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    A Practical guide to Free-energy


    Posts : 23285
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    A Practical guide to Free-energy Empty A Practical guide to Free-energy

    Post  mudra Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:25 pm

    I found this pdf .
    I am no expert to tell what the worth of it though.

    Pratical Guide to Free Energy Pdf

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    A Practical guide to Free-energy Empty Re: A Practical guide to Free-energy

    Post  eMonkey Fri Sep 10, 2010 3:26 pm

    Nice find Mudra.

    A good guide indeed. It would be a good primer on all of the different approaches.
    It's a bit dry, looking at it, but typical of technical stuff..


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    Location : Pacific Northwest Canada

    A Practical guide to Free-energy Empty Re: A Practical guide to Free-energy

    Post  tacodog Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:27 pm

    I watched a video a couple of years ago – a BBC documentary where this guy could put water (after going through some sort of treatment, which was not shown due to patent pending but it was small enough to fit on a benchlike table) in his motorcycle and ran his motorcycle, without having to change anything mechanical on the bike, on this water. I heard later that this person died. Can you imagine running water through something then pouring it into your tank and off you go?
    Lately I see many working on cars to run using air, water and of course the new hybrids with batteries, which usually require gas as well.
    I watched a video describing how it may have been possible that the Great Pyramid in Egypt was drawing energy up from below (aqueduct) through the base through a variety of tunnels up through the shaft to the peak, using stones with specific properties conducive to carrying/enhancing an electrical current. Noted also was the harmonics in the pyramid. If the lights were on thousands of years ago...humanity sure has been backtracking (see the video pyramid code posted by Trancoso in the "Watch This" thread for a far better/accurate description.)
    I guess my question is: How is it that anyone who has ever discovered a way to produce zero energy so to speak is silenced one way or the other. Why do they not let this info out on the internet, let it go viral, never mind a patent....AND how is it that most of this stuff can be created cheaply in a garage environment, where these discoveries were usually made, and yet, we wait here for Greer and his scientists to come up with something that has required a lot of funds, and perhaps more funding?
    Are these stories myths? Are my friends right in poo pooing me and saying not in our lifetime! Is there zero energy that can be created very cheaply? If so, is there a plan out there that explains how one, without a lot of technical skills, could make a device that would create enough energy say to operate one small home? If so, let it go viral! Give it to the People! Getting off the grid is one way of gaining back independence no? Luke Blink


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    A Practical guide to Free-energy Empty Re: A Practical guide to Free-energy

    Post  Carol Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:46 pm

    Hi tacodog. Perhaps the answer to your question has more to do with the oil cartels who are criminals and choose to destroy anyone or anything that threatens them.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    A Practical guide to Free-energy Empty Re: A Practical guide to Free-energy

    Post  tacodog Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:04 pm

    Yeah, I know. silent I've been trying to follow the zero energy thing for so long, I am beginning to think that perhaps it won't be in the very near future. Nope

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    A Practical guide to Free-energy Empty A Practical Guide to Free Energy

    Post  Jenetta Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:53 am

    tacodog wrote:Carol:
    Yeah, I know. silent I've been trying to follow the zero energy thing for so long, I am beginning to think that perhaps it won't be in the very near future. Nope


    Some things of which I've been reading relate that the Nazis were experimenting with zero point energy at the time of World War II...the Americans were wrapped up in Einstein's Theory of Relativity which of course led to the development of the first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. While the Americans were busy with the Theory of Relativity the Nazis opted for the other direction which was to work on and research Max Planck's Quantum Theory which pointed them in the direction of zero point energy.
    The Nazis motivations for choosing the Quantum Theory over the Theory of Relativity are unclear although Einstein was a Jew so it may have swayed them somewhat to opt for the other direction...the SS and Nazis were keen to develop an Aryan super race and of course the ultimate super weapon...that quest is ongoing today and horror of horrors may have been achieved.

    Black thing billowing bursting forth with the power of ten billion butterfly sneezes.............Moody Blues

    A Practical guide to Free-energy Empty Re: A Practical guide to Free-energy

    Post  Guest Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:55 pm

    silver* Idea

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    A Practical guide to Free-energy Empty Re: A Practical guide to Free-energy

    Post  mudra Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:34 pm

    Now this is awesome silver cheers

    Thank you Cheerful

    Love from me

    A Practical guide to Free-energy Empty Re: A Practical guide to Free-energy

    Post  Guest Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:48 am

    when they remove the buckets at the end its just amazing Shocked

    This makes me feel we spend our whole lives trying to make things complicated
    when clearly they dont need to be !!
    here is another very simple neat idea
    A Practical guide to Free-energy Clip-i10

    going to buy a drop spindle to try this
    silver* sunny

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