20 Things You Were Successfully Distracted From While Obsessing About Caitlyn Jenner
1. The Patriot Act expired, but Congress passed of the USA Freedom Act, which is like the Patriot Act on steroids.
2. The FBI was caught surveying people from planes disguised as commercial carriers, all without warrants (in the US, that is a huge infringement of our Constitutional rights).
3. NBC was caught manipulating footage of the shooting of an unarmed college student.
4. Congress passed a measure that would require all police departments to report all police-involved killings and uses of force.
5. A Department of Homeland Security investigation discovered that the TSA failed to catch 95% of the mock explosives and weapons smuggled through airports.
6. A Guantanamo detainee alleged he was tortured by the CIA with methods worse than previously thought, methods that included sexual abuse, anal force-feedings, and being hung from the ceiling naked.
7. Scientists grew the first “biolimb” and transplanted it onto a rat.
8. Over a thousand people in India have died due to a heatwave that has caused temperatures to soar upwards of 117 degrees Fahrenheit.
9. An archaeologist in Russia discovered 2,400 year old bongs containing marijuana and opium in the Caucasus Mountains.
10. A declassified Pentagon report revealed that ISIS was created by western governments.
11. Scientists discovered that your parents’ lives can affect your DNA.
12. A student discovered enormous plasma tubes in the Earth’s atmosphere.
13. There was the conclusion of the Meng Long Li trial, who was convicted of two of the three charges against him for assaulting an MSU student.
14. The cruise ship, The Eastern Star, capsized in the Yangtze River, and as of today, the death toll has reached over 400, with many still missing. Only 14 people thus far have been known to survive.
15. June 4th marked the 26th anniversary of the massacres at Tienanmen Square.
16. Thousands of refugees have fled to the island of Koulfoua in the middle of Lake Chad to escape Boko Haram’s campaign of terror, that is. over 13,000 innocent civilians massacred. The humanitarian organizations helping them are in desperate need of food, water, medical supplies, and other items.
17. Massive flooding in Houston has left several people dead and has caused over $45 million in damages to the city.
18. In Colorado, unusually large and strong tornadoes have repeatedly touched down; they’ve also endured massive flooding and softball sized hail, which has caused millions of dollars in damages.
19. South Korea has been hit hard by the MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Sydrome) virus, causing 5 deaths so far, infecting 64, and affecting nearly 2,000 others, who were forced into isolation because they came in contact with the infected.
20. Female genital mutilation was banned in Nigeria.