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    Girl Writes What !?


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    Girl Writes What !?   Empty Girl Writes What !?

    Post  NANUXII Tue Aug 08, 2017 7:15 pm

    Researching and presenting the machination of the divide and conquer scheme.


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    Girl Writes What !?   Empty Re: Girl Writes What !?

    Post  Carol Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:49 pm

    When looking for a spouse most women look for someone who can financially support them while they have children. Many men today don't marry for a variety of reasons (drugs, alcohol, ADHA mentally/emotionally unable to hold down a job, lousy job market, fear of divorce, came from unstable or divorced home, etc.).

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  NANUXII Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:01 am

    As a man i can tell you that men are not marrying because women have become less desirable as a life choice. We dont marry because we dont want to be what women want anymore ... Since you all decided to be men and do what men do weve decided to just get on with it .. and while womens liberation has ended up putting women into exile its actually freed men as a result.

    Heres a surprise for you all ... Men want stuff too ! WHAT !!! hahahaha !!! whateverrrr !

    Its hard for women these days to understand theres someone outside of " its all about me " and theres no denying women perpetuated that saying... think about it... We guys are slow . but now that the pennies dropped we realise we dont need to be someones financial support network while they bear children. What ever happened to having kids because you wanted to make a beautiful life together ?

    Do women realise it takes 3 times more money these days to have a child ? once upon a time one salary could keep a family happy.. but not these days .. it takes at least 2 good incomes to even consider having children. If you as a woman decide to enter into having a child under less than ideal circumstances then it may not turn out as the fairly tale in your head.. just sayin

    Women have lost vision of the fact theres 2 in a relationship and her biological clock should not dictate a mans worth. Granted women who suffer from being in harmful relationships , the men id imagine suffer from those symptoms ( and habits ) and it may account for some undesirable behavior, most those things would. But women take drugs, alcohol as well and suffer from adhd and they drive their men away too .. Believe me , ive seen it and when you mix that with a sense of " entitlement " you have a really difficult situation your hands.

    It is a delicate matter but theres always two sides, and in helping men and women through hard times , ive more times heard men admit to their mistakes .. women on the other hand wont admit to sometimes creating a really difficult situation that turns men to drink and worse. With women i have found you need to dig around for the facts ... they find it really difficult to admit fault, i dont know why but they are just wired to avoid accountability especially when it can make them look bad socially.

    Maybe thats why they dont get the really big jobs ? I bet the women that do have a strong sense of accountability, and just for you women out there reading with a look of scorn on your face ... we men find accountability very very attractive.. why ? because it takes away the mystery of problem solving. We think in black and white ( generally ) Women feel thinking with emotions and want the man to figure it out .. that is frustrating ...

    If youre on a basic wage and your missus says shes pregnant , you are happy but eventually cant keep up with the bills because she has to stay home ... that can really make a man dive into sadness not being able to provide and then it can all go down hill from there. You turn to alcohol for emotional relief and eventually when the pressure cooker is full of steam something happens to pop the boiler...

    Not all ass whopopings fall out of the sky .. ill post a video to demonstrate what i mean.

    Mind you real women back in the day before they weren't spotlit rotten used to work in the fields till they gave birth , sometimes in the field. While i dont think thats ideal you see my point.

    The slow incrementalism of expectation and entitlement is whats the real culprit. And women love their creature comforts, so do men , but we can rough it up , its kinda liberating for us to be spartan as times. But " spartan " is not in a womans vocabulary, unless its in a fantasy to be married to one.

    If we take into consideration the social knock on effect of the Feminist movement what i see is this

    Women worked out that after 1 or 2 kids they can live the dream , sack the man , take the house AND have an income while staying home !

    Yipeee !

    So the last 40 years the number of 2 parent families has halved since the Feminist movement .. So the children of these one parent families ( usually the woman ) brings up the children her way ... her thinking , for boys and girls ..

    Now correct me if im wrong but why would you want to marry someone like that ?

    Obviously this is generalist but this does account for the culture of separatism and thats exactly what they want ... not you or me but them ... Divide and conquer ... its an economy , not just a phenomena.

    When you take on a responsibility to help not only women but men also you see the flip side. ( not assuming anyone here dosent )


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    Girl Writes What !?   Empty Re: Girl Writes What !?

    Post  NANUXII Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:13 am

    Last edited by NANUXII on Sat Sep 15, 2018 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Carol Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:08 am

    Excellent response N and enlightening male perspective.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  NANUXII Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:46 pm

    Well i think if anyone is going to solve the problems between men and women these days we need an un biased mans view on the real crux of the problem and i hope it helps.

    I have to admit im really lucky, my woman is amazing, she is exactly what i need, she is sensitive, she cares about my health, when im out doing the gardening , mowing , cutting wood for the fire etc etc she comes out at just the right moment with a nice pitcher of water and a sandwich. She is never argumentative but has a strong point of view which she articulates in man speak.

    If i ask her whats wrong she tells me !  

    When i want to go out with my friends she says Have Fun honey , and means it !  Never nags me about coming to bed , i do what i want whenever i want and never a stitch of a complaint.. i know i hear the woman gears mashing here ... but what about what she wants ...  lol always thinking about that ?   ill get to that in a minute but what men want is so important because if you give us what we want you always get something back , and if after a while the man gives nothing in return , tell him THERES THE DOOR ! cos you got your self a dud. Move on cos he aint gonna change , A man is either fair or self serving .. not much a of a grey area there, what you need to do as a woman is work out the difference between the two.

    She is independent and has her own life and interests , she does what she wants cos i dont have to worry about her , she is sensible , she dosent get drunk and cause problems for me to solve.

    She loves to cook , she loves cleaning as do i so we share that equally unless im under a tractor for half the day fixing the masher, then its obvious the last thing i want to do is clean up..

    She appreciates that she dosent want to do the stuff i love doing like get up on the roof and clean all the branches and leaves out of the gutters.. we are each others support network, we compliment each other and when she is in a bind im there with hands ready to work.

    Just like when i am in a bind she is there for me too in every way possible. And its amazing we finally turned a corner last month , i finally figured it out ! when women talk about their problems they dont want you responding with solutions ... they just want you to listen and feel for them, give some comfort, no solutions necessary guys !  

    It took me almost 47 years to work it out , mind you it took another man to tell me .. but when i started to do that she just got so happy its remarkable .. what weird creatures you women are .. seriously the manual would have to be written in metaphor in order for it to be approved.

    No solutions necessary guys !  i know it feels backwards and kinda un caring but thats that they want !   Im serious ! try it !  See guys dont get that because in the un likely event a man cant figure it out himself he will ask another man for advice on how to create a solution , the correct solution makes us feel awesome , once the solution is there we go for it and bask in the glory of fixing something.

    One Caveat , a woman can ask for help if she wants a " solution " ... see !  but its specifically for a solution ., not just to hear problems ..  A woman will " allude " to needing a solution, they wont say the words , " honey i need a solution " ( which by the way is the catch call for men to open up their ears and listen )  they will allude to needing help , or presenting it in hyperbole so you sift through it and say ..  " Hey Babe why not use sneakers when you go rock climbing instead of high heels ! "    Men , if you figure it out you're gold !  See if you figure out the mystery ( not misery ) they feel that you get them , you're inside their head ! and that makes them all soft and gooey !

    now you see where the wheels fell off huh ...

    So women let me give you some inside info .. if a man ever comes to you with his problems , think of a practical solution. I will bet the house if your solution is solid,  you're up for a week of spoiling !   i'm talking new shoes , restaurants, flowers , walks on the beach , reading to you ... even watching rom coms with you !  

    Guys realise women want one thing  " Shoes "
    Women realise men want one thing  " Power Tools "

    problem solved.    


    Last edited by NANUXII on Sat Nov 11, 2017 5:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Girl Writes What !?   Empty Re: Girl Writes What !?

    Post  mudra Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:44 am

    NANUXII wrote:Well i think if anyone is going to solve the problems between men and women these days we need an un biased mans view on the real crux of the problem and i hope it helps.

    I have to admit im really lucky, my woman is amazing, she is exactly what i need, she is sensitive, she cares about my health, when im out doing the gardening , mowing , cutting wood for the fire etc etc she comes out at just the right moment with a nice pitcher of water and a sandwich. She is never argumentative but has a strong point of view which she articulates in man speak.

    If i ask her whats wrong she tells me !  

    When i want to go out with my friends she says Have Fun honey , and means it !  Never nags me about coming to bed , i do what i want whenever i want and never a stitch of a complaint.. i know i hear the woman gears mashing here ... but what about what she wants ...  lol always thinking about that ?   ill get to that in a minute but what men want is so important because if you give us what we want you always get something back , and if after a while the man gives nothing in return , tell him THERES THE DOOR ! cos you got your self a dud. Move on cos he aint gonna change , A man is either fair or self serving .. not much a of a grey area there, what you need to do as a woman is work out the difference between the two.

    She is independent and has her own life and interests , she does what she wants cos i dont have to worry about her , she is sensible , she dosent get drunk and cause problems for me to solve.

    She loves to cook , she loves cleaning as do i so we share that equally unless im under a tractor for half the day fixing the masher, then its obvious the last thing i want to do is clean up..

    She appreciates that she dosent want to do the stuff i love doing like get up on the roof and clean all the branches and leaves out of the gutters.. we are each others support network, we compliment each other and when she is in a bind im there with hands ready to work.

    Just like when i am in a bind she is there for me too in every way possible. And its amazing we finally turned a corner last month , i finally figured it out ! when women talk about their problems they dont want you responding with solutions ... they just want you to listen and feel for them, give some comfort, no solutions necessary guys !  

    It took me almost 47 years to work it out , mind you it took another man to tell me .. but when i started to do that she just got so happy its remarkable .. what weird creatures you women are .. seriously the manual would have to be written in metaphor in order for it to be approved.

    No solutions necessary guys !  i know it feels backwards and kinda un caring but thats that they want !   Im serious ! try it !  See guys dont get that because in the un likely event a man cant figure it out himself he will ask another man for advice on how to create a solution , the correct solution makes us feel awesome , once the solution is there we go for it and bask in the glory of fixing something.

    One Caveat , a woman can ask for help if she wants a " solution " ... see !  but its specifically for a solution ., not just to hear problems ..  A woman will " allude " to needing a solution, they wont say the words , " honey i need a solution " ( which by the way is the catch call for men to Xxxxx up the ears and listen )  they will allude to needing help , or presenting it in hyperbole so you sift through it and say ..  " Hey Babe why not use sneakers when you go rock climbing instead of high heels ! "    Men , if you figure it out youre gold !  See if you figure out the mystery ( not misery ) they feel that you get them , youre inside their head ! and that makes them all soft and gooey !

    now you see where the wheels fell off huh ...

    So women let me give you some inside info .. if a man ever comes to you with his problems , think of a practical solution. I will bet the house if your solution is solid,  youre up for a week of spoiling !   im talking new shoes , restaurants, flowers , walks on the beach , reading to you ... even watching rom coms with you !  

    Guys realise women want one thing  " Shoes "
    Women realise men want one thing  " Power Tools "

    problem solved.    


    Well said , well balanced and inspiring Nanu.
    You nailed it !
    It took me 18 years of a marriage and a divorce to finally understand the equation.
    We should stick it on the walls  Cheerful
    Thubs Up

    Love from me

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    Girl Writes What !?   Empty Re: Girl Writes What !?

    Post  Carol Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:50 am

    Well stated N. However, I don't want shoes.... I want the clutter cleaned up and put away... meaning please don't make more work for me cleaning up after your mess. A great gift for me would be detailing out the car (inside and out). cheers

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 608
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    Location : Antares

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    Post  NANUXII Tue Sep 12, 2017 4:46 pm

    I found an interesting article on Misogyny , and i have to agree on most of the information written by Berit Brogaard, D.M.Sci., Ph.D., she is a Professor and the Director of the Brogaard Lab for Multisensory Research at the University of Miami. Her educational background includes a medical degree in neuroscience and a doctorate in philosophy.

    When you read the article however it points out the cause of the problem but interestingly the cure is not discussed. Not one mention of the cure for this slant on Misogyny.

    Also needing to note 559 comments and mine was the 560th that points out the glaring mistake in this situation and because that comment was directed at women taking responsibility for their actions, it was deleted.... you start to get the drift ?

    heres the article , as i said i agree with probably 90% of it ... my curiosity is aimed at why women especially a professor of research cant find the root of the problem.

    have a read and tell me if you can find the root of the problem.

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    Girl Writes What !?   Empty Re: Girl Writes What !?

    Post  NANUXII Wed Sep 13, 2017 7:20 pm

    mudra wrote:
    NANUXII wrote:Well i think if anyone is going to solve the problems between men and women these days we need an un biased mans view on the real crux of the problem and i hope it helps.

    I have to admit im really lucky, my woman is amazing, she is exactly what i need, she is sensitive, she cares about my health, when im out doing the gardening , mowing , cutting wood for the fire etc etc she comes out at just the right moment with a nice pitcher of water and a sandwich. She is never argumentative but has a strong point of view which she articulates in man speak.

    If i ask her whats wrong she tells me !  

    When i want to go out with my friends she says Have Fun honey , and means it !  Never nags me about coming to bed , i do what i want whenever i want and never a stitch of a complaint.. i know i hear the woman gears mashing here ... but what about what she wants ...  lol always thinking about that ?   ill get to that in a minute but what men want is so important because if you give us what we want you always get something back , and if after a while the man gives nothing in return , tell him THERES THE DOOR ! cos you got your self a dud. Move on cos he aint gonna change , A man is either fair or self serving .. not much a of a grey area there, what you need to do as a woman is work out the difference between the two.

    She is independent and has her own life and interests , she does what she wants cos i dont have to worry about her , she is sensible , she dosent get drunk and cause problems for me to solve.

    She loves to cook , she loves cleaning as do i so we share that equally unless im under a tractor for half the day fixing the masher, then its obvious the last thing i want to do is clean up..

    She appreciates that she dosent want to do the stuff i love doing like get up on the roof and clean all the branches and leaves out of the gutters.. we are each others support network, we compliment each other and when she is in a bind im there with hands ready to work.

    Just like when i am in a bind she is there for me too in every way possible. And its amazing we finally turned a corner last month , i finally figured it out ! when women talk about their problems they dont want you responding with solutions ... they just want you to listen and feel for them, give some comfort, no solutions necessary guys !  

    It took me almost 47 years to work it out , mind you it took another man to tell me .. but when i started to do that she just got so happy its remarkable .. what weird creatures you women are .. seriously the manual would have to be written in metaphor in order for it to be approved.

    No solutions necessary guys !  i know it feels backwards and kinda un caring but thats that they want !   Im serious ! try it !  See guys dont get that because in the un likely event a man cant figure it out himself he will ask another man for advice on how to create a solution , the correct solution makes us feel awesome , once the solution is there we go for it and bask in the glory of fixing something.

    One Caveat , a woman can ask for help if she wants a " solution " ... see !  but its specifically for a solution ., not just to hear problems ..  A woman will " allude " to needing a solution, they wont say the words , " honey i need a solution " ( which by the way is the catch call for men to Xxxxx up the ears and listen )  they will allude to needing help , or presenting it in hyperbole so you sift through it and say ..  " Hey Babe why not use sneakers when you go rock climbing instead of high heels ! "    Men , if you figure it out youre gold !  See if you figure out the mystery ( not misery ) they feel that you get them , youre inside their head ! and that makes them all soft and gooey !

    now you see where the wheels fell off huh ...

    So women let me give you some inside info .. if a man ever comes to you with his problems , think of a practical solution. I will bet the house if your solution is solid,  youre up for a week of spoiling !   im talking new shoes , restaurants, flowers , walks on the beach , reading to you ... even watching rom coms with you !  

    Guys realise women want one thing  " Shoes "
    Women realise men want one thing  " Power Tools "

    problem solved.    


    Well said , well balanced and inspiring Nanu.
    You nailed it !
    It took me 18 years of a marriage and a divorce to finally understand the equation.
    We should stick it on the walls  Cheerful
    Thubs Up

    Love from me

    Thank you Mudra I love you

    Im hoping we see that what im discussing is equal in looking at mens faults as well as women. It will never be solved by just looking at the reactions of one gender. A reaction is almost certainly guaranteed when there is an instigating factor, why we humans look at the reaction and think its the problem i dont know ... that is backwards.

    The solution is looking at the instigating factor ...

    To illustrate my point , in the article i posted above the professor points out 12 ways to spot a misogynist and as you read them it sounds more and more like a personal tale of negative dating experiences. Some even tend to be generalist and some not entirely accurate and whats interesting is she points out the very thing that creates this behavior in men but does not discuss the solution.

    In this article it looks like its about how to spot a misogynist ... hmmmm... while thats great how do we, in the mean time, curtail the creation of them ?

    Mind you i havent read her book, it may be a cliff hanger to get you reading it , i dont know but the reason i wouldnt be interested is it sounds like it may just be more of how blameless women are for anything ... you know that fell good fantasy temporarily taking away that gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach because you refuse to evolve ?

    If you get what i mean then welcome to the next phase.

    Why am i interested in this ? ( im hoping it dosent sound like im harping on ) its because i genuinely care about us re uniting and being friends again. I see this tangent of gender separation going into a very dark future for all .. especially women and that saddens me.

    What i see out there is MGTOW , What i see is Women having an all time low of happiness , i see it every day , women are generally miserable , arrogant and presumptive. Thats not how i remember women when i was in my 20's or 30's ... and ive been an avid explorer of human behavior since very young.

    This is what worries me ... look at the J curve of rape related crimes since the instigation of Feminism ...

    Here are statistics from the FBI's UCR database

    Year United States-Total

    1960 17,190
    1961 17,220
    1962 17,550 as you see here the numbers are steady till 1964, then it start to rise.
    1963 17,650
    1964 21,420
    1965 23,410
    1966 25,820
    1967 27,620
    1968 31,670
    1969 37,170
    1970 37,990
    1971 42,260
    1972 46,850
    1973 51,400
    1974 55,400
    1975 56,090
    1976 57,080
    1977 63,500
    1978 67,610
    1979 76,390
    1980 82,990
    1981 82,500
    1982 78,770
    1983 78,918
    1984 84,233
    1985 87,671
    1986 91,459
    1987 91,111
    1988 92,486
    1989 94,504
    1990 102,555
    1991 106,593
    1992 109,062
    1993 106,014
    1994 102,216

    there is a correlation between the increase of statistics and the start of Feminism , Wiki

    Second-wave feminism was a period of feminist activity and thought that first began in the early 1960s in the United States, and eventually spread throughout the Western world and beyond. In the United States the movement lasted through the early 1980s.[1]

    Now i know the Feminist movement was responsible for women speaking up and that is a good thing no doubt, but the numbers went pretty much over the normal curve one would expect , i associate this with the increase of general dislike for women. Prior to this the Feminist movement was more about political equality as women wanted the right to vote. That is an interesting thing to note... they fought for the right to vote, not for protection against rape. ( generalising and predominantly speaking )

    here is a general table of aggravated assault in the same time period ,

    Estimated aggravated assault Year United States-Total

    1960 154,320
    1961 156,760
    1962 164,570 again fairly steady to 1963, then within 5 years its doubled ... thats a significant j curve.
    1963 174,210
    1964 203,050
    1965 215,330
    1966 235,330
    1967 257,160
    1968 286,700
    1969 311,090
    1970 334,970
    1971 368,760
    1972 393,090
    1973 420,650
    1974 456,210
    1975 492,620
    1976 500,530
    1977 534,350
    1978 571,460
    1979 629,480
    1980 672,650
    1981 663,900
    1982 669,480
    1983 653,294
    1984 685,349
    1985 723,246
    1986 834,322
    1987 855,088
    1988 910,092
    1989 951,707
    1990 1,054,863
    1991 1,092,739
    1992 1,126,974
    1993 1,135,607
    1994 1,113,179

    While i wouldnt rely on these figures alone i would say there is something that is a factor in the increase of violence other than economic failures because in the early 80's when the US economy was booming again under Regan, the numbers still rose.

    So too did divorce rates ....

    Since the 1900's looking at the rates

    Marriage Divorce1
    Year Number Rate2 Number Rate2
    1900 709,000 9.3 55,751 0.7
    1910 948,166 10.3 83,045 0.9
    1920 1,274,476 12.0 170,505 1.6
    1930 1,126,856 9.2 195,961 1.6
    1940 1,595,879 12.1 264,000 2.0
    1950 1,667,231 11.1 385,144 2.6
    1960 1,523,000 8.5 393,000 2.2
    1965 1,800,000 9.3 479,000 2.5
    1970 2,158,802 10.6 708,000 3.5
    1975 2,152,662 10.1 1,036,000 4.9
    1980 2,406,708 10.6 1,182,000 5.2
    1981 2,438,000 10.6 1,219,000 5.3
    1982 2,495,000 10.8 1,180,000 5.1
    1983 2,444,000 10.5 1,179,000 5.0
    1984 2,487,000 10.5 1,155,000 4.9
    1985 2,425,000 10.2 1,187,000 5.0
    1986 2,400,000 10.0 1,159,000 4.8
    1987 2,421,000 9.9 1,157,000 4.8
    1988 2,389,000 9.7 1,183,000 4.8
    1989 2,404,000 9.7 1,163,000 4.7
    1990 2,448,000 9.8 1,175,000 4.7
    1991 2,371,000 9.4 1,187,000 4.7
    1992 2,362,000 9.2 1,215,000 4.8
    1993 2,334,000 9.0 1,187,000 4.6
    1994 2,362,000 9.1 1,191,000 4.6

    What am i trying to say here ? Did men react to women sticking up for them selves ? or did the feminist movement lose sight of its goals and civility to become what it is today ? Is the typical slant of feminist needs today the cause for men to look at women and say ...

    " hmmm , no thanks ... "

    What is most unsettling is the modern day feminist is passive aggressive , it will gnaw at the mental state of men to get its jollies , mind you they dont always fight for womens rights anymore ... they just want to fight ...



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    Post  mudra Thu Sep 14, 2017 6:32 am

    When we take it from the level Consciousness, awareness of soul being, then one realizes how silly this male/ female dichotomy is and how through our identification with these bodies's survival computing system we trap ourselves in an never ending duality game.
    If we want to solve this we need to take it from another angle, we need to place our selves at the unifying principle point of view rather than the opposing one imho.

    Love from me

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    Post  NANUXII Thu Sep 14, 2017 7:37 pm

    I would agree with you if we were talking about an evolved species or at least one that has the motive to evolve but humans , im sad to say , are far from having the intelligence to ratify oneness.

    So what i predict is it will get far worse before it gets better. The human MO, generally speaking, is there are two primary motivators : Pleasure & Pain.

    It is only at the precipice of absolute destruction does the human move to better its self. This is historically true and i cant see it changing.

    The problem is people like us, who speak sense, are taken as idealists. There is way too much at risk for change, the rat wheel most humans are on , go to work, pay the bills, maybe eat something, got to work , pay the bills, etc etc ... this is the first step they need to eradicate before ever noticing the world around them, distractions like TV , Movies, Sports, World Wars, Car Accidents... the human species is addicted at looking at the dirt on the glass as opposed to the view through the window.

    So i have little hope , it does not deter us from trying i guess... all it takes is for one to pop for the tipping of the scale.

    So i guess what we are after is that one.


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    Post  NANUXII Sat Nov 11, 2017 6:06 pm

    Carol wrote:Well stated N. However, I don't want shoes.... I want the clutter cleaned up and put away... meaning please don't make more work for me cleaning up after your mess. A great gift for me would be detailing out the car (inside and out). cheers

    Ok , can i suggest something ? Men dont like to be told to do stuff , thats where women get it wrong all the time. " Demanding " after 60 years of history should have by now sunk in that it makes us go the other way ( not assuming you are a demanding person )

    So the solution is this. Book the solution ahead of time , day before is best , long term bookings are not good. Present it like this.

    " Honey you know your favorite overalls ? " Yes " Well tomorrow im going to fix those holes in the legs with this new material , its stronger than cotton and is flame proof. You wont need to worry about sparks putting holes in your overalls and more ! "

    watch the confused look on his face turn to admiration.

    Now this is where you ask for the return favor...

    Honey while im fixing your overalls would you mind terribly sorting the clutter in the garage because after we finish our chores i want us to go to dinner together, my treat ! " Why , did i miss our anniversary again ? "

    No sweetheart, i just want to do it because i love you !

    Then take him out for dinner ( somewhere he likes , not you ) then put your hand in your pocket and PAY FOR IT !

    do not welsh on the payment.

    In effect youll be paying $30 to have everything cleaned up in the garage !

    Now on the off chance he dosent do it , make an excuse you dont feel good and postpone. Dont mention that he didnt do his part , never bring it up again, never nag him about it, eventually the guilt will make it happen.

    See men operate like this ,

    Nagging is a valid excuse for diminishing guilt about laziness. My missus is a genius at this, she never ever ever nags me about anything ever ! if i dont get something done its 9 times out of 10 because i forgot or had something more pressing / interesting to do.

    She reminds me by being excited about it , she will say something like,

    " How did the sanding go on my old chair ? the wood grain must look amazing ! "


    Now if i didnt do it ill say " sorry hun i forgot, ill do it saturday " Come friday evening she will ask me what i want for lunch tomorrow and if i need a hand with the chair.

    Now thats a kind reminder and you would feel like an absolute nasty little procrastinator if you didnt get it done.

    Now if it never gets done after the above then you have either over Nagged him , which over time makes him more donkey like which is your fault because you dont understand men ( generally speaking , not directed at you Carol )

    OR ! Hes a DUD

    Either way your fault.

    Why ? Not understanding the knock on effect of Nagging.
    Not identifying he is a DUD.

    hope this helps



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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Nov 12, 2017 2:40 am

    Mea Culpa

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    Post  NANUXII Sun Nov 12, 2017 2:21 pm

    Ortho , your grey matter is solid ! i bow to your brain my friend.

    On point and on the ball as usual. You are correct even though you are writing fiction the intent i cannot confirm but the nett result of feminism has effectively done the following.

    liberate men from servitude
    Reduction of birth rates ( slight yes per capita , on the whole the j curve counters it )
    Increase of single parent families
    Stifle the balance of next generation mental abilities and values
    Weaken the family unit
    Create a blanket awareness or dislike for women by default
    Weaken women by instilling a sense of entitlement

    Men on the whole are generally happier, it seems that marriage is a key denominator in men's unhappiness. The idea of marriage to me seems archaic in the sense that i don't need to spend 50k on a party that lasts one day or a registered certificate of servitude to tell me i love my partner. I told my current partner im never getting married , she agrees ( a little sad im sure ) i mean every girl has that fantasy of being a princess for a day ... but i say STUFF THAT ! my woman is going to be cherished like a princess every day ! and when we are old and grey i hope we still have the conversations we have now, talking about life , food , arts , culture , travel , architecture , goals , farming , pets , cars , shoes , power tools , speed limits , politics , exo politics , healing methods , nutrition , historical events and the list goes on and on and on ..

    That 50k would be better spent on assets to secure the family unit and that marriage contract that tells me if i have children and something goes wrong ill be a debt slave for the next 20 years, is not even a little bit enticing.

    Lets face it , there are thousands of cautionary tales about women turning on men and like a pirate stealing all he has because she thinks she is entitled to it ! ok ... well it was fun for you all while it lasted ... but in 20 years from now do you think that fun may have reduced ?

    I think it will have halved in 20 years ... and think into the future ... what will that do for women ? who crave security ... i envisage, if you continue on this mindless path, you will have reduced your selves to a mechanical service and nothing more.

    Feminism and Entitlement , the nett result is like the welfare system , it looks like its of benefit but in reality when they pull the rug youll be left twiddling your thumbs. Dont let it happen to you ! we need each other , we are each others support network , love each other , respect each other ! You will be richer universally with a loving partner ( of any mix or sexual orientation ) than to be alone ...

    So the feminist movement has backfired tremendously for women and thats why i dearly want to talk about it , i don't want to see it happen. Historically women have been some of my greatest and loving supporters in my life , i have been so fortunate to have women in my life that care and indeed went out of their way to defend and support me. So women are on the top of my list in terms of helping or returning the favor.

    Besides weak women ( feminists ) are so un desirable ... if women all become feminised in this manner there will be no women left that are suited to relationship. I mean you will always find someone to fill the spot... but i doubt it will last or be of any substance.



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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Nov 13, 2017 4:04 am

    Mea Culpa

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    Post  NANUXII Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:39 am

    You are most welcome to post Ortho , I particularly liked the pilot video, it showed such a great example of cooperation and i must say women that are that capable ... hmmm well i dont want to show too much admiration. Lets just say its very attractive.

    With regard to my name " Does NANUXII have anything to do with PIUSXII?? "

    Short answer NO.

    NANUXII is an adaptation of my former name on Avalon " Nanoo Nanoo " encapsulated in roman type numeral except the X is not 10 its a multiplication.

    My Dear Ortho ,

    Give your self permission to be calm , mind you , the most comforting set of parameters will over ride the ideal. When did you decide to be the way you are ? what was that decision designed to protect ? does that protection work ? can you let the protection go now in your older wisdom ? can you try it on for size if even for a moment and smile ...

    its all on you, peace is there if you want it...



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    Post  mudra Mon Nov 13, 2017 3:40 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you, NANUXII. Perhaps what you kindly said is sometimes true when I write, and post videos, images, and articles, but conversationally, I'm an idiot. That's the inconvenient truth. I feel like crap all the time, which makes it difficult to be a fast-thinking, fast-talking, fast-walking know-it-all. I am highly-hamstrung, and I'm not sure exactly why. I've tried to see things from different perspectives, rather than pushing a particular point of view in a lawyer-like manner. I'm not spearheading a movement. Just the opposite. I'm wallowing in confusion, because it's a big world out there, and one can put things together in millions of different ways. It seems that we can be led around by the hooks in our noses (quite easily). Sorry for rambling.  

    Sorry for the off-topic videos, but I'd rather live in this delusional-system. It's easier that way. I'm going to try to go incognito (one more time) so I might not make another post for quite some time. Time Will Tell. Namaste and Godspeed.

    Nanu is right : " its all on you, peace is there if you want it..."

    Oxy the good news is there is a way out of the comfort zone.
    The bad news is you have to take the first step by yourself.

    How to stop screwing yourself over | Mel Robbins | TEDxSF

    Pretty witty woman  Thubs Up

    Don't thank me Oxy. Don't even comment. This isn't necessary.
    Just watch the video.
    I think it's a good one :)

    Love from me

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:18 am

    Mea Culpa

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    Post  mudra Tue Nov 14, 2017 2:29 pm

    These were great Oxy Cheerful
    Double Thumbs Up

    Love from me

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:18 pm

    Mea Culpa
    Sine Die

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    Post  NANUXII Wed Nov 15, 2017 10:02 am

    Objection your honor ! Relevance ! ?

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    Post  NANUXII Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:18 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Mea Culpa
    Sine Die

    oh man .... Ortho , i was trying to be funny. Don't delete your posts , not the first two at least , they were awesome posts.

    come on dude , you're being very un dude ... ( the big lebowski )



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    Post  NANUXII Sun Nov 19, 2017 9:29 pm

    Good intellectual break down.

    Probably one of the most important videos showing truth from the inside. I applaud Nora for being an amazingly brave and caring person to find truth.



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    Post  NANUXII Sat Sep 15, 2018 6:06 pm

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