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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Tue Oct 10, 2017 1:43 pm


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Oct 10, 2017 3:17 pm

    What's been written and said about the Bible is a Messy-Zoo, and who knows where the Truth ends and the BS begins?! I just finished watching a documentary called 'When God Left the Building' regarding the Severe-Decline of the Church and Spirituality. The Church-Model seems to be highly-flawed in modernity. Separately, it appears that the Bible and Judeo-Christianity are highly-flawed when the Judeo-Christian Scholarship of the Last 200 Years are honestly studied by the Best and the Brightest. This creates a Nasty-Vacuum for All Sorts of Revolting-Developments to rush into. It seems as if we're screwed in more ways than we can imagine. This goes for EVERYONE. Still, this stuff is a fascinating study if one has the time, talent, and stomach for it. I've tried to do some of this in my threads on this website, but everyone seems to not wish to talk to me (going back quite a few years now). A couple of years ago, Sherry Shriner made an interesting show regarding Christianity. I've listened to it many times, and I've recommended that others listen to it repeatedly BUT with a Sea of Salt. I don't know where the Truth ends, and the BS begins. Also, there's a miniseries from 1978, called 'The Word'. I watched it in its entirety when it first aired. It was a six-hour miniseries, but it seems that only three-hours are currently available. I've recommended reading Job through Daniel straight-through, over and over. These ten books don't necessarily support Judaism or Christianity. Once again, I don't know where the Truth ends, and the BS begins. I've tried to create some sort of a Jackson Pollock version of Religious and Political Science-Fiction as an attempted alternative Search for Truth. I guess I'm committed to doing what I'm doing, regardless of whether anyone likes it or not, but I'm trying to cut way-back on my Exercise in Futility. Fasten Your Seatbelts. I Think We Might Be In a Graveyard-Spiral.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Jan 30, 2018 6:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:42 am


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:55 am


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:38 am


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:03 pm


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:35 pm


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:50 pm


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Fri Nov 10, 2017 2:46 am


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Thu Nov 16, 2017 12:19 pm


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Mon Nov 20, 2017 12:11 pm


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:23 am


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:28 pm

    It's difficult to simultaneously be-honest and promote-faith. I value both honesty and faith, but are they complementary or contradictory?? It's a bit like trying to be a completely-honest used-car salesperson!! Try being a completely-honest politician, preacher, or attorney!! Good-luck with THAT!! I've tried to be open and honest on this website, and look how shunned and unpopular that has made me!! I could've mirrored the general-consensus of this website, and become a popular-guy!! Then I could've gone to a Christian website, and mirrored the general-consensus of that site (without telling them about The Mists of Avalon) and become a popular-guy!! Then I could've gone to an Atheist website, and mirrored the general-consensus of that site (without telling them about The Mists of Avalon and the Christian website participation) and become a popular-guy!! Must I Continue?? Is that how Lucifer and/or the Devil rules the World??!! Did the Honest-God get deposed in Antiquity because He and/or She didn't give people what they wanted, or tell people what they wanted to hear??!!

    I'm suspecting an Artificial-Intelligence Lucifer and/or Satan (from Antiquity to Modernity) but what do I know?? What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would Peter Venkman Say?? What Would Alan Rickman Say?? What Would David Mann Say?? What Would Seymour Cray Say?? What Would the Greys Say?? What Would Billy Graham Say?? Here are a couple of rather unflattering videos about Billy Graham. I've noticed that successful preachers are fast-paced and hard-hitting. They pick and choose, using proof-texts to sway the crowds. There's no hesitation, uncertainty, or doubt. Consider Billy Graham, Emilio Knechtle, Robert Schuller, Doug Batchelor, Desmond Ford, et al. In fairness, We the Peons DEMAND That Our Leaders Give Us What We Want, and Tell Us What We Want to Hear!! We've Done It to Ourselves!! I Believe, But I Don't Know What I Believe, and This Is NOT What People Want!! So This Makes Me the Odd ****MAN Out!! I recommend reading Job through Daniel side-by-side with Luke through Jude (NIV) straight-through, over and over, year after year (to properly understand the Best of the Bible). I'm NOT rejecting the Rest of the Bible, but this Core MUST Be Mastered Prior to Attempting to Properly Understand the Rest. World Without Honesty. Almond Raw. Almond Raw is a Lone Nut!! I hope the Galactic Powers That Be Have a Sense of Humor (Or I Am SO Screwed)!!

    Billy Graham went soul-searching in the San Bernardino Mountains (if I remember correctly) when troubled over the Reliability of the Bible, and Billy decided to take a Leap of Faith. I wandered in and out of faith and doubt in those same mountains (many years later) and I'm still wandering in and out of faith and doubt. My threads are really a Matrix of Faith and Doubt, but I never took the show on the road, and I doubt that I ever will. I probably need to write a book at some point, but I don't know what to write, because I suspect that if I write a book, and do book-signings, this will open Pandora's Box and the Star-Gates of Hell. I think my hereditary and cultivated weaknesses would make me an easy-target for some VERY Pissed-Off Angels and Demons (for legion reasons)!! I think the Bad-Blood might go WAY Back!! I recently met a Beautiful-Woman who told me she "Felt Solid." I'd never heard ANYONE say THAT before!! Was she telling me she was Completely-Materialized?? Damned If I Know!! I Never Know Who I'm Dealing With!! A few days earlier I encountered another Beautiful-Woman who I didn't know, yet seemed to know. She had a very composed and definite disposition and stride. What is the meaning of this?? Welcome to the Hotel California?? This could be Heaven or it could be Hell.

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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:45 am


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:13 am


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:05 pm

    Jeff Daugherty is interesting to listen to, but I'm wary of Jeff in a similar manner to my wariness when listening to Sherry Shriner. He obviously knows a HUGE Amount, and he speaks in a very forceful 'take no prisoners' manner. He calls the Old-Testament God the "Rat-Bastard!!" Jeff calls Jesus a "Man-Catching Soul-Farmer!!" He further says "The Artificial-Intelligence God is Dead On Arrival!!"

    Volumes 3 and 4 of the SDA Bible Commentary (1 Chronicles to Malachi) combined with Prophets and Kings might be a profitable alternative New-Testament Version of the Old-Testament. In some ways, Adventists seem to simultaneously 'know too much' and 'know too little' which often seems to make our 'road less traveled' a 'rough and rocky road'. I have more questions than answers as the information-war reaches epidemic-proportions. I've recently become interested in focusing-upon 1 Chronicles to Malachi (which coincides with Volumes 3 and 4 of the SDA Bible Commentary). This study coincides with Daniel 8:14, the Day of Atonement, and the Investigative Judgment by Desmond Ford. I own a very-rare book titled 'The End of the World: A.D. 2133' by Lucio Bernardo Silvestre (published in 1985) which places the beginning of the 2300 days/years at 168 B.C. and the termination at A.D. 2133. There is also an interesting book called 'God's Day of Judgment: The Real Cause of Global Warming' by Douglas Vogt which suggests the Beginning of the End occurring in A.D. 2046 due to a Solar-Phenomenon!! Isaac Newton suggested that the End of the World might occur sometime around A.D. 2060 (if I remember correctly). What if Supercomputers and the Internet end-up being the Foundation of an Investigative Judgment -- with an Executive Judgment terminating in or around A.D. 2133?? What Would Raymond Cottrell, Desmond Ford, and F.D. Nichol Say??

    I've been wondering what understanding one might achieve if they read Job through Malachi straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations, without openly discussing their study?? This implies Job through Malachi interpreting Job through Malachi (plus nothing). Has anyone done this?? The SDA Bible Commentary utilizes a Whole-Bible, Ellen White, Grammatical-Historical Scholarly-Approach, which isn't the approach I just mentioned. What sort of church might emerge from such a study (when the diligent student eventually took the show on the road)?? What do you think about 1 Corinthians 15:24-28?? How readest thou?? I was shocked!! I couldn't initially find any Ellen White statements concerning this passage. Take a look at what the SDA Bible Commentary (Volume 6) says about this quotation. What Would Dr. A. Graham Maxwell Say?? He did the section on Romans, but what about 1 Corinthians?? He advocated the straight-through, over and over approach to the Whole-Bible, and I simply narrowed this study to Job through Malachi, but I have yet to follow through on this concept.

    1 Corinthians 15:24-28 24Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26The last enemy to be destroyed is death. 27For he "has put everything under his feet." Now when it says that "everything" has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. 28When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.

    People want what they want. If people don't like what the preacher says, the preacher gets a call from the conference-office, and gets moved, especially if they've angered those with the dough. Biblical-Research might be a can of worms which is not relevant to the upwardly-mobile, who want religion to help them, rather than being a genuine search for truth in the context of the Bible and Antiquity. The Roman Catholic Church basically invented a New Religion, removed the Bible from the Public, and resorted to Violent-Persecution, to attempt to keep the worms in the can, and the peons in the pews, saving their souls with ritual-observance and salvation4sale. More recently, Peale and Schuller invented a New Religion of Positive-Thinking and Self-Esteem, avoiding all the nasty-problems Biblical-Research confronts one with. Dr. Walter Martin was tougher and nastier than a Junkyard-Dog regarding Biblical-Studies and Controversial-Topics.

    The real backbone of many church-organizations (including the SDA Church) seems to be Pluralistic-Education and Money-Making, which may simply be the Way Things Are in an increasingly fast-paced technological-society with no patience for Serious Biblical-Research. The SDA Bible Commentary might be attractive to very-few people. It's too long, too scholarly, too old, etc. But I wonder how all of the above will be dealt with in a Final-Judgment (Investigative or Otherwise)?! As Ellen White and Desmond Ford pointed-out, "The Bible is yet but dimly understood." Please consider what the New Testament says regarding 'COMMANDMENTS' especially in the context of the Writings of Ellen White, the SDA Bible Commentary, the 28 Fundamental Beliefs, SDA Publications and Sermons (since 1863), the Roman Catholic Church, Luther's Works, and Evangelical Christianity.


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Tue Jan 30, 2018 12:18 pm


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jan 30, 2018 6:21 pm

    This is a bit strange. I just happened to watch this 'Flat-Earth' video last night, just a few hours after it appeared, and when I saw that another post had been added to this thread, I just knew it would be that 'Flat Earth' video!! I won't get involved with 'Astral-Projection', 'Regression-Hypnosis', 'Ouija Boards', 'Seances', 'Psychics', 'Televangelists', 'Reprobates', 'Papists', 'Molesters', 'Heretics', or 'Charlatans'. Siriusly, I think Earth is probably a Ball, but I doubt that we REALLY Understand the Solar System and Our Predicament.

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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:10 am


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:02 am

    That was an interesting video, and it supported some of what I've heard and hypothesized. I keep thinking in terms of King David, King Solomon, and the Queen of Sheba (probably more figuratively than literally). There might be parallels with Amen Ra, Marduk Ra, Enki, Enlil, Father, Son, Holy-Spirit, Isis, Ra, El, Horus, Set, Inanna, Nimrod, Adam, Eve, Artemis, et al. I suspect that the Name-Change Game might be a Tangled-Web of Deceit and Intrigue. Was (or is) Sherry Shriner really the ancient Granddaughter of King David?? Was (or is) Artemis the ancient Queen of Sheba?? How might Supercomputers and Artificial-Intelligence relate to Archons and Archangels?? What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would Peter Venkman Say?? One more thing. Consider the Following Hypothetical Continuum:

    1. A Real God in a Real Heaven (with no supercomputers and artificial-intelligence).

    2. Heaven Incorporated (with a Deposed Real-God, and a Righteous Proxy Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer-God).

    3. Purgatory Incorporated (with an Absentee Real-God, and a Nastier Proxy Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer-God).

    4. Hell Incorporated (with an Absentee Real-God, and a Diabolical and Merciless Proxy Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer God).

    5. A Real Devil in a Real Hell (with no supercomputers and artificial-intelligence).

    This sort of thinking could put one in a Nuthouse rather quickly. A lot of theological and science-fictional stuff could put one in a Nuthouse rather quickly. Perhaps the General-Public should NOT be educated in History, Theology, Conspiracy-Theories, and Science-Fiction. What if the Bible is the Problem rather than the Answer?? I say this with fear, trembling, reverence, and awe. If you've ever been in the presence of Top Theologians, it's quite humbling and impressive (even if one disagrees with them, or doesn't believe in God (or even god). What if Jeffery Daugherty and Elon Musk turn-out to be Ancient-Deities??!! I noticed a squeaky-chair in both Sherry Shriner's and Jeffrey Daugherty's shows, and I posted that observation (just days or weeks before Sherry Shriner supposedly died). I often wonder who really posts on 'The Mists of Avalon' but I don't want to talk about it. Enough Said.

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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty THE LAST STAND:JASON RICE & THE SECRET SPACE PROGRAM

    Post  burgundia Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:47 am


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Global Witness: Spirit of the Flesh, Spirit of the Soul

    Post  burgundia Thu Nov 15, 2018 12:51 pm


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:10 am


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty Re: Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower

    Post  burgundia Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:00 pm


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    Jeff Daugherty Christian Whistleblower - Page 3 Empty THE LAST STAND: David Icke's NEW Book

    Post  burgundia Sun Nov 25, 2018 1:43 pm

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