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    United Nations + City States + Underground Bases + Secret Space Program = Secret Government?


    United Nations + City States + Underground Bases + Secret Space Program = Secret Government? Empty United Nations + City States + Underground Bases + Secret Space Program = Secret Government?

    Post  Guest Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:55 pm

    I'm going to attempt to deal with this topic by pretending to be an insider - interacting with all aspects of this hypothetical Secret Government. I don't know where this will lead - but I doubt that it will end well - for me at least. I'm going to pretend to travel throughout the solar system as an ambassador or coordinator of sorts - who is trying to transform the Secret Solar System Government into a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System. I don't have a clue how to proceed - and I will step on a lot of very sensitive toes - connected to feet which can kick one where it counts - swiftly and firmly. The horror. I will interact with forum members as though they were colleagues and reporters - even though I know that sounds corny. Try to fit your questions and comments into the story-line, just for the heck of it. This is just an experiment. I honestly don't know where I am going to end up on this adventure. I'm just poking and prodding. Who knows - I might end-up becoming a member of the Illuminati!

    This thread will basically be a continuation of the 'United States of the Solar System' thread from AV1. I have been using the term 'Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System' more and more because it is so descriptive and concise. The U.S. seems to be in the doghouse - and it's not hard to understand why. But if the Secret Government rules the Visible Government - this may explain 90% of the problems. I just wish to keep conceptualizing Solar System Governance - from a wide variety of perspectives. Take a look at the original thread - and then tell me what you think. This is an ongoing research project.

    I'm really trying to hijack the Secret Government and the New World Order - rather than fighting it. I'm a United Nations Country Club Constitutionalist - rather than a Shotgun and Constitution in My Truck Constitutionalist. I'm starting to get better acquainted with the Vatican, the United Nations, the City of London, and Washington D.C. I'm also looking at a lot of the fringe material regarding the Underground Bases and the Secret Space Program - but I'm trying to pretend like I'm a non-corrupt member of the Illuminati - or even to pretend (as strange as it seems) that I am a non-corrupt Lucifer God or Goddess (orthodoxymoron) individual who is completely onboard with the U.S. Constitution and the Teachings of Jesus. This is a very strange space to be in - and I don't recommend these mind-games to everyone. Don't try this at home kiddies! The following is an example of the kind of Solar System Governance Mind Games I have been playing lately. This one scared me so much - that I decided not to continue it. Here goes.....

    It's midnight. Do you know where your secret government is headquartered? Got cosmic clearance? Someone's knocking on my door. It's a middle-aged man dressed in a three-piece suit. There's a black Suburban with multiple antennas parked in my driveway. My dog is barking furiously. My heart is pounding. I open the door slowly. 'Yes?', I stammer. I am greeted with a terse, 'orthodoxymoron I presume?' I nod affirmatively, as I ask 'Who are you? Why are you here?' The man responds by flashing an official looking badge, and formally stating, 'I am Agent Scranton with the NSA. You need to come with me. Your home and dog will be well cared for, but you must come with me now.' 'What the...' I am interrupted with a firm 'all of your questions will be answered in due time - but you must come with me immediately.' I reluctantly follow - shutting the door behind me - and climbing into the front seat of the still running Suburban.

    'What's going on? Where are we going?', I gasp - as we race down the fast lane of the interstate highway at 20 over the speed-limit. Scranton answers, 'a situation has arisen as a direct result of your internet posting. The Solar System Powers That Be have been instructed by the Galactic Powers That Be - in no uncertain terms - that fundamental changes must be made regarding the policies and activities in this solar system - and that they approve, in general, of your editorial bias, as expressed over the last couple of years on various web sites. They have specified that they want you to interact with the major players throughout the solar system - to bring about these changes - in an evolutionary, but not revolutionary, manner.' 'O My God!' I exclaim - as I sink lower and lower in the bucket-seat. 'What have I gotten myself into? I don't know what to say or do. I just posted random thoughts, and asked stupid questions, to try to figure out what's going on in this crazy world. Why me? How do I know that you're telling me the truth? How do I know that you're not just kidnapping me? How do I know that I'm not going to end up as food for the reptilians?' 'Look orthodoxymoron - this is serious! This world was slated for an extermination event, which has now been placed on hold - pending the success or failure of the reforming efforts.'

    'Exterminatus Interruptus?', I smirk. 'Get with the program wise-guy! Nobody likes you! Your house is a mess. Your life is a mess. You don't have a degree. You're not an insider. You're politically incorrect. You're just a smart-alec with no brains and no track record. The visible and legitmate government hates you. The secret government hates you. The Annunaki hate you. The reptilians and greys hate you. The church hates you. The Jesuits and Alphabet Agents hate you. Satan and Lucifer hate you. Jesus loves you - but everyone else thinks you're an @$$hole! You have no friends. Your co-workers hate you. Your family hates you. You even hate yourself - don't you? Everyone is furious with the strong-arm tactics of the Galactic Powers That Be - but there's not a damn thing they can do about it! The deliberately inflicted oil disasters in the Gulf of Mexico were part of this fiasco. The Solar System Powers That Be have to cooperate with you - whether they like it or not!' Everyone thinks this is a sick joke. You have no support. You will fail. The New World Order, with a world human population of 500, inevitable. You are simply prolonging the agony. You're not good enough for anyone. No Nobel Peace Prize for you. You should've written an Old Testamental Justification for Nuking Iran! Why don't you just give-up? Curse God - and commit suicide! To be, or not to be? That is the question.

    I count to ten, and calmly respond, 'OK...I'm going to need a helluva lot more evidence that what you are saying is really true. I don't trust anyone - not even myself. I think this might be some sort of a MILAB or a CIA mind-control experiment. You claim that 'everyone' hates me - well to be quite honest - I don't like you Scranton!' 'Like me or not - it's showtime pretty-boy - and you'd better watch your backside - because there are a lot of reptilians, greys, and humans who want to see you fail BIG TIME!' I take a deep breath - try to relax - and calmly whisper, 'Agent Scranton - if we can't even get along - how in the hell am I supposed to interact constructively with the PTB?' Scranton gives me a sideways look, and whispers back, 'You need to know your place. This thing is bigger than you can possibly imagine - and if you come on strong like 'Ghost Busters' - the system will eat you alive.' I sheepishly reply, 'I dreamed of a perfected humanity living in a perfected solar system. I had big ideas. But now that I am confronted with this - I'm not so sure any more. I don't know where to begin. By the way - where are we going?'

    'I'm driving you to a small airport about 5 minutes from here. There you will board a Navy helicopter, which will fly you to an undisclosed location. Everything is compartmentalized. No one knows what anyone else is doing, or where they're going. The system likes it that way. You'll see.' I query, 'Who should I watch-out for?' 'Lucifer.' 'Lucifer?' I'm shocked, and exclaim, 'I asked you a serious question - and now you're being a wise-guy with me!' Scranton has a poker-face, and responds, 'I am very, very serious. What they taught you in Sunday school is BS. Lucifer is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen in your life. She runs this solar system - and answers only to Satan.' 'Now wait a minute! This is ridiculous! I speculated about this sort of thing on the internet - but I didn't really believe it. You're jerking my chain - aren't you?' 'No. I am deadly serious - and I mean DEADLY serious. I'm giving you a heads-up, because you will need to be prepared for the worst. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned - and you have scorned the woman most closely connected with hell. Lucifer's IQ is 532. She has the equivalent of 87 PhD's. She is NOT the forgive and forget type. If you cross her - you're dead-meat - and you've crossed her BIG TIME!'

    'When will I have the privilege of meeting her majesty?' 'Soon. But first you must go through 'Galactic Boot Camp' to learn how to survive in the shadowy underworld. This will NOT be a pleasant experience!' I am perplexed, 'Why does this seem so militaristic and hostile? I feel as though I am entering into a Nazi realm of sorts!' 'You are. You will be very lucky to remain sane. Many who have tried to save the world by being knights in shining armor - are now heavily sedated in secret mental institutions.' I nervously blurt-out, 'I can hardly wait for the fun to begin! Fortunately - I'm already insane. I crossed that bridge a long time ago. But I have learned to function somewhat productively and safely - in a limited sort of way - in mainstream society.' Scranton is not amused. 'orthodoxymoron - this isn't funny! You haven't seen the dazed and hopeless expressions on the faces of these formerly brave and intelligent people - who are now reduced to rocking back and forth in the fetal position.' I sheepishly reply, 'Sorry. I'm just very nervous and apprehensive about all of this.' Scranton looks me straight in the eye, and says, 'Be afraid. Be very afraid.' I see a Navy Sea Stallion helicopter looming in the distance - with rotor spinning - waiting to devour me. My rendezvous with destiny is imminent.

    As we pull up alongside the helicopter - I turn to thank Agent Scranton for the ride - and I notice that his eyes have vertical slits instead of round pupils. I gasp slightly, and he notices my surprise, and laughingly shakes his head, saying 'you haven't seen anything yet! I'm just a human/reptile 90%/10% hybrid - and I forgot to put my contacts in when I got the call to pick you up! Sorry about that! I still don't like you - but good-luck anyway!' My hand is shaking as I shake Scranton's hand - and I stumble and fall as I run toward the waiting helicopter. Is this the Helicopter to Hell?


    United Nations + City States + Underground Bases + Secret Space Program = Secret Government? Empty Re: United Nations + City States + Underground Bases + Secret Space Program = Secret Government?

    Post  Guest Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:22 am

    I'm not going to keep commenting on my own threads to try to generate interest. The ball is in your court. There are some other threads I wish to follow (some by BROOK and TRANCOSO)- but I think I'm done with my threads for the foreseeable future. This does not imply a lack of interest or a change of heart. I just don't wish to play the part of the crusader. I might try to visit the United Nations, Washington D.C., the City of London, and the Vatican once again (I visited them many years ago). I will continue to fantasize about being a part of a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System which includes the U.N., Washington D.C., the City of London, the Vatican, the Underground Bases, and the Secret Space Program - except that in my dreamworld there is no secrecy or corruption. Once again - I don't wish to fight the New World Order - I wish to HI-JACK IT!! 'Take me to Nirvana!!' I'd love to put the dream into practice - but I'm not going to push it right now. If someone wants to pick me up in a UFO, and take me to the Darkside of the Moon to meet with Lucifer - I'll be ready to go at a moments notice. What am I saying?

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    United Nations + City States + Underground Bases + Secret Space Program = Secret Government? Empty Re: United Nations + City States + Underground Bases + Secret Space Program = Secret Government?

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:32 am

    This looks very, very good and goes along with the book I'm writing. Arriving home tomorrow and will dig into this Thursday and Friday. However, Paula Harris wants me to edit her new book... and it too may dovetail with what you have going here. Looks like a great challenge oxy. Will you be my muse?

    I will add this. When top people go to the Bohemian Grove they become compromised. It's almost impossible to not be corrupted as the process starts out innocent enough. Drinks, drugs, inhibitions lowered and released. Unknowingly finding oneself at a Satanic ritual and shocked. Photos taken to blackmain and manipulate. Set-ups. Have you ever watched the movie "The Firm"... that is just a small sample of how it may start off. Then one is asked to a special gathering and is flattered, honored even given who is going to be there. But those there are already corrupted and seeking to pull other newbies down with them. This is how it works. I think Regan stayed the course. Yet look at the Bushes.. the worst of the lot.

    Last edited by Carol on Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:44 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3930
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : AMSTERDAM

    United Nations + City States + Underground Bases + Secret Space Program = Secret Government? Empty Re: United Nations + City States + Underground Bases + Secret Space Program = Secret Government?

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:39 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I'm not going to keep commenting on my own threads to try to generate interest. The ball is in your court.
    Patience is a virtue, Ortho.
    Big Grin 2
    It's not PA1 yet.
    At the moment I post, more than I read, but I'll get back on this.



    No, no, no, not as in GFL's SaLuSa 'Soon!'.


    United Nations + City States + Underground Bases + Secret Space Program = Secret Government? Empty Re: United Nations + City States + Underground Bases + Secret Space Program = Secret Government?

    Post  Guest Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:56 pm

    Thank-you Carol and TRANCOSO. Could world leaders start out being flattered by the darkside - and then be progressively degraded and demoralized - as a submission/control process? Could the human race be on it's knees at the highest levels? There is someone I have communicated with who has been to Bohemian Grove several times (outskirts and infiltration) and who seems to be constantly in contact with the darkside (while seemingly being able to remain in the light) - and tells horrific stories about what really goes on there (including live human sacrifices and necrophilia). The 'Cremation of Care' ceremony is just the tip of the iceberg. Fools!

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