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    Central Banks Nervous as Alternative Currency with David Bowie's Face Goes Viral


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    Central Banks Nervous as Alternative Currency with David Bowie's Face Goes Viral Empty Central Banks Nervous as Alternative Currency with David Bowie's Face Goes Viral

    Post  mudra Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:57 am

    Central Banks Nervous as Alternative Currency with David Bowie's Face Goes Viral

    Central Banks Nervous as Alternative Currency with David Bowie's Face Goes Viral 8b2060bc-a1fe-4444-a773-b1a57e7cba2c

    One of the best ways for the general public to take power back is to develop alternative currencies — both local and global — that allow people to trade outside of the corporate-government banking systems and central bank notes.

    Many people in different areas of the world have been moderately successful at implementing local currencies, such as Mountain Hours orIthaca Hours, which have gained traction in the U.S..

    In London, an interesting alternative currency bearing the face of pop singer David Bowie has recently come into circulation. According to Market Watch, the local currency is specialized for the Brixton community in southwest London. It is officially called the “Brixton Pound.”

    Tom Shakhli, manager of the Brixton Pound effort, said, “They are using it because they want to feel connected to the local area. Every time you use it, you’re like a financial activist. You’re taking part in this act which is subverting the norm, which is to hand over your £10 note very passively.”

    Shakhli pointed out that the project is intended to make a statement about the foundation of money, as well as provide an alternative to the current monopoly.

    Shakhli said that his main goal with the project is to ask, “What is money? Does it have to be either printed by the state or created by the banks? Why can’t money be localized? Why can’t money feature a pop star or a black historian? Does it have to feature establishment figures?”

    So far, there are currently 200 local businesses that have signed up to participate in the Brixton Pound program.

    The increasingly popular Brixton Pound is making central banks nervous — and rightly so. Following the success of the Brixton Pound, new alternative local currencies are now popping up all over the U.K. TheOxford Pound, Kingston Pound, and Palace Pound are just a few of the currencies that have been recently introduced. The Bank of England has been forced to respond to these local currencies because of their popularity, deeming them “voucher schemes” and warning the public that they are unprotected when using them.

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