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    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament


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    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament  Empty Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament

    Post  newel Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:19 pm

    46 war ships, 200 helicopters and 7,000 Marines

    Has Costa Rica Rolled Over To The US?
    By John Holtz*

    With the massive amount of US military on the way to Costa Rica, has our country rolled over and now admitted that it has lost control of the trafficking of drugs, money laundering and crime in general?

    Ever since I can remember Costa Rica has said, “If ever invaded, it´s neighbors would come to its rescue.”

    In times past that referred to Venezuela, but now we have Chavez and….well that´s another 100 pesos.

    The new friendly neighbor must be the United States who is sending 46 war ships, 200 helicopters and 7,000 Marines to rescue us from invading drug cartels, smugglers, gangs and God only knows what all because the “mission” has not really been clearly defined. If there is a mission, it has not been made public, or the deployment strategy.

    For all those promises of transparency by our government, once again we are living in an opaque world and can only make wild assumptions that for sure are going to get bigger and more bizarre.

    (I wonder what Nobel Peace Laureate, Oscar Arias thinks of all this? We will soon know.)

    For the last several days the Minister of Security, Jose Maria Tijerino, the anti-drug commissioner , Mauricio Boraschi and of course Presidenta, Laura Chinchilla have been doing a lot of tap dancing to explain this extraordinary, desperate last resort type measure.

    And before the Marines buy out all the condoms of the world after being told prostitution is legal in Costa Rica, I assure you a bunch of legal challenges before this will ever comes to fruition. Although, in 1999 then President, now on trial for corruption, Miguel Angel Rodriguez signed into law a “Joint Patrol” agreement with the United States to crack down on drug trafficking as well as money laundering.

    (Why a “Joint Patrol”, Didn´t anyone in 1999 know what a joint is? There must be a better name than “operation Joint” as they probably call it back at Langley.)

    What makes this so unique is that the “Joint Patrol” is a US Coast Guard operation and every US vessel would have a Costa Rica “shiprider” who would authorize or not authorize actions to be taken or not taken in Costa Rica territorial waters.

    From a practical point of view, I have a hard time visualizing our police force leading 7,000 on the ground US Marines, less the helicopters and warships. Especially if you consider these men and women of Fuerza Pública refuse to go into certain parts of San José for fear of their lives. (Maybe the US can send in drones like in Afghanistan and eliminate those bad guys?)

    So, let´s step up and be honest. The Gringos are going to run this show. It is in our blood.

    Promises have also been made that the US military people will do humanitarian work as well as get the cartel traffickers. What that means? Again, I have no idea. (Teach us the secret recipe of Sloppy Joe sandwiches because Habitat for Humanity is building homes and the Peace Corps teaching basketball?)

    For years, at least since the Sandinistas came into power in Nicaragua, the US has wanted a military base in Costa Rica and……Wow? Merry Christmas!

    From the public´s point of view this is all very sudden and smacks of back room politics.

    It also smacks of our leaders losing faith in our security people; in our judicial system, the 21 police agencies, the department of immigration and indeed the question is how high and how deep the corruption goes? That´s what needs an overhaul and not bringing in foreign military to save us from us.

    continued here:

    Other article:

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    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament  Empty Re: Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:03 pm

    Good find!

    The war on drugs is as fake as the war on terror.
    Both wars are a US creation, giving them an excuse to invade & colonize their 'backyard' & everything beyond.

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    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament  Empty Re: Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament

    Post  newel Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:09 pm

    An interesting take on it might be that the Gulf is being evacuated because of the oil disaster. The deployment is not gonna be very fast though: "between 1 July and 31 December of this year". Also I didn't read that these were coming from the Gulf.

    Here is Wayne Madsen's take:

    The second article I posted has been deleted but is still in Google's cache:

    Now the alternative medias have picked the news but when I posted it there was only 2 news articles about it and this was one of them. I don't know why it has been removed.

    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament

    Posted 11:56 AM ET

    Jul 02, 2010 (BBC Monitoring via COMTEX) --

    ["The United States Increases Military Fleet in Costa Rican Waters to
    Fight Drugs," by Esteban Mata.]

    Last evening, the Congress authorized the arrival of 46 US warships
    off the coasts of Costa Rica between 1 July and 31 December of this year
    to carry out anti-drug operations and humanitarian missions.

    In addition to the ships, which have the capacity to transport 200
    helicopters and combat planes, permission was granted to bring into the
    country 7,000 US marines, who will be allowed to move about Costa Rican
    territory in uniform.

    The US marines may enter and exit the country at their leisure, which
    means that the entire combat force does not have to be concentrated
    here at any given time.

    Most of the ships are frigates and have a length of 135 meters, with
    the capacity to transport two SH-60 or HH-60B gunship helicopters, or
    even Black Hawks, in addition to 200 marines and 15 officers each.

    Other vessels, such as the USS Makin Island, have the capacity to
    transport 102 officers, 1,449 marines, are armed with artillery, and can
    transport 42 CH-46 helicopters, five AV-8B Harrier aircraft, and six
    Black Hawk helicopters.

    Catamaran-type vessels, a hospital ship, and reconnaissance vehicles
    with the capacity to travel by both sea and land may also arrive off
    Costa Rican waters.

    Ships such as the USS Freedom, with the capacity to attack
    submarines, may also sail into Costa Rican waters.


    The US Government request seeking authorization for marines to enter
    Costa Rica came with a series of conditions that the country must meet
    before the ships will arrive.

    "US personnel in Costa Rica shall enjoy freedom of movement and the
    right to engage in activities they may consider necessary to fulfil
    their mission," states the note delivered to the Ministry of Security by
    the US Embassy on 2 June.

    The legislative permit was granted by deputies from the ruling
    National Liberation Party (PLN), the Libertarian Movement, and the
    Evangelical deputy from the Costa Rican Renovation Party, Justo Orozco.

    Green and white [PLN colours] Deputy Francisco Chacon defended the
    arrival of the Americans arguing that they will provide humanitarian
    support, build schools, and combat drug trafficking.

    The Citizen's Action Party (PAC), the Social Christian Unity Party
    (PUSC), and the Broad Front (FA) were opposed, alleging that the
    destructive force of the ships, helicopters, and marines is
    disproportionate to combat drug trafficking.

    PUSC Deputy Luis Fishman noted that the magnitude of the combat
    resources violates the country's sovereignty. PAC Deputy Carmen Granados
    expressed a similar thought.

    Source: La Nacion website, San Jose, in Spanish 2 Jul 10

    BBC Mon LA1 LatPol tj

    BBC Monitoring. Copyright BBC.

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    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament  Empty Re: Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament

    Post  newel Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:55 pm

    There is thread going on about this at PP:

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    Post  TRANCOSO Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:44 pm

    A War on Drugs, a War on Terrorism, what about a War on Big Oil?
    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament  529827

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    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament  Empty Re: Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament

    Post  enemyofNWO Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:37 am

    This is just speculation on my part . But this Costa Rica business might not be what it seem .
    There is another place where there is high concentration of navy vessels from different countries . Off the Coast of Yemen . As a matter of fact merchant vessels are not allowed near . As a matter of fact , there is a mention to this in the latest Aaron McCallum interview on PC . Also Aaron ,if I remember correctly , talks about underwater bases around Costa Rica .
    It might be something completely different from what we think .

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    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament  Empty Re: Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:34 pm

    What is it with these Yanks that they so desperatly want to impose their idea of freedom & democracy on the rest of the world?

    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament  426142

    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament  Cc0537039996

    There's an interesting thread at ATS about the Costa Rica topic.

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    Post  TRANCOSO Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:02 pm


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    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament  Empty Re: Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament

    Post  Carol Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:15 am

    I was reading about this earlier and wondering about why this was
    approved in Costa Rican parliament. What is that all about?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament  Empty Re: Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament

    Post  newel Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:05 am

    Thank you TRANCOSO for the ATS thread. Carol I don't know, that's why I started a thread about it. The official reason is of course a blatant lie. enemyofNWO, I'm sure there is a myriad of reasons why it looks like different criminal gangs commanding the most powerful armies of the world are about to engage each other. Stargates might be among those reasons. I don't know. I like to look at it from a historical point of view, instead of trying to figure out the lie or rumor of the day.

    DECLINE of EMPIRES: The Signs of Decay:


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    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament  Empty Re: Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament

    Post  Carol Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:15 am

    I think this situation very odd and obviously I suspect they are up to
    something they do not want the American public to know about. It
    just seems covert and will not benefit our nation in the least but
    possibly drag us into yet another unending war.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  monique Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:01 pm

    Carol, don't worry about war. I believe that when the Parliament of a country gives permission to thinks like now in Costa Rica, the US don't need to declare war. I think so because that is what ever occur in South America since years. I agree whit Enemyofnwo... But i don't know was really take place. Don't smell good to me. Monique.

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    Post  mudra Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:19 am

    I came across this article today that goes back to november 2009.

    Rumors Of Coups And War: U.S., NATO Target Latin America
    by Rick Rozoff
    Global Research, November 18, 2009

    Lenghy but interesting article.

    There is no way of overestimating the challenge that the emergence of ALBA and the overall reawakening of Latin America pose to the role that the U.S. arrogates to itself as lord of the entire Western Hemisphere. The almost two-century-old Monroe Doctrine exemplifies Washington's claim to exclusive influence over all of North, Central and South America and the Caribbean Basin and its self-claimed right to subordinate them to its own interests. Never before the election victories of anti-neoliberal forces throughout Latin America over the past eleven years has the prospect of a truly democratic, multipolar New World existed as it does now.

    It is in response to those developments that the U.S. and its former colonialist allies in NATO are attempting to reassert their influence in the Americas south of the U.S. border.

    There is a passage where is mentioned the gulf of mexico :

    On November 9 Senator Bill Nelson of Florida spoke out against drilling for oil off his state's coast, saying "many of the activities at Florida military bases, including testing missile and drone systems and training pilots, depend on the vast open stretches of ocean, much of it restricted airspace."

    He mentioned that the Gulf of Mexico is "the largest testing and training area for the U.S. military in the world." [22]

    A Cuban analysis of three years ago described the overall American military blueprint for Latin America and the Caribbean:

    "The United States has a system of bases that has managed to establish two areas of control:

    "1. The circle formed by the Caribbean islands, the Gulf of Mexico and Central America, which covers the largest oil deposits in Latin America, and is formed by the bases of Guantanamo, Reina Beatriz, Hato Rey, Lampira, Roosevelt, Palmerola, Soto Cano, Comalapa and other lesser military posts.

    "2. The circle that surrounds the Amazon basin, downward from Panama, where the canal, the region’s wealth and the location of an entry to South America have been essential, and which is formed by the bases of Manta [closed by Ecuador this July], Larandia, Tres Esquinas, Cano Limon, Marandua, Riohacha, Iquitos, Pucallpa, Yurimaguas and Chiclayo, which in their turn are linked to those of the region further north...." [23]

    The U.S. strategy to control the Amazon Basin and the Andean region depends on Colombia on the northwest of the South American continent and on obtaining bases and military allies further south. Peru is one such likely location and so is another which is at loggerheads with it, Chile.

    Love Always


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    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament  Empty Re: Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament

    Post  monique Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:11 pm

    Deployment of US warships and marines approved in Costa Rican parliament  Icon_pale
    Thank you Mudra for the good article. Yes, i know they are in Colombia and a fight whit the Farc's is a farce but here in my country (Brasil) they have gain a cultural battle, here people dream the american dream. People don't go to play safe. People think the elections are true. And think that we have democracy.

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