Anchor wrote:
The line was drawn in the sand months ago, and the moderators will react in a way that those who cross it will specifically not really like, especially as people who cross that line generally fall into a category of those who harbour highly polarized reactivity against "authority".
Yes a line was drawn in the sand burying underneath the last chances we had to uncover the truth as to why a loving community was suddenly driven into chaos in the span of a few weeks . Would the truth have come out we could all have acknowledged it , understood and moved on . Instead of this, the lack of communication that took place during the last weeks of PA unstabilized the whole boat further. Instead of taking responsability to mend things the choice was made to build a brand new ship, now of limited access and controlled communication.
I believe our community held all the potential to handle things in a new paradigm kind of way as it had done before for so many months . Spirituality was strong in Avalon which allowed for a nice balance to it's political side .
When chaos arised I feel I myself could have taken a better stand . I can't therefore throw stones at anyone of my brothers and sisters . All I remember is there was suddenly smoke on the ship and it was hard to see clearly anylonger.As you say John there is a reason behind everything . The real reasons that led to the shism in PA and the rise of PA2 have to this date still not been found and explained imo . Would they have been no one would even need to talk about it any more .
In my own reality and personal experience things began soon after I started a thread on Mind Control in october 2009. I had come across some heavy material that I felt should be exposed in the open . Probably no one ever noticed but I found myself there after strongly opposed and ran into situations that I never thought I would in Avalon. From that point on I began to be witness of gradual chaos setting in here and there around the community that culminated in the wild fire you all experienced in february 2010 at the the end .
How did a strong community go down the drains in such a viral way ? Can Bill or Richard or any other of the mods be accountable for the enterety of the mess ? I don't think so . I believe Bill took drastic and extreme safety measures in a state of emergency and Richard complied with them. And it all became "take it " or " leave it "- the point where PA2 is now.
Could anything better have been done ? Yes, I think so for what has been lacking tremendously is a thorough review of the reasons why we were all driven to such a point of inbalance. Would this have been done we may well have arrived at the real whys instead of the wrong heads being put on a spike. There has been such confusion that no one knew anymore. The complete understanding of the situation that would have allowed everyone, or at least the majority to move in the same agreed direction was never reached.
The boiling pan was removed from the fire but it's precious content spilled all over the floor . It might have been wiser to just turn the gas off.
It does'nt make sense to me that brothers and sisters, like minded people, be driven so far apart .
I know of no one who is'nt missing old Avalon.
Would Bill have spend more time with us he might have realized this and done all he could to keep it alive as it was .
I don't know him well enough to be sure of this though.
If there is one question that stands out above the others it is " Who did it serve to attempt to bring the Spirit of such a strong community to it's knees by scattering it apart ? "
Maybe that all strong organizations are faced with such liabilities as some point. How wiser can we become then to prevent this to happen ?
PA was made of people. Although PA is gone we the people are still here. From dying PA the Mists were born, as did Pibis360 , Tony's forum and possibly others .Which makes me think that there comes a time where Spirit outgrowth bounderies and moves on and this in itself is freedom.
Well this is how I see things now but I believe and hope my viewpoint will still evolve as time goes by and greater understanding takes place.
Love Always