraft's stability as a gunnery platform.[37]

    Test flights revealed problems initially believed to be tail flutter. During high-speed flight approaching Mach 0.68, especially during dives, the aircraft's tail would begin to shake violently and the nose would tuck under, steepening the dive. Once caught in this dive, the fighter would enter a high-speed compressibility stall and the controls would lock up, leaving the pilot no option but to bail out (if possible) or remain with the aircraft until it got down to denser air, where he might have a chance to pull out. During a test flight in May 1941, USAAC Major Signa Gilkey managed to stay with a YP-38 in a compressibility lockup, riding it out until he recovered gradually using elevator trim.[24] Lockheed engineers were very concerned at this limitation but first had to concentrate on filling the current order of aircraft. In late June 1941, the Army Air Corps was renamed the U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF), and a total of 65 Lightnings were finished for the service by September 1941 with more on the way for the USAAF, the Royal Air Force (RAF), and the Free French Air Force operating from England.

    By November 1941, many of the initial assembly-line challenges had been met, which freed up time for the engineering team to tackle the problem of frozen controls in a dive. Lockheed had a few ideas for tests that would help them find an answer. The first solution tried was the fitting of spring-loaded servo tabs on the elevator trailing edge designed to aid the pilot when control yoke forces rose over 30 pounds-force (130 N), as would be expected in a high-speed dive. At that point, the tabs would begin to multiply the effort of the pilot's actions. The expert test pilot, 43-year-old[38] Ralph Virden, was given a specific high-altitude test sequence to follow and was told to restrict his speed and fast maneuvering in denser air at low altitudes, since the new mechanism could exert tremendous leverage under those conditions. A note was taped to the instrument panel of the test craft underscoring this instruction. On 4 November 1941, Virden climbed into YP-38 #1 and completed the test sequence successfully, but 15 minutes later was seen in a steep dive followed by a high-G pullout. The tail unit of the aircraft failed at about 3,500 ft (1,000 m) during the high-speed dive recovery; Virden was killed in the subsequent crash. The Lockheed design office was justifiably upset, but their design engineers could only conclude that servo tabs were not the solution for loss of control in a dive. Lockheed still had to find the problem; the Army Air Forces personnel were sure it was flutter and ordered Lockheed to look more closely at the tail.

    In 1941 flutter was a familiar engineering problem related to a too-flexible tail, but the P-38's empennage was completely skinned in aluminum[Note 2] rather than fabric and was quite rigid. At no time did the P-38 suffer from true flutter.[39] To prove a point, one elevator and its vertical stabilizers were skinned with metal 63% thicker than standard, but the increase in rigidity made no difference in vibration. Army Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth B. Wolfe (head of Army Production Engineering) asked Lockheed to try external mass balances above and below the elevator, though the P-38 already had large mass balances elegantly placed within each vertical stabilizer. Various configurations of external mass balances were equipped, and dangerously steep test flights were flown to document their performance. Explaining to Wolfe in Report No. 2414, Kelly Johnson wrote "the violence of the vibration was unchanged and the diving tendency was naturally the same for all conditions."[40] The external mass balances did not help at all. Nonetheless, at Wolfe's insistence, the additional external balances were a feature of every P-38 built from then on.[41]

    Johnson said in his autobiography[42] that he pleaded with NACA to do model tests in its wind tunnel. They already had experience of models thrashing around violently at speeds approaching those requested and did not want to risk damaging their tunnel. Gen. Arnold, head of Army Air Forces, ordered them to run the tests, which were done up to Mach 0.74.[43] The P-38's dive problem was revealed to be the center of pressure moving back toward the tail when in high-speed airflow. The solution was to change the geometry of the wing's lower surface when diving in order to keep lift within bounds of the top of the wing. In February 1943, quick-acting dive flaps were tried and proven by Lockheed test pilots. The dive flaps were installed outboard of the engine nacelles, and in action they extended downward 35° in 1.5 seconds. The flaps did not act as a speed brake; they affected the pressure distribution in a way that retained the wing's lift.[44]

    Late in 1943, a few hundred dive flap field modification kits were assembled to give North African, European and Pacific P-38s a chance to withstand compressibility and expand their combat tactics. Unfortunately, these crucial flaps did not always reach their destination. In March 1944, 200 dive flap kits intended for European Theater of Operations (ETO) P-38Js were destroyed in a mistaken identification incident in which an RAF fighter shot down the Douglas C-54 Skymaster (mistaken for an Fw 200) taking the shipment to England. Back in Burbank, P-38Js coming off the assembly line in spring 1944 were towed out to the ramp and modified in the open air. The flaps were finally incorporated into the production line in June 1944 on the last 210 P-38Js. Despite testing having proved the dive flaps effective in improving tactical maneuvers, a 14-month delay in production limited their implementation, with only the final half of all Lightnings built having the dive flaps installed as an assembly-line sequence.[45]
    Johnson later recalled:

    I broke an ulcer over compressibility on the P-38 because we flew into a speed range where no one had ever been before, and we had difficulty convincing people that it wasn't the funny-looking airplane itself, but a fundamental physical problem. We found out what happened when the Lightning shed its tail and we worked during the whole war to get 15 more kn [28 km/h] of speed out of the P-38. We saw compressibility as a brick wall for a long time. Then we learned how to get through it.[46]

    Buffeting was another early aerodynamic problem, difficult to distinguish from compressibility as both were reported by test pilots as "tail shake". Buffeting came about from airflow disturbances ahead of the tail; the airplane would shake at high speed. Leading edge wing slots were tried as were combinations of filleting between the wing, cockpit and engine nacelles. Air tunnel test number 15 solved the buffeting completely and its fillet solution was fitted to every subsequent P-38 airframe. Fillet kits were sent out to every squadron flying Lightnings. The problem was traced to a 40% increase in air speed at the wing-fuselage junction where the thickness/chord ratio was highest. An airspeed of 500 mph (800 km/h) at 25,000 ft (7,600 m) could push airflow at the wing-fuselage junction close to the speed of sound. Filleting solved the buffeting problem for the P-38E and later models.[39]

    Another issue with the P-38 arose from its unique design feature of outwardly rotating (at the "tops" of the propeller arcs) counter-rotating propellers. Losing one of two engines in any twin-engine non-centerline thrust aircraft on takeoff creates sudden drag, yawing the nose toward the dead engine and rolling the wingtip down on the side of the dead engine. Normal training in flying twin-engine aircraft when losing an engine on takeoff is to push the remaining engine to full throttle to maintain airspeed; if a pilot did that in the P-38, regardless of which engine had failed, the resulting engine torque and p-factor force produced a sudden uncontrollable yawing roll, and the aircraft would flip over and hit the ground. Eventually, procedures were taught to allow a pilot to deal with the situation by reducing power on the running engine, feathering the prop on the failed engine, and then increasing power gradually until the aircraft was in stable flight. Single-engine takeoffs were possible, though not with a full fuel and ammunition load.[47] This same design feature was present from its earliest days on both the Luftwaffe twin-engine Henschel Hs 129 ground-attack aircraft, and from the fourth prototype onwards of the otherwise troubled Heinkel He 177A heavy bomber.[48]

    The engines were unusually quiet because the exhausts were muffled by the General Electric turbo-superchargers on the twin Allison V12s.[49] There were early problems with cockpit temperature regulation; pilots were often too hot in the tropical sun as the canopy could not be fully opened without severe buffeting and were often too cold in northern Europe and at high altitude, as the distance of the engines from the cockpit prevented easy heat transfer. Later variants received modifications (such as electrically heated flight suits) to solve these problems.

    On 20 September 1939, before the YP-38s had been built and flight tested, the USAAF ordered 66 initial production P-38 Lightnings, 30 of which were delivered to the USAAF in mid-1941, but not all these aircraft were armed. The unarmed aircraft were subsequently fitted with four .50 in (12.7 mm) machine guns (instead of the two .50 in/12.7 mm and two .30 in/7.62 mm of their predecessors) and a 37 mm (1.46 in) cannon. They also had armored glass, cockpit armor and fluorescent cockpit controls.[50] One was completed with a pressurized cabin on an experimental basis and designated XP-38A.[51] Due to reports the USAAF was receiving from Europe, the remaining 36 in the batch were upgraded with small improvements such as self-sealing fuel tanks and enhanced armor protection to make them combat-capable. The USAAF specified that these 36 aircraft were to be designated P-38D. As a result, there never were any P-38Bs or P-38Cs. The P-38D's main role was to work out bugs and give the USAAF experience with handling the type.[52]

    In March 1940, the French and the British, through the Anglo-French Purchasing Committee, ordered a total of 667 P-38s for US$100M,[53] designated Model 322F for the French and Model 322B for the British. The aircraft would be a variant of the P-38E. The overseas Allies wished for complete commonality of Allison engines with the large numbers of Curtiss P-40 Tomahawks both nations had on order, and thus ordered the Model 322 twin right-handed engines instead of counter-rotating ones and without turbo-superchargers.[54][Note 3] Performance was supposed to be 400 mph at 16,900 feet.[55] After the fall of France in June 1940, the British took over the entire order and gave the aircraft the service name "Lightning." By June 1941, the War Ministry had cause to reconsider their earlier aircraft specifications based on experience gathered in the Battle of Britain and The Blitz.[56] British displeasure with the Lockheed order came to the fore in July, and on 5 August 1941 they modified the contract such that 143 aircraft would be delivered as previously ordered, to be known as "Lightning (Mark) I," and 524 would be upgraded to US-standard P-38E specifications with a top speed of 415 mph at 20,000 feet guaranteed, to be called "Lightning II" for British service.[56] Later that summer an RAF test pilot reported back from Burbank with a poor assessment of the "tail flutter" situation, and the British cancelled all but three of the 143 Lightning Is.[56] As a loss of approximately US$15M was involved, Lockheed reviewed their contracts and decided to hold the British to the original order. Negotiations grew bitter and stalled.[56]

    Everything changed after the 7 December, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor after which the United States government seized some 40 of the Model 322s for West Coast defense;[57] subsequently all British Lightnings were delivered to the USAAF starting in January 1942. The USAAF lent the RAF three of the aircraft, which were delivered by sea in March 1942[58] and were test flown no earlier than May[59] at Cunliffe-Owen Aircraft Swaythling, the Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment and the Royal Aircraft Establishment.[56] The A&AEE example was unarmed, lacked turbochargers and restricted to 300 mph; though the undercarriage was praised and flight on one engine described as comfortable.[60] These three were subsequently returned to the USAAF; one in December 1942 and the others in July 1943.[58] Of the remaining 140 Lightning Is, 19 were not modified and were designated by the USAAF as RP-322-I ('R' for 'Restricted', because non-counter-rotating propellers were considered more dangerous on takeoff), while 121 were converted to non-turbo-supercharged counter-rotating V-1710F-2 engines and designated P-322-II. All 121 were used as advanced trainers; a few were still serving that role in 1945.[59] A few RP-322s were later used as test modification platforms such as for smoke-laying canisters. The RP-322 was a fairly fast aircraft below 16,000 ft (4,900 m) and well-behaved as a trainer.[59][Note 4]

    One result of the failed British/French order was to give the aircraft its name. Lockheed had originally dubbed the aircraft Atalanta from Greek mythology in the company tradition of naming planes after mythological and celestial figures, but the RAF name won out.[55]

    The strategic bombing proponents within the USAAF, called the Bomber Mafia by their ideological opponents, had established in the early 1930s a policy against research to create long-range fighters, which they thought would not be practical; this kind of research was not to compete for bomber resources. Aircraft manufacturers understood that they would not be rewarded if they installed subsystems on their fighters to enable them to carry drop tanks to provide more fuel for extended range. Lieutenant Kelsey, acting against this policy, risked his career in late 1941 when he convinced Lockheed to incorporate such subsystems in the P-38E model, without putting his request in writing. It is possible that Kelsey was responding to Colonel George William Goddard's observation that the US sorely needed a high-speed, long-range photo reconnaissance plane. Along with a change order specifying some P-38Es be produced without guns but with photo reconnaissance cameras, to be designated the F-4-1-LO, Lockheed began working out the problems of drop tank design and incorporation. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, eventually about 100 P-38Es were sent to a modification center near Dallas, Texas, or to the new Lockheed assembly plant B-6 (today the Burbank Airport), to be fitted with four K-17 aerial photography cameras. All of these aircraft were also modified to be able to carry drop tanks. P-38Fs were modified as well. Every Lightning from the P-38G onward was drop tank-capable off the assembly line.[61]

    In March 1942, General Arnold made an off-hand comment that the US could avoid the German U-boat menace by flying fighters to the UK (rather than packing them onto ships). President Roosevelt pressed the point, emphasizing his interest in the solution. Arnold was likely aware of the flying radius extension work being done on the P-38, which by this time had seen success with small drop tanks in the range of 150 to 165 US gal (570 to 620 L), the difference in capacity being the result of subcontractor production variation. Arnold ordered further tests with larger drop tanks in the range of 300 to 310 US gal (1,100 to 1,200 L); the results were reported by Kelsey as providing the P-38 with a 2,500-mile (4,000 km) ferrying range.[61] Because of available supply, the smaller drop tanks were used to fly Lightnings to the UK, the plan called Operation Bolero.

    Led by two Boeing B-17 Flying Fortresses, the first seven P-38s, each carrying two small drop tanks, left Presque Isle Army Air Field on June 23, 1942 for RAF Heathfield in Scotland. Their first refueling stop was made in far northeast Canada at Goose Bay. The second stop was a rough airstrip in Greenland called Bluie West One, and the third refueling stop was in Iceland at Keflavik. Other P-38s followed this route with some lost in mishaps, usually due to poor weather, low visibility, radio difficulties and navigational errors. Nearly 200 of the P-38Fs (and a few modified Es) were successfully flown across the Atlantic in July–August 1942, making the P-38 the first USAAF fighter to reach Britain and the first fighter ever to be delivered across the Atlantic under its own power.[62] Kelsey himself piloted one of the Lightnings, landing in Scotland on July 25.[63]

    Cocooned Lockheed P-38 Lightnings and North American Aviation P-51 Mustangs line the decks of a U.S. Navy Escort "Jeep" Carrier (CVE) ready for shipment to Europe from New York.
    The first unit to receive P-38s was the 1st Fighter Group. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the unit joined the 14th Pursuit Group in San Diego to provide West Coast defense.[64]

    The first Lightning to see active service was the F-4 version, a P-38E in which the guns were replaced by four K17 cameras.[65] They joined the 8th Photographic Squadron in Australia on 4 April 1942.[37] Three F-4s were operated by the Royal Australian Air Force in this theater for a short period beginning in September 1942.

    On 29 May 1942, 25 P-38s began operating in the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. The fighter's long range made it well-suited to the campaign over the almost 1,200 mi (2,000 km)-long island chain, and it would be flown there for the rest of the war. The Aleutians were one of the most rugged environments available for testing the new aircraft under combat conditions. More Lightnings were lost due to severe weather and other conditions than enemy action; there were cases where Lightning pilots, mesmerized by flying for hours over gray seas under gray skies, simply flew into the water. On 9 August 1942, two P-38Es of the 343rd Fighter Group, 11th Air Force, at the end of a 1,000 mi (1,609 km) long-range patrol, happened upon a pair of Japanese Kawanishi H6K "Mavis" flying boats and destroyed them,[37] making them the first Japanese aircraft to be shot down by Lightnings.

    After the Battle of Midway, the USAAF began redeploying fighter groups to Britain as part of Operation Bolero and Lightnings of the 1st Fighter Group were flown across the Atlantic via Iceland. On 14 August 1942, Second Lieutenant Elza Shahan of the 27th Fighter Squadron, and Second Lieutenant Joseph Shaffer of the 33rd Squadron operating out of Iceland shot down a Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor over the Atlantic. Shahan in his P-38F downed the Condor; Shaffer, flying either a P-40C or a P-39, had already set an engine on fire.[66] This was the first Luftwaffe aircraft destroyed by the USAAF.[67]

    After 347 sorties with no enemy contact, the 1st, 14th and 82nd Fighter Groups were transferred to the 12th Air Force in North Africa as part of the force being built up for Operation Torch. On 19 November 1942, Lightnings escorted a group of B-17 Flying Fortress bombers on a raid over Tunis. On 5 April 1943, 26 P-38Fs of the 82nd claimed 31 enemy aircraft destroyed, helping to establish air superiority in the area and earning it the German nickname "der Gabelschwanz Teufel" – the Fork-Tailed Devil.[64] The P-38 remained active in the Mediterranean for the rest of the war. It was in this theatre that the P-38 suffered its heaviest losses in the air. On 25 August 1943, 13 P-38s were shot down in a single sortie by Jagdgeschwader 53 Bf 109s without achieving a single kill.[68] On 2 September, 10 P-38s were shot down, in return for a single kill, the 67-victory ace Franz Schiess (who was also the leading "Lightning" killer in the Luftwaffe with 17 destroyed).[68] Kurt Bühligen, third highest scoring German pilot on the Western front with 112 victories, recalled later: "The P-38 fighter (and the B-24) were easy to burn. Once in Africa we were six and met eight P-38s and shot down seven. One sees a great distance in Africa and our observers and flak people called in sightings and we could get altitude first and they were low and slow." [69] General der Jagdflieger Adolf Galland was unimpressed with the P-38, declaring "it had similar shortcomings in combat to our Bf 110, our fighters were clearly superior to it."[70] Experiences over Germany had shown a need for long-range escort fighters to protect the Eighth Air Force's heavy bomber operations. The P-38Hs of the 55th Fighter Group were transferred to the Eighth in England in September 1943, and were joined by the 20th, 364th and 479th Fighter Groups soon after. P-38s soon joined Spitfires in escorting the early Fortress raids over Europe.[71]

    Because its distinctive shape was less prone to cases of mistaken identity and friendly fire,[72] Lieutenant General Jimmy Doolittle, Commander of the 8th Air Force, chose to pilot a P-38 during the invasion of Normandy so that he could watch the progress of the air offensive over France.[73] At one point in the mission, Doolittle flick-rolled through a hole in the cloud cover, but his wingman, Earle E. Partridge (later a general), was looking elsewhere and failed to notice Doolittle's quick maneuver, leaving Doolittle to continue on alone on his survey of the crucial battle. Of the P-38, Doolittle said that it was "the sweetest-flying plane in the sky".[74]

    A little-known role of the P-38 in the European theater was that of fighter-bomber during the invasion of Normandy and the Allied advance across France into Germany. Assigned to the IX Tactical Air Command, the 370th Fighter Group and its P-38s initially flew missions from England, dive-bombing radar installations, enemy armor, troop concentrations and flak towers.[75] The 370th's group commander Howard F. Nichols and a squadron of his P-38 Lightnings attacked Field Marshal Günther von Kluge's headquarters in July 1944; Nichols himself skipped a 500 lb (227 kg) bomb through the front door.[76] The 370th later operated from Cardonville France, flying ground attack missions against gun emplacements, troops, supply dumps and tanks near Saint-Lô in July and in the Falaise–Argentan area in August 1944.[75] The 370th participated in ground attack missions across Europe until February 1945 when the unit changed over to the P-51 Mustang.

    On 12 June 1943, a P-38G, while flying a special mission between Gibraltar and Malta or, perhaps, just after strafing the radar station of Capo Pula, landed on the airfield of Capoterra (Cagliari), in Sardinia, from navigation error due to a compass failure. Regia Aeronautica chief test pilot colonnello (Lieutenant Colonel) Angelo Tondi flew the aircraft to Guidonia airfield where the P-38G was evaluated. On 11 August 1943, Tondi took off to intercept a formation of about 50 bombers, returning from the bombing of Terni (Umbria). Tondi attacked B-17G "Bonny Sue", s.n. 42-30307, that fell off the shore of Torvaianica, near Rome, while six airmen parachuted out. According to US sources, he also damaged three more bombers on that occasion. On 4 September, the 301st BG reported the loss of B-17 "The Lady Evelyn," s.n. 42-30344, downed by "an enemy P-38".[77] War missions for that plane were limited, as the Italian petrol was too corrosive for the Lockheed's tanks.[78] Other Lightnings were eventually acquired by Italy for postwar service.

    In a particular case when faced by more agile fighters at low altitudes in a constricted valley, Lightnings suffered heavy losses. On the morning of 10 June 1944, 96 P-38Js of the 1st and 82nd Fighter Groups took off from Italy for Ploiești, the third-most heavily defended target in Europe, after Berlin and Vienna.[79] Instead of bombing from high altitude as had been tried by the Fifteenth Air Force, USAAF planning had determined that a dive-bombing surprise attack, beginning at about 7,000 feet (2,100 m) with bomb release at or below 3,000 feet (900 m),[79] performed by 46 82nd Fighter Group P-38s, each carrying one 1,000-pound (500 kg) bomb, would yield more accurate results.[80] All of 1st Fighter Group and a few aircraft in 82nd Fighter Group were to fly cover, and all fighters were to strafe targets of opportunity on the return trip; a distance of some 1,255 miles (2,020 km), including a circuitous outward route made in an attempt to achieve surprise.[79]

    Some 85 or 86 fighters arrived in Romania to find enemy airfields alerted, with a wide assortment of aircraft scrambling for safety. P-38s shot down several, including heavy fighters, transports and observation aircraft. At Ploiești, defense forces were fully alert, the target was concealed by smoke screen, and anti-aircraft fire was very heavy—seven Lightnings were lost to anti-aircraft fire at the target, and two more during strafing attacks on the return flight. German Bf 109 fighters from I./JG 53 and 2./JG 77 fought the Americans. Sixteen aircraft of the 71st Fighter Squadron were challenged by a large formation of Romanian single-seater IAR.81C fighters. The fight took place below 300 feet (100 m) in a narrow valley.[81] Herbert Hatch saw two IAR 81Cs that he misidentified as Focke-Wulf Fw 190s hit the ground after taking fire from his guns, and his fellow pilots confirmed three more of his kills. However, the outnumbered 71st Fighter Squadron took more damage than it dished out, losing nine aircraft. In all, the USAAF lost 22 aircraft on the mission. The Americans claimed 23 aerial victories, though Romanian and German fighter units admitted losing only one aircraft each.[82] Eleven enemy locomotives were strafed and left burning, and flak emplacements were destroyed, along with fuel trucks and other targets. Results of the bombing were not observed by the USAAF pilots because of the smoke. The dive-bombing mission profile was not repeated, though the 82nd Fighter Group was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for its part.[83]

    After some disastrous raids in 1944 with B-17s escorted by P-38s and Republic P-47 Thunderbolts, Jimmy Doolittle, then head of the U.S. Eighth Air Force, went to the RAE, Farnborough, asking for an evaluation of the various American fighters. Test pilot Captain Eric Brown, Fleet Air Arm, recalled:

    We had found out that the Bf 109 and the FW 190 could fight up to a Mach of 0.75, three-quarters the speed of sound. We checked the Lightning and it couldn't fly in combat faster than 0.68. So it was useless. We told Doolittle that all it was good for was photo-reconnaissance and had to be withdrawn from escort duties. And the funny thing is that the Americans had great difficulty understanding this because the Lightning had the two top aces in the Far East.[84]

    After evaluation tests at Farnborough, the P-38 was kept in fighting service in Europe for a while longer. Although many failings were remedied with the introduction of the P-38J, by September 1944, all but one of the Lightning groups in the Eighth Air Force had converted to the P-51 Mustang. The Eighth Air Force continued to conduct reconnaissance missions using the F-5 variant.[64]

    The P-38 was used most extensively and successfully in the Pacific theater, where it proved ideally suited, combining excellent performance with exceptional range and the added reliability of two engines for long missions over water. The P-38 was used in a variety of roles, especially escorting bombers at altitudes of 18–25,000 ft (5,500–7,600 m). The P-38 was credited with destroying more Japanese aircraft than any other USAAF fighter.[4] Freezing cockpit temperatures were not a problem at low altitude in the tropics. In fact the cockpit was often too hot since opening a window while in flight caused buffeting by setting up turbulence through the tailplane. Pilots taking low altitude assignments would often fly stripped down to shorts, tennis shoes, and parachute. While the P-38 could not out-turn the A6M Zero and most other Japanese fighters when flying below 200 mph (320 km/h), its superior speed coupled with a good rate of climb meant that it could utilize energy tactics, making multiple high-speed passes at its target. Also its focused firepower was even more deadly to lightly armored Japanese warplanes than to the Germans'. The concentrated, parallel stream of bullets allowed aerial victory at much longer distances than fighters carrying wing guns. It is therefore ironic that Dick Bong, the United States' highest-scoring World War II air ace (40 victories solely in P-38s), would fly directly at his targets to make sure he hit them (as he himself acknowledged his poor shooting ability), in some cases flying through the debris of his target (and on one occasion colliding with an enemy aircraft which was claimed as a "probable" victory). The twin Allison engines performed admirably in the Pacific.

    General George C. Kenney, commander of the USAAF Fifth Air Force operating in New Guinea, could not get enough P-38s; they had become his favorite fighter in November 1942 when one squadron, the 39th Fighter Squadron of the 35th Fighter Group, joined his assorted P-39s and P-40s. The Lightnings established local air superiority with their first combat action on 27 December 1942.[85][86][87][88][89] Kenney sent repeated requests to Arnold for more P-38s, and was rewarded with occasional shipments, but Europe was a higher priority in Washington.[90] Despite their small force, Lightning pilots began to compete in racking up scores against Japanese aircraft.

    On 2–4 March 1943, P-38s flew top cover for 5th Air Force and Australian bombers and attack aircraft during the Battle of the Bismarck Sea, in which eight Japanese troop transports and four escorting destroyers were sunk. Two P-38 aces from the 39th Fighter Squadron were killed on the second day of the battle: Bob Faurot and Hoyt "Curley" Eason (a veteran with five victories who had trained hundreds of pilots, including Dick Bong). In one notable engagement on 3 March 1943 P-38s escorted 13 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortresses as they bombed the Japanese convoy from a medium altitude of 7,000 feet which dispersed the convoy formation and reduced their concentrated anti-aircraft firepower. A B-17 was shot down and when Japanese Zero fighters machine-gunned some of the B-17 crew members that bailed out in parachutes, three P-38s promptly engaged and shot down five of the Zeros.[91][92][91][93].[94]

    The Lightning figured in one of the most significant operations in the Pacific theater: the interception, on 18 April 1943, of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, the architect of Japan's naval strategy in the Pacific including the attack on Pearl Harbor. When American codebreakers found out that he was flying to Bougainville Island to conduct a front-line inspection, 16 P-38G Lightnings were sent on a long-range fighter-intercept mission, flying 435 miles (700 km) from Guadalcanal at heights of 10–50 ft (3–15 m) above the ocean to avoid detection. The Lightnings met Yamamoto's two Mitsubishi G4M "Betty" fast bomber transports and six escorting Zeros just as they arrived at the island. The first Betty crashed in the jungle and the second ditched near the coast. Two Zeros were also claimed by the American fighters with the loss of one P-38. Japanese search parties found Yamamoto's body at the jungle crash site the next day.[95]

    The P-38's service record shows mixed results, which may reflect more on its employment than on flaws with the aircraft. The P-38's engine troubles at high altitudes only occurred with the Eighth Air Force. One reason for this was the inadequate cooling systems of the G and H models; the improved P-38 J and L had tremendous success flying out of Italy into Germany at all altitudes.[64] Until the -J-25 variant, P-38s were easily avoided by German fighters because of the lack of dive flaps to counter compressibility in dives. German fighter pilots not wishing to fight would perform the first half of a Split S and continue into steep dives because they knew the Lightnings would be reluctant to follow.

    On the positive side, having two engines was a built-in insurance policy. Many pilots made it safely back to base after having an engine failure en route or in combat. On 3 March 1944, the first Allied fighters reached Berlin on a frustrated escort mission. Lieutenant Colonel Jack Jenkins of 55FG led the group of P-38H pilots, arriving with only half his force after flak damage and engine trouble took their toll. On the way into Berlin, Jenkins reported one rough-running engine, causing him to wonder if he would ever make it back. The B-17s he was supposed to escort never showed up, having turned back at Hamburg. Jenkins and his wingman were able to drop tanks and outrun enemy fighters to return home with three good engines between them.[96]

    In the ETO, P-38s made 130,000 sorties with a loss of 1.3% overall, comparing favorably with ETO P-51s, which posted a 1.1% loss, considering that the P-38s were vastly outnumbered and suffered from poorly thought-out tactics. The majority of the P-38 sorties were made in the period prior to Allied air superiority in Europe, when pilots fought against a very determined and skilled enemy.[97] Lieutenant Colonel Mark Hubbard, a vocal critic of the aircraft, rated it the third best Allied fighter in Europe.[98] The Lightning's greatest virtues were long range, heavy payload, high speed, fast climb and concentrated firepower. The P-38 was a formidable fighter, interceptor and attack aircraft.

    In the Pacific theater, the P-38 downed over 1,800 Japanese aircraft, with more than 100 pilots becoming aces by downing five or more enemy aircraft.[95] American fuel supplies contributed to a better engine performance and maintenance record, and range was increased with leaner mixtures. In the second half of 1944, the P-38L pilots out of Dutch New Guinea were flying 950 mi (1,530 km), fighting for fifteen minutes and returning to base.[99] Such long legs were invaluable until the P-47N and P-51D entered service.

    The end of the war left the USAAF with thousands of P-38s rendered obsolete by the jet age. The last P-38s in service with the United States Air Force were retired in 1949.[100] A total of 100 late-model P-38L and F-5 Lightnings were acquired by Italy through an agreement dated April 1946. Delivered, after refurbishing, at the rate of one per month, they finally were all sent to the AMI by 1952. The Lightnings served in 4 Stormo and other units including 3 Stormo, flying reconnaissance over the Balkans, ground attack, naval cooperation and air superiority missions. Due to old engines, pilot errors and lack of experience in operating heavy fighters, a large number of P-38s were lost in at least 30 accidents, many of them fatal. Despite this, many Italian pilots liked the P-38 because of its excellent visibility on the ground and stability on takeoff. The Italian P-38s were phased out in 1956; none survived the scrapyard.[101]

    Surplus P-38s were also used by other foreign air forces with 12 sold to Honduras and 15 retained by China. Six F-5s and two unarmed black two-seater P-38s were operated by the Dominican Air Force based in San Isidro Airbase, Dominican Republic in 1947. The majority of wartime Lightnings present in the continental U.S. at the end of the war were put up for sale for US$1,200 apiece; the rest were scrapped. P-38s in distant theaters of war were bulldozed into piles and abandoned or scrapped; very few avoided that fate.

    The CIA "Liberation Air Force" flew one P-38M to support the 1954 Guatemalan coup d'etat. On 27 June 1954, this aircraft dropped napalm bombs that destroyed the British cargo ship SS Springfjord, which was loading Guatemalan cotton[102] and coffee[103] for Grace Line[104] in Puerto San José.[105] In 1957, five Honduran P-38s bombed and strafed a village occupied by Nicaraguan forces during a border dispute between these two countries concerning part of Gracias a Dios Department.[106]

    P-38s were popular contenders in the air races from 1946 through 1949, with brightly colored Lightnings making screaming turns around the pylons at Reno and Cleveland. Lockheed test pilot Tony LeVier was among those who bought a Lightning, choosing a P-38J model and painting it red to make it stand out as an air racer and stunt flyer. Lefty Gardner, former B-24 and B-17 pilot and associate of the Confederate Air Force, bought a mid-1944 P-38L-1-LO that had been modified into an F-5G. Gardner painted it white with red and blue trim and named it White Lightnin'; he reworked its turbo systems and intercoolers for optimum low-altitude performance and gave it P-38F style air intakes for better streamlining. White Lightnin' was severely damaged in a crash landing during an air show demonstration and was bought, restored and repainted with a brilliant chrome finish by the company that owns Red Bull. The aircraft is now located in Austria.

    F-5s were bought by aerial survey companies and employed for mapping. From the 1950s on, the use of the Lightning steadily declined, and only a little more than two dozen still exist, with few still flying. One example is a P-38L owned by the Lone Star Flight Museum in Galveston, Texas, painted in the colors of Charles H. MacDonald's Putt Putt Maru. Two other examples are F-5Gs which were owned and operated by Kargl Aerial Surveys in 1946, and are now located in Chino, California at Yanks Air Museum, and in McMinnville, Oregon at Evergreen Aviation Museum. The earliest-built surviving P-38, Glacier Girl, was recovered from the Greenland ice cap in 1992, fifty years after she crashed there on a ferry flight to the UK, and after a complete restoration, flew once again ten years after her recovery.

    Over 10,000 Lightnings were manufactured, becoming the only U.S. combat aircraft that remained in continuous production throughout the duration of American participation in World War II. The Lightning had a major effect on other aircraft; its wing, in a scaled-up form, was used on the Lockheed Constellation.[108]

    Delivered and accepted Lightning production variants began with the P-38D model. The few "hand made" YP-38s initially contracted were used as trainers and test aircraft. There were no Bs or Cs delivered to the government as the USAAF allocated the 'D' suffix to all aircraft with self-sealing fuel tanks and armor.[33] Many secondary but still initial teething tests were conducted utilizing the earliest D variants.[33]

    The first combat-capable Lightning was the P-38E (and its photo-recon variant the F-4) which featured improved instruments, electrical, and hydraulic systems. Part-way through production, the older Hamilton Standard Hydromatic hollow steel propellers were replaced by new Curtiss Electric duraluminum propellers. The definitive (and now famous) armament configuration was settled upon, featuring four .50 in (12.7 mm) machine guns with 500 rpg, and a 20 mm (.79 in) Hispano autocannon with 150 rounds.[109]

    While the machine guns had been arranged symmetrically in the nose on the P-38D, they were "staggered" in the P-38E and later versions, with the muzzles protruding from the nose in the relative lengths of roughly 1:4:6:2. This was done to ensure a straight ammunition-belt feed into the weapons, as the earlier arrangement led to jamming.

    The first P-38E rolled out of the factory in October 1941 as the Battle of Moscow filled the news wires of the world. Because of the versatility, redundant engines, and especially high speed and high altitude characteristics of the aircraft, as with later variants over a hundred P-38Es were completed in the factory or converted in the field to a photoreconnaissance variant, the F-4, in which the guns were replaced by four cameras. Most of these early reconnaissance Lightnings were retained stateside for training, but the F-4 was the first Lightning to be used in action in April 1942.

    After 210 P-38Es were built, they were followed, starting in April 1942, by the P-38F, which incorporated racks inboard of the engines for fuel tanks or a total of 2,000 lb (907 kg) of bombs. Early variants did not enjoy a high reputation for maneuverability, though they could be agile at low altitudes if flown by a capable pilot, using the P-38's forgiving stall characteristics to their best advantage. From the P-38F-15 model onwards, a "combat maneuver" setting was added to the P-38's Fowler flaps. When deployed at the 8° maneuver setting, the flaps allowed the P-38 to out-turn many contemporary single-engined fighters at the cost of some added drag. However, early variants were hampered by high aileron control forces and a low initial rate of roll,[110] and all such features required a pilot to gain experience with the aircraft,[33] which in part was an additional reason Lockheed sent its representative to England, and later to the Pacific Theater.

    The aircraft was still experiencing extensive teething troubles as well as being victimized by "urban legends", mostly involving inapplicable twin engine factors which had been designed out of the aircraft by Lockheed.[33] In addition to these, the early versions had a reputation as a "widow maker" as it could enter an unrecoverable dive due to a sonic surface effect at high sub-sonic speeds. The 527 P-38Fs were heavier, with more powerful engines that used more fuel, and were unpopular in the air war in Northern Europe.[33] Since the heavier engines were having reliability problems and with them, without external fuel tanks, the range of the P-38F was reduced, and since drop tanks themselves were in short supply as the fortunes in the Battle of the Atlantic had not yet swung the Allies' way, the aircraft became relatively unpopular in minds of the bomber command planning staffs despite being the longest ranged fighter first available to the 8th Air Force in sufficient numbers for long range escort duties.[33] Nonetheless, General Spaatz, then commander of the 8th Air Force in the UK, said of the P-38F: "I'd rather have an airplane that goes like hell and has a few things wrong with it, than one that won't go like hell and has a few things wrong with it."[74]

    The P-38F was followed in early 1943 by the P-38G, utilizing more powerful Allisons of 1,400 hp (1,040 kW) each and equipped with a better radio. A dozen of the planned P-38G production were set aside to serve as prototypes for what would become the P-38J with further uprated Allison V-1710F-17 engines (1,425 hp/1,060 kW each) in redesigned booms which featured chin-mounted intercoolers in place of the original system in the leading edge of the wings and more efficient radiators. Lockheed subcontractors, however, were initially unable to supply both of Burbank's twin production lines with a sufficient quantity of new core intercoolers and radiators. War Production Board planners were unwilling to sacrifice production, and one of the two remaining prototypes received the new engines but retained the old leading edge intercoolers and radiators.

    As the P-38H, 600 of these stop-gap Lightnings with an improved 20 mm cannon and a bomb capacity of 3,200 lb (1,450 kg).were produced on one line while the near-definitive P-38J began production on the second line. The Eighth Air Force was experiencing high altitude and cold weather issues which, while not unique to the aircraft, were perhaps more severe as the turbo-superchargers upgrading the Allisons were having their own reliability issues making the aircraft more unpopular with senior officers out of the line.[33] This was a situation unduplicated on all other fronts where the commands were clamoring for as many P-38s as they could get.[33] Both the P-38G and P-38H models' performance was restricted by an intercooler system integral to the wing's leading edge which had been designed for the YP-38's less powerful engines. At the higher boost levels, the new engine's charge air temperature would increase above the limits recommended by Allison and would be subject to detonation if operated at high power for extended periods of time. Reliability was not the only issue, either. For example, the reduced power settings required by the P-38H did not allow the maneuvering flap to be used to good advantage at high altitude.[111] All these problems really came to a head in the unplanned P-38H and sped the Lightning's eventual replacement in the Eighth Air Force; fortunately the Fifteenth Air Force were glad to get them.

    Some P-38G production was diverted on the assembly line to F-5A reconnaissance aircraft. An F-5A was modified to an experimental two-seat reconnaissance configuration as the XF-5D, with a plexiglas nose, two machine guns and additional cameras in the tail booms.

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:28 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 13410
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Aug 03, 2017 11:41 pm

    This is yet another 'Retread' and my thinking has changed, but I'm not going to edit this post to reflect my shifting-paradigm. My 9.5 Theses might be difficult for 95% of Roman Catholics to swallow, and I'm frankly finding it difficult to swallow and digest, yet I'm leaving it 'As-Is'. Don't Burn Me Bro!! I'm Just a Completely Ignorant Fool!! The more I look at the madness -- the less I wish to look at the madness. Some of my lack accomplishment is because I simply "gave-up" rather than lacking the capabilities required to become "upwardly-mobile". Some of the disillusionment was a result of seeing how fragile many of the foundations were (once one got past mindless-tradition and force of habit). The 66 Books of the Bible can be the source of incredible confusion and absurdities -- and many are content to have someone tell them what the Bible supposedly says. I continue to maintain that the Info-War will ultimately destroy the faith of just about everyone. What might ultimately prevail are certain frequently-repeated traditions such as the Mass (regardless of whether they enjoy substantial Biblical-Support or not). I've suggested various approaches to research (which contain significant scholarly-integrity) but where are the eager-researchers?? Would a substantial-foundation emerge, which would stand the test of time and apathy??

    I think there is an ongoing "War in Heaven" which most of us know very little about. I continue to think that Religious and Political Science-Fiction is an appropriate approach to wrestling with the madness. I don't go to church and argue about this stuff. That wouldn't work. I generally don't talk about what I post on the internet. All I know is that every day I feel as though a truck hit me -- and I think it has everything to do with what I'm dealing with. As for MUFON -- just assume that just about EVERYTHING is infiltrated and subverted -- especially anything connected with uncovering what's REALLY been going on -- and what's presently happening -- throughout this solar system. I don't dare push any harder than I have been. I'm mostly attempting to positively-reinforce that which presently exists -- rather than becoming a Galactic Alex Jones!! I continue to think in terms of an ancient takeover of Earth which has involved unending conquest, punishment, payment, exploitation, etc. -- legitimately or illegitimately -- I know not. I have no idea how I might respond or react if I were anywhere near the center of things in this solar system. I think I have No Idea about what's really going on. This thread just scratches the surface. Check this out -- regarding Giants, Nephilim, and the Ancient Egyptians.

    Mercuriel wrote:OK - I have read the Bourdon Material as well as the Julien Material and It correclates with what I have been trying to get out...


    Simply put - I've been trying to tell many that the whole Rebellion / Power Struggle Issue has been Their Issue...

    The Bible is Their Story - Not Ours. Did We fall with Them - Yep - But then You'll follow someone Whos never lied to you before won't You...

    We've learned the Discernment on that one - Late Yes - But learned It We have...


    BTW - As an aside...


    Zecharia Sitchin passed away last Week...

    Born July  1920 (age 90) - Baku, Azerbaijan SSR

    Died October 9, 2010 - New York, New York

    Thanks for the Enlightenment. You've shed light into Dark corners and for that - We thank You...

    > Go easy Zecharia...

    Thank-you Mercuriel. I'm sorry to hear about Zecharia - but he lived a long life. Maybe it was time to go. He was quite the controversial person. I've been thinking - what if our souls are inter-dimensional reptilian in nature - and what if we came to Earth from Sirius - and created ourselves? Physically - that is. What if we got caught in the middle of an Amen Ra v Hathor family feud - with Jesus trying to break-up the fight? One can switch the names around a lot - with all of the gods, goddesses, archangels, biblical characters, et al - but I keep seeing a three-way power-struggling mess - with most of us caught in the middle. Oh - some of us may have some very, very bad karma - but is this really a case of circumstances, situations, misunderstandings, insanity, corruption, deception, escalation, and who-knows-what? Shouldn't we simply attempt to pull the plug on the madness, at this point - and play the blame-game in a reasonable and rational manner - with a Galactic Judge Judy - or something - without the Damned to Hell Penalty? The wild-card may be out of control technology and human/reptilian hybrids on the loose - throughout the solar system. It might be very, very difficult to put the Reptilians Back in the Bottle - at this late date. Here reppie, reppie! Time for din-din! Nice reppie! Sorry Reptilians - but I just couldn't resist! I mean no disrespect. Once again - I'm inviting ALL factions to unite around a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System. As usual - I'm flying blind, scared, and stupid - but you've at least got to give me a B+ for effort and good intentions.

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Ugh

    At this point - I feel like a lost little boy who has wandered onto the battlefield - just before the Battle of the Bulge. I don't want to be a part of any of this - but I have made myself a part of this by my internet activities and speculations. Might we be dealing with Amen Ra Annunaki vs Hathor Annunaki? Gabriel Annunaki vs Lucifer Annunaki? Could Michael be the legitimate leader of the Human Race (us and those who we encounter every day)? Awesome Gods and Goddesses? Could Adria approximate the Queen of Heaven who anciently came to Tibet from Sirius - to conduct a hybridization program (to create us?) - after stealing fire from the gods?

    I have noticed that so often - things don't work out. We believe something - and then it turns out to be a lie. We trust someone - and they turn out to be a crook. We go here. We go there. We try this. We try that. I guess things will always be that way. I just keep asking questions - as a modus operandi. When I have taken a stand - of sorts - with my mini-crusade regarding a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - I feel very uncomfortable. Things can be so illusory. People can be so fickle. Situations can change instantly. In the last two years, I have gained a new sympathy for agnostics - people who think that there are things that go bump in the night - but who aren't really sure who or what it is. Perhaps the Liberal Episcopalians or the Anglican Agnostics are on the right track.

    Speaking of religion - a post on another thread spoke of Latin and Rituals in less than flattering terms. I have been taking a look at the possibility of a modified Latin Mass as possibly being a Spiritual Switzerland - especially if the day to day practices of the church were in complete harmony with the Teachings of Jesus and the U.S. Constitution. But perhaps the combination of Rituals, Latin, Cathedrals, etc. - are inherently evil in nature. I am torn by this. Help me out regarding Rituals and Latin. I wish for fundamental changes to occur in all churches - but I don't wish to trample upon how people pray - and to be disruptive regarding what people are used to. How does one save the church - without destroying the church? If the church goes down - the crazy and dangerous cults will thrive. Or - are the crazy cults really crazy? Perhaps the church should go down - and the church doors should be locked. Who knows? But whatever we think or do - it will probably ultimately turn out to be wrong or bs - judging from history. Sorry for the negativity - but I'm really not trying to win a popularity contest. I am simply searching and searching and searching - and I'm not even sure what I'm searching for. Oh wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from this bottomless pit of BS???

    I will continue to live in the dreamland of a perfected humanity living in a perfected Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System - as a sort of an ongoing science fiction movie - which I am in the middle of - every day. I will examine everything from this perspective. This is a test. This is only a test. What would Bill Cooper say?

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    Don't mind me - I'm just going to keep rambling on this thread. I'm beginning to turn this thread primarily - and my other threads secondarily - into a personal religion. I lost my faith - and now I am trying to build a new one. Perhaps someone else can learn something from this process as well. Try reading the first few posts of this thread a couple of times - including all of the links - and see what that does for you. Once again - I am looking at combining the Teachings of Jesus, the U.S. Constitution, and the Latin Mass (including the classical sacred musical literature). In many respects - these are strange bedfellows - but there really is a method to my madness and my heresy. What would a minimalist theocracy look like? I have HUGE problems with the Crusades and the Inquistion - and with all persecution and abuse (including pedophilia) - but who was really presiding over this historical madness? We need to know the full story of our history - including all of the gory and embarrassing details.

    Is theocracy always wrong? Is the absence of theocracy always right? What is the proper relationship of church and state? Can there be religious freedom in a theocracy? I am very, very suspicious regarding the Roman Catholic Church's role in the United States of America (historically and presently). I fear the reality of who has really been calling the shots - for a long, long time. Something has been very, very wrong. Something is very, very wrong. And I fear that things are about to get a helluva lot worse. I fear that there will not be peace on Earth - until the Roman Catholic Church is in complete harmony with the Teachings of Jesus and the U.S. Constitution. Obviously - this is something for the scholars to consider and work out. I'm simply thinking in broad and general terms. But I would really like to see the Teachings of Jesus replace Canon Law - and I would like to see the U.S. Constitution become the modus operandi of church governance. I don't have a problem with hierarchy and authority - if and only if - it is not corrupt, dictatorial, arrogant, and cruel. I'm just frankly afraid of that which exists underneath Cathedrals and Capitols - in Underground Bases. Who really presides over this realm? This is what really, really troubles me. How dark and deep is the rabbit hole? I fear that it may be a bottomless pit...

    Today - I kept having a sort of a vision of being on a UFO with the modern incarnations of Amen Ra and Hathor - as father and daughter Annunaki. Could my avatar approximate the appearance of the daughter? Is this daughter Lucifer? Kali? Mary? The Queen of Heaven? We were discussing the fate of Planet Earth. Amen Ra was determined to commence an extermination - and I was determined to keep this from happening. I felt very, very weak and small. This little vision of sorts never resolved. Are we dealing with Father (Incoming) and Daughter (Local) Annunaki Factions - a Nazi Aldebaran Faction - and a Pleiadian Jesus Faction (determined to resolve the conflict between the other factions - and to institute Responsible Freedom and Peace on Earth)? This speculation is starting to feel so real - that I feel like a walking war-zone - and like I am going downhill fast ...

    "Today, more than ever before, life must be characterized by a sense of Universal Responsibility, not only nation to nation and human to human, but also human to other forms of life." - Dalai Lama

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    The following is the first post of another thread 'Death and Taxes'. I am including it in this thread because of relevance.

    I'd like to look at warfare and taxation - past, present, and future. I have no particular agenda or direction here. I will add more to this post as I get more ideas. 'America - Freedom to Fascism' is probably a good place to begin. 'The Money Masters' is probably a good second video to view. Even though it covers a lot of unrelated territory - 'Behold a Pale Horse' should probably be included in this thread. It will help us to grasp the big-picture in all of this.

    I am partial to reversing the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 - and disbanding the IRS and the Federal Reserve. I support replacing the current tax-form system with a 5% point of sale consumption tax to directly fund legitimate governmental activities. I am in favor of getting the entire world completely out of debt. I am also in favor of getting the entire world completely out of war. All of this seems to be interrelated. We can't simply deal with one thing. We have to deal with everything.

    The following is a composite of my recent posts on another website:

    OK...I just received another letter from the IRS...which is prompting probably a dozen internet comments today...with more to follow tomorrow. What percentage of our tax-dollars (from all taxation) goes to the United Nations, Washington D.C., the City of London, the Vatican, the Royal Family, the Secret Space Program, the Secret Government, and the Underground Bases - which may be hostile to the visible and constitutional United States of America? Could paying taxes be a treasonous act? Just as I posted my last comment - Internet Explorer stopped working. Is this coincidental? What percentage of the Worldwide Illegal Drug Trade goes to the entities listed above? Take a very close look at who was behind the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, World War I, the Great Depression, Looting Fort Knox, World War II, Project Paperclip, the Alphabet Agencies Worldwide, the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, the Kennedy Assasinations, the Iraq Wars, and the New World Order. Is all of this related? Repeal the 16th Amendment. Disband the Federal Reserve. Retroactively audit all taxation - and if there is any fraud, misuse, and abuse - return all relevant funds to all affected parties - with penalties and interest. Institute a 5% Federal Consumption Tax (with no tax forms) to fund LEGITIMATE governmental activities. Who really owns the property in the United States of America? Is the U.S. scheduled to undergo a controlled demolition? Keep asking the questions. No rest for the wicked. Are there any class-action lawsuits challenging the taxation system in the U.S.? Do you guys really want to keep writing the nasty letters? I can write some pretty nasty letters myself. I'm small-fry. Going after me could be VERY expensive for you. You know who I am. The electronic surveillance, and even supernatural surveillance, is reprehensible. The taxation system has very little to do with the legitimate and constitutional United States of America. We've been had - BIG TIME...

    How much does it cost to administer all taxation in the U.S.? Isn't this a monumental waste of money? Isn't this an activity which is hostile to the citizens of the U.S.? Why wouldn't a point of sale consumption tax (for all taxation) be a huge improvement in efficiency and morale? All taxation funds should go directly to the various legitimate governmental agencies - without passing through corrupt and private hands. This mess needs to be completely exposed NOW. Sorry you wrote that letter? OK...Internet Explorer just shut down again. Twice in 30 minutes - while I was posting the comments and questions above. Coincidental? Get a copy of 'Behold a Pale Horse' by Bill Cooper, and read it twice. Then, watch everything with Bill Cooper on Google and YouTube. There are others - but Bill seems to get to the heart of the matter - in a calm and rational manner. We the People of Earth need to get informed - without getting mad - or going mad. Then we need to clean-up this mess. We the People of Earth have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves, and for future generations...a True World Order. A world where Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom...not the Old World Disorder Demonic Theocracy...governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful...and we will be...we have a real chance at this True World order in which a credible United Nations can use Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom to fulfill the promise and vision of All Races. Some people lead. Some people follow. Some people have ideas which are so far ahead of their time - that these ideas will be only be implemented long after their originator has left this world. Things are going to get worse - before they get better - but Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom will rise from the ashes of the New World Order - like the Flight of the Phoenix. I realize that these four BIG words are perplexing to those with small minds and no vision. My apologies.

    The following is some advice I received from an anonymous poster - and I cannot vouch for it's accuracy or validity> 'Step one. Google IMF transcripts (Individual Master File) and 'VAL-1". Second send a FOIA request to your local IRS office asking for a copy of your IMF transcripts so that you can see with your own eyes, the 'VAL-1" error code on your transcripts. VAL-1 = Invalid SSN Freeze which means IRS has tricked the computer to believing you owe income tax. (they use other codes as well) This is the foundation of their proof of claim against you. NOT THE CONSTITUTION. The Constitution contains 4400 words and was meant to be *understood* by everyone. The Tax Code contains 10,000,000 words and was intended to *steal* from everyone. Any questions? The 16th Amendment wasn’t legally ratified, (see “The Law That Never Was”) and the income tax has been declared unconstitutional by the SCOTUS. Join the nearly 70 million *law abiding* Americans who refuse to pay this extortion.'

    Thank-you. You have made me curious enough to try this! Once again - why don't we replace the whole mess with a 5% national federal consumption tax - which goes directly to legitimate governmental activities. Why don't we eliminate nearly all debt - personal and public? Why don't we back the dollar with silver? Why don't we audit the Secret Government, the Secret Space Program, and the Underground Bases? Why don't we REALLY stop the illegal drug trade worldwide? Why is this so hard? I think that the real solutions are really quite simple - but the lies, corruption, hatred, complexity, confusion, and insanity - are so ingrained in our thinking and society - that we can't see the forest for the trees. I really desire a solution - and I really don't wish to rant and rave. Taxation should be simplified. The Secret Government should be transparent. Globalism should be based upon Responsible Freedom. Black Projects should be revealed to the public. Let freedom ring! If you research the Secret Government, the Secret Space Program, Deep Underground? Military Bases, Magneto Leviton Trains, The New World Order, Black Projects, etc. - and how they are financed - you will understand why Solar System Governance is a relevant and important issue. We need a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System. Study the words separately. Then study them as a whole, and the light should shine into your dark soul.

    Here is the response to the last couple of sentences in the previous paragraph> 'There is no "Secret Space Program" nor "Deep Underground Military Bases", so your strange plans of solar system domination have no meaning. My soul is just fine, thank you.'

    What if the Federal Reserve were nationalized?? What if the system remained mostly intact -- while being operated by the Federal Government -- with taxes being collected via point of sale?? If there are world (or solar system) governmental funding needs -- that might be dealt with separately. Once again, I'm trying to think in terms of positively-reinforcing that which presently exists -- rather than starting from scratch or drastically changing everything -- and really screwing things up. I suspect that the bad-guys might somehow let the good-guys take-over just as the house of cards begins to really collapse -- and then clean-up the mess while tightening the noose even tighter around the throat of humanity -- by creating other messes. Even if humanity deserves harsh treatment, it seems to me that this might be accomplished in a more ethical and open manner. Once again, I have no idea what our history really is -- or what's really going-on in this solar system. We Need to Talk. Tell us what you think about this subject.

    I still need to become more informed regarding the details of the ancient world. I have mostly been thinking in terms of big-picture principles and concepts. Once again, I'm trying to look at a lot of this sort of thing from the perspective of the United Nations, the Vatican, the City of London, Washington D.C., the Secret Government, the Secret Societies, the Jesuits, the Alphabet Agencies, the Royal Family, Israel, the Underground Bases, the Secret Space Program, and on and on... It's all a huge multidisciplinary guessing game - and when one is disoriented and insecure - it's difficult to really absorb the details and see everything clearly. I'm really just asking a lot of questions - shotgun style - hoping that some of the questions lead others to the truth - a truth which will help to set us responsibly free - going forward for millions of years. But this probably involves poking and prodding in areas where such activities are not welcome - and such speculative activities might, in fact, be counterproductive. I am not necessarily hostile and opposed to all of the names and places listed above. I really simply wish for them to conduct business in a much more open and ethical manner. When a critical mass of informed and ethical people are looking over the shoulders (and second-guessing) all of the above - I think things might improve exponentially.

    We always end up fighting - don't we? This is probably true everywhere - in families, businesses, governments, churches, and alien civilizations. There are probably word wars transpiring on UFO's and Underground Bases throughout the solar system - even as I type. I just hope that the razzmatazz (thank-you abraxasinas for that word) can move to a much higher road than it travels presently - throughout the solar system. Now I'm going to listen to another Bill Cooper show (Uncle Bill's Bedtime Stories). I'm seriously trying to kick the posting habit. "I can quit anytime I want". "I don't have an obsessive-compulsive posting problem". "The internet alien and conspiracy theories really haven't taken over, and ruined my life". "I'm really a happy and well-balanced human being (or am I a human/reptile hybrid?)". "O wretched man that I am!"

    Sorry for the tangent in the midst of the turmoil. I do think there is a legitimate place for fighting and sharp words - but so often it is accompanied by utter stupidity. I just watched 'Stargate Continuum' - and the scene where Ba'al and Qetesh aka Vala are in their spaceship - and are preparing to attack and enslave Earth - particularly impressed me. I thought - what would it be like to discuss forum topics in that setting? Or in the Stargate Command Underground Base? My point is that we often seem to fiddle while Rome burns. If I could do anything I wished - one item at the top of the list - would be to have access to everyone and everything in the solar system - to be able to be a fly on the wall at closed-door meetings - to view secret files - to occasionally speak with key humans and non-humans - but to have no authority - just access. I like to watch. Can someone arrange this? Once again - I know I'm crazy - but I'm also serious!

    Here is another what if. What if it's Gabriel vs Lucifer + Michael - with Gabriel and Lucifer being the big-guns - and Michael being highly pure, but relatively powerless compared with the other two? Might Lucifer and Michael be co-mediators between Gabriel and Humanity? Might Gabriel be God/Satan? Might Lucifer be Mary/Holy Spirit? Might Michael be Jesus? Once again - don't get mad at me - this is just more speculation. My goal is to make you face yourselves - and think. Could Gabriel have been dysfunctional in Heaven (Orion?)? Could Lucifer and Michael have rebelled against Gabriel? Did Humanity aka Fallen Angels aka Nephilim aka Us - follow (fall) Lucifer and Michael to Earth? Did we steal Fire (advanced technology, hybridization genetics, and spiritual wisdom) from Gabriel? Was this the Original Sin? Are Lucifer and Michael at odds regarding how to deal with Gabriel? Is Gabriel the leader of the Incoming Annunaki? Is Lucifer the leader of the Local Annunaki? Is Michael the leader of Humanity (as we know humans to be)?

    I keep feeling incredible tension and looming fate - as I contemplate our situation. Earth really does seem to be a Planet in Rebellion - and it feels as though the rebellion is about to be put down - once and for all. But what if ALL parties are wrong? What if an innovative solution needs to be pursued? I keep mentioning a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System. I like the concept - but I am clueless regarding the details and implementation aspects. I'll just keep passively pursuing this line of reasoning - and hope that the Big Gun Gods and Goddesses call off Armageddon, Retribution, Annihilation, Damnation, Utter Destruction, etc. - and declare some sort of a conditional truce - to work things out in a reasonable, rational, and peaceful manner. Hope springs eternal - but don't hold your breath - hoping for hell to freeze over...

    At this point - I am expecting to reincarnate endlessly in this solar system. I have signed on to see this thing through. I do not intend to abandon ship - even though I often feel an overwhelming desire to do so. Why do we think that things are better elsewhere? Why do we think that physicality is so damn bad and restrictive? Are we a bunch of ingrates? I grew up in an organization which looked forward to the end of the world - the destruction of the world - and the annihilation of the sinful and unbelieving masses (except for the faithful few) - with no second chances - at the hands of a god of love - who would make everything right. I will not cut my fellow humans loose. I will not tolerate the destruction of this beautiful planet. I wish to help bring sanity to this solar system through a methodical pursuit of responsibility - to benefit each and every soul - regardless of their purity or corruption. Some may have to go to soul school - but not to eternal destruction. The true Creator God of the Universe may have other plans - but until such time as these plans are implemented - I will pursue a course of action which preserves this solar system and it's inhabitants. This is a solemn responsibility which none of us should take lightly. Sun. Fun. Stay. Play. World Without End. Amen.

    OK - I just purchased a bunch of books and DVD's - mostly science fiction. I intend to keep this thread clearly in mind as I read and view these materials. You see - the basic concepts and documents in this thread may be quite boring - especially if you are looking for the latest freak-show - but when one applies these concepts and documents to both sci-fi and real-world situations - things become very, very interesting. I predict that this thread will be the way of the future - but I don't think that I will be a part of it - not in this incarnation, at least. But in a sense - I don't need to be a part of it - because I see the future very clearly in my mind's eye. When I spoke with Terence McKenna regarding the imagination, he said "if you dream it - you've already done it." I agree. It's already a done-deal. A Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System - based upon Responsibility and the U.S. Constitution - will rise from the ashes of The New World Order aka The Old World Disorder Demonic Theocracy - like the Flight of the Phoenix.

    Here are some video links which should probably be viewed or listened to repeatedly:

    1. Bill Cooper:

    2. Commander X:

    3. Alex Collier (1994):

    Read between the lines, and consider these videos in the light of that which I have discussed on this, and other threads. I don't agree with everything in the videos (and some of the material is boring, or of low production quality) - but I am trying to create a foundation consisting of a conceptual core of truth - so as to facilitate bigger and better things for humanity - without making disastrous detours.

    I think that church history is a total mess and a complete disaster - but where do we go from here? What would you say and do if it were up to you to reform the church? It's a very, very sensitive and tricky enterprise - to start meddling with how people pray. All I know - is that I am trying to create an imaginary ecumenical religion for myself. It's not going real well - but I'm trying. Here are my 9.5 Theses:

    1. Replace Canon Law with the Teachings of Jesus.

    2. Institute a Modified Latin Mass (with no communion - emphasizing the remembrance of Christ and His Teachings - rather than His Sacrifice) - offering Masses seven days a week - with no preference regarding the day or days of attendance.

    3. Base All Homilies, Theology, and Ritual Upon the Teachings of Jesus.

    4. Eliminate Penance and Confession (replacing both with psychological and spiritual counselling).

    5. Allow Women to be Priests and Popes.

    6. Allow Priests to Marry and Popes to Marry (and eliminate all blasphemous titles).

    7. Eliminate All Crucifixes (The bloody, dying, and mostly naked Jesus should not be paraded and displayed).

    8. Be Completely Honest Regarding the History of the Church, the World, the Solar System, the Galaxy, and the Universe.

    9. Institute a Program of Responsible Reproduction (lifting the ban on birth-control).

    9.5. Base Civil and Church Governance on the U.S. Constitution.







    Here I Stand (or perhaps I should run).

    This is simply a brain-storm. This is simply something to think about. This is simply an attempt to create a Spiritual Switzerland.

    World Without End.


    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 G11

    I mean no harm. I am going to retrace my steps - and really attempt to absorb the territory I have covered so hastily and hesitatingly - and really attempt to separate the wheat from the chaff. I will also attempt to internalize the wheat - and to walk the walk. I have tried to bring others along with me on my journey - and this may have been a mistake. But I really do think that the areas covered are key - and that they should be studied carefully. What I should probably do - is proceed as though I were writing a doctoral dissertation - and produce a 1,000 page scholarly book - with 100 pages of footnotes. I doubt that such a lofty goal will materialize - judging from my limited track record - but someone needs to do this. Joseph Farrell - where are you?

    Many years ago - there was a TV show called 'Queen for a Day' - and my grandmother was on it. Can you imagine being 'Queen of Heaven for a Day?' I keep getting the image of someone looking a lot like my avatar (for special occasions anyway) - travelling around the world on magneto-leviton trains - and interacting with most of the political, religious, scientific, business, and financial leaders of the world - each and every day. But it is unclear to me whether Earth is completely their show - or whether they are an administrator for - or are in conflict with - an even more powerful being, or group of beings. This, of course, is merely speculation. If I could prove this - I would cease to exist. I wouldn't have to wait for the rocks to fall on me...

    I would love to shadow the key players in this solar system as sort of a neutral observer. Is this sort of thinking a form of mental illness - or is it the proper way to think about solar system issues? Should I get all wrapped-up in the local political mudslinging - or should I mostly think of responsible principles and concepts relative to the politics, religion, psychology, and ethics of doing business in this solar system? I'm beginning to think in terms of competing with an Anna or Katesh version of the Queen of Heaven - who I think might be the chief administrator of this solar system. Again - is this a form of mental illness - or is this a reasonable modality of getting a handle on what's really going on? Is there a legitimate place for a Solar System Administrator? Would things be even more chaotic if none existed? I'm thinking that a Solar System Observer (or Observers) - who had access to everyone and everything - with no authority - might be a good thing - but I don't really know. Thinking about all of this makes me shaky. Is anyone else thinking in this manner? I'm sure there is - but who are they? Where are they? What are they doing?

    My speculations have been quite wild - but also quite vivid, to me at least - so I really don't know which way to jump. Is this a sign of instability - or is it simply due dilligence? What do you think about all of this goddess, Kali, Tibet, China, India, Persia, Queen of Heaven stuff? I really feel as though this is playing with fire - but I'm hoping that considering all of the possibilities will help to unite all factions in the solar system - in a constructive manner, which does not involve peace at any price, or any Trojan Horse scenarios.

    Here is some more Queen of Heaven material.

    Mary has appeared under many names over the centuries, here are but a few:

    Mary, Queen of Heaven (Rome)
    Arianrhod (Welsh) Goddess of fertility
    Aprodite (Greek) Goddess of fertility
    Ashteroth (Phoenicians and Canaanites) Goddess of fertility
    Astarte (Eastern Mediterranean/Bronze Age) Goddess of fertility
    Anahita (Persian) Goddess of fertility
    Anu (Celtic) Goddess of fertility
    Aveta (Gaulish) Goddess of fertility
    Brigit (Irish) Goddess of fertility
    Ceres (Rome) Goddess of fertility
    Corn Mother (Native American) Earth Goddess/Goddess of fertility
    Cybele (Rome) Goddess of fertility
    Demeter (Greek) Goddess of fertility
    Freya (Scandinavian) Goddess of fertility
    Frigg (Scandinavian) Goddess of fertility
    Gaia (Greek) Mother goddess
    Hathor (Egyptian) Goddess of fertility
    Haumea (Hawaiian)  Mother goddess
    Inanna (Sumerian) Goddess of fertility
    Ishtar (Babylonian/Assyrian) Goddess of fertility
    Isis (Egyptian) Goddess of fertility
    Juno (Rome) Goddess of fertility
    Kali (Indian) – Black earth mother/Goddess of fertility
    Kostroma (Slavic) Goddess of fertility
    Mylitta (Sumerian) Goddess of fertility
    Oshun (Afro/Cuban) Goddess of fertility
    Rainbow Snake (Aborigine) – Earth Goddess/Goddess of fertility
    Rhea (Greek) Mother goddess
    Tlalteutli (Aztec) Goddess of creation
    Venus (Rome) Goddess of fertility
    Vasudhara (Tibetan) Goddess of fertility

    One Nation Under Satan? In Goddess We Trust? Might M-42, Aldebaran, and Sirius be 'home' for most of us? Are we really the 'Orion Group' which Alex Collier refers to? Are our souls interdimensional reptilian in nature? Are all of us human/reptile hybrids with varying percentage differentials? Do most of us have a very low reptile percentage (reptilian brain + reptilian soul) - greys an intermediate percentage - and reptilians a high percentage? Please don't laugh - this is just a wild theory. I tend to think that the Queen of Heaven has been conducting a hybridization program on Earth for thousands of years - starting in Tibet. Some of this is based upon a visit to Tibet by Nicholas Roerich - where he saw strange grey people, and learned of a 'Sovereign Queen of the Air' who had come to Tibet from Sirius to conduct hybridization experiments. Lucis Creator? I am obviously a fan of an organized decentralism solar system government. I'm thinking that a one world government or one solar system government has existed for thousands of years - and that whoever is in power (The Queen of Heaven?) wishes to remain in power - rather than gaining power. I do think that numerous states are an essential ingredient in a world government or solar system government which maximizes responsible freedom over an extended time period.

    I keep thinking that all proposed solutions and attempted implementations will be highly problematic. No matter how we attempt to put the puzzle together - it will always be wrong. There will always be discord and conflict. However - we really should seek more sane ways to manage the insanity. All of this should probably proceed in an evolutionary rather than a revolutionary manner. Top-down would probably be better than bottom-up - but both would be optimal. Talking softly and carrying a big stick would be splendiferous!

    I'm also going to read a bunch of fringe books - and watch a bunch of sci-fi DVD's. I just watched a Battlestar Galactica DVD - and I'm rewatching the old 'V' series. I also purchased a DVD with the first twelve episodes of the current 'V' series. I'm reading 'The God's of Eden' by William Bramley. I see things coming into focus - but I'm still pretty shaky about my new paradigm. I'm really going to try to post a lot less - but I'm not mad. Speaking of which - the more calm and passive the discovery process, the better. The disclosure material itself is so explosive - that one should probably go out of their way to take it slow and easy. I'm still interested in a job which helps to facilitate a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System - which involves access without authority. Hell - I just want to fly in a UFO - without getting shipped off to a slave-labor yttrium mine on Planet 666 - and then used as food when I slow down. I really and truly hope that this solar system is in the process of becoming much more reasonable and ethical - with or without me. Namaste. I am of peace. Always.

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 I050615familycirc

    You may not like this subject. You may not like me. You may not agree with me on this subject. But who REALLY owns and operates this solar system? What is the governmental structure of this solar system? What should the governmental structure of this solar system be? Does anyone know? Does anyone care? Or is it more important to Kick Dick? No wonder the Gods and Goddesses don't trust us to be the Masters of Our Fate, and the Captains of Our Souls...

    OUT of the night that covers me,
    Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
    I thank whatever gods may be
    For my unconquerable soul.

    In the fell clutch of circumstance
    I have not winced nor cried aloud.
    Under the bludgeonings of chance
    My head is bloody, but unbowed.

    Beyond this place of wrath and tears
    Looms but the Horror of the shade,
    And yet the menace of the years
    Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

    It matters not how strait the gate,
    How charged with punishments the scroll,
    I am the master of my fate:
    I am the captain of my soul.

    ~ William Ernest Henley (Invictus)

    I just ran out of pearls and patience simultaneously. The corrupt will continue to rule the stupid until hell freezes over. Don't hold your breath. My idealism is morphing into pragmatism. Perhaps it is time to begin playing hardball. But I much prefer softball.

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 DW%20Pics%20004

    Here is a link to a U.N. related lecture on global governance. Once again - this thread is all about transforming the United Nations and the City States. Have you checked out the United Nations University? Consider this thread to be The United States of the Solar System University! I think I'm going to pursue this as a Shadow Shadow Government! Or perhaps as a Parallel United Nations (on an alternate timeline)! Just think of participating in the United Nations, the Vatican, the City of London, Washington D.C., the Secret Government, the Secret Space Program, and the Underground Bases. Consider all of these as one unit. Consider an idealized version of all of the above - without corruption, creepy rituals, violent intrigue, etc. Once again - I don't wish to reinvent the wheel - I simply wish to help make it perfectly round and true. Once again - I am a United Nations Country Club Constitutionalist - rather than a Shotgun and Constitution in My Truck Constitutionalist. I think this is a very, very important distinction. I'd love to chat - but now I'm going to listen to Alex Jones...

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Ahmadinejad-cp-w-7374106
    Mercuriel wrote: Oxy - Since You seem to love Riddles and deciphering them I have a Path to trickle down in relation to the U.N. if You're Interested and utlimately a Truth You can expose to the Membership - If You're up for It ?

    Heck ya! I've got no problems with walking tall into a minefield, like the uppity pseudo-intellectual that I am!

    Just as an aside - imagine being a Wall Street trader who sings in the choir at St. Patrick's Cathedral, and who is close friends with people who work at the United Nations, Washington insiders, high-ranking clergy, and 9/11 truthers. I sometimes think that I would like to try something like this. Once again - the ultimate goal is a big-tent solution - which treats each and every soul with dignity and respect - and which is non-violent and non-corrupt. I bring peace rather than a sword. Have you ever considered the 'sword statement' by Jesus? This is one of those hard-sayings of Jesus, which are flies in the ointment for me. What did the redacters do - and when did they do it? What would F. F. Bruce say? What would the Jesus Seminar say? What would Lucifer say?

    To any of you who work in Hollywood - consider combining the 'V' and 'Stargate' concepts - and including the United Nations, the Vatican, the City of London, Washington D.C., the Alphabet Agencies, the Secret Government, the Secret Space Program, the Military, the Underground Bases, Hollywood, and the Alternative Media. My guess is that this is probably already in the works. The idea would be to help people understand how the solar system really works - and how they can constructively contribute to it's success. The truth will set us free - but the truth needs to be properly presented - so as to avoid thermonuclear war, chemical and biological warfare, tectonic warfare, international terrorism, worldwide riots, civil war, mass suicide, mass extermination, mass enslavement, mass hysteria, etc, etc, etc.

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Thaiminefield

    Here are a lot of my speculations, which somewhat relate to your question and subject. I am presently trying to devotionally study the Four Gospels, the Federalist Papers, and the Anti-Federalist Papers - while listening to Latin Masses and Classical Sacred Music. I have recently speculated that the Queen of Heaven controls the Politics and Religion of this Solar System - and that she is the equivalent of Lucifer. Could the chief administrator of the Solar System be similar to my avatar? Could this be the 'Whore of Babylon' - who made the nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication? See - I'm thinking that religious and political leaders may have to deal with more secret and hidden problems than we can possibly imagine. I just watched 'Stargate Continuum' - and the scene where Ba'al and Qetesh aka Vala are in their spaceship - and are preparing to attack and enslave Earth - particularly impressed me. Might world leaders have had to deal with something like this (historically and/or presently)? Could there be a real-life Qetesh (Vala) aka Queen of Heaven - who controls us by controlling the United Nations and the City States?

    I have further speculated that she is a mixture of good, evil, genius, sanity, and insanity - and that she needs to retire - and turn Solar System Governance over to 10,000 highly competent human beings - under Responsibility and the U.S. Constitution (in general terms). This would provide for continued religious pluralism and cultural diversity. I am not a cultural imperialist. I am a pompous, supercilious, bombastic, pseudo-intellectual, triumphalist, liberal, traditionalist, amillennialist, sedavacantist, Red-Letter Christian, new-age agnostic, orthodoxymoron. Special note to the Queen of Heaven: I mean no harm or disrespect. I am simply trying to consider all of the possibilities. I really desire a happy ending/beginning to all of this - for everyone - including you. I'd like to give you a big hug someday! Really and truly! I'm trying to remain detached in order to get at the truth - but when this thing gets resolved - I will be a lot warmer, and a lot more friendly.

    Consider these relevant shows by Bill Cooper:

    1. Sun Worship
    2. From Babylon to Christianity

    Here is something else, to help get the ball rolling. 'One World Religion, The U.N. and the New World Order (pt. 1)'

    "Greetings sisters and brethren. Our nation is being systematically dismantled. All nations are. All religions are also. It is being destroyed by the New World Order. The United Nations is a key tool of the NWO. Much of the NWO plans are carried out via U.N. treaties and mandates, roundtables and "thinktanks". The United Nations operates under Luciferian doctrine. This is no theory, this is documented fact. Through the U.N., the NWO is creating for your children a one world religion. An organization known as LUCIS TRUST, is the primary executor of the New World Order's plan for a one world religion. Lucis Trust was called LUCIFER TRUST until the name was changed for obvious reasons. The office of Lucis Trust was also moved. As bizarre as it may seem, the office of LUCIFER TRUST was actually located at the address: 666 United Nations Plaza, New York, New York. Here is a quote from the founder of Lucifer Trust herself, Alice Bailey: "Evidence of the growth of the human intellect along the needed receptive lines [for the preparation of the New Age] can be seen in the "planning" of various nations and in the efforts of the United Nations to formulate a world plan... From the very start of this unfoldment, three occult factors have governed the development of all these plans". [Alice B. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age (Lucis Press, 1955), Vol. II, p.35.]

    And consider the following from : Sri Chinmoy, the New Age guru, meditation leader at the UN, wrote: "the United Nations is the chosen instrument of God; to be a chosen instrument means to be a divine messenger carrying the banner of God's inner vision and outer manifestation." William Jasper, author of "A New World Religion" describes the religion of the UN: "...a weird and diabolical convergence of New Age mysticism, pantheism, aboriginal animism atheism, communism, socialism, Luciferian occultism, apostate Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism". You can find out much more about them and how they're involved with the work of the United Nations by following their link "World Goodwill" at the top of their home page. The Aquarian Age Community This Website is sponsored by the United Nations and the whole NWO philosophy is there. The page which explains the work of the Aquarian Age Community, as they call themselves, has this proud quote at the header of their page at --- end of excerpts and quotes.

    The following is taken directly from the U.N. rostered LUCIS TRUST website: The Will To Good

    "There are six recognitions that can provide a basis for realising these purposes and objectives: One: Humanity is not following a haphazard or uncharted course -- there is a Plan. This Plan has always existed and is part of the greater design of the Cosmos. The Plan has worked out through the evolutionary developments of the past and because of the special impetus given it from time to time by the great leaders, teachers and intuitives of the human race. Two: There is an inner spiritual government of the planet, known under such different names as the spiritual Hierarchy, the society of Illumined Minds, or Christ and his Church, according to various religious traditions. Humanity is never left without spiritual guidance or direction under the Plan. Three: The widespread expectation that we approach the "Age of Maitreya", as it is known in the East, when the World Teacher and present head of the spiritual Hierarchy, the Christ, will reappear among humanity to sound the keynote of the new age.

    Four: There are millions of mentally alert men and women in all parts of the world who are en rapport with the Plan and work to give it expression. They are people in whom the consciousness of humanity as one interdependent unit is alive and active. They regard the many differing national, religious and social systems in which they serve as modes of expanding human consciousness and ways by which humanity learns needed lessons. Their primary function is, through their living example, to give humanity a new and better vision of what life should be. Five: The heart of humanity is sound. Our era is notable for the growth of goodwill and altruistic endeavour. All the crises, wars and catastrophes of the twentieth century have been unable to crush the human spirit. Six: The Plan for humanity is based on the principles of sharing, cooperation, practical brotherhood, right relationships between all people and between nations, and goodwill in action. These beliefs give a new dimension to spiritual reality and a long-range perspective to our present crises. They provide opportunity for cooperation with the spiritual evolution of humanity and increase our capacity for freedom. There is no group so likely to ensure that humanity achieves this most difficult goal as the men and women of goodwill. Provided they can overcome inertia they are in a key position, requiring only courage to express goodwill and to initiate action to prepare for the new world order. Mobilising Goodwill.

    "The hope for the future lies in the hands of men and women of goodwill. Leaders, managers, technical experts and specialists in all areas of life are relatively helpless without the massed cooperation of people of goodwill. Focussed enlightened public opinion has no equal and can be a major factor in world reconstruction. But it has been little used. The major need today is to educate world public opinion in the significance of goodwill as a powerful creative energy and way of life; and to mobilise men and women to establish goodwill as a keynote of the coming new age civilisation. World Goodwill aids in this task by: Advice and assistance to individual men and women to increase their effectiveness in service. Cooperation with the world service action of other organisations, and groups of organisations. Support for the work of the United Nations and its Specialised Agencies as the main hope for humanity's future. Meditation on right human relations and the energy of goodwill. A Worldwide Educational Programme which includes: A Distribution Programme of pamphlets to all parts of the world, with the assistance of volunteer associates and cooperating groups. The World Goodwill Newsletter, a regular publication highlighting the energy of goodwill in world affairs.

    The newsletter presents a universal spiritual approach to topics of concern. Occasional Papers and Study Sets, dealing with some of the world's major problems. The World Goodwill Commentary, a goodwill periodical, displaying evidences of the emerging new age civilisation with comment on current world events. The World Goodwill Forum, regular meetings, including an annual seminar in London, New York and Geneva, highlight groups and individuals working to meet world need. Audio recordings are distributed worldwide. The Reappearance of the Christ This is a time of preparation not only for a new civilisation and culture in a new world order, but also for the coming of a new spiritual dispensation. Humanity is not following an uncharted course. There is a divine Plan in the Cosmos of which we are a part. At the end of an age human resources and established institutions seem inadequate to meet world needs and problems. At such a time the advent of a Teacher, a spiritual leader or Avatar, is anticipated and invoked by the masses of humanity in all parts of the world. Today the reappearance of the World Teacher, the Christ, is expected by millions, not only by those of Christian faith but by those of every faith who expect the Avatar under other names -- the Lord Maitreya, Krishna, Messiah, Imam Mahdi and the Bodhisattva. Glamour and distortion surround this central fact of divine response to human need. This is inevitable but unimportant.

    "The fact of transition into a new age is important. Preparation by men and women of goodwill is needed to introduce new values for living, new standards of behaviour, new attitudes of non-separateness and cooperation, leading to right human relations and a world at peace. The coming world Teacher will be mainly concerned, not with the result of past error and inadequacy, but with the requirements of a new world order and with the reorganisation of the social structure. World Goodwill distributes educational and informative literature on these themes. A world prayer, the Great Invocation, is distributed on a worldwide scale in many languages and dialects. World Goodwill also cooperates in organising the annual World Invocation Day, with special focus on the use of the Great Invocation worldwide. Problems of Humanity The problem of establishing right relationships between people and between nations is of urgent concern in a world in crisis.

    The immediate spiritual problem is that of offsetting selfish separateness by the technique of trained, imaginative, creative and practical goodwill. There is no problem that cannot be solved by the energy of goodwill and no problem can be solved without it. Goodwill really practised among political and religious groups in any nation, and among the nations of the world, can revolutionise the world. World Goodwill provides a series of study papers on the major problems of human progress. Emphasis is placed upon underlying causes and emerging trends rather than on a factual survey of events. The use of the trained mind in reflective thought and meditation is encouraged. The problems dealt with include: Capital, Labour and Employment The Minorities The Churches and Organised Religion Children, Youth and Education Psychological Renewal of the Nations International Unity There are many lesser problems but these are the major ones with which humanity is at this time confronted and which must find solution. This will be done by the establishing of right human relations. The formation of study groups is encouraged so that through study, discussion and meditation a "thoughtform of solution" may be generated and local forms of service activity initiated. These problems can also be discussed in online forums."
    ©️ Lucis Trust.

    Notice how that propaganda uses the word "Goodwill" so much? The reason is because that is the name of their organization. World Goodwill. That is the name of their one-world religious group. So they pound it into your head that their one-world religion is the only way. And that there is no other way. Robert Muller, assistant secretary general of the United Nations at one time, channled spiritual entities for guidance on creating policy for the New World Order. They all channel spirits. They all worship Lucifer. They all want a New World Order with a new, ONE-WORLD RELIGION. In his book, THE OCCULT CHARACTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, Allan Morrison exposes the matter further: Dr. Robert Muller also sheds some light on the relationship of the United Nations to the "New Spirituality". He rewrites the first chapter of the biblical Book of Genesis to make it refer to the creation of the United Nations. Under the title of 'The New Genesis', the first verse states: "And God saw that all nations of the earth, black and white, rich and poor, from North or South, from East and West, and of all creeds were sending their emissaries to a tall glass house [i.e. the U.N. Headquarters. AM] on the shores of the River of the Rising Sun, on the Island of Manhattan, to stand together, to think together, and to care together for the world and all its people. And God said: "That is good". And it was the first day of the New Age of the Earth'. [Robert Muller (ed.), The Desire to be Human: A Global Reconnaissance of Human Perspectives in an Age of Transformation (Miranana, 1983), p.17.] +++++++ In order to preserve brevity, Joel the K invites you to return to the Patriots Cave tomorrow for part II of this series on how the U.N. is working through the publishing house of Lucis Trust to saturate your children with New World Order Luciferian religious propaganda. Don't forget to pray hard, tell the truth, stand up for what you know is right, and prepare yourself and your family for a tribulation."

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    Mercuriel wrote:Awesome and Their One World Religion will be based on the...

    Urantia Book.

    Their U.N. Theosophist was a student of Blavatsky's and Alice Bailey's Works. I'll have to find You His name...

    Hes like the U.N.'s Archbishop by Position even though there isn't a Position for It yet or so They tell Us.

    Ashtar Command - Gizeh Intelligence ring a bell ? Yep - All related...

    Thank-you Mercuriel. I'll have to go back to the Urantia Book, for another look. I mostly studied that part about the Luciferian Rebellion and War in Heaven. I'm taking everything with a boatload of salt, these days, but I am still trying to remain open and receptive. I just bought three books which are relevant to this thread. The first is 'Soldiers of Reason' by Alex Abella - regarding the history of the Rand Corporation. The second is 'Family of Secrets' by Russ Baker - regarding the 'Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last 50 Years.' The third is 'Under Ground Bases and Tunnels' by Richard Sauder. It's really hard to settle down and be happy when one is so far down the damn rabbit hole that you can't see the sunshine anymore! The effect, though, is that it's not making me angry. It's making me feel a huge sense of responsibility, to try to help clean up the mess - without starting worldwide riots and World War III.

    Are Ashtar Command and Gizeh Intelligence the same thing - or are they two factions of essentially the same group. Are they Annunaki, Masonic, Nazi, and Luciferian? I really think that the advanced technology and underground bases are kinda cool. But I fear that Ike was right, when he said that the technology was in the worst of hands. How can this madness be brought under the control of the best of hands? That's what this thread is mostly about. I feel as though this solar system has been out of control for thousands of years - and is becoming increasingly lawless and unethical. I wish for people to be free - but highly ethical and responsible. This is a delicate balance. I tend to think that the Queen of Heaven can make this happen - but I don't know how deep-seated the whole Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Aryan, Egyptian, Grecian, Sacred Roman Empire really is. When the beast really stands up and roars - it might surprise and horrify even me. I just want the problems to go away - and for everyone to be happy. Is that too much to ask?

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Aug 08, 2017 1:06 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:38 am

    The secondhand stuff I post on this site is probably no threat to Megalomaniacs Anonymous. I merely contribute to the Information-Overload and the Confusion of the General-Public. My personal-experiences have zero credibility because I'm not tenured and credible. I have no proof of my encounters with an Ancient Egyptian Deity and other Individuals of Interest. My personal-life is non-exemplary, so as long as I keep getting older and nuttier, without going public, I present no threat whatsoever. I'm not an Insider in a Rival-Faction. In fact, I suspect that All Factions HATE Me. I Hate Myself. I Hate My Life. What Would Jupiter Jones Say??
    Carol wrote:
    Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, talked about the purge of “America First” members of the National Security Council on Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily. SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam argued that the staff of the National Security Council has come to resemble “effectively the people that Hillary would have had in there if she was president.”

    “I think there’s a couple of things going on here, Raheem. That’s exactly right,” Schweizer agreed. “You’ve got a cadre of people on the National Security Council that are holdovers from the Obama administration, and they don’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon.”

    “The problem is that people in the White House staff are loyal to the people that hired them, particularly when the boss – the person that hired these NSC staffers who are still there – worked for Barack Obama. Barack Obama, of course, is highly critical of Donald Trump. You’re not going to have the kind of loyalty that you need from a White House staff,”
    he said.

    “I don’t mean loyalty in the sense of, everybody walks in lockstep,” he added. “You want to have a diversity of opinions. But there’s just no question that NSC staffers hired by Barack Obama who obviously identify with his policies are not going to be supportive of the kind of policies that Donald Trump wants to carry out.”

    “Part of the problem, I think, is that with H.R. McMaster you have a gentleman who is a distinguished military officer, and in the military, in a sense, command staff is interchangeable. If you work for General Smith, and you get transferred to work for General Jones, you are supposed to make that transition seamlessly, and a lot of them do. That’s the sort of professional ethos in the American military, and that’s what McMaster is used to,” Schweizer explained.

    “That’s not the way things work in political Washington, D.C. The vast majority of the leaks that are coming out of the White House are coming out of the NSC from these Barack Obama holdovers,” he observed.

    Schweizer said there was still hope for the NSC if President Trump becomes directly involved, “making it clear to General McMaster that he wants people there that are loyal to his agenda.”

    “There’s no question, as you put it, that Barack Obama’s people are making up ground and advancing at the National Security Council,” he told Kassam. “People that have been let go are recent hires, so what you don’t have are people that are Trump supporters, that share Trump’s view of the world, making up ground and getting the sort of institutional knowledge that you need to have from people who are serving in the White House.”

    “It is a lot of people in Obamaworld that are steering the information, and more particularly the advice, that’s being given to the president,” Schweizer cautioned. “Again, I can’t emphasize enough: General McMaster, very esteemed military officer, that’s where he came from. He does not have political experience outside of the military, and the American military is completely different in this regard than an institution like the White House, where political loyalties are hugely important and staffs are not interchangeable.”

    Schweizer stressed that he holds McMaster in very high regard, but questioned his view that “the American military works so effectively in this regard, and that people are interchangeable, and that people are loyal to the mission.”

    “I think he is transposing that in the White House. I think that’s part of it,” said Schweizer. “I think you also have, no question, there’s a tug-of-war going on in the White House between people who have what’s been called a more ‘globalist,’ or a worldview that essentially wants the United States to be more interventionist, be involved in things like nation-building around the world, and a faction that is more reflective of what at least Trump had said during the campaign, which is he wants the United States to have a far more limited role around the world.”

    He placed McMaster squarely in the “globalist” group, but added he also has a clear desire to “serve the president well.”

    “I just don’t think he’s doing so right now, in the manner in which he is handling the National Security Council,” Schweizer lamented.

    Kassam asked if McMaster was being steered in this unproductive direction by outside influences, a question Schweizer found difficult to answer, although he was inclined to believe McMaster follows his own philosophy.

    “I think it’s kind of naive, frankly, about the way Washington works,” he said. “But you also have, there’s no question, other people circling around the president and in senior positions in the White House who do have a philosophical or ideological view of America’s role in the world that’s very different from the president’s. That grouping, of course, would include people like Gary Cohn. It would certainly include Jared Kushner.”

    Schweizer said this group has been “far more favorable to the globalist view – the United States needs to be involved in a lot of international institutions, we need to have a lot of international obligations like the Paris treaty.”

    “I give McMaster a pass in the regard that I don’t think he has that same ideological commitment that others do, but that said, he’s still not serving the president well because I don’t think he is grasping the sort of institutional machinery that you need to have in the White House, the fact that you need political loyalists there giving it advice,” he said.

    Schweizer repeated that presidents “need to be given diverse opinions and views,” but their advisers must retain the mindset that “we want this American president to succeed, to look good, and to ride high.”

    “You’re not going to get that from people on the NSC who are hired by Barack Obama and are loyal to him,” he contended.

    Kassam concluded the interview by asking Schweizer for his take on Wednesday’s RAISE Act press conference, announcing a new merit-based immigration policy. Schweizer said Kassam was correct to describe it as the policy Americans voted for in 2016.

    “For the life of me, I’m not quite sure what all the objections are to,” said Schweizer. “You know, the United States is often compared to other countries, whether it’s the U.K. or Canada, and the argument is always that those countries are so much more humane in so many areas. Well, these are in effect the immigration policies that lots of those other countries have.”

    “The simple point is that there is no ‘right’ to immigrate to the United States,” he said. “My parents were immigrants, they came from Europe. I believe in immigration, but we should be encouraging, and we should be insisting upon, immigrants that come to the United States have skill sets and are a net benefit to the country. I don’t mean they all need to have PhDs, but they do need to be people that work hard.”

    “I think it’s a very good step forward, and I think the reaction that a lot of activists on the left are having is going to backfire, because this is a common-sense move that I think the vast majority of Americans think makes complete sense,” Schweizer said of the RAISE Act.


    Report: H.R. McMaster Gave ‘Explicit Instruction’ Not to Mention Obama ‘Holdovers’ in Trump Admin

    A source for the Washington Free Beacon says that H.R. McMaster, National Security Adviser to President Donald Trump, protected “Obama loyalists” on his staff by forbidding employees from mentioning the fact that they were “holdovers” from the previous administration. The report further claims that McMaster plans to fire “at least four other senior NSC officials” loyal to President Trump in the coming weeks — after firing three nationalist senior National Security Council officials.

    From the Washington Free Beacon:

    One veteran GOP foreign policy hand who has been in constant contact with the administration since its transition to the White House told the Free Beacon that McMaster has sought to downplay outstanding issues with Obama-era holdovers believed to be undermining the administration.

    “One of the first things H.R. McMaster did when he took over the NSC was order all the staffers who came in with Trump to stop talking about Obama ‘holdovers.’ It was an actual, literal, explicit instruction,” the source said. “He didn’t want anyone pointing out how Obama loyalists were still in place, undermining President Trump, and leaking against him.”

    “After he was done protecting the entrenched bureaucracy McMaster went on offense, which is what you’re seeing now,” the source said. “He’s purging the people who came up with Trump and are genuinely loyal to him.”


    Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick wrote Wednesday evening that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is purging pro-Israel staff from the National Security Council (NSC), turning the administration against President Donald Trump’s policies.
    In a Facebook post, Glick noted that “all of these people” whom McMaster has fired this week — Rich Higgins, Derek Harvey, and Ezra Cohen-Watnick — “are pro-Israel and oppose the Iran nuclear deal, positions that Trump holds.”

    She noted that the firings were the latest evidence that NSA McMaster is “deeply hostile to Israel and to Trump”:

    According to senior officials aware of his behavior, he constantly refers to Israel as the occupying power and insists falsely and constantly that a country named Palestine existed where Israel is located until 1948 when it was destroyed by the Jews.

    Many of you will remember that a few days before Trump’s visit to Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו and his advisers were blindsided when the Americans suddenly told them that no Israeli official was allowed to accompany Trump to the Western Wall.

    What hasn’t been reported is that it was McMaster who pressured Trump to agree not to let Netanyahu accompany him to the Western Wall. At the time, I and other reporters were led to believe that this was the decision of rogue anti-Israel officers at the US consulate in Jerusalem. But it wasn’t. It was McMaster.

    And even that, it works out wasn’t sufficient for McMaster. He pressured Trump to cancel his visit to the Wall and only visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial — ala the Islamists who insist that the only reason Israel exists is European guilt over the Holocaust.

    Glick noted that the three latest firings were not McMaster’s first attack on pro-Israel officials, or those critical of radical Islam. Two others had already been assigned to other jobs outside the National Security Council, she said.

    Meanwhile, she noted, McMaster has replaced pro-Israel officials with anti-Israel, anti-Trump officials, and he allowed anti-Israel Obama holdovers to continue in their jobs:

    [McMaster] fires all of Trump’s loyalists and replaces them with Trump’s opponents, like Kris Bauman, an Israel hater and Hamas supporter who McMaster hired to work on the Israel-Palestinian desk. He allows anti-Israel, pro-Muslim Brotherhood, pro-Iran Obama people like Robert Malley to walk around the NSC and tell people what to do and think. He has left Ben (reporters know nothing about foreign policy and I lied to sell them the Iran deal) Rhodes’ and Valerie Jarrett’s people in place.

    (Malley was notoriously fired by Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign for meeting with the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas and advocating negotiations with them. He was later brought into President Obama’s administration to negotiate with Iran, and advised Obama — evidently poorly — on how to fight the Islamic State.)

    Glick noted that “McMaster disagrees and actively undermines Trump’s agenda on just about every salient issue on his agenda,” including the Iran deal: “As for Iran, well, suffice it to say that McMaster supports the deal and refuses to publish the side deals Obama signed with the Iranians and then hid from the public.”

    She also noted the irony that Trump had only hired McMaster, under pressure, because he was recommended by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ):

    Finally, there is the issue of how McMaster got there in the first place. Trump interviewed McMaster at Mara Lago for a half an hour. He was under terrible pressure after firing Flynn to find someone.

    And who recommended McMaster? You won’t believe this.

    Senator John McCain. That’s right. The NSA got his job on the basis of a recommendation from the man who just saved Obamacare.

    Glick expressed disbelief that Trump could fire former General Michael Flynn as NSA “essentially for nothing,” while allowing McMaster to attack Israel, and undermining the rest of the Trump administration’s foreign policy, with impunity.

    She suggested that Trump replace McMaster — or else Israel might begin to reconsider its embrace of Trump:

    If McMaster isn’t fired after all that he has done and all that he will do, we’re all going to have to reconsider Trump’s foreign policy. Because if after everything he has done, and everything that he will certainly do to undermine Trump’s stated foreign policy agenda, it will no longer be possible to believe that exiting the nuclear deal or supporting the US alliance with Israel and standing with US allies against US foes — not to mention draining Washington’s cesspool – are Trump’s policies. How can they be when Trump stands with a man who opposes all of them and proves his opposition by among other things, firing Trump’s advisers who share Trump’s agenda?

    She said that Trump should not fear criticism for firing another adviser:

    One source claims that Trump’s political advisers are afraid of how it will look if he fires another national security adviser. But that makes no sense. Trump is being attacked for everything and nothing. Who cares if he gets attacked for doing something that will actually help him to succeed in office? Why should fear of media criticism play a role here or anywhere for this president and this administration?

    Glick added, wryly: “Obviously, at this point, Trump has nothing to lose by angering McCain. I mean what will he do? Vote for Obamacare?”

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    Post  NANUXII Fri Aug 04, 2017 5:06 pm

    hey Ortho , you have PM


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:08 pm

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 1963-Dodge-Dart-GT-convertible-dodge-39683204-1200-800

    Thank-you for the PM, NANUXll. I'm just a Rank-Amateur. I'm Over the Hill, and Slowly Going Downhill. I'm sort like the Old Man from Ballard, WA with a 1963 'Dodge Dart' (with a slant-six) with a seatbelt dragging, while going 15 mph below the speed-limit on the Internet-Superhighway (while gnawing on leftover-lutefisk)!! I'm merely providing some of you with a Research-Laboratory and a Spiritual-Exercise. I'm not promising anyone a Rose-Garden, while leading them down the Primrose-Path to Perdition.
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 950full-primrose-path-
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Primrose-Path
    RedEzra wrote:For about 2000 years people have wondered when will Jesus return and whether it is immediate or not. Most of those people are already dead and buried and now we who are alive wonder as well. When will He come and is He slacking ? 2000 years is a long time waiting for someone...

    Well it's not long now... as there is an astronomical mark in time in the Book of Revelation Ch 12 that paints the picture of a specific point in time. No other place in the Bible are we given an exact date for an event... and without astronomy software probably nobody would find it.

    Of course most importantly God gives and restrains insights into His mysteries at His own discretion in the proper time. So someone found favor with God and was able to figure it out... and that person is Scott Clarke over at utube channel eternalrhythmflow.

    Soon nobody no longer will wonder when Jesus will return... for an exact date is written in the stars and blueprinted in the Bible. For about 2000 years the appointed time was always there... in the movements of the planets and in the golden ink... waiting to be found and understood.

    It is the glory of God to hide a matter and the glory of kings to find it. - Proverbs 25:2

    Jesus is coming like a thief in the night to resurrect the righteous dead in glorified bodies... soon in the twinkling of an eye some men and women someone's father or mother a family member will become an angel with all the glory power and clarity vested in an angelic body.

    This is the promise of God to those who love and obey Him. To those who don't love God and do not care about His moral code of conduct... well He is the Creator of the heavens and earth and the Maker of man... so how could anybody exist if God did not bring us into being ?

    God is not going to force us to love Jesus or obey Him because God do not make autobots but free willed spirits made in His image. He will give us what we want. Well enough of my rambling... two months to go guys.

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Revelation-12

    burgundia wrote:
    Are you using this Bible?

    I think I've scratched an itch -- right down to the bone!! I had intended to stop posting a couple of months ago -- but I just couldn't. Now, I'm well into yet another U.S.S.S. thread -- with no end in sight!! But I realize that No One is Interested -- and No One Wants What I Have (or Had) to Offer. I figured that out years ago -- or was it decades ago?? Centuries or even Millennia ago?? Further back than THAT?? From the Foundation of the World?? I might attempt some sort of silent self-development -- without sharing the secrets of my insanity!! It's probably easier that way. Like I've said so many times -- I have a lot of reading to do. Here's yet another Famous Minimal-List:

    1. Patriarchs and Prophets (Ellen White).

    2. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volume 3 (1 Chronicles to Song of Solomon).

    3. Prophets and Kings (Ellen White).

    4. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volume 4 (Isaiah to Malachi).

    5. The Desire of Ages (Ellen White).

    6. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volume 6 (Acts to Ephesians).

    The recommended-plan is to read these sources in order (straight-through -- over and over) as a mental and spiritual exercise. This is a more difficult and time-consuming project than most people are willing to participate in. I doubt that ANYONE will follow this prescription. Here's a concept which would probably make EVERYONE Angry!! I've been taking a closer-look at the SDA Bible Commentary -- simply because it's a scholarly part of my tradition which avoids a lot of the criticism directed toward SDA's. But the seven volumes covering Genesis to Revelation are a HUGE amount of reading!! If I were forced to pick One Old-Testament Volume -- and One New Testament Volume -- which ones would I choose?? Consider my tentative choices:

    1. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volume 3 (1 Chronicles to Song of Solomon).

    2. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volume 6 (Acts to Ephesians).

    Are these two volumes logical-companions?? I think volume 4 is extremely important to my present eschatological-studies, but what about the general-public?? I continue to be troubled by what Acts through Revelation DOESN'T DO Regarding the Life and Teachings of Jesus (as found in the Four-Gospels). It's as if the Historical-Jesus doesn't exist!! Also, the Four-Gospels don't contain a lot of the teachings found in Acts through Revelation. One of the biggest questions for me is why the New-Testament is not mostly a Commentary on the Old-Testament??!! Where is "The Missing-Link"?? What if there is a missing ancient-commentary consisting of 32 books??!! Some of you might know what I'm talking about!! I don't want to go there anymore, if you know what I mean. Still, what if the 5 books are 1 Chronicles -- Job -- Ecclesiastes -- Daniel -- and Zechariah?? What about Isaiah -- Jonah -- and Malachi?? What if the 32 books constitute a New-Testament Style Old-Testament Commentary?? What if Cleopatra had a lot to do with this hypothetical sort of thing?? What if the Library at Alexandria was a TRAP??!! What if the Piso-Family were Front-Men for the writings of someone writing in the first and/or second centuries B.C.?? What if Cleopatra turns-out to be Jupiter Jones?? What Would Balem Abrasax Say?? What Would Abraxasinas Say?? Is the name-similarity coincidental?? Perhaps I should stop. No one gives a damn about my tripe!! Why should I give a damn?? Damned if I know. What Would Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer, Azazel, Anchor, Mitch, Rich, Sherry, Dan, Angie, Anubis, Ra, and Serqet All Say?? I'm frankly sick and tired of the blame-game and the name-change-game. Monopoly Shell-Games are SO Overrated. BTW -- Are Fast and Arrogant Walking and Talking Somehow Salvific??

    Here is a study-list (preferably using the King James Version) you might find interesting and enlightening. This is sort of a Royal-Model Wisdom-Literature Approach to Egyptian-Roman Judeo-Christianity!! You might have to spend a couple of months with this list, to really understand what I'm hinting-at. Once again, I am NOT a scholar, expert, or authority. Read while listening to the music -- regardless of whether you like the books or the music. I think this is a significant mental and spiritual exercise!! Watching Stargate SG-1 episodes might have a new and living meaning!! Try thinking freely as you study, watch, and listen. I once heard Dr. Walter Martin speaking of Studying the Bible Without Quoting the Bible. Try studying this list as a method of ethical and spiritual elevation -- without attempting to impose history upon modernity. One wouldn't necessarily need to be a Christian -- or even be religious -- to benefit from this approach. This is not a line in the sand -- just an interesting road less traveled -- with some possibly HUGE theological implications and ramifications. Even if I'm completely wrong and crazy -- this is sort of a neat way to do theology -- isn't it??? One more thing. Don't Refuse Toulouse -- Unless You Are a Boeing Employee!!

    1. Isaiah.
    2. Matthew.
    3. Job.
    4. Mark.
    5. Psalms.
    6. Luke.
    7. Proverbs.
    8. John.
    9. Ecclesiastes.
    10. Christ's Object Lessons by Ellen G. White.
    11. Tempest and Exodus by Ralph Ellis.
    12. The Gods of Eden by William Bramley.
    13. All Ten Seasons of Stargate SG-1.
    14. The Music of Cesar Franck at Saint Sernin by Michael Murray.

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Toulouse_st-sernin_cavaille-coll_lg
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 St_Sernin
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Aerial_view
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Orgues-visuel-3 The Basilica of St. Sernin is a church in Toulouse, France, the former abbey church of the Abbey of St. Sernin or St. Saturnin. Apart from the church, none of the abbey buildings remain. The current church is located on the site of a previous basilica of the 4th century which contained the body of Saint Saturnin or Sernin, the first bishop of Toulouse in c. 250. Most of the current building was constructed in the Romanesque style between about 1080 and 1120, with construction continuing thereafter. Saint-Sernin is particularly noted for the quality and quantity of its Romanesque sculpture. In 1998 the basilica was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites under the description: World Heritage Sites of the Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France.

    The abbey of St. Sernin was an ancient foundation. St. Sylvius, bishop of Toulouse, began construction of the basilica towards the end of the 4th century.[1]

    Its importance increased enormously after Charlemagne (r. 768-800) donated a quantity of relics to it, as a result of which it became an important stop for pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela, and a pilgrimage location in its own right. The size of the current building and the existence of an ambulatory may reflect the need to accommodate increasing numbers of pilgrims.

    The difficulty of determining an accurate chronology for the construction of Saint-Sernin and the completion of its sculpture has given rise to numerous problems. At least as early as the 1010s, Bishop Pierre Roger had set aside a portion of the offerings to St. Sernin for an eventual rebuilding of the Carolingian church.[2] During the decade of the 1070s and by 1080 at the latest, the canons of Saint-Sernin had accepted the rule of St. Augustine and had placed themselves under the direct control of the Holy See.[3] Nevertheless, there are only two firm dates that bear directly on the church itself and even these involve certain difficulties. On May 24, 1096, Pope Urban II dedicated the altar of the still largely incomplete building.[4] Although there have been numerous attempts to determine the point that construction had reached at this time, the most that can be said with certainty is that 1096 is a firm terminus ante quem. That is, construction must have begun at least several years before that date.

    The second firm date is July 3, 1118, the death of St. Raymond Gayrard, canon and provost of the chapter. A 15th-century life of the saint states that he took charge of the building after part of the church had been completed and that by the time of his death he had "brought the walls all the way around up to the completion of the windows..."[5] Unfortunately, the life was written much later, some three hundred years after the events it describes, and since at least three different Raymonds were involved in the building of the church, the biographer may have confused elements from the lives of all three.

    At any rate, whenever started, it appears that construction of the church did not progress continuously through to completion, for there is physical evidence of several interruptions in construction. The literary evidence cited above indicates that construction proceeded from east to west and, indeed, it appears that the earliest part of the exterior walls is the southern, lower part of the ambulatory and its corresponding radiating chapels. The walls in this section are built of brick and stone, with a higher proportion of stone than elsewhere in the building. As construction proceeded, it was clearly marked by an increasing proportion of brick, the characteristic building material of Toulouse. While there is basic agreement on the starting point, interpretation of the subsequent archeological evidence is subject to varying opinions. The earliest systematic examinations, after the restoration of Viollet-le-Duc, concluded that there had been three major building campaigns.[6]

    More recent observations have concluded that there were four major building campaigns.[7] The earliest section begins with the apse and includes the chevet and all of the transept below the level of the gallery, including the Porte des Comtes in the south face of the transept. The second stage is marked by the walls of the transept being completed with alternating courses of brick and stone. This change is also paralleled by a change in the style of the interior decorated capitals. This break is most evident in the transept buttresses, which change from solid stone at the bottom to bands of brick and stone at the top, a change which occurs at various levels around the transept but generally about the level of the gallery floor. There then follows another break between the eastern portion of the church - including the transept and the first few bays of the nave itself - and the rest of the nave. The alternating courses of brick and stone give way to a predominantly brick technique with stone quoins and stone window frames. This third campaign includes the wall enclosing the entire nave, including the western entrance and ends just below the gallery windows. During the fourth phase, the remainder of the nave was completed in brick with almost no stone.

    The plan of the abbey church here was also used in the construction of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, "begun in 1082, too direct a copy to have been done by any but St. Sernin's own architect or his favourite pupil", but finished much earlier.[8]

    The stone that killed Simon de Montfort in 1218, while he was besieging Toulouse, was thrown from the roof of Saint-Sernin.

    In 1860, Eugène Viollet-le-Duc restored the church,[9] but his changes are currently being removed to restore the original appearance.

    Despite being called a basilica, St. Sernin's deviates from the basilica plan of early Christian architecture in a few ways. It is much larger compared to earlier churches. It is also constructed mostly of brick. The building is in the form of a crucifix. The ceilings are vaulted, unlike many of the earlier churches. St. Sernin's contains radiating chapels which were used to display important relics. Another deviation from the earlier Christian churches is the addition of an ambulatory, a walkway that goes around the nave and side aisles to allow for viewing of the radiating chapels (which could be done while mass was being held without interrupting the ceremony). For these and other reasons, St. Sernin's is often said to follow the "pilgrimage plan" instead of the traditional basilica plan.


    On the exterior, the bell tower, standing directly over the transept crossing, is the most visible feature. It is divided into five tiers, of which the lower three, with Romanesque arches, date from the 12th century and the upper two from the 14th century. The spire was added in the 15th century. The bell tower is slightly inclined towards the west direction, which is why from certain standpoints the bell tower roof, whose axis is perpendicular to the ground, appears to be inclined to the tower itself.

    The chevet is the oldest part of the building, constructed in the 11th century, and consists of nine chapels, five opening from the apse and four in the transepts.

    The exterior is additionally known for two doorways, the Porte des Comtes and the Porte des Miégeville. Above the Porte des Comtes is a depiction of Lazarus and Dives. Dives in hell can be seen above the central column. The doorway gets its name from a nearby alcove in which the remains of four Counts of Toulouse are kept. The Porte des Miégeville is known for its elaborate sculpture above the entrance.


    The interior of the basilica measures 115 x 64 x 21 meters, making it vast for a Romanesque church. The central nave is barrel vaulted; the four aisles have rib vaults and are supported by buttresses. Directly under the tower and the transept is a marble altar, consecrated by Pope Urban II in 1096 and designed by Bernard Gelduin.

    As well as Saint Saturnin, Saint Honoratus is also buried here. The crypt contains the relics of many other saints.

    The basilica also contains a large three-manual Cavaillé-Coll organ built in 1888. Together with the Cavaillé-Coll instruments at Saint-Sulpice in Paris and the Church of St. Ouen, Rouen, it is considered to be one of the most important organs in France.


    1. Knights of Columbus. Catholic Truth Committee. The Catholic encyclopedia: an international work of reference on the constitution, doctrine, discipline, and history of the Catholic Church, Volume 14. Encyclopedia Press, 1913, 797.
    2. Douais, C. Cartulaire de Saint-Sernin de Toulouse (844-1200), Paris/Toulouse, 1887, pp. 475-477.
    3. Mundy, J. H. Liberty and Political Power in Toulouse, 1050-1230. Columbia University Press, 1954, pp. 3-4.
    4. Devic, C. and Vaissete, J. L'Histoire générale de Languedoc 2nd edition, volume III. Toulouse, 1872, p. 485.
    5. Douais, C. "La Vie de saint-Raymond, chanoine, et la construction de l'église Saint-Sernin", Bulletin de la Société Archéologique du Midi de la France, 1894, pp. 156-161.
    6. Saint-Paul, A. "Note archéologique sur Saint-Sernin de Toulouse", Bulletin Archéologique de Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 1899, pp.404-405; Saint-Paul, A., "L'Église de Saint-Sernin de Toulouse," Album des Monuments et de l'art ancien du Midi de la France, Toulouse, 1897, p.75; de Malafosse, J. "Communication," Bulletin de la Société Archéologique du Midi de la France, 1894, pp.163-165; Aubert, M. "Saint-Sernin, Toulouse," Congrès Archéologiques, 1929, 1930, pp.9-68.
    7. Scott, David. W. "A Restoration of the West Portal Relief Decoration of Saint-Sernin of Toulouse," Art Bulletin, XLVI, Sept. 1964, pp.271-282.
    8. O'Reilly, 1921
    9. Esquis, J. "Note sur les travaux de restauration recemment executes a l'église Saint-Sernin a Toulouse", Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences Inscriptions, et Belles Lettres de Toulouse, 1883; Monjon, P. "L'Oeuvre toulousane de Viollet-le-Duc," Memoires de la Société Archéologique du Midi, 1957, p.146.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you for taking a closer look at the possibility of historical and contemporary extinctions. I've been looking at this sort of thing from a Biblical and Theological Point of View (with massive-doses of science-fiction -- and without being a Bible-Thumper). I can only take so much of this -- and as is the case with most of my pseudo-research, I end-up being highly debilitated by the possibilities. I guess my imagination is more vivid than it should be.
    bobhardee wrote:Oxy,
    That was an excellent show which I listened with pen and paper in hand. His theory regarding the ice ages made sense to me with only one exception.  I thought that when a star went to a nova stage, it did not return back to normal but blew up or something like that. However, the part of what caused the earth to heat so rapidly and cause the ice ages to start seems to make perfect sense.  Thanks for posting it.  I am reading a very good book called Bone Labyrinth by James Rollins that you may enjoy. It combines religion, archaeology, technology and legend to connect early man with the fate of the Neanderthal while searching for a means to make modern man more intelligent.  It is a fictional story that will keep you wanting to read one more chapter to see what is going to happen. I have never read any of Rollins before and was serendipitous that I stumbled onto this one.

    [If there is anyone out there reading this and hasn't watched (listened) the above post, then you have missed out.]...and you may enjoy the book as well.

    Bob H.
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Bob, I think I'm more interested in the numerical-aspects of Vogt's theory. I tend to doubt that the Sun will go Nova in A.D. 2046 (or any other date in the near-future). A Professional-Astronomer told me there was NO Way this would occur. But what if ET could somehow turn up the heat on Earth through who-knows what means?? I have a very-tentative theory that we are presently in the Discovery and Disclosure portion of an Investigative and Executive Judgment of This Solar System by the Galactic Powers That Be -- which might be completed in (or around) A.D. 2133. My reasoning is complicated and thin -- and a lot of it did NOT originate in my feeble-mind. I suspect that Isaac Newton figured this whole-thing out -- and recorded most of his results in secret -- possibly awaiting a future-revelation time-capsule date. I tend to doubt that Douglas Vogt figured-out all of this stuff. Just like I doubt that Nicola Tesla created all of his inventions out of thin-air. BTW -- Isaac Newton thought the world might end -- possibly as early as A.D. 2060. Some interpret Daniel 8:14 to mean that the 2300 days-years will end around A.D. 2133. I have a very-rare book The End of the World, A.D. 2133 by Lucio Bernardo Silvestre. I seem to have the only available copy. It was in the Library of Congress. I keep looking for additional copies -- and I can't find ANY. It wouldn't surprise me if Isaac Newton had something to do with this book (and a couple of other books I'm studying). He wrote a book on Daniel and Revelation -- but I suspect that he withheld the "Good-Stuff". Interestingly, L. Ron Hubbard wrote a short-story (around 1940, I think) titled History Class, 2133 A.D. He wrote it under a pseudonym. I usually don't play Numbers-Games, but I'm making an exception to my rule (for now). I worry 24/7. My Fear That the World Will End Never Ends. World Without End. Amen.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:16 am

    What will the State of the Solar System be in 2027?? In 2037?? In 2047?? Things are moving rather quickly (if you haven't noticed). The final-movements will be rapid. Where did I hear that?? What sort of a war is this?? I hate to say it -- but theology has been a lifelong nightmare. It should've been just the opposite -- but I often wish I could just walk away from religion -- the Bible -- religious-people -- theological books -- etc. and et al. The Bible -- Religion -- and Theology have always been problematic -- but the last six years have been almost unbearable. The standard-answers stopped working -- and the new-answers created more problems than Carter has Pills. Remember "Carter's Little Farter-Starters"?! "He who farts in church -- sits in his own pew!!" I keep feeling as if the PTB (middle-management on-up) have gotten kicked where it counts over the past couple of decades -- and that the Empire is about to Strike Back with a vengeance. I think we've had a Secret Solar System Government for thousands of years -- but I think this SSSG might be in the process of Coming Out of the Closet (whether anyone likes it, or not). I keep thinking that no one will like the Emerging Brave New Universe. I keep wondering whether Job through Malachi will render the rest of the Bible obsolete (if anyone bothers to read it carefully). I think most people are not troubled by religion -- because they don't know and/or don't care. Ignorance and Apathy are Bliss. I wish to move-on to Clean Sheet of Stone Solutions -- but History must be properly handled -- so as to provide a Sustainable Foundation for New Theologies and Philosophies. For me -- studying theology is sort of like the guy who hits himself repeatedly over the head with a hammer -- because it feels so good when he quits!!

    Anyway -- try reading Job through Malachi (KJV) straight-through (over and over) while listening to the music of J.S. Bach. I'm not suggesting that this will make you happy. I'm not suggesting this in a stand-offish manner. I'm simply suggesting that some serious researchers give this approach their undivided-attention for a significant time-period. I consider this thread to be reformative and experimental -- rather than being normative and/or ready for prime-time. I continue to think that I'm majorly burned-out -- but I don't think I'm crazy in any way, shape, or form. The fact that you might not understand or be capable of keeping-up -- does not constitute craziness on my part. The universe might be stranger than any of us can think -- and if someone attempts to think God's thoughts after Him and/or Her -- this should not be construed as being some sort of a mental-illness which might require that they be placed on multiple agency lists -- and hounded like some sort of a dangerous animal. At this point -- I have very little inclination to go out of my way to intercede for humanity and/or divinity. I'm frankly disillusioned with both. One more thing. Is there really something to the concept of Genesis through Esther combined with Matthew through Revelation as being essentially two-sides of the same Covenantal-Coin -- and largely indivisible -- with little legitimate opportunity to pick and choose?? If one claims one or two portions (say the Decalogue or Righteousness by Faith) can most of the rest be relegated to the back of the bus -- or thrown under the bus?? Has Christianity become sort of a Santa Claus Story for the children?? What do the best and brightest theologians really think?? What do they say to each other behind closed-doors?? What is the Pope really thinking as he stands before the vast crowds in Rome?? We might be surprised...

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    To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding;  3 To receive the instruction of wisdom , justice, and judgment, and equity;  4 To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion.  5 A wise man will hear , and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:  6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.  7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.  8 My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:  9 For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck.  10 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.  11 If they say , Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause:  12 Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit:  13 We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil:  14 Cast in thy lot among us; let us all have one purse:  15 My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path:  16 For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.  

    Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird .  18 And they lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privily for their own lives.  19 So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; which taketh away the life of the owners thereof.  20 Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets:  21 She crieth in the chief place of concourse , in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying,  22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?  23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.  24 Because I have called , and ye refused ; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded ;  25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:  26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh ;  27 When your fear cometh as desolation  , and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.  28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer ; they shall seek me early , but they shall not find me:  29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:  30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.  31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.  32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.  33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.

    My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee;  2 So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding;  3 Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding;  4 If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;  5 Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.  6 For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.  7 He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly.  8 He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints.  9 Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path.  10 When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul;  11 Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee:  12 To deliver thee from the way of the evil man, from the man that speaketh froward things;  13 Who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in the ways of darkness;  14 Who rejoice to do evil, and delight in the frowardness of the wicked;  15 Whose ways are crooked, and they froward in their paths:  16 To deliver thee from the strange woman, even from the stranger which flattereth with her words;  17 Which forsaketh the guide of her youth, and forgetteth the covenant of her God.  18 For her house inclineth unto death, and her paths unto the dead.  19 None that go unto her return again , neither take they hold of the paths of life.  20 That thou mayest walk in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the righteous.  21 For the upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall remain in it.  22 But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it.

    My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:  2 For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.  3 Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:  4 So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.  5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.  8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.  9 Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:  10 So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.  11 My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction:  12 For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth ; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth .  13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.  14 For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.  15 She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.  16 Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour.  17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.  18 She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her. 

    The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens.  20 By his knowledge the depths are broken up , and the clouds drop down the dew.  21 My son, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion:  22 So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck.  23 Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble .  24 When thou liest down , thou shalt not be afraid : yea, thou shalt lie down , and thy sleep shall be sweet .  25 Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh .  26 For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.  27 Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.  28 Say not unto thy neighbour, Go , and come again , and to morrow I will give ; when thou hast it by thee.  29 Devise not evil against thy neighbour, seeing he dwelleth securely by thee.  30 Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm.  31 Envy thou not the oppressor , and choose none of his ways.  32 For the froward is abomination to the LORD: but his secret is with the righteous.  33 The curse of the LORD is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.  34 Surely he scorneth the scorners : but he giveth grace unto the lowly  .  35 The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools.

    Hear , ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding.  2 For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law.  3 For I was my father's son, tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother.  4 He taught me also, and said unto me, Let thine heart retain my words: keep my commandments, and live .  5 Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.  6 Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee.  7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.  8 Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour , when thou dost embrace her.  9 She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee.  10 Hear , O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be many .  11 I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths.  12 When thou goest , thy steps shall not be straitened ; and when thou runnest , thou shalt not stumble .  

    Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go : keep her; for she is thy life.  14 Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men.  15 Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away .  16 For they sleep not, except they have done mischief ; and their sleep is taken away , unless they cause some to fall .  17 For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence.  18 But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.  19 The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble .  20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.  21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.  22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.  23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.  24 Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.  25 Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.  26 Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established .  27 Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.

    My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding:  2 That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge.  3 For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil:  4 But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword.  5 Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.  6 Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable , that thou canst not know them.  7 Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my mouth.  8 Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house:  9 Lest thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel:  10 Lest strangers be filled with thy wealth; and thy labours be in the house of a stranger;  11 And thou mourn at the last, when thy flesh and thy body are consumed ,  12 And say , How have I hated instruction, and my heart despised reproof;  13 And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers , nor inclined mine ear to them that instructed me!  14 I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly.  15 Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well.  16 Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad, and rivers of waters in the streets.  17 Let them be only thine own, and not strangers ' with thee.  18 Let thy fountain be blessed : and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.  19 Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.  20 And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman , and embrace the bosom of a stranger?  21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings.  22 His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.  23 He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray .

    My son, if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou hast stricken thy hand with a stranger ,  2 Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.  3 Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go , humble thyself, and make sure thy friend.  4 Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids.  5 Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.  6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise :  7 Which having no guide, overseer , or ruler ,  8 Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.  9 How long wilt thou sleep , O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?  10 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep :  11 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth , and thy want as an armed man.  12 A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth.  13 He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers;  14 Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord  .  15 Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.  

    These six things doth the LORD hate : yea, seven are an abomination unto him:  17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,  18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,  19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.  20 My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother:  21 Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck.  22 When thou goest , it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest , it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest , it shall talk with thee.  23 For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:  24 To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.  25 Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids.  26 For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.  27 Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned ?  28 Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned ?  29 So he that goeth in to his neighbour's wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent .  30 Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry ;  31 But if he be found , he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.  32 But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.  33 A wound and dishonour shall he get ; and his reproach shall not be wiped away .  34 For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance.  35 He will not regard  any ransom; neither will he rest content , though thou givest many gifts.

    My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee.  2 Keep my commandments, and live ; and my law as the apple of thine eye.  3 Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart.  4 Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman:  5 That they may keep thee from the strange woman, from the stranger which flattereth with her words.  6 For at the window of my house I looked through my casement,  7 And beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding,  8 Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house,  9 In the twilight, in the evening , in the black and dark night:  10 And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot , and subtil of heart.  11 (She is loud and stubborn ; her feet abide not in her house:  12 Now is she without, now in the streets, and lieth in wait at every corner.)  

    So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said unto him,  14 I have peace offerings with me; this day have I payed my vows.  15 Therefore came I forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee.  16 I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt.  17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.  18 Come , let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves.  19 For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey:  20 He hath taken a bag of money with him, and will come home at the day appointed.  21 With her much fair speech she caused him to yield , with the flattering of her lips she forced him.  22 He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks;  23 Till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life.  24 Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth.  25 Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths.  26 For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her.  27 Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.

    Doth not wisdom cry ? and understanding put forth her voice?  2 She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths.  3 She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors.  4 Unto you, O men, I call ; and my voice is to the sons of man.  5 O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart.  6 Hear ; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things.  7 For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.  8 All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them.  9 They are all plain to him that understandeth , and right to them that find knowledge.  10 Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold.  11 For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.  12 I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.  13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate .  14 Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength.  15 By me kings reign , and princes decree justice.  16 By me princes rule , and nobles, even all the judges of the earth.  17 I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.  

    Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness.  19 My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver.  20 I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment:  21 That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures.  22 The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.  23 I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.  24 When there were no depths, I was brought forth ; when there were no fountains abounding with water.  25 Before the mountains were settled , before the hills was I brought forth :  26 While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.  27 When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth:  28 When he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep:  29 When he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment: when he appointed the foundations of the earth:  30 Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;  31 Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.  32 Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways.  33 Hear instruction, and be wise , and refuse it not.  34 Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.  35 For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD.  36 But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.

    Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars:  2 She hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled her wine; she hath also furnished her table.  3 She hath sent forth her maidens: she crieth upon the highest places of the city,  4 Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither: as for him that wanteth understanding, she saith to him,  5 Come , eat of my bread, and drink of the wine which I have mingled .  6 Forsake the foolish, and live ; and go in the way of understanding.  7 He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot.  8 Reprove not a scorner , lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.  9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser : teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.  10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.  11 For by me thy days shall be multiplied , and the years of thy life shall be increased .  12 If thou be wise , thou shalt be wise for thyself: but if thou scornest , thou alone shalt bear it.  13 A foolish woman is clamorous : she is simple, and knoweth nothing.  14 For she sitteth at the door of her house, on a seat in the high places of the city,  15 To call passengers  who go right on their ways:  16 Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither: and as for him that wanteth understanding, she saith to him,  17 Stolen waters are sweet , and bread eaten in secret is pleasant .  18 But he knoweth not that the dead are there; and that her guests are in the depths of hell.

    A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.  2 Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteousness delivereth from death.  3 The LORD will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish : but he casteth away the substance of the wicked.  4 He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich .  5 He that gathereth in summer is a wise son: but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame .  6 Blessings are upon the head of the just: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.  7 The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot .  8 The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall .  9 He that walketh uprightly walketh surely: but he that perverteth his ways shall be known .  10 He that winketh with the eye causeth sorrow: but a prating fool shall fall .  11 The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.  12 Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.  13 In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found : but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding.  14 Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.  15 The rich man's wealth is his strong city: the destruction of the poor is their poverty.  

    The labour of the righteous tendeth to life: the fruit of the wicked to sin.  17 He is in the way of life that keepeth instruction: but he that refuseth reproof erreth .  18 He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.  19 In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise .  20 The tongue of the just is as choice silver: the heart of the wicked is little worth.  21 The lips of the righteous feed many: but fools die for want of wisdom.  22 The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich , and he addeth no sorrow with it.  23 It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.  24 The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him: but the desire of the righteous shall be granted .  25 As the whirlwind passeth , so is the wicked no more: but the righteous is an everlasting foundation.  26 As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him.  27 The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened .  28 The hope of the righteous shall be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish .  29 The way of the LORD is strength to the upright: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.  30 The righteous shall never be removed : but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth.  31 The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom: but the froward tongue shall be cut out .  32 The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked speaketh frowardness.

    A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.  2 When pride cometh , then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.  3 The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.  4 Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death.  5 The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.  6 The righteousness of the upright shall deliver them: but transgressors shall be taken in their own naughtiness.  7 When a wicked man dieth, his expectation shall perish : and the hope of unjust men perisheth .  8 The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked cometh in his stead.  9 An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered .  10 When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth : and when the wicked perish , there is shouting.  11 By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted : but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.  12 He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbour: but a man of understanding holdeth his peace .  13 A talebearer  revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.  14 Where no counsel is, the people fall : but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.  15 He that is surety for a stranger shall smart  for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure .  

    A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches.  17 The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh.  18 The wicked worketh a deceitful work: but to him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward.  19 As righteousness tendeth to life: so he that pursueth evil pursueth it to his own death.  20 They that are of a froward heart are abomination to the LORD: but such as are upright in their way are his delight.  21 Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished : but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered .  22 As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.  23 The desire of the righteous is only good: but the expectation of the wicked is wrath.  24 There is that scattereth , and yet increaseth ; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.  25 The liberal soul shall be made fat : and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.  26 He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it.  27 He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him.  28 He that trusteth in his riches shall fall : but the righteous shall flourish as a branch.  29 He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.  30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.  31 Behold, the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth: much more the wicked and the sinner.

    Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.  2 A good man obtaineth favour of the LORD: but a man of wicked devices will he condemn .  3 A man shall not be established by wickedness: but the root of the righteous shall not be moved .  4 A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.  5 The thoughts of the righteous are right: but the counsels of the wicked are deceit.  6 The words of the wicked are to lie in wait for blood: but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them.  7 The wicked are overthrown , and are not: but the house of the righteous shall stand .  8 A man shall be commended according to his wisdom: but he that is of a perverse heart shall be despised.  9 He that is despised , and hath a servant, is better than he that honoureth himself, and lacketh bread.  10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.  11 He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread: but he that followeth vain persons is void of understanding.  12 The wicked desireth the net of evil men: but the root of the righteous yieldeth fruit.  13 The wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips: but the just shall come out of trouble.  

    A man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth: and the recompence of a man's hands shall be rendered unto him.  15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.  16 A fool's wrath is presently known : but a prudent man covereth shame.  17 He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.  18 There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.  19 The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment .  20 Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counsellors of peace is joy.  21 There shall no evil happen to the just: but the wicked shall be filled with mischief.  22 Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight.  23 A prudent man concealeth knowledge: but the heart of fools proclaimeth foolishness.  24 The hand of the diligent shall bear rule : but the slothful shall be under tribute.  25 Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop : but a good word maketh it glad .  26 The righteous is more excellent than his neighbour: but the way of the wicked seduceth them.  27 The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious.  28 In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death.

    A wise son heareth his father's instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke.  2 A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth: but the soul of the transgressors shall eat violence.  3 He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction.  4 The soul of the sluggard desireth , and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat .  5 A righteous man hateth lying  : but a wicked man is loathsome , and cometh to shame .  6 Righteousness keepeth him that is upright in the way: but wickedness overthroweth the sinner.  7 There is that maketh himself rich , yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor , yet hath great riches.  8 The ransom of a man's life are his riches: but the poor heareth not rebuke.  9 The light of the righteous rejoiceth : but the lamp of the wicked shall be put out .  10 Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.  11 Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished : but he that gathereth by labour shall increase .  

    Hope deferred maketh the heart sick : but when the desire cometh , it is a tree of life.  13 Whoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed : but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded .  14 The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.  15 Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard.  16 Every prudent man dealeth with knowledge: but a fool layeth open his folly.  17 A wicked messenger falleth into mischief: but a faithful ambassador is health.  18 Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured .  19 The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul: but it is abomination to fools to depart from evil.  20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise : but a companion of fools shall be destroyed .  21 Evil pursueth sinners: but to the righteous good shall be repayed .  22 A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.  23 Much food is in the tillage of the poor  : but there is that is destroyed for want of judgment.  24 He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes .  25 The righteous eateth to the satisfying of his soul: but the belly of the wicked shall want .

    Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.  2 He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the LORD: but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him.  3 In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.  4 Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.  5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies .  6 A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth .  7 Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.  8 The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.  9 Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.  10 The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.  11 The house of the wicked shall be overthrown : but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish .  12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.  13 Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful ; and the end of that mirth is heaviness.  14 The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself.  15 The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.  16 A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth , and is confident .  

    He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated .  18 The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.  19 The evil bow before the good; and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.  20 The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends .  21 He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth : but he that hath mercy on the poor  , happy is he.  22 Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good.  23 In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury.  24 The crown of the wise is their riches: but the foolishness of fools is folly.  25 A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies.  26 In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.  27 The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.  28 In the multitude of people is the king's honour: but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince.  29 He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.  30 A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.  31 He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker : but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.  32 The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death.  33 Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding : but that which is in the midst of fools is made known .  34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.  35 The king's favour is toward a wise servant: but his wrath is against him that causeth shame .

    A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.  2 The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright : but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.  3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.  4 A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.  5 A fool despiseth his father's instruction: but he that regardeth reproof is prudent .  6 In the house of the righteous is much treasure: but in the revenues of the wicked is trouble .  7 The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: but the heart of the foolish doeth not so.  8 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: but the prayer of the upright is his delight.  9 The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the LORD: but he loveth him that followeth after righteousness.  10 Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die .  11 Hell and destruction are before the LORD: how much more then the hearts of the children of men?  12 A scorner loveth not one that reproveth him: neither will he go unto the wise.  13 A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.  14 The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge: but the mouth  of fools feedeth on foolishness.  15 All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.  

    Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith.  17 Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.  18 A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife.  19 The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain .  20 A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish man despiseth his mother.  21 Folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom: but a man of understanding walketh uprightly .  22 Without counsel purposes are disappointed : but in the multitude of counsellors they are established .  23 A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!  24 The way of life is above to the wise , that he may depart from hell beneath.  25 The LORD will destroy the house of the proud: but he will establish the border of the widow.  26 The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD: but the words of the pure are pleasant words.  27 He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house; but he that hateth gifts shall live .  28 The heart of the righteous studieth to answer : but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things.  29 The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous.  30 The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart: and a good report maketh the bones fat .  31 The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise.  32 He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.  33 The fear of the LORD is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility.

    The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD.  2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits.  3 Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established .  4 The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.  5 Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished .  6 By mercy and truth iniquity is purged : and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.  7 When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.  8 Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right.  9 A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.  10 A divine sentence is in the lips of the king: his mouth transgresseth not in judgment.  11 A just weight and balance are the LORD'S: all the weights of the bag are his work.  12 It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness.  13 Righteous lips are the delight of kings; and they love him that speaketh right.  14 The wrath of a king is as messengers of death: but a wise man will pacify it.  15 In the light of the king's countenance is life; and his favour is as a cloud of the latter rain.  16 How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!  

    The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul.  18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.  19 Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly  , than to divide the spoil with the proud.  20 He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he.  21 The wise in heart shall be called prudent : and the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning.  22 Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it: but the instruction of fools is folly.  23 The heart of the wise teacheth his mouth, and addeth learning to his lips.  24 Pleasant words are as an honeycomb , sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.  25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.  26 He that laboureth laboureth for himself; for his mouth craveth it of him.  27 An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire.  28 A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.  29 A violent man enticeth his neighbour, and leadeth him into the way that is not good.  30 He shutteth his eyes to devise froward things: moving his lips he bringeth evil to pass .  31 The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.  32 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.  33 The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD.

    Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.  2 A wise servant shall have rule over a son that causeth shame , and shall have part of the inheritance among the brethren.  3 The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD trieth the hearts.  4 A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue.  5 Whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker : and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished .  6 Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.  7 Excellent speech becometh not a fool: much less do lying lips a prince.  8 A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it: whithersoever it turneth , it prospereth .  9 He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.  10 A reproof entereth more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool.  11 An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.  12 Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man, rather than a fool in his folly.  13 Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house.  

    The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.  15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.  16 Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom, seeing he hath no heart to it?  17 A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.  18 A man void of understanding striketh hands, and becometh surety in the presence of his friend.  19 He loveth transgression that loveth strife: and he that exalteth his gate seeketh destruction.  20 He that hath a froward heart findeth no good: and he that hath a perverse tongue falleth into mischief.  21 He that begetteth a fool doeth it to his sorrow: and the father of a fool hath no joy .  22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.  23 A wicked man taketh a gift out of the bosom to pervert the ways of judgment.  24 Wisdom is before him that hath understanding  ; but the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth.  25 A foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness to her that bare him.  26 Also to punish the just is not good, nor to strike princes for equity.  27 He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent  spirit.  28 Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace , is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding .

    Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom.  2 A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.  3 When the wicked cometh , then cometh also contempt, and with ignominy reproach.  4 The words of a man's mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook.  5 It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, to overthrow the righteous in judgment.  6 A fool's lips enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for strokes.  7 A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.  8 The words of a talebearer are as wounds , and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.  9 He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster .  10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe .  11 The rich man's wealth is his strong city, and as an high wall in his own conceit.  12 Before destruction the heart of man is haughty , and before honour is humility.  

    He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.  14 The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear ?  15 The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.  16 A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.  17 He that is first in his own cause seemeth just; but his neighbour cometh and searcheth him.  18 The lot causeth contentions to cease , and parteth between the mighty.  19 A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions  are like the bars of a castle.  20 A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled .  21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.  22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.  23 The poor useth intreaties; but the rich answereth roughly.  24 A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly : and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

    Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.  2 Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that hasteth with his feet sinneth .  3 The foolishness of man perverteth his way: and his heart fretteth against the LORD.  4 Wealth maketh many friends; but the poor is separated from his neighbour.  5 A false witness shall not be unpunished , and he that speaketh lies shall not escape .  6 Many will intreat the favour of the prince: and every man is a friend to him that giveth gifts.  7 All the brethren of the poor do hate him: how much more do his friends go far from him? he pursueth them with words, yet they are wanting to him.  8 He that getteth wisdom loveth his own soul: he that keepeth understanding shall find good.  9 A false witness shall not be unpunished , and he that speaketh lies shall perish .  10 Delight is not seemly for a fool; much less for a servant to have rule over princes.  11 The discretion of a man deferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression.  12 The king's wrath is as the roaring of a lion; but his favour is as dew upon the grass.  13 A foolish son is the calamity of his father: and the contentions of a wife are a continual dropping.  14 House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD.  15 Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger .  

    He that keepeth the commandment keepeth his own soul; but he that despiseth his ways shall die .  17 He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again .  18 Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying .  19 A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment: for if thou deliver him, yet thou must do it again .  20 Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end.  21 There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand .  22 The desire of a man is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar.  23 The fear of the LORD tendeth to life: and he that hath it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil.  24 A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again .  25 Smite a scorner , and the simple will beware : and reprove one that hath understanding , and he will understand knowledge.  26 He that wasteth his father, and chaseth away his mother, is a son that causeth shame , and bringeth reproach .  27 Cease , my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge.  28 An ungodly witness scorneth judgment: and the mouth of the wicked devoureth iniquity.  29 Judgments are prepared for scorners , and stripes for the back of fools.

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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Aug 05, 2017 5:15 pm

    Carol wrote:
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Bbee4

    Trump Evacuated From White House
    After Massive 9/11 Spy System Discovered

    Date: Sunday, 6-Aug-2017

    A stunning new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) urgent action bulletin circulating in the Kremlin today reveals a shocking conversation held between Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, just hours ago in Manila, wherein the American’s revealed that President Donald Trump was ordered evacuated from his White House after it was discovered to be “riddled” with listening devices implanted throughout the entire mansion—and whose placements were purposed there to ensure that no evidence related to the 11 September 2001 (9/11) attacks on the United States would be discussed at any level.

    According to this bulletin, though many in the US media establishment believe that Trump decided to run for president in 2011 when he was openly mocked by the Obama regime at the annual White House Correspondent’s Dinner, Secretary Tillerson stated to Ministry Lavrov that it was, in fact, in 2009 when Trump determined himself to become president—and was due to the believed to be assassination of his close personal friend Beverly Eckert.

    Beverly Eckert, this bulletin explains, was one of the founding members of the 9/11 Family Steering Committee, that was an organization of twelve relatives of victims of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City—and whose husband killed in this attack, Sean Rooney, was the Vice President of Trump’s global insurance carrier Aon Corporation—who, in 2005, paid Trump $17 million for hurricane damage done to his private Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, and that Trump, also, paid $300,000 to last year (2016) to insure his presidential campaign with.

    Trump was “deeply wounded” when his “loyal friend” and Aon insurance broker Sean Rooney was killed on 9/11, this bulletin notes Secretary Tillerson saying to Minister Lavrov, leading him to support the efforts of Beverly Eckert in discovering the truth behind this atrocity—but who herself, in February 2009, was assassinated just 6 days after meeting with President Obama in what Russian intelligence experts at the time suspected to be an EMP attack that targeted the aircraft she was a passenger on—and that we had, likewise, detailed about in our 14 February 2009 report titled “Top 9/11 Witness Assassinated In New York Plane Shootdown”.

    Upon taking office, this bulletin continues, Secretary Tillerson explained to Minister Lavrov that President Trump immediately came under a “withering attack” from “Deep State” operatives within the US government when he began requesting classified documents relating the 9/11 attack—with these “Deep State” forces then pitting against Trump a Special Prosecutor named Robert Muller.

    Important to note about Robert Muller, this bulletin details, is that he is a long time known “Deep State” operative who, in 2005, personally ordered a Grand Jury probe into President Bill Clinton’s pardoning of the international fugitive Marc Rich closed for reasons never explained—and whom President Clinton had pardoned just hours before he left office, but who had received from Marc Rich’s wife, Denise Rich, millions in “donations”.

    Most critical, however, to note about Robert Mueller, this bulletin states, is that he was, also, at the forefront of “Deep States” sham 9/11 “Anthrax Attack” investigation—which were a series of attacks that began the week after the 9/11 using deadly US Army militarized anthrax spores—but whose investigation conducted by Mueller targeted an innocent man named Steven Hatfill—and that so destroyed his life, a US Federal Court ordered Robert Mueller to pay Hatiff $5.8 million—and with no one ever being charged for this other 9/11 “Deep State” crime.

    With President Trump knowing full well of Robert Mueller’s “action plan” against him, this bulletin continues, Secretary Tillerson revealed to Minister Lavrov that a US Attorney on Mueller’s “Deep State” team, this past week, requested documents from the White House on a “9/11 related subject” that had only been discussed between two parties in the Oval Office of the White House the previous week.

    Fearing that the White House was bugged, this bulletin notes, President Trump’s new Chief of Staff, General John Kelly, on Friday (4 August) ordered all White House workers to immediately evacuate to the Eisenhower Executive Building where he briefed the top White House officials on the “leaking situation”—while at the same time a specialized military unit of the Defense Clandestine Service (DCS)—that is an arm of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)—swept the entire White House mansion for listening devices.

    To what the DCS discovered in the White House, Secretary Tillerson revealed to Minister Lavrov, this bulletin says, was that it was “riddled” with listening devices implanted by the former Obama regime during a mysterious “renovation” of this mansion that began in September 2010 and lasted for two years.

    After the shocking discovery that the White House was “riddled” with listening devices, Secretary Tillerson further revealed to Secretary Lavrov, this bulletin notes, General Kelly ordered it immediately evacuated—with President Trump, within hours, being evacuated to his private New Jersey golf resort and the White House itself ordered to be “completely gutted”.

    MoFA intelligence analysts writing this urgent action bulletin state that Secretary Tillerson’s relating of these facts to Minister Lavrov should be “believed to be true” as coinciding with what was stated, the US press saddening, and without notice, this past Friday (4 August) reported that President Trump was taking an unannounced and unscheduled 17 day “vacation”—and that was followed 24 hours later with, and again unannounced and unscheduled, reports that the White House was being immediately evacuated and closed for “renovations”.

    Upon President Trump’s evacuation from the White House by General Kelly, this bulletin continues, one of his top allies, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, accused Robert Mueller of “representing the “Deep State” at its worse”—while at the same time, “Deep State” operatives aligned with Mueller, and embedded throughout the US government, vowed continued defiance against Trump—all of which led to former Reagan administration official David Stockman issuing a grave warning stating: “The bottom line is that the Swamp is so undrainable that it will end up making mincemeat of Donald Trump.”

    This bulletin, though, concludes with MoFA analysts disputing Stockman’s belief that the “Deep State” will make “mincemeat” of President Trump as he has already proved himself nearly unstoppable in his already having destroyed the Clinton regime, Bush regime, Obama regime, Democratic Party, Republican Party and Mainstream Media in order to ascend to the presidency—and who is, also, already preparing for what is to come—and as, perhaps, best explained by his personal friend, and one of Americas top radio programme hosts, Michael Savage, who grimly forewarned the “Deep State” of civil war this past week if they try to remove Trump from power, and who gravely stated:

    “Not since the run-up to the Civil War has the nation been more divided.

    The battle lines have been drawn: The haves against the have-nots. I’m warning you.

    All of you leftists who think you’re going to steal our vote, you’re wrong. Millions of Americans will revolt if the globalists remove President Trump from office or render him powerless...that is what’s going to happen in this country. You have not yet seen mob violence in this country.

    You’ve seen some mob violence instigated by George Soros’ mobs.

    But you haven’t seen the thing I’m telling you is coming in this country.

    You haven’t seen the ‘Day of the Locust’ yet.”
    mudra wrote:
    Corey Goode Deceived?
    MILABs, William Tompkins, Tom Delong, and Gaia TV
    - Dr. Steven Greer

    Love Always
    mudra wrote:
    Dr. Steven Greer:
    The FAKE 'Alien' Attack is Real & Coming Soon!

    Love Always
    I have suggested reading Job through Malachi (straight-through, over and over) in a Stand-Alone manner, noting what these 22 books tell us about the other 44 books. What if one attempted to write an alternative Genesis through Esther and Matthew through Revelation, based solely upon Job through Malachi?? What if one wrote a Job through Malachi Commentary based solely upon Job through Malachi?? This might be an unimaginably difficult project for even the most gifted scholars!! I'm sort of a 'Brainstorm Guy' but I am NOT a 'Follow-Through Guy'!! My threads will always be a pseudointellectual-potpourri of philosophical-perplexities!! Do your OWN Homework!! My laptop-computer fan revs at high RPM all the time now, even when I'm not online. This means that someone is SERIOUSLY messing with my computer. I'm tired of the Alpha Foxtrot Bullshit connected with our WONDERFUL Technological 'Civilization'. Everyone seems to be an Insider-Spy these days. WTF?? I had planned on doing more posting, but my computer is being so badly messed-with that my posting is indefinitely on-hold. I'm sorry we couldn't work together, but too much bullshit has gone under the bridge. Sorry About That.
    mudra wrote:
    Timeline for the Sun's Solar Kill Shots Entering the Grand Solar Minimum

    This is a culmination of years of research putting together a timeline for the Eddy grand solar minimum intensification based on planetary geometry, overlapping of cooling cycles on 51, 2016, 3740 year cycles, primer field on the Sun, magnetic field changes on Earth and solar system, ancient societies, and maps from 5000BC societies. As it looks the first major food price rises will happen at the end of 2018, then by 2022 it really intensifies. I go year by year from 2018-2025 so you have a clear picture of where, when and how intense the changes will be.

    Love Always
    mudra wrote:Solar activity predicted to fall 60% in 2030s, to 'mini ice age' levels: Sun driven by double dynamo

    July 9, 2015

    A new model of the Sun's solar cycle is producing unprecedentedly accurate predictions of irregularities within the Sun's 11-year heartbeat. The model draws on dynamo effects in two layers of the Sun, one close to the surface and one deep within its convection zone. Predictions from the model suggest that solar activity will fall by 60 per cent during the 2030s to conditions last seen during the 'mini ice age' that began in 1645.  

    Results will be presented today by Prof Valentina Zharkova at the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno.

    It is 172 years since a scientist first spotted that the Sun's activity varies over a cycle lasting around 10 to 12 years. But every cycle is a little different and none of the models of causes to date have fully explained fluctuations. Many solar physicists have put the cause of the solar cycle down to a dynamo caused by convecting fluid deep within the Sun. Now, Zharkova and her colleagues have found that adding a second dynamo, close to the surface, completes the picture with surprising accuracy.

    "We found magnetic wave components appearing in pairs, originating in two different layers in the Sun's interior. They both have a frequency of approximately 11 years, although this frequency is slightly different, and they are offset in time. Over the cycle, the waves fluctuate between the northern and southern hemispheres of the Sun. Combining both waves together and comparing to real data for the current solar cycle, we found that our predictions showed an accuracy of 97%," said Zharkova.

    read on:

    Love Always
    B.B.Baghor wrote: ortho's words: "I wish to move-on to Clean Sheet of Stone Solutions -- but History must be properly handled -- so as to provide a Sustainable Foundation for New Theologies and Philosophies. For me -- studying theology is sort of like the guy who hits himself over the head with a hammer -- because it feels so good when he quits!!"

    Some parts of your posts, like the last sentence in this one above, could well fit in the Humour thread, ortho, You keep hitting the nail on its head, it seems, in your view on studying theology and other statements you make about how you manage and maintain your thread. If I've understood your explanations in your thread, ortho, your intention is to invite members and visitors here and to discuss its content and find understanding and clarity due to that.

    Thank-you B.B. All of this involves a rarely achieved understanding of the world, solar system, and universe -- which I suspect "Top-People" understand very clearly. This is NOT a touchy-feely support-group. This is a royal-model walk on the wild-side!! It involves a lot of experience and experiences -- along with material provided by others. What people (and other than people) do with this is up to them.

    I keep coming back at my trying to understand, what it is that you're looking for in your thread. I'm having a go at it and move forward, by groping and trying, no hunt for an answer as if the end of this discussion should be near. The question mark may remain in it, if you get what I mean. To me it looks like this, that you show up in your thread in two different ways (or roles, deliberately chosen?)

    I guess I'm attempting to give substance to my suppositions. This discussion might never end. This is about Revelation and Mystery. A "Space-Cowboy" Individual of Interest spoke to me about "Mystery" in an approving manner. They also spoke about the "good-side" of Anna in "V" in an approving manner. They spoke to me about pre-cognition and remote-viewing (with military-applications). They spoke to me about who should "really run the world". They spoke to me about how UFO's work (something about gravity and always falling). They spoke of wishing to construct a UFO. They spoke of working with the Pentagon. They spoke to me about Orion. They reminded me of the "Cowboy" in Mulholland Drive.

    At times you're the observer looking at its content from without, which seems to be the intention of the initial plan, with your US of the SS-Final Cut. At other times you're the person actively present in your thread, sharing your observations and feelings on how you see yourself doing and the probable futility of it in the eyes of others, as you seem to perceive may be the case.

    I pretend to be someone I'm not -- to create a Science-Fictional Psycho-Drama -- to make points which could not otherwise be made. This mostly seems to have fallen on "deaf-ears". It's probably mostly a personal-exercise which I am sharing with a few alphabet-interns. I wonder how many of them have gone nuts? I'm actually being somewhat serious.

    This seems to come from within you, ortho, as if it's felt that way, real time. If this is what you call "modelling", I can't say I understand what you mean by that and what it's purpose is. And besides, I'm not sure if that's what it is, ortho. Is it with the intention to share your large amount of documentation and views, to see if they're appreciated as subjects for a discussion? Without the need to find understanding, for this is already material that is understood by you?

    It sometimes seems as if I am "Channeling-Myself". I sometimes imagine myself in important historical, contemporary, and prophetic roles -- so as to provide myself and others with rare-insights into the "Way Things Might've Been or Might Be" as the "Saddest Words That Fingers Can Type". I've actually found some remarkable evidences that I might be some sort of a "Significant Historical Soul" -- but I have no idea whether that would be a good-thing, or not. Some of my questions are rhetorical -- but most are inquisitive. I keep hoping that the right-individuals will systematically and exhaustively answer my many questions (here or in some other context).

    Or is your need of understanding, with the help of discussions, that you welcome here? I risk wrapping conclusions around my questioning here, due to a groping for my understanding. Forgive me if that's perceived that way, by you, ortho. This is the thing, you see, we always have to deal with being at risk in misunderstanding, for the difficulty of only exchanging views in this virtual way. I can imagine there must be some sort of strong drive in you, connected to an urge to find a way to a life with purpose. To me, it seems to be like this, that you feel the clarity for finding it is present outside of you.

    I doubt that I will find a "Purposeful-Life" in "Real-Life" so I am forced to construct a "Significant-Existence" in Cyberspace as some sort of a "Cyberspace-Cowboy". I am often forced to bring discussions from other threads into this thread -- so as to artificially manufacture conversation within this particular thread. I often seem to be "shunned" on this site -- and in "real-life".

    To me, at times, there seems to have happened a reversal of priorities, in the way you handle your thread, as if the exploring and research that you do, have moved to the first position, as a goal in itself. For I see you asking questions, asking questions about the asked questions, ignoring investigations by others sometimes due to the insistent questioning popping up in you. At times, reading parts of your posts, I wonder if there are answers that will satisfy you, if they're searched for.

    The Rare Responses by Others are often catalysts for further questioning and speculation. Most of the material on this thread is the work of others (ignored or otherwise). Responses are sometimes off-topic -- and I seek to stay on track -- which might appear to be ignoring various responders. Thinking deeply about the words of others does not always produce direct-responses from me. I'm sometimes a bit like a psychiatrist or psychologist asking leading questions. Jesus asked a lot of questions. Consider reading Jesus: An Interview Across Time by Dr. Andrew G. Hodges.

    I truly wonder what will happen if you at any given moment will find an answer or give up this quest, quieting that mind of yours. I don't mean to suggest that you should stop posting, ortho, I simply wonder in what way your arrival at the end of your quest, feeling that you've found the answers you need, will affect you. Do you expect to feel you will miss the ponder and wonder, the multifaceted way of reflecting on topics that you express in your thread here in the Mists? It's a genuine question, I hope you will perceive it that way Cheerful

    The quest will probably become so dark and controversial that I will be forced to not talk about it publicly or privately. This thing might honestly end in tragedy and great sorrow. I'm NOT expecting a happy-ending.
    Wine is a mocker , strong drink is raging : and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise .  2 The fear of a king is as the roaring of a lion: whoso provoketh him to anger sinneth against his own soul.  3 It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling .  4 The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.  5 Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out .  6 Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find ?  7 The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.  8 A king that sitteth in the throne of judgment scattereth away all evil with his eyes.  9 Who can say , I have made my heart clean , I am pure from my sin?  10 Divers weights , and divers measures , both of them are alike abomination to the LORD.  11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.  12 The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.  13 Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty ; open thine eyes, and thou shalt be satisfied with bread.  14 It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer : but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth .  

    There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.  16 Take his garment that is surety for a stranger : and take a pledge of him for a strange woman.  17 Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.  18 Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war.  19 He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips.  20 Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure  darkness.  21 An inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof shall not be blessed .  22 Say not thou, I will recompense evil; but wait on the LORD, and he shall save thee.  23 Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good.  24 Man's goings are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?  25 It is a snare to the man who devoureth that which is holy, and after vows to make enquiry .  26 A wise king scattereth the wicked, and bringeth the wheel over them.  27 The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.  28 Mercy and truth preserve the king: and his throne is upholden by mercy.  29 The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is the gray head.  30 The blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil: so do stripes the inward parts of the belly.

    The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will .  2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts.  3 To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.  4 An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked, is sin.  5 The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want.  6 The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death.  7 The robbery of the wicked shall destroy them; because they refuse to do judgment.  8 The way of man is froward and strange: but as for the pure, his work is right.  9 It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling  woman in a wide house.  10 The soul of the wicked desireth evil: his neighbour findeth no favour in his eyes.  11 When the scorner is punished , the simple is made wise : and when the wise is instructed , he receiveth knowledge.  12 The righteous man wisely considereth the house of the wicked: but God overthroweth the wicked for their wickedness.  13 Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard .  14 A gift in secret pacifieth anger: and a reward in the bosom strong wrath.  15 It is joy to the just to do judgment: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.  

    The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead.  17 He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich .  18 The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous, and the transgressor for the upright.  19 It is better to dwell in the wilderness , than with a contentious  and an angry woman.  20 There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up .  21 He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.  22 A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty, and casteth down the strength of the confidence thereof.  23 Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.  24 Proud and haughty scorner is his name, who dealeth in proud wrath.  25 The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour .  26 He coveteth greedily all the day long: but the righteous giveth and spareth not.  27 The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination: how much more, when he bringeth it with a wicked mind?  28 A false witness shall perish : but the man that heareth speaketh constantly.  29 A wicked man hardeneth his face: but as for the upright, he directeth his way.  30 There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.  31 The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD.

    A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.  2 The rich and poor meet together : the LORD is the maker of them all.  3 A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on , and are punished .  4 By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life.  5 Thorns and snares are in the way of the froward: he that doth keep his soul shall be far from them.  6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old , he will not depart from it.  7 The rich ruleth over the poor , and the borrower is servant to the lender  .  8 He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity: and the rod of his anger shall fail .  9 He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed ; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.  10 Cast out the scorner , and contention shall go out ; yea, strife and reproach shall cease .  11 He that loveth pureness  of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.  12 The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge, and he overthroweth the words of the transgressor .  13 The slothful man saith , There is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets.  14 The mouth of strange women is a deep pit: he that is abhorred of the LORD shall fall therein.  

    Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.  16 He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want.  17 Bow down thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply thine heart unto my knowledge.  18 For it is a pleasant thing if thou keep them within thee; they shall withal be fitted in thy lips.  19 That thy trust may be in the LORD, I have made known to thee this day, even to thee.  20 Have not I written to thee excellent things in counsels and knowledge,  21 That I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth; that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee?  22 Rob not the poor, because he is poor: neither oppress the afflicted in the gate:  23 For the LORD will plead their cause, and spoil the soul of those that spoiled them.  24 Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go :  25 Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul.  26 Be not thou one of them that strike hands, or of them that are sureties for debts.  27 If thou hast nothing to pay , why should he take away thy bed from under thee?  28 Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set .  29 Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.

    When thou sittest to eat with a ruler , consider diligently what is before thee:  2 And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite.  3 Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat.  4 Labour not to be rich : cease from thine own wisdom.  5 Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven.  6 Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats:  7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink , saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.  8 The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up , and lose thy sweet words.  9 Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.  10 Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless:  11 For their redeemer is mighty; he shall plead their cause with thee.  12 Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge.  13 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die .  14 Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.  15 My son, if thine heart be wise , my heart shall rejoice , even mine.  16 Yea, my reins shall rejoice , when thy lips speak right things.  17 Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long.  18 For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off .  

    Hear thou, my son, and be wise , and guide thine heart in the way.  20 Be not among winebibbers  ; among riotous eaters of flesh:  21 For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty : and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.  22 Hearken unto thy father that begat thee, and despise not thy mother when she is old .  23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.  24 The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice : and he that begetteth a wise child shall have joy of him.  25 Thy father and thy mother shall be glad , and she that bare thee shall rejoice .  26 My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe  my ways.  27 For a whore is a deep ditch; and a strange woman is a narrow pit.  28 She also lieth in wait as for a prey, and increaseth the transgressors among men.  29 Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath contentions  ? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes?  30 They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine.  31 Look not thou upon the wine when it is red , when it giveth his colour in the cup  , when it moveth itself aright.  32 At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.  33 Thine eyes shall behold strange women , and thine heart shall utter perverse things.  34 Yea, thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the sea, or as he that lieth upon the top of a mast.  35 They have stricken me, shalt thou say, and I was not sick ; they have beaten me, and I felt it not: when shall I awake ? I will seek it yet again.

    Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them.  2 For their heart studieth destruction, and their lips talk of mischief.  3 Through wisdom is an house builded ; and by understanding it is established :  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.  6 For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety.  7 Wisdom is too high for a fool: he openeth not his mouth in the gate.  8 He that deviseth to do evil shall be called a mischievous person.  9 The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.  10 If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.  11 If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain;  12 If thou sayest , Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?  13 My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; and the honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste:  14 So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off .  15 Lay not wait , O wicked man, against the dwelling of the righteous; spoil not his resting place:  16 For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again : but the wicked shall fall into mischief.  

    Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth , and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth :  18 Lest the LORD see it, and it displease  him, and he turn away his wrath from him.  19 Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be thou envious at the wicked;  20 For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out .  21 My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change :  22 For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them both?  23 These things also belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment.  24 He that saith unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse , nations shall abhor him:  25 But to them that rebuke him shall be delight , and a good blessing shall come upon them.  26 Every man shall kiss his lips that giveth a right answer.  27 Prepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in the field; and afterwards build thine house.  28 Be not a witness against thy neighbour without cause; and deceive not with thy lips.  29 Say not, I will do so to him as he hath done to me: I will render to the man according to his work.  30 I went by the field of the slothful , and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding;  31 And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down .  32 Then I saw , and considered it well  : I looked upon it, and received instruction.  33 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep :  34 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth ; and thy want as an armed man.

    These are also proverbs of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied out .  2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.  3 The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable.  4 Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer .  5 Take away the wicked from before the king, and his throne shall be established in righteousness.  6 Put not forth thyself in the presence of the king, and stand not in the place of great men:  7 For better it is that it be said unto thee, Come up hither; than that thou shouldest be put lower in the presence of the prince whom thine eyes have seen .  8 Go not forth hastily to strive , lest thou know not what to do in the end thereof, when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame .  9 Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to another:  10 Lest he that heareth it put thee to shame , and thine infamy turn not away .  11 A word fitly  spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.  12 As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.  13 As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters.  14 Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain.  

    By long forbearing is a prince persuaded , and a soft tongue breaketh the bone.  16 Hast thou found honey? eat so much as is sufficient for thee, lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit it.  17 Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's house; lest he be weary of thee, and so hate thee.  18 A man that beareth false witness against his neighbour is a maul, and a sword, and a sharp arrow.  19 Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint.  20 As he that taketh away a garment in cold weather, and as vinegar upon nitre, so is he that singeth songs to an heavy heart.  21 If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat ; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink :  22 For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD shall reward thee.  23 The north wind driveth away rain: so doth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue.  24 It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling  woman and in a wide house.  25 As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.  26 A righteous man falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring.  27 It is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search their own glory is not glory.  28 He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down , and without walls.

    As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honour is not seemly for a fool.  2 As the bird by wandering , as the swallow by flying , so the curse causeless shall not come .  3 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back.  4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.  5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.  6 He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool cutteth off the feet, and drinketh damage.  7 The legs of the lame are not equal : so is a parable in the mouth of fools.  8 As he that bindeth  a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honour to a fool.  9 As a thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fools.  10 The great God that formed all things both rewardeth the fool, and rewardeth transgressors .  11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.  12 Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.  13 The slothful man saith , There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets.  14 As the door turneth upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed.  15 The slothful hideth his hand in his bosom; it grieveth him to bring it again to his mouth.  

    The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason.  17 He that passeth by , and meddleth with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears.  18 As a mad man who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death,  19 So is the man that deceiveth his neighbour, and saith , Am not I in sport ?  20 Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out : so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth .  21 As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire; so is a contentious  man to kindle strife.  22 The words of a talebearer are as wounds , and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.  23 Burning lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd covered with silver dross.  24 He that hateth dissembleth with his lips, and layeth up deceit within him;  25 When he speaketh fair , believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart.  26 Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation.  27 Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.  28 A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin.

    Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth .  2 Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.  3 A stone is heavy, and the sand weighty; but a fool's wrath is heavier than them both.  4 Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?  5 Open rebuke is better than secret love.  6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend ; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful .  7 The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.  8 As a bird that wandereth from her nest, so is a man that wandereth from his place.  9 Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart: so doth the sweetness of a man's friend by hearty counsel.  10 Thine own friend, and thy father's friend, forsake not; neither go into thy brother's house in the day of thy calamity: for better is a neighbour that is near than a brother far off.  11 My son, be wise , and make my heart glad , that I may answer  him that reproacheth me.  12 A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on , and are punished .  13 Take his garment that is surety for a stranger , and take a pledge of him for a strange woman.  

    He that blesseth his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it shall be counted a curse to him.  15 A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious  woman are alike .  16 Whosoever hideth her hideth the wind, and the ointment of his right hand, which bewrayeth itself.  17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.  18 Whoso keepeth the fig tree shall eat the fruit thereof: so he that waiteth on his master shall be honoured .  19 As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man.  20 Hell and destruction  are never full ; so the eyes of man are never satisfied .  21 As the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold; so is a man to his praise.  22 Though thou shouldest bray a fool in a mortar among wheat with a pestle, yet will not his foolishness depart from him.  23 Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds.  24 For riches are not for ever: and doth the crown endure to every generation?  25 The hay appeareth , and the tender grass sheweth itself, and herbs of the mountains are gathered .  26 The lambs are for thy clothing, and the goats are the price of the field.  27 And thou shalt have goats' milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the maintenance for thy maidens.

    The wicked flee when no man pursueth : but the righteous are bold as a lion.  2 For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof: but by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof shall be prolonged .  3 A poor man that oppresseth the poor is like a sweeping rain which leaveth no food.  4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.  5 Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things.  6 Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.  7 Whoso keepeth the law is a wise son: but he that is a companion of riotous men shameth his father.  8 He that by usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor.  9 He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.  10 Whoso causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself into his own pit: but the upright shall have good things in possession .  11 The rich man is wise in his own conceit; but the poor that hath understanding searcheth him out .  12 When righteous men do rejoice , there is great glory: but when the wicked rise , a man is hidden .  13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper : but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy .  

    Happy is the man that feareth alway: but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief.  15 As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so is a wicked ruler over the poor people.  16 The prince that wanteth understanding is also a great oppressor: but he that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days.  17 A man that doeth violence to the blood of any person shall flee to the pit; let no man stay him.  18 Whoso walketh uprightly shall be saved : but he that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once.  19 He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread: but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough.  20 A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent .  21 To have respect of persons is not good: for for a piece of bread that man will transgress .  22 He that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye, and considereth not that poverty shall come upon him.  23 He that rebuketh a man afterwards shall find more favour than he that flattereth with the tongue.  24 Whoso robbeth his father or his mother, and saith , It is no transgression; the same is the companion of a destroyer  .  25 He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat .  26 He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered .  27 He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.  28 When the wicked rise , men hide themselves: but when they perish , the righteous increase .

    He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed , and that without remedy.  2 When the righteous are in authority , the people rejoice : but when the wicked beareth rule , the people mourn .  3 Whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth his father: but he that keepeth company with harlots spendeth his substance.  4 The king by judgment establisheth the land: but he that receiveth gifts overthroweth it.  5 A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet.  6 In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare: but the righteous doth sing and rejoice.  7 The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it.  8 Scornful men bring a city into a snare : but wise men turn away wrath.  9 If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh , there is no rest.  10 The bloodthirsty  hate the upright: but the just seek his soul.  11 A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.  12 If a ruler hearken to lies , all his servants are wicked.  13 The poor and the deceitful man meet together : the LORD lighteneth both their eyes.  14 The king that faithfully judgeth the poor, his throne shall be established for ever.  

    The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame .  16 When the wicked are multiplied , transgression increaseth : but the righteous shall see their fall.  17 Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest ; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul.  18 Where there is no vision, the people perish : but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.  19 A servant will not be corrected by words: for though he understand he will not answer.  20 Seest thou a man that is hasty in his words? there is more hope of a fool than of him.  21 He that delicately bringeth up his servant from a child shall have him become his son at the length.  22 An angry man stirreth up strife, and a furious man aboundeth in transgression.  23 A man's pride shall bring him low : but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.  24 Whoso is partner with a thief hateth his own soul: he heareth cursing, and bewrayeth it not.  25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe .  26 Many seek the ruler's favour; but every man's judgment cometh from the LORD.  27 An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.

    I neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy.  4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended ? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell ?  5 Every word of God is pure : he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.  6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar .  7 Two things have I required of thee; deny me them not before I die :  8 Remove far from me vanity and lies  : give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:  9 Lest I be full , and deny thee, and say , Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor , and steal , and take the name of my God in vain.  10 Accuse not a servant unto his master, lest he curse thee, and thou be found guilty .  11 There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother.  12 There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.  13 There is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes! and their eyelids are lifted up .  14 There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men.  15 The horseleach hath two daughters, crying, Give , give . There are three things that are never satisfied , yea, four things say not, It is enough:  16 The grave; and the barren womb; the earth that is not filled with water; and the fire that saith not, It is enough.  

    The eye that mocketh at his father, and despiseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out , and the young eagles shall eat it.  18 There be three things which are too wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not:  19 The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid.  20 Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth , and wipeth her mouth, and saith , I have done no wickedness.  21 For three things the earth is disquieted , and for four which it cannot bear :  22 For a servant when he reigneth ; and a fool when he is filled with meat;  23 For an odious woman when she is married ; and an handmaid that is heir to her mistress.  24 There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise:  25 The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer;  26 The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks;  27 The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands ;  28 The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces.  29 There be three things which go well , yea, four are comely in going :  30 A lion which is strongest among beasts, and turneth not away for any;  31 A greyhound  ; an he goat also; and a king, against whom there is no rising up.  32 If thou hast done foolishly in lifting up thyself, or if thou hast thought evil , lay thine hand upon thy mouth.  33 Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood: so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife.

    What, my son? and what, the son of my womb? and what, the son of my vows?  3 Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings.  4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for  princes strong drink:  5 Lest they drink , and forget the law , and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted .  6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish , and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.  7 Let him drink , and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.  8 Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.  9 Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.  10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.  11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.  12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.  13 She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.  14 She is like the merchants ' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.  15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.  

    She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.  17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.  18 She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.  19 She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.  20 She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.  21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.  22 She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.  23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.  24 She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.  25 Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.  26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.  27 She looketh well to the ways  of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.  28 Her children arise up , and call her blessed ; her husband also, and he praiseth her.  29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.  30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised .  31 Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 CHD
    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Love+Quotes+and+Pictures+Together+(1)

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:51 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Join date : 2010-09-28
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    United States AI Solar System (4) - Page 2 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (4)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Aug 07, 2017 5:57 pm

    My computer situation is a bit better today (as far as overheating) but I still suspect that I've made myself a target (in so many ways) even though I've made good on my pledge (for several years) to just keep doing what I'm doing on this website (without moving too quickly). I don't belong to any group, and I don't have secret contacts. I just surf this site, and listen to Sherry Shriner, in the context of my previous instruction and presuppositions. This is a very-passive quest. I could move SO Much quicker, and actually make some money in the process. I've recently been reluctant to move in a monetary-direction relative to this present quest. I'm flying-blind, and I think a lot of people (and other than people) wish to shoot me down. Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me. Notice in the video at the bottom of the last post, that A.D. 2031 is a featured date. The AED said I'd be working for 'them' in 20 years (and that was in A.D. 2011) so that would be A.D. 2031. A forum-member (who I won't name presently) recently stated that the next BIG Event will occur in A.D. 2031. This same member has said some other interesting things (which I don't want to talk about).

    I've mentioned this before, but several years ago, at an Episcopal study-group, I asked a penetrating and pertinent question. The response was "That's Just the Way It Is." I never went back. Please know that this is a somewhat arbitrary quest. I selected a particular area of research, but I could've selected an approach from a billion possibilities. I'm not necessarily giving my quest my best effort. This really is passive and sloppy pseudo-scholarship. I hint a lot. I keep you guessing, but I keep telling you that's what I'm doing. Does anyone pay any attention to what I actually print on this site, or do you just get scared and offended by the scary pictures?? Within my biblical focus of Job through Malachi, consider the following three groups:

    1. Job through Song of Solomon.

    2. Isaiah through Daniel.

    3. Hosea through Malachi.

    What's going on here?? Here's That Famous Minimal-List (one more time). I'm NOT claiming this is the "Truth". I am simply suggesting this is an important part of the puzzle. What you think while reading might be MUCH More Important than what you're reading!! This is only the beginning!!

    1. Patriarchs and Prophets (Ellen White).

    2. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volume 3 (1 Chronicles to Song of Solomon).

    3. Prophets and Kings (Ellen White).

    4. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volume 4 (Isaiah to Malachi).

    5. The Desire of Ages (Ellen White).

    6. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volume 6 (Acts to Ephesians).

    7. Sacred Classical Music.

    The recommended-plan is to read these sources in order (straight-through -- over and over -- while listening to sacred classical music) as a mental and spiritual exercise. Here is something which you might find interesting (but I am not endorsing it). Angels In The Flesh by Sherry Shriner. When I told the Ancient Egyptian Deity that I listened regularly to Sherry Shriner -- they replied "I know you do." I think Sherry knows a HUGE amount of forbidden knowledge -- yet I take everything she says with a sea of salt. I simply wish to be challenged by what she presents. One thing I keep wondering about is how she can regularly speak of horrific subjects without hesitation or emotion?! Also, the books of the Bible I referred to in the previous post don't get discussed very often -- and it seems to me as if they are central. I could say a lot regarding what I think about Sherry -- and who she might really be -- but I won't go there. I've hinted at a lot of things -- and just moved on -- so you might have to really dig through this thread to put it all together. I've been somewhat vague -- on purpose -- and some of you probably know why.

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       The battle of good and evil. It never stops. A perpetual war from the time you were born. Never mind the war has gone on for thousands of years behind the scenes in a realm we cannot see. It has always been a war and it is always been a war for your soul, and yet few people understand the depths of it,  fewer realize their own role in it.  

        A concept once understood, it has been buried during the church age. Knowledge once taken for granted by our Hebrew forefathers, now vehemently protested against by the church age false prophets put in place and influenced to keep the people of the Lord dumbed down and clueless.  

         What is it they don't want you to know?

         Have we ever really grasped the concept of the spiritual realm that operates around us?  And who we are?

         Let's start at the basics.

         Spirits are not only souls, but a name for Angels: For example,

    Zec 6:5 And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth. (we know them through the book of Enoch as Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, and Raphael)
    Rev 1:4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne;

    Rev 3:1 And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.

    Rev 4:5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.  

    Rev 5:6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.  

    These Spirits are Angels.  
          Lucifer also has his own spirits, "For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty" Rev 16:14. These are literal people who work with and for him.  

        And we were admonished by the Apostle John, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world" I John 4:1.

        This is something the Lord showed me recently when I was doing a word search on the term Spirits. It all started unraveling before my eyes as He opened my eyes to reveal more of this truth to me. He has been showing me this truth over the past several months through various ways but when it started jumping out at me again during the study on Spirits in the Scriptures recently I knew it was time to reveal it.

         The Bible mentions various types of spirits: familiar spirits, unclean spirits (Matt. 10:1), evil spirits (Matt. 8:16), seducing spirits (I Tim. 4:1), angels spirits (Heb.1:7), and ministering spirits. Devils are also referred to as spirits (Matt. 8:16) and people are referred to as spirits: "By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison" 1Peter 3:19.

        Yahweh is the Father of all spirits, the creator:  

    Num 16:22 And they fell upon their faces, and said, O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh,
    Num 27:16 Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh,

    Hbr 12:9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected [us], and we gave [them] reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?

           A spirit is a human soul that has left the body. It also is another name for angels. Angels don't have flesh bodies. However they can appear in human form when necessary and still be spirits. When Jesus arose from the dead He was a Spirit, yet he mingled with the apostles and others for 40 days before He ascended into heaven. He had a body that looked human, it just wasn't one made of flesh. Angels have appeared to humans such as Abraham, Lot, and the Scriptures say we can entertain angels and be unaware of it. Although they look human, can eat and drink like humans, they are not human bodies and they have supernatural capabilities.

        It is Yahweh who created and creates spirits. When angels rebel against Him they become fallen angels and lose their first estate which is called heaven. Heaven is where the angels reside or have access to. It is their home. When they rebel against the Most High they are kicked out and must make their home somewhere else until they are judged for their rebellion. Some are judged right away, others are allowed to wait until   the end of the age for their judgment.

       As humans, we have souls which are our spirits, they are one in the same, they never die, however they live in a flesh body that does. The body will die but the spirit or soul will live on forever. A human is not immortal, but a spirit is.

       According to Strong's dictionary a soul is a living, breathing being with life in the blood. It is a person himself or herself, the inner being of that person, their mind, emotions, it is what makes you, you. It is also your spirit. Strong says a spirit is the power by which the human being feels, thinks, decides, the vital principal by which the body is animated, the soul. The spirit and the soul are the same thing. Put inside of flesh, they become what we call a human, what the Lord refers to as mankind.  

       The Lord never refers to His creation as humans, but mankind. Man made in His kind of image. Mankind. Human is a pagan term for the sun god. Therefore mankind are spirits and angels placed in flesh or what most call human bodies.

       What most people don't realize is that there are good spirits and angels of God put in flesh bodies and there are bad spirits and angels of Lucifer placed in flesh bodies.

        Have we all existed before as spirits or angels and then placed into a fleshly body? Or are we a new creation put in a flesh body? I think either one can happen.  

        Those born from above, are Yahweh's.

        Which means, not all are born from above.

        Only those with His Spirit can be redeemed, those born from above.

    John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
    John 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

          In the Greek this should have been translated "born from above" and not "born again." In the Strong's the term born again means from above, from a higher place, of things which come from heaven or God, from the first, from the beginning, from the very first, and anew, over again. In other words, it should read, "except a man be born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God" and "ye must be born from above."

       The Apostle Peter says, "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever" I Peter 1:23. Those from Yahweh and redeemed in Him are those that are born from above by incorruptible seed.  

       Which means, there are those walking among us today, who cannot be redeemed, because they were sent here by Lucifer himself and of corruptible seed. In other words, they are of his lineage or they are one of his spirits (angels) placed in a human body to do his will.

       You have to remember Lucifer mimmicks and copies everything Yahweh does and Yahweh allows it to serve His own purposes.

       It explains how some people can be inherently wicked and evil and think nothing of it. They do not have a consciousness of the Most High or of the things of heaven, or of good things. Evil and wickedness is what rules them. They are from the underworld to begin with. They are from their father, the devil. Some are sent by Lucifer directly for a specific purpose or reason. In the Hebrew Masoretic text the name of Saul itself means "underworld, borrowed." There are many sent by him who aren't named the name of Saul directly, but it is interesting that the one dominant Saul of our time is Saul of Tarsus who changed his name to Paul to hide his identity.  

       This whole understanding of Spirits clears up and confirms even more what people believe as my most controversial teachings, the Serpent seedline offspring and the Satanic infiltration of Saul-Paul-Satan into the church. I love how the Lord works, He always brings things back into a circle. A piece here, a piece there, then back again with more pieces to fit into the puzzle.

       In my article entitled "The Serpent Seedline:Edomite Jews and the Sons of Cain" I talked about the two different groups of people throughout the Bible and our past, present, and future. Those who are elected to grace while the other is elected for wrath and destruction. These are two specific groups with two specific elections and only they can hold these elections, no one else is like them.

       Are all those born into a specific family seedline corruptible or incorruptible? No. Although it may sound like it means just that, it does not mean that all. That would be like saying all those born into a cursed seedline are doomed for hell and all those born into Yahweh's chosen seedline are awarded heaven.  

       There are three major aspects that come into play at all times in regarding all things. The choices Yahweh makes, the choices Lucifer makes, and the individual choices we make.

       Esau was born of a good seedline but he chose to go the way of the wicked. Just as those born of cursed seedlines can choose to go the way of the righteous. Do we choose or are we chosen ahead of time to do exactly what we do? Yahweh knows the end from the beginning and He knows those who are His and those who are not because He knows exactly what is going to happen. And He places His chosen vessels of honor anywhere He wants to, good or bad seedline. And Lucifer will do the same thing, except his vessels are of dishonor.  

        In other words, Yahweh can and does places chosen vessels of honor throughout the offspring of His children and of Lucifer's. And Lucifer does the same thing.

        We have the children of Israel, the children of Cain, and the Gentile nations who are judged in how they treat the children of Israel. Can they be redeemed? Yes if they adopt Yahweh as their Most High God and accept and receive His salvation and they are born from above, they are one of His spirits to begin with. Remember His Spirits are everywhere, placed in all nations, but those of His must choose Him of their own free will. Being a spirit from above doesn't ensure salvation, you must choose Him.

        What I have been led to believe based on Scripture is  that there are three major seedlines of people in this world today. Those directly of Yah, those directly of Satan, and gentiles, the other nations inbred and created from hybrid offspring from the other two lines and carried out throughout the centuries. There are many nations of people considered as Gentiles back in the earlier days, those who were not Israelite, and not all of those lines were purposeful offspring from Lucifer either. They are hybrid races, mixtures from both lines and whose continuity just grew and spread out throughout the ages. It is these nations who are judged at the end of the tribulation period in how they treated the Israelites, Yahweh's chosen seedline.  

        Most people don't realize that we are Israel. We didn't replace Israel, we ARE Israel. There were 14 tribes spread out among the earth. The Jews in rule in Israel today are not real Jews, refer to Rev. 2:9 and 3:9.  

         On this earth, there is a perpetual war between the children of Father, the Most High, and the children of Lucifer.  Lucifer can corrupt Yahweh's people and Yahweh can call out those He placed in Lucifer's offspring leading them to salvation.  

        Lucifer can place his spirit in people, just as Yahweh does. We saw what happened to Judas who betrayed Jesus, Yahushua, born of corruptible seed (did not I call 12 of you and one of you is a devil?") and we've been having to deal with Saul, born of corruptible seed, and how he has infiltrated and destroyed the churches and Christianity with false doctrines as a servant from Satan.

        There are many brought to this earth for specific reasons. To fulfill certain roles and assignments, both for Yahweh and Lucifer.

       Yahweh told the Prophet Jeremiah He knew him before He was born. Because He sent Jeremiah here with a specific role to fulfill. In fact many of His people were chosen ahead of time to come here when they did to fulfill a specific purpose. They were begotten from above and then sent here on earth to live in flesh bodies.

       Those who choose to serve Satan do so because he is their father. The Antichrist and False Prophet will be those sent of him to do his will on earth. They are borrowed from the underworld and put here in human flesh to fulfill these roles.

        Once you realize how it is, then some of you can stop thinking of how mean the Lord is for causing the False Prophet and Antichrist to be born just to burn in the lake of fire later. They were of Satan to begin with and unredeemable. When they were born his spirit was placed inside them, not Yahweh's. And these people don't want redeemed, they hate the Most High as much as their father the devil does. Do not pity these haters of Yahweh, rather pray for their judgment! Lucifer's spirits placed in these people are the same angels who rebelled against the Most High during Lucifer's rebellion in the previous civilization now coming back to earth to help him do it again!

         The church is soft on evil. They may as well lay a pillow out and welcome mat for those who do evil. Why? Because they misinterpret Scriptures.

        Yahushua called Satan's seed fools and vipers, to be cast into the lake of fire. He didn't mince words with them or feign love toward them. He knew what and who they were. And He made a distinction between Satan's seed and those who were redeemable, even with the Gentiles. He offered His salvation to the Gentiles, He will not cast aside anyone who seeks Him. But He knows the born from below serpent seeds will never seek His redemption and it was those He spoke against openly during His ministry here.      

         Born from below. Angels who rebelled against the Most High in the past and re-born through human flesh to serve Lucifer's purposes again, this time as humans.

         Born from above. Angels who love the Most High and are sent down here to be re-born through human flesh to serve His purposes and fulfill a calling for Him as humans. There are people, begotten from the beginning as angels to fulfill certain roles on earth as humans. Are all people born today begotten from the beginning and actually at one time served as angels in heaven? I don't think so. I could be wrong but I don't think so. I think there are certain people He has sent down here on purpose to fulfill a certain role and when they die(d) they went or go back up to be with Him.

         This is a truth that is part of the ancient wisdom and mysteries that mankind once knew. Yahweh told me there are many things in the Scriptures that we have been blinded to.  

        Angels in human flesh. Good and bad angels with roles to play in these last days. It is a war between God and Satan, between heaven and hell.  

        Yahweh is revealing to some of His people their former names and even ranks in heaven. So is Lucifer. He is gathering his own people together for the final onslaught against Yahweh's chosen.  So this information is going to start coming out and just because the churches ignore it doesn't mean it is not true, it means they are doing their usual job of suppressing the truth. The Whores of Babylon. Lucifer doesn't want Yahweh's people to seek Him to know if they are an angel in flesh with a specific calling and purpose. He wants them to stay ignorant of who and what they are so they don't fulfill it.  

           Seek the Lord, the Most High for the truth, to confirm or reject what I am saying Himself. Don't allow Lucifer to keep you in division, anger, and bickering with your brethren just so you stay in the dark. Yahweh has revealed this truth to me and has many more things to reveal to me if there is time. If I have time. Be diligent and seek Him in all things and ask Him every day to reveal the truth to you in all things.

           The war is on. Many of Satan's know who they are. Many of Yahweh's know who they are.  Yahweh's army seeks to build and edify Him, to preach and teach His truth and prepare His people for what is ahead. They are good shepherds and take care of His flock and serve Him. Satan seeks to destroy Yahweh's people, to fleece them and hold them in bondage to false doctrines, guile and witchcraft and idolatry.  

          Test the spirits-angels in human flesh - whether they be of God. Seek HIM. He who denies Jesus Christ, Yahushua came in the flesh (and died on the cross for the redemption of mankind) is an Antichrist.

          "He that hath hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna and will give him a white stone and in the stone a new name written , which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it" Rev. 2:17.

         For those who hold steadfast to the faith, even unto death, they will be given a new name in heaven. In the Strong's a name can signify one's rank and authority, it can also describe their works and interests.  

         This is your new name as a heavenly being. The former things of earth over time will be forgotten.  

         From what we do know of heaven now and those in it, they are spirits, angels who serve the Most High day and night. There is no time there. They just serve Him continually with whatever rank and assignment they are given. And since our awards are based on our works and faithfulness to Him then it stands to reason those in heaven now could have at one time been in our own shoes. Perhaps not all, but maybe so.

         What if, previous civilizations on earth were themselves cycles of a beginning and an end, a beginning and an end. Beings were created by Yahweh to live here, and through each cycle the same war imposed on them all, a war of good and evil.

        All beings are created with free will. Even angels can use their free will to abandon heaven and Yahweh. He holds no one a prisoner.

         Earth is much older than most suspect. Re-created and replenished after cycles of creations.  

          The Lord said "I am going to reveal a mystery" which means a truth we haven't known before. But it's funny because I have had these thoughts for years now. And now He's bringing them back up and expounding on them more as I write this.

            Let's go back to the previous civilization, which was really, another cycle here on planet Earth. There were many cities, Atlantis and Lemuria were just two of them. The most intriquing are the long-neck ancient Egyptians. And then there were some on the other side of the world we have little knowledge of, if any.  

           They lived much like we do, except they were far more advanced. They could travel to the other planets, which also had cities on them. Inter-planetary trade was common, much like we have with importing  and exporting here among our nations. They were miners but of gold and crystal and precious stones and metals. Their atmosphere was different, probably not half as polluted and toxic as ours is now.  

           This was a civilization of spirits. Just as ours is. Lucifer ruled over them, he had a seat on all the planets. Was it a visible rulership? Or did he work behind the scenes then, as he does now? He has always worked through our governments and churches to lead the people by the chain in how he wanted them to go. They follow his dictates without realizing it is his drum beat they are marching to.  

         Did that happen in the previous civilization as well?  

         We have always considered the previous civilization as an angelic civilization with Lucifer ruling over them. Well guess what, we are an angelic civilization with Lucifer ruling over us!

         As before, once he takes visible control and demands to be worshipped as God death and destruction and judgment will be right around the corner.  

          Because of the high tech aircraft available to all during the previous civilization, two-thirds of them who lived under his rule were able to escape. That is a lot of angels that got away from his rule of thumb and blasphemy. Our Scripture indicates he led a rebellion of 1/3 of the angels against the Most High. It was these who joined his rebellion who were kicked out of the good graces of the Most High. Many were imprisoned in the hollow planets they rebelled from.  

           Lucifer was allowed to escape imprisonment with many of his fellow angels involved with the rebellion.  

          What was the rebellion? Lucifer wanted to be like God. So through those who worked with him they implemented their own greed to be like God by trying to create their own beings and animals. He wanted to be a creator and create his own civilization to be the Lord of.  

          This rebellion was something that took place over time, many years, perhaps hundreds, maybe even thousands. We don't know. What we do know is that it wasn't something we imagine from the spiritual pictures given us in our churches. Most of us have an Ezekiel 38 view of Lucifer's rebellion. Where he gathers an army and literally tries to go up against the Most High to unseat Him. I have always felt that the war of Ezekiel 38 and 39 described more of the rebellion at the end of the millennial reign of Christ that will take place rather than being a similar passage of the war in Joel 2 which leads to Armageddon. But then that's me.  

            We tend to believe what we do because we have been spoon fed by the churches that Lucifer's rebellion was something that happened quickly and was quickly put down and stopped by the Most High. That is because we didn't or don't understand the depth and extent of Lucifer's rebellion.  

          Where did the angels go that escaped Lucifer's rule and ultimately Yahweh's judgment on the planets involved? Did the Most High provide other places for them to live or did He open up heaven for them and allow them go there to live? This angelic creation didn't have the limits placed on them like we do being spirits placed in a body of flesh.  

          Well, we don't know if He allowed them to go and find new planets to inhabit, but I know He allowed many of them (if not all of them) to go to heaven to live.  

          There were angels at that time instrumental in leading a rebellion against Lucifer's rebellion of the Most High. They were the ones who alerted the others as to what was going on and planned an implemented an escape from the planets before Yahweh judged and destroyed those on them living under Lucifer's blasphemous rule.

           These are things that the Lord has revealed to me and so I'm just writing the things He has told me.  

            As time past, and the Most High had destroyed Lucifer's reign of power and those he ruled over, and the planets involved, He recreated and replenished the earth with new angelic beings, but this time he placed this spirit in bodies of human flesh that resembled what He Himself looked like. Humans are merely angels in flesh bodies. And this time, the Most High would allow Lucifer to openly war against Him for the souls of these very beings. Lucifer's initial rebellion resulted in 1/3 of Yahweh's angels to rebel against Him. In these last days, it will be much higher. In fact the tables will turn and it seems only 1/3 or less will be the ones who actually remain faithful to the Most High this time.  

          Some of these very angels, who led the rebellion against Lucifer, begged the Most High to be sent here on earth to be born in bodies of flesh to do it once again in this creation's last days. These are the ones, born from above with a specific purpose and calling on their lives for the last days. The ones who stand up and openly war against Lucifer and his forces, they did it before and they are doing it again now as the prophetic time clock ticks for his arrival on earth and visible rule through the man we call the Antichrist.

          Most of these angels sent from heaven to be born as humans are not born with the remembrance of having been in heaven. Over time the Most High will reveal it to them as they seek Him and walk with Him. They know they are here for a reason, they just don't know what. Most are targeted from the time they are born and Lucifer, knowing who they are, will try and kill and destroy them when they are children, or throughout their lives and these angel-people can't figure out why they are such targets and why things seem to happen to them unlike most people. They are here to fulfill Yahweh's purposes in the last days.

          Yahweh told me I begged Him to let me come down here for the last days. That I made a promise and oath to Him that if He let me come down here I would become one of Lucifer's biggest enemies. He has told me my mission has been accomplished.

            I have spent my entire life at odds and at war against the evil realm of the supernatural. Against Lucifer.  He sent his generals to kill me when I was a child, I learned spiritual warfare and cast them into the abyss. I have 10 websites exposing his plans, strategies, tactics and general mayhem as he uses governments, religion and his own forces to infiltrate and destroy our planet.  I run discussion lists and a weekly radio program to inform and teach Yahweh's people about the past, present and future. I have published one book incorporating the articles on my websites to make it easier to read all at once, and have several others on the back burner simply because if I want to publish them my way I have to publish them myself and I don't have the funds to publish them. I have started and created a network of Yahweh's people to make and plant a weapon we call orgone that will and is protecting them from the attacks of our government and Lucifer's forces we call aliens. I have spent my life in service to the Most High in one way or another while others spend theirs criticising and hating me. Serving the Most High means having to put up and with and tolerating those who claim they love Him yet don't know Him at all. He can't lead them out of their errors because they want to stay in them. They put their trust and faith in man and head knowledge never learning how to seek Him and be filled with heart knowledge of the Most High. An outcast, a soldier in the wilderness, there are many of us like this.  

         In these last days Yahweh is leading these people together. In these last days, Lucifer's own toy, the internet, has become an instrumental source in those begotten by Yahweh and sent here for the last days to find each other. The Lord is raising His people up to do battle against the evil and wickedness of the New World Order and Lucifer's other pet projects to destroy and enslave the souls of mankind.

          As those begotten for these last days come to the knowledge of who they are, there is no stopping them. They will stand and fight fearlessly against Lucifer under the protection of the Most High or support those who do. And when their missions are completed, their protection will be lifted, and they will leave earth and go back home.  

          I once heard that the Lord sent His best for last. If so, what are you doing for Him today and where are you in the mix? Are you helping in keeping His people united and focused on the Most High and preparing them for these last days or fighting against those who are because they are not a part of your denomination or group? Or are you so far gone in the wants and cares of this world that you simply don't care about the things that mean the most to the Most High? If you love this world and the things in it then you are of this world. Those of Yahweh seek Him and the things from above. Lucifer uses division and hatred among Yahweh's people to keep them divided and of no threat to him.  

          If you are one of the Lord's and you know you are, stand alone if you have to. Just stand up and get busy with what He leads you to do. Time is short.

    They were there.  The elect, chosen of God. They were there with Elohim when He recreated the earth.  

         Many of the Elect had previously lived on earth under the rule of Halayel (I spell it the way it's pronounced from Hallel), Lucifer's real name, who was the highest ranking Angel empowered by Yahweh and who had been appointed to rule over all of His creation. Until the rebellion.

         The Elect had lived here on earth and on the other planets in what were Angelic civilizations where they lived pretty much as humans do on earth now. I don't know what all the differences and similarities were between the former Angelic civilizations compared to the human ones, but at that ancient time Halayel served as the Master of Praise, the light bearer, and many other things. At that time they had access within this solar system to inhabit the planets and travel through space, nothing was kept from them. They weren't limited to or had fleshly bodies. They possessed and lived in Angelic forms. 

         But something started to happen and Halayel's rule became one of rebellion. He wanted to be God, He wanted the worship and praise of the angels to the Most High to be directed toward himself. He coveted their worship and praise and he wanted to be the creator and to be honored and worshipped as God.  

         Halayel contaminated our solar system with his greed and pride. The Angels who loved the Lord watched in disgust as Halayel  recruited 1/3 of the Angels to join him in his rebellion believing they could all become Gods with him as their leader, or “Most High.” They would attempt their own creations with both animals and what we now know as man.  

         In Ezekial 28 it says:  You were the anointed cherub that covers, and I had put you in the holy height of God...  

      Halayel was not happy just being a high ranking cherub with rule over multiple planets. He wanted to be like the Most High God.  And you will find the pre-Adamic, pre-historic civilization on this earth within his realm of dominion and rebellion.

        All of the governing councils of the planets were eventually overthrown by those loyal to Halayel's plans and became co-conspirators as Halayel would attempt to become accepted as the supreme ruler himself. Those loyal to the Most High were removed from their positions by force. Halayel's instigated rebellion became multi-planetary. He already had rule over all the politics and the economics and thus implemented this rebellion under his own authority. But those loyal to the Lord would not going along with him and they resisted and rebelled against Halayel and thus the kingdoms of this universe were divided.

       Before the rebellion had began a Gladiator and Warrior Angel named Queen Shazuraze, Queen of Fire, who would destroy all things not of Yahweh with fire, had left the earth to travel and explore the universe. I don't know if the fire is literal or symbollic for something else. Yahweh said, "she was the Queen of Fire."

       Queen Shazuraze, the leader of many squadrons of Angels, had taken off to fly alone through space.  When she returned the rebellion by Halayel had started.

       Disgusted by the turn of events, Shazuraze wanted to lead an army of Warrior Angels against Halayel and overthrow his rule but Yahweh held her hand back. He would allow Halayel to have his rebellion. Unable to fight,  Queen Shazuraze met with Queen Rashayel and they conspired to gather the Angels faithful to Yahweh and lead an exodus off the planets that Lucifer had taken control over. If they couldn't fight him, they certainly wouldn't live under his rule. Thus, Shazuraze took off once again, this time to find a new place for the Angels to live.  

      With Shazuraze gone,  Rashayel began organizing  the angelic civilizations for the mass exodus that would take place off the planets when Shazuraze would return.

       By that time the dividing line had been drawn and two-thirds of the Angels at that time rejected Halayel's attempt to play God.

       Halayel's attempt to be worshipped as God had failed.  

       During that time many exploits had been done by the Angels loyal to Yahweh as they prepared to leave the planets associated with Halayel's dictatorship rule over them.  As many of the male Angels became co-conspirators with Halayel the majority of women rejected it and it was Yahweh's Queens who stood up to fight against Halayel and lead Yahweh's loyal Angels to abandon Satan, earth, and the other planets involved. And I am sure others were involved as well but I can only reveal the things Yahweh has specifically revealed to me.

        The Queens and the other Angels of the Lord's knew His judgment would come as a result of the pride and greed of Halayel who would become known as Satan. They knew the Most High would destroy what He created and they knew they had to leave or be caught in the judgment. The Queens worked together with those who chose to stay faithful toYahweh and led an exodus off the planets that would come under Yahweh's judgment. Whether those Angels had a hand in the judgment itself  I do not know.

         The Most High, in seeing their loyalty to Him and efforts to resist and relocate away from Halayel's rebellion honored their perseverance and rebellion against him. Queen Shazuraze had sought the Most High for help and He opened His home to all of the Angels who remained faithful to Him.  

         Thus the Angels of light, those who remained loyal to Yahweh were protected in the heavenly home of the Most High as He destroyed in judgment what became the wicked angels of darkness and the planets they had overthrown.
       Most of us are led to believe that Lucifer’s rebellion was a quick event that was quickly put down by the Most High God, but it did not happen that way.
       The evolutionists were not completely wrong. The Neaderthal, Cro-Magnum and other types of what we refer to as cave men or ape men did exist at one time, a concept the church refuses to even acknowledge. But where everyone has gone wrong is in who created what.

         Halayel and his conspirators could never accomplish what the Most High would with mankind. And that is why the evolutionists cannot find the missing link. The link between the ape looking creatures of prehistoric times and the humans we have today because they were not related nor created by the same hand of the Most High God. They were from Lucifer's attempt at creating their own race of beings.

         Halayel and his followers also attempted to create their own animals, and that is where we got the dinosaurs and other odd creatures we see in mythology and folklore. The skulls and bones of prehistoric man and animals have been found from this ancient time when Lucifer and his followers were trying to create their own world. We don’t know or remember what types of animals they had here to begin with, nor do we know or remember exactly what types are in heaven now, but there were animals of some kind, and it was these beings that Halayel's faction crossbred into the mythological creatures we have heard about such as the mermaid, unicorn, dinosaurs etc..

        Atlantis and Lemuria were cities on Earth where these Angels dwelled and developed technology that far surpassed anything mankind has ever had or seen. And they were not confined to earth, they could travel to distant planets and visit, trade, and cohabitate with the angels who lived on them. In fact, the New World Order is nothing but this ancient planetary old world order revived for the last days. Multi-Planetary trade and economics became Lucifer’s dominion, and he ruled from a distant planet called Rahab.

        The Bible codes reveal that Lucifer had a mansion or dwelling place on all these planets including Earth, but his home planet was Rahab, located between Mars and Jupiter, and it was completely destroyed and cast out of our solar system with its inhabitants imprisoned inside of it. Rahab is returning to earth in these last days and is known more commonly as Nibiru or Planet X where those imprisoned will be released and allowed to come to earth to help Lucifer subdue and conquer it. When the Lord judged and destroyed Rahab He allowed Lucifer and some of his followers to escape.
       The DNA imprint of humans is 11-22-33 and the Angels who rebelled against the Most High haven't been able to duplicate it. It represents the 11 ribs, 22 bones in the skull, and the 33 vertebrae of mankind. To this day, these are the most significant numbers for any occult group in existence.
       After the Most High had had enough of their rebellion, and having given them plenty of time to repent for doing so, He utterly destroyed their homes and civilizations. The planets were all destroyed with hailstones of fire, and those who rebelled were cast into imprisonment or forced to make homes in the inside hollow cavities of their respective planets to live in. As part of their judgment, they lost their angelic looks and appearance and became ugly grotesque looking beings.  

      Halayel was spared from imprisonment and became a fugitive from the judgment of Yahweh. Many who helped plan and implement his coup attempt were also allowed to roam free. Without a place to live other than the hollows of the destroyed planets they would have to pick up the pieces of what was left and survive on their own.

         Years would pass. Hundreds, perhaps even thousands or millions. And the Most High would recreate Earth. Those who had led the rebellion against Halayel were with Him when He looked over earth and would pronounce it would be recreated, but this time, with man made in His own image.

        It would not be another Angelic creation, home for His Angelic beings, but a home for mankind. A new creation by Yahweh. A being created in His own image. Halayel heard of his plans and upon hearing that this new creation would be created in the image of Yahweh was overcome with rage and jealousy. He planned to destroy what Yahweh was going to create and once again attempt to usurp his own authority over it. So he watched as Yahweh created a new heaven and new earth for mankind and began to make his plans.

       Yahweh knew when He recreated the earth that Halayel would once again attempt to take over His creation and be worshipped as God. In fact He had spared him for that reason.  

    Isa 45:7  “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

       Mankind, like the angelic civilization before them, would be created with free will. Yahweh would use Satan to test them. Who would the people of earth choose to serve? Yahweh or Satan? It would become a war between the Creator and the Created. And this time Halayel would have to work indirectly behind the scenes until his appointed time when he would be allowed to appear on earth and take physical control of it. For three and one half years Halayel would be allowed to rule over mankind at the end of earth's appointed time before Yahweh would come to once again, destroy in judgment His creation and all those who joined in Halayel's rebellion against Him.

         As mankind grew and populated the earth many of the Elect, the loyal Angels from the previous civilization, chose and sought the Most High to be born as humans and fulfill roles He would appoint them to accomplish as humans on earth. He allowed many of them, if not all, to return throughout the ages as part of mankind. He knew who they were and referred to them as the Elect or chosen vessels of honor.  

         Now you know why and how Yahweh could have names  written in the LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THIS WORLD. Because He knew those who were His and who He would return to earth to be born of a fleshly body and live as mankind to fulfill His purposes on earth within this new creation.

       These are the elect. Those who had previously praised, glorified, and honored Him despite Halayel's attempt to deceive them and rule over them.  The Elect of Yahweh's is not about a particular race of people on earth but those from the ancient past who He would specifically send to earth to do His will throughout the ages of the new earth. They were those He would send to earth to help fulfill His plan of bringing His redemption into a world to those who would become under the curse of death and Halayel's indirect and even direct rule.  

      Yes, the Elect, the angels who had overcome Halayel's first rebellion would be sent to operate in human flesh, to be born as humans throughout the history of mankind. Would they know who they were? Would they remember their past? If they did, Halayel, now known as the adversary, Satan, was sure to have theology and churches reject them. It would remain a secret of the ages. That just as Yahweh could send his angels to earth to work directly for Him, so could Satan. Satan could send those loyal to him in his rebellion against the Most High to earth born as humans, to accomplish his plans on earth. Thus we would have both vessels of honor and dishonor sent to earth to be born as humans to fulfill specific purposes throughout time. The war was on.

         A concept once understood, it has been buried during the church age. Knowledge once taken for granted by our Hebrew forefathers. They understood much more than we do now. We have had much knowledge hidden from us.  

         The early church persecutions were instigated and designed by Lucifer himself. Not only was he angry about who Yahushuah really was, he had to eliminate the knowledge of Jesus as the Messiah and the knowledge contained by the Israelites and Hebrew people so that it didn't carry through the generations.

        Lucifer has been and always will be inferior to the Most High. A created being can never be greater than the Creator. Yet he has been working for the past several thousand years for the prophesied time when he will be allowed to come to earth and rule for 42 months. Lucifer is serving the Most High’s plans to test mankind. Will mankind serve and follow the Most High or choose to follow the lies and deceptions of Lucifer?  

       In these last days, Satan will be allowed to rise on earth once again. The Bible refers to him as the Antichrist. He will arrive and have his associate the Bible refers to as the False Prophet announce that he is God and demand the world worship him deceiving many on the earth once again. There will be a Luciferian oath of loyalty required to be able to participate in his New World Order. Those who refuse to worship his image will be killed.  

       He has been busy planning and preparing over the centuries how he will come to power. As the prince of the air, he has been ruling within the first and second heavens, as he and his millions of fallen Angelic forces now known and referred to as Aliens have been watching and conspiring how to take over the world.  Can our government stop it? Can a global government uniting all the world forces together stop it, or are they simply part of the plan?  

        It was during the 20th century when aliens would discover deep caverns in North America and start to infiltrate the underground, subterranean world under the United States. As the United States began building deep underground bases, the aliens saw how they could manipulate these for their own uses and began to make contact with military and political officials.  Our earliest records are of a treaty they made with President Roosevelt in 1933.  Thus the beginning of making America their home base of operations for the last days had begun.  

         The fallen angels, after seeing what the Lord created in Adam and Eve, never stopped trying to mimmick that creation; however they could never succeed either. We read in the book of Enoch how a second rebellion among the Most High’s angels would occur and they would come to earth to physically cohabitate and reproduce with humans. This would replace their own bioengineering attempts at creation, and they would physically be able to produce children with human women. When the Lord eventually destroyed that rebellious attempt with a Flood and drowned them all, He then made it physically impossible for them to procreate with humans. This did not stop them, however, as they would turn to test tube creations, cloning, and soul scalping. And that is where we are today with their attempts to create their own human or ‘master race’ to outdo Yahweh’s creation and be capable of producing and creating their own. And that is what they are doing in underground bases all over the world today and even in our space stations that have been well concealed from the public.  

        While millions of Lucifer’s followers have continued with building their own master race, Lucifer has been involved with the political and economic systems of the world and has created secret societies to work together to bring him into power through a one world government.  

         His followers have reached beyond just what we know as Aliens, but have combined both human government and military factions as well. Yahweh told me that whenever humans have or had become associated with Satan or his fallen angelic followers they become possessed by the alien and/or demonic followers of Satan. Demons and aliens are two different things, but both work to enslave, possess and control mankind and both groups fall under Satan's authority. This includes those who from secret societies who pledge oaths of loyalty to him or "the God of light" which is Satan masquerading as the real God.

           In these last days as we tick down the prophetic clock Satan's  rebellion will be a bit different. This time a majority of civilization will accept Satan as God and only a minority will refuse to. This time Satan will be allowed to kill those who refuse to worship him.  In the first rebellion the majority rejected him, in this second one the majority will accept him.  

         Satan has introduced his script to conquer the world as the New World Order. With his personal appearance on earth he will once again be faced with rebellion and resistance against his authority. However before he even arrives he will have to put up with and deal with something he probably wasn't counting on, the return of Queen Shazuraze and Queen Rashayel. These two, born as humans as the other Elect had and have been, would once again stand up to fight against Satan and his followers and warn Yahweh's people of  the coming prophesied events and lead them away from Satan's deceptions in the last days. They're back...

         They walk the earth today and fight daily against the strongholds of Satan to expose his plans and wake up the sleeping Elect of Yahweh's people. There are many more limitations now and there are many others of the Elect here during these last days with assignments from Yahweh to fulfill as well. I'm not talking about reincarnation where someone dies and just keeps returning to Earth over and over as plant, animal or human. This is something totally different. This is Yahweh allowing Angels from the past to come to earth and allowing them to be born here as part of mankind and live one life time to do His will, whatever that is. And this group is called the Elect.

         If you think you are different it's because you are. If you feel there is a calling on you that's because there is. Many of you reading this are part of the Elect and need to seek Yahweh so He can reveal it to you.

         Today, many of the Lord's Elect remnant are sleeping and do not know who they are in Him. The only way to learn who you are is to seek Him so He can reveal it to you. Sure, there are many being deceived by false visions and prophecies and claiming they are things they are not. You will know them by their fruits and the words they speak whether they be from Yahweh or a spirit mimmicking Him.  

       The archangel Michael and Gabriel are not speaking to Yahweh's people today. However demons masquerading as those two are. Those deceived by visions from beings impersonating the Archangel Michael and Gabriel are abound.  That is why it is important to pray for the truth in all things daily and to be kept from evil so that Satan can't sneak in and deceive you. Pray for the truth to be revealed to you in all things. Daily. Seek the Most High and what He would have you to do as part of His resistance army and as the Elect working against Satan and the things that are coming.  

        It is time for the Remnant of the Elect that were sent here for the last days to wake up and go to battle and to step forward as leaders against Satan and his coming arrival here to earth. The Elect are warriors. Be as fearless and bold as you once were. People need to prepare for times of suffering ahead as famines and plagues, war and martial law will encompass the earth. When one goes down others will rise to take their place.

       Wake up Remnant. The Time is Now. Many of you know who you are, or think you might know. Seek the Most High for the answers you need so He can reveal them to you and reveal to you who you are in Him.

        Ask Him.

        Just as Yahweh has His Elect here, Satan has his former generals and ranking officers with him being born in human bodies, possessing humans, and manipulating governments and militaries to serve him. He also has his own seedline operating on earth.  The war is on. Many billions of people are caught in the middle, and these are who we must try to reach for the Most High. Especially those who claim the name of the Lord and sit in Satan's churches operated by his Generals whom I refer to as the Beast Prophets.

        We can reach 1/3 of them, but it is a huge job and probably only a remnant of that 1/3 will stay faithful to the Most High. Most are drowning in errors and false doctrines and miserable because they can't figure out who they are.  

         It's a job waking up the Elect and preparing the Bride, but we can do it!  

         Arm yourselves with HIM.  

          The war is on.

    Sherry Shriner claims to be the Grand-Daughter of King David. Think long and hard about these videos. What if (in some sense) King David was the original King of Babylon -- and King Solomon was the Replacement King of Babylon?? What if (in some sense) King David is Archangel Michael -- and King Solomon is Archangel Gabriel?? What if (in some sense) Sherry Shriner was King David's Grand-Daughter -- and the Daughter of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba?? What if (in some sense) Sherry Shriner took-over the Whole-Operation?? This is obviously reckless-speculation -- but I don't trust ANYONE!! I am FORCED to consider the most unlikely possibilities!! I keep seeing an Ancient Galactic-Family Feud (which continues to this very day)!! I call it East of Giza!! Once again, my threads merely scratch the surface of a Very-Nasty Galactic-Wound!!

      Current date/time is Wed May 08, 2024 1:58 pm