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    The Electric Aliens: Amazing New Life Form On Earth Discovered -


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     The Electric Aliens: Amazing New Life Form On Earth Discovered - Empty The Electric Aliens: Amazing New Life Form On Earth Discovered -

    Post  mudra Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:55 am

    The Electric Aliens: Amazing New Life Form On Earth Discovered

    Scientists have discovered microbes that feed and breathe on electricity. The discovery may force scientists into completely rethinking the fundamentals of how life works – both here on earth and out in space. reports:

       Kenneth Nealson is looking awfully sane for a man who’s basically just told me that he has a colony of aliens incubating in his laboratory.
       We’re huddled in his modest office at the University of Southern California (USC), on the fifth floor of Stauffer Hall. Nealson is wearing a rumpled short-sleeve shirt, a pair of old suede loafers, white socks—your standard relaxed academic attire—and leaning back comfortably in his chair. An encouraging collection of academic awards hangs on one wall. Propped behind him is a well-worn guitar, which he sometimes breaks out to accompany his wife’s singing. And across the hall is the explanation for his quiet confidence: beakers and bottles full of bacteria that are busily breaking the long-accepted rules of biology.

       Life, Nealson is explaining, all comes down to energy. From the mightiest blue whale to the most humble microbe, every organism depends on moving and manipulating electrons; it’s the fuel that living matter uses to survive, grow, and reproduce. The bacteria at USC depend on energy, too, but they obtain it in a fundamentally different fashion. They don’t breathe in the sense that you and I do. In the most extreme cases, they don’t consume any conventional food, either. Instead, they power themselves in the most elemental way: by eating and breathing electricity. Nealson gestures at his lab. That’s what they are doing right there, right now.

    - See more at:

    Love Always

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     The Electric Aliens: Amazing New Life Form On Earth Discovered - Empty Re: The Electric Aliens: Amazing New Life Form On Earth Discovered -

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:40 am

    mudra's words in former post: "The discovery may force scientists into completely rethinking the fundamentals of how life works –
    both here on earth and out in space."

    Reading this line of yours, made me think of how it maybe is orchestrated, cosmically, to allow us to unravel more aspects of creation.
    and how creation becomes manifest in our lives. Changing the former paradigms, not because the outer conditions in our world change,
    but because we ourselves are changing on a consciousness level. Remember the effect of human consciousness, of the scientist involved,
    on the behavior of the tiniest particles of matter? The work in programming the structure of water, by Dr. Emoto?

    This is related to what I mean, when saying that I feel "disclosure" will happen similar to the awareness of a dawning. A lifting of morning
    mists, which, just before break of day, cover the details of the landscape, than.... slowly begins to reveal contours, like a camera-lens
    focussing, offering a sense of becoming whole or an aha-erlebnis, simply by being, experiencing it, immersed and part of it in awareness.
    A holistic process of disclosure and not an event brought on by surprise, with lots of pump and circumstance.

     The Electric Aliens: Amazing New Life Form On Earth Discovered - Kraay_10

    Posts : 23312
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 70
    Location : belgium

     The Electric Aliens: Amazing New Life Form On Earth Discovered - Empty Re: The Electric Aliens: Amazing New Life Form On Earth Discovered -

    Post  mudra Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:39 am

    Very nice point of view BB Cheerful
    I quite agree with this that discoveries unfold as a mirror to Consciousness's evolution. 

    Love from me

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