devakas Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:26 pm
materialists will always think that they create, like Shiloh stated recently that they create in a given time and space bubble. all materialists speculate in this given illusion till death. they think they are gods. deep deep they think they are, take a time and discuss with them the essence of their consciousness. they believe they are gods. funny, no, this is their karma. read my post about forgiveness. unfortunately maya covers reality very well for those who want to believe they create, they discover, they are cool. God gives them this opportunity to experience with their imperfect senses, and material mind. the truth is they are bastards. it is lack of intelligence. sad part is that naïve follow them. knowledge is not given to them. but their mind concoctions are so huge that they can not fit in thuban site anymore, they ask mists to accept them. how many tubans came here in the mists? no space to post in their site? hmm. why? share the BS? call it ancient? think that all are the same like them? lack of knowing what is consciousness?
incarnated consciousness bring previous experiences and this is why we have so many people talking what they do not know and keep talking what they do not understand. they can not admit they are dummies, but they try, because they think they are gods. they even quote Jesus. those are not jesus teachings if you read their posts, He did not teach what they are fantasizing and being in illusion spread the lies. materialists even do not know what is matter, their thoughts are materialistic speculations, that's it. you are right they are in illusion and do not know it. they think they are gods and they teach others to think that they create. this is bs, this is why tubans and all infected mists thuban legion is bs. now they call themselves ancient council of ones, hmmm :). proud dreamers of nonsense are tubans. no understanding of reality and no understanding of factual world. consciousness is for them fantasy and dream state or just math formula(Shiloh). Blocking is done. sad. mind is subtle matter and carries baggage from incarnation to incarnation.
it is soul nature to believe, there is impossible for soul not to believe. it requires a bit more intelligence, but they keep missing to put right anchor, and keep speculating (while chewing animals) and keep creating more and more nonsense. they call themselves dreamers. I think they are bastards dreamers. no goodness for humanity, no thoughts about living beings, all including animals. no sense of reality. reality is forgotten, hearts as stones. when they fail cosmic fantasies, they state iamwhoiam or nothingness, they spread what they do not know and what vibrates with their inner, quoting those 'so called scientists' , who keep 'discovering' every day. the tendency to figure out how material creation works. where is no why only how. I wish thubans would be placed in the Floyd crap files thread, magamud maha mud flip and change posts of dogma and no logic thoughts. maybe it is time now clean mists from the tuban and tuban legion associates posts, to shrink them in their site. to shrink and seal. no Shiloh , you are not god to dream, sorry to disappoint you. your tendency in changing your mind in your posts shows how messed up your mind is. possessed? The tendency to dream made many diseased minds. no luck on this planet.
yes Floyd it is time to move many threads into crap files, magamud and others who think they are 'from lion planets' or incarnated 'Mary from pleadians' (Raven) or ETs of some kind of invisible ships from advanced technology planetary systems, or ETs from Thuban elders council joke.
good start to think about animals to stop to eat them, compassion will start to develop one bit by another and world will change. think about kids reading before you post.