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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill


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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  spiritwarrior Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:42 pm

    enemyofNWO wrote:I don't know if this information was posted before on this thread . It is about the Gulf Stream . Apparently the loop is broken . This is very very bad , because Europe if this is true , could be facing Canadian weather for some time .

    Gulf of Mexico Loop current Broken !! Risk of Global Climate change .

    I've been thinking about this also as the gulf stream flows into the south of Ireland.

    blessings to you and tours
    spiritwarrior Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Icon_flower

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  spiritwarrior Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:44 pm

    Gulf of Mexico oil spill health concerns take center stage at open house

    Published: Wednesday, June 23,

    Residents worried about the public health effects of the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico pressed officials from BP, the Coast Guard and even New Orleans City Hall on Wednesday about the use of chemical dispersants, the long-term availability of medical care for spill victims and other answers they said are not readily

    available.Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Gulf-oil-landrieu-mac-mackenziejpg-b3c1e0c8e77415a2_large
    Rusty Costanza, The Times-PicayuneMac

    MacKenzie has some help getting the attention of Mayor Mitch Landrieu
    during an open house on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill at the Pavilion of
    Two Sisters at City Park on Wednesday.

    The questions flew during what was slated as a brief news conference to
    kick off a two-hour open house where the public could chat with
    employees of federal and state agencies working to plug the gushing
    Macondo 252 well and clean up the oil.

    Instead, dozens of residents, including many with keen insight into
    minute details of the spill response and some who held handmade signs
    decrying BP, jockeyed for attention for nearly 40 minutes, shouting
    their questions and at times jeering at officials' responses.

    Mayor Mitch Landrieu tried to keep the peace, asking participants to "be civil and be kind."
    Those in charge provided general assurances that they're doing all
    they can to mitigate the damage and to collect and test water and air
    samples for contamination, noting that 14 research vessels have been
    dispatched around the spot where the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on
    April 20
    On the matter of chemical dispersant, Coast Guard Capt. Roger
    Laferriere, the local incident commander, acknowledged that its use is
    "absolutely a tradeoff."

    "We'd rather not have to use it," he said. "However, the tradeoff is
    (that) every day we don't do it is a major oil spill coming to shore and
    impacting the environment. ... We are committed to ensuring that you
    are not going to be poisoned by this dispersant."

    Mathy Stanislaus of the federal Environmental Protection Agency said
    his agency also is conducting tests and has directed BP to use skimmers
    and to burn oil before employing dispersants, adding that use of the
    chemicals has dropped 63 percent compared with its maximum level.

    He also defended the EPA against a critic in the crowd who asked why
    it's taken "60 days for people to come forward and tell us about this."
    "From the very beginning, we have been trying to put out information," Stanislaus said.

    Another woman wanted a commitment from BP spokesman Larry Thomas that
    the company will continue to pay for medical services "20 years from
    now, when people have cancer" and when children who live near the spill
    zone may experience post-traumatic stress disorder.

    "The BP CEO has said we will be here as long as it takes," Thomas said.
    Unlike similar meetings held recently in communities along
    Louisiana's lower coast where residents are more directly affected by
    the spill, few questions posed during the event at City Park's Pavilion
    of the Two Sisters centered on the nuts and bolts of BP's claims
    process, designed to cover income lost because of the disaster.

    And while public health took center stage, no one asked about
    complaints of headaches and nausea lodged recently by cleanup workers on
    the front lines.

    After the briefing, Megan Lenore and Maya Morris, both of New
    Orleans, visited a few tables set up around the room, trying to get
    answers to other questions.

    As volunteers with the grass-roots group Defenders of the Coast, the
    women have spent recent weeks traversing the state's beaches and
    documenting their findings, including a crab that appeared to have been
    bleached, perhaps by chemical dispersant.

    Lenore said she showed a digital image of the crab to an employee of
    the state Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, who encouraged her to
    report to the agency the precise location of such discoveries.

    The pair also visited the Coast Guard table to report that oiled
    beaches often aren't clearly marked, either to warn away residents or to
    alert cleanup crews....... continues..

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  spiritwarrior Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:52 pm

    26 July 2010

    BP chief Tony Hayward 'set to stand down'

    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 _48484431_009861109-1

    BP's board is expected to discuss Mr Hayward's departure

    "just wanted his life back" and that the Gulf of Mexico was a "big ocean" following the leak..........continues plus video ...

    Last edited by spiritwarrior on Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:39 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : shortened)

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  spiritwarrior Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:07 pm

    BP Gulf Oil Spill Fishing Waters Reopened Despite Lack Of Testing Required By Federal Protocols

    Posted by Alexander Higgins -
    July 25, 2010

    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 BP-Gulf-Oil-Spill-Fisheries-Reopened-sm

    As the Huffington Post points out in its post “Gulf Fisheries Opened: Safe Or BP Politics, PR and “Sock Puppetry?” the Federal Government has decided to open over 26,000 square miles of the Gulf of Mexico affected by the BP Gulf Oil Spill.
    Dr. Jane Lubchenco, NOAA Administrator, announced the re-opening of a substantial portion of the southeast section
    of the closed fishing area in Gulf of Mexico federal waters at a press
    conference on Thursday. NOAA reopened 26,388 square miles of Gulf
    waters to commercial and recreational fishing at 6 p.m., EDT Thursday.
    This opening was decided upon after “consultation with the FDA and
    under a re-opening protocol agreed to by NOAA, the FDA, and the Gulf
    states,” Lubchenco said.
    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 2010-07-22-BP_OilSpill_FisheryClosureMap_072210_reopen
    At its closest point, the area to be reopened is about 190 miles
    southeast of the Deepwater/BP well-head, and the area where the majority
    of fishing will occur is about 220 miles from the well-head, along the
    west Florida shelf.
    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 2010-07-22-BP_OilSpill_FisheryClosureMap_072210
    This is a notable development, coming on the heels of Senator Barbara
    Mikulski’s (D-Maryland) July 15 hearings on BP’s use of almost 2
    million gallons of dispersants on the oil released from the April 20
    explosion of the Macondo well-head in the Mississippi Canyon oil field.
    Mikulski’s hearing raised many questions regarding oversight,
    accountability and reliability of scientific data.</blockquote>
    The bottom line for those who don’t like to do a lot of reading is
    the fish samples that NOAA has collected from the area it has chosen to
    reopen are contaminated.
    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 NOAA%20Seafood%20Test%20Results%20640
    NOAA Seafood Samples For 7/22 Fisheries Reopening

    That means that thousands of people who chose to eat seafood from the
    Gulf of Mexico could die because the Federal Government has decided
    that in the grand scheme of things economic considerations are far more
    important than a few thousands of people dying.
    As if it weren’t already bad enough that the Government is misleading the public about the safety of public beaches and lying about water samples to save BP billions
    the Government has now decided to implement a variety of methods
    including sidestepping protocols and has implementing a variety of
    methods to skew the test data used to justify the reopening the waters
    to fishing.

    1. Protocol requires that there be no oil on the surface or in the
      water column but the Federal Government has chosen to reopen the waters
      based solely on based on visual observations of no oil on the surface.
      It has not conducted any testing to confirm the surface and the water
      column are free of oil. Since it has already been proven there are huge
      plumes of methane and oil in the water column NOAA should confirm the
      waters are oil free by testing for the presence of hydrocarbons and has
      not done so.
    2. The protocol calls for the collection and testing of at least 10
      samples of each species from the most common fishing grounds. Instead
      NOAA has chose to perform sampling at selected locations in two main
      areas that are not representative of the entire area to be reopened.
      Furthermore it has collected only one or two samples for most of the 12
      species of fish it has chosen to test.

    Even if NOAA chose to follow its own guidelines guidelines they are
    only adequate in ensuring the safety of seafood during a surface spill.
    Those guidelines do not take into account that in a Deepwater spill as
    little as two percent of the oil and almost none of the methane
    released in this spill may have actually made it to the surface
    As can clearly can be seen in the deepwater oil spill plume
    simulation below very little oil actual makes it to the surface and the
    rest remains submerged in the water column. In the open ocean a little
    bit of wave action can disperse the oil on the surface making it
    invisible to the naked eye while the plume remains submerged.Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Fullscreen%20capture%207262010%2012320%20AM
    Furthermore while NOAA claims there has been no visual observations of oil within the area to be reopened in the last 30 days many other sources tell us there has been oil in the area.
    Most notably ROFFS
    Independent oil tracking has confirmed oil throughout the Gulf and
    traveling up the entire East coast of Florida using infrared satellite
    .Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Roffs%20Map%20June%2028th%20600%20Marked
    ROFFS BP Gulf Oil Spill Tracking Map For June 24 to June 27th with WOM (Water Oil Mixture) Outlined

    Besides violating protocol by reopening of the closed fishery areas
    is based on “visual observations” of no oil on the surface instead of
    actually testing for oil in the water column NOAA has not followed the
    established protocol for testing the seafood.
    NOAA tested only 52 samples of fish taken from only very few
    locations within the area that was previously closed and even then it
    performed only one or two tests on most species not the 10 samples per
    species from each of the most popular fisheries as the protocol
    NOAA’s Seafood Sample Locations Are Not Representative Of The Entire Area Being Reopened.Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 NOAA%20BP%20Gulf%20Oil%20Spill%20Fishery%20Reopening%20Sample%20Locations
    NOAA BP Gulf Oil Spill Fishery Reopening Fish Contamination Sample Locations
    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 BP%20Gulf%20Oil%20Spill%20Fisheries%20Reopened%20Inset
    BP Gulf Oil Spill Fisheries Reopened Inset

    Just to be clear to show how sparse the NOAA samples are I wrote this application to show the locations that the actual NOAA fish samples were taken from and to show the results of each of the tests.
    Using that application here is a break down of the samples NOAA
    tested showing just how inadequate the fish testing was and the clear
    violation of the protocol requiring 10 samples of each species be tested
    from all of the popular fishing locations in the area to be reopened......continued ....

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  spiritwarrior Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:35 pm

    WSJ: “Black blotches” of oil “began to seep into fragile ecosystems
    that had been relatively unscathed” just east of New Orleans; Nothing
    could stop it

    July 26th, 2010

    In the wake of Tropical Storm Bonnie, “Oil began to seep into fragile
    ecosystems that had been relatively unscathed; the black blotches were
    visible in the waters off St. Bernard Parish, just east of New Orleans’s
    French Quarter, The Wall Street Journal reported,” according to Fox News.
    A St. Bernard Parish spokeswoman said, “We can’t do anything about it.”

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  spiritwarrior Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:38 pm

    Chairman: Gulf "a toxic bowl" to "haunt region" for years, "All the oil is still under the surface"

    July 26th, 2010 at 05:18 PM

    Chairman of the Energy and Environment Subcommittee Rep. Edward Markey, MSNBC, July 26 @ 3:30 p.m. EDT:
    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  spiritwarrior Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:41 pm

    Top Insurance Publication: Matt Simmons’ words now look “to have more foresight” and “less hyperbole”

    July 26th, 2010

    An April 2010 Lloyd’s of London publication entitiled ‘Market Intelligence, Key Information‘ discusses the Insurance Insider:

    The Insurance Insider is a monthly publication that provides insight and intelligence on the London and international insurance and reinsurance markets.

    The Insurance Insider analyses all the key trends and developments while also informing its subscribers about what is going to happen in the weeks ahead.

    Today, in a subscription-only article entitled ‘Deepwater litigation has only just begun‘,the Insurance Insider discussed one of the many controversial
    statements by George W. Bush energy adviser Matt Simmons: “There isn’t enough money in the world to clean up the Gulf of Mexico,” said influential oil and gas analyst Matthew Simmons in June…

    Regarding Simmons’ statement, the publication wrote, “[It's] a comment that now looks to have more foresight and less hyperbole than originally intended.

    Last edited by spiritwarrior on Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:31 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  spiritwarrior Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:44 pm

    CNN: Based on what admiral said “Is this thing over?” — The real
    question is when does the underwater oil rise to the surface (VIDEO)

    CNN: Spotters having trouble finding oil? Coast Guard, NOAA reporting only what is on the surface:

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  newel Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:37 am

    AFR who hosts Jeff Rense is relocating:

    Please Help American Freedom Radio Relocate

    Dear Listeners and Friends,

    As you all know, here in the gulf states we are dealing with a disaster of biblical proportions. We've had our ears to the ground listening to both mainstream and trusted alternative sources and the news is not good.

    Because we care deeply about giving you the best information possible, we feel it has become imperative to move American Freedom Radio to a safer location so it does not find itself in the position of being shut down. We do not want to wait until things get so critical that we get caught up in an evacuation scenario, shutting down the flow of information from great new shows like "The Intel Hub" and "Freedom Files." The Intel Hub has made it their mission to bring you the best alternative intelligence that truly serves the free thinking people in the world.

    We are all in this together no matter where you live and we must join together to keep our great hosts and American Freedom Radio on air giving you, our listeners, the information you need. This is a big job and we desperately need your help. If you appreciate what we're doing please give what you can in the ChipIn below or we might not be able to continue. Thank for your support in this desperate circumstance.

    American Freedom Radio
    Help AFR Move Our Network Out Of The Gulf Coast Kill Zone!

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:00 pm

    metaw3 wrote:AFR who hosts Jeff Rense is relocating:

    Thank you metaw . AFR is making the right move.
    They deserve all our support .

    Love from me

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:04 pm

    Oil spewing from well near Louisiana marsh
    Boom placed around 20-foot-high plume; tugboat hit well, officials say


    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 100727_Well-Aerial3.grid-6x2
    Smoke and mist from a well that was hit by a tugboat floats over a marsh area in Louisiana on Tuesday.

    Adding insult to the Gulf's injury, an oil platform hit by a tugboat is now spewing oil and natural gas near a Louisiana marsh area, officials said Tuesday.
    The oil and gas is shooting up 20 feet into the air, the office of Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser said.
    Crews don't expect to be able to cap the well before 6 p.m. ET, Coast Guard Rear Adm. Paul Zukunft told reporters.
    "We cannot catch a break," Deano Bonano, Jefferson Parish emergency management director, said in a note to parish officials.
    Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer John Edwards said a strip of oil 50 yards wide and a mile long was spotted on the water near the well, which was no longer in operation when it was hit. The extent of the damage beyond that was unclear.
    Some 6,000 feet of boom were placed around the site, Thad Allen, the national incident commander for the nearby BP spill, told reporters.
    The tugboat was pushing a barge when the collision happened, he added.

    U.S. Coast Guard
    The plume from the new Gulf spill is seen Tuesday.
    The well is in inland waterways on the border of Plaquemines and Jefferson parishes, about 65 miles south of New Orleans; it's marsh area not accessible by road.
    Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts was quoted as saying by WWL-TV in New Orleans that "there is a pretty good amount of oil flowing there." He did not have a more specific estimate.
    Jefferson Parish officials said the tugboat hit the well before dawn. The tugboat captain immediately notified officials, and another boat later called in the leak.
    Allen said the well is owned by the state of Louisiana.
    The leak is north of Barataria Bay, a sensitive coastal estuary where crews have been fighting waves of oil from the BP spill.
    NBC News producer Mary Murray contributed to this report.

    Source : Intel Hub:

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:19 pm

    BP Response Workers Report Low Morale, Lack of Pay, Sickness
    Monday 26 July 2010
    by: Dahr Jamail, t r u t h o u t

    BP response workers are reporting that working conditions are poor and morale is low.
    BP oil disaster response workers are reporting endemic problems, such as not being paid on time, low morale, rampant sickness, equipment failures and being lied to regularly.

    "Yesterday was a catastrophe," one worker, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Truthout. "People are waiting 2-3 hours for their paychecks to be brought to them and I know for a fact three people that didn't get paid and no reason was given."

    The woman has been working as a clerk for Gulf Asphalt Contractors (GAC), a company that describes itself as "the leading provider of sitework (sic) and building construction services in the Florida Panhandle." The company, based in Panama City, Florida, is a BP contractor.

    While she said she had never been ordered not to talk to the media, she admitted to working amid a climate of fear and believed she would lose her job if her company found out she had done so. "When GAC finds people who have talked to the media, they fire them."

    read more :

    Source : Intel Hub:

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:57 pm

    VIDEO: Matthew Simmons: Lightning Rod for Gulf Oil Controversy. There is a "Lake of Oil" in the Gulf

    by Washington's Blog
    Global Research, July 26, 2010

    read here to check the links and videos :

    Matthew Simmons has made a lot of big claims about the oil spill (see videos below).

    Because of his background, Simmons has been interviewed repeatedly in television, newspaper and radio media. Simmons was an energy adviser to President George W. Bush, is an adviser to the Oil Depletion Analysis Centre, and is a member of the National Petroleum Council and the Council on Foreign Relations, and is former chairman and CEO of Simmons & Company International, an investment bank catering to oil companies.

    People have become polarized around Simmons as a lightning rod. For example, people who believe all of Simmons' claims believe that anyone who questions any of Simmons's claims is working for BP. On the other extreme, people who think Simmons has gone senile or is simply talking his book (he's short BP) tar and feather anyone who questions BP's version of the Gulf narrative as being a crazy Simmons follower.

    So let's assess Simmons' claims one-by-one. And - more importantly - let's refocus the discussion away from one person and towards the Gulf itself (Simmons himself will either be vindicated, proven off-base, or something in between. But that is his personal concern, not ours).

    more here :

    Love Always

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:09 pm

    AGENT ORANGE BEACH, Alabama - Corexit Laden Waters Are OPEN!

    Contributed by GULF COAST REFUGEE (Reporter)
    22 juillet 2010 20:01,_Alabama_-_Corexit_laden_waters_are_OPEN.html#

    AGENT ORANGE BEACH, AL - Toxic Corexit laden waters are OPEN!

    Welcome to JAWS, IN THE OTHER L.A.

    Officials in Orange Beach, Alabama and local doctors KNOW how many Baldwin County residents have been POISONED since June 7th when the oil and dispersants came to shore on Pleasure island.

    - Skin burns and rashes from the water [and spray]

    - Oozing blisters from head to toe from swimming

    - Cancerous lesions in deep lunge tissue

    - Hurling and vomiting after swimming

    - Children bleeding from their ears

    The officials in Agent Orange Beach, AL know the truth.

    People have given TESTIMONY at PUBLIC MEETINGS.

    Yet the press does NOT REPORT the TRUTH. Why?



    Red Flag Warnings –

    Red Flag posted at beach areas

    mean water conditions are hazardous.


    (See Beach Warning Flag System

    for More Information).

    A N D N O O N E I S E N F O R C I N G T H I S?



    How can the BEACHES be OPEN and ADVERTISED ????????

    Where is the EPA?

    Where is the CDC?

    Also, check here for the WATER QUALITY posted on the Orange Beach, AL web site:

    And fabulous site sharing ENVIRONMENTAL concerns:


    This is a place to leave, not to come to.

    Love Always

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:59 pm

    Announcement :

    Floyd has been working with me to bring the Mists together with our Eco Community site and relocation forum
    From this gateway you can access the Mists and the two other sites from the same spot.

    Nb this is not be confused with the new portal and website being developed for this forum by Mercurial which will be due around October.

    Feel free to join and share with your friends.
    Everyone is welcome.

    Love from me
    pineal-pilot-in merkabah
    pineal-pilot-in merkabah

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  pineal-pilot-in merkabah Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:24 am

    has anyone else seen the video of the area round an oil platform nearby with a mainstream media reporter in bk of a military helicopter saying look the oil is dispersed and gone.. what is going on here.. its getting out of hand.

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  newel Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:35 am

    pineal-pilot-in merkabah wrote:has anyone else seen the video of the area round an oil platform nearby with a mainstream media reporter in bk of a military helicopter saying look the oil is dispersed and gone

    No. Can you post it?
    pineal-pilot-in merkabah
    pineal-pilot-in merkabah

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  pineal-pilot-in merkabah Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:37 am

    im trying to find it, i think was an msnbc reporter in the gulf. saying theoil is weatherd and dispersed. ill keep looking.

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:11 am

    pineal-pilot-in merkabah wrote:im trying to find it, i think was an msnbc reporter in the gulf. saying theoil is weatherd and dispersed. ill keep looking.

    Here is a link to the latest vids regards the oil spill on youtube

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:13 am

    This vid wraps up the Gulf of Mexico's disaster in a good summary!

    Love Always
    pineal-pilot-in merkabah
    pineal-pilot-in merkabah

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  pineal-pilot-in merkabah Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:24 am

    i dont beleive bp has fixed this. i think they will clear out and leave it looking like the niger delta.

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:30 am


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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  lawlessline Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:02 am

    There is growing tension toward British people in the Gulf. It appears that the American people seem to think that BP, which is their name, Not British Petrolium, as it was changed when floated in the 1980s. Is owned by the British people. It should be made absolutely clear that BP is devieded between many people, British interests reach a total of 40% of share holdings and 39% by american holdings. The other 21% is internationally.

    I say this because my brother was nearly set upon whilst out in the gulf because he is British. He doesnot work in oil or have anything to do with BP.

    The Horizon rig was built entirely by Americans, Operated by Americans and the site was chosen by Americans. But there seems to be a real mistake in the identifications of what is really going on within the American media.

    This comes to light after I remembered a video of 2 men talking weekly about the coming 2012 back about 4 yrs ago. They talked about a war between Europe and particulary the British and the Americans? Could this be part of the agenda?????

    If there is anyway of keeping this big business messup rather than a British mess up. The British people can be stupid sometimes like all when caught in the crap disinfo that is put out there, and made to fight silly wars for nothing. e;g; Iraq and Afgan wars. This should be surveyed closely and any attempts to set one set of people against another is just the same old tricks but with new faces.

    Just a thought.


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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:03 am

    Gulf flow has stopped, but where's the oil?
    By CAIN BURDEAU - Associated Press Writer
    Published: 07/27/10

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    NEW ORLEANS — In the nearly two weeks since a temporary cap stopped BP's gusher at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, not much oil has been showing up on the surface of the water.

    Scientists caution that doesn't mean the crude is gone. There's still a lot of it in the Gulf, though no one is sure quite how much or exactly where it is.

    "You know it didn't just disappear," said Ernst Peebles, a biological oceanographer at the University of South Florida. "We expect that is has been dispersed pretty far by now."

    Jane Lubchenco, the head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said government and independent scientists have been working hard to figure out where the oil might be, but don't yet have numbers. Some is still washing up on beaches and in coastal wetlands, but not in the quantities it was a few weeks ago.

    Scientists do know that more than 600 miles of coastline has been oiled in the nearly 100 days since the April 20 explosion of the offshore oil rig Deepwater Horizon.

    They estimate that between 107 million gallons and 184 million gallons spewed into the Gulf before the cap stopped the flow July 15. The permanent solution, using a relief well to shoot in mud and cement, is still several weeks away.

    So far, officials say they have recovered 34.6 million gallons of oily water using skimmer boats and burned about 11.1 million gallons off the sea surface.

    So where's the rest?

    Scientists are worried that much of it has been trapped below the surface after more than 770,000 gallons of chemical dispersant were used to break up the oil a mile deep. They have found evidence of massive clouds of oil suspended in the water.

    "What is down there is a smaller particle," said chemical oceanographer John Kessler from Texas A&M University. "You can't think of it as thick, nasty crude."

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    Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill - Page 12 Empty Re: Gulf Oil Platform Explosion and Spill

    Post  mudra Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:22 am

    lawlessline wrote:
    If there is anyway of keeping this big business messup rather than a British mess up. The British people can be stupid sometimes like all when caught in the crap disinfo that is put out there, and made to fight silly wars for nothing. e;g; Iraq and Afgan wars. This should be surveyed closely and any attempts to set one set of people against another is just the same old tricks but with new faces.

    Just a thought.


    You are absolutely right Tom.Although we are aware of this most of the people don't know that when it comes to corporations it's does'nt have anything to do with countries being represented.In the meantime it puts the attention of the majority on the wrong track .

    Love Always

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