orthodoxymoron Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:49 pm
I hate to keep bringing this up -- but this is sort of my online daily diary -- where I express my innermost feelings to whoever might find that even remotely interesting. SO -- I think this thing is SO complicated and SO messy, that it might take many lifetimes as an insider, to really figure everything out. THAT is why I like the idea (in my next few incarnations) of being a Strong and Silent Insider Observer and Philosopher -- sort of like Palmer Joss in
Contact. You know --
Orthodoxymoron Goes to Phobos. This thread might be an appropriate place to take another look at Bill Cooper's famous 1989 Las Vegas MUFON lecture.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIo3GpornCk That one always gives me nightmares! I keep thinking about Archangels -- Stolen Technology -- and a Stolen Solar System. This MIGHT be why THEY try to keep everything secret. But honestly, THEY often seem to be VERY sloppy. I'm NOT a bad-guy (in this incarnation!), but if I were in the shoes of the Secret Government (and if I needed to maintain secrecy), I think I could do a helluva lot better job of keeping secrets than the present team. But really, the possibility exists that THEY won a long time ago -- and they don't really care if we find out -- at this late date. But Siriusly, if I took over someone's solar system -- I think I might take the best real-estate on the planet -- tax the hell out of the rest of the planet -- and just leave the natives completely alone!! No worship and praise! No terrorism and wars! No messing with them in any way, shape, or form!! Do you see what I mean?? But I would NOT engage in conquest (merciless or otherwise). Not in my present state of mind and morals!! Who knows what I might've done in antiquity??
Someone suggested, in a very round-about way that I might've been an Ancient Hebrew Warrior!! I keep thinking of
Battlestar Galactica in Hebrew-Warrior terms!! Do you know what I mean?? Is there a Hebrew-Orion connection and a Hebrew Sirius-A connection?? You know -- going way, way, way back -- in some sort of a hidden history?? I'm not necessarily opposed to what I think the core power-structure of this solar system might be like -- but I am alarmed at the bloody and nasty history of the world -- and by the nasty people I keep encountering in everyday life. Something is VERY wrong with this picture! I continue to imagine a lot of things that I won't talk about. Despite my in-your-face posting-style, I am quite tight-lipped. I'm only doing what I'm doing because of the Internet Infowar -- the fact that I'm getting old -- and the fact that philosophy and religion seem to be in an incredible crisis of confidence. Many people are disappointed with God and the clergy. Eisenhower clearly knew that the official U.S. Government was NOT in control of Area 51 -- but I think he also recognized that whoever was -- was a helluva lot more sophisticated than 'we' were. I just think there's been a helluva lot of deception and corruption in connection with all of this secret space stuff. It would take a helluva lot of money to do what I think the secret government has done. I have NO idea whether any of this was a legitimate enterprise or not. That might depend on one's perspective -- and whether one was an insider or an outsider. I keep worrying that one bad@ss faction is throwing another bad@ass faction under the bus -- so THEY can take over all of the goodies!!! I've even hinted that a United States of the Solar System would do that sort of thing -- but hopefully for the betterment of all-concerned (or something corny like that). I continue to be VERY afraid of Enslavement and Extermination -- which could ultimately end all life (as we know it) in the solar system.