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    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts


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    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Empty Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Oct 03, 2014 4:58 am

    "* Writer Michael Paulkovich has claimed that there is little evidence for a person known as Jesus existing in history

    * Jesus is thought to have lived from about 7BC to 33AD in the Roman Empire

    * However Paulkovich says he found little to no mention of the supposed messiah in 126 texts written in the first to third centuries

    * Only one mention of Jesus was present, in a book by Roman historian Josephus Flavius, but he says this was added by later editors

    * He says this is surprising despite the 'alleged worldwide fame' of Jesus

    * And this has led him to believe that Jesus was a 'mythical character'

    Historical researcher Michael Paulkovich has claimed that Jesus of Nazareth was a 'mythical character' and never existed.

    The controversial discovery was apparently made after he found no verifiable mention of Christ from 126 writers during the 'time of Jesus' from the first to third centuries.

    He says he is a fictional character invented by followers of Christianity to create a figure to worship.

    The claims were made in an article for Free Inquiry called The Fable of the Christ and a book called No Meek Messiah.

    In the article and book, Paulkovich says he found an absence of evidence for Jesus in historical texts.

    And he says this is surprising despite his 'global miracles and alleged worldwide fame.'

    The 126 texts he studied were all written in the period during or soon after the supposed existence of Jesus, when Paulkovich says they would surely have heard of someone as famous as Jesus - but none mention him. "

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    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Empty Re: Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:54 pm

    What if it was necessary for most of the New-Testament to be written as Historical-Fiction (a mixture of fact and fiction) because of a harsh Roman-Empire and Torah-Judaism?? Perhaps the most important question is "Who Wrote the Core of the New-Testament??" The next most important question might be "Who Embellished the New-Testament (Adding-Thereto and Truncating)??" Did Job and His Family really exist?? Did the events in the Book of Job really occur?? What if Luke, John, Acts, and Romans are the Real Four-Gospels?? What if the Core of the New-Testament is Luke, John, Acts, Romans, and Hebrews?? Consider the Chester Beatty Papyri (especially regarding the location of Romans and Hebrews). How much of Genesis through Esther is found in Job through Malachi?? How much of the Old-Testament is found in the New-Testament?? Most modern preachers engage in Expository-Preaching. Where are the examples of Expository-Preaching in the Holy-Bible?? I'm going to keep reposting the following material -- at least until I get some proper responses to it. I have no idea how much of it is true -- but I think it should be carefully and prayerfully studied. Why is it that certain videos are available online for months and years -- until I post them??!! Then they get blocked or disappear. Once again -- consider this interesting Sherry Shriner show. I'm interested in some input. Try reading straight-through the following KJV Study-List:

    1. Genesis.
    2. Deuteronomy.
    3. Psalms.
    4. Proverbs.
    5. Isaiah.
    6. Luke.
    7. John.
    8. Acts.
    9. Romans.
    10. Hebrews.

    I think that the Pauline-Epistles are profound and well-written -- but I'm finding the New-Testament to be increasingly suspect. Try reading the first ten books of the Old-Testament -- Job through Daniel -- and the first ten books of the New-Testament. Do this several times. You might be surprised by the understanding which emerges. The preachers try to build faith -- but at what price regarding a true understanding of what's really going-on in this solar system?? Listen to Dr. E. Power Big-Shot if you choose -- but do your own research and agonizing -- unless you wish to worship "You Know Not What". If you have a Faith which cannot tolerate questioning and investigation -- then you probably need to dig deeper for convincing answers. What if the true purpose of religion is NOT to make us happy?? What if Humanity is NOT Safe to Save??? Anyway -- I will remain neutral regarding Sherry and Paul. I simply do not have enough information. I just absorb the madness -- and move on -- toward what?? I know not. What if most everything is a lie -- with some lies being worse than others?? I might write a book titled "Lies to Live By" or "Keep the Lies Alive"!!! Just Kidding. Please remember that I'm not endorsing anyone or anything. I am merely facilitating a Political and Theological Dog-Fight which is more Science-Fiction than Science or Reality. I can do things which the official-crowd cannot (for now, anyway). Perhaps we need the Real-God to treat Humanity like little-children -- telling them exactly what (and what not) to do (so as to create Heaven on Earth)?? But is a Substitute-God treating Humanity like little-children -- telling them exactly what (and what not) to do (so as to create Pain and Suffering)?? The trouble is that when one treats adults like children -- they tend to act like children. Think About It. One more thing. I sense that the New Testament was a solution to Genesis through Esther -- rather than being a solution to Job through Malachi. Perhaps things were supposed to revert to a stand-alone version of Job through Malachi -- rather than morphing into a Corrupt-Christianity. I really have no idea what really went on -- but there are probably a few thousand humans (if that many) who know the truth, the whole-truth, and nothing but the truth -- and I'm not one of them. Not yet. In a thousand years, we will probably still be fighting (if there's anyone and/or anything left). It sometimes seems as if Work and War are the Foundation of "Civilization". May the nastiest bad@$$ win??? Namaste.
    Monday Night with Sherry Shriner
    July 7, 2014


    And hello, everybody. You’re live. I’m Sherry Shriner. Tonight I’m gonna talk about a few things. Actually, I’m just gonna do a lot of preaching of the truth, and so. Something the Lord wanted me to talk about two weeks ago.

    And I get stubborn, and I’m like, “You’re crazy. No way.” [laughs] And it’s always been this way with particular doctrines he wants me to reinforce or reteach. And it’s like, “People just can’t grasp it, Father. They think I’m completely nuts.”  

    But you know what? When I look back at it, it’s this one particular truth and doctrine He led me into about 15 years ago that just shattered my entire belief system at that point. When you start to pray for the truth in all things, you can’t pick and choose. He kind of leads and guides you into what He wants to reveal to you at that time.

    And He knew that that’s what I needed to hear at that time before I was gonna be able to grasp anything else that He was gonna reveal to me in the coming years. I had to be able to grasp the most mind-blowing, shocking lie and deception the church has been—churches have been blasting for the last 1700 years.

    And it all came about when I started wondering—and I know I was being prompted by the Holy Spirit at that time, because it’s really typical of how He works. He starts to ping your spirit and prompt you into thinking about things and questioning things. And one of the things that I was—what was really gnawing at me was what did the church really believe back then? What did the apostles really preach? Do our churches today compare to what the early believers believed back in the day?

    Because if you remember, they were heavily persecuted and slaughtered. They were rounded up and slaughtered. Why was that? What was it they believed that they were being rounded up and slaughtered. Or should I say refused to believe, refused to go along with, and was the reason they were killed? And do our churches today line up with what the early apostles taught?

    And when I started looking back at early church history, it was almost just a total shock to realize that our churches today are nothing like what the apostles believed and taught and died for. They’re night and day. Our churches today are not the church Peter built, that James stood beside him and helped him build. Peter and James were the two most prominent apostles in rank that the Lord appointed. But you wouldn’t know that if you looked at today’s churches and what they teach. You wouldn’t know it.


    It was James who led the early apostles. And it was Peter upon whom the church would be built. Yet today, if you walk in to any church on any corner, you walk in to an assembly anywhere, and the Pauline doctrines are dominant. Why does it matter? Because Peter and Paul and night and day, folks. Peter was an apostle with a mantle from Yahuah to build his church, and he did. But the later Pauline Christians rejected it and took over Christianity.

    Paul was a self-proclaimed apostle. The apostles rejected Paul. They accepted him as a brother, because he was from the tribe of Benjamin. And you always get these people who will send you e-mails, “Hey, this is Peter calling Paul a brother. Well, yeah. They were cousins. Paul was from the tribe of Benjamin. And what did Yahushua warn about? He warned about the ravening wolf. And who was that? It was the tribe of Benjamin. (Note: I, orthodoxymoron added this link: )

    There were blatant disagreements, arguments, and fights between Paul and the apostles. There were only 12 apostles, not 13. The Bible says,

    14  And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. Revelations 21:14.

    In the beginning there were only 12. And at the end there are only 12. There’s never been 13 apostles. It was Paul and his Pauline Christians who created the offices of leadership to vilify himself as an apostle. And yet, his own scribe, Luke, in Acts, chapter 1 says to qualify to be an apostle you had to have walked--at the time Yahushua walked on Earth—you had to have walked with Him, and you had to have witnessed His crucifixion and His resurrection.

    So Paul, blatantly, through his own scribe tells you, in your face, in the first chapter of Acts, he doesn’t qualify to be an apostle. So why do the churches embrace Paul as an apostle? Why do they embrace him. When does the light go off that Paul was a wolf?  

    Even in the Bible Codes—I’ve been studying them for 14 years now—you won’t see one mention of anyone qualifying to be an apostle. Because that office was closed. There were only 12. And what they do today is they have to keep that—they keep that office open in Pentecostal and satanic religions. So that they can call each other apostles. So that Paul can somehow be vilified as a 13th apostle.

    300 years of persecutions arrived after Yahushua’s death. Because the early Judahites, who were the apostles in the early church—they were known as Judahites—refused and rejected the kind of Christianity Paul was trying to enforce on the churches. They refused it. And if you really wanna understand why, then you need to understand who and what Paul was. You know, most Christians just read the account in Acts where they laid their coats at his feet while he was stoning Stephen. Really? Well, who was that Paul that was standing there?


    The first believers were called Judahites. And there were two groups of Jews at the time Yahushua walked on the earth; the Judahites and the Edomites. And the Edomites were hybrids and Cain’s seed. And had mixed with the Judahite Jews making up, more notably, the Pharisee branch of the Israelites.

    And the Pharisees perverted and legalized the Old Testament, the Torah. But they kept its laws, they kept the Sabbath, and performed circumcision as a sign of the covenant. Yet, they tortured the legalisms of the law to benefit themselves in social status and wealth. There was parts of it they would accept, of the Torah, and then there was parts of it they wanted to get rid of.

    Belief in Yahushua as the Messiah was spread largely among the Judahites. They refer to themselves as people of the Way, or simply Judahites. And those who adopted the belief in the Messiah, Yahushua, and His teachings were also adopted in and referred to as Judahites. They were never known as Christians, until when?

    The sect within the Judahites believed Jesus/Yahushua was the promised Messiah. I don’t even like using Jesus. It doesn’t fit anywhere. Who was Jesus? If Yahushua was Israelite, from the tribe of Judah, and His name was Yahushua, why is it so hard to say? Why do we have to translate that from a Greek word Iesous? Because it’s one of Satan’s clever tricks. Because instead of worshipping Yahushua direct by using His real name, he throws a false name out at you. And in Acts 4:12, they even state,

    12  Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

    So why do they tell you a false name; Jesus? If that verse stands true in Acts 4:12, then no Christian today is saved that goes by the name of Jesus and not His real name Yahushua. Can’t have it both ways, folks.


    When Yahushua was here, the legalists had taken over and were leading the Jews into error and oppression while claiming truth of the Torah law. They manipulated it and used it to benefit themselves. And Yahushua tried to lead the people back into the real intent and truth of the Torah. And that’s why He provoked so much hatred against Him.

    See, from the time Yahushua started His ministry on Earth, He tried to instruct them in the true Torah laws and exposed their hypocrisies and lies that the Pharisees and the scribes were leading the people into. And today, you’ll hear nothing from the churches but that the law is dead, nobody can keep over 600 laws. They go into just spewing arguments.

    The law was never done away with. Some of the law, the sacrificial parts, were transformed because we no longer need sin offerings. The Torah and the law state that all people are equal and that no person may oppress or exploit another. And they all have the right to be free and to be independent masters of their own fate. It was their constitutional bill of rights.  

    For instance, every person was entitled as a matter of right to social security. This means that people are supported by the community if they fell on hard times. Pretty much the same things we have with our social security.

    If people needed loans, they were provided, but they weren’t allowed to have interest on them. And even these loans were cancelled every seventh year, if the borrower was unable to pay them. You weren’t a servant to debt your entire life. All of your loans cancelled every 7 years, if you couldn’t repay them.

    The country’s wealth, and this particularly involves the country’s productive capital, belongs equally and had to be shared among everyone. This equal and fair distribution of the nation’s wealth. And to be updated at regular intervals. Do we see that? No.


    When Yahushua was here, He tried to reinstate the purpose and intent of the laws. And they hated and rejected Him for it. When He arose and left Earth after His death, the apostles continued to set the example He had set. They observed the feasts, the laws, and the commandments. Nothing was to be changed.

    The sacrificial laws had been fulfilled with the ultimate sacrifice of Yahushua, but the other laws of the Torah were still to be observed. And this is where churchianity replaces and redefines the law with grace and began outright disobedience to God’s laws. Most in the churches today believe that the laws of the Torah and Moses were done away with. And that’s not true, folks. The new covenant, the New Testament, transformed the Old Testament. It didn’t abolish it. They reconcile one with another.

    A lot of people today feel that they should be celebrating the feasts and moving away from pagan traditions, but the churches are so steeped in them. The churches make you feel like you’re doing something wrong if you walk away from their errors and hypocrisies. The Father has been trying to wake people up to lead them away from the errors and apostasies and heed His Spirit and guidance. But how many listen?


    One of the most dominant things about the whole problem with Christianity today is Paul. Because he was Satan’s pawn; the infiltrator and deceiver. Paul was known as Saul. And he acted on behalf of the rich Jewish oppressors, the Jewish Edomite Pharisees, who persecuted the Christians. Because Yahushua was renewing their knowledge of the laws and their application of the laws in their daily lives. And the people in charge, the powers that be, didn’t want them to realize that they had been deceived and led the wrong way.

    They saw Yahushua as a radical. One who was disrupting the status quo. And the rich oppressors and legalists would have lost their foothold and ranking amongs the people, if the people were to go back to the way the laws were truly to be followed. So Paul came up with a plan. He came up with this vision, and called himself a believer in Yahushua, but he preached not for God’s laws, but he preached against them.

    In the early days, an Edomite named Hillel had infiltrated and changed the Talmud--another book the Jews, now, replace the Torah with--to blindside the Jews into oppression. And Paul had infiltrated this sect of believers and tried to undo everything that Yahushua had taught them and what His followers had done, what His apostles had taught them.

    He’d been tutored by Gamaliel, by Hillel’s grandson. Both had managed to master the art of deception and lead the people of the time away from the truth of the laws and into oppression. Paul preached a political ideology. Same which you hear today from the preachers.

    The laws of the Torah gave people freedom from oppression, where Paul worked with the leaders of that day to put them back under the bondage of it. And it was Paul’s teachings against the laws of Yahushua and Yahuah that brought him into conflict with the Judahite believers. The entire area of Asia rejected him.  


    In Revelation, the church of Ephesus was praised for recognizing false prophets. Yeah, Paul wrote a letter to the Ephesians that they were his followers. He could get nowhere with the Judahites. So he concentrated on gaining converts from gentiles; people who were not Judahite or Israelite, and who knew nothing or little about the laws of the Torah, and most likely, more gullible to follow his teachings without arguing its content or aware of his deceptions.

    Paul’s letters are the oldest part of the New Testament. Paul’s letters are written about 50 A.D. and the gospel is about 70-100 A.D. Paul’s letters were never accepted by the early church. Yet today, our New Testament, configured by a pagan, is dominant with Paul’s teachings in it. Imagine that. Put together by pagans and then dominated by the pagan Paul.

    And people wonder if the word of God is true, then why would the Father allow Paul’s books to be in His word. First of all, He allowed the tree of knowledge of good and evil to be in His garden. He always tests His people. He always tests His people. Are they waking up? Are they learning the deceptions? You know, that was the biggest blow to me. Because when I was growing up, all I ever heard about was Paul. In fact, he was my favorite apostle. I used to spend Sundays, since I was a child, memorizing verses out of Paul’s books. Everything was Paul.

    You walk into a church today and it’s all they teach is Paul. And yet, it was Paul, the very one sent in to undermine all of the teachings of Yahushua and His real apostles, all 12 of them. One man accomplished all of that on his own, with the help of the powers that be that ran the religion and politics in that day.


    Paul portrayed a different messiah. And that’s why so many people have so many conflicts reading the New Testament. Because there’s two different messiahs portrayed; the one Yahushua and the apostles taught, and the one Paul taught.

    You know, you almost have to think, when you’re growing up in the churches today that somehow, after Yahushua arose from the earth, and the 12 apostles died on Earth for their beliefs in Him, they established churches, they established the way the Father wanted things done here, then were killed. Then, all of a sudden, Paul arrives on the scene and usurped all of them. He always boasted about, oh, he followed the apostles the whole time.

    But somehow, Paul was given some divine revelation. If the Father forgot to tell the 12 of them that were here, that had walked with Him on the earth that, “Oh, we’re replacing this with a whole 2,000 years of grace and laziness.” “Oh, you don’t have to build the kingdom, there’s grace.” You almost hear Satan’s hiss in everything Paul says.

    But Yahushua made a mistake, and so He had to give Paul a blinding vision on the road to Damascus and start a whole new brand of Christianity? That’s what you want us to believe? And for the most part, that’s what people do believe.

    When I realized what a liar Paul was, and that not one soldier that was supposedly on the road to Damascus with him was ever found to verify his story, and that when Paul, himself, told the story, he told it a different way four different times in the same chapter of Acts. Why? Because liars don’t remember what they say the first time.


    I stumbled--back when I was studying the early church and the early apostles and what they believed and what they taught—I stumbled on Mithraism. And how there’s two different messiahs portrayed in Christianity today. And this is so dominant because this explains everything the churches are going through today along with the Illuminati and their satanic Babylonian worship.

    See, Mithraism is much today like our Masonry. They’re almost step-by-step together. Mithraism was known, back in the day, as the cult of Mithra. And it was created to worship pagan beliefs and practices and to mock future religious practices that Satan knew the Father would incorporate with His people.

    See, Satan knew that Yahushua was gonna have to be sent to redeem mankind. Mithraism, itself, emphasized a personal relationship, a personal faith, a conflict of good and evil, and the reward of virtue and punishment of wickedness and the afterlife, the end of the world and the powers of hell. And this religion spread from Persia, which was Iran, from 68 B.C. until the 3rd century A.D. becoming a serious rival to Christianity.

    If you ask most Christians today, they don’t know who Mithra is. They have no idea. And all of our leaders have kept that part of our church history silent. And yet, it’s the main reason so many of our early church brethren were killed. They were killed. Because this Mithraism cult wanted to step in and dominate what was becoming a huge Christianity movement. It wasn’t even known until—Christianity—until Paul decided to call his converts Christians in Antioch. It was Paul who termed and started Christianity, not the 12 apostles. Not Yahushua, not the 12 apostles, it was Paul.


    Who was Mithra? You’re gonna see these similarities of who was Mithra when you see the coming Antichrist. You’re gonna see the similarities. Who was Mithra? He appealed to everybody and at one time was a dominant god followed by almost every race and nation throughout the history of mankind utilizing many different names such as Buddha, Horus, Krishna, Odin, Quetzalcoatl, Baal, Ra (the sun god), Bel, Marduk, Apollo, and 15 others. He originated from Persia. That’s Iran. He was both god and goddess as a bi-gender god (which you’ll recognize as Baphomet).

    Almost all of these gods who carried Mithra dogma have their birthdays on December 25, the birthday of the "sun." Even today's Christians who know Jesus'—Yahushua’s--real birthday isn't in December, but was even argued to be back in October and the end of September, for the sake of church tradition they go along with it. Why?

    The early church believers were persecuted and killed because they wouldn't bow to the Sun-god worship and had to go underground to meet on the Sabbath (Saturday), and yet today Christians all over the world meet on Sun-god day to worship who? They worship Mithra. They think they’re going to their Sun-god churches to worship Yahushua, yet they’re worshipping Mithra and the god Paul taught. The messiah Paul teaches is not the same messiah that Yahushua is and was, and what the 12 apostles taught. It’s a fake messiah, folks.


    Mithra has a symbol. And guess what Mithra’s symbol is. He’s depicted as a bull. And this—as early back as Adam and Eve, when they left the garden of Eden, the bull motif was adopted by the early races. It’s a reflection of the age of Taurus, around 4500-2300 B.C. The sacred bull was found in numerous places around the world during this age of Taurus.

    In Exodus 12, where Moses institutes the sacrifice of a lamb or ram instead of the bull, Mithra’s slaying of the bull was an act that became as central to Mithraism as the crucifixion was to Christianity. The bull represented rebirth, fertility. And with his blood corresponding to the wine of the mysteries of the early ages. The sacrifice of the bull was reenacted in Mithraic baptism, a mystery rite, in which the initiates were splattered with the blood. The initiate was then said to have been “born again.”

    In Mithraism, the slaying of the Heavenly Bull, Mithra is essentially sacrificing himself in order to save the world: the bull appears to signify the earth or mankind, and the implication is that Mithra, like Christ, overcame the world; but in the early Persian writings Mithra himself is the bull, the god thus sacrificing himself becoming a close mimicry and mockery of the real Messianic Sacrifice, of Yahushua.

    Like the vast majority of ancient gods, Mithra was never a "real person." He was originally represented by non-human forms. And it’s significant to note that ancient Iranians themselves did not represent the Sun-god in human form. They used to represent him by means of symbols. They used the symbols. And these are the same symbols that we have now known in Masonry and the Illuminati. The all-seeing eye references to the sun-god, Mithra.


    Mithra paganism dominant in the early ages and dominant now amongst the Illuminati and the occultists have the following in common with the Jesus Christ of today’s churches:

    * Mithra was born on December 25th. Although Yahushua was born in October, the churches today celebrate Mithra's birthday being conned into believing it was Yahushua’s birthday.

    * Mithra’s birth was witnessed by shepherds and by Magi (wise men) who brought gifts to his sacred birth-cave of the Rock (to mock the wise men who would bring gifts to Yahushua when He was born).

    * Mithra was considered a great traveling teacher and master.

    * He had 12 companions or disciples (although in Mithraism this was represented by the 12 astrological signs).

    * He performed miracles.

    * He was buried in a tomb.

    * After three days he rose again (although no one ever witnessed this).

    * His resurrection was celebrated every year (although he was never a real person).

    * He was called "the Good Shepherd."

    * He was considered "the Way, the Truth and the Light, the Redeemer, the Savior, the Messiah."

    * He was identified with both the Lion and the Lamb.

    * His sacred day was Sunday, "the Lord's Day," and this was hundreds of years before Yahushua even began His ministry on Earth.

    * He had his main festival on what was later to become Easter, at which time he was resurrected.

    * His religion, Mithraism, had a Eucharist or what they called the "Lord's Supper."

    * He performed miracles.

    * He was considered the creator of life.

    * The mediator between man and the higher gods.

    * Called the God of light.

    * The All-seeing one.

    * The Guardian of oaths and covenants.


    It was this Mithra cult that was a rival—the leading rival against Christianity in Rome, and more successful than Christianity for the first four centuries of the “Christian” era. It’s this Mithraism, folks, that Paul was a priest of. He was a Mithraic priest.


    And the women were forbidden to enter Mithraic temples. Which is why you’ll see his contempt for women so dominant in his writings. He still has the same contempt. The women of the Mithraic cult had their own goddess worship. They had their own temples of Isis, Diana, Juno. Pretty much the same way in Masonry lodges today where they have the sister lodges of the Eastern Star.


    Paul quotes from Mithraic scriptures. He quoted from Mithraic dogma in his own writings all the time. Mixing them with words of the apostles. Misquoting them.


    Constantine was also a believer in Mithraism. He was the one that was instrumental in marrying Christian beliefs and doctrines with Mithraism. He was a heavy Mithra worshipper. And his mother was a worshipper of Ishtar, who they refer to as ‘My Lady,’ the Queen of Heaven.

    And it was Constantine who merged this blended form of Mithraism and Christianity into the churches in 312 A.D. And back then, most of the churches were built over the top of shrines and temples of Mithraism.


    And when you see this bull-god arrive, which he will, Mithra, in the form of the Antichrist and the False Prophet, then maybe you’ll see the continuing legacy of these paganisms from the time Adam left the garden of Eden throughout the church age, to even the arrival of the Antichrist, the two beasts of Revelation. If you go to New York City, there’s a huge bull right down through Wall Street. That’s their god; Mithra. The Taurus, the bull.

    If people won’t wake up and realize the truth now about how we’ve been deceived through the last, almost 2,000 years of the church age, how are they gonna know enough scripture to know something’s wrong, something’s just not right about these Ascended Masters that are coming.

    You know, this Mithra had 12 followers mimicking Yahushua, and Him and His 12 apostles. The Ascended Masters are coming and there’s 12 of them. We’re gonna see this repeat itself. There’s gonna be a repeated cycle. And their little Queen of Heaven, Ishtar, Isis is going to be with them. She’s arriving with them.


    You need to read my article on Where the Churches Went Wrong: The Deception of the Ages. And you don’t have to believe what I’m saying. Go to the Father and ask Him for the truth in all things. Ask Him to teach and reveal to you what it was the early churches believed, what the apostles really taught, what Yahushua taught, and how it compares to what they’re teaching you in the churches today. They lead you into Paul worship. You know, another name for Paul was Apollo.

    And it wouldn’t be important if the Father didn’t want me to spend time tonight on this. So it must be important to Him. Because people have been led astray. And the ones coming are gonna lead them further into apostasy and errors. Because I was so far beyond it, I’m thinking we’re at the point now where doctrines no longer matter. Because unless people have a personal relationship with Yahushua, they’re just gonna die.

    We’re in a time coming upon—the day of the Lord, which is coming upon us quickly, of plagues, suffering, lawlessness, martial law roundups, U.N. troops here shooting everybody, going after everybody. They want to kill the Lord’s people.

    The Christians sitting in churches today aren’t a threat to Lucifer. The ones who are are the ones who are outside the churches with their eyes open. If everything you say is ingrained in today’s ideologies that they teach—doctrines they teach in the churches, then you’re no threat because most of them are harassed and possessed by his spirits already, his demons.

    And you see it all over the place. People carry this Pentecostal spirit even years after they leave Pentecostal religions. It’s that fake, boisterous, self-important spirit that they all carry, they all get. They have to have their Paul. Because that vilifies all their fake visions and prophecies that they get. That’s why they don’t want to have to wake up to the truth that Paul was…Paul was in a Mithraic cult. He was a priest of Satan’s. They don’t wanna accept that because that demolishes their own beliefs and their own set of importance that they’ve built up within themselves.


    The day of the Lord’s coming quickly. And if you don’t know who the real Messiah is and the real Savior, Yahushua, you’re just gonna be led astray into the false doctrines of Paul’s Jesus. The false doctrines of today’s Jesus and Christianity.

    Yes, Yahushua died on the cross for our sins. And He rose again three days later. Most people can agree on the basic tenets of that. But wait until these Ascended Masters come, and they start throwing out one doctrine, they throw out another, then they start attacking the need for a Christ, for a Messiah. They start throwing out His resurrection and His death, His crucifixion. They’ll say there’s no need for a Messiah. And they’ll quote scriptures; we’re all gods. They’ll quote you to death. And most of you don’t know, couldn’t recite, ten verses out of memory. You’ve never studied the Bible.


    I’ve been in arguments with Sananda. I know how good he is with scripture. And this was 8, 10 years ago. I know how good they are. And it worries me. No, I wasn’t deceived by him, because I’ve been reading scriptures since I was 12-years-old. But how many people are. So many people are gonna get deceived by him.

    They’re coming. You’ve seen them crashing all over the skies. They’re gonna finish up with this false Christianity and this false Muslim garbage that’s going on and two-thirds of the world’s falling for. And Hindu and Buddhism. Because just like Mithra back in the day, they all embraced him. They all just had a different name for him. And he’s gonna arrive to Earth and claim he’s this ancient Mithra. And interesting that the whole thing began from Iran. And where do I keep seeing Iran? It’s because Maitreya was supposed to come out of Iran.

    Maitreya. The one who’s been AWOL. And the one they tried to replace with Raj Patel out of London. [laughs] Second beast. And so, now it’s kind of, uh, up in the air. Is it gonna be Sananda and Obama? They’re already starting to call Obama the 12the imam to try to get people used to the fact that the backup has to stand up and take over because Maitreya’s AWOL. I even saw so much in the Codes as Sananda taking over Obama’s body. Soul-scalping him and taking over him. And he’d probably have a infused Obama—this soul-scalped version of Sananda and Obama—and this—the character they call Saint Germaine, who leads the world’s economies now behind the scenes, he would just step forward and continue to lead the world’s economies.


    If you look at Revelation, chapter 13, the two beasts of Revelation, he’s a political guy. Because the second beast, the False Prophet leads the world’s economies. And can perform false miracles to bolster their claims that he worships and follows god, who is going to be this fake Sananda/Jesus on Earth. So don’t be surprised if a political leader like Saint Germaine steps forward to take over where Maitreya was supposed to stand in.


    It’s gonna be a mess. And you’re not gonna know exactly how it’s gonna play until it actually plays out. Because they keep trying to come up with something that we haven’t thought of already to expose them on. See, there’s a huge standoff going on right now. There’s a huge standoff which is causing a lot of delays. They don’t want to arrive with the bigmouths here. They want us gone. Because we expose them and we embarrass them. And so, they want us gone before they arrive. And so, there’s a huge standoff.

    And right now, they’re working really hard on killing us off the earth first. If Father won’t just take us home, they’re working on killing us off. And so, a lot of us are getting poisoned constantly. We’re dealing with issues of being poisoned all the time.  

    I get poisoned all the time, folks. I find it amazing I’m even still alive. And just because I was anointed and stood up as the Lord’s mouthpiece on Earth does not mean I don’t suffer attacks. I get them all the time. Anyone who stands up and speaks the truth is going to be under attack.


    Now, the Father hasn’t let them kill me, but I certainly suffer attacks. Just as the apostles did. They didn’t get off easy. They spent time in prisons, they were persecuted, they were beat up. None of them retired in Hawaii on a beach. They were all killed, murdered. John was exiled after he was burned. They burned him alive. He didn’t die, so they just exiled him on an island.

    They didn’t have it easy either. That’s why you have all these cozy Christians running around today quoting Paul’s scriptures where we’re not under attack. [laughs] That the Father will thwart all attacks against us. Ephesians. They quote Ephesians. Which is the book the early church totally rejected and made Paul so mad. But it’s the main one churches quote today about putting on the armor of God. They want you to think something’s wrong with your faith if you’re under attack because we’re supposed to be under grace. [laughs]

    We are under grace, folks. But we’re also required to show our faith by our works just as James said. You have this false mentality given by the churches today, that…“Sit on your couches and do nothing. Don’t prepare for the things that are coming.” So you’re like sheep. You’re led to the slaughter. You’re not preparing for the things that are coming.


    I’ll never be one that just sits and does nothing while Satan runs from one end of this world to the other like…with no resistance. Hello!? If you love the Father, wouldn’t you wanna stand for Him against His enemies? You know, that’s why my ministry is so different from so many others. Because I do something about it. I do something about the evil and the wickedness that rule this world. I don’t just preach about it, I do something about it.

    When I was seeking the Lord and asking Him how to tear down the strongholds of Satan, He led me to orgone. He taught me how to make it. Taught me what it is. And we’re pulling their ships out of the sky on fire every night since we started this orgone war. And that was ten years ago. Ten years ago. Orgone destroys Satan’s strongholds. So if we have something as simple as that, shouldn’t every person on the planet be making it and getting it out there to destroy Satan and his strongholds on this earth?

    Yes, the Lord’s gonna destroy the earth. At His second coming. But guess who has the dominance right now. Runs to and fro looking for who he can steal, kill, and destroy. We can stop them. We can’t stop him, personally, but we can stop all the people who work with him and for him. We can destroy their shelters, their hiding places.

    You want them to stop eating and abducting our people? Destroy the ships they’re taking them to. Destroy the bases they’re taking them to. It’s a war, folks. It’s a war between good and evil. You know, if you just sit on your couch and accept the fact good and evil exists, it’s always gonna be a war, and never do anything about it, well, you’re certainly just part of the problem. I’d rather be part of the solution. I’d rather be busy when the Father returns. You know, every time we take out one base. We find out where there’s more. There’s more.


    I have a 1500-mile mission planned. And I need support for that. I need supplies. I need crystals. I need copper wire. I need funds so I can buy resin, pay for gas, get on the road, pay for all the pipes we need, all the stuff we need. Because some things you just can’t ship.

    We’ll need to keep going, folks. You know, last year I told you the Lord was—Father was connecting all the dots. Well, guess what. We need more dots for Him to connect. Some of you think you’ve put enough dots out there. All you’re gonna do. Well, great. Then we need Father to stand up more people to help us get more done.


    He’s not gonna take us home and off this earth until we’ve completed everything He wants us to do. And the longer we’re here, and the more they do, and the more we get delayed, guess what. It’s because He’s finding more things He wants us to do before we actually leave.

    If He takes us, who’s gonna stand up and do what needs done? Because there’s only a handful of us now who’ve done it. If He takes us home, who’s gonna stand up and do what He needs done? Who is there?

    Most of the churches hate me. They mock us. They laugh about us. They say we’re blasphemous. Yeah, because we teach the truth. They’re not gonna stand up for Him and do anything He’s asks and leads them to do when we’re gone. They’re worthless. So we’ve got some things He wants done we need to do. We need to do. That’s why you’re seeing delays, standoffs. But it’s so close. Their arrival to Earth is so close you can taste it. And we may just be stuck here to watch it. Watch their arrival on Earth.


    A lot of people talking about they’re hearing ringing in their ears. I asked Father what that was. I’ve been having ringing in my ears since last year. And He told me it was a change of the frequencies. So what we’re seeing is a merging of the dimensions. This has been going on for several years. I know people catching on and being affected by it more and more. Seems like two years ago I was hearing of people committing suicide because the ringing in their ears was driving them crazy. It’s a merging of the dimensions. It’s a merging of the frequencies. That’s why people are starting to hear that ringing and they can’t get rid of it.

    Get away from digital equipment. It tends to magnify it. Computers, cell phones, televisions. Walk away from wherever you’re at, if it’s driving you nuts. Ask the Lord to put a body shield around you that nothing can penetrate. Wear an orgone pendant.

    Even after doing all these things, sometimes you still here the ringing. It’s dimensions merging. That’s how close we are to the day of the Lord beginning, folks. Just keep your mind on other things. Keep it busy on the Father. Ask Him to reveal to you the truth in all things. Ask Him to reveal to you what the early churches believed and how they relate to the churches today.

    I have an article on my websites, Where the Churches Went Wrong: The Deception of the Ages. You need to read that. Especially if you’re involved with the Christianity being taught in the churches today.


    Anyway, folks. I’ll be back next week. And I still need help. This 1500-mile mission we’re planning, implementing. You can send donations and supplies to Sherry Shriner, P.O. Box 531, Carrollton, OH 44615. That’s Sherry Shriner, P.O. Box 531, Carrollton, OH—C-A-R-R-O-L-L-T-O-N, Ohio--44615. We need people to stand up and be a part of this—our resistance on Earth against Satan and his strongholds. We need people to stand up and help us. We need funding. We need foot soldiers.

    We need people to make or buy orgone and get it out there. You can learn how on my website, Oh, they wanna raise awareness of orgone in the world because they want to attack mine. The particular strand and strain that we make destroys them.

    And so, they wanna raise awareness of all orgone, so when they attack ours, it makes sense to people. So that they can lie about it and try to discredit us. Because that’s what they’re going to work on doing when they do arrive and we’re still here. They’re gonna come after us. Try to attack our orgone. Get it banned. So we got a short time to still get it out there. To still make it and get it done, get it out there. If it wasn’t effective, they wouldn’t care. If it wasn’t destroying them, they wouldn’t care about it, folks.

    Anyway, till next week, everybody. Yah bless.

    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Paul_Apostle_Hajdudorog_Frame
    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Apostle-Paul-Preaching-on-the-Ruins
    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Bull8
    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Hathor_Sun
    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Runningbulls
    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts SDC12209
    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts LotImg10615

    Divine Cults of the Sacred Bulls
    Anita Stratos

    The deification of animals in ancient Egypt existed even before the countrys unification around 3100 BC. Communities worshipped their own deities, many of which were represented in animal form. In some villages animals wrapped with linen and matting, such as cows, dogs, and sheep, were buried right along with humans. Animal statuettes as well as amulets and slate palettes shaped like animals have been found in the graves of many ancient Egyptians.

    Although there is no clear-cut reason for the deification of animals, it has been surmised that some animals may have achieved their godly status because they helped humans, whereas the more dangerous and feared animals, such as jackals, may have been worshipped as a way to appease them. In any case, it is believed that deities needed to be given a recognizable form so that the divine force would not seem so abstract to the masses. A familiar image, such as that of an animal, gave people a more concrete concept of the powers of that specific deity, which is why one deity could be represented by several different images. In essence, the powers and traits of the god were conveyed by the form or forms that it took. In this way, it was more easily understood.

    During the early dynastic period animal gods were gradually anthropomorphed, being portrayed with animal or bird heads on human bodies. Over the course of time these animal deities appeared many different ways, including in full animal form, animal heads with human bodies, and completely human. In all of these various forms, animal deities were drawn performing human activities, such as engaging in battle and conquering enemies.

    Among the most important animal cults were the bull cults, which appeared in Egyptian writings as far back as the First Dynasty. The ancients believed that the powerful bull represented the personality of the king; slate palettes dating back as far as 3100 BC even show kings as bulls. This animal was chosen because it symbolized the kings courageous heart, great strength, virility, and fighting spirit. Bulls horns even embellish some of the tombs of courtiers who served the first Saqqara kings.

    Priests of the bull cults identified a sacred bull by its very specific markings (described below). Once the bull was proclaimed to be a god incarnate, it was taken to the temple compound where it was purified, stabled in majestic quarters, fed the best foods, and given a herd of the finest cows.

    The Apis bull cult is probably the best known of the three most prominent and divine bull cults, and it is considered to be the most sacred. Herodotus wrote that the Apis was the "calf of a cow which is never afterwards able to have another. The Egyptian belief is that a flash of lightning descends upon the cow from heaven, and this causes her to receive Apis."

    The Apis bull was originally considered to be the incarnation of the god Ptah, the creator of the universe and master of destiny, but this was a lesser-known association. Later the Apis became widely known as the incarnation of Osiris, god of embalming and cemeteries, when Ptah himself took on funerary characteristics and became associated with Osiris. Plutarch wrote that the "Apis was a fair and beautiful image of the soul of Osiris". At any rate, only one bull was considered to be the sacred Apis at a time; a replacement could be sought upon the death of the bull. The new Apis was transported to Memphis on a boat with a specially built golden cabin.

    An Apis calf could be identified by certain distinct markings: the black calf had a white diamond on its forehead, an image of an eagle on its back, double the number of hairs on its tail, and a scarab mark under its tongue. Since the Apis was so sacred, it stands to reason that its mother (referred to as the "Isis cow") was revered as well.

    The birth of an Apis calf was a time for celebration among ancient Egyptians, since this meant that a living god had been born into their midst. But according to Herodotus, this religious belief was desecrated in 525 BC by Persian King Cambyses when he overtook the holy city of Memphis. Herodotus states that the day after Cambysess bloody battle, he awoke to discover the Egyptians in Memphis celebrating. Upon asking why a defeated people would rejoice after being so brutally beaten, he was told that a living god had just been born. Cambyses demanded that this god be brought before him, and when he was presented with the Apis calf, he laughed with disgust and called the Egyptians pagans and fools. He then stabbed the calf in its hindquarters, which eventually caused the calf to die, at which point Cambyses had it cooked and served at a banquet. Horrified Egyptians considered this blasphemy to be the reason for all of Egypt's future tragedies.

    Herodotus's account differs greatly from Egyptian records, which appear to take an opposing view. These records state that between 525 and 522 BC, Cambyses partook in a religious ceremony in which he dedicated the sarcophagus of a mummified Apis bull as part of his pharaonic obligations.

    Egyptians celebrated the Festival of the Apis Bull, which lasted for seven days. Throngs of people gathered in Memphis to watch priests lead the sacred bull in a hallowed procession through the welcoming crowds. It was thought that any child who smelled the breath of the Apis had the ability to predict the future. In fact, the Apis itself was often consulted as an oracle. Egyptians asked the bull a question and then offered it food: if the bull ate the food it was a good omen, but a rejection of the food was a bad omen.

    When Egypt fell under the rule of the Ptolemies, a new god was created by Ptolemy I in an effort to unify Greeks and Egyptians by establishing a deity that would be familiar to both cultures. The new god was named Serapis, which combined components of the Greek gods Zeus, Asklepios, and Dionysys as well as the Egyptian deity Osiris and the sacred Apis bull cult. Although the god had a Greek appearance, it also had some of the features of an Apis bull as well as an Egyptian name. Serapis was declared a god of fertility and the underworld, but even though Egyptians tolerated this new deity, they never truly accepted it. On the other hand, because Greek leadership supported the new Serapis cult, many Greeks did accept and follow it, but the artificially created cult never achieved its goal of religious unity between Greeks and Egyptians.

    When an Apis bull died, the body was embalmed and entombed with the great ceremony that would be afforded royalty. A Memphis temple housing large alabaster slabs was the place in which the bulls were embalmed. After preparation of the body and internal organs, the crouching bull was intricately bandaged, artificial eyes were inserted, its horns and face were either gilded or covered with a gold leaf mask, and it was covered with a shroud. The Apis mummy was carried to the Serapeum (a catacomb preceded by an avenue of sphinxes), amid the formalities due a deity, for burial in a massive stone sarcophagus weighing over 60 tons. A

    Another bull cult was the Buchis cult, which lasted until about 362 AD. The Buchis bull was the representation of the gods Re and Osiris, but it was also linked with the god of war, Montu. A bull had to have the specific colorings of a black face with a white body in order to be considered Buchis.

    The center of the Buchis cult was the town of Armant. Many generations of mummified Buchis bulls and their mothers were laid to rest in a designated cemetery, called the Bucheum, where the bulls were fastened to wooden boards with metal staples that held the forelegs and hindlegs in place.

    There is far less information about the Mnevis cult than the other two bull cults. Mnevis was the sacred bull of Heliopolis, and although it was associated with the sun god Re, it has been suggested that it was also identified with Min, the fertility god of Coptos. When Akhenaten (originally Amenhotep IV) raised the cult of the sun to new heights, he established a new city, now known as Tell el Amarna, and dedicated it to the worship of the god Aten. Akhenaten swore he would bury Mnevis bulls in this new city, but thus far archaeologists have not found any bull burials there. However, two Mnevis burials were found in Heliopolis, both belonging to the Ramesses dynasty. The bulls were found in individual tombs that were cut into the ground and sealed with a granite slab.

    Many of the animal mummies in museums today were donated over a century ago by various collectors who purchased them during their travels, therefore the mummies have no associated provenience information. Unless the animals are wrapped in a specific style, such as the diamond pattern used during the Greco-Roman period, the remains cannot be dated. Animal mummies with plain linen wrappings could belong to any era, from ancient to modern times. It is possible that radiocarbon dating performed on animal mummies in good condition could yield information about the age of some animal cults, providing some long-awaited answers.
    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Apis_bull_on_coffin
    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Bull_god-egypt-worship
    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Mvc-017s
    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Ancient+Egyptian+Life
    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Procession+of+the+Bull+Apis++by+Frederick+Bridgman

    I'm just a Completely Ignorant Fool sitting in my Ghostbuster-Cadillac (not a '59 -- but my dad had one!) wearing my Dr. Venkman Shirt underneath a Suit-Jacket which belonged to a Top Boeing Executive -- and I have a Fedora on my head which was given to me by an Ancient-Egyptian Deity!! I'm telling the Absolute-Truth!! That's so sad that it's almost funny, isn't it?! Perhaps someday I really will be given that Absolute-Access Pass!! Perhaps the Vatican will show me all of their secret books on alien (and other-than-human) races!! Perhaps a Draconian-Reptilian will give me a tour of the Deep Underground Reptilian Monastery under the Vatican!! I know there are those in the solar system who could tell me the whole-truth in a rather short time-period -- but that would spoil all the "fun" wouldn't it?? Babylon 5 begins in 2258 AD. That's an interesting date to me (plus or minus a few hundred years)! Babylon 5 ended in 2263 AD. Did it end on November 22?? Once again, I have no clue regarding a lot of what I ramble about. All of this is intended to make all of us think. I think I might really be cracking-up. DC-10's crack me up!! Once again, I have No Plans to do anything more than I'm presently doing (and not doing). The chances of anyone really absorbing my Philosophical-Potpourri are probably close to Zero -- thus making me the equivalent of the King of Nothing!! You're all sleeping in the bed you've made -- and you don't seem to need (or want) me. So Be It. Anyway, here is yet another Study-List:

    1. The Gods of Eden -- William Bramley.
    2. Patriarchs and Prophets -- Ellen White.
    3. Prophets and Kings -- Ellen White.
    4. The Desire of Ages -- Ellen White.
    5. Christ's Object Lessons -- Ellen White.
    6. Israel and the Nations -- F.F. Bruce.
    7. Daniel -- Desmond Ford.
    8. Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs -- Ralph Ellis.
    9. Tempest and Exodus -- Ralph Ellis.
    10. Solomon: Pharaoh of Egypt -- Ralph Ellis.
    11. Eden in Egypt -- Ralph Ellis.
    12. Scota: Egyptian Queen of the Scots -- Ralph Ellis.
    13. Cleopatra to Christ -- Ralph Ellis.
    14. King Jesus -- Ralph Ellis.
    15. Stargate (SG-1) Movies and Series.
    16. Babylon 5 Movies and Series.
    17. Earth: Final Conflict Series.
    18. The Federalist Papers (and U.S. Constitution).
    19. The United States of the Solar System -- Final Cut.
    20. Threads and Posts by Brook.
    21. The 1928 Book of Common Prayer (and Liturgy).
    22. Sacred Classical Music.
    23. Deuteronomy through Jude (KJV).

    Study this post and the previous post exhaustively. Think in terms of Ancient-Egypt -- the Intertestamental-Period -- and Early-Christianity. I'm not going to spell it out for you -- but in many ways, the problems are much more than overwhelming -- yet I am seeking positive-solutions to the madness. This is extremely dangerous and tricky territory -- and I'm in way over my head in these matters. I'm going to try not to say anything more about this for a while. Think of me as living and working in a 600 square-foot office-apartment on Phobos or Babylon 5 (in my old office-apartment, perhaps?!) -- continuing this thread as a consultant-ambassador for the newly-formed Earth-Alliance officially known as The United States of the Solar System. Namaste and Godspeed.

    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Davincicode

    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Shofar
    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts The-gospel-of-st-luke-alan-carlson
    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Paul-carousel1
    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Mona-Lisa-Alien-59028

    Posts : 1280
    Join date : 2012-06-17

    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Empty Re: Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts

    Post  magamud Sat Oct 04, 2014 7:02 am

    Christ absolutely existed and is part of our natural order with the human species. Christ is true because the devil is true and he comes into existence to ban the devil and bring truth and the light to our species. This is the Cosmic order. This knowledge will never penetrate a closed mind addicted to the Empirical Box and a tell of no miracles for the Pharisees. So, one must have the courage to go beyond the box, use faith as strength in the uncharted waters, where paradox reigns. Over a lifetime if you can have courage, practice in this quantum field you will develop a martial art and see the obviousness of the truth of Christ.

    So in essence finding Christ can be an inner awareness or an outer awareness. No one is going to tell you, there he is, or he is over there, because the truth is everywhere.


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    Location : The Matrix

    Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Empty Re: Another nail in the coffin for dead man on a stick religion: 'Jesus NEVER existed': Writer finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:38 am

    I'm presently thinking in terms of Behind the Scenes Gods and/or Goddesses creating mythology, theology, and weapons of mass-destruction. I'm also thinking they consider themselves to be above the Laws they create for the Commoners. They might call it "God's Prerogative." "Thou Shalt Not Kill" does NOT preclude Conquest and Mass-Murder. Gods and Goddesses can seemingly do whatever the hell they wish to do -- regardless of whether any "Do-Gooder Commoners" like it, or not. I'm presently modeling the following (relative to solar system governance) -- but I don't know why I bother. Ethics, Law, and Order don't seem to matter in this universe -- or did I get it wrong one more time??

    1. The 1928 Book of Common Prayer and Liturgy.
    2. Prophets and Kings by Ellen White.
    3. The Gospel According to Science Fiction by Gabriel McKey.
    4. The Gods of Eden by William Bramley.
    5. The Federalist Papers and U.S. Constitution.
    6. Sacred Classical Music.

    Has anyone itemized the Murder and Mayhem from Genesis to Revelation in the Holy Bible?? I think you all need to take this stuff seriously. I continue to think that the Human-Race is on the Brink of Extinction -- but nobody seems to give a god-damn. Prove to me that the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the World Wars are NOT Biblical. Genesis through Esther are quite harsh. Job through Malachi are much more refined -- and much less brutal. Matthew through Jude are actually quite civilized -- but the Book of Revelation brings us right back to the shameless murder and mayhem of the early Books of the Bible. But just remember that "God is Love."

      Current date/time is Tue Dec 10, 2024 3:13 pm