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    China ratifies the creation of BRICS bank


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    China ratifies the creation of BRICS bank Empty China ratifies the creation of BRICS bank

    Post  mudra Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:42 am

    China ratifies the creation of BRICS bank

    China ratifies the creation of BRICS bank

    The Chinese Parliament has ratified the creation of the BRICS Development Bank. The New Development Bank was conceived as an alternative to Western financial institutions such as the World Bank.

    The new bank will provide money for infrastructure and development projects in BRICS countries, that is Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Each nation will have an equal say in the bank’s management, regardless of GDP size.

    Each BRICS member is expected to contribute an equal share in establishing a startup capital of $50 billion, with a goal of reaching $100 billion in capitalization. The BRICS bank will be headquartered in Shanghai, with India presiding as president during the first year, and Russia serving as the chairman of the representatives.

    China has pledged to contribute a total of $41 billion to the NDB bank, which will give it the largest voting rights, at 39.5 percent, Reuters reports.

    The agreement has already been ratified in India and Russia.

    In China, the creation of the NDB bank, also known as the BRICS Bank, has been approved by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress at its meeting that runs until July 1.

    Love Always

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    China ratifies the creation of BRICS bank Empty China Ratifies The Creation Of BRICS Bank

    Post  Jenetta Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:32 am

    Russia Opens Door To Greece As Sixth Member Of New BRICS World Bank: Russian Oil Makes Athens Europe’s Energy Hub!

    Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Monday held a telephone conversation with Russian Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak. During the conversation, Storchak invited Greece to become the sixth member of the New Development Bank of BRICS countries, Greece’s Syriza party reported on its website. Storchak is a representative of the BRICS Bank which is now being established.

    The newly appointed chief of the bank is Kundapur Vaman Kamath, the former Non-Executive Chairman of ICIC Bank, India’s second largest bank.

    “The Prime Minister thanked Storchak and said he was pleasantly surprised by the invitation for Greece to be the sixth member of the BRICS Development Bank. Tsipras said Greece is interested in the offer, and promised to thoroughly examine it. He will have a chance to discuss the invitation with the other BRICS leader during the 2015 International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg,” the report read.
    As it is below; so it is above

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    China ratifies the creation of BRICS bank Empty Re: China ratifies the creation of BRICS bank

    Post  Carol Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:33 am

    Here are some links to keep abreast of the financial world.

    JP Morgan private banker: “We can’t make money anymore…
    July 1, 2015

    Yesterday over coffee, a friend of mine leaked the news that JP Morgan’s private banking division here in Singapore is going to start charging negative interest rates.

    I almost fell out of my chair.

    He’s a successful hedge fund manager and one of their best customers. So when he received the notice, he rang up his private banker and demanded to know why.

    Between ridiculously low interest rates (banks are closing loans here for 0.9% or lower) and the increasing costs of compliance, “we can’t make money anymore…” was the response.

    It certainly paints a clear picture of how screwed up the entire financial system is.

    Compliance is a major component in this. Bankers around the world are buried up to their eyeballs in paperwork and regulations now.

    They can’t make a move or approve a single transaction without first doing anti-money laundering, terrorist financing, and tax evasion due diligence.

    Imagine it like this: your banker rings you up tomorrow and says,

    “The government of China requires us to have all of our depositors fill out this paperwork. So I need you to send this form back to me ASAP…”

    You’d probably think it was a joke.

    Or at a minimum think, “Wait, what? I’m not Chinese. You’re not a Chinese bank. Who cares about some stupid Chinese regulation?”

    And you’d be right.

    Except that’s precisely what the United States is doing right now.

    All over the world, bankers are contacting their customers and forcing them to fill out paperwork to comply with idiotic US government regulations. Even when there’s no connection to the US.

    Here in Singapore, the bankers are completely miserable about it.

    They’re so angry for having to call customers and say, “Yes I know you’re in India, and I know we’re in Singapore, and I know you’ve been a customer for 10 years. But you still have to fill out this US government form or else we’ll close your account.”

    It’s ridiculous– all of this because the US government is bankrupt.

    A few years ago they passed the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)– a major part of their crusade to stamp out tax evasion and bring in more tax revenue.

    FATCA is now in full force. Banks all over the world have been forced to enter into information sharing agreements with the IRS, meaning that they have to report on all of their customers and force them to fill out meaningless forms.

    Needless to say, this costs a lot of money.

    If you own a business, you can just imagine how frustrating and expensive it would be to have your employees toil away on senseless paperwork instead of… you know, doing real business.

    The US government tells us that all of these disclosure programs have brought in about $6.5 billion in tax revenue.

    Yet the costs of compliance are estimated to cost at least $8 billion, with some estimates over 10x higher.

    Now that’s a neat trick. Uncle Sam gets the money and passes off the costs to everyone else.

    And those who don’t comply with America’s rules are destroyed.

    The most blatant example of this was last year, when a French bank was fined $9 billion for doing business with countries that Uncle Sam didn’t like.

    Bear in mind, this was a French bank, not an American bank.

    They violated no French laws. Yet they had to pay the US government $9 billion for doing business with places like Cuba.

    (Ironically, Cuba is now BFFs with the United States, but it’s not like the bank is going to get a refund.)

    More recently, the US government destroyed an Andorran bank that was accused of weak anti-money laundering controls.

    And a few years ago they took down the oldest private bank in Switzerland.

    Every bank in the world has seen these incidents, and they’re scared. They could be next.

    And that’s why you can’t get a single financial transaction done anymore without first submitting a mountain of paperwork to prove that you’re not a terrorist. Or financing terrorists. Or laundering money. Or doing business with the Axis of Evil.

    Even outside of banking it has become utterly ridiculous.

    A friend of mine here runs one of the largest bullion depositories in Singapore; he wanted to buy some raw gold and have it made into bars, so he contacted a refiner.

    The refiner said, “Sure no problem. I just need you to send us some compliance documentation before we get started.”

    Then he sent a list of no fewer than 22 items that he needed to submit– copies of licenses, passports, certificates, etc.

    22 items. Just to have a refiner make some gold bars. Ridiculous.

    So obviously they’re not going to waste their time. Which means there’s some business that could have been done, but won’t, simply because of the compliance costs.

    The US government has really screwed the world on this. Paperwork is the priority. Not business.

    And all because America is bankrupt.

    This trip to Singapore has been very eye-opening for me as I’m just now starting to understand how much people within the financial system despise the US government.

    They feel like they’re being forced at gunpoint to be volunteer spies and tax collectors, simply because US politicians have been financially irresponsible.

    And to me, it’s the biggest sign yet that America’s financial dominance is coming to an end. They’ve essentially engineered it themselves by alienating the whole world.

    The transition isn’t going to be smooth. And it won’t happen overnight. But there will come a time, and likely soon, when the United States gets displaced.

    And the rest of the world can hardly wait.

    If you liked this post, please click the box below. You can watch a compelling video you’ll find very interesting.

    Will you be prepared when everything we take for granted changes overnight?

    Just think about this for a couple of minutes. What if the U.S. Dollar wasn’t the world’s reserve currency? Ponder that… what if…

    Empires Rise, they peak, they decline, they collapse, this is the cycle of history.

    This historical pattern has formed and is already underway in many parts of the world, including the United States.

    Don’t be one of the millions of people who gets their savings, retirement, and investments wiped out.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    China ratifies the creation of BRICS bank Empty Re: China ratifies the creation of BRICS bank

    Post  Carol Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:33 am

    An Inadvertent Warning From BlackRock - Get Your Money Out Of Mutual Funds ASAP
    Tyler Durden

    BlackRock Inc. is seeking government clearance to set up an internal program in which mutual funds that get hit with client redemptions could temporarily borrow money from sister funds that are flush with cash. – Bloomberg News

    We may have been early on warning about leaving your savings in the financial system. It’s okay to be too early getting your money out of the system but it’s fatal to be just one second too late. The gates are already in place in money market funds just waiting for the signal to be lowered

    BlackRock’s filing with the SEC to enable “have cash” funds to lend to “heavy redemption” funds should send shivers down the spine of anyone with funds invested in any BlackRock fund. In fact, it should horrify anyone invested in any mutual fund.

    Larry Fink, BlackRock’s chief executive officer, said in December that U.S. bond funds face increased volatility, adding that he expected a “dysfunctional market” lasting days or even weeks within the next two years. – Bloomberg

    I warned last summer when the money market funds received authorization to put redemption gates in place that it was time to remove your money from these instruments. The only reason a gate would be needed is if the people running the funds believed that there were risk events coming that would necessitate the gates.

    BlackRock has already arranged credit lines from banks to cover the possibility of a redemption stampede from its riskier funds. It’s clear the elitists running BlackRock now foresee events coming that will trigger a redemption run because the fund company is seeking SEC approval for the ability to take cash from funds with cash and lend that cash to funds that will need cash when the redemption rush begins.

    Rather than let the market decide the value of the investments in BlackRock’s riskier funds, Larry Fink is going add even more leverage to the equation by enabling riskier funds to take on debt in order to avoid having to sell positions into a market that won’t be able to handle the selling. This adds yet another layer of fraudulent intervention to a system that is ready to blow up from what’s already been done to it.

    And let’s not forget, as I pointed out last summer, that BlackRock funds are already riddled with OTC derivatives, which is why Vice Chairman Barbara Novick has been running around Capitol Hill working to get a bailout mechanism in place for the Depository Trust Company’s derivatives clearing unit.

    BlackRock Changes The Rules Of The Game Because Of An Outcome It Fears

    This move will, in effect, transfer a portion of the risk of BlackRock’s riskier mutual funds – derivative-laced high yield and equity funds – to its more “conservative” funds, like high grade, short duration fixed income funds.

    Anyone who invested in less-risky funds did so with an understanding of the definition and risk parameters of the funds at the time of investment. But now BlackRock is changing the rules and risk parameters of those funds by exposing them to the counterparty risk of the riskier funds in the BlackRock fund complex which will be able to borrow money from the less risky funds.

    This means that the Treasury fund in which your IRA or 401k is invested will now be “invested” in any fund that borrows money from the fund with your money. The risk profile of your “conservative” fund assumes the risk profile of the riskier fund. Because of this, there is absolutely no reason for anyone to leave any of their money in any of BlackRock’s funds.

    The SEC should deny BlackRock’s filing. But it won’t because Wall Street is the SEC.

    This move by BlackRock also signals that the elitists at BlackRock foresee an event that will disrupt the markets and trigger “bank” run on mutual funds. What or when is anyone’s best guess. But the fact that Larry Fink has decided to implement internal lending among funds indicates that he and his band of merry criminals believe an event will happen sooner rather than later.

    To me, this is the signal that everyone should call up their mutual fund company, financial adviser or 401k administrator and get all of their the money out of any mutual fund. Larry Fink has done everyone invested in any mutual fund a favor: he’s unwittingly signaled that it’s time to get out – now. Anyone who is aware of this and does not take action immediately is either a complete idiot or simply does not care about having their money taken from them by the criminal elite.

    Breaking News: Nasdaq composite index suffers worst percent loss since April 2014

    Markets | Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:06pm EDT Related: GREECE

    Wall St. falls on Greek default fears, volatility spikes

    U.S. stocks closed down sharply in heavy trading on Monday, adding to a global selloff after a collapse in Greek bailout talks intensified fears that the country could be the first to exit the euro zone.

    Based on the latest available data, the Dow Jones industrial average .DJI fell 348.86 points, or 1.94 percent, to 17,597.82, the S&P 500 .SPX lost 43.8 points, or 2.08 percent, to 2,057.69 and the Nasdaq Composite .IXIC dropped 122.04 points, or 2.4 percent, to 4,958.47.

    (Reporting by Caroline Valetkevitch; Editing by Meredith Mazzilli)

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    China ratifies the creation of BRICS bank Empty Re: China ratifies the creation of BRICS bank

    Post  Carol Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:39 am

    Banks lose billions as Europe’s markets jitter over Greece

    The Greece Default Is Finally Here

    Markets on edge as Greece heads for default
    LONDON | By Lionel Laurent

    Turkey says 'ready to help' Greece out of economic crisis

    Greece set to lose $18 billion if bailout ends

    German Finance Minister Schaeuble: Greece is staying in the euro no matter what
    Read more:

    Capital controls means Greeks can click but not buy
    People have started doing crowd funding to save Greece, but it wont matter because they will still refuse to pay the IMF

    Bix Weir: ALERT: Both CEO’s of the World’s Largest Derivative Holder Suddenly Resign

    roguemoney tweet: "Another agreement has been put in play this morning which sees the creditors possibly cutting Greece’s debt and most important, sending the IMF home, packing. A deal may come by midnight tonight."

    Wall Street Stages Rebound Rally, Greece Worries Wane

    Greece Can Stay in Euro Even With ‘No’ Vote, Schaeuble Tells Lawmakers

    London's Trade of Yuan Doubles to Strengthen China's Bid for Inclusion in IMF Reserve Basket
    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is examining the Yuan's ability to be use freely and if the currency can gain worldwide acceptance as an international currency.

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    RMB internationalization to rebalance global economy: report

    Renminbi deserves inclusion in IMF currency basket
    2015-06-30 09:20

    ISO Amendments- Last night's Roundtable Discussion Data Dump

    If you watched the One People Roundtable Discussion last night (and a lot of you did- last night was the highest live viewing audience in the history of CCN!!),(it was also one of the highest hacked and technically attacked shows ever, with the stream being hacked several times during the show), then you know that we covered a LOT of information- including all the info about "Black Monday" that I put out yesterday on the financial fall out.


    Xi to attend BRICS, SCO summit next week

    AIIB to be 'lean, clean and green'
    2015-06-29 08:51China Daily Editor: Si Huan

    China joins global elite in fast rail

    Chances of Rmb inclusion in IMF basket growing

    Greek Finance Minister: Greece won't pay IMF debt due Tuesday

    Varoufakis says Greece definitely won't pay the IMF today
    Read more:

    Iran Returns to Table as Deadline Looms on Nuclear Deal
    Western officials have said they want a final deal before July 9 to avoid a lengthy review by Congress

    Negotiators at Iran nuclear talks give themselves another week

    Bunker-busting bomb on standby as Iran nuclear talks near end
    From CNN's National Security team - those new bunker busters are mini nukes

    Oil ministry asks refiners to buy dollars, euros to settle Iran oil dues

    Iran's nuclear talks: Five reasons why a deal would be good for the U.S.

    US: System reached to give UN access to suspect Iran sites,7340,L-4674227,00.html

    Iranians hope deal on country's nuclear program will ease sanctions, boost economy

    Iran gears up for post-sanctions optimism

    Nuke deal inches ahead as US-Iran play information war: Escobar

    Iran nuclear deal: Snapping back sanctions

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:16 pm