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    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway!


    Posts : 32048
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Empty Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway!

    Post  Carol Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:53 pm
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway!
    Everything you ever wanted to know about how the monster began, who it has devoured and how it runs the world...

    We've suspected much of it, but here is proof. He even has the documents. He says he is now 60 and doesn't want to leave the world without putting it all out there. Absolutely mesmerizing!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13540
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Empty Re: Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway!

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:13 am

    I haven't watched the video yet, so perhaps I shouldn't comment just yet, but I just wanted to say that a very careful examination of all-concerned throughout the history of the world might be rather difficult to judge -- due to the circumstances and previously unknown factors. I've hinted at a lot of stuff -- but I've done very little direct condemnation. I'm not saying that "anything-goes" should be "the way things are" -- but one would have to know a hell of a lot about all factions within this solar system (going way, way back). The best ideas and plans could've been repeatedly hijacked and corrupted. Some world-leaders might've been unimaginably controlled from the shadows. Anyway, I'll start watching the video tonight, and finish tomorrow. I have a pretty good-idea what Steven will say -- but confirmation is a good-thing. Do we assume that just because we find-out about the secret-stuff that we will somehow get all of it for ourselves?? What if this simply screws-up someone's business-model?? Or what if we've served our purpose, and will be eliminated?? I find it hard to believe that the Real Top-Dogs are on the run!! I suspect that they're really bad, smart, and sinister -- and that they don't give a damn about "We the Peons". But to think that they would be vulnerable enough to be completely exposed and deposed is somehow irrational and doubtful. The Real Top-Dogs might want "Disclosure" and "Regime-Change" as calculated-steps toward some unthinkable end. I don't think we should be too triumphalist and celebratory just yet. I've been attempting to think things through from the perspectives of all-concerned -- and I am finding it to be MOST Disorienting and Disillusioning. I frankly don't think we have any idea of what we're REALLY Dealing-With. I get the sinking-feeling that this thing won't be over for a VERY Long Time. An Individual of Interest told me they would "Always be Opposed to Humanity" -- and the implication was that they had existed for a very-long time -- and that they would continue to exist for a very-long time. I'm just scratching the surface of this madness -- and it's scaring the hell out of me. I tend to think in terms of pictures and panoramas -- and I find it difficult to adequately communicate what I see and perceive. I sometimes wonder if I sometimes channel some hidden aspect of my past existence. That's all I'm going to say.
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Steven+Greer

    Published on Nov 23, 2015

    Dr. Greer has been involved in the highest levels of governments and military for over 25 years and will share what he has learned on the who, what, where and why of UFO secrecy and the deep transnational security state and the constellation of illegal projects that are currently operating.

    Join the founder of the global Disclosure movement, Dr. Steven Greer, in Washington D.C. for a unique opportunity to listen to the most comprehensive and explosive expose of UFO secrecy ever presented!

    - Nov. 21, 2015

    This 4 hour workshop will include:

    - How is secrecy maintained through the hybrid of corporate and government programs?

    - Which military bases and facilities and which corporations are involved in this secrecy?

    - How is black-budget and criminal activity funding these operations?

    - The Connection between the global financial system, UFO technology, drug running and covert military airspace and bases.

    - Where are the key Underground Bases (UGBs) and how are they connected via subterranean tunnels?

    - Who has been involved in managing this secrecy and how is the entity (MAJIC) controlled and operated?

    - How do Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) operate and how are they kept secret from the people, the President and Congress?

    - The History of UFO secrecy since WWII and how it has devolved into its own illegal transnational cartel.

    - See explosive documents on secrecy, how human military-controlled "Abductions" are "stage-crafted" - and what is the agenda for this Deception.

    - What is the future agenda for the cartel managing UFO secrecy - and how you need to prepare for this future!

    - The Planned Cosmic 911 Deception - What you NEED to know!

    ... and MUCH MORE.


    ANNOUNCING the Global CE-5 Initiative!
    Global CE-5 Initiative – Saturday December 5, 2015

    We are happy to announce the Global CE-5 Initiative Day.

    On the first Saturday of each month, join others worldwide who want to unite in consciousness to reach out to the stars in Universal Peace.

    Thousands around the globe have already formed contact groups.

    Now is the time to magnify global coherence by all of us coming together in higher consciousness in a way that can move the world and humanity onto the path of Universal Peace. Get together with your existing group or form a group of your own to reach out to the ETs with your intent for peaceful contact.

    We are not choosing a specific time to meet but most groups meet in the evenings between 8 pm and midnight on their time zone.

    Imagine each individual or group as a light shining from Earth into the Cosmos – all on the same day around the globe. The earth will be glowing.

    If you want to form a group you can go to our free website/app – [] and put in your name and contact information. If you don’t want to use your usual email, create a special email address just for this purpose and then you can form a group with others nearby. If you do not enter some form of contact information, no one will be able to reach you.

    We will send out a reminder each month.

    If you wish, share your experiences on the Facebook page : SiriusDisclosure


    - See more at:

    Join the Collective:

    In case the link above doesn't work:

    In the rare case none of the above links work:

    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Is-alien-technology-here-interview-dr-steven-greer-of-the-disclosure-project
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Maxresdefault
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Steven_Greer_Citizen_Hearing_On_Disclosure_2013_HD__156906
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! StevenGreer
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Stevengreer-nsa1-686x350
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! 32f14004d2aabb564061697e3e305ff5

    Posts : 13540
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Empty Re: Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway!

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:17 am

    I'm amazed at the lack of response to this video and thread!! This is one of the more significant videos I've encountered. A lot of it is old-news for me -- yet Dr. Greer puts it all together in a literally stunning manner!! Here are some possibilities relative to the Secret-Government and Secret Space Program:

    1. Isn't It AWFUL??!!
    2. Those Crooks!!
    3. What if the Secrecy and Nastiness Have Been Absolutely Necessary??
    4. What if the Bad-Guys Have Done the Dirty-Work for the Good-Guys??
    5. What if the Bad-Guys Have Done the Dirty-Work for the Bad-Guys??
    6. What if the Bad-Guys Have Done the Dirty-Work for the Good-Guys and the Bad-Guys??
    7. What if WE Are ET??
    8. What if WE Are the Orion-Group??
    9. What if WE Are Reptilians in Human-Form??
    10. What if ALIENS Are Reptilians in Reptilian, Grey, or Hybrid Form??
    11. What if WE Came Here a Very-Long Time Ago??
    12. What if WE Are Alone In Our OWN Solar System??
    13. What if WE Have Screwed Ourselves??
    14. What if the ET Technology is Ancient-Technology??
    15. What if the ET Technology is Derived From Ancient-Documents Stored In Or Beneath the City-States??
    16. What if ET Contact is US Contacting US??
    17. What if the "Ancient Egyptian Deity" Has Run This Solar System for Thousands of Years??
    18. Isn't It AWESOME??!!

    I could go on and on -- but I'd rather not. Not now. Try watching this old Bill Cooper video (from 1989, I believe) -- comparing it with Dr. Greer's presentation!! I'm amazingly neutral about this stuff. I mostly wish to attempt to understand -- without doing a damn-thing!! Still, I think I'd like to write an introductory-book and get a Camaro!! Honestly, I probably won't write a book -- but I might sell my house -- rent a 600 square-foot studio-apartment -- and buy a five-year old Camaro!! It might be easier that way!!

    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Pop-ink-csa-images-alien-and-woman-driving
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Camaro-real-transformer
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Aliens-driving
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Alien-Driving-a-Formula-One-Racing-Car-84004
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Alien_Cab_Driver_Bizarro-1panel
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Drivers-license-for-an-alien
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Green-space-alien-driver
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Chrysler
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! AlienMovies_main_0808
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Alien_Driver_License
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Untitled-4
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! A439
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Turbo+chevrolet+camaro+movie+animation+overkill+extreme
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! 2013Fiat500cAbarth03
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Apcbacklot7
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Alien-UFO-Driving-On-The-Highway
    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Aliens_Drive_Me_Crazy

    Posts : 32048
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway! Empty Re: Stephen Greer goes ahead with Disclosure anyway!

    Post  Carol Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:18 pm

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 8:35 pm