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    This woman and her cat are having the best time sailing around the world


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    This woman and her cat are having the best time sailing around the world Empty This woman and her cat are having the best time sailing around the world

    Post  Carol Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:22 pm

    This woman and her cat are having the best time sailing around the world

    This woman and her cat are having the best time sailing around the world Woman_and_cat-large_trans++ERUd09xRIscpDQJI9Ljp7VVse9JsN00kzbUr3IXHaGo
    They are living their best lives 
    26 APRIL 2016 • 11:41AM
    Captain Liz Clark and her cat are having an absolute whale of a time sailing around the world.
    The captain and her first mate, named Amelia, live on a 40-foot long boat called Swell.
    Clark told BuzzFeed she adopted Amelia when she was only six months old and is now giving her the adventure of her nine lives.

    She said: “She has adapted to living surrounded by water. She’s learned to trust that she will be safe with me.”
    Liz Clark, originally from San Diego, and now from The Ocean, told the website she had been dreaming of sailing around the world since she was a child.

    She worked on her boat - which was made in the 1960s - for two years to make it seaworthy and then set off on the open seas with Amelia for company.

    Setting sail in 2006 from California, Amelia has now traveled along the western coast of Mexico and Central America, as well as to the South Pacific.
    Captain Clark has now logged an impressive 18,000 nautical miles.

    She said:  “I sleep on a pool mat under the stars, but I feel rich when I look up at that night sky and breathe the fresh ocean air and leap into the sea each morning.”
    Clark said Amelia especially enjoys fishing from the boat.

    “On calm nights, she fishes off of a soft top surfboard attached to the side of Swell with a small light that attracts fish,” the captain explained.

    Amelia also enjoys hiking and exploring new places.
    She has adapted well to the life of a travelling cat.

    Liz Clark said: “She has to go out of a cat comfort zone often.
    “But I think she now understands that I will keep her safe and she will have a lot of fun in the end. She makes Swell feel much more like a home.”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1887
    Join date : 2015-04-24

    This woman and her cat are having the best time sailing around the world Empty Re: This woman and her cat are having the best time sailing around the world

    Post  Pris Tue Apr 26, 2016 5:39 pm


    So cute! I love you

    While looking for something to post in response, I found this:

    Sailing cat enjoys 9 lives on the 7 seas

    It turns out that not all cats are landlubbers.

    In fact, if you think that felines aren’t up for the seafaring life, then we’re about to knock the wind out of your sails because pirates and parrots aren’t the only human-pet duos equipped to run a tight ship. Adventure cats make excellent swashbucklers. Just ask feline mariner Georgie!

    According to her humans, Jessica and Matt Johnson, Georgie is one kitty who knows the ropes.

    After spending a long time preparing for life at sea, which included selling their house, quitting successful jobs and learning how to sail, Jessica and Matt were ready to take to the ocean on the boat they refurbished.

    And they wanted a furry friend on board with them. The Johnsons are also dog lovers, but they decided to adopt a feline crew-kitty, because they found that cats deal better with being away from land for long periods of time.

    In 2012, the Johnsons found the purrfect companion in a 6-month-old domestic short-haired kitty. When they adopted her from the shelter, Georgie was still young enough to acclimate to life under sail, but old enough to train. So Georgie got a home, and Matt and Jessica found the warm fuzzy companionship they needed in their furry shipmate.

    The trio has sailed all over the world, exploring 16 countries and counting. It’s safe to say that Georgie leads a much different life than the average house cat, and she has her adventurous humans to thank for that.

    This woman and her cat are having the best time sailing around the world Georgie-4

    For full article and more pictures:

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