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    After life/between life and past lives discussions


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    After life/between life and past lives discussions Empty After life/between life and past lives discussions

    Post  mudra Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:36 pm

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    A fascinating story of colleagues staying in touch through a medium after one of them died


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    Post  mudra Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:39 pm

    Michael Newton Interview Part 1 of 5

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    Post  mudra Wed May 22, 2013 3:07 pm

    Self-guided Afterlife Connections

    Free training program


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    Post  mudra Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:07 am

    After life/between life and past lives discussions 2318831_300

    Out of Body Explorations into an alternate reality

    The author talks about a spontaneous enlightenment experience, which was the precursor to a lifetime of out-of-body experiences, chronicled in his book "Multidimensional Man".

    Multidimensional man : Arrow

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    Post  mudra Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:21 am

    Multidimensional Man - Video Talks

    PART 1

    ✦ Own experience is paramount

    ✦ How OBEs transforms our perception of death

    ✦ The reality of non-physical life

    ✦ Multidimensional travel is a natural potential within all of us

    ✦ How to attain super awareness during OBEs

    ✦ Misconceptions and cliches about the afterlife

    ✦ How people experience their new (after)life shortly after death

    ✦ Finding proof is possible but often not via the designed methods

    Talk at Todd Routt’s Out-of-body workshop. 5th February 2011

    Talk at Todd Routt’s Out-of-body workshop. 3rd December 2010


    PART 2

    ✦ More about what really happens after death

    ✦ Widespread ignorance about our afterlife conditions causes suffering

    ✦ Characteristics of the intermediate dimensions

    ✦ Self-actualisation and characteristic of the higher dimensions

    ✦ The higher dimensions are experienced with an expanded state of consciousness and increased power

    ✦ Societies on higher dimensions function differently because of changed dynamics and projected psychological attitudes


    PART 3 - Questions & Answers

    ✦ About meditation

    ✦ Meeting your “Higher Self”

    ✦ About consensus realities

    ✦ OB travelers and permanent residents

    ✦ OBE and psychic powers

    ✦ Does OBE change your life?

    ✦ The “Paradise” of a suicide bomber (visiting a suicide bomber in the afterlife)

    ✦ Guidelines for the afterlife


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    Post  Jenetta Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:38 am

    Thanks Mudra for these postings. I used to have OBE's during my twenties however after I cracked the back of my skull falling backwards onto ice of a skating rink (someone grabbed me from behind and I lost balance), suffered concussion and cerebral spinal fluid shakeup, never had another OBE after that and I certainly miss them!!

    As it is above; so it is below.

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    Post  mudra Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:04 am

    Jenetta wrote:Thanks Mudra for these postings.  I used to have OBE's during my twenties however after I cracked the back of my skull falling backwards onto ice of a skating rink (someone grabbed me from behind and I lost balance), suffered concussion and cerebral spinal fluid shakeup, never had another OBE after that and I certainly miss them!!  

    As it is above; so it is below.

    It's great to hear you had some OBE's Jenetta although it's unfortunate that accident stopped them.
    Would you like to share any of them that you found most important or interesting ?

    Love from me


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    Post  Sanicle Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:43 am

    mudra wrote:Multidimensional Man - Video Talks

    PART 1

       ✦    Own experience is paramount

       ✦    How OBEs transforms our perception of death

       ✦    The reality of non-physical life

       ✦    Multidimensional travel is a natural potential within all of us

       ✦    How to attain super awareness during OBEs

       ✦    Misconceptions and cliches about the afterlife

       ✦    How people experience their new (after)life shortly after death

       ✦    Finding proof is possible but often not via the designed methods

    Talk at Todd Routt’s Out-of-body workshop. 5th February 2011

    Talk at Todd Routt’s Out-of-body workshop. 3rd December 2010


    PART 2

       ✦    More about what really happens after death

       ✦    Widespread ignorance about our afterlife conditions causes suffering

       ✦    Characteristics of the intermediate dimensions

       ✦    Self-actualisation and characteristic of the higher dimensions

       ✦    The higher dimensions are experienced with an expanded state of consciousness and increased power

       ✦    Societies on higher dimensions function differently because of changed dynamics and projected psychological attitudes


    PART 3 - Questions & Answers

       ✦    About meditation

       ✦    Meeting your “Higher Self”

       ✦    About consensus realities

       ✦    OB travelers and permanent residents

       ✦    OBE and psychic powers

       ✦    Does OBE change your life?

       ✦    The “Paradise” of a suicide bomber (visiting a suicide bomber in the afterlife)

       ✦    Guidelines for the afterlife


    Love Always

    Wow, thanks for those links Mudra. Bookmarked with a view to doing lots of listening in the future. Very Happy 

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    Post  magamud Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:35 am

    I like Mudra so I am not picking on her/he she has a strong mind and is disciplined in her craft. Like Greybeard too, but this is a discussion on the afterlife. When we are not in Gods kingdom which is through Christ we move between two worlds, life and death. Death is a quantum playground so to speak. Since you lose your flesh and blood matter you become a light body and your consciousness has much power to create what you want. Sort of like your dreams but your awake. In this space people talk of eternity because indeed can you spend much time there, but you will be drawn back to the truth, that you are really not whole nor free. You realize that you are not in the Kingdom of God and to get there you must incarnate, lose your memory and witness your true self to remember the Son of the father to get their. In the Kingdom is where we take a balance of your current existence now, and your etherial existence when you die. Narrow path, balance, do you see?

    So while talking about kundalini, love, light, obe, etc. etc. is nice, and shows your remembrance of death it is no escape measure! The cosmos are loving and simple. There is a law from our Father that allows us to get back to him. Death is not the way. His way is everlasting life.

    Godbless all of you, for its his grace that will lead you to him. Remember...

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    Post  mudra Sat Jun 29, 2013 1:44 pm

    magamud wrote:When we are not in Gods kingdom which is through Christ we move between two worlds, life and death.  Death is a quantum playground so to speak.  Since you lose your flesh and blood matter you become a light body and your consciousness has much power to create what you want.  Sort of like your dreams but your awake.  In this space people talk of eternity because indeed can you spend much time there, but you will be drawn back to the truth, that you are really not whole nor free.


    So while talking about kundalini, love, light, obe, etc. etc.  is nice, and shows your remembrance of death it is no escape measure!  The cosmos are loving and simple.  There is a law from our Father that allows us to get back to him.  Death is not the way.  His way is everlasting life.  

    Godbless all of you, for its his grace that will lead you to him.  Remember...

    Thank you for your kind words magamud. Your posts are always welcome.
    On a broad scale I grab the meaning of your wordsd and agree with you.
    My personal view here is that  the way one gets to " God's kingdom " is to me a personal and intimate experience for which there are pointers to, no absolute recipe. This is why I am quite open to multiple areas of experiencing consciousness and opening of the Heart.

    Love from me

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    Post  mudra Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:58 pm

    My Astral Projection Truth
    What is Astral Projection and How to do it

    By: Ryan Tasker (Xanth)

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    Post  mudra Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:02 pm

    Practical Teleportation
    The Art of Space Time Transposition

    BY L.Arklinsky

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    Post  mudra Sat Jul 06, 2013 2:07 pm

    Deja Vu, Immortality & Guardian angel - Anthony Peake

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    Post  mudra Sat Jul 06, 2013 3:14 pm

    We die to remember what we live to forget

    What happens to our consciousness when we die ? Does everything simply fade to black and that 's that ? Or is it possible that we experience a dimension of continuity beyond our ability to imagine ? I have come to understaht during the course of my research that , when we die, we experience a calculated consummation of our temporal existence and then die we relive the same life all over again, anew. In fact, we live the same life over and over again for Eternity.I have been led to believe , by an experience that I will later explain , that we are all microcosmic iterations of an Eternally Recurring Universe and by default of this relation , we are all to experience the very same fate of cyclical repetition.

    read on:

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    Post  mudra Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:54 pm

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    Post  mudra Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:37 pm

    The Afterlife Investigations - The Scole Experiments

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    Post  Sanicle Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:34 am

    That's the best I've ever seen. Well worth watching everyone as it really does seem to give scientific proof.

    Thank you Mudra. You are a true friend to us all in finding stuff like this to share. The Winner Flowers 

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    Post  mudra Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:28 am

    Sanicle wrote:That's the best I've ever seen.  Well worth watching everyone as it really does seem to give scientific proof.  

    Thank you Mudra.  You are a true friend to us all in finding stuff like this to share.  The Winner Flowers 
    Glad you enjoyed it Sanicle.
    I wouldn't have been able to find it if others hadn't shared it as well along the way.
    Hence your thanks go a long way my friend.
    Team work I love you 

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    Post  mudra Thu Nov 28, 2013 3:26 pm

    Karla Kineman's Near Death Experience

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    Post  mudra Sat Jan 11, 2014 4:27 pm

    Life in the World Unseen 01 of 17

    Following parts of the book to be found on youtube

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    Post  mudra Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:35 am

    Near death, explained
    New science is shedding light on what really happens during out-of-body experiences -- with shocking results.

    n 1991, Atlanta-based singer and songwriter Pam Reynolds felt extremely dizzy, lost her ability to speak, and had difficulty moving her body. A CAT scan showed that she had a giant artery aneurysm—a grossly swollen blood vessel in the wall of her basilar artery, close to the brain stem. If it burst, which could happen at any moment, it would kill her. But the standard surgery to drain and repair it might kill her too.

    With no other options, Pam turned to a last, desperate measure offered by neurosurgeon Robert Spetzler at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Spetzler was a specialist and pioneer in hypothermic cardiac arrest—a daring surgical procedure nicknamed “Operation Standstill.” Spetzler would bring Pam’s body down to a temperature so low that she was essentially dead. Her brain would not function, but it would be able to survive longer without oxygen at this temperature. The low temperature would also soften the swollen blood vessels, allowing them to be operated on with less risk of bursting. When the procedure was complete, the surgical team would bring her back to a normal temperature before irreversible damage set in.

    Essentially, Pam agreed to die in order to save her life—and in the process had what is perhaps the most famous case of independent corroboration of out of body experience (OBE) perceptions on record. This case is especially important because cardiologist Michael Sabom was able to obtain verification from medical personnel regarding crucial details of the surgical intervention that Pam reported. Here’s what happened.

    Pam was brought into the operating room at 7:15 a.m., she was given general anesthesia, and she quickly lost conscious awareness. At this point, Spetzler and his team of more than 20 physicians, nurses, and technicians went to work. They lubricated Pam’s eyes to prevent drying, and taped them shut. They attached EEG electrodes to monitor the electrical activity of her cerebral cortex. They inserted small, molded speakers into her ears and secured them with gauze and tape. The speakers would emit repeated 100-decibel clicks—approximately the noise produced by a speeding express train—eliminating outside sounds and measuring the activity of her brainstem.

    At 8:40 a.m., the tray of surgical instruments was uncovered, and Robert Spetzler began cutting through Pam’s skull with a special surgical saw that produced a noise similar to a dental drill. At this moment, Pam later said, she felt herself “pop” out of her body and hover above it, watching as doctors worked on her body.

    Although she no longer had use of her eyes and ears, she described her observations in terms of her senses and perceptions. “I thought the way they had my head shaved was very peculiar,” she said. “I expected them to take all of the hair, but they did not.” She also described the Midas Rex bone saw (“The saw thing that I hated the sound of looked like an electric toothbrush and it had a dent in it … ”) and the dental-drill sound it made with considerable accuracy.

    Meanwhile, Spetzler was removing the outermost membrane of Pamela’s brain, cutting it open with scissors. At about the same time, a female cardiac surgeon was attempting to locate the femoral artery in Pam’s right groin. Remarkably, Pam later claimed to remember a female voice saying, “We have a problem. Her arteries are too small.” And then a male voice: “Try the other side.” Medical records confirm this conversation, yet Pam could not have heard them.

    The cardiac surgeon was right—Pam’s blood vessels were indeed too small to accept the abundant blood flow requested by the cardiopulmonary bypass machine, so at 10:50 a.m., a tube was inserted into Pam’s left femoral artery and connected to the cardiopulmonary bypass machine. The warm blood circulated from the artery into the cylinders of the bypass machine, where it was cooled down before being returned to her body. Her body temperature began to fall, and at 11:05 a.m. Pam’s heart stopped. Her EEG brain waves flattened into total silence. A few minutes later, her brain stem became totally unresponsive, and her body temperature fell to a sepulchral 60 degrees Fahrenheit. At 11:25 a.m., the team tilted up the head of the operating table, turned off the bypass machine, and drained the blood from her body. Pamela Reynolds was clinically dead.

    At this point, Pam’s out-of-body adventure transformed into a near-death experience (NDE): She recalls floating out of the operating room and traveling down a tunnel with a light. She saw deceased relatives and friends, including her long-dead grandmother, waiting at the end of this tunnel. She entered the presence of a brilliant, wonderfully warm and loving light, and sensed that her soul was part of God and that everything in existence was created from the light (the breathing of God). But this extraordinary experience ended abruptly, as Reynolds’s deceased uncle led her back to her body—a feeling she described as “plunging into a pool of ice.”

    Meanwhile, in the operating room, the surgery had come to an end. When all the blood had drained from Pam’s brain, the aneurysm simply collapsed and Spetzler clipped it off. Soon, the bypass machine was turned on and warm blood was pumped back into her body. As her body temperature started to increase, her brainsteam began to respond to the clicking speakers in her ears and the EEG recorded electrical activity in the cortex. The bypass machine was turned off at 12:32 p.m. Pam’s life had been restored, and she was taken to the recovery room in stable condition at 2:10 p.m.

    read on:  Arrow

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    Post  mudra Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:51 pm

    DEATH IS NOT THE END - proof that your loved one is still with you!

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    Post  mudra Sun Apr 27, 2014 2:07 pm

    Ramachandra Guruji and Dr. Bruce Goldberg (PLR and FLP) Day 2 Part 1 of 7

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    Post  mudra Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:07 pm

    An essay I found on past and future lives

    Past Lives Futures Lives

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    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:22 pm

    Thank you, mudra, I've downloaded the article and hope to find time to read it.
    What I find in my aura-reading practice, which means reading the information
    on request and by confirmation of a persons' spirit being, is that knowing our past
    and future lives has value and meaning, when in relationship with our present lifetime,
    our life story. That is, when we're presented with an issue in need of sorting out.

    As I see it, everything else is either bruises or compliments to our ego  geek Blink Crybaby

    By the way, I enjoyed your sharing about love for the sun and I can see your sun of love I love you 

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:02 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : bringing the suns in)

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