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    Old time religion..... food for thought


    Posts : 1851
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     Old time religion..... food for thought Empty Old time religion..... food for thought

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Aug 21, 2015 2:20 pm

    Jon Stewart is reluctant to support Ayaan Hirsi Ali's call for moderation within Islam.

    "Religion has given people great comfort in a world torn apart by religion....."  Blink

    Jon Stewart is tricked by Reza Aslan's absurd relativism.

    Two Dutch men discuss both interviews and offer their points of view, just as they do with many other subjects.
    The name "Snijtafel" means "Cutting table" (cutting films) and "Dissection table" (operation table)
    I think it's an appropriate choice Wink
    Thubs Up  

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     Old time religion..... food for thought Empty Jonathan Gottschall.. on how stories make us human

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Aug 21, 2015 3:02 pm

    This post is related to the former, in that we all create our stories in order to define and frame our world.
    As I perceive it, that's what is analyzed in the former post and in this TEDTalk.

    The storytelling animal

    Peter Pan didn't want to leave the world of make belief behind...
    According to Jonathan Gottschall we, as humans, are all more or less stuck in Neverland.

    Here's the link to his book "The Storytelling Animal: How stories make us human"


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     Old time religion..... food for thought Empty Re: Old time religion..... food for thought

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:11 pm

    Perhaps the role of Politics, Religion, Medicine, and the Military is to "Tear Them Apart and Put Them Back Together Again -- for a Price -- a Very High Price!!" I was going to stop -- so I'd better be a man of my word (or something like that). I keep threatening to start The Church of Orthodoxymoron of Latter-day Luddites -- for Fame, Fortune, Power, and Pleasure!! I MUST Stop!! They Have Ways to Make Us Stop!! Many Ways!!

    Posts : 1851
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     Old time religion..... food for thought Empty Re: Old time religion..... food for thought

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:47 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Perhaps the role of Politics, Religion, Medicine, and the Military is to "Tear Them Apart and Put Them Back Together Again -- for a Price -- a Very High Price!!" I was going to stop -- so I'd better be a man of my word (or something like that). I keep threatening to start The Church of Orthodoxymoron of Latter-day Luddites -- for Fame, Fortune, Power, and Pleasure!! I MUST Stop!! They Have Ways to Make Us Stop!! Many Ways!!

    Oh, are you here too? I am sort of attempting to stay away for a bit Big Grin 3 Why not write a 3rd part of that space journey of yours with Anna, ortho?
    It's good quality for a book, I think. It seems to me an excellent way to create a "tapestry story" from the many threads and weavings you've created and read.
    I can imagine that you present it as fiction or science fiction and anybody who reads it will find something to their liking to make use of in a good way.

    Just like how I perceive Tolkien and C.S.Lewis, the way they wrote their epic stories. The treasures are hidden in the folds of the pages, so to speak. At some
    point I'm going to write my book in the same manner, under my writer's name Baghor. Like your story, it too involves a world from outside planet Earth, for
    reasons of comparison, serving the plot. The embodiment of compassion, human beings are capable of, can be consciously perceived from a different point of
    view that lacks that quality, but holds a different quality that flowers and becomes useful when it finds its "other half" that capacity to be compassionate, on
    planet Earth. I've got many titles for it already, but I will know the real title when the book is finished, I've told myself. Please make a note of that Wink

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     Old time religion..... food for thought Empty Re: Old time religion..... food for thought

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Aug 21, 2015 5:14 pm

    Thank-you B.B. I'll buy a book when you write it. I probably won't write a book -- because my material is too controversial, upsetting, dark, and irreverent. Perhaps I could convince the PTB to Pay Me to NOT Write a Book!! Perhaps I'll have an easier time explaining myself to the High-Council if I just post on this little website -- and plead "Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity" -- but I wouldn't count on it. If I became a bestselling author of the unmentionable and the reprehensible -- I'd probably roast in hell for all eternity. If hell doesn't exist -- they might create one just for me -- and I wish I were kidding. Perhaps I should just slowly walk away from my madness -- and pretend that it never happened. Perhaps that might get me out of hell -- and into purgatory. BTW -- I've heard that Heaven is a Perfect-Square Inhabited by Perfect-Squares!! What Would John the Revelator Say?? One more thing. How does one eliminate Radicals?? Square Them!!

    Posts : 1851
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     Old time religion..... food for thought Empty Re: Old time religion..... food for thought

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Aug 21, 2015 5:42 pm

    Ortho's words:
    "If hell doesn't exist -- they might create one just for me -- and I wish I were kidding. Perhaps I should just slowly walk away from my madness --
    and pretend that it never happened. Perhaps that might get me out of hell -- and into purgatory."

    Lolerz Ha ha, you've got the best sort of imagination, knowledgable-ness and supreme wry humor to write a magnificent book, ortho Luke
    Why not shut down that machine and start now? Argh "If hell doesn't exist -- they might create one just for me -- " Those who you call "they"
    are exactly implying your own right diagnose of that madness of yours, from which you only need to walk away. Just pretend.. and make it so.
    That purgatory you mentioned, to me it's that detox I told you about lately, in my thread.

     Old time religion..... food for thought Mid_so10
    Look at the innocent sheep in the wagon, with the audience in front, waiting to see their woolly being taken off. The man with the shaving knife
    has a microphone on his head and explains how it's all done, in a hilarious way but also professionally and with respect to the animals.
    The laughs in the audience were sounding all over the terrain Cheerful

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     Old time religion..... food for thought Empty Re: Old time religion..... food for thought

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:21 am

    Thank-you B.B. I'm honestly trying to morph into a Silent-Academic. My Internet-Madness was a Cry for Help -- which was never really answered. My research, logic, and writing were extremely sloppy -- yet my quest got me to where I am today -- which is NOT a nice place at all. I wouldn't wish my life on even my worst enemy. I hate my life. I knew an organist who told me he didn't think or talk about religion anymore. I knew another organist who doubted the teachings of the church he worked for. I should've thought more seriously about why these people felt that way. I knew another organist who left the SDA church -- and became an organist for an Episcopal church -- and the rector told me that this organist knew more about theology than he did!! That particular organist told me that the SDA church looked really silly once she got clear of it. I came to the sad conclusion that all was not well with all churches and religions. It wasn't that I became atheist or agnostic. I just knew the truth existed -- but that it didn't exist in any complete form within any sacred or secular organization. Writing a book would make me an open-book to be examined and exposed in rather nefarious ways. I really think I need to simply walk away from everything related to my internet-quest. I think I've stumbled into something I really don't wish to participate in. I think I'm going to end-up being cold, hard, bitter, silent, and stoic. I'll probably become non-responsive regarding everything I've posted on the internet. This might be better for all concerned (and unconcerned). Now I'm going to make the coffee.

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
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    Location : Druid county UK

     Old time religion..... food for thought Empty Re: Old time religion..... food for thought

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:16 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you B.B. I'm honestly trying to morph into a Silent-Academic.
    My Internet-Madness was a Cry for Help -- which was never really answered. My research, logic, and writing
    were extremely sloppy -- yet my quest got me to where I am today -- which is NOT a nice place at all.

    Writing a book would make me an open-book to be examined and exposed in rather nefarious ways.

    Now I'm going to make the coffee.

    If I may be honest with you, ortho, going into the first part of your post, to me it looks like only your logic is sloppy, in your conclusion here,
    for your not receiving help as an answer to your cry for help, doesn't mean your research and writing has been sloppy. That's where your logic goes awry, see?
    As I've said before, you're so hard on yourself, there's no crack to let the light in. Beating around the burning bush making wind to feed the flames?

    I think you've been offered lots of answers, comments and suggestions. Sometimes all 3 in one post, some in impatience, some in misunderstanding,
    misinterpretation and even lack of understanding or - interpretation. To me, it looks like when you receive answers and responses in general, you immediately
    move into "what if's...?" as if you don't take the time to go within and pay attention to take notice of what is offered to you in clear words or in between the lines maybe.

    Forgive me for saying this, but to me it looks like your whole being is in need for going within and that some part of you is screaming that it's high time to go that way.
    I'm sharing my perceptions, ortho, without really knowing what it is that brings you relief and solace. If that going within is the  same as "morphing into Silent-Academic",
    going into silence sounds good to me. In silence  Cheerful  

    I haven't followed you from the start, ortho, only began to read some of your USSS posts in the mists here. As far as that experience of mine with your work goes,
    it seems to me that you've cried for help in a way that hasn't brought some form of help that can be received by you as such. You seem to have created certain conditions
    within the concept of USSS, or you've projected your Self mainly at the periphery of this planet's energy field, losing a connection within that opens the door to the answers
    you need. This is as I perceive your posts, at times.

    It's hard to read someone's book of life, I mean it's hard to really know where you're coming from. Even more difficult in the virtual world. At the same time, I'm sure many
    readers of your USSS thread can grasp the essence of your quest and efforts to find answers and help. I think much more than you suspect, for to me, that "grasping" is
    more intuitive and on a level where no words exist to clarify, nor can be used in writing. Look at the number of views, that can't be ignored, don't you think?

    I honestly wonder if you've grown into a state and are now ruled by your quest, with you as a sort of passenger hanging in there, desperate for having gone that way for so long.
    In a peculiar way, it now reminds me of the scene with Hal and his human passenger Dave, who at some point is trying to shut HAL down. Keep in mind that this movie is based
    on an idea, in the mind of the designer, it's no part of the real world. Take it or leave it, as an example used to clarify my point of view, okay?

    Dave cannot possibly reach the point, by the condition he's in, where he has the clarity to imagine the HAL computer-program being designed, foreseeing such an attempt to shut
    HAL down. HAL cannot possibly reach that same point, for being the machine that IT is, a creation by human beings. The next phase of that (installed on Earth) program jumps
    into action as soon as Dave, a human being, shuts down HAL.

    I'm going to say something about what I have felt several times, while reading your posts. In a dark humorous way, it seems that you know the answers and the useful help
    yourself very well, but that they're possibly inaccessible and therefore causing you to remain in denial of them, for good reasons, looking from that (by me assumed) point of view.
    You seem to have denied yourself to find access to that place within. Please tell me if I'm approaching your form of expression here in delusion or illusion, ortho?
    I truly wonder, is there an answer in the Universe and... who knows, present somewhere in the USSS thread, that can and will satisfy you?

    Regarding writing a book, ortho, I think the time has gone past now, that writing about the subjects you choose is a "no go", for reasons of endangering your life or position
    when still alive. Look at the pace we're seeing things now being exposed and shared in multitudes of social media circles? We all turn into whistleblowers, even without the wish
    to be one while being exposed to the "virus of truth" as I like to call it. Disclosure is happening on all levels, as I perceive it. Despite the attempts to close up and shut down.
    I believe soon your longtime whistling will wake up the whole world, ortho, combined with many whistles by others here
    Whistle Whistle  Whistle  Whistle  Whistle  Whistle  Whistle  Whistle  Whistle  Whistle  Whistle  Whistle

    I'm now drinking coffee in between these whistles, I've found an excellent thermo for a couple of pounds, keeping it warm.

    This isn't related to my response to you, ortho, but to me, that Odyssee 2001 scene is a sublime expression of our human relationship with a computer and how the interaction
    influences the human mind and daily practical life when the practice of self-reflection is absent from being connected to that invention. Are we, in that state of an absent mind of
    our own, at some point going to long for a symbiosis with a computer, an ancient and long time well-thought through mind-program that turns us into controllable living machines?
    Described in the book "1984" by George Orwell? As a creative person I don't choose going that way. I couldn't help sharing my view on a human made choice for such a world  Wink


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     Old time religion..... food for thought Empty Re: Old time religion..... food for thought

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Aug 24, 2015 9:01 am

    I'd still like to know what a strict grammatical-historical hermeneutic of Job through Malachi might reveal -- especially regarding Genesis through Esther -- and Matthew through Revelation. What is the Law of God revealed in each of these three groups?? It seems as if most (or all) religions are sort of "patched-together" and then "mindlessly-enforced". When in Rome one does as the Romans do -- or else. One defends whichever group they've settled-upon -- often in a programmed knee-jerk manner -- without regard for the actual evidence -- or lack thereof. I remember Robert D. Brinsmead saying that Seventh-day Adventism was "1800 years too late" -- and that SDA's should "just join the human-race". Is there some truth to that?? But what if Christianity (in all of it's forms) is 400 to 2400 years too late?? Why isn't the New Testament essentially an Ex Cathedra Encyclical regarding the Old Testament?? I continue to think that the concepts of "The Model-God" and "The Model King and Queen" might be extremely important. I have suggested that a Model God, King, and Queen preside over a 3,333 member United States of the Solar System -- a 3,333 member Solar System Council of Churches -- and a 3,333 member Solar System Supreme Court. Is there some validity to this conceptualization?? If so -- why so?? If not -- why not?? Is there any religion or church in the history of the world which made Job through Malachi their Doctrinal-Statement?? I have previously pointed toward the Red-Letter Teachings Attributed to Jesus as being Normative for Christianity - but should Job through Malachi trump most everything in the New Testament OR should the New Testament triumphantly trump the Old Testament?? Something is VERY Wrong with Religion As We Know It. What Happened?? What Went Wrong?? What Definitive Writings Have Been Withheld From Sinful and Sorrowing Humanity?? What the Hell Is Going On??
     Old time religion..... food for thought Liverpool-Anglican-Cathedral
     Old time religion..... food for thought The-event-tv-show
     Old time religion..... food for thought Earthfinal_s1_szenenbild_06

    Remember that Underground-Hideout under St. Michael's Church in Earth: Final Conflict?? Imagine living in a similar "Hideout" hundreds of feet below Liverpool Anglican Cathedral!! Imagine listening to a choir-rehearsal while reading the 1928 Book of Common Prayer -- and then walking to a hidden-elevator (entering a complex-password followed by a retinal-scan) and descending 500 feet to a 600 square-foot office-apartment with a Cray-Supercomputer (with an Absolute-Access Password)!! I'm currently spending some quality-time with the following clandestine material:


    I'm NOT True-Believer -- Atheist -- Agnostic -- New-Age -- Eastern-Religion -- Seventh-day Sedevacantist -- etc. I think Renegade French Jesuit Organist is pretty descriptive of my Intended Level of Study and Development -- but the reality is MUCH less than that to which I aspire (to say the least)!! I think that Studying the City-States is MUCH Different than being a Servant of the City-States (to say the least)!! I simply imagine Shadowing the Shadow-Government (without following orders issued by them)!! I hate to be repetitious and obnoxious BUT here is yet another slight variation of previously posted study-lists:

    1. The Gods of Eden (William Bramley).
    2. Patriarchs and Prophets (Ellen White).
    3. Prophets and Kings (Ellen White).
    4. Job through Malachi (King James Version).
    5. The Desire of Ages (Ellen White).
    6. The Acts of the Apostles (Ellen White).
    7. The 1928 Book of Common Prayer.
    8. The Traditional Latin Mass (integrated with the 1928 BCP -- with Spoken-English and Sung-Latin).
    9. Sacred Classical Music.
    10. Gothic-Cathedral Architecture.

    This probably would make No-One Happy in Real-Life -- yet it makes for an interesting mental and spiritual exercise. I don't think I'll attend church-services for a very long time -- but I am NOT against church-attendance. I simply think some of us need to exist within a neutral-zone as we consider the Possible Meltdown of Government, Religion, and Civilization As We Know It. A Jihad in a Teapot is my feeble attempt to Head Armageddon Off at the Pass (or something like that). I keep getting the sick and sinking feeling that I am Defying and Angering Ancient Relatives and Rivals by Attempting to Save the World and Humanity. I might even be screwing myself out of a job. Some of you might even know what I'm talking about. I'm simply attempting to be honest and righteous (regardless of who I really am on a soul-basis). I might be in the process of losing more than I can imagine. Jupiter Descending??? BTW -- I place myself in the center of important situations (within my U.S.S.S. threads) just to gain a better perspective. This is merely modeling. This is dreamland.

    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you B.B. I'm honestly trying to morph into a Silent-Academic. My Internet-Madness was a Cry for Help -- which was never really answered. My research, logic, and writing were extremely sloppy -- yet my quest got me to where I am today -- which is NOT a nice place at all. Writing a book would make me an open-book to be examined and exposed in rather nefarious ways. Now I'm going to make the coffee.

    If I may be honest with you, ortho, going into the first part of your post, to me it looks like only your logic is sloppy, in your conclusion here,
    for your not receiving help as an answer to your cry for help, doesn't mean your research and writing has been sloppy. That's where your logic goes awry, see? As I've said before, you're so hard on yourself, there's no crack to let the light in. Beating around the burning bush making wind to feed the flames?

    I think you've been offered lots of answers, comments and suggestions. Sometimes all 3 in one post, some in impatience, some in misunderstanding,
    misinterpretation and even lack of understanding or - interpretation. To me, it looks like when you receive answers and responses in general, you immediately move into "what if's...?" as if you don't take the time to go within and pay attention to take notice of what is offered to you in clear words or in between the lines maybe.

    Forgive me for saying this, but to me it looks like your whole being is in need for going within and that some part of you is screaming that it's high time to go that way. I'm sharing my perceptions, ortho, without really knowing what it is that brings you relief and solace. If that going within is the same as "morphing into Silent-Academic", going into silence sounds good to me. In silence Cheerful

    I haven't followed you from the start, ortho, only began to read some of your USSS posts in the mists here. As far as that experience of mine with your work goes, it seems to me that you've cried for help in a way that hasn't brought some form of help that can be received by you as such. You seem to have created certain conditions within the concept of USSS, or you've projected your Self mainly at the periphery of this planet's energy field, losing a connection within that opens the door to the answers you need. This is as I perceive your posts, at times.

    It's hard to read someone's book of life, I mean it's hard to really know where you're coming from. Even more difficult in the virtual world. At the same time, I'm sure many readers of your USSS thread can grasp the essence of your quest and efforts to find answers and help. I think much more than you suspect, for to me, that "grasping" is more intuitive and on a level where no words exist to clarify, nor can be used in writing. Look at the number of views, that can't be ignored, don't you think?

    I honestly wonder if you've grown into a state and are now ruled by your quest, with you as a sort of passenger hanging in there, desperate for having gone that way for so long. In a peculiar way, it now reminds me of the scene with Hal and his human passenger Dave, who at some point is trying to shut HAL down. Keep in mind that this movie is based on an idea, in the mind of the designer, it's no part of the real world. Take it or leave it, as an example used to clarify my point of view, okay?

    Dave cannot possibly reach the point, by the condition he's in, where he has the clarity to imagine the HAL computer-program being designed, foreseeing such an attempt to shut HAL down. HAL cannot possibly reach that same point, for being the machine that IT is, a creation by human beings. The next phase of that (installed on Earth) program jumps into action as soon as Dave, a human being, shuts down HAL.

    I'm going to say something about what I have felt several times, while reading your posts. In a dark humorous way, it seems that you know the answers and the useful help yourself very well, but that they're possibly inaccessible and therefore causing you to remain in denial of them, for good reasons, looking from that (by me assumed) point of view. You seem to have denied yourself to find access to that place within. Please tell me if I'm approaching your form of expression here in delusion or illusion, ortho? I truly wonder, is there an answer in the Universe and... who knows, present somewhere in the USSS thread, that can and will satisfy you?

    Regarding writing a book, ortho, I think the time has gone past now, that writing about the subjects you choose is a "no go", for reasons of endangering your life or position when still alive. Look at the pace we're seeing things now being exposed and shared in multitudes of social media circles? We all turn into whistleblowers, even without the wish to be one while being exposed to the "virus of truth" as I like to call it. Disclosure is happening on all levels, as I perceive it. Despite the attempts to close up and shut down. I believe soon your longtime whistling will wake up the whole world, ortho, combined with many whistles by others here. Whistle Whistle Whistle Whistle Whistle Whistle Whistle Whistle Whistle Whistle Whistle Whistle

    I'm now drinking coffee in between these whistles, I've found an excellent thermo for a couple of pounds, keeping it warm. This isn't related to my response to you, ortho, but to me, that Odyssee 2001 scene is a sublime expression of our human relationship with a computer and how the interaction
    influences the human mind and daily practical life when the practice of self-reflection is absent from being connected to that invention. Are we, in that state of an absent mind of our own, at some point going to long for a symbiosis with a computer, an ancient and long time well-thought through mind-program that turns us into controllable living machines? Described in the book "1984" by George Orwell? As a creative person I don't choose going that way. I couldn't help sharing my view on a human made choice for such a world Wink

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you B.B. I don't wish to sound like an ingrate BUT I seem to require an inner-dialogue which is more effective and efficient than anything in real-life or even on the internet. This is a lonely and painful way to go BUT I seem to be attempting to become much more of a Solitary-Visionary -- with ZERO effort to bring others into my rarified-orbit. Unfortunately -- this is probably one giant-leap by one small-man toward the government-nuthouse. Interacting with others is sort of like asking "Am I Sane??" Not interacting with others often involves "Not Giving a Damn Whether I'm Sane or Not -- As Long As I Get the Answer I'm After!!" Also -- I have attempted to model an attitude which is NOT my own -- just to explore some historical and contemporary individuals of interest -- but people keep forgetting that I keep saying that's what I'm doing!! In a sense, my Religious and Political Science-Fiction is Too Realistic!! Steven King creates Murderers in Print and makes Millions of Dollars. I model lower-case "g" gods and goddess's -- and that makes me a nutcase!! Six Pence. None the Richer. I'm not in this for the money -- but perhaps I should be. BTW -- that study-list at the top of this post is more of a workout than you might think -- especially if one aggressively studies it from every conceivable angle. This isn't exactly "Holding-Hands and Singing-Kumbaya"!! Time to Take-Off the Gloves?? What Would Angela Merkel Say??

     Old time religion..... food for thought Merkel-putin_3298973b
    "BAD VLAD!!!!"
    (The Nazis Shouldn't Mess with the KGB!!)

    Posts : 1851
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    Age : 73
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     Old time religion..... food for thought Empty Re: Old time religion..... food for thought

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:58 pm

    Ortho, I just noticed that the picture of Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin looks like a poor photo-shop attempt.
    She doesn't at all look at him and somehow the images of both their bodies look strange, as if projected against
    the background of flags. That gesture of her doesn't seem to have anything to do with him, as I see it.
    I'm a suspicious observer, not only of the daily solar weather-forecast of SO Ben Davidson, the 4 minutes tubbies
    shared daily by bobhardee, but also regarding manipulation of videos and pictures.

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     Old time religion..... food for thought Empty Re: Old time religion..... food for thought

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:32 pm

    Thank-you B.B. My ongoing modus-operandi is possibility-thinking in a science-fictional context. I genuinely desire "truth" and "goodness" -- but both might be fleeting and illusive. Once again, I'm settling into a life of quiet-desperation, wherein I think actively and deeply -- without saying or doing anything significant. I've created a study-guide which probably only I will extensively utilize -- but I've placed it in the public-domain -- perhaps for karmic-reasons. Who knows??

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

     Old time religion..... food for thought Empty Re: Old time religion..... food for thought

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:08 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you B.B. My ongoing modus-operandi is possibility-thinking in a science-fictional context. I genuinely desire "truth" and "goodness" -- but both might be fleeting and illusive. Once again, I'm settling into a life of quiet-desperation, wherein I think actively and deeply -- without saying or doing anything significant. I've created a study-guide which probably only I will extensively utilize -- but I've placed it in the public-domain -- perhaps for karmic-reasons. Who knows??

    Ortho, please don't be too serious about my observation? It's only that, no criticizing is meant whatsoever. And regarding
    placing a study-guide in the public domain for karmic-reasons, I think that if that would be the case you would know, ortho.
    At least you seem to have made your mind up about karma as a possible cause. In my perception and experience, if you
    choose to take up the task of clearing karma, I believe it can only be done when void of shame and feelings of guilt.
    Coming from knowing (or trust) that you desire as much "truth" and "goodness" as I and any other well-meaning person,
    there's no need, no place for that. In my view, what it takes is acknowledgement of the harvest at the end of summer,
    after working the soil. Metaphorically speaking. Now, you may find this post of mine somewhat obscure and far too serious
    to your taste. Do you?

    Yesterday, a villager whom I would assist in making a pavement of natural stones of all shapes and sizes, secured with some
    sort of natural colored concrete, told me, upon my arrival at the workplace "When I work here on it and you on the other end,
    you do it differently. But, thank you for offering your help". In other words, in a round about way, he made clear to me that on
    second thought he didn't want me to work on the porch with him. I had to suppress a smile, for to me, this is such a typical
    English way of saying "I prefer to do it myself, for I can only feel good about the work when I do it myself" To end this post
    with a light touch. Lolerz

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