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    Providing base load power


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    Providing base load power Empty Providing base load power

    Post  bobhardee Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:16 pm

    Directory:Charles (Chuck) Pierce's "Regen" Self-Looped Motor-Generator System

    Regen cover removed. More photos below.
    Regen cover removed. More photos below.

    Compiled by Sterling D. Allan
    Pure Energy Systems News
    August 5, 2013

    On July 29, I had a conference call with inventor Chuck Pierce, PhD and his associate, Pat O'Connor, about their "Regen" technology that is a self-looped motor-generator system, or Q-mo-gen, as I call it; providing base-load power. This makes the 25th group I know of that has independently arrived at some kind of variation of this approach.

    They had called me one or two years ago, and I put them in touch with an incubator group that has been validating their technology and is close to signing a contract with them.

    Simply put, using off-the-shelf components, their system involves a starter motor that turns a flywheel which turns two generators. Once the generators are up to their rated speed, one of the generators powers a drive motor, which once it is up to speed takes over for the starter motor, to turn the flywheel. With the starter now disconnected, the generators provide usable energy, in addition to powering the driver motor as well as recharging the batteries that powered the starter motor. He uses computer controls to coordinate these various functions. This is described in detail below in their patent application #US20080143302A1. This might sound like lifting yourself up by your own bootstraps, but somehow this system draws energy from the environment, whether via a phase angle difference that sets up resonance with the environment, or via a magnetic dipole effect, or possibly via quantum tunneling, or a combination thereof, or something else yet to be determined.

    Chuck said that back in 2003 during the massive black-out in the Northeast, while his neighbors were without power for 5 days, his house was "lit up like a Christmas tree". The unit also provided power for his fridge, DVD, VCR. The police stopped by and asked where he was getting his power. He said, "Have you ever heard of a generator?" They responded that it was awfully quiet, and moved on.

    I don't quite understand what he means by this, but one of the things Chuck said is important in these systems is that the output generator not be hooked directly to the input motor. Maybe I've not studied the schematics close enough, but the diagrams seem to portray exactly that. He uses one generator to loop back, and another generator to provide usable power, both on the same belt.

    The thing I'm most excited about is that they offered to build one for me to power my house. Chuck said he has built 17 of these so far, each of which have been a little different than the others, and all of which have worked. He said he would get me the prices of the components required. I'll probably drive a pick-up to pick it up myself, rather than having it shipped. Also, I would like to fly out there to see his existing prototype first-hand. Once I have the details, I hope to launch a crowdfunding project to raise the funds for the flight, the parts, and the transport, with 75% of the excess going to them for whatever they need it for.

    Finally, after covering these exotic free energy technologies for more than 11 years, wouldn't it be great if I could install one in my home and disconnect from the grid!! It's about time!

    After our call, Chuck called me back to make the point that if I have one installed in my house that there must be "no reverse engineering." I agreed; with the caveat that if things fell apart in the world, and I wanted to be able to propagate the technology, that I would send him a royalty for any units sold.

    They said their present version produces 17 kW "usable" power, from a 40 kW capable generator combination. This should be more than ample to cover our peak load, when we have the heater or air conditioner on, while running other appliances in the house. They said the drive motor is only 3.5 kW.

    And here's the rush: the expected price for this system, once commercial, is approximately $5,000 -- for a 17kW, load-following device to power a house, including covering peak load!

    Chuck said he's been working on this for 25 years, and he said: "I've been generating power for 15 years," but not continuous. The longest he's run these has been for a few days.

    He would like to get it into production, but he is having a hard time finding people who don't get hung up on the appearance that this involves some kind of perpetual motion skullduggery.

    He said he had 3 nuclear engineers look at it, "blew them away". "We don't know how you did it." "You can't use Newtonian physics, maybe Maxwell's demon and quantum physics with some Einstein physics."

    He also said that the technology has been third party tested by ESA, which does testing for NASA. They have that report in writing, which states that it is definitely self-sustaining. They ran their test for ten weeks at 10 - 12kW continuous.

    He said that there have also been maybe 50-60+ people who have witnessed his system run.

    So far, he said he's spent around $2.5 million (not counting his time) developing this technology over the years.

    He said he first got the idea from a tractor. He noticed that the John Deer tricycle tractor was powered by a 2 cylinder Wisconsin motor. These tractors were used on everything. Even though the motor didn't have much power, they installed a huge flywheel, which gave it the same torque as a V8 engine. Chuck got the idea that if he spun up a flywheel at the same velocity, he could get the same torque in a generator. "Once I get the flywheel to its optimum velocity, it only requires 10% as much energy to keep it going."

    "The damn thing actually works. Now we just need to get it out there."

    My take on this is that the "magic" probably isn't in the flywheel, but in some kind of resonance that is set up between the motor(s) and the generator(s). The flywheel might help establish that resonance.

    Chuck comes from a family whose name is well-known, especially in exotic free energy circles. The Pierce Arrow is a vehicle that Tesla modified to run from energy from the environment. Chuck thinks it involved the 8 mega-Hertz magnetic field of the Earth.

    The family is also famous for the Pierce Oscillator, as well as the daylight sensors on street lights.

    Given what I know so far, I've placed Chuck's Q-Mo-Gen in fifth place on that page; but once I get validation, and once I get a grasp on how long it will take them to go commercial with this, I could be moving it up to position #1 or #2 on that page, which would put it among the lead of the Top 5 Exotic Free Energy Technologies.

    Chuck says that one could build a working system by following the patent, but that there are some secrets he uses to boost the performance of the system. If you happen to be successful in building these and selling them commercially, please do the right thing and regularly remit a royalty of at least 5% to Chuck.

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71

    Providing base load power Empty Re: Providing base load power

    Post  Brook Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:37 am

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