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    Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest - EXCELLENT INTERVIEW


    Posts : 31958
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    Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest - EXCELLENT INTERVIEW Empty Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest - EXCELLENT INTERVIEW

    Post  Carol Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:23 pm

    Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest 
    June 10, 2016

    "This is about an hour or more of Fulford talking to Mike Harris. You get the true sense of aman who knows a lot about who runs this planet, how their vision is skewed toward personal gain, and how that process is a zero-sum fantasy. And Fulford's solution that can transform this planet away from a zone of war, hate and divisiveness resonates as sane, sound, and visionary. And it places the onus for changing our reality squarely on all of us. 
    Which is where it belongs.

    Thank you Lymerick, "

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest - EXCELLENT INTERVIEW Empty Re: Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest - EXCELLENT INTERVIEW

    Post  Carol Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:23 pm

    Benjamin Fulford 6-14-16… “US and UN power hand-over or hostile take-over up for grabs”

    Posted on 2016/06/13by kauilapele
    Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest - EXCELLENT INTERVIEW Benjamin_fulford_in_canoe_77
    Another new weekly report from Ben. Sounds like there’s a fair amount of “disturbance in the force” of the cabal.

    Please note that, at this time (6-13-16, 1506 HST), the actual article link leads to a “Whoops! That Page Isn’t Here” announcement. So if you want to read the text at Ben’s site, please go to his home page,

    “Negotiations for a new financial system are on hold as the controllers of the old system seem to have gone into or are preparing to go into hiding. This means that at the time of this writing it is unclear if there will be peaceful transition to a new financial system or a hostile take-over of the old system.
    “The situation in the United States is especially critical with an intense power struggle that has become visible even in the corporate media. This can be seen as some Khazarian controlled media like the New York Times and the Washington Post reporting a very different reality than media like the Wall Street Journal and ABC TV or the nation-wide McClatchy newspaper chain.

    “The bankruptcy on May 2nd of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation is being felt in increasingly obvious ways. For example, many of the close to 50 million Americans who rely on food aid to feed their families were experiencing glitches with their cards this month, in what is either a cyber-attack or an attempt to steal their money.

    “The false flag attack in Orlando, Florida, where 50 people were allegedly killed, “will not stop leaks or distract” from the ongoing campaign to end Khazarian mafia control of the United States, Pentagon officials say… The Pentagon and the agencies already know the Khazarian mafia the real culprits behind this attack and know the trail leads to Israel and world Khazarian mafia headquarters in Switzerland.

    “This false flag took place immediately after top bosses of the Khazarian mafia ended their meeting at the Bilderberg gathering in Dresden, Germany.”
    US and UN power hand-over or hostile take-over up for grabs
    Posted by benjamin, June 14, 2016

    Negotiations for a new financial system are on hold as the controllers of the old system seem to have gone into or are preparing to go into hiding. This means that at the time of this writing it is unclear if there will be peaceful transition to a new financial system or a hostile take-over of the old system.
    The backdrop to these now on hold negotiations is an increasingly chaotic situation in the United States, the Middle East and Europe as the bankruptcy of the Western financial system begins to affect social and economic stability.

    The situation in the United States is especially critical with an intense power struggle that has become visible even in the corporate media. This can be seen as some Khazarian controlled media like the New York Times and the Washington Post reporting a very different reality than media like the Wall Street Journal and ABC TV or the nation-wide McClatchy newspaper chain. The former, for example, report that Hillary Clinton is now the official Democratic Party presidential candidate while the latter are concentrating more on the criminal investigations into the Clinton foundation etc. The clearest sign of a split in the power structure, though, comes from the White House itself. There “acting-President” Barack Obama publicly endorsed Hillary Clinton for President only to have the White House Press spokesman come out an hour later to say that Clinton was under criminal investigation.

    The bankruptcy on May 2nd of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation is being felt in increasingly obvious ways. For example, many of the close to 50 million Americans who rely on food aid to feed their families were experiencing glitches with their cards this month, in what is either a cyber-attack or an attempt to steal their money. Another example is that police have gone from stopping cars and stealing the passenger’s cash to using high-tech devices to empty their credit cards. There are also reports of glitches in mobile phone networks and GPS systems around the US in what is a clear sign of intense cyber-warfare.

    The false flag attack in Orlando, Florida, where 50 people were allegedly killed, “will not stop leaks or distract” from the ongoing campaign to end Khazarian mafia control of the United States, Pentagon officials say. The Orlando incident also illustrated the split in the US with many corporate media outlets describing it as an attack by a single ISIS “radical Muslim” killer while internet news sites, agency officials and other aware people instantly recognized it as yet another Khazarian mafia psychological warfare operation false flag incident.

    The Pentagon and the agencies already know the Khazarian mafia the real culprits behind this attack and know the trail leads to Israel and world Khazarian mafia headquarters in Switzerland.

    This false flag took place immediately after top bosses of the Khazarian mafia ended their meeting at the Bilderberg gathering in Dresden, Germany. Although not on the official list of attendees, Rothschild family sources confirm…

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:32 pm; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest - EXCELLENT INTERVIEW Empty Re: Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest - EXCELLENT INTERVIEW

    Post  Carol Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:28 pm

    Published on Jun 13, 2016 - 20/20: Man Describes Playing Dead/Hiding From Shooter. Overheard phone conversation. 4 others involved, 3 snipers & 1 woman suicide bomber (vid)

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest - EXCELLENT INTERVIEW Empty Re: Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest - EXCELLENT INTERVIEW

    Post  Carol Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:53 pm

    The Lights are going out all over Europe (A very important read)  

    Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest - EXCELLENT INTERVIEW Cid:PK4D59Co4rA6QYHFNnHt


    Geert Wilders is a Dutch Member of Parliament 
    In a generation or two, the US will ask itself: "Who lost Europe?"   
    Here is the speech of Geert Wilders, Chairman, Party for Freedom, the Netherlands, at the Four Seasons, New York,  introducing an   Alliance of Patriots and announcing the Facing  Jihad Conference in Jerusalem. 

    The Lights are Going Out All Over Europe 

    Dear Friends, 
    Thank you very much for  inviting me.  I come to America with a mission.  All  is not well in the old world.  There is a tremendous danger  looming, and it is very difficult to be optimistic.  
    We might be in  the final stages of the Islamization of Europe.  This not  only is a clear and present danger to the future of Europe  itself, it is a threat to America and the sheer survival of the  West.  The United States as the last bastion of Western civilization, facing an Islamic Europe. 
    First I will describe  the situation on the ground in Europe. Then, I will say a few  things about Islam.  To close I will tell you about a  meeting in Jerusalem.  The Europe you know is  changing. 
    You have probably seen the landmarks. But in all of these cities, sometimes a few blocks away from your tourist destination, there is another world. It is the world of the parallel society created by Muslim mass-migration.   
    All throughout Europe a new reality is  rising: entire Muslim neighborhoods where very few indigenous people reside or are even seen. And if they are, they might regret it. This goes for the police as well. It's the world of head scarves, where women walk around in figureless tents, with baby strollers and a group of children. Their husbands, or slaveholders if you prefer, walk three steps ahead. With mosques on many street corners. The shops have signs you and I cannot  read.  You will be hard-pressed to find any economic activity.  These are Muslim ghettos controlled by religious  fanatics.  These are Muslim neighborhoods, and they are  mushrooming in every city across Europe. These are the building-blocks for territorial control of increasingly larger  portions of Europe, street by street, neighborhood by  neighborhood, city by city.   

    There are now thousands of  mosques throughout Europe With larger congregations than there  are in churches. And in every European city there are plans to build super-mosques that will dwarf every church in the region.  Clearly, the signal is: we rule.   
    Many European cities are  already one-quarter Muslim: just take Amsterdam, Marseilles and  Malmo in Sweden. In many cities the majority of the under-18  population is Muslim. Paris is now surrounded by a ring of  Muslim neighborhoods.  Mohammad is the most popular name among boys in many cities.   
    In some elementary schools in Amsterdam the farm can no longer be mentioned, because that would also mean mentioning the pig, and that would be an insult to Muslims.   
    Many state schools in Belgium and Denmark only serve halal food to all pupils. In once-tolerant Amsterdam gays are beaten up almost exclusively by Muslims. Non-Muslim women routinely hear 'whore, whore'. Satellite dishes are not pointed to local TV stations, but to stations in the country of origin.   

    In France school teachers are advised to avoid authors deemed offensive to Muslims, including Voltaire and  Diderot; the same is increasingly true of Darwin. The history of the Holocaust can no longer be taught because of Muslim sensitivity.   
    In England sharia courts are now officially  part of the British legal system. Many neighborhoods in France  are no-go areas for women without head scarves. Last week a man almost died after being beaten up by Muslims in Brussels, because he was drinking during the Ramadan.   
    Jews are fleeing France in record numbers, on the run for the worst wave  of anti-Semitism since World War II.  French is now commonly spoken on the streets of Tel Aviv and Netanya, Israel.  I could go on forever with stories like this. Stories about Islamization.   
    A total of fifty-four million Muslims now live in Europe. San Diego University recently calculated that a staggering 25 percent of the population in Europe will be Muslim just 12 years from now.  Bernhardt Lewis has predicted a Muslim majority by the end of this century.   
    Now these are just numbers.  And the numbers would not be threatening if  the Muslim-immigrants had a strong desire to assimilate. But there are few signs of that. The Pew Research Center reported that half of French Muslims see their loyalty to Islam as greater than their loyalty to France. One-third of French Muslims do not object to suicide attacks.  The British Centre for Social Cohesion reported that one-third of British Muslim students are in favor of a worldwide caliphate.  Muslims demand what they call 'respect'.  And this is how we give them respect.  We have Muslim official state holidays. 

    The Christian-Democratic attorney general is willing to accept sharia in the Netherlands if there is a Muslim majority. 
    We have cabinet members with passports from Morocco and Turkey.   

    Muslim demands are supported by unlawful behavior, ranging from petty crimes and random violence, for example against ambulance workers and bus drivers, to small-scale riots. Paris has seen its uprising in the low-income suburbs, the banlieus.  I call the perpetrators settler's. Because that is what they are  They do not come to integrate into our societies; they come to integrate our society into their Dar-al-Islam.  Therefore, they are settlers. 
    Much of this street violence I mentioned is directed exclusively against non-Muslims, forcing many native people to leave their neighborhoods, their cities, their countries.  Moreover, Muslims are now a swing vote not to be ignored.   
    The second thing you need to know is the importance of Mohammed the prophet. His behavior is an example to all Muslims and cannot be criticized.  Now, if Mohammed had been a man of peace, let us say like Gandhi and Mother Theresa wrapped in one, there would be no problem. But Mohammed was a warlord, a mass murderer, a pedophile, and had several  marriages - at the same time. Islamic tradition tells us how he fought in battles, how he had his enemies murdered and even had prisoners of war executed. Mohammad himself slaughtered the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza.  If it is good for Islam, it is good. If it is bad for Islam, it is bad.   
    Let no one  fool you about Islam being a religion.  Sure, it has a god, and a here-after, and 72 virgins. But in its essence Islam is a political ideology. It is a system that lays down detailed rules for society and the life of every person. Islam wants to dictate every aspect of life.  Islam means 'submission'.  Islam is not compatible with freedom and democracy, because what it strives for is Sharia.  If you want to compare Islam to anything, compare it to communism or national-socialism, these are all totalitarian ideologies.   
    Now you know why Winston Churchill called Islam 'the most retrograde force in the world', and why he compared Mein Kampf to the Quran. The public has wholeheartedly accepted the Palestinian narrative, and sees Israel as the aggressor.  I have lived in this country and visited it dozens of times.  I support Israel.  First, because it is the Jewish homeland after two thousand years of exile up to and including Auschwitz.  Second because it is a democracy.  And third because Israel is our first line of defense.   
    This tiny country is situated on the fault line of jihad, frustrating Islam's territorial advance.  Israel is facing the front lines of jihad, like Kashmir, Kosovo, the Philippines, Southern Thailand, Darfur in Sudan, Lebanon, and  Aceh in Indonesia.  Israel is simply in the way.  The  same way West-Berlin was during the Cold War.   
    The war against Israel is not a war against Israel.  It is a war against the West.  It is jihad. Israel is simply receiving the blows that are meant for all of us.  If there would have been no Israel, Islamic imperialism would have found other venues to release its energy and its desire for conquest.  Thanks to Israeli parents who send their children to the army and lay awake at night, parents in Europe and America can sleep well and dream, unaware of the dangers looming.   
    Many in Europe argue in favor of abandoning Israel in order to address the grievances of our Muslim minorities.  But if Israel were, God forbid, to go down, it would not bring any solace to the West.  It would not mean our Muslim minorities would all of a sudden change their behavior, and accept our values.  On the contrary, the end of Israel would give enormous encouragement to the forces of Islam.  They would, and rightly so, see the demise of Israel as proof that the West is weak, and doomed.  The end of Israel would not mean the end of our problems with Islam, but only the beginning. It would mean the start of the final battle for world domination. If they can get Israel, they can get everything.  So-called journalists volunteer to label any and all critics of Islam as a 'right-wing extremists' or 'racists'.  In my country, the Netherlands, 60 percent of the population now sees the mass immigration of Muslims as the number one policy mistake since World War II.  And another 60 percent sees Islam as the biggest threat.  Yet there is a greater danger than terrorist attacks, the scenario of America as the last man standing.  The lights may go out in Europe faster than you can imagine.  An Islamic Europe means a Europe without  freedom and democracy, an economic wasteland, an intellectual nightmare, and a loss of military might for America - as its allies will turn into enemies, enemies with atomic bombs.  With an Islamic Europe, it would be up to America alone to  preserve the heritage of Rome, Athens and Jerusalem. 
    Dear friends, Liberty is the most precious of gifts.  My generation never had to fight for this freedom, it was offered to us on a silver platter, by people who fought for it with their lives.  All throughout Europe, American cemeteries remind us of the young boys who never made it home, and whose memory we cherish.  My generation does not own this freedom; we are merely its custodians.  We can only hand over this hard won liberty to Europe's children in the same  state in which it was offered to us.  We cannot strike a deal with mullahs and imams.  Future generations would never forgive us.  We cannot squander our liberties.  We simply do not have the right to do so.  

    We have to take the necessary action now to stop this Islamic stupidity from destroying the free world that we know.   

    Please take the time to read and understand what is written here, please send it to every free person that you know.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest - EXCELLENT INTERVIEW Empty Re: Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest - EXCELLENT INTERVIEW

    Post  Carol Tue Jun 14, 2016 3:44 pm

    US and UN power hand-over or hostile take-over up for grabs

    Posted by benjamin
    June 14, 2016

    Negotiations for a new financial system are on hold as the controllers of the old system seem to have gone into or are preparing to go into hiding. This means that at the time of this writing it is unclear if there will be peaceful transition to a new financial system or a hostile take-over of the old system.

    The backdrop to these now on hold negotiations is an increasingly chaotic situation in the United States, the Middle East and Europe as the bankruptcy of the Western financial system begins to affect social and economic stability.

    The situation in the United States is especially critical with an intense power struggle that has become visible even in the corporate media. This can be seen as some Khazarian controlled media like the New York Times and the Washington Post reporting a very different reality than media like the Wall Street Journal and ABC TV or the nation-wide McClatchy newspaper chain. The former, for example, report that Hillary Clinton is now the official Democratic Party presidential candidate while the latter are concentrating more on the criminal investigations into the Clinton foundation etc. The clearest sign of a split in the power structure, though, comes from the White House itself. There “acting-President” Barack Obama publicly endorsed Hillary Clinton for President only to have the White House Press spokesman come out an hour later to say that Clinton was under criminal investigation.

    The bankruptcy on May 2nd of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation is being felt in increasingly obvious ways. For example, many of the close to 50 million Americans who rely on food aid to feed their families were experiencing glitches with their cards this month, in what is either a cyber-attack or an attempt to steal their money. Another example is that police have gone from stopping cars and stealing the passenger’s cash to using high-tech devices to empty their credit cards. There are also reports of glitches in mobile phone networks and GPS systems around the US in what is a clear sign of intense cyber-warfare.

    The false flag attack in Orlando, Florida, where 50 people were allegedly killed, “will not stop leaks or distract” from the ongoing campaign to end Khazarian mafia control of the United States, Pentagon officials say. The Orlando incident also illustrated the split in the US with many corporate media outlets describing it as an attack by a single ISIS “radical Muslim” killer while internet news sites, agency officials and other aware people instantly recognized it as yet another Khazarian mafia psychological warfare operation false flag incident.

    The Pentagon and the agencies already know the Khazarian mafia the real culprits behind this attack and know the trail leads to Israel and world Khazarian mafia headquarters in Switzerland.

    This false flag took place immediately after top bosses of the Khazarian mafia ended their meeting at the Bilderberg gathering in Dresden, Germany. Although not on the official list of attendees, Rothschild family sources confirm.

    Nathaniel Rothschild presided over that meeting on behalf of top his uncle and top Khazarian mafia boss Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild. The official press release about the meeting can be seen here:

    The only thing we can add to this from our own sources is that at the meeting they discussed a global tax that would be sold as necessary to finance an end to environmental destruction and poverty. They also discussed the Chinese offer of 20,000 tons of gold at a 13% discount on the condition that of that discount the 10% would be used to set up a future planning agency and the other 3% would go to commissions as mentioned previously in this newsletter, Rothschild family sources confirm.

    The Rothschild family is in any case now clearly circling their wagons. CIA officials say that nobody is answering the phone at all the official, public Rothschild family companies. The only number to contact them at is the one at their family complex in Zug, Switzerland and at the time of this writing, nobody was answering the phone there either. Below is a picture of the Rothschild family complex in Zug.

    There are also signs something unusual is about to happen in England, possibly related to the Rothschilds. According to Russia Today (most likely not a Russian site)

    the British military has been removed from the job of protecting the Royal Mint (where England’s gold is stored) and replaced with the private security company G4S. This is the scandal plagued company that botched the security for the London Olympics. It is also where the so-called shooter in Orlando used to work.

    Considering the closure of the Rothschild offices in England, Japan and elsewhere, it is a good guess they have absconded to Switzerland with England’s gold reserves. If that is the case it means that, for the first time since the Rothschilds made a fortune from insider trading after the Battle of Waterloo, the Rothschilds no longer control the Bank of England.

    This could also be related to a double digit lead in the polls in England favouring an exit from the European Union in the referendum due on June 23rd. If England leaves the EU it will become a truly independent country again for the first time since 1066. Events will tell.

    We are also hearing from German Second Reich sources that Germans who left Germany to form colonies elsewhere after and just before the end of World War 2 will be going back to Germany shortly to restore independence their fatherland. They also say a lot of hitherto hidden German technology is also about to be revealed. Pentagon sources say US forces have been evacuated from Germany’s Ramstein air base in order to shut down Bush cabal drug trafficking there and thus cut off their funds.

    In any case, as things stand the entire European financial system is wobbling and about to collapse. The latest report from the BIS says international banks have reduced lending to Europe by $276 billion during the most recent quarter.

    The already bankrupt system is not likely to be able to survive such a huge reduction of money. Perhaps that is why that ultimate Khazarian insider, George Soros, has announced he is going into gold and gold mining stocks as a hedge against financial turmoil in the US and Europe.

    There is also severe turbulence in Turkey. Sources in Turkey say there are riots throughout that country and even battles taking place between armed police and military units. Pentagon sources say the evacuation of US forces the Incirlik air base in Turkey has also helped cut off the supply of drug money to the Bush Nazi faction of the Khazarian mafia. Turkish news reports partially support this source by reporting the Turkish government is denying German requests to allow the German airforce to start using that base. Why would Germany suddenly want to send planes to a base in Turkey?

    Satan worshipping Khazarian and Israeli PM Benyamin Netanyahu went to Russia last week to seek protection and permission to resume air raids against Syria and Libya, Pentagon sources say. Instead Netanyahu was told Israel would have to return the Golan heights and hand control of its gas fields over to Russia’s Gazprom if it wanted protection. Russia also told them it would keep arming Hezbollah, Syria and Iran.

    The Saudi Arabian government is also under severe attack as it was revealed it used financial blackmail against the UN in order to get itself removed from sanctions over its murder of children in Yemen. Saudi Arabia, in any case, has no money and is now trying to seize funds from the 9 million foreigners working there.

    In Asia, meanwhile, a serious power struggle is continuing in China with Xi Jinping duking it out against the Shanghai faction and the Communist Youth League faction. This infighting is expected to come to some sort of climax at the summer meeting in Beidaihe in July.

    In Japan and Korea, meanwhile, top underworld figures have contacted the White Dragon Society to ask what is going to happen to them now that the Rothschilds have lost power. A representative of the Korean Unification Church, the longtime allies of the Bush Nazi Khazarian faction and supporters of the current Abe regime suggested the underworld could finance itself with control of the soon to be legalized marijuana industry in Japan and South Korea. Marijuana has never been illegal in North Korea, where it is still sold openly in the shops alongside with amphetamines. This representative also said they have stopped supplying amphetamines to the Bush faction of the Khazarian mafia. He also asked what role North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un would have under the new regime.

    A top official from a senior Kanto based Yakuza business syndicate said his group expected to receive equal or greater financing under the new regime as it got from the Rothschilds. He expected this to take place in the form of “movie financing” and real estate loans.

    Both were told that as much of Yakuza business that could be made legal would be make legal and that they would earn more under the new regime as legitimate businesses than they did working underground.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 26, 2024 10:28 pm