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    Liquid soap


    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

     Liquid soap Empty Liquid soap

    Post  Floyd Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:51 am

    Liquid soap recipes will be handy if you want a mild everyday soap in
    your bathroom or kitchen. Liquid laundry soaps have also been gaining
    popularity. Making organic liquid soap will ensure your skin and hands
    the best and most nourishing effect possible.

    Liquid soap recipes
    are usually more complicated than regular soap bars. Beginners may find
    it more difficult to make them because the entire soap making process
    can be different. Making natural liquid soap can take a good amount of
    patience as well. However, if you follow the instructions carefully,
    you'll realize that it is not all that hard.

    The main advantage of liquid soap is that it can be used right away after formulation. It does not need to be hardened or cured.

    main difference between solid soaps and liquid body soap is its actual
    central ingredient. When you make liquid soap, you use potassium
    hydroxide as lye (not sodium hydroxide) with water, oils and additives.
    Potassium hydroxide never solidify and stay liquid.

    The main method for making homemade liquid soap is called the hot process. Here are the steps for making your own liquid soap:

    you will need to make your liquid hand soap base. To make the liquid
    soap base, you simply pour water onto a container or a double boiler pot
    then add potassium hydroxide. Set this mixture aside as it boils. Take
    extreme care as the mixture can get extremely hot. Insulate the bottom
    of the pot for safety.

    Take your oil in another container. Heat
    this oil mixture until it matches the same temperature as the water
    mixture. When the temperatures are comparable, mix the two for about two
    minutes then allow to sit for 5 minutes.

    The next few steps you
    will follow is just the same as the cold process of making soap. The
    difference lies on how long you need to hold the entire trace process.
    For liquid soap making, you need to blend the liquid soap base very well
    beyond trace.

    To do this, you need to do the blend-allow to sit
    process mentioned previously for about three cycles. Once the base is
    completely smooth, it is just about ready to be used. You can add
    fragrance and essential oils depending on your preference.

    will know when it's time to stop when the consistency is just enough
    when droplets stay on the surface for a second once dropped.

    can make your own antibacterial liquid hand soap by adding in oils or
    herbal essences with anti-bacterial properties such as tea tree. Liquid
    glycerin soap has also gained popularity as they are relatively easier
    to make than other liquid soap bases. Make sure you keep wax additives
    below 2% and oil additives at 3% for best consistency.

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

     Liquid soap Empty Recepees for homemade solid soap

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:50 pm

     Liquid soap Spoon-10

    Almost.... edible looking soap! Beautiful to look at too Thubs Up
    I'm going to try to make some, in my candle workshop space at home.
    For the amounts of ingredients, go to the bottom of the page in the link.
    Happy bubbles!

      Current date/time is Wed Dec 11, 2024 10:49 pm