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    According to Alex Collier - December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density


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    According to Alex Collier - December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density Empty According to Alex Collier - December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density

    Post  Carol Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:49 pm
    According to Alex Collier - December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density
    UFO Hypotheses - Alex Collier Volume Two (19 of 24)
    from Alex Collier's book Defending Sacred Ground:

    Probable Events That Might Be Happening In the Next Few Years

    "Between 1996 and the end of 1997, there is a very strong possibility that one third of Japan is going to sink below the ocean surface in a very violent earthquake.

    Between June and October of 2003, there is a strong probability we will wake up one morning and the moon will no longer be in orbit. The reason for this is that there are regressive energies on the moon. They just might have to "pay back some karma".

    Between 2003 and 2007, the benevolent races are supposedly going to be all around us. We will see them, but they will not interfere. The Andromedan Council, a group of representatives from 143 planetary systems, made a declaration that by August 12, 2003 all extraterrestrial presence, both good and bad, off our planet. They want to see how we interact with each other when we are not being manipulated. It's a test, and they have every intention on carrying it out. It's going to be interesting.

    Between 2004 and 2007, all the DNA coding which involves all the racial memory from the 22 races will begin to unlock.

    By 2007, everyone will have full memory of who they are, who they were, and where they come from. A lot of this has to do with the implosion of third density pulling us up into higher densities.

    Between 2007 and 2012, we are supposed to see the birth of a brand new galaxy in the area of the sky known as Vega, just before we move into fifth density. Now, they time travel so they already know its there.

    Between 2007 and 2009, if it is allowed to happen naturally, we are supposed to have a 17 degree pole shift. The area of Saudi Arabia is supposed to become the new North Pole, so we have no choice but to go to free energy. North America is supposed to end up on the equator.

    By the year 2003, you are going to hear more reports about "ghosts", because what is happening is that the new frequency is raising the vibration of the planet, and third and fourth density will come closer and closer together as third density starts to implode. This means that the molecules in our bodies are going to 'speed up', because the body is not dead matter, and you are going to start to see on more of a spirit level. We are going to have to become more responsible in the exercise of our free will as the earth changes start. People living along the coastal areas are going to have a problem, as the oceans could rise as much as 200 feet by the year 2008.

    Around 2011, our sun will undergo a 180 degree pole shift.

    During the next seven years, between 1996 and 2004, the major cities in the United States will be under quarantine because of the spread of tuberculosis. The average life expectancy of men in the inner cities will be 43 years of age, and for women 55. You are going to see the end of welfare, free medical and county services, because everybody will be bankrupt. Many people will be moving to communities outside the cities, growing food and having their own private police forces."

    Denial is the dragon that we all have to slay.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1978
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    Location : British Columbia Canada

    According to Alex Collier - December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density Empty According To Alex Collier

    Post  Jenetta Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:12 pm

    All I can say to the above is that the timeline must have changed in 1988 for nothing matches here...

    As above so below...

    Posts : 13540
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    Location : The Matrix

    According to Alex Collier - December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density Empty Re: According to Alex Collier - December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:05 pm

    I continue to 'enjoy' listening to Alex Collier -- but he loses me with dimensional-talk, ET-mentoring, no-money, spaceships which are bigger on the inside than they are on the outside, etc. I presently view 'leaving third-dimension' as being the extermination of humanity -- and the souls of humanity incarnating back into reptilian-physicality -- or whatever we were before we were human. I presently think that the Book of Revelation might be a bad-thing for humanity. Still, I think Alex knows a helluva lot -- and that he only tells us a portion of what he really knows. For example, he recently did NOT wish to talk about Angels -- and I think I know why. Alex is someone I'd like to have an all-night discussion with -- although I'd probably become suicidal by breakfast-time. I think things might be THAT bad. I try to have fun on this website -- but I strongly suspect that the galactic-realities are NOT pleasant -- and that very few individuals are prepared to properly process the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth -- about life, the universe, and everything. Knowing -- and Thinking We Know -- are two VERY different things. I KNOW that I don't know -- and I'm not sure I really wish to know. I might not be able to handle the truth. Me knowing the truth might create more problems than I can possibly imagine. What Would the NSA Say?? The Horror.

    Posts : 1471
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    According to Alex Collier - December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density Empty Re: According to Alex Collier - December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density

    Post  enemyofNWO Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:02 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I continue to 'enjoy' listening to Alex Collier -- but he loses me with dimensional-talk, ET-mentoring, no-money, spaceships which are bigger on the inside than they are on the outside, etc. I presently view 'leaving third-dimension' as being the extermination of humanity -- and the souls of humanity incarnating back into reptilian-physicality -- or whatever we were before we were human. I presently think that the Book of Revelation might be a bad-thing for humanity. Still, I think Alex knows a helluva lot -- and that he only tells us a portion of what he really knows. For example, he recently did NOT wish to talk about Angels -- and I think I know why. Alex is someone I'd like to have an all-night discussion with -- although I'd probably become suicidal by breakfast-time. I think things might be THAT bad. I try to have fun on this website -- but I strongly suspect that the galactic-realities are NOT pleasant -- and that very few individuals are prepared to properly process the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth -- about life, the universe, and everything. Knowing -- and Thinking We Know -- are two VERY different things. I KNOW that I don't know -- and I'm not sure I really wish to know. I might not be able to handle the truth. Me knowing the truth might create more problems than I can possibly imagine. What Would the NSA Say?? The Horror.


    If you analyze the probable events from the above post you will find that none of those predictions ever happened . 10 predictions and Zero results . The facts speak for themselves . I am afraid that Alex is one of the multitude of people that tells his audience what they want to hear …….. and the people like it ........
    Let's watch this one " According to Alex Collier - December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density
    UFO Hypotheses - Alex Collier Volume Two (19 of 24) "
    It would be interesting to know who suggested this event to him… The tooth fairy ?


    Posts : 13540
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    According to Alex Collier - December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density Empty Re: According to Alex Collier - December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:55 am

    enemyofNWO wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:I continue to 'enjoy' listening to Alex Collier -- but he loses me with dimensional-talk, ET-mentoring, no-money, spaceships which are bigger on the inside than they are on the outside, etc. I presently view 'leaving third-dimension' as being the extermination of humanity -- and the souls of humanity incarnating back into reptilian-physicality -- or whatever we were before we were human. I presently think that the Book of Revelation might be a bad-thing for humanity. Still, I think Alex knows a helluva lot -- and that he only tells us a portion of what he really knows. For example, he recently did NOT wish to talk about Angels -- and I think I know why. Alex is someone I'd like to have an all-night discussion with -- although I'd probably become suicidal by breakfast-time. I think things might be THAT bad. I try to have fun on this website -- but I strongly suspect that the galactic-realities are NOT pleasant -- and that very few individuals are prepared to properly process the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth -- about life, the universe, and everything. Knowing -- and Thinking We Know -- are two VERY different things. I KNOW that I don't know -- and I'm not sure I really wish to know. I might not be able to handle the truth. Me knowing the truth might create more problems than I can possibly imagine. What Would the NSA Say?? The Horror.


    If you analyze the probable events from the above post you will find that none of those predictions ever happened . 10 predictions and Zero results . The facts speak for themselves . I am afraid that Alex is one of the multitude of people that tells his audience what they want to hear …….. and the people like it ........
    Let's watch this one " According to Alex Collier - December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density
    UFO Hypotheses - Alex Collier Volume Two (19 of 24) "
    It would be interesting to know who suggested this event to him… The tooth fairy ?

    As I have said so many times, most of what I do within this website is science-fictional in nature. I simply consider possibilities which most people don't think about. Alex has caused me to think in ways which I otherwise would not have. I listen to a lot of strange sources -- and I take all of them with a sea of salt. I keep trying to imagine what it might be like to deal with real crazy stuff throughout the solar system. It's sort of a conditioning process. Real insiders are not likely to hold press conferences, and tell us the truth, with the approval of the powers that be. We probably have to be somewhat satisfied with a motley-zoo of sources. I suspect that probably 5% of the internet madness is actually true -- but that 5% might be extremely important. I have simply been modeling a particular appoach to managing the insanity.

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:00 am