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    The theory of the Universe and Objective Reality by Nicolai Levashov


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    The theory of the Universe and Objective Reality by Nicolai Levashov Empty The theory of the Universe and Objective Reality by Nicolai Levashov

    Post  mudra Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:31 pm

    The Theory of the Universe and Objective Reality

    Nicolai Levashov

    For several millennia, man has constantly tried to fathom the vast volumes of space surrounding
    him. Various models of the Universe and ideas about humanity’s place in it were created to this end.
    Gradually, these concepts became the so-called, scientific theory of the Universe. This theory was finally
    crystallized in the middle of the 20th century. Albert Einstein’s Relativity Theory became the basis of the
    Big Bang theory that exists today.

    All the other theories of reality, in principle, are only particular cases of this theory. That is why
    human conceptions about the Universe and, more importantly, the future of civilization, depend upon the
    accuracy with which the theory of the Universe reflects the true state of affairs. Different technologies,
    devices and machines are created on the basis of the concepts about nature. Therefore, the existence or
    non-existence of Earth civilization depends upon what kinds of technologies are created.

    If these concepts are incorrect or inexact, they can lead to catastrophe and destruction, both of civilization
    and of life itself on this wonderful planet which we humans call Earth. Thus, concepts about the
    nature of the Universe can move from the purely theoretical to the purely practical, thereby, dramatically
    influence the future of civilization and life on our planet. So everyone, not just philosophers and scientists,
    should feel concern about such views.

    Thus, concepts about the nature of the Universe can be a key to extraordinary progress by a civilization,
    if they are correct; or may result in the destruction of civilization and life on Earth, if they are erroneous.
    Correct concepts about the nature of the Universe will create, while incorrect will destroy.
    In other words, concepts about the nature of the Universe can become a weapon of mass destruction,
    in comparison with which a nuclear bomb would be like a child's toy. This is a not a metaphor, but
    the naked truth. It doesn’t depend on whether or not someone believes it, and, like any true statement, it
    doesn’t depend on the subjectivity of the person who perceives it, no more than, for example, the activity
    of the sun would depend upon whether or not man understands its nature.

    It is absolutely all the same for the sun, no matter what kind of concepts humans entertain about the
    nature of its activity. The closeness of human concepts to the true phenomena matters only to humans.

    And it seems to me that most people, who call themselves scientists, forget this simple truth and have
    been carried away with the creation of theories that to a much greater degree serve their personal agendas
    rather than the quest for truth—which everyone dedicated to science should have as his single, overriding

    Regrettably, all of the above is not a figment of my imagination or mere verbiage, but actual fact.
    This fact is not hidden in nonsensical formulas and determinations, which are unclear to most people, except
    for a small circle of "specialists". It is a fact that people can readily understand, regardless of whether
    or not they are educated or able to read. Moreover, it is already having a direct impact on people to a
    greater or lesser degree.

    False, erroneous concepts about the nature of the Universe have resulted in an ecological catastrophe
    toward which Earth civilization is catapulting so confidently. There are so many confirmations of this
    that anyone who wants to see it will clearly have no doubt about what is happening.
    Everything indicates that the technocratic path of development which contemporary civilization has
    taken leads to the self-destruction of Earth’s civilization. Traditional science has accumulated a great
    many observations of various phenomena of the so-called middle world which humans inhabit. The middle
    world, which is situated between the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels, is where the natural laws
    exist. In our middle world humans can observe only the manifestations of true natural law.

    Those phenomena that man is able to perceive through the five sense organs are only the tip of the
    iceberg. All the rest is "the thing in itself", an unknowable, about which Immanuel Kant wrote extensively.
    This type of understanding is unavoidable as it is impossible to create the correct picture of the Universe
    by using five senses only.

    This is simply because human sense organs evolved as a result of adaptation to the living conditions
    of the ecological niche which humans occupy as a species of living nature. These sense organs allow humans
    to accustom themselves to this ecological niche, but no more than that. Sense organs are intended
    only for the middle world.

    Man has created many different devices that marginally allow him to penetrate into the microcosm
    and macrocosm. It would seem that the problem is solved: by means of these devices man is able to reach
    the micro- and macrocosm. However, there are several "buts". One of the most significant “buts” is that
    man has only extended the range of his sense organs by using these devices, but has done nothing whatsoever
    to transform his sense organs.

    In other words, the limited nature of his sense organs has been carried over to the level of micro and macrocosm. Just as it is impossible to see the beauty of a flower by using one’s ears, it is impossible
    to penetrate the micro- and macrocosm by using only the five sense organs. The picture that man attains
    by means of these devices does not allow his connecting with the "the thing in itself". Instead, it allows
    him to see a false picture of the nature of the Universe that he himself has created by means of his five

    Read on: Arrow

    Love Always
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    The theory of the Universe and Objective Reality by Nicolai Levashov Empty Re: The theory of the Universe and Objective Reality by Nicolai Levashov

    Post  bobhardee Wed Aug 12, 2015 6:36 am

    Great post Mudra.

    Posts : 23276
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    Age : 69
    Location : belgium

    The theory of the Universe and Objective Reality by Nicolai Levashov Empty Re: The theory of the Universe and Objective Reality by Nicolai Levashov

    Post  mudra Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:00 am

    Glad you enjoyed it Bob  Cheerful

    I am discovering Nicolai Levashov as having been an outstanding man.
    He really left some treasures behind him that are worthwhile to study.

    I don't know if you saw this thread I made about his healing abilities and system :

    I will definitely post more about him as my research progresses study

    Love from me

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