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    Damage from Shell oil spill in Gulf of Mexico still unclear; U.S. considers more offshore leases


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    Damage from Shell oil spill in Gulf of Mexico still unclear; U.S. considers more offshore leases Empty Damage from Shell oil spill in Gulf of Mexico still unclear; U.S. considers more offshore leases

    Post  mudra Tue Nov 08, 2016 10:48 am

    Damage from Shell oil spill in Gulf of Mexico still unclear; U.S. considers more offshore leases

    The leak happened about 100 miles off the Louisiana coast, and was stopped after wells that flow into the pipeline were sealed. But Scott Eustis, a coastal wetlands specialist with Gulf Restoration Network, thinks 88,000 gallons might be an underestimate and the environmental impact still is unknown. He says only three of the seven available skimmer vessels were even deployed to vacuum the oil off the surface.

    “Although the Coast Guard says there’s no environmental impact, we know from the BP disaster, and all the studies done on the effects of oil in the deep environment, and the surface of the Gulf in the springtime, that there are a lot of impacts: the corals in the deep, dolphins, whales, tuna, whale sharks,” Eustis explains. “So, even though the Coast Guard says that, they don’t have biologists so they shouldn’t be making that kind of statement.”

    Eustis said that during flights above the skimmer vessels, environmentalists didn’t see spraying of dispersants as was done six years ago during the BP oil disaster. Storms in the gulf dispersed much of the oil from the surface, so the giant slick can no longer be seen.

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    Damage from Shell oil spill in Gulf of Mexico still unclear; U.S. considers more offshore leases Empty Re: Damage from Shell oil spill in Gulf of Mexico still unclear; U.S. considers more offshore leases

    Post  Eartheart Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:57 am

    Deepwater Horizoont 2016 - trailer

    Now this Hero of that Movie-scam is ,Mark Wahlberg',
    known as the "Shooter" 2007-where he is scamed by the very
    goverment factions and learns "anything violent happens with
    the knowledge of the governments!!!!!" aka false flag via XXXagencys...

    But ikept missing the hot data on the BP-spill inthat movie...
    1. There is photodocument of hot spacelaser is coming down before explosive destruction of oilplatform, which was drilling on a dangerous declared (from german science ship archieving oceanbottom structural and geological data a year earlier - was this planned from the beginning).
    2.there are two photos from heli shortly after with fires burning, which show
    the 12-15m burned hole/gap where the laser/particlebeam melted the steel on the helipad of said oilplatform, and short cams week later of said gaps from the underwaterrobots, clearly showing the welding marks at the edge of that gapwhere steel is pearling down...
    3. Are there still any persons alivewho helped at the aaction? or are allnow dead from the aftereffects?
    4. The black nano-goo, only seldom reported in the years after the spill and thought to be contained in the toxic corexit-mix put into the atlantic in 2millionliters amounts plus the oil reportedly spilled (210million barrels???), nano-goo somehow intelligently attacking french subs and mutating...
    5.All that submerged oildrops rolling over the oceanbottom and mixing with the jap-fukkUshimA fallout as that now streching all over the planet oceangrounds - see total dead reefs and mutated sealife, no kryll and foodchains broken- twoheaded sharks born - no sealbabies while no food for their foods ect.
    6.Golfstream changed with weatherpatterns and jetstreams over the years

    sorry no smilies,
    anything i forgot???

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    Location : Poland

    Damage from Shell oil spill in Gulf of Mexico still unclear; U.S. considers more offshore leases Empty Re: Damage from Shell oil spill in Gulf of Mexico still unclear; U.S. considers more offshore leases

    Post  burgundia Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:15 am


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    Damage from Shell oil spill in Gulf of Mexico still unclear; U.S. considers more offshore leases Empty Re: Damage from Shell oil spill in Gulf of Mexico still unclear; U.S. considers more offshore leases

    Post  mudra Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:42 pm

    burgundia wrote:

    Permaculture the world and the world will be abundantly fed without dangerous chemical fertilizers poisoning Gaia.

    Love from me

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