"Of course...I don't know what the future holds. If I made some pronouncement, I would be wrong. So will everybody. But....we also get to align our beingness and thoughts and energies. Some will choose the fear based paradigms of a totally outmoded, unsatisfactory system. Why? Because they were born into a system of unseen jailers and programming.....as have been many successive generations. That's OK...its understandable. But others realize they are in a 3D matrix which only they can choose to change.....they are only limited by their thoughts and inspired intent. Some are moving out of this programmed tired old dilapidated excuse for a viable vehicle. Others will want to stay.....go to the football....go to the pub.....run the whole slave system routine. Watch TV. Make up endless reasons and excuses for staying IN DENSITY. Do it all again. Breed others to do same. Then DIE. If one wants out of the stultifying, mind numbing, buttoned down thinking.....there are amazing possibilities to now OPEN THE FIELD OF POSSIBILITIES. This link was just sent to me......as one version....of an infinite array of sparkling new paradigms, to invoke in. Or just stay back and go to the football and knock off a pie and sauce."