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    DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November


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    DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November Empty DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November

    Post  Carol Fri Oct 27, 2017 1:13 pm

    DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November 20171026_emp_0
    DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November

    According to The National Association for Amateur Radio (ARRL), elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will simulate a  “communications interoperability” training exercise across the United States on November 04-06. The announcement released on October 24 has not been widely distributed to the media, because the drill is simulating a total grid collapse and could spark public fear.

    Explained by Army MARS Program Manager Paul English,

    “This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,”

    In July, we warned about the US government quietly preparing for a massive coronal mass ejection with the passage of an Executive Order - “Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events”.

    Here is snippet of section 1 of the executive order:  

    Space weather events, in the form of solar flares, solar energetic particles, and geomagnetic disturbances, occur regularly, some with measurable effects on critical infrastructure systems and technologies, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), satellite operations and communication, aviation, and the electrical power grid. Extreme space weather events — those that could significantly degrade critical infrastructure — could disable large portions of the electrical power grid, resulting in cascading failures that would affect key services such as water supply, healthcare, and transportation. Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.

    Back in April 2017, we wrote an article titled ‘Yesterday’s Broad Power Outage Likely Caused By Geomagnetic Storm‘. While everyone thought terrorism was to blame, we correctly pointed out that large power failures in major US cities was due to an intense geomagnetic storm registering 8-10 on K-Planetary Index.

    DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November Lower-Manhattan--1024x682 provides an easy understanding of what is a cornoal mass ejection…

    A CME can launch a billion tons of plasma from the sun’s surface into space, at speeds of over a million miles per hour. Every so often, the sun burps.  But, unlike myself, when the sun burps, it does so with the power of 20 million nuclear bombs.  These hiccups are known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs)—powerful eruptions near the surface of the sun driven by kinks in the solar magnetic field.  The resulting shocks ripple through the solar system and can interrupt satellites and power grids on Earth.

    DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November 28505201-1024x910

    Back to the exercise on November 04-06,  the US Department of Defense headquarters entity will work with the US Army and US Air-Force MARS organizations and the Amateur Radio community to request status reports for 3,143 US counties. During the exercise, communication frequencies will use HF NVIS, VHF, UHF, and non-internet linked Amateur Radio repeaters.

    In addition, Army MARS Program Manager Paul English said,

    We want to continue building on the outstanding cooperative working relationship with the ARRL and the Amateur Radio community,” English said. “We want to expand the use of the 60-meter interop channels between the military and amateur community for emergency communications, and we hope the Amateur Radio community will give us some good feedback on the use of both the 5-MHz interop and the new 13-MHz broadcast channels as a means of information dissemination during a very bad day scenario.

    Full Report from The National Association for Amateur Radio (ARRL):

    DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November Email-little-1

    Bizarrely enough, this was first reported by Rob Dew of InfoWars, the US Department of Defense (DOD) training exercise will occur on ANTIFA’s day of rage across the United States.

    DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November Screen-Shot-2017-10-26-at-11.31.22-AM

    On, a post titled: November 4 It Begins: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! has more than 33,000 shares on Facebook…. The post explains what the group’s intentions are during the day of rage.

    DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November Screen-Shot-2017-10-26-at-11.45.39-AM

    The bottom line: The United States government is quietly preparing for a major space-weather event to paralyze communication systems and energy grids across the entire country. As a citizen, you’re not allowed to know this knowledge and frankly you will not be prepared—only the government will be. The writing is on the wall of what is coming through an executive order and DOD drills.

    No wonder public trust with government is at historic lows, because you’re not allowed to know the truth.

    Simultaneously, the wealthiest families who own mega corporations in the United States are plowing millions into their proxy armies called community organizing groups. Let’s just hope, a coronal mass ejection doesn’t occur when these severely misguided folks are protesting.

    * * *

    Here is the curve ball: Is the United States really preparing for a North Korean EMP attack?

    DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November Maxresdefault-4

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November Empty Re: DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November

    Post  Carol Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:07 pm

    From the Motherboard article:

    Within 20 minutes of the CME's occurrence, FEMA estimates that 15 percent of the satellite fleet would be lost due to solar panel damage. Solar radiation from the incoming storm would add "3-5 years worth of exposure" to the panels, degrading older satellites to the point of inoperability. Low orbiting satellites, such as Iridium and Globalstar, may be less affected. Cellular service would be disrupted, and a loss of GPS capabilities could complicate FEMA operations.

    The widespread damage to North America's power grid would be unimaginable. (The interconnectedness of the grid "is almost like a biological system," McAteer said.) Transformers, which are extremely expensive to build, make power transmission possible. But when a CME sweeps across Earth, these towers, designed to handle AC currents, are instead flooded with DC currents. This may cause them to overheat, melt, or even explode, as was the case in 1989 in Quebec, Canada.

    "What's scary are these cascading effects," Justin Kasper, professor of Space Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan, told me.

    "The average big American city has several days of food for people to survive. We use GPS and computers and trucks to do real-time delivery now, but if you lost all power in one city, what would you do? The problem is trying to move more than 100 million people when there's no [unaffected] nearby city to evacuate to."

    The looming threat of extreme space weather has FEMA preparing for the perfect solar storm, and an unimaginable power grid disaster, FOIA documents reveal.

    In 1859, a giant plume of magnetized plasma was flung out into space from the Sun. This coronal mass ejection (CME), the sibling of a massive solar flare, traveled the 93 million miles between the Sun and Earth in only 17.6 hours. Today, it's known as the Carrington Event, and is remembered by the largest geomagnetic storm in the history of recorded space weather.

    No other storm has matched it in speed or magnitude. But that doesn't mean we're not preparing for the inevitability. Despite our superior ability to predict these events, the stakes are exponentially higher in a modern, hyper-connected world.

    According to unpublished FEMA documents obtained by Government Attic, a FOIA database and non-profit organization, the Department of Homeland Security agency once mapped out a disaster plan for the occurrence of another geomagnetic "superstorm," noting that the rare—yet "high-consequence"—scenario has "the potential for catastrophic impact on our nation and FEMA's ability to respond."

    When the shock wave of accelerated particles arrived on September 1, 1859, the disturbances to Earth's magnetosphere were so great that telegraph communications across Europe and North America went on the fritz. Sparks leapt from telegraph infrastructure, and machinery was so inundated with electric currents that operators were able to transmit messages while disconnected from battery power. Compasses wiggled, and brilliant auroras were reportedly seen as far as the Caribbean.

    FEMA predicts that a geomagnetic storm of this intensity would be "a catastrophe in slow motion," though not unmitigatable. Space weather events happen all the time, and many are harmless; an event causing radio blackouts, solar radiation storms, and geomagnetic storms would be anomalous. Still, its cascading effects on power and communications would challenge FEMA's ability to respond to a nationwide crisis, thus making this exercise an important one.

    "These things tend to come in clusters, so just when you're on your knees, another one hits. They're really the only naturally occurring catastrophe that can come in these successions," James McAteer, an astrophysics professor at New Mexico State University, told me.

    First to feel the impact would be high-frequency (HF) networks, such as some aviation and long-distance military communications. As X-ray and ultraviolet radiation strike the ionosphere, a protective layer of our planet's atmosphere, changing its conductivity, it would absorb radio signals trying to bounce off of it, resulting in a blackout of HF communications, as well as some lower frequency ones, on the entire daylight side of Earth.

    Within 20 minutes of the CME's occurrence, FEMA estimates that 15 percent of the satellite fleet would be lost due to solar panel damage. Solar radiation from the incoming storm would add "3-5 years worth of exposure" to the panels, degrading older satellites to the point of inoperability. Low orbiting satellites, such as Iridium and Globalstar, may be less affected. Cellular service would be disrupted, and a loss of GPS capabilities could complicate FEMA operations.

    The widespread damage to North America's power grid would be unimaginable. (The interconnectedness of the grid "is almost like a biological system," McAteer said.) Transformers, which are extremely expensive to build, make power transmission possible. But when a CME sweeps across Earth, these towers, designed to handle AC currents, are instead flooded with DC currents. This may cause them to overheat, melt, or even explode, as was the case in 1989 in Quebec, Canada.

    At the time of the CME's arrival, a G5 geomagnetic storm alert—the highest on the space weather scale—would be in full effect. Life as we know it would pause. Cellular towers would begin to fail. Anything reliant on local power, from your cellphone charger to critical infrastructure, would be inoperable. This includes "last mile" communications as well, such as cable TV or internet.

    A separate, 2008 report from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) theorized that a "moderately severe" geomagnetic storm could leave 130 million Americans without power. According to FEMA, power grids on the the east and west coast of America would be hardest hit.

    A moderately severe storm would cost the US economy $2 trillion in total, and recovery could take up to 10 years, estimated NAS.

    DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November 1497906270929-Screen-Shot-2017-06-19-at-20408-PM

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 6:02 pm