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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill


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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Wed Oct 20, 2010 5:29 pm

    October 19, 2010
    BP calls it "Operation Deep Clean", and it's the most serious clean-up attempt so far. Crews began work yesterday, but BP is still looking for what will work best on Alabama's sugar white sand.

    Debbie Williams ORANGE BEACH, Alabama - Take a four wheeler ride just west of Perdido Pass and you will see a mass of people, equipment and the man running the show. "The whole point of deep clean right now is to get it out from beneath the surface bring it up and recover it."
    G.G. Vassallo is head of BP operations in Alabama. "We had found some tar mats that were actually 30 inches under ground. We're trying to extract those and bring them up."

    read more :

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:55 am

    Six Months Later, an Oil Disaster Spreads Across the Gulf

    October 20, 2010

    For six months, I have lived and worked near ground zero of the worst oil disaster in US history. I've traveled on boats hunting thick, reddish peanut butter-colored crude that slowly washed towards the coastal marshes of southern Louisiana. I watched tough, resourceful people of the bayou weep at the sight of the oily tide invading precious fishing grounds.

    It's been an exhausting yet exhilarating experience, and I have grown close to people in this community. I've gotten to know fishing families that are struggling with possible health risks to their children. I've watched divisions and conflicts rise up between fishermen who have been paid to work for BP on the cleanup and those that never got a dime. I've lived here and learned a lot in the process, including rule number one: never get in a boat with someone who doesn't know their way around the bayou. You've never lived until you get stranded on a sandbar in the delta bayou at night and have to swim in the dark through the muddy, alligator-infested waters to safety.

    But there was one experience I'll always remember. I was at a Port Sulphur town hall meeting with BP money czar Ken Feinberg when news broke that the BP well was plugged. After 87 days of anxiety and repeated failures to tame the beast, the news was met with mere tepid applause. People were tired and scared of the future. They knew the real test was ahead of them.

    Once the well stopped spewing crude, it didn't take long for the media to pull out. Without dramatic visuals of a volcano of crude gushing from the bottom of the sea, there were other stories to pursue. But even though most media left, the oil never did. It still washes in with the tide as tar balls and sheen, visible when boat engines kick up the mud in the shallow waters of the marsh.

    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 2010-10-20-BayJimmywithAPmm2242
    Photos by PJ Hahn/Plaquemines Parish in Barataria Bay, October, 2010.

    Despite the protests of many fishermen concerned about oil on the bottom, the fishing grounds are nearly all open. But Gulf seafood markets have crashed. America refuses to buy it and some fishermen can't pay for the gas for their boats with the price they're getting for shrimp at the docks.

    "It's hardly worth it to go out," said Marvin Smith, who parked his boat in the Venice commercial docks last week to unload a night's catch of white and brown shrimp. "They pay less than two dollars a pound, but I got to go out and get them while I can." Smith looked wearily out at the harbor. He would head out again that night, but the market price was not about to change.

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  Micjer Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:29 am

    Once the well stopped spewing crude, it didn't take long for the media to pull out. Without dramatic visuals of a volcano of crude gushing from the bottom of the sea, there were other stories to pursue. But even though most media left, the oil never did. It still washes in with the tide as tar balls and sheen, visible when boat engines kick up the mud in the shallow waters of the marsh.

    This is typical. Ok what is on the other channel.

    The folks in the gulf will be forgotten, until the news of health problems gets large enough for Anderson Cooper to investigate. Out of sight out of mind.

    I feel for the fishermen/fisherwomen that have lost their livelihood, but who wants to eat the seafood out of the gulf?

    It's not the oil, it's the damn corexit, that is making things so bad.

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  burgundia Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:41 am

    But the same happened with Haiti after the earthquake...nobody remembers any more...

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  Micjer Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:40 pm

    burgundia wrote:But the same happened with Haiti after the earthquake...nobody remembers any more...

    Yes and soon the Pakistan flood will be forgotten.

    Is it true that Lindsay Lohen is in trouble again? confused

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    Post  mudra Fri Oct 22, 2010 5:55 pm

    Rense & Gregg Hall Gulf Oil story still alive Pt1 of 4

    Gulf Coast resident Gregg Hall talks to Jeff Rense about the Gulf Tragedy and the unpublicised health effects. All videos are from Gregg.

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:08 pm

    Is “Atlantis” about ready to sink into the sea again?
    Posted on October 22, 2010 by concernedcitizensofflorida
    BP’s Guessing Game continues – part 1.

    BK Lim
    22 Oct 2010

    There has been disturbing news of BP’s indifference to safety concerns raised at BP’s Atlantis production platform, 240 km SW of the BP’s Macondo Oil spill disaster site. See figure 124-1 above. See the full report dated 9 June 2010 at by Len Cannon at

    The Gulf of Mexico 2006 earthquake near BP’s Atlantis site still remains a mystery. See the DailyBite’s Blog dated 28 July 2010.

    So when recent Rov videos supposedly recorded at the BP’s Macondo Oil spill disaster site, jumped within a split second to BP’s Atlantis production platform, 240 km away, keen BP Rov observers started to wonder whether BP had invented some kind of a tele-transporter to move and share expensive sub-sea equipment between exploration and production sites. Many also wondered whether this advanced tele-transporter technology had given BP an unfair competitive advantage. To make BP’s guessing game more interesting, the Rov coordinates are no longer displayed on the video footage.

    The results of the investigation on one recent ROV video dated 21 Oct 2010 are summarized in Figure 124-2.

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:11 pm

    Former BP Cleanup Worker Exposes Staged Photo Ops,Toxic Working Conditions, and Covert Ops

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  Micjer Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:11 pm

    They weren't long taking the last vid you posted Mudra off. (It is unavailable to view in Canada anyways.)

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  newel Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:27 pm

    Micjer wrote:They weren't long taking the last vid you posted Mudra off. (It is unavailable to view in Canada anyways.)

    Try it here:


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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:12 am

    Thanks metaw , glad you found it again.
    It 's a good testimony.

    Love from me

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  Micjer Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:37 am

    Wow that is an awesome testimony. Thanks for finding Metaw./Mudra

    In a real world (not suppressed) this woman would be on the 6 oclock news telling her story, not deleted off of a Youtube vid.

    Her summary of events shows the corruption that is taking place. They wouldn't even let her wear her mask. Evil bastards. Mad

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:54 am

    The Vaporization Of Methane Hydrates Due To Undersea Oil Drilling Contributes Major Greenhouse Gas Emissions
    Posted on October 22, 2010

    Our worst fears of vaporising hydrates from the deep confirmed-Part IIc of Root Causes.

    - BK Lim
    22 Oct 2010

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:00 pm

    Current – Gas Oil plume next to Well A
    Posted on October 23, 2010 by concernedcitizensofflorida

    The pictures from the air tell a different story from the hollow victory speech given on 15 Sept 2010 that the “dragon from the deep” had been slain. It reminds us of the typical folklore fairy tale where the Pretender-Hero claimed to have slain the dragon terrorizing the kingdom in order to claim the throne and marry the princess. But like all lies, the truth will come back to roost one day, sooner or later.

    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Fig-126-1-oil-slick-back-gom-22-oct-10

    ~~~quote from Florida Oil Spill law~~~
    It’s Back: “Orange oil” for miles, “a signature image of the spill” returns — BP, Coast Guard not responding say captains (PHOTOS) – OCTOBER 23, 2010 at 08:21 Am.
    Massive stretches of weathered oil spotted in Gulf of Mexico, The Times-Picayune, October 22, 2010 at 11:30 p.m. EDT:

    … Louisiana fishers Friday found miles-long strings of weathered oil floating toward fragile marshes on the Mississippi River delta. …

    Boat captains working the BP clean-up effort said they have been reporting large areas of surface oil off the delta for more than a week but have seen little response from BP or the Coast Guard…

    Read more at FOSL

    ~~~end of quote ~~~

    read full article :

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:10 pm


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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:57 am

    "People who’s esophaguses are dissolving.. these people have oil in their bodies" (VIDEO)

    Worker on Grand Isle dropped over dead.
    I am dealing with about 3 or 4 autopsies right now.
    I know of people with 4.75% of lung capacity and with an enlarged heart. I know people who’s esophaguses are dissolving and disintegrating. All these people have oil in their bodies, upper 95th percentile.

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:17 pm

    The Gulf Blue Plague - It's not wise to fool Mother Nature
    By Michael Edward
    The World Vision Portal

    It's not wise to fool Mother Nature. Those who think they can get away with it will abruptly learn that payback can be more than they bargained for. That's because nature will always retaliate in subtle retorts that shake the very foundations of this earth as well as life itself. Playing the role of Creator is a very dangerous game.

    As part of their new logo and corporate image campaign, British Petroleum (BP) wants the public to think of them as their new slogan says, "Beyond Petroleum". BP is far more than a simple oil company.

    What is revealed below regarding BP and their 'beyond petroleum' activities, both prior to and including their Gulf of Mexico catastrophe, will create a picture for the reader one pixel dot at a time. Once the person who reads everything presented here connects all the dots of the picture, it will be more than obvious that BP has tried to fool Mother Nature and she's retaliating with a vengeance that is affecting the entire world. This is a perilous game that has now gotten out of control. What began in the Gulf of Mexico in as early as February 2010 has now escalated into a man-made biological nightmare of unknown proportions.

    On June 13, 2007, BP made a long-term research and development deal and an undisclosed equity investment into a company named Synthetic Genomics Inc. based in Rockville, Maryland. Synthetic Genomics was co-founded by Dr. J. Craig Venter to commercialize genomic-driven technologies. (1) Genomics is the scientific study of the entire DNA sequence of an organism's genome. A genome is all the genetic information in the chromosomes of an organism, including its genes and DNA sequences.

    BP/Synthetic Genomics recovered the DNA from subsurface hydrocarbon substrates (biological organisms in crude oil) and applied DNA "sequencing methods" to them. (1) What this means is that they took the DNA from underground crude oil reservoir microbial cells, such as bacteria or viruses, and cultured them in a lab to identify, isolate, and interpret their chemical and genetic properties. Additional "sequencing methods" beyond the initial identity and isolation stages were also carried out.

    A central part of the deal between BP and Synthetic Genomics was to create biological transfer processes for crude oil that would lead to improved recovery rates. (1) Their goal was to develop new microbes with lab created genomes that would improve the flow of gas and oil out of a reservoir. For an oil producer like BP, more oil and gas being recovered from a source translates into more profits. This process is known as Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR).

    Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) is the use of micro-organisms to retrieve additional petroleum production from an oil reservoir.
    Micro-organisms are introduced into oil wells to produce by-products which help propel oil out of the well. Because these processes help to mobilize the oil and assist oil flow, they allow a greater amount to be recovered from the well. (2)

    MEOR is a direct application of biotechnology. It uses biological materials - such as bacteria, microorganisms, and products of their metabolism - to assist the movement of oil out of a well. Other applications include genetic engineering techniques and recombinant DNA technology, which are used to develop new strains of bacteria with improved oil recovery traits. (3)

    The micro-organisms can be applied to an entire oil reservoir where they grow between the oil and the well's rock surface to enhance oil recovery in the following ways:
    - Bio-surfactant Production ­ Microorganisms produce slippery substances called surfactants as they breakdown oil. Because they are naturally produced by biological microorganisms, they are referred to as bio-surfactants. Bio-surfactants act like slippery detergents, helping the oil move more freely away from rocks and crevices.

    - Reduction of oil viscosity ­ Oil is a thick fluid that is quite viscous, meaning that it does not flow easily. Microorganisms help break down the molecular structure of crude oil, making it more fluid and easier to recover.

    - Production of carbon dioxide gas ­ As a by-product of metabolism, micro-organisms produce carbon dioxide gas. Over time, this gas accumulates and displaces the oil driving it up and out of the ground. (3)

    The BP/Synthetic Genomics alliance was centered on developing new micro-organisms with lab created genomes (synthetic DNA) to improve the outflow of gas and oil reservoirs. That alliance was publicly announced on June 13, 2007. As to what prior date the actual agreement was made is a corporate privacy matter.

    However, less than two weeks before the public announcement, on May 31, 2007, US Patent application number 20070122826 was published claiming exclusive ownership of a set of essential genes and a synthetic "free-living organism that can grow and replicate" that is made using those genes. An international patent application at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO number WO2007047148, published April 27, 2007) names more than 100 countries where it may seek monopoly patents. (4)

    The company that applied for the patents was the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), a non-profit company founded by genetic scientist J. Craig Venter who also founded Synthetic Genomics, BP's business alliance partner. Both are based in Rockville, Maryland. By no mere coincidence, Synthetic Genomics Inc. sponsors (pays for) fundamental research at JCVI. (1) Since BP has a developmental and research deal as well as an undisclosed amount of equitable stock ownership with Synthetic Genomics, it's obvious who's paying for the synthetic genetic research and results at JCVI.

    Begin connecting the dots in order to see the picture.

    Since they were paying for genetic research to increase oil well flow and production, logic dictates that BP needed to apply a newly created micro-organism(s) produced by their alliance with Synthetic Genomics to the oil reservoir located beneath their Mississippi Canyon Block 252 lease in the Gulf of Mexico. According to BP's submitted U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) application, there were to be two exploration (not production) wells drilled and capped designated as Wells A and B. Exploration wells are commonly used to inject or introduce Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery micro-organisms and their nutrients into an oil reservoir for increased present and future production.

    The first exploration well had been partially drilled by Transocean in October, 2009, but their Marianas semi-submersible drilling rig was damaged by hurricane Ida and was removed for repairs in late November, 2009. On February 3, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon semi-submersible rig commenced exploration drilling to complete the unfinished drilling operation of the Marianas rig. On February 13, 2010, BP informed the MMS that they were experiencing uncontrollable bursts of gas and large cracks at the base of the well. That was the reason they filed for and were granted a permit to abandon and cap the well the same day. (6)

    Shortly after, Deepwater Horizon commenced drilling the other exploratory well for BP. We all know the result of the second drilling operation that destroyed the Deepwater Horizon rig on April 22, 2010. One fact that can't be refuted regarding both exploratory wells is the extreme gas pressures coming from the oil reservoir and the resulting cracks on the ocean floor.

    As noted above, MEOR micro-organisms can be applied to an oil reservoir where they grow between the oil and the well's rock surface to enhance oil recovery. As a by-product of metabolism, micro-organisms produce carbon dioxide gas and this gas accumulates and displaces the oil by driving it up and out of the ground. At the same time, micro-organisms can break down the viscosity of the oil so that it's thinner and can flow easier.

    The published commercial goal of the BP/Synthetic Genomics alliance was to create new genetically engineered micro-organisms to increase the flow of oil. A public trademark of that research involves man-made genomes [synthetic DNA] controlling new artificial cellular organisms. Because of the vast estimated reserves of oil at MC252 in the Gulf of Mexico, the temperatures involved, and its extreme low oxygen depth, previous known or lab enhanced micro-organisms would not be effective in creating an increased flow of the oil.
    One can only imagine what the results would be of a new MEOR synthetic bacteria that had a computer DNA designed capability to replicate itself rapidly in that extreme environment. The outcome would be unpredictable since it had never been tested in those conditions before or had it?
    Connect the dots to see more of the picture.

    In 2003, JCVI successfully synthesized a small virus that infects bacteria. By 2008, the JCVI team was able to synthesize a small bacterial genome. On May 6, 2010, JCVI revealed they had already created a self-replicating bacterial cell controlled by a chemically synthesized genome they named "synthetic Mycoplasma mycoides JCVI-syn1.0". (7) This completely synthetic cell with its computer designed genome has absolutely no natural DNA. (1) The etc group from Canada named it Synthia and it contains added watermark chains to identify the genome as artificial. It also has antibiotic resistance indicators. (7) One can only speculate why this artificial bacterium has an inherent programmed capability to resist antibiotics.

    This new life form has the ability to replicate itself and organically function in any cell into which it has been introduced. Its DNA is artificial and it's this synthetic DNA that takes control of the cell and is credited with being the building block of life. This is the first self-replicating synthetic bacterial cell thanks to its computer generated DNA. All of the funding for this came from Synthetic Genomics Inc (1), the company BP has a sizeable equity position and alliance with. BP is definitely way beyond petroleum just as their new slogan publicizes.

    Why watermark this artificial genome? Doing so makes it identifiable as the unique and patented (privately owned) asset it is. What happens if a human becomes infected with a life-threatening variant bacterial species of Synthia? If you use Penicillin to fight the infection, it won't do any good. Antibiotic resistance is part of its DNA sequence, so any use of antibiotics would be a waste of time.

    What would happen if mankind is contaminated by this self-reproducing artificial life form by contact or by breathing it? Would we become subjective to the DNA of the synthetic cells flowing throughout our bodies? Would the Synthia cells combine with other bacterium within us to create a new deadly bacterium? Since the micro-organism is created and gets its programming from computers, would we become subject to artificial electro-magnetic frequencies recognized by these genomes? There are a lot of questions that need to yet be answered.
    What matters most is this: Will we find out those answers in time?

    Keep connecting the dots. The picture is starting to take shape now.

    The oil is there deep in the Gulf of Mexico. It's not going anywhere soon. It has a continual supply. There are no plumes of oil there are deep lakes of it.

    In a True News radio interview with Rick Wells on June 28, 2010, the late oil industry expert, Matt Simmons, stated "BP claimed to have the only technology to deal with this" when asked why the U.S. government wasn't taking over the Gulf oil crisis. (Cool Considering their three year alliance with Synthetic Genomics and the genetic creations they've made, it's very possible that the U.S. federal corporation in DC was convinced that BP's breakthrough genomic technologies were the better gambling odds. There had never been so large an amount of crude oil to deal with before.

    For decades, scientists have eagerly pursued genetic modifications that would enhance natural microbial abilities to eat up oil spills on both land and sea. Even with DNA recombinants and bacterial gene splicing, there has been little positive success with improving on nature's natural oil eaters. Although his announcement silently slipped past the ears of news reporters from around the world, JCVI and Synthetic Genome founder Craig Venter foretold of - and spoke openly of - just such an application on May 15, 2010 during the public announcement of what the press is now calling Synthia. He was referring to a Synthia based synthetic bacterial cell that would consume hydrocarbons more efficiently than any known natural micro-organism.

    It's worthy to note that one of the first patents on a genetically engineered organism was a hydrocarbon-eating microbe in 1980. Called the "oil eater," the microorganism was actually a naturally occurring bacterium that had been given four rings of DNA that were also naturally occurring. This gave the bacterium the ability to degrade four components of crude oil. (10)

    Scientifically, there have always been problems with trying to take command of natural micro-organisms. They are too unpredictable in diverse environmental conditions. While they do their job well in certain conditions, they can become dormant in other ecological surroundings. Marine chemist Chris Reddy of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution said that microbes are a lot like teenagers because they're hard to control. (5) In contrast, artificial microbial life forms like Synthia are controlled by their computer created DNA programming.

    Microbial ecologist Kenneth Lee says that only microbes can remove the oil from the ocean and that biodegradation is what removes most of the oil from the environment. History proves his statements are correct, but the time involved can span many decades and beyond. We don't have that much time to deal with the oil in the Gulf.

    "The last and only defense against the ongoing Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is tiny-billions of hydrocarbon-chewing microbes. In fact, the primary motive for using the more than 830,000 gallons of chemical dispersants on the oil slick both above and below the surface of the sea is to break the oil into smaller droplets that bacteria can more easily consume". (5)

    Alas, if there was only a super-high-efficient-micro-organism available that could do the job much faster and more efficiently (wink, wink).

    Just a few more dots to connect and you'll see the whole picture.

    It's been puzzling to understand why BP has chosen to continually spray dispersants such as Corexit from airplanes and boats day and night since early May 2010. The spraying hasn't just been over the Gulf, but along the coastlines as well. While it's claimed that Corexit disperses oil by breaking it into smaller pieces, can this be the only reason for all this spraying?

    In recent tests of rainwater originating from the Gulf of Mexico, natural mineral elements such as copper and iron were found along with nickel, aluminum, and manganese. (9) That's very unusual for rain clouds originating from a saline ocean. The only logical explanation is that such elements were introduced to the Gulf water where they were drawn up by the rain clouds. The only way that could have happened is from aerial and surface spraying and/or below surface injection.

    Are these ingredients of Corexit? Not according to Nalco, the manufacturer. Then these natural earth elements must be added to what is being sprayed along with Corexit, but why? What benefit is there to add elements like copper or iron to seawater? After all, these are natural elements and nutrients you would add to soil to make plants grow, so why add them to sea water?

    Bacteria thrive in rich nutrient environments. Natural minerals are necessary building blocks for nutrients that bacteria thrive on.
    Think of it as hydro-fertilizing the Gulf to make it a better nutritional medium for hungry oil-eating bacterium. The so-called "dispersants" are not only breaking down the crude oil into smaller pieces, they're adding needed enhancement minerals so that the bacterium can multiply more rapidly and eat up the oil faster. Such bacteria are called Bioremediators.

    The dots are forming a big picture. You're almost there.

    The only ingredient missing is a new and previously unknown genus of hydrocarbon-eating bacteria that can survive the cold water depths - where the lakes of oil and tar now sit - so it could degrade it faster than any known natural bacteria.

    In a paper published in the journal Science, Terry Hazen and his colleagues at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory discovered in late May through early June 2010 that a previously unknown species of cold-water hydrocarbon-eating bacteria have been feasting on the underwater oil plumes degrading them at accelerated rates. (11)

    We can now understand why, on May 15, BP/Synthetic Genome's CEO Craig Venter hinted of a new hydrocarbon-eating synthetic genome. Prior to that date, JCVI had already applied for numerous additional patents (we were able to find seven) regarding synthetic bioremediation, such as bacteria synthetic genomes which provide unique DNA information required for "replication of a free-living organism". In layman's terms, this means the BP and Synthetic Genome scientists had already created self-replicating bacteria "wherein the assembled DNA molecule is a [synthetic] genome" back in 2007. (13)

    Just a few more connecting dots and the picture will be complete.

    As I stated on WVP Radio during our premiere broadcast in August, there won't be any hurricanes entering into the Gulf of Mexico this year. (14) There haven't been and there won't be. Otherwise, both the hurricanes and the jet stream will send the synthetic bacteria all around the world.

    They have to isolate their biologically created nightmare until they can either find a way to control it or create a synthetic genome microbial vaccine to neutralize its effects. Could that have been their plan all along?

    On October 7, 2010, Synthetic Genomics Inc. [the BP equity investment company] and JCVI announced the formation of a new company, Synthetic Genomics Vaccines Inc. (SGVI). The privately held company will focus on developing next generation vaccines using JCVI's genomic sequencing and synthetic genomic expertise, coupled with the intellectual property and business acumen of Synthetic Genomics Inc., to significantly advance and enhance vaccine development. (15)

    How amazing that the BP/Synthetic Genomics alliance now has its own vaccine company for patented immunizations. But at what cost to humanity? It's convenient and very profitable to not only create synthetic bacteria but to also offer a vaccine in case there are any problems. When you create the bacteria and control its DNA, you also know how to shut it down. Surely, BP is far Beyond Petroleum.

    "We are excited to apply our advanced synthetic genomics technologies to revolutionize vaccine production" said Fernanda Gandara, President of SGVI. (15) Yes Fernanda, I'm sure you and BP are.

    "Synthetic biology is a high-risk profit-driven field, building organisms out of parts that are still poorly understood. We know that lab-created life-forms can escape, become biological weapons, and that their use threatens existing natural biodiversity. Most worrying of all, Craig Venter is handing this powerful technology to the world's most irresponsible and environmentally damaging industry by partnering with the likes of BP and Exxon to hasten the commercialization of synthetic life-forms."(12)

    Now we have scientific confirmation of "a previously unknown species of cold-water hydrocarbon-eating bacteria" gobbling up oil in the Gulf. (11)

    Nothing is known about how this new synthetic bioremediation bacterium in the Gulf reacts with mankind. This is virgin and uncharted territory. We already know how sea mammals such as whales and porpoises have reacted. Those who haven't escaped the affected areas of the Gulf have died along with all other marine life and coastal vegetation. While human health effects from crude oil exposure are well known, the effects of dispersants containing oil-eating artificial bacteria are not known. It's never been done before, let alone at the immense scale of operations now taking place.

    There's a reason the so-called "dispersants" are guarded by weapon-yielding soldiers and local armed law enforcement in warehouses and deployment yards along the Gulf coast. If a sample were to be analyzed by knowledgeable people, the biological and chemical anomalies it contains would be made public right down to the unique signature. BP keeps allowing their sorcerer's brew to be called Corexit in order to hide the fact that it's not just the name brand product any longer. Perhaps that's because J. Craig Venter's research boat is named Sorcerer II.

    The physical symptoms of the BP Flu, BP Crud, Blue Flu, or whatever name you choose to call it, are as unique as the synthetic bacteria being used in the Gulf. Since mankind is carbon based, how do these synthetically created hydrogen and carbon hungry bacteria react to human flesh? Internal bleeding as well as ulcerating skin lesions are physical signs of their computer created DNA signature.

    BP and their paid minions have released a synthetic biological plague in the Gulf of Mexico and it's out of control. The entire world is a victim of their greed and foolishness. By playing the role of creator, they have begun a very dangerous game with infinite repercussions for life as we know it.

    Those who have permitted and agreed to this cover-up are just as responsible as BP, the corporate people who are proud to let everyone know they are Beyond Petroleum. Those of us living on the Gulf coast must demand from every politician and government agency, from the national to the local level, an explanation as to why they allowed this to happen and why they are allowing it to continue. They are all responsible for lying to us and for covering up the truth.

    Have you connected all the dots?

    Do you see the complete picture yet?


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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:30 pm

    Thanks Tran,

    I have been following Michael Edward's research on the Gulf .
    I believe he has got his finger onto something !!!!

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    Post  mudra Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:38 pm

    I'll bump this post regularly :


    01 Oct 2010
    This important Gulf of Mexico update from 10/01/10 reveals how Michael Edward has been able to detoxify himself, and reveals important observations and information about how deadly the Gulf air has become. If the flies and mosquitoes can't survive it, how do we? If you know of anyone living near the Gulf of Mexico, don't miss this broadcast... for THEIR sake.

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    Post  mudra Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:59 am

    German eyewitnesses to report Gulf truth in EU
    October 22nd, 2010 11:32 pm ET

    n a clear sky autumn day this week, a German radio station reporter traveled by boat to see the poisoned Gulf of Mexico marshlands and then to report truth in Europe where groups are pressuring their governments to take action, as a matter of national security, against the US government for its leadership in the Gulf Operation.

    The difference between what the Germans witnessed and what is reported on American television related to the oil an Corexit dispersant impacts could be compared to the difference between freedom and mind/behavior control.

    Jonathon Henderson, the Coastal Resiliency organizer for Gulf Restoration Network (GRN) took the Germans to show to them impacts of the petrochemical-military-industrial complex operation on the coastal marshlands. What they saw on October 21 did not match mainstream media's myths it is painting for Americans nor what the BP-Government partnership is teaching 8th graders in Louisiana.

    "I took them to Bay Jimmy in Plaquemines Parish, just to the east of Barataria Bay. Despite the picture perfect weather, it was an ugly scene," wrote Henderson in the GRN blog.

    "The entire Bay seems to be filled with oil." (See:

    Most of the Bay’s surface has sheen on top of it. All of the bay’s marsh is heavily oiled. Birds are covered in oil. The grass is dying. There are some clean-up crews but not nearly enough."

    Earlier in the week, Henderson hopped in a seaplane for a flight path from Belle Chase, Louisiana, south along eastern side of the Mississippi Delta, around the mouth of the Mississippi River, along the coast all to Timbalier Island, and back via crossing Barataria Bay.

    Henderson wrote, "I have seen a lot in the countless flights that I have taken over the last 6 months--lots of oil, lots of fledgling clean-up and containment efforts, and lots of badly damaged marsh."

    On his most recent flight, however, he says even he was surprised and saddened to witness "a seemingly unrelenting tide of oil hammering our beaches, bays, and estuaries."

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    Post  mudra Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:57 am

    Feeling Abandoned, Gulf Coast Residents Issue A Call To Arms

    As the six-month anniversary of the worst American maritime oil disaster approaches, people along the Gulf coast continue to struggle with its aftermath. Many feel uncertain about their future and abandoned by the media and politicians focused on their election campaigns this fall.

    So in early October, local community groups and environmental organizations decided it was time to join together and come up with a plan that calls attention to the ongoing environmental, economic and public health threat posed by 200 million gallons of BP crude that still threatens America's greatest fishing ground and life sustaining delta estuary.

    Altogether, 46 national organizations and Gulf coast community groups gathered at the historic Beckwith Camp and Conference Center on Alabama's Weeks Bay determined to come up with a call to arms. Nearly 100 people broke into four groups to hash out the major public issues confronting public health, marine life, coastal environment and communities impacted by this disaster.

    Although attendees came from diverse backgrounds and represented a wide array of interests, they shared a common goal. The Gulf was their lifeblood, and it has been threatened by oil like never before. No one knows what its ultimate impacts will be, but everyone knows its impact will be felt far into the future. So the group, including fishermen, environmentalists, community leaders and social workers, sat down to come up with a common set of principles. There is strength in numbers. Without a common voice, fighting BP and government officials who seem bent on burying this disaster will be a losing battle.

    "We have to make ourselves heard with one voice: The oil is still here and so are we," said Cynthia Sarthou, executive director of the Gulf Restoration Network that organized the conference.

    So after three days of intense group discussions, with nighttime breaks of campfire music and storytelling, the groups all came together with a unified vision for the future to set the agenda for the future cleanup and restoration of the Gulf. These are the guiding principles that all groups -- from Asian Americans for Change/Gulf Coast Alliance to NRDC to the Waterkeeper Alliance/Save Our Gulf -- believe must happen in order to make the Gulf whole again and sustain its future.

    The Obama administration's Mabus recovery plan is a good start toward moving the country in the right direction to save the Gulf and its treasured wetlands and fisheries. But it will not take place without the involvement of local groups who can take the initiative and be directly involved in plans to restore the Gulf.

    Below are the guiding Week's Bay Principles that local groups say will assure the Gulf is cleaned up, made whole and restored in a way that is sustainable for generations to come.

    read more:

    Love Always

    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  anomalous cowherd Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:36 am

    what's really sad to me is most Americans I know wonder why I am still even going on about it, like I am ruining the party. I haven't been at the mists for a while but have posted these same videos etc on my FB site , very few Americans have anything to say on this, it's appalling .

    Dr Ott thinks Obummer will be out of office over this if/when enough people finally wake up or find their anger. I got a chuckle somewhere hearing a clued up black guy say, "Obama? One Big Ash Mistake America" but seriously, I know he is just the corporate puppet and it can't be fun having someone's hand up your fundament. It really struck me recently how neccessary BO's election was to use the race card to stifle criticism . No way would Bush have been tolerated having such a non reaction at best and a downright lie at worst ( the Gulf family swim etc) in such a national disaster. Course people are very dumbed down these days.

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    Post  mudra Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:40 am


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    Post  burgundia Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:47 am

    part 2

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 32 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:17 pm

    Thank you Burgundia :).

    Thanks also to all of you who still visit this thread and are not forgetting the Gulf .

    Love from me


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