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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages


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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:59 am

    I like the storyline in this movie, with all sorts of humor in people and their ways of leaving the normality of a prescribed
    way of life and a job for an income. They all creatively try to be as much at ease with circumstances, as with each others
    differences, while illegally in a house, entering through a hole in the ground, meeting all kinds of people of different back-
    grounds, including a baby. With washing lines all over the place. One new member of the household is prejudiced and he
    tries to bend the rules, at first mostly to make others meet his expectations. They're all keeping up appearances, while
    sharing the same fate, more or less, somewhat willingly chosen by themselves.

    Look how one of the men is working on a mockup, a design for homes, that are all identical and how this way of living is
    romantically discussed, with views on human kindness, willing to share communal life as a foundation for their wellbeing.
    While we, as Westerners and citizens, involved in modern lifestyles and the madness of a treadmill, seeing what it does to us,
    at least when speaking from my own point of view, are longing to leave it behind and to find solutions to return to the ways
    of living, which the people in this movie long to leave, for the sake of America's dream, that is now turning into a nightmare.
    There seems to be truth in that there's nothing new under the sun, or is there a new way presenting itself, under a new sun?

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty Re: Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:57 pm

    This is a stunning and extremely well choreographed movie, with Fred Astaire's spaghetti legs all over the place.
    Be patient, there's an incredible scene in it, defying all laws of gravity... or so it seems. Royal Wedding is inspired by the
    real-life dance partnership of Fred Astaire and his sister, Adele.

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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty A Ted-talk with Monica Lewinsky

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:09 pm

    Listen to Monica's last words of her presentation...... on a personal note.
    I think she's a very honest and brave young lady.

    Some of her words:
    "Instead of bystander apathy, we can comment on someone positively.
    Public shaming as a blood sport has to stop. Online we got a compassion deficit and empathy crisis.
    We need to talk more about our responsibility to freedom of expression.
    Let's acknowledge the difference between speaking up with intention or speaking up for attention"

    My personal note: Getting past shame is to live in a more compassionate world, online or offline.

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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty "Harold and Maude" 1971 German spoken version

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun May 24, 2015 4:23 pm

    Thubs Up

    A delicious, hilarious and heartwarming movie, the only available free full length version on You Tube spoken in German.
    It's about freedom and creative ways to breathe...... in.... and out... and in, our being stroken in love with life.

    Maud "Give me an L.... give me an I... give me a V... give me an E... LIVE  bounce
    Maud "Gebe mir ein L... gebe mir ein E... gebe mir ein B... gebe mir ein E... LEBE    bounce

    A timeless Classic
    Ein zeitloser Klassiker

    Music and songs in English by our '70's troubadour Cat Stevens.

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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty Europe of Cultures French Cinematic Archive

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:47 pm

    This is a French website with a black-and-white archive of movie-scenes, scenes on stage, interviews with famous directors and actors,
    plus an incredible skillful performance by Maria Callas in the Casta Diva air.

    And an equally skilled Edith Gruberova in Mozart's Queen of the Night role:

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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty Caves & Caverns

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:58 am


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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty Re: Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:40 pm

    Thubs Up A movie about The Prague revolution in the sixties, lives in change and shattering illusions.
    It's one of my top 10 favorites, based on the book "The unbearable lightness of being" by Milan
    Kundera, written with great beauty, humor and wisdom.

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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty Re: Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:02 pm

    Thubs Up
    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Greate10

    "Great Expectations" based on the book with the same title, by Charles Dickens. (1946)
    The classic story of Pip the British orphan.
    One of the best versions produced in black and white.


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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty Re: Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:12 am

    Thubs Up Mehr als Zwei - More than Two

    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Greece10

    A family-holiday in Greece, beautiful scenery of nature and a visit to a small harbour village.
    A rare amateur "home-movie" created with an eye for composition and detail, filming an exceptional cohesion in a family.
    It's in German, though I imagine many scenes speak for themselves. There's relatively little talk in it.

    It shows playful and creative ways of communication and in the scene at 11 minutes, the daughter touches the subject
    of hurt feelings, how to deal with it when members of a group are in emotional distress. Her father expresses his view on
    the value of sticking together in an open mindedness and to endure such situations, allowing it to be present and not walk
    away from it.

    The theme for this movie is an attempt to explore a different way of living, a favored topic in the tail of the'60's freedom hunt.
    The smoking of cigarettes seems a strange thing to do, in such an awareness exploring experiment, looking from the viewpoint
    of the year 2016. At least, to me it's quite unusual, this "display of smoke-curtains". Ahem, a judgement presents itself here Cheerful
    This was a very different era for sure, now 38 years ago. Is it ...... really? Blink

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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty Re: Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Mar 12, 2016 3:36 pm


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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty Re: Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:21 am

    Two time monuments, scenes of the New York World Fair 1939-1940
    European countries presenting themselves and a General Motors vision of the "wonder world of 1960"

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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty Animation

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Apr 10, 2016 5:17 pm


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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty Re: Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:57 pm

    Leadership in the Age of Oneness
    January 31, 2016 by Colaborama


    "...Just imagine that you’re asked to lead a “truth and reconciliation committee”, the idea Nelson Mandela used to avoid blood baths in South Africa after he was elected. How would you deal with the situation were you’d have a role in reconciliation and integrating people that have done harm to Humans?

    Here we can polarize a bit and label without major consequences. I would label the ones who are in “Repentance” mode and the one’s that aren’t.
    The major ones are being dealt with now and probably that will not be up to us to deal with them, unless you’re a lawyer of course.

    But consider this example. What about the public employee that fluoridated your water on a daily basis? Is he guilty of something? Yes. Sure. Will we prosecute him? Was he aware of what he was doing? Probably not. But if he was aware of what he was doing and kept on doing it, then why did he do it? Was he just obeying orders? Was he afraid of repercussions?

    You see this investigation has more than meets the eye and its very complex. It involves an individual reality that we don’t know nothing about and the process it self is very subjective. So for the more “lower level” offences I propose more balancing solutions.

    Instead of Reconciliation Committee why don’t we upgrade the concept to a whole new level and call it the Re-equilibrium Committee or Re-Balancing Committee or something along those lines?

    So that the guy wh put fluoride in the water can himself go back to school, re-learn and unlearn all from scratch, and he can be set with an action plan in which he’ll be responsible for drawing and implementing a plan to completely transform the city water supply, in a way that water is not only pure, but energizing.

    This might sound totally insane for some but think in the opportunities this creates. It’s not a mere process of reintegration. It goes a step further and it’s much more of a regenerative process. Applied in a massive scale you exponentially speed up the rise of frequencies globally. Instead of creating dead weights in society which would require constant supervision, efforts and attention, we create an opportunity for them to re-balance and heal their actions...."

    The power of storytelling:
    “Imagine you’re an ant and that the whole world for you is a thin sheet of paper. You live there. For you there’s nothing else. That’s your dimension and, because you never went beyond the limits of your dimension you don’t really know anything else. You’re unable to process anything different because you can’t interpret it, you can’t RECOGNIZE IT. Now imagine a Human approaches his hand of that sheet of paper. Can the ant “see” the hand? Even if it could see the hand would the ant know what a hand is and what it does? Of course not. But the ant “senses” something is there and usually changes its course when it comes near. Now imagine you’re the ant and your whole reality is compressed into a sheet of paper – one dimension. You may not see the other dimensions – but you feel they’re there and they have an effect on you”


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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty Re: Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Apr 15, 2016 6:24 am

    April 15th 2016 New Jungle Book film honours Rudyard Kipling, India and the jungles of Madhya Pradesh.

    A special Indian edition

    Walt Disney Studios honoured the film’s Indian roots by creating a Hindi version of the film with an all-star cast of Indian actors including Irfan Khan
    as Baloo, Om Puri as Bagheera, Priyanka Chopra as Kaa, Nana Patekar as Shere Khan, Bugs Bhargav as King Louie and Shefali Shah as Raksha.
    Also, the film was released in India a week ahead of the international, English version with stars Ben Kingsley, Bill Murray, Idris Elba, Christopher
    Walken and Scarlett Johansson. Mowgli is played by newcomer Neel Sethi, a 12-year old from New York of Indian descent.

    In Toronto: Audiences can see the Hindi version of The Jungle Book at the Cineplex Odeon Strawberry Hill Cinemas in Surrey and the SilverCity
    Brampton Cinemas in Brampton. The Tamil version can be seen at Cineplex Cinemas Scarborough.

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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty Re: Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:46 am

    Lears Magical Lanterns BLOO PETER
    On a longboat through English canals

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages Empty Re: Classic movies full length and recent short ones with inspiring messages

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:53 pm

    Past Peak Oil traveling towards Transition

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