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    Apollo 14 astronaut claims peace-loving aliens prevented 'nuclear war' on Earth


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    Apollo 14 astronaut claims peace-loving aliens prevented 'nuclear war' on Earth Empty Apollo 14 astronaut claims peace-loving aliens prevented 'nuclear war' on Earth

    Post  Carol Sun Aug 16, 2015 10:37 pm

    From “The Day the Earth Stood Still” to “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” to “E.T.,” pop culture is filled with stories about friendly, curious extraterrestrials visiting Earth to learn more about mankind. For Apollo 14 veteran Edgar Mitchell that plotline is less fiction than it is reality. The sixth man to walk the surface of the moon told Mirror online that he believes peace-keeping aliens visited our planet to prevent a nuclear war between Russia and the United States.

    The idea sounds far-fetched, but Mitchell claims that military insiders viewed strange flying crafts cruising over U.S. missile bases and the White Sands facility in New Mexico, the site of the first-ever nuclear bomb detonation in 1945.

    “They wanted to know about our military capabilities,” he said. “My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth.”

    Mitchell, who grew up near the famous Roswell site in New Mexico, said that he has heard from various Air Force officers who claim UFOs were a regular site during the Cold War.

    “They told me UFOs were frequently seen overhead and often disabled their missiles,” he added. “Other officers from bases on the Pacific coast told me their (test) missiles were frequently shot down by alien spacecraft.”

    Some are understandably skeptical about this theory that diplomatic aliens have traveled the cosmos to disarm U.S. military weapons.

    “Given that the Universe is around 14 billion years old, if we’re being visited, it’s unlikely we’re dealing with a civilization just a few hundred years ahead of us, so stories of aliens managing to disrupt a few of our weapons tests are far-fetched,” Nick Pope, former Ministry of Defense UFO researcher, told Mirror online. “Chances are they’d be millions of years ahead of us and could do anything they wanted to.”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13536
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    Apollo 14 astronaut claims peace-loving aliens prevented 'nuclear war' on Earth Empty Re: Apollo 14 astronaut claims peace-loving aliens prevented 'nuclear war' on Earth

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:37 am

    What if ET has run most governments, churches, and militaries for thousands of years??!! What if the secret space program is run by ET?? What if most of the fancy technology is NOT for us?? I'm sorry to keep being so dark, but I'm pursuing the theory that we might've done something very bad as a race thousands of years ago, and burned our bridges with ET. We might've been paying for our transgressions for thousands of years. There might really be something to "Original Sin". My theorizing has just about completely destroyed me -- and I'm now just a shell of a guy. I keep saying that I wish I had gotten better acquainted with Edgar Mitchell and Carol Rosin at the Whole Life Expos we met at. I kick myself about a lot of missed opportunities.

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    Apollo 14 astronaut claims peace-loving aliens prevented 'nuclear war' on Earth Empty Re: Apollo 14 astronaut claims peace-loving aliens prevented 'nuclear war' on Earth

    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Aug 20, 2015 6:11 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:What if ET has run most governments, churches, and militaries for thousands of years??!! What if the secret space program is run by ET?? What if most of the fancy technology is NOT for us??

    Absolutely spot on, Oxy.

    Watch this - EXCELLENT!

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    Apollo 14 astronaut claims peace-loving aliens prevented 'nuclear war' on Earth Empty Re: Apollo 14 astronaut claims peace-loving aliens prevented 'nuclear war' on Earth

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Aug 21, 2015 12:08 am

    Thank-you LORD TRANCOSO. I'll watch that video when I can. I'm trying to remain neutral regarding the madness. I don't wish to fight with ET -- or to be a Slave of ET. Who knows?? I might be ET!! It's VERY Hard to verify anything regarding ET and UFO's. I write a lot about God -- but it's VERY Hard to verify anything regarding God. I simply consider as many possibilities as possible -- but this often scares the hell out of me!! Is it my imagination -- or are people looking rather lost, dull, and haggard?? The made-up Movie and TV Stars look and sound better than ever -- but what about the rest of us?? My research seems to be separating me from most people. Are we really facing the End of the World (as we know it)?? Are we facing the beginning of Hell on Earth?? I have my theories on how this is going to play out -- but I can't prove anything. I'm trying to not post for the rest of 2015 -- so I might not respond to subsequent posts. Anyway -- now I'm going to start watching that video. Thanks again LORD TRANCOSO.
    Apollo 14 astronaut claims peace-loving aliens prevented 'nuclear war' on Earth ET

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    Apollo 14 astronaut claims peace-loving aliens prevented 'nuclear war' on Earth Empty Re: Apollo 14 astronaut claims peace-loving aliens prevented 'nuclear war' on Earth

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:55 pm

    Carol wrote:
    From “The Day the Earth Stood Still” to “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” to “E.T.,” pop culture is filled with stories about friendly, curious extraterrestrials visiting Earth to learn more about mankind. For Apollo 14 veteran Edgar Mitchell that plotline is less fiction than it is reality. The sixth man to walk the surface of the moon told Mirror online that he believes peace-keeping aliens visited our planet to prevent a nuclear war between Russia and the United States.

    The idea sounds far-fetched, but Mitchell claims that military insiders viewed strange flying crafts cruising over U.S. missile bases and the White Sands facility in New Mexico, the site of the first-ever nuclear bomb detonation in 1945.

    “They wanted to know about our military capabilities,” he said. “My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth.”

    Mitchell, who grew up near the famous Roswell site in New Mexico, said that he has heard from various Air Force officers who claim UFOs were a regular site during the Cold War.

    “They told me UFOs were frequently seen overhead and often disabled their missiles,” he added. “Other officers from bases on the Pacific coast told me their (test) missiles were frequently shot down by alien spacecraft.”

    Some are understandably skeptical about this theory that diplomatic aliens have traveled the cosmos to disarm U.S. military weapons.

    “Given that the Universe is around 14 billion years old, if we’re being visited, it’s unlikely we’re dealing with a civilization just a few hundred years ahead of us, so stories of aliens managing to disrupt a few of our weapons tests are far-fetched,” Nick Pope, former Ministry of Defense UFO researcher, told Mirror online. “Chances are they’d be millions of years ahead of us and could do anything they wanted to.”

    Posted: 08/27/2015 01:55 PM EDT | Edited: 08/28/2015 11:02 AM EDT
    (Quote)The UFOs Didn't Come In Peace! Astronaut Sets Record Straight On ET Nuclear War

    Edgar Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the moon, accuses a British paper of fabricating

    a story about ETs saving America.

    Few people are surprised by the eye-popping headlines in The Mirror. But when the infamous British tabloid quoted astronaut Edgar Mitchell
    as saying that "UFOs came in peace" to "save America from nuclear war," it shocked everybody -- including Mitchell.

    "I don't know where The Mirror got the story," Mitchell, 84, said in an email to The Huffington Post, accusing the paper of fabricating his
    quotes and denying that an interview for this story ever took place. The sixth man to walk on the moon has been outspoken over the
    years in his belief that extraterrestrials have visited the Earth and the moon -- and that the government is withholding vital information
    about UFOs. Still, Mitchell insists the Aug. 11 Mirror story has no basis in the truth and disavows the information in it.(end of quote)


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